Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Jan 30, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time...

"Until he finishes high school." She said

"Ok mom cool I don't have any problem with that." I said happily. "So what his name do I know him?"

"No you don't know him." She said "His name is Gerald Conners."

That name struck me like a thunder bolt. This was too much for me to take in I was the reason he was moving in my house. Man lord don't you love me? God man today just wasn't my day. I got detention, jumped, kissed by a dude, and almost kissed by another. All I know is that I am beginning to hate B-days.

Chapter 4: Meeting Gerald

Gerald was expected to be here by 9:00am, and his mom was going to drop him off. I decided to act as if I was getting ready for school, so my mom wouldn't know what I was really up to. I made plans to meet Enran so we both could skip school. When I was "ready for school" I kissed my mom bye and headed out the house. I don't know why I was so happy but I was. Maybe it was the fact I was anxious about meeting this Gerald. All the fears I had last night had left me. I was on my way to meet with Enran by the Five Guys restaurant. As I was walking toward the restaurant I took the time to observe my neighborhood. Man this place is on the line between nice and ghetto. I hate to say it but the black people in this neighborhood really did bring down its appeal. Once I turned the corner I saw Steve proving my point. There he was, with his gang, beating on some helpless kid. I wasn't in the mood to play hero so I just glared at Steve, shook my head and kept walking. He must have seen this

because when I looked for a second time he let the kid go and started to roll a blunt. This pissed me off even more. As I was at the neighborhood's entrance he called after me. I ignored him and kept walking. He called me again, and I snapped.

"Nigga what the fuck do you want damn!" I turned to him, and then kept walking, after he didn't say anything. I could tell that he was in shock form my outburst. I heard a few of his friends laugh at him.

When I arrived at Five Guys I saw Enran already there, looking nice. He wore a black shooters hoodie, a white tee underneath some shooter sweats and the black Jordan's (the retro II). I looked at him and shook my head as I thought to myself "This boy is spoiled. His out fit alone cost 200, excluding the shoes."

Myself I was wearing a grey Perry Ellis hoodie, white tee, Blue denim jeans, and the Carmelo's (Jordans). I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was.

"Wassup dre" He said still looking at my shoes.

"Nothing wassup with you?" I responded.

Finally he said what was on his mind. "Damn dre I can't believe you got the Carmelo's. They just came out."

I laughed because he sounded like a surprised kid at Christmas. "Yeah man, my mom bought them for me yesterday." I said with a smile. "Man look at you with that $200.00 outfit."

We went into five guys and ate to pass the time. Man when we were in there I was really nervous. My palms were sweating and everything. Man was I a wreck, and it was easy for anyone to be able to see that. Enran must have thought that was funny, because he was laughing every time I looked at him. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 10:30. I paid for both our meals and we left. Enran made a comment, but I was too busy in my own thought to understand what he said.

As we were turning the corner to my house I looked in my mom's parking spot to see if she was there, she wasn't. Before I unlocked the door to open it I looked at Enran. I laughed out loud; some birds flew out of the bush in front of my house. He looked like he was getting his first shot. I even saw a drop of sweat on his head. I then remembered why he was sweating and my laugh slowly died out. This is the moment I meet Gerald, officially. As I went into the house I was lost in thought. I was wondering if he was going to tell my mom what I did to him. Is he going to expose me? What if he tells my mom I kissed Enran?

This was too much for me, I collapsed on the couch. Enran had a look of confusion on his face.

"You alright dre?"

"Yeah son I'm good. I was just thinking." I said "I was just wondering if-" I was cut off.

"What the hell? You nigga's following me? Then yawl got the nerve to break in my house and chill on my mother fucking couch?! I'm about to kill one of you mother fuckers!"

I looked up at Gerald who was fired up. I see he found my unloaded gun. I never keep that thing loaded anyway. It was given to me from my coach just in case Nolan decided to show up again, it was for scaring only. Looks like it was working on Enran. He was slowly backing towards my TV stand. I guess he saw the knife there. I wasn't scared because I knew even if it was loaded, it wouldn't do any good, because Gerald's hand was shaking so bad that he could barely hold on to the gun. I looked from Gerald to Enran and back. I just laughed.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Gerald said annoyed and a little confused. "Maybe because you about to loose your head. Yeah that's it"

Enran managed to grab the knife and sneak behind him without being detected. Now I had to intervene for 2 reasons. The first being Enran was about to do some real damage to my cousin, not that I care, or at least I think I don't care. Second he was now pissing me off in my own house, and it is time to set this nigga straight.

