Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Feb 7, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

EDITOR WANTED: Must spend quite some time on computer. Have Yahoo or AOL Instant messenger.

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time....

Somebody left me a message:

I heard heavy breathing and screaming in the background. "Dre its Enran, I'm on my way over to your house. Something came up, so I'm coming over earlier than expected. I hope it's alright. Aiight then son. Peace 1.

I was so confused and worried I began to cry. I didn't know what was going on. I was too lost in my own thought for me to notice that Gerald had come through the door. He sat beside me and put his arms around me. He provided me with a comfort that was close to Enran's that only two cousins could share. I began to wonder if Gerald was bi. I don't know why I was thinking that, but it was the first thing to come to my mind.

Then Gerald begins to rub my back. Call me paranoid, but it felt like an intimate rub more or less.

Chapter 6: Intimacy

The way Gerald's fingers gliding up and down my back, made me feel like this wasn't his first time rubbing a male back. Maybe he was trying to tell me something that was oblivious. As I thought about this I realized; how much of him do I really know? We've only known each other for about a little more than a day. Maybe he was setting me up for some long awaited payback. I was getting a headache from all of these thoughts. I had to know. I pulled away from him.

"Gerald, do you have a problem knowing I'm well umm..."

"Bi" He said finishing my sentence.

"Yeah that." I said still not fully accepting the truth.

"Naw slim, in fact I've been meaning to tell you."

"WHAT!" I said anxiously interrupting him.

"I'm gay."

"You are?" I said knowing the answer to my own question.

He looked at me strangely. "Yeah nigga damn."

Before I could respond I heard Enran knocking at the door.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" I shouted towards the door.

I let Enran in and led him to my room, where I left Gerald. When we were in my room Gerald was talking on his cell. He looked like he wanted some privacy but wasn't going to ask for it.

"A Gerald, can you go in the other room because I need to talk to Enran." I said trying to give all of us the privacy we wanted.

I heard Gerald say something like "yeah they the one I was telling you about" into the phone. I just paid no attention to it and locked my door as he left. I don't know what was about to happen, but it's whatever. I joined Enran on my bed and sat extremely close to him, our legs were touching. I looked down and noticed he had a bulge in his pants. He looked good too, if I might add. He wore a yellow and red button down (unbuttoned), a white tee underneath, and some blue old navy jeans that were rolled up past his butters (Timberlands). Damn this nigga could dress. For a while we were silent until he made up in his mind that he wouldn't be denied.

"Dre, have you ever beaten your meat?" Enran said without even looking at me.

I wasn't embarrassed at his question, knowing it was only to break the thin ice we were skating on.

"Yeah, I've had urges here and there." I replied playing his little game. "nigga what about you?"

"Yeah all the time." He said openly.

Now it was time for payback. He wasn't the only person who could mess with heads.

"When, where, and what?" I said trying to confuse his brain.

"What?" he said feeding into me unknowingly.

"When do you do it, where do you do it, and what do you think about." I said. This was supposed to confuse him. This was supposed to embarrass him. This was supposed to make him nervous. Most of all this was payback, at least that's what I thought.

"Whenever I'm horny, at my house duh, and since four days ago all I thought about was you." He said unaffected.

He continued. "Dre what are you trying to do?!"

He saw through all of my games once again, I was defeated with words where fist could not. "You!" I said looking into his eyes.

"Huh?" Enran said confused.

"Enran I'm trying to do you." I said with no expression on my face. I wasn't thinking anything; I was just concentrating on his face. His face that held no marks, no trace of acne, it only had his full lips, his perfect eyebrows, his medium-length eye-lashes. I had to feel him; I wanted him know that he was making me hard, and I was in need of some relaxing. I don't know what came over me but a wave of lust hit me, it must have hit him as well because we both just engulfed each other's faces. Our lips were on a ride that would never end. I pushed my tongue on his lips and before I knew it, our tongues were wrestling.

