Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Jan 23, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Dre4lifedre@yahoo.com ......... Megalabray@aol.com Copyright Megalabray 2005 Oakbridge**** Chapter 2: Jungle fever

Shit, caught again. And of all days.

"Sir, please take off that hat!" an administrator commanded.

"Okay, damn wait; I just got in the building!" I said pissed off.

It's a B-day, my favorite day, and this administrator gets on me. I wasn't about to let him ruin my day for nothing. So I just removed my hat. There must have been something wrong with him because he just stared at me like he was ready to hit me. I wasn't about to let him even think that.

"What do you want?!" I yelled.

For a moment he was shocked at my comment.

"Sir, I think you want to spend even more time at school." He retorted. By now he was in my face. "You need to be in school for life you dumb monkey"

Hell no! This white fucker is a racist. I should steal this man. He about mid 40's, Wrinkles all over his face, mostly white hair with a little black. Naw he'll probably have a heart attack. OMG his breath smells bad. I hope when I' m 40 it doesn't smell like I have a shit plant growing in my mouth.

"No sir." I said smartly. I don't know what came over me, but the thought of him ruining my perfect day was pissing me off. "I also think you need more time.... At the dentist." I could see the anger building in his face.

"Young man, what's your name?"

"Dre, Dre Conners why?" I asked.

"Oh nothing you just have detention today. See ya later." He said as he walked away pleased.

Shit man. On my perfect day. This old foul breath man comes and ruins it. My anger must have been showing on my face because when I went to meet Enran to talk to him about yesterday, he immediately came to me with a look of concern on his face.

"Dre, what's up with you man?" Enran asked.

"Man you know that administrator who breath smells like an elephant shitted in his mouth?"

"Yeah why?" he said laughing.

"Man this nigga gave me detention today because I had my hat on when I came in the building."

"Damn son, that's messed up."

"I know."

Enran face changed all of a sudden. He looked nice today. He wore a light blue collared striped shirt, a white-T underneath it. He had on some light denim blue jeans and some Air-force Ones. Was I just checking him out?

"Dre came we got outside so we can talk." Enran said nervously.


Enran lead me outside to the bus tunnel.

"Dre, remember what I told you yesterday?"

"Yeah...Look Enran." I began. "You're a real cool friend. You know you my boy. You're funny and everything. I just don't think that we could go out. I'm not a fag."

He just looked at me blankly. Then his face had so much emotion I began to feel his pain. It really woke me up. Enran just got up and ran away from the school into the woods.

"No Enran wait!" I called to him. He just kept running. I decided to follow him.

Man was this boy fast. Luckily I did track last year, and ran constantly over the summer because I was able to keep the gap between us minimal. What was really slowing me down was my backpack. I could tell that was the same for Enran. I hope he knows where he's going because I don't. I don't know where he got the energy because he suddenly ran faster. By now I was pushing myself.

"Enran wait... Slow down!" I called after him.

He ignored me and kept running but slower. We were running for about 20 minutes. I began to hear water. To my amazement I stopped as well as Enran. I have never seen anything as beautiful as what I was looking at. I could tell that Enran felt the same way by the expression on his face. There was a pond with actual lily pads, a couple of dragon flies, birds chasing each other unsuccessfully. I began to smile because It reminded me of chasing Enran. What amazed me most was the waterfall, in the middle of nowhere. This place was a sight to behold. I had never seen anything so spectacular. I was tired so I decided to sit in on a rock that was amazingly smooth. Man was this place beautiful. I needed time to catch my breath, so did Enran because he sat on a rock similar to mine a few feet away from me. We sat there for a few minutes taking in the scenery.

"Where are we?" I asked breaking the silence.

He didn't answer.

"Enran where are we nigga?!" I asked a little annoyed.

"Dre I don't know." He said scared.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I said half angry and half scared. " Where out here in the middle of a fucking lake! You lead us out here. Now you're saying you don't know how to get us back! Shit man!" I don't know where that came from, but from me being tired as hell and him just being silent, my rage was building. I just decided to sit down to calm myself.

"Man this place is beautiful" he said.

I can't believe this guy even though were lost he's still being optimistic. I guess that's why I'm his friend. I remember how it happened: Enran was being jumped, by two guys, because one of them lost their family to a terrorist attack. They must have figured he was a Muslim because he wore some hat thingy. Enran fought back but was unsuccessful. He was on the ground being kicked. I was finishing track practice an on my way home when I saw the ordeal. I rushed over and told them to stop. The guy told me to fuck off. I said no and hit the guy right in his jaw. He stumbled over but quickly got back up to swing, when I hit him again, this time in his stomach as hard as I could. I was about twice his size and his friend stood there and watched his "friend"

Squirm on the ground in pain. I helped Enran up and took him back to the school's gym where he sat and thanked me. On our way to the gym the boy yelled " The next time I will punish your ass!" There were two things on my mind when this was over: 1) What he told Enran and me 2) Why were they attacking Enran (which later I found out-he's Muslim).

