Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on May 1, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

** Attention** Due to the content of chapter 14, I have decided to split it into two different chapters. Chapter 14 will make you see each character in a new perspective. Oh yeah if you email me for any questions, I will be happy to respond. Megalabray07@yahoo.com **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last Time:

Oh my fucking god! Enran was right, funny and stupid, but right none the less. How in one turn, did I manage to do the two things I didn't want to do? Enran is a sneaky little fox. Not only did I just tell Gerald that I like him, but he's closest to me, so he has to take off all of my clothes, in front of everyone!! This night is turning out very, interesting....


Yes finally!!!

Chapter 14: Top and Bottom part 1


Now I finally get to see what Miguel is REALLY made of....


Oh shit! I can't believe this man. How come stuff like this has to happen to me? The good thing about it all, is that....There is no good thing about this. I don't mind letting Gerald see me, but showing myself to three dudes, this shit is a blower.

"Come on, we don't have all day..." Dre said with impatience.

"Aiight nigga, damn!" I said nervously. "Do I have to do this shit in front of all yall faggets?"

I chose those words specifically for Dre; I knew he hated having his sexuality questioned, but for what, I don't know. He was gay...no bi... well whatever he was I know it wasn't "straight". I laughed as I thought: It's like everyone in our gang is "Not straight", we like a bunch of homo-thugs. I found this hysterical but it was obvious that Dre didn't he looked at me with so much disgust, I was forced to turn my head and discontinue my laughter.

"Naw nigga, you aint got to do it in front of all of us," Dre looked around the circle and smiled, I saw Enran return his gesture. "Just do it in front of Gerald. It's not like me and Enran want to see your Cheeto-sized dick anyway."

Dre and Enran burst out with laughter. I of course became embarrassed as I realized that Dre was the only person who did see my dick. Was it really that small? Naw he had to be exaggerating. I looked over to Gerald expecting to see him laughing as well but he wasn't, instead he had a look of deep concern in his face. I took comfort in his eyes. Just knowing that he didn't find it amusing eased all of the embarrassment I felt at that moment. I turned towards Dre, who stopped laughing as soon as our eyes met. It was like he knew what I was thinking. Enran noticed our brief understanding.

"What?" He asked, confused about why Dre stopped laughing all of a sudden.

"Nothing baby." Dre said plainly. He knew how I felt.

"Oh." Enran said confused.

It was obvious to see that Enran was feeling left out. He lowered his head. As soon as he did Dre stood up and grabbed Enran by the hand. Dre then led Enran away from the circle to a darker area.

"Where yall niggas going?" I called after them.

Dre turned around briefly and smiled. It was like he was looking past us, at something else that was present. That's when I realized that Tyrell and Steve had been gone for a long ass time. What the hell were they doing? Like an Hour and a half had already gone by, and I hadn't heard a word from those niggas. They must be having fun. I myself, was having everything but fun at the moment. I felt nervous all around, as if everyone was watching me. I turned back to Dre. He grabbed Enran's hand once more and headed for the darkness. Enran turned on a flashlight but it was quickly snatched away and shut off by Dre.

"Don't forget you still have a Dare to complete." Dre said, as he and Enran disappeared into the darkness of the night.

I looked towards Gerald. He was just as stunned as I was. I didn't know what to do. I do know that I wanted to be with Gerald. It was like ever since I met him he has been everything that I looked for in a GIRL: Cool, funny, can hold a conversation, didn't always talk about sex, he liked me because of me and not my hair. The only problem is that he's a dude. I've known him for close to a month now, and about ¾ of that time was spent avoiding him, and my feelings for him. For three weeks I have been suppressing my rages for him, my lust for him, and tonight it will stop.

"Ok, well since I got to do the dare I gue-"

"You don't have to do it." Gerald said cutting me off.

He looked tired. Tired of trying to get with me, trying to comfort me, trying to be with me, he was tired of the pain. Who could blame him? He had given up hope where there was no hope to begin with. He put his all into trying to get with me and I let him down. He felt defeated, and there I stood, letting him grieve. I couldn't hold my anger in any longer.