He then took off his shirt. I was doing the same and he helped, and before it was off my head, covering my eyes, he kissed me. My arms still raised waiting for him to finish what he started with me. When my shirt was finally off, he went for my pants. He undid my belt and I began to take off my shoes. I laid back to allow him easier access to my pants. He slid down my pants and I sat up to return the favor. He didn't have on a belt so my job was a little easier. I took off his shoes for him and ran my fingers up his legs to his pants button. I undid his button and slid his pants down. He smelled clean, but I could still smell the distinct aroma of warmness around his balls. We were both in our boxers, staring at one another's body. I wasn't disappointed at all. Now I took the initiative, I reached over and felt Enran's member through his underwear. Not that he needed much encouragement; his dick was actually making a miniature tent in front of him. His face glowed a bright red when I

saw this. I let out a little laugh.

"What the fuck is so funny?!" he said paranoid.

"Damn, do you have a little man pushing out your boxers?" I said joking.

"Nigga you dumb as shit." He chuckled, looking a bit at ease. Then he began to laugh. "Ahhh, look at you damn, you must have a friend of mine in there with you as well."

"Whatever you say." I said with no defense.

I returned to my task. I reached over towards him and slid his boxers down. He had an average dick like me, but I thought it was wonderful. He was cut just like me and about 6-7 inches hard. It poked up just as mine did, and had an arch to it, like mine also. It was like god smiled upon me like never before. I took a moment to view him, and he took off my boxers, my eyes never leaving his body. Once he was done all we did was stare. I was so hard now my dick started to pound, and as it pounded it jumped. It looked like my dick had the hick-ups. Enran laughed at this.

"Nigga I'm fucking horny." I protested.

"Me too!" He said, and without another second to waste, he kissed me.

I leaned back and he laid over me, never breaking our kiss. His body felt good against mine. I could feel every muscle working in his body. Every time he breathed I felt a charge go up my spine. It was like he was working magic on me. He began to kiss my chin and worked his way down at my nipples. He made sure to leave each nipple hard, which I had no objection to. He slid his tongue down my stomach; my dick was now poking his chest as he rubbed against it. He then lifted his head and guided it towards my dick-head. He lowered his head down to my dick and kissed the head with his lips. He then began to slowly envelope my head. I was in pure bliss as he worked his way down. He had almost taken it all in, but gagged before reaching my pubic hair. I felt the walls of his mouth begin to contract. He than began to bob his head on my dick. It felt like something I've never experienced, although it is, when I get head from girls it never feels like this. I began to moan as I was about to

cum. He kissed me, and then continued.

"I love you Enran!" I practically shouted out. "I'm about to cum...Ahhh shhhhiitttttt!"

I shot in his mouth and he never let up. His face was shocked at first by the taste but he swallowed every bit of it. That was the most intimate thing I've ever experienced. I lay back, spent, and sleepy. I knew that I had to return the favor though. I got up and kissed Enran and started playing with his dick. He let a little moan escape his mouth in between our kiss. I then began to place little kisses on his body working my way down. As I reached his nipple I sucked on it and played with the other. When I left his nipple hard as hell, and with a red mark surrounding it, I moved to the other. When both his nipples were in the same aroused state, I slowly worked my way down to his pubic region, taking in every smell and taste. I was slowly getting hard again. I had to make him feel like he made me feel. I lifted my head up and wrapped my lips on his dick head. I looked up at his and saw his head was back. He let out a little moan. I slowly took his meat into my mouth trying to savor

every moment and taste. His precum tasted salty, it wasn't how I though it would be. I really wasn't too happy, but I was going to make him happy. I swallowed his precum and began to bob my head on his dick. He began to thrust up and down, in and out of my mouth. I moved my tongue around his shaft to stimulate him even more. I felt him begin to take longer thrust in my mouth. I gagged twice. He was on the verge of cuming.

