Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Mar 29, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ ... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

**Please read: Thanks to all you guys who wanted to help but, I have an editor now. Also to answer what most emails ask: Enran and I are good friends. In fact all the characters are really good friends. Some of the events took place. All of the character descriptions are true. The places are real, except the lake. Aww I know. It would be cool though. When you email me introduce yourself, my mom always told me about manners. Please its common courtesy. **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last Time...

I could tell by the way Dre just stood there and allowed everyone to retreat that he wasn't mad. He just wanted to speak with out being interrupted... That's when he said it, three words that pierced my heart, and the way he said it didn't help ease the pain. He hadn't spoken nearly all day and I wish it would've stayed that way.

Dre had a sly smile on his face, and simply said "Truth or Dare"..

Chapter 12: Opening Eyes


After Dre spoke, I was completely devastated. Not only had he ignored me all day, but he hit me as well. What's gotten into him? Why is he acting this way? Out of spite? Malice? Did someone do something to him? Was it me?

My mind was being plagued by so many assumptions. I was being consumed by my own thoughts. I wasn't thinking about the pain in my body, I was more focused on the pain in my heart. Dre was killing me without even knowing. We may not have said it, but only one time, but I really did love him. Whenever he talked, sorrowfully, it made me mourn. When ever he was happy, it made me rejoice.

Dre just stood there and shook his head in pity. He said truth or dare but no one opted to say a word. Not for fear of Dre's reactions, but out of the sorrow that everyone had for Dre. After a brief silence, he spoke.

"Hello...!" he said annoyed, that he was being ignored. "I know yall heard me! Somebody go!!"

If this was a game, it was not fun at all for nobody. Even in Dre's eyes I saw nothing but pain. Every word that he uttered hurt him. He continued again. This time, he was even madder than before.

"Fine, since yall won't do it, I will do it by myself." He said looking around.

Everybody lifted their heads. Expecting Dre to do something he might regret. What the hell was he about to do? He better not even think of something that'll hurt him. For fear of his actions, despite the pain I was in, I stood up. I winced at the pain I was in. He looked around, and saw that I was the only one standing, opposing his actions.

He looked at me and his face saddened. I saw nothing but hurt and pain in his eyes. He lifted his head, and I heard Steve speak.

"Enran, son sit down!!" I heard his words all too late. Before I had time to process what was being said, Dre was already upon me.

There we stood, face to face. For a moment I thought he was better. I imagined that he was going to kiss me and everything would be alright. He looked awful inside. He turned his head slightly, and looked back at me. As soon as his eyes were upon me, so was his fist. He drove his hand deep into my gut. I let out an awful cry. They pain was unbearable. Tyrell got up and ran over to me. Dre wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice so he rush towards Tyrell. It happened all too fast; Tyrell was caught of guard by Dre's speed and was too shocked to avoid yet another crucial blow. Tyrell grabbed his side and fell over. Dre once again was in control. He spoke once again, this time in a monotone voice. Just hearing him was hurting me.

"Like I was trying to say," Dre started looking at me and Tyrell.

I looked over to the others, everyone was defeated at heart.

"Since no one wants to go, I will" He said, as if talking to himself. "Truth!"

Everyone looked from one to another, knowing the question that everyone wants to ask. The question, which will let up so much tension. The question that will make everything simpler. The question, which will either solve our problems, or create more.

I guess it was up to the person who was closest to him, which is obliviously not me. I turned to Miguel and Steve. They were looking at me; they wanted me to do it. I didn't want to; I didn't feel like I was worthy enough for Dre anymore. He was on another level from me. Something inside forced me to speak. Who would have thought that four words could pierce someone's heart like they did.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked not even looking at Dre. I knew he heard because he took deep breath, and sighed.


That was exactly what I was thinking of asking Dre. It seemed like that for everyone. It doesn't matter who said it as long as we find out. I've been hit by this nigga twice; I deserve to know was up. He seemed to be in charge of them all, like he was their big brother and they all looked up to him. I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a certain level of respect for him as well.