"No, not like this." I said as I lifted his face with my hand and planted a soft yet sweet kiss on his lips.

Suddenly it was as if someone had taken charge of me, I wasn't controlling myself anymore. I looked into his eyes, lit by the fire, and kissed him once more this time Harder. I grabbed his head and held it to mine. I didn't let my tongue move towards him because maybe he didn't like it. Even still, I was satisfied with what I had right now. He than began to rub his hands through the length of my hair. If only for a minute we were to kiss, that would make all the difference. Just being able to feel his body on, or even near, mine is worth it. As much as I hated to, I had to break the kiss. I wanted more....

"I still have a dare to do." I said as I began to remove my shirt.

After I took off my shirt I threw it away from the "Circle". I then moved away from the fire in the circle, to give us a little more privacy. Well me, actually. Once we were in a more secluded area I began to look around. This place was beautiful. There couldn't have been a better place for us o go this weekend. I noticed two sets of figures in the other shadowed areas of our camp. I figured one to belong to Steve and Tyrell, and the other to belong to Dre and Enran. I looked at Gerald and went back to the task at hand.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with this?" I asked Gerald, although I was thinking to myself out loud.

He didn't respond.

"Yes baby." He said simply, and kissed me on my lips. It was brief but still special.

That was all the motivation I needed. Wait a min...Did he just call me baby? I was now more comfortable with my body than ever before. I began to take off my pants, but I was stopped.

"Wait." Gerald said grabbing my hand.

His hand felt smooth and soft, I can tell he was nervous because of the sweat and heat I felt coming from his palms.

"Yes baby?" I said returning the charm he gave me.

He blushed at my unexpected response.

"How about I do exactly what you do?" he said

I looked at him confused.

"You know... Just to help you feel comfortable." He said as a lame excuse to get naked with me. I wanted him now and I didn't have time to beat around the bush, or play his games.

"Look..." I said pulling his body tight against mine. My hands were now wrapped around his lower back. We were so close it looked as if we were about to kiss.

"I want you badly, and tonight we need to do something about it." I said plainly.

He was stunned by my bluntness.

I pecked him on the lips and looked in his eyes. Our gazes were fixed upon each other, it was like we finally understood the pain we put each other through over the past month. I kissed him once more and released my hold on him.

I went back to taking off my pants, this time he did the same. Once my jeans hit the ground his eyes hit my boxers, and vice versa. Neither of our boxers did a good job of hiding our erections. I messed up holding him close to me like that.

Maybe it was my hormones controlling me, maybe it was my lust, whatever it was it wasn't me. I know I wouldn't have done what I was proceeding to do.

I began to reach for his dick. Once I had it in my hands, I began to slowly rub it through his boxers. He inhaled deeply from my hand contact. He then reached over to my boxers and began to slowly and gently rub my dick. The feelings I had were indescribable. I felt like I would cum just from the contact between us. I got even bolder and started to slip off his boxers. He spread his legs so I could slip them off easier, as I kneeled to take them off I got a close view of his Dick and it was nothing short of beautiful. He was cut, and from what I could make out in the little bit of light, he was about 8 inches hard. Once his boxers were, I took a step back to view his beautiful body. He was muscular, and yet smoothly cut. He had a track athlete's build. Gerald took a step towards me and we embraced each other. He then pulled away and began to slide my boxers off. I shuddered under his touch; as he slid my boxers down he took his finger tips and ran them down my legs as well. I too positioned myself to allow him easier access. The night was hot and humid, but because of the nearby lake it was cool and perfect. I let the air hit my genitals, I wasn't even aware that I was still hard, standing naked in front of my "Month long crush".

Just as I started to relax under his touch he began to feel on my balls. I began to get hot, and my lust was building like never before....

Authors note: Sorry guys but I have decided to split this chapter into two parts so it can be out a little earlier. I hope u guys haven't forgotten about me don't forget to email me every once in a while! But I do love all the feedback that I have been getting. Trust me the next chapter will be full blown sex. This was just the introductory, don't forget that everyone is separated doing their "Thing". Well if you have I haven't and it will all be in Top and Bottom part 2

Next: Chapter 15

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