"Ahhh, yeah... Damn... ahhhhhhh!" he moaned as he shot 4 times in my mouth.

That was the nastiest thing I have ever had to taste, but just as he did, I swallowed every drop. Well almost every drop, I saved some so he could taste it as I kissed him. When I broke our kiss I looked at my watch.

"Its 7:30 my mom won't be here until tomorrow after noon, she went to Atlantic City." I told Enran who looked worried. "Well I'm sleepy so I'm going to go to bed. Use the fridge if you want to, I'm not hungry."

I went to the side of the bed that I always slept on and turned away from Enran pulling the cover over me, laying on my side. He joined me putting his dick against my ass wrapping his arm around me. He began to kiss my neck, and then said something that really shocked me.

"Dre I really love you, more than you could even know." He whispered in my ear. "What we just shared was very special to me."

How do I respond to that? What is there left for me to say? I feel the same way but he seemed to use all the words I would've said. O well.

"Me too." I said as sincere as I could.

"Wow that was corny", I thought to myself. That must have been enough for Enran because he held me even tighter, and sighed softly. I fell asleep in his arms thinking that this was meant to be.

The next morning I woke up still in awe about the events that happened last night. I went to the bathroom reluctant to leave Enran, but I had to piss badly. When I finished I got in the shower and got dressed. Enran was woke with his hands behind his head staring at my ceiling. I knew he was thinking about all the events that happened over the past few days.

"Wassup." I said interrupting his gaze.

"Wassup boo." He responded with sleep still upon him.

I heard my cell beep in my pants; they were still on the floor from last night. I looked at it and saw I had a message. I listened to it:

"Dre its Miguel. I really need to talk to you ASAP. Man it's about Enran. I walked out the room as I heard Enran's name Look he's not all he seems, come by my house when you get this message. Aiight 1.

What the hell! Man what's going on? It must have something to do with yesterday when he called. I gotta find out what Miguel is talking about. Enran was now going to the shower.

"Enran I'm going to Miguel's house ill be back later. Ok?" I called in the bathroom.

"Aiight." He responded.

Miguel didn't live very far from me. He was like three or four blocks from me. It didn't take very long to get to his house, and boy did he have a house. It had an oval drive way protected by an iron gate. Flowers surrounding it. His driveway was paved with grey colored bricks, his steps as well. His house was made of bricks too. They were greyer than his drive way. I rang the door bell. Miguel answered the door.

"Wassup Dre, you should have called."

"I didn't feel like talking over the phone." I said looking him over.

He had just gotten out of the shower. His long golden brown-blonde hair was wet. Damn was it sexy. It was almost touching the towel he was wearing. He led me in and we sat in the living room. He sat a little too close to me. He offered me a soda but I refused, I just came to talk.

"So what were you telling me?" I said trying to get to the point.

"Oh yeah right," He began. "Friday after school I was walking from my bus stop. When I saw Enran kiss some dude. I know you know him; I've seen you with him once or twice. I think his name is Gerald. He just got transferred to our school. I just thought you would want to know since you hang with him. Then when me and my boys saw him for the second time, he was being chased by some dudes. They're the ones from bad news."

I completely blanked out. Too many things were running through my head. Why didn't Enran tell me about those dudes? Better yet, why the hell was he kissing Gerald? I can't believe what I was hearing?

"Dre...Dre...Dre..." called Miguel.

"What's going on?" I heard a familiar voice call.

It was Enran he must have decided to come over. I immediately snapped out of attention. As my face turned away from Miguel I saw in a mirror that my eyes were blood red...

Author's note: So how do you like that one? It was my first time writing a sex scene, tell me how it was. Thanks to all of my readers I lover your comments. I appreciate them.

I would also like to ask you guys to send me some ideas. Your ideas, as well as you, will be recognized if they are picked.

Next time...

Someone's been lying all along. Dre confronts the liar. New feelings begin to develop between strangers. (Chapter will be shorter).

Next: Chapter 7

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