Dre is not to be played with right now. I've known him for a long ass time. Never have I seen him like this. His eyes didn't even change. That's what told me and Miguel not to butt in. He's learning to control his anger, and use it to his advantage. Now I'm ready to hear why he, our brother, has hurt us all day.

"What's wrong with me?" Dre began, sounding calm and relaxed. He continued. "No, the question is what's wrong with you?"

He was starting to get annoyed. No one interrupted.

"By any chance, did anyone turn on the news?"

No one answered.

"Well I did," He went on. "I was looking to find out about the weather, when I saw a report that no one should have to hear."

He looked around, still no one spoke, all eyes were on Dre.

"Does anyone know Harold?"

Miguel looked up as if he knew him, but chose not to say anything.

"Well whether my, so called, brothers knew or not, he's my best friend."

Dre went on uninterrupted.

"This morning he was jumped, with baseball bats."

I saw a tear drop from Dre's eyes. He clenched his fist together.

"It was done by bad news."

"Naw nigga, how the hell you know it was by bad news!" Gerald said pissed.

I forgot that Gerald is or was a member of bad news. I could understand why he would be mad; it was like saying Gerald did it as well. Gerald stood up as if challenging Dre's comment, but only to his dismay. Dre ran over to Gerald and hit him twice in the stomach, and before Gerald fell, Dre caught him by the shirt. He looked Gerald in his eyes, and shook his head. He then threw him to the ground.

"Dre repositioned himself back in the center of the "Death Circle", as I called it- since everyone in it was hurting. Dre continued;

"I know because his back, he was branded, with the mark of bad news. New reporters didn't know what it was but as soon as I saw it, I knew."

Now Dre clenched his fist even tighter. And put his head down.

"Harold is in critical condition, and they don't know if he'll make it."

He looked towards Enran.

"I'm sorry, but if anything happens to him, it'll be my fault. I would be the one who's responsible. I should have been there. I can't help but think; If I wasn't with you (Enran), would this have happened."

Dre's tears began to flow more. Enran began to cry as well. It was like they both knew what was about to happen. After a moment of silence I realized what was about to take place as well, and at all costs, I wasn't gonna let it happen.

"Enran," Dre began..


As soon as Dre spoke Steve got up. He looked furious, and when he was like that, he was close to unstoppable. Dre continued, but with out much success.

"Enran, I'm sorry but..." He was cut off by Steve, who hit him in the face. Dre fell, and caught off guard he winced from the pain. That was the first time I ever saw Dre hurt physically. Steve looked at Dre, apologetically.

Dre got up with fury, directed at Steve. He swung twice at Steve. Each hit connecting and leaving a bruise in its place. Steve did nothing to avoid the hits, he looked at Dre with sympathy. Steve was doing, what only a true man could; he put his friends before himself. He didn't care how much he was hurting; all he cared about was the pain of his friends. Dre saw this as well; every blow Dre dealt forced him to hurt as well. Dre was crying more and more with each hit.

Steve looked Dre directly in the face. Never once, covering up to protect himself. Steve's face was now covered in blood. He was taking every hit Dre sent. Dre was unleashing all the pain and anger he felt for everyone that day on Steve. Dre was growing tired, and Steve had already lost all the energy he had. Dre hit Steve a final time in his eye, drawing blood. Steve dropped to his knees.

"I finally know..." Steve said sighing.

"What...? What do you mean?" Dre said confused and tired.

"I finally know, finally know what you went though all today. All the pain and hurt. Let me tell you it really does hurt, but the real pain is in the heart." Steve said looking at Dre.

Steve face was completely covered in blood. Dre smiled, it was like they both understood one another. They understood each other like only two boxers could. Something none of us would ever understand.

Dre Looked down at Steve and got on a knee as well. Dre then pulled Steve into a hug. They both cried tears of sadness. The whole scene was making me do the same. Everyone else did the same. I turned to face Enran. He was looking at them both. It was like he was piecing together what was happening. That's when he realized what I did. They shared a tighter bond, as boxers...


I know what I have to do...

Author's Note: I hope you guys like it. I promise the next few chapters are gonna be happy ones, but hey whose life is always perfect anyway. Well unless you're a "Brady Bunch" child. Well anyway please send me your comments. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 13

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