Just as he was about to talk I interrupted. "Look man you're about to make a big mistake. Drop the gun and turn around."

As I said this Gerald must have remembered that we weren't alone, because Gerald's face dropped as he realized that Enran wasn't in the same spot he left him in. Realizing the mistake me made, he put his hands up in another defeat. Enran stood there with the knife right up to his neck.

I could have stopped this at any time, but I decided to prolong this event. I love a good laugh. I continued to set Gerald straight.

"Nigga first off your ass was too scared to shoot the gun, and even if you was how are you gonna aim right with one eye closed!" I said referring to the left eye I did damage to. I chuckled at my own comment. He must didn't think this was funny because he now had a look of hatred on his face. "Second nigga the door was locked and I have keys! Meaning I live here, and I guess that makes me your cousin. Finally if I was really pissed I would tell my friend behind you to go for the kill smile" I said with the satisfaction of beating him with words.

Enran put down the knife and picked up the gun Gerald dropped. After I got the gun I added more embarrassment to Gerald after I showed him the gun was unloaded. Enran thought this was hilarious. It was oblivious that Gerald didn't find one bit of this funny. He just put his head down in defeat and went upstairs.

It was amazing how brave Enran was. For all he knew that gun was loaded, but he still was trying to save me no matter what.

"You know something Enran..." I said as he came to sit beside me. "You're a brave person."

"Anything for my boo." He said as he kissed me.

That kiss felt just like the first.

I fixed me and Enran some sandwiches and we watched T.V. I was beginning to feel sleepy so I went to the basement and told him to chill and treat my house as if it were his own.

When I woke up I saw the time was about 3:30 on the alarm clock. I turned around in the bed and a chill went down my spine. Gerald was sitting in the chair next to the bed. We just sat there in silence. I didn't say anything because I could tell he was still contemplating the events that took place recently. That's when he finally spoke.

"Look man, about this morning..." he began. "I... Umm...I'm sorry."

I didn't respond I just looked at him. Amazed. Amazed that he would say sorry. People don't realize that that's one of the hardest words to say. I now saw Gerald in a whole new light. I finally saw him; finally saw the beauty behind his bruises. He's a light caramel color. His braids are super long, they come past his shoulders, and his body was lean and muscular. He looked like he had no problems getting a girl.

I started to blush as I realized I was getting hard. He must have noticed because his next comment threw me off balance.

"So cuz now that we cool or whatever I got a question." He said like a baby waiting to feed on his mother's breast. After I didn't reply his face became fearful, but other things were on my mind.

I guess he was waiting for my reply to see if we were cool.

"Yeah man we cool, and shoot." I said hoping to answer his unspoken question.

"Are you gay cuz?" He said as if it were a regular question.

"Umm.. Umm.. No... Umm... I'm umm..." I could answer him.

He laughed. "Ill jus give you some time to think it over, but that lump in your pants tells me everything." He said as he left the basement.

What did he mean it tells him everything? I realized I left Enran upstairs. I ran up there to see if he had left or if he was ok. I laughed at the sight I saw. I saw Enran and Gerald playing my Playstation 2. I was ready to shoot them both, no one plays my game, and what made it worse, both their scores were higher than mine. I pushed Enran off the game and took over determined to beat Gerald. Who was exceptionally good at racing games.

"Damn nigga!" Enran said playfully.

"What boo?" I said putting emphasis on boo.

That embarrassed him. His light face turned a bright red, almost pink. Gerald and I just laughed.

"Damn dre you go a cute one." Gerald said.

This totally caught me off guard. Just as I was about to quest ion his comment he quickly changed the subject.

"So did you see the patriots crush Pittsburg?"

"Hell yeah!" Enran and I both said in unison.

We all talked and chatted like we had been friends for a long time, and amazingly we avoided "The conversation". I must have lost track of time because as soon as I looked at my watch, the bell rang.

"Who the fuck is it!?" answered Gerald, who was mad he lost the final lap to Enran.


"Open the door nigga!" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

Gerald opened the door to let Steve in. Steve Mugged Gerald. Gerald did the same. It was like watching Snoop and Tyrese (with dreads) on baby boy. They both just stood there sizing each other up. I thought they were about to fight, so I had to intervene.

"Common Steve we gotta hurry and finish the last chapter." I said at a lame attempt to draw his attention.

He took my bait. I gave Enran a look to say I'm sorry, at least I hope he took it that way. Enran nodded so I guess he did.

