Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Mar 31, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

**Attention: Due to the content of chapter 14 and the content contained with in it, i've decided to realease this chapter EARLY. Chapter 14 will be what I consider "My Masterpiece". I will spend extra time on every detail, consult a thesaurus for once LOL, and reread it 3x. The next chapter is probably gonna be the first and last chapter with DETAILED SEX. Chapter 14 will make you see each character in a new perspective. Oh yeah if you email me for any questions, i will be happy to respond. Megalabray07@yahoo.com **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last Time.....

Dre Looked down at Steve and got on a knee as well. Dre then pulled Steve into a hug. They both cried tears of sadness. The whole scene was making me do the same. Everyone else did the same. I turned to face Enran. He was looking at them both. It was like he was piecing together what was happening. That's when he realized what I did. They shared a tighter bond, as boxers...


I know what I have to do......

Chapter 13: How it's suppose to be


Steve and I shared a bond like no other. It was like because we boxed, we understood each others actions. Steve and I may have a strong bond, but Enran's bond with me is stronger. We may not be able to understand each other all the time, but we did know how the other is feeling. I realized this on more than one occasion. The first time was when I was attacked by Steve, somehow Enran knew. The second happened today, with Enran and Kinsley. I felt that something bad was about to happen with Enran in the middle. I realized the bond that Enran and I shared once that situation broke out; we could truly feel what's in the other's heart. It was a bond that no one could touch. Enran was my pride and joy, when he hurt so did I.

Looking at Enran now, was what concerned me the most. His look was indescribable; he had a constant stare at nothing. I didn't want Enran to hurt anymore, I didn't care what I did to him, or what he had done to me.

I don't care about this shit anymore, I can't stand it any longer. I looked to him.

"Enran," I called, he looked at me.

Tyrell, with the help of Miguel, took Steve towards the pond, to clean his face up. I couldn't help but think that it was all my fault. Shit it was my fault. I don't know how, but someway, I would atone for what I had done.

Several minutes had passed and Steve was all cleaned up. I still saw a couple of bruises, but his dark complexion hid them well. Other than that, he was the same old Steve; cocky and arrogant as hell. Everyone was back in the "Ring of fire", which I called the circle of logs we sat on. It was quiet and Enran still hadn't answered me. He was beginning to make me worry. It was like he doubted our relationship. I couldn't let him do that. I had to reassure him that he was the one I loved, and no other.

"Enran damn it," I said getting up from my log, walking over to the one he now sat on.

I don't know what made me do it, but I had no time to think. As soon as I got to Enran, I kissed him. I let my tongue escape my mouth and brush upon his lips. He granted me access to his soft minty mouth. Our tongues began to move slowly with each other, never unlocking. I opened my eyes to see his smooth, light face. His eyes were closed; he was taking in every moment of our kiss as if it were to be the last one, still our tongues fought. I began to breathe through my nose, still we didn't break our kiss.

I heard a sigh, and someone got up, followed by another set of foot prints. I broke the silence to see who it was....

I saw Steve walking over to the lake followed by Tyrell trying to catch up. Gerald pulled out his lighter and lit the wood they brought back from earlier. It was almost completely dark out. In my opinion, the "Falls", as I like to call it, was better looking at night that it was in the daytime. All around I saw fire-flies. The waterfall was soothing because it was moving slower. Every now and then a crisp breeze would blow past us. I was happy once again. Sitting there in front of the fire, holding Enran's hand, his head resting upon my shoulder. Every now and then I would get a whiff of the shampoo he uses. His warm body next to mine. I wish all days could be like this, just me and him and not a care in the world. I wanted so badly to be with him forever. Looking around the circle I saw nothing but happiness. I could tell that Miguel and Gerald wanted to be like Enran and I.

"Go ahead." I said giving them the `OK' the desperately wanted.

"What" They both said in unison, acting clueless.

Enran laughed, his head still resting on my shoulder.

"Lets play truth or dare." As I spoke those words, everyone looked at me aroused.

Enran picked his head off my shoulder. Our hand still connected. I realized why they looked at me shaken. I gave Enran's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Yeah ok, for real this time" He said laughing.

"Aiight cool." Gerald responded.

"Who's going to be first?" Miguel asked in his accent.

I don't know how he had an accent but he did. Since both of his parents are white, it confused me to no end.

"I will" I said looking around. I only wanted to play to get things started up between Miguel and Gerald. "Ok, truth or dare, umm....Gerald?"

