Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Feb 5, 2005


Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time...

"Nigga get the fuck off of me!" I said

"No dre let them fight. Don't you see, they're fighting for you!" Gerald told me.

As I realized this, it hit me. They won't stop until the other backs down. I know both of them, and neither one of them will back down. There had to be a loser, and I predicted the loser to be Enran. I know I couldn't intervene because it wouldn't be fair. Whose side do I take? This was really fucked up...

Chapter 5: Decision Making

As I came back to reality I saw Enran backed against a wall, taking blows from Steve. Enran's face was looking bad. He didn't have any scars but blood was pouring from his nose. As I saw my friends being beaten, with no hope of winning, this was turning into a one sided fight. Gerald saw this as well. Now I was furious, only once have I felt this way, but there was nothing I could do. Realizing this I stopped struggling from Gerald.

He sensed this and released me. I almost dropped to the floor as he released me from his hold. I was defeated with out even putting up a fight. That's when it happened... The fighting all of a sudden stopped. Enran was no longer conscious. He blacked out from Steve's hits. Steve just up and left without even looking back.

I was too stunned to do anything. Gerald ran over to his new found friend, and my boo, Enran. I was just sitting there, as if nothing happened. I could have stopped it; I could have broken free from Gerald. But I didn't, I just let Enran get beat up. Now because of me, the love of my life is hurt and unconscious. Now Enran's head was in Gerald's lap.

"Dre are you alright-?" Enran said barely awake. His voice just trailed off.

Damn is this boy crazy stupid, or crazy in love just like me? He's the one who blacked out, and he wants to know if I'm alright. I finally see that I have a life long friend. A friend I just let get punished by Steve. A friend I didn't even help in his time of need, when he has helped me so much in the past. These thought's brought upon a rage inside me like never before. It felt like my mom was dating 20 Nolan's. I still hadn't responded to Enran's question, I wasn't going to. I stood up, my head still facing the ground. As I looked up I saw Enran and Gerald watching me intently. Their stares were that of confusion and fright. Why were they staring at me? I had to know but right now I had a task to accomplish... Payback Steve for what he did. At first he was my friend, but now he's just a target. A target, which I'm pointing the arrow at. I walked towards the door to leave when I heard Gerald ask me a question, one that I wasn't too intent upon answering.

"Man wassup with you? Where the fuck going son, Enran is fucking dazed?" He said.

His comment only made me madder. I turned around and gazed at him. It must have been the way I looked at him because he just put his head down in defeat. I knew exactly where to find Steve; he would be smoking with his friends. As I walked I had my head down trying to avoid eye contact with anyone, for fear I might try to hurt them. This anger inside me had to be released and soon. Just my luck, I found Steve exactly where I predicted.

He was standing on a corner smoking with two of his friends. He didn't see me until me until one of his friends spoke.

"A Steve, aint that that nigga from this morning!"

He hadn't spoken ill of me, but that's all I needed to begin. I rushed over there with a speed I didn't even know I possessed. He was struck by my speed. As I ran within three feet of him I threw a right hook. Normally it would have taken more to bring this 6'2" bull down, but with the force from me running over to him, which was all I needed.

"DAMN!" said Steve's other friend.

I wasn't about to let him miss out on the fun, so while he spoke, I took that opportunity to lunge at him. He instantly screamed from the pain in his nose; that was now bleeding. He was still standing and I wasn't going to let anyone walk away from this but me. This included my former friend Steve.

I hit the still standing boy at a point just above his stomach. This was taught to me by my trainer it was guaranteed to make any non-experienced fighter fall from just one direct blow. I practiced this move for about two months so I think its safe to say I've mastered that technique. He instantly fell to the ground.

Steve just watched in awe at the scene that was in front of him. I was looking down at my recently fallen opponent. My eyes never left his fallen body, but my mind, my body, my entire being was all concentrated on Steve. He knew this and must have remembered something he learned during his training.

"So I guess what Witty (our trainer) said must have been true." He began, "Witty told me of a fighter who never lost a fight. He was the best in the district. All of this boxer's fight ended up with his opponents hospitalized. When I asked Witty what this boxer's name was, he never told me. He just told me that the fighter's eyes would explain all I needed to know. He told me that they showed the fighter's emotions. I always feared this boxer. I just believed that it was something Witty said just to motivate me to be a better boxer. Well guess what, it did motivate me. I soon became the best, witty told me I wasn't the best-known. Until today, I never understood what he meant. That was three years ago, until today I havent found this fighter. This nameless fighter. That fighter Dre... Is you!"

