Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Jan 27, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time...

The boy finally came back to reality and said "Oh yeah now its payback!! Faggit ass Muslim. And how could I forget about your savior over there, or should I say butt buddy!

Chapter 3: Who is for whom?

Damn of all the moments, this nigga had to ruin mine with my...Um... With my...Umm...What is Enran to me? Are we friends? Are we something more?

Shit man, I'm so confused right now. Oh shit I forgot about him. He knows, not that it's gonna do much damage, since he doesn't go to my school, but I don't want him calling me something I'm not. It's been a while since I last saw him. He didn't look as bad.

His face looked as if had just smoked a blunt. Why does he look so strung out?

I heard about a group of boys from "Bad news" who put kids in the hospital for fun, but I never thought that this would be the group until he spoke..

"Oh yeah, allow me to introduce myself faggots." He said with a smirk. "I'm known as J-rock. I'm with Bad news."

Did he really have to add that in to put more fear on top of him catching Enran and I kissing? Now I was afraid because of their rumors. Their recent rumor being they beat a boy wit bats because he accidentally shoved their leader. My fear must have been showing because his next comment totally caught me off guard.

"Hey bitch, I remember you. Yeah you might have beaten me last time, but now look who's scared?" His friends just laughed.

I'm not a person who fights constantly but now I was pissed. I didn't care what happened at that point in time. I was ready to knock his head off. And now he threatened my Umm...friend. I was not going for that.

"Nigga! Who the fuck do you think you are?" I said with an anger that scared me. I could tell by his facial expressions that he was having a flashback, he began to look scared. I could almost swear Enran was having a flashback as well because I saw a tear run down his face.

"A son his bitch ass is crying!" I hear one of j-rocks friends say.

I will make sure he cries, when I get him alone, but right now isn't the time. After that comment my rage almost doubled.

"Enran no matter what happens I want you to run and don't look back." I said through clenched teeth. "When I say run, run ok?"

"But dre I'm not going to leave y-" I interrupted him.

"No matter what. I'll be fine." I said still trying not to release my anger. "Enran when you get to school tell Harold what happened and he'll know what to do."

Harold is my best friend since elementary and a very skilled fighter he taught me to fight but I guess I was better at it than him because when we slap box I always win. I shouldn't be fighting because my trainer told me it is against the law, and I was only to do it in the ring or in emergencies;

Ever since I was 12 this shitty ass man A.K.A. my mom's boyfriend would drink too much and take out his anger from work on her. I wasn't having it so I hit him with a pot on his head, and he fell over. When he got back up he beat the shit out of me. My mom was crying something bad and I wasn't crying because I hurt, even though it did hurt like hell, I was crying because my mom was.

Ever since that incident, when my mom left us alone he would beat on me. I was a little happier because he was hitting on me instead of my mom, but I was growing up and growing tired of it. One day I went to school with a black eye, and I guess my track coach figured out that I have been running into too many " doors", because he questioned me about it. When I told him what was really up he was ready to beat Nolan's ass but I talked him out of it, because that would only cause more problems. Then coach told me about his friend who was a famous welterweight, He told me to go by the gym he owned. Coach must have already spoken to him because coach's friend automatically signed me up. That's how I became a kick boxer. I never told anyone not even my mom because she would not have approved.

After six months of almost nonstop training I had became an excellent boxer. That's when life gave me lemon and I created lemonade stand: Mom had left out of town for two weeks for a business trip to San Francisco. I already knew what this meant. That's when it happened, the most weight lifting thing in my life. Nolan (my mom's boyfriend) came in the house tipsy. I was about to go to my room when he made a comment.

"Where are you going fruit?" He said unzipping his pants. "Since your mother isn't here I need you to be my slut, now come suck this boy.

Hell naw I wasn't about to suck his little dick.

"Nigga take your ass to bed!" I said pissed. "First off your drunk. Second even if I was gay I wouldn't suck your Cheeto size dick."

That must have pissed him off because he hit me so hard I fell back about two yards. I got back up and put up my guards. He thought this was funny. That mad me even madder now it's time to show this nigga not to sleep on (Underestimate) me. I threw a jab at his face with my left (weak) hand. Then followed up with a hard right hook. Then I kicked his balls as hard as I could. He fell to the floor and I took that as an opportunity. I sat on top of him and pinned him down with my legs. Then I released all the anger I had in me and pounded his face as hard as I could. I guess I had become strong because after each hit that landed a lump took its place on his face. Those boxing lessons really did pay off. After I released all the anger I got off him. He was hurt really bad his smooth caramel face was gone, and replaced with a lumpy bloody one. After I was done I cried because I realized the damage I could cause, and it scared me. I packed Nolan's clothes and told him to leave and never return or I would kill him. He left in record time. I promised myself that never again would I fight out side the ring. That as about 4 years ago. Since then I became a dangerously good fighter. Now I was a very skilled boxer. I was the best welterweight in my district. For about 40 straight fights I was unstoppable and ever since fight 41, when I put my opponent in the hospital, I retired as the best in my district. The sad part was that I had to hide my skills from everyone including friends and family.