"Truth" He said obviously trying to make things easier for him.

Little did he know, I wasn't about to let that happen.

"Ok consequences are you gotta go the entire trip naked, and the person nearest you has to remove your clothes, all of them, while you watch..."

There was a brief silence. Enran looked at me and smiled. Gerald ad Miguel looked at each other; both of them grew red in the face from their skin color. Gerald turned towards me.

"Aiight ask away master Yoda." He said laughing hysterically.

In my opinion, that shit was corny as hell. I didn't have time to beat around the bush.

"Are you gay?"

He looked at me for a moment. "Nope."

Oh shit he's a smart ass, I forgot to be specific. He could be Bi, or he could just like Miguel. Now it was his turn:

"Enran, truth or dare?" Gerald asked smiling.

I know he was planning his payback for me.

"Dare." Enran said.

I could tell by the look in Gerald's eyes that he was up to no good. He wanted to pay me back for what I asked him earlier. What was he gonna make Enran do... Beat off, run around naked, beat me off? I began to sweat nervously. Enran knew this as well since he was still holding my hand.

"I dare you to," He looked around and smiled. "Kiss....Miguel!"

My body sprang to life when I heard that. I heard it but I didn't want to believe it. I had to have made a mistake. Was it a mistake?

My hand began to shake. Enran squeezed my hand even tighter. I began to pray that he would take the consequences, at least that way we would be doing it together.

I shuddered when he got up.

"At least three seconds, on MY count." Was all I heard Gerald say.

Enran walked over to Miguel and kissed him, I was relived by what I saw. He kissed him on the lips but there was no passion behind it at all. Gerald saw this too and just laughed. Once the kiss was done Enran practically ran to me and kissed me so hard and fast. We both fell on the other side of the log. I had to end it because I was going to become hard if it wasn't stopped, and if I chose consequences that would not be cool.

It was now Enran's turn.

"Ok truth or dare..." He looked between Gerald and Miguel. "Miguel.'

"Truth." Miguel answered the same as Gerald.

Enran looked at me. I nodded, knowing what he was going to ask.

"Do you like anyone in the circle, if so, who?" Enran said smiling slyly at Gerald. Gerald lowered his head. As well as Miguel.


Oh shit, if I don't answer truthfully I gotta let Gerald strip me. If I do tell them Gerald might hate me for outing him. Shit, shit, shit, what the hell do I do now?

"Umm... I don't like anyone in the circle." I lied.

Gerald's face saddened. He looked disappointed. I should have just told the damn truth. Gerald began to get up.

"No wait..." I began. Gerald stopped. "I lied; I do like someone in the circle."

Gerald turned back and sat down next to me again. For some reason Enran smiled and whispered something in Dre's ear. Dre began to laugh.

"Who?" Enran said.

"Umm.." I said looking at Gerald. He was looking back at me.

We were so close we could have been kissing, like the night before. I could still smell blood coming from his breathe. I looked back at the ground in an attempt to avoid Gerald, although he was sitting right next to me.

"Gerald" I said in a low voice. It was low, but to my dismay, it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Enran and Dre smiled at me and Gerald. I blushed and I caught a quick peak at Gerald.

He was sweating bullets. I quickly tried to avoid the obvious tension.

"Ok truth or dare Dre?"

"Nope it's not your turn its still Enran's go." Dre said smiling.

"What," I said confused. "What do you mean it's not MY turn?" I asked.

"Just like I said," He said still smiling. "Enran you tell them since technically it's still YOUR turn."

"Ok Dre thanks." Enran said in a fake news reporter voice.

He continued the same way.

"Well Dre, it seems that when we first asked the question Miguel replied `No one'.

Dre began to laugh at Enran's impression of a reporter. I would have laughed too, but it was about me. The nut continued.

"Then later reports show, that Miguel later replied `He is infatuated with Gerald.' "

I didn't even say all that. Truth be told; I was infat...umm... Well whatever that smartass said. A smile began to spread across my face

"That show us, that not only did Miguel lie, he forfeited the question."

He looked at Dre and laughed. My smile now faded.

"Meaning he has to suffer the consequences."

Oh my fucking god! Enran was right, funny and stupid, but right none the less. How in one turn, did I manage to do the two things I didn't want to do? Enran is a sneaky little fox. Not only did I just tell Gerald that I like him, but he's closest to me, so he has to take off all of my clothes, in front of everyone!! This night is turning out very, interesting....


Yes finally!!!

Next: Chapter 14

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