"Aiight son." He said as he walked my way with his head turned still looking a Gerald.

We went to my room. It was awkward being in my room. We didn't say anything, we just wrote down notes. Sometimes it seemed as if he was about to speak but he didn't.

When we were done our notes I walked him to the door. I was concerned, but my shyness was, once again, taking over me. I walked him to the door and he left.

Enran just like a good friend or Ugghh... whatever we are, sat on the couch waiting. I decided to mess with his head.

"Son, you know who gives better head than your mom?" I said playfully leading him on.

He took the bait and responded exactly how I thought he would. "I don't know, but who ever it is they must be a pro to suck that spec of dust. I'm surprised that your mans' (dick/cock/penis) didn't just blow off yet." He said laughing at his own comment.

"Well Steve wasn't complaining about the size!" I said laughing knowing I had him beat.

The expression on his face suddenly changed. He was pissed. His fist balled up, and his glared went right to my bones. He hit me right in my jaw. That was the hardest I've ever been hit. My head turned from the impact to my face. Suddenly Enran put his face in his hands and began to cry. I too began to cry. Not because of the hit but because my umm...friend began to cry. He lifted his face.

"Dre why are you crying?"

"Because you are." I said.

He looked at me and smiled. I just looked at him like he was a fucking nut. I just cried and all he can do is laugh. He just stood there gazing at me. I returned his look. We were sitting there for like ten minutes in silence. Finally I spoke what has been on my mind for a while.

"Enran what are we?"

"I don't know dre what do you want us to be?" He said

"I don't know, it feels like you're my girl or something, only this feels ten times better than my other relationships."

"Ok then lets just say we go out and were partners." He said happily.

I stared at him blankly and finally answered. "Aiight boo" I said putting emphasis on boo.

He just smiled. God I love his smiles. This is one sexy ass Muslim. All of a sudden Enran Just kisses me. Daaayyyuuummm I gotta teach this nigga about controlling the tongue, not that I minded.

As I was deep in my kiss with Enran Steve just walks in my house.

"A son I forgot my boo-" He stopped his sentence when he saw us.

This totally caught me off guard. Damn ,why doesn't god help me when I need it the most? I faced Enran, he was looking nervous as hell. I couldn't stand to see him like this. I just turned my gaze toward the ground. Steve's next comment really fucked with my head.

"Dre why the fuck are you kissing this nigga! You know I-" He stopped.

If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation I would have pissed myself. Here's Steve saying the gayest words ever, and he still sounds hard saying them. I wish I had a camera with me this shit was funny. I looked at Enran hoping he would find the humor. He didn't. His face turned from fear to pure hatred. His words were even more alarming than his face.

"Bitch what the fuck was you about to say." Enran said with pure jealousy. "You were about to say you like him."

Aww shit. I know Enran strong but he's no match for Steve. I know this because Steve is a boxer just like me, and now he's ranked number one in the district. Steve would really beat his ass.

"Steve just leave man." I said trying to stop them.

"Naw, wassup nigga what you tryna do?" Steve said towards Enran.

"Nigga its whatever." Enran said

"No stop!" I yelled.

I was merely wasting my breath. Neither of them heard me, or responded. I knew what was about to happen. I saw Steve take his stance. His stance looked really familiar. Then he put up his guards just like I would. That's when I realized that he must have had the same trainer as me.

Enran was really about to get it and I wasn't about to let this happen. I wasn't gonna let neither one of my friends fight, but now I was too late.

Steve swung, his speed was incredible. I knew then that Steve might be a better boxer than I was. If that is true Enran won't last 5 minutes. That's it I'm getting in this, if I don't Enran will be really hurt. Just as I was getting up I felt and arm grab me. It was Gerald he was holding me.

"Nigga get the fuck off of me!" I said

"No dre let them fight. Don't you see they're fighting for you." Gerald told me.

As I realized this, it hit me. They won't stop until the other backs down. I know both of them, and neither one of them will back down. There had to be a loser, and I predicted the loser to be Enran. I know I couldn't intervene because it wouldn't be fair. Whose side do I take? This was really fucked up...

****Author note: I wanna thank all my readers. And especially thank those who mail me their comments. I appreciate that please let me know how you feel- Megalabray07@yahoo.com

Next time: The winner of the fight inside the house, turns into a loser outside. Someone gets jumped. Harold (Dre's best friend) is introduced. The weekend brings surprises.

Next: Chapter 5

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