Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Mar 25, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ .... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

**Please read: Thanks to all you guys who wanted to help but, I have an editor now. Also to answer what most emails ask: Enran and I are good friends. In fact all the characters are really good friends. Some of the events took place. All of the character descriptions are true. The places are real, except the lake. Aww I know. It would be cool though. When you email me introduce yourself, my mom always told me about manners. Please its common courtesy. **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last Time.....

I looked deeper into his eyes and saw sorrow. I saw his eyes begin to water as well; he was slowly beginning to cry. As I saw the first tear fall, I too bean to cry. What was bothering him so much, that he found me this repulsive? I sat there thinking. He rolled away from me again.

I now knew what it was...


Never again.............

Chapter 11: Truth or Dare


I will never let anyone I know go through what, he did. He was innocent, he was good, he loved everyone. He was smart, had talent and always made me laugh. He never wished hurt upon anyone. Why him God? Why must things like that happened to people that are innocent, while the lunatics and people who cause pain are left free? I do believe that everything happens for a reason, but please God. Let him make it. That's all I want from you, let him survive.

Enran was looking at me as if he had seen a ghost. He was just staring at me. I do admit that it may have been a little weird to see someone like me, close their eyes and pray on their knees, but it had to be done. I was devastated by today, and what surprised me the most was it was like I was the only one who knew. How couldn't anybody know about what happened? Did they even care? That's what pissed me off the most; my friends came to school as if it were a normal day. I knew all too well that it wasn't. It was a day that should never be present in my mind, yet it was.

It was one of the few days that I didn't smile. It surprised me how oblivious, to the world around them, people could be.

For a while now Enran was looking at me. Now his eyes were full of sorrow. They weren't sorry for the right person though. They were sorry for me, not him. Not the boy who always made me laugh. My hommie for life, until one of us dies and the other fades away.

All Enran could do is stare and weep, but in utter confusion. The only reason I came was to let them know what they should've known already. Let them hear what they should've heard already. Yet once again they were clueless. I guess if it's not their hood they just don't care. Today I will make them care. They will know that I might loose my best friend.

"Enran lets go back to the campsite for a minute," I said getting off of my knees from praying. "We can come back and talk personally later." With that being said, I started to walk towards the campsite with my flashlight illuminating the path in front, never even looking back to see if I was being followed.


Tyrell Is a cool guy, but I wasn't focused on him, I was focused on Miguel. He and I went to get some wood together and not one word was spoken. We would occasionally look the others way, but that was as far as it went. Now we were setting up our tents, it was almost completely dark outside. I was mad because I wanted to get a tent with Miguel, but Steve decided to be the leader and pick every one's tents for them. Miguel and I looked at each other when he did this, but didn't say anything for fear of suspicion.

"Aye, who is that?" Steve said pointing to a moving flash light.

"It's Dre nigga." Miguel said pointing in the direction of the light.

I saw another figure behind Dre and recognized it to be Enran. "It's Enran too." I said to no one in particular, but I managed to get a glimpse of an already staring Miguel. He was concentrating on me, observing every motion I did. I saw a smile creep from his beautiful, pink small lips.

The light finally reached us and it was just as we thought, Dre and Enran. Enran greeted everyone happily but Dre took no one's dap. He just placed himself on a log, and sat in silence. I took that as a gesture and took a seat on an adjacent log. Everyone else followed. Why I don't know, but it felt as if Dre was about to let the weight of the world off of his shoulders.

Enran, of course, took a seat next to Dre, who didn't seem to take notice to Enran's presence. Tyrell took a seat on the log across from mine. Now it was just Steve and Miguel left standing. I laughed realizing the decision that they were obligated to make. They had to choose who to sit by; their loves or their friends.

Miguel saw the dilemma they were faced with and let a smile escape his mouth. Miguel and Steve began to slowly approach our little `Circle', both of their faces towards the ground. I looked around the circle to see if I was the only one who noticed the situation at hand. Tyrell sat smiling looking at Steve, Enran was grinning hard at them both, but Dre, he just stared blankly at them, like he saw them but wasn't conscious to what they were doing. His gaze seemed so transfixed on something. I bet this gathering would finally explain all of Dre's actions. Miguel and Steve looked up simultaneously, they saw everyone smiling, and must have been embarrassed because they sat completely opposite from how everyone expected it. Especially how I thought it would be. Instead of Steve sitting next to Tyrell and Miguel next to me, it was Miguel next to Tyrell and Steve next to me. Tyrell shook his head and looked at the dirt and dry leaves under his foot. I looked at Steve and he shrugged is shoulders. For a while it was silent; everyone was taking in the seating arrangements, no one dared say a word to oppose it, because to do so would be admitting your secret crush. The silence was broken by Enran, who whole-heartedly laughed.

"Yall niggas is stupid," He said between laughs, looking from my side to Tyrell's.

"What are you talking about nigga?" asked Steve, who already knew exactly what Enran was referring to.

Enran looked at us again laughed even louder. Tyrell put his chin in his hands, looking directly at Steve. Tyrell was becoming anxious, he began to bounce his foot rapidly, and on more than one occasion he would breathe a little louder than necessary. Steve stupid ass just kept on pressing the matter.

"Why you laughing aint nothing funny nigga!" he said with a little anger and annoyance.

Everyone then realized that Steve actually didn't get it, he didn't know. Man was he dumb at times. Everyone shook their heads except Dre, of course, and Tyrell; who kept looking at him without any facial expression.