"Look, j-rock I'm not trying to start any trouble with you." I said hoping he would have sympathy.

"Naw, nigga this aint about you nigga's kissing. This is about revenge faggot." He said calmly with a smirk on his face.

"Come on man lets beat the breaks off this nigga, I gotta meet that bitch I told you about." The same person from before said.

I had just about enough of him.

"Nigga shut the fuck up! If you want to fight me so bad then come on." I said. He looked at J-rock, and J-rock nodded for him to proceed. I turned to Enran, he looked scared of the approaching danger, and I gave him a wink, hoping he would know that was the signal. I guess he did because, as soon as I faced the approaching boy, Enran took off.

"He tryna break!!" said the other boys.

"Get that nigga!" J-Rock shouted.

I wasn't about to let that happen. As soon as the first boy tried to run past me I hit him in the nose. His nose began to bleed, and he let out a scream that was so loud the other boys stopped their pursuit, and came towards me. The first to swing was my original purser. I easily dodged his attacks. For some reason I couldn't swing. It felt as If I were to swing I would unleash anger deep inside and who knows what I might do, I wasn't willing to find out. Two others came to me this time with pieces of wood. I ducked the first piece and was preparing for the next, when J-Rock kicked me to the ground while I was still crouched. This allowed for the log to barely make contact with my sides.

Man I knew I was in trouble, but that didn't matter as long as Enran was out of harms way. Or so I thought. There he stood with a log that looked as if it weighed two times more than he did. God he was brave. I was at this time helpless on my stomach in the dirt. Enran took one swing of the log and sent two boys straight to the ground.

"Son watch out!" I said as I saw another boy approach him from behind ready to attack.

By then it was too late the boy made a direct hit to his arm with the log. From where I was it looked broken. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard him yell from pain. I don't know what it was but something in side of me was raging. It felt like a rage from the past.

I slowly stood up and clenched my fist. My anger must have been showing because as I looked at the three boys left standing (J-rock, "The Approacher", and one other) they all had a look of fear. Enran was still wincing from the pain. That's when I made my plan for escape.

I lunged at J-rock with all the strength I had. I could tell his nose was broken because it now leaned on his face with blood pouring. "The approacher" looked at his friend squeal from the pain, he was literally screaming like a girl. I took that chance and hit "the approacher" while he wasn't looking. My fist connected with his eye. I didn't know that an eye can bleed, until then. But that wasn't enough for me, I've only know this character for a short amount of time, and I hated him a passion. I kept pounding his face in, and now his entire face was covered in blood. This wasn't enough; he started the fight, laughed at my friend and called him a bitch, and worse called me a fag. I, at least, should know his name.

"What. The fuck. Is your. Name faggot" I said between blows.

"Ger...Owww! Stop!" he whined.

"I can't hear you Nigga!" I said as I clasped my fist together and brought them down crashing on his face. I didn't know it was possible but even more blood was flowing from his face. I looked over to J-rock and saw he was getting up. I rushed over to him and kicked his face as hard as I could. He fell down to the ground, this time it looked as if he passed out. I went back to my task, "The Approacher".

"You wanna be like your friend!" I said pointing to J-rock "Then tell me your name"

"Aiight man. Its sniff Gerald Conners." He said.

I didn't give his last name any thought until I was walking towards Enran. When I turned back around to question him he had passed out. The other boys who were with them ran and left their friends.

"Enran come on man we gotta go." I said calmly.

It must have been something I said because he was looking at me like he saw a ghost.

"O... Ok dre come on man." He said hesitantly.

While we were walking Enran was silent. I was too caught up in my own thought to have a conversation anyway. Man how do I explain to Enran that I have been deceiving them this whole time? How do I tell him not to tell anyone? What will he think of me now that he knows that I am a fierce fighter? Will he tell anyone what I did? I don't know what to do. As I was thinking he interrupted.

"Dre, I wont tell anyone, about this only if you promise to."

"Aiight man, I won't ok?" I responded.

"Cool man but tell me something."

"Wassup?" I asked

"Umm. What are you dre?" He asked cautiously

"Enran, I'm a boxer, the best in my district." I answered shyly.