"Did you really mean what you said" Enran asked blankly. He had no expression on his face. He was like a newborn child ready to take in whatever was said to him. Never in my life have I seen someone look so serious but so plain. I never saw him like this, and that's what scared me.

"S-say what?" I asked nervously and confused.

"You heard me dre." He said in the same weird monotone. "Did you really mean I was a fag because I like you?"

Man I felt so stupid and bad for what I had said.

"Man about that...I'm sorry. What I meant to say was that I don't think of myself as liking boys."

"What about the library under the table?" he asked bluntly.

I was embarrassed. I just put my head down.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked in a low tone.

"I didn't have to read your mind. I saw your body movements and when I touched your foot to see if my assumption was right, you didn't move your foot away from mine..." he paused. "I thought I was right." His voice never changing. " Oh yeah, don't be embarrassed stupid were not around anyone."

"Look you're right, but I don't think that I could handle the pressure of that kind of relationship neither can you." I said walking over to him.

Finally his face changed, for the worse. He became red with anger. For the first time I saw tears in his eyes, and they were falling.

"Why the fuck would you say I couldn't handle it!" Enran was furious. He got up and stared at me like a kid who got nothing for Christmas. "Everyday dre, I go through shit most kids only read about. Why? Because I'm a Muslim. I get teased about the caps that I wear on my head why because I am a Muslim." He now stood up and clenched his fist. "Dre, I got jumped by a kid who blamed me because some stupid people killed his parents, and the sad part is that He never knew that I know just as much about my heritage as he does. Nothing dre!" He was quiet again. His head was facing the ground.

I moved closer to him and pulled him in a hug. When I released him I said something that even I didn't plan.

"You also have a friend who will never ever stop loving you. Why? Because you' re Muslim."

Enran looked up.

"Are you serious dre? Do you really mean that?"

"Naw I'm just fucking with you." I said sarcastically. "Nigga of course I love you you're my friend."

Our faces were so close that I could hear his breathing. His breath smelt perfect. Maybe it was the scenery or some hidden emotion but I felt different inside. This closeness, this hug felt so right. It felt the same way it did in the library when our foots were touching. I wanted to feel more, I wanted to be closer. I leaned in and kissed him. My eyes closed as did his. His mouth tasted so good. This wasn't enough. I hugged him to me as close as I could, but still that wasn't enough. I pressed my tongue onto his lips, he opened his lips, our tongues began to fight back and forth. We held this position for about 5 minutes but it seemed forever to me. Never in my life have I experienced a kiss with this much passion. I never wanted this to end. Wait I'm not gay? What the hell am I? I can't be straight? Thinking of this and running out of air, forced me to break the kiss.

"What's wrong?" Enran asked really concerned.

"What the hell am I Enran?" I asked. I don't know why but I began to cry. I put my head down.

Enran picked up my head. "You're not gay, and you're not bi unless you wanna be. But you are the best damn friend anyone can have, and if you feel like me, you're in love with your friend."

That comment made me cry tears of happiness. I brought Enran into another kiss. As we broke the kiss I said, "I love you too." I looked at my watch. "Shit!! I missed first & second period!"

"Look we need to go I gotta go to school. Plus I have detention!" I said in a panic.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you. I got detention today too." Enran said happily. "I got it for tardiness to class or some shit." His face changed, but I didn't notice. "Dre what's wrong?"

My day just got worse because no less than 30 ft away from me stood the boy who jumped Enran. Only this time it wasn't just him and his friend, it was him and about 4 more of his friends. How they got here I didn't know. They just stood there in shock, so I guess it's unsafe to say that they saw my recent show with Enran. Good thing he didn't attend my school.

Enran turned to see what had me in shock. He too was lost for words.

The boy finally came back to reality and said "Oh yeah now its payback!! Faggit ass Muslim. And how could I forget about your savior over there, or should I say butt buddy!

***Authors note: Next time-Enran and dre escape but not with out trouble. Some one gets hurt escaping. Detention doesn't go as planned; someone notices something strange about Enran and Dre's friendship. Dre go to Steve's house.

Anyway hope you guys liked it! Thanks for the emails I love reading them. Thanks to my friends, Rodney& Maddy for keeping me going. Also please join Maddy' s yahoo group she's a very talented writer and my inspiration. Her stories are in the group

Join group @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MaddyA_Stories

Next: Chapter 3

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