"Nothing man," Enran said, his laugh fading out.

Steve didn't accept that, he just had to have more.

"Naw nigga, nothing my ass! This shit aint a game, and yet you keep on laughing like a fucking idiot." Steve said standing up as if ready to pick a fight with Enran again.

Enran face was now beyond anger, it was filled with annoyance and resilience.

"Nigga, you're so fucking stupid!" Enran said in an anger that matched Steve's. Only Enran looked to be beyond the point of anger. "What so funny is how fucking dumb you can be. You know Gerald likes Miguel and probably vice-versa, and your stupid ass is gonna sit next to Gerald so that Miguel cant."

Steve looked towards Miguel, who was looking at me. Steve immediately sat down knowing he was beaten. I looked at Miguel and his gaze quickly shifted from me to his foot, which he was vibrantly shaking. Tyrell kept his gaze on Steve, his face never changing. Dre, he just sat as if he had heard nothing at all. That was what scared me. Not the fact that I was just put on the spot, but the fact that Dre was a fucking zombie. He wasn't normal and I wanted to know what was going on. Miguel looked up at me and quickly followed my gaze. His face saddened, for he too, felt the same way as I did.

"Man fuck this!" I heard Tyrell say. I quickly shifted my gaze towards him. He stood up and was headed my way. I too stood up, knowing exactly what he wanted. We both were headed in the direction opposite the other. As we passed I heard him whisper a "thanks". I went and sat on the log next to Miguel and Tyrell took my place next to Steve. Now things were how they should be. Everyone noticed this and started to smile out of happiness or acceptance, everyone that is, except Dre.

Dre was in his own parallel universe. It was like the world was nothing to him anymore. The only thing present to him was his thoughts. Just the dire look of concentration on his face was enough to put someone ill at ease, and it was working. No one spoke a single word, not even Steve, and his arrogance wasn't enough to break the remote silence caused by Dre. One thing was for certain, everyone needed to know what as wrong with Dre. Even Tyrell, who barely knew Dre for a week, took a liking to Dre. Something needs to be said, and from the looks of it, it was up to me.

I stood up and my stare shifted towards the ground. I was searching in side my self for the words to say. I suddenly felt everyone's eyes upon me. I was the one who finally worked up the courage to do what no one would.

"Dre," I began, knowing that I wouldn't get a response. Everyone was looking towards me. Enran's stare was the only one upon Dre. "I don't know what's going on. Hell I don't know why you're mad. I don't know what's gotten into you. But what ever it is, FUCK IT!!" My last comment drew Dre's attention, but briefly; his head lifted, only to be dropped again.

I continued. "Dre you're the best when it comes to fighting, but a fucking retard when it comes to emotions." Enran placed his hand on Dre's back. Dre shuddered, but relaxed under Enran's touch. I saw this, and it only seemed to give me more fuel and passion. "Look at you Dre, your a fucking mess! You won't even let the love of your life touch you. You ass, you won't even let anyone touch you without flinching. Dre we love you. Everyone here loves you, even Tyrell. Everyone around you nigga is hurting, why? Because of your stupid ass dre. Dre you're like everyone's big brother. We all look up to you, even Steve and Tyrell. As far as I'm concerned we all are brothers." As I said my last sentence I finally looked up from the ground. Everyone's eyes were on mine. Dre's eyes were on me as well.

He looked distraught, and when he got up his whole body shook, I felt an aura from him that told me to sit down. He took two steps towards me and hit me in the sides. I winced from the pain, I nearly fell over. Miguel quickly got up to catch me. He helped me over to the log that we were sitting on. I knew that he didn't hit me with all his might because that would have seriously done some damage. What confused me was why he had done it. This confused everyone around us, all eyes were confused and on Dre. That's when Enran stood up and went over to Dre.

"Dre, son, why did you do tha..." Enran words were cut short, thanks to yet another blow being delivered by Dre.

This one caught Enran in his gut. Tyrell stood up to go help Enran, I wasn't sure of how well he could fight but I knew I was about to find out. Tyrell walked up to Enran slowly, Dre swung and Tyrell jumped back just in time for it to miss his face. Then Tyrell lunged towards Dre. His speed was impressive, and the lengths of his arms were unbelievable. His first swing connected with a surprised Dre. Dre fell back a step. He was surprised by the length but I doubt that would happen again. I looked at Steve; he and Miguel just sat there staying quiet. I figured I might as well follow their example because they knew him better than anyone.

Tyrell swung twice and Dre easily dodge them and followed up with a thunderous right hook. It was the first time that I heard a hit that powerful. Tyrell instantly dropped his guards and caresses his now swollen jaw. It was over. In a matter of minutes Dre managed to physically hurt almost all of his close friends. I shook my head in disapproval. The thing that confused me was Dre's eyes. Normally when something is up, they'll change color. This time, they were normal. He beat us like flies at a barbeque, without even getting mad. Maybe he finally learned to control his temper and use it when needed.

I could tell by the way Dre just stood there and allowed everyone to retreat that he wasn't mad. He just wanted to speak with out being interrupted... That's when he said it, three words that pierced my heart, and the way he said it, didn't help ease the pain. He hadn't spoken nearly all day and I wish it would've stayed that way.

Dre had a sly smile on his face, and simply said "Truth or Dare"..

Authors note: Sorry guys but these chapters are getting too interesting to reveal more. Let just say things are gonna get on the bright side.

Next: Chapter 12

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