"Well I know that, why did you eyes change like that, when you were on that Gerald guy?" He asked strangely. "Son you looked pissed and then when you stood up your eyes turned grey. I have never seen a black guy do that. That's when you just started to attack them badly. I started to feel bad for those guys. They might be in the hospital for months!"

"Good. Serves them right. Nobody messes with my boo." I said.

"Aiight then boo."

We talked a little bit before we got to school. Enran managed to get his arm back in place before we got there. It turns out it just cam out of socket .Just as usual school went by great I love B-days. Then I remembered that I had detention. This went by quickly for the most part.

"Damn man, I fucking hate his kitty litter smelling ass." Said a familiar voice.

That's when he came through the door, Miguel, now he makes my boo look bad.

He looks like the elf, with the bow, off lords of the rings. I swear he was a sight behold. He was light skin, almost pale. His hair had wave after wave, and since measured by some girl, was 3 ft long. His nose was skinny. He was about 5"9 slim. Not muscular. He was what we called a pretty boy, he never fought unless absolutely necessary. I admired and envied his looks. Girls threw themselves at him but he managed to control them.

"Wassup dre, nigga you look beat." He said giving me dap.

"Aint shit son, wassup with you?" I said.

Miguel and I conversed until Enran came in and I started talking to him. Miguel would occasionally join in. I wrote a not to Enran and gave it to him. I was kind of nervous and I guess it showed because when I gave it to Enran Miguel looked at us like we just threw up a baby.

"What?" I said nervous he saw me give the note to Enran.

"Nothing." He said in an accusing tone

Enran read the note and replied: Sure dre I would love to hang out on Saturday. I guess I could spend the night I just have to ask my mom. Aiight then 1.

P.S.-What is with Miguel and you I saw his face.

I just looked at Enran and shrugged my shoulders. 4:30 came all to fast me an Enran were having a good conversation. Man I hate those bells. O well I gotta catch my bus and get home.

When I was on my way to my room my cell rang.


"Dre it's Steven wassup?"

"Shit" I responded

"You coming over or not nigga!" he said

"Yeah man I'm on my way."

Man why did he have to put on his tough guy act, too bad it doesn't work with me. When I was at Steven's house I was surprised, he actually kept a clean house.

"My peeps aint home so we can use the basement." He said as he led me downstairs.

Working with Steven was harder than I thought, he kept making slow advances on me. He kept brushing his hand on mine when turning a page. Every time he talked he was like two inches from my face. When I was at the door ready to leave. He licked his lips as to prepare me for whatever comes next. I practically ran from his house predicting what was next. A day ago I would be all down his throat, but now I found someone I think?

When I got to my house my cell rang. I thought that it was Steven asking what happened to me.


"Dre wassup son, its Miguel."

"How you get this number?" I asked confused.

"Kendra." He answered.

"Oh she always giving people my number." I said. "You could have just asked for it you know."

"Oh, well umm... I gotta ask you something."

"What?" I asked confused again by him

"Don't get mad about this but.. uhh... do you and Enran have something going on?" He asked nervously.

"Nigga hell no!" I lied "Nigga I aint gay! Do you and Enran have something going on?!" I said trying to sound pissed.

"My bad nigga aiight that's all I wanted to know." He said "We cool?"

"Yeah nigga we cool." I said a little upset with myself. I hung up with Miguel and took in all that happened that day.

"Dre! Come here!" Called my mom.

"Huh Mom?" I asked.

"Dre you cousin is coming to stay with us for a while. His mom said he was in another fight today and he looked bad. She doesn't like the things he's doing. So I said he can stay with us a while. He is transferring schools. By tomorrow everything will be settled. While you're in school he'll be settled in. He sharing a room with you since the guest room is being renovated. Okay?

"Aiight so how long will he be staying?"

"Until he finishes high school." She said

"Ok mom cool I don't have any problem with that." I said happily. "So what his name do I know him?"

"No you don't know him." She said "His name is Gerald Conners."

That name struck me like a thunder bolt. This was too much for me to take in I was the reason he was moving in my house. Man lord don't you love me? God man today just wasn't my day. I got detention, jumped, kissed by a dude, and almost kissed by another. All I know is that I am beginning to hate B-days.

***Authors note: I am currently looking for an author email me @ My new email address if your interested. This chapter is out a little early I know I was inspired by my day at school. Email me your comments: Megalabray07@yahoo.com

Next time: Enran and dre skip school to, officially, meet Gerald. Enran and dre gets caught in the middle of some "Business". Steven is pissed @ Dre(hint). Two of Dre's friends fight.

Next: Chapter 4

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