His words weren't asking, they were confirming. He reminded me of myself, because of this, I was smiling inside. He was looking for the best fighter, someone who could challenge his skills and he found him. I too was thinking the same.

"Let me ask you something." Steve said "Is this what you have wanted for a long time... To find a fighter worth your time."

He continued, after I didn't respond. My gazed was still upon my fallen opponent. He blacked out some time ago.

"Okay, so tell me this." He said irritated "Why the fuck are your eyes like that. They're red. I believe they're showing your anger, your hatred for me."

I still didn't respond. The only talking I would do was with my fist. He continued to speak. He was good but wasn't skilled enough. I noticed he hadn't realized what I was doing. I was reading his moves before he made them, through his speech. He was only a novice fighter compared to me, but a master compared otherwise. I knew this but he was too arrogant to know this. He was blinded by his own skill.

"I'm glad I beat your boyfriend. You should teach him to fight." Steve said.

That was the spark. My anger hit a peak. It was time for him to finally get beat. Steve took his stance, I chose to do a style I knew he wouldn't know. He's quick but that's all. I was quick and had power even a novice fighter could see the winner.

Just as I predicted he started out with A left jab. I pushed his attack away with my right hand and swung with my left. My blow landed on his jaw. He rubbed it to ease the pain. He became mad and swung blindly. He was now guided by his rage. He kept swinging and I was easily dodging them. I realized I had to end this quickly before the police came. I threw his left hook aside and jumped back to avoid his uppercut. He I lunged toward him and landed my finishing attack. My right hook followed by a left jab then a right uppercut. All three hits connected and the speed was so fast that Steve was unable to block or notice the next attack coming. His dark chocolate face was cover in blood. He also had a knot in the middle of his forehead. I was stunned to see him still standing. He might have been standing unmoving, but in his mind he was still fighting. I could tell by the look on his face he was beaten. This was enough for me; he had to feel the pain that I felt in my heart. I recoiled my right had back as far as it would allow. The I hit him with all the power I had. Now he was on the ground unmoving. I though he was dead until I saw him bite his busted lip.

I then heard police sirens. Now it was time for me to leave. I ran home to find Enran and Gerald on the couch talking. Gerald questioned me about what happened. I just told him that I had to take a walk. He took my word and it was dismissed. It was about time for school to let out so I asked Gerald to take Enran home. They left and I went to bed. I was tired, and I fell asleep thinking about all the events that have happened up until now. When I woke it was time for school.

It was an A-day and I was not in the mood for anyone's shit. I avoided Steve the entire day. During lunch I saw my best friend(boy) Harold. Harold was a little darker than me and he saw a lot less built. His body structure was funny he was a scrawny dude with more muscles than The Rock. His hair was low cut and wavy. He was a very talented basketball player.

"Wassup dre, did you see Steven?" He greeted me "Some people said he was jumped by bad news."

I didn't respond and laughed knowing the truth. Man rumor really did get fucked up in this school. That's how most people get their reps., through rumors. I told him the truth about everything except my new relationship. He just laughed and said exactly what I was thinking. We always did have that type of connection maybe that's why we're best friends.

The next day at school was cool. I just wanted it to be over because I get to spend the next day with Enran. His mom already talked to my mom and said it was ok for him to spend the night. So he would be going to school from my house. When I got home I went to sleep hoping it would speed up time but I was awaken 30 minutes later by my cell. Somebody left me a message:

I heard heavy breathing and screaming in the background. "Dre its Enran, I'm on my way over to your house. Something came up, so I'm coming over earlier than expected. I hope it's alright. Aiight then son. Peace 1.

I was so confused and worried I began to cry. I didn't know what was going on. I was too lost in my own thought for me to notice that Gerald had come through the door. He sat beside me and put his arms around me. He provided me with a comfort that was close to Enran's that only two cousins could share. I began to wonder if Gerald was bi. I don't know why I was thinking that, but it was the first thing to come to my mind.

Then Gerald begins to rub my back. Call me paranoid, but it felt like an intimate rub more or less.

***Authors Note: Chapter 5 finally huh? Sorry its so short. I am still looking for an editor. Please let me know if your interested.

Next time: Gerald shares a secret. The weekend of dreams finally arrive.

Next: Chapter 6

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