Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Mar 22, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ .... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

**Please read: Thanks to all you guys who wanted to help but, I have an editor now. Also to answer what most emails ask: Enran and I are good friends. In fact all the characters are really good friends. Some of the events took place. All of the character descriptions are true. The places are real, except the lake. Aww I know. It would be cool though. When you email me introduce yourself, my mom always told me about manners. Please its common courtesy. **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time...

"This is Tyrell, the one I told yall about yesterday." I said pointing to him.

They each gave him dap and smiled. Once thing made me worry though, why was smile was forced. I could tell, and when he shook Tyrell's hand he glared at me briefly.

Chapter 10: The BIG Camping Trip


The week went by fast, surprisingly. All I could think about was the trip. I got to know Tyrell a little better. He still wasn't used to the morning routine, so every morning I would have to go through hell just to get him out of the bed. We all asked our parents about the trip, everyone's parents were cool about it, except my mom, I told her it was a field trip just to ease her mind. After she knew that it was a `school event' she all but killed me to go. She knew that I wasn't a very popular kid, and that I only hung out with a few people. She on the other hand has problems getting people away from her.

Friday came all to soon. I was excited about the upcoming trip, which was more than I could say for Dre; he was looking down today, I don't know why. When I walked up to greet him he barely looked at me.

"Wassup Dre, you look bad nigga." I said trying not to look too concerned. I tried to give him some dap, but as soon as I touched his hand he pulled it away. I looked at him confused. So did everyone else. I turned towards Gerald to see what was wrong, he shrugged his shoulders. I was devastated, why of all days; he wanted to be in his feelings.

"Aye, Enran come here right fast." Gerald said looking around him. I still never understood a lot of the slang I hear, to me it sounds like a bunch of idiots trying to make a sentence. I smiled a little at my own thought.

"Wassup?" I asked him, trying to avoid my question about Dre. No matter what every thought in my head was going to Dre. "Better yet, what the fuck is wrong with Dre?" I asked angrily.

He looked at me like he was expecting me to respond that way. Gerald didn't respond immediately, he was thinking back to the morning. "He was cool when he woke up cuz he got my ass out of bed, and I don't ever wake up." I laughed thinking that Tyrell and I go through the same thing in the morning. He paused to think. "As a matter a fact he was ok until he went downstairs. That's all I know, maybe he'll tell you when the time is right."

Steve, Miguel, and Tyrell came over, and they had on puzzled faces. I guess they must have went to Dre before coming over.

"Wassup yall" Steve said, looking back at dre. "What up with Dre?"

"I have no idea." I answered.

"Man, Dre been spaced out lately, even in class." Miguel said. I still wasn't that comfortable around him or Steve, but I wasn't thinking of that, all I could think of was Dre.

The first bell rung, it was the bell to tell students to start heading to class.

"Aiight man, I'll catch yall niggas later." I said heading to my class.

"Hold up!" Miguel called after me. He and Steve started walking my way.

I looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact, still feeling a little intimidated by them. I know I beat Steve, but if I wasn't mad he would have punished my ass.

I started walking to my class, them accompanying me, and I started to feel hot.

"Yeah Enran, about what happened last time, " Steve began, unable to form the words into a sentence. "Umm.... I just wanted to say...We just wanted to say..." he was breaking down. I could have sworn I saw a tear forcing its way out his eye.

Miguel grabbed my shoulders and stopped me. Steve stopped as well. "We wanted to say that we are sorry. Although you might act like we're cool, for Dre, we can see that your still a little torn inside. Right now all we want you to focus on is Dre. I swear we would never do that if it wasn't necessary. I can't tell you why yet but I promise, soon I will. Anyway we got to get to our class, so we'll catch you later. Aiight man 1"

He left me in the hallway standing. I didn't know what to do from that point. How do I respond to that? The flame roaring in my stomach died out completely. They care for Dre just as much as I do, maybe even more. Dre is lucky to have friends like them.

Last period couldn't go by any slower. Each time I looked at my watch it showed 1:57, three minutes from dismissal. I was hoping to catch Dre before he got on his bus. He had managed to avoid me all day. Even at lunch he didn't come in the cafeteria.


The bell rang, I had all my books packed away three minutes ago. I was waiting for the teacher to let us go. He always waited while to let us go, he wanted to make sure the class was cleaned.

"Ok, class dismissed."

I ran for the door, to make up lost time, thanks to the teacher.

"Hey!!" Said some girl I knocked over, while exiting.

"My bad!!" I called behind.

I was running through the hall, I managed to avoid falling twice. I ran past Miguel and Steve. Miguel was about to follow, but Steve grabbed his shoulder. Steve knew what I was doing. When I finally caught up with Dre. I stopped like 30 feet from where Dre was.

I couldn't approach him. He was extremely sad; he never looked like this, not even when he's mad. He is usually happy and jumpy, always trying to get the gang to get along. Something happened to him that day. He started to walk away, when he saw me looking at him. He was about to say something, but stopped, it seemed like a warning.

All of a sudden someone came from behind me and pushed me into the ground. I looked at Dre, he shook his head, and walked away. What did I do, to make Dre mad? Was it me? I thought of these things as I turned to see who had pushed me.

It was Kinsley; he was a former `Bad New' gang member. He was HUGE, he stood about 6'5 about like 250 lbs, all muscle, and he looked like he could tow a truck on his back. I wasn't afraid, I was too happy to even think about hitting him back. I just got up and started towards my locker. He pushed me again.

"Nigga why the fuck you in my way!" He said pissed.

I looked over at the administrator who was on duty. It was Mr.Shit breathe'. He was looking at us. He gave me a sly smile and turned his head, as if he hadn't seen what happened. He was really pissing me off. Just because Kinsley was the star QB. He could basically do what he wanted. Not to mention the Shit Breath' doesn't like me. I turned to face the danger in front of me.

He pushed me again and this time I flew into one of the lockers. I was too confused about Dre, to try to defend myself. That's when Tyrell came running over, leaving the girls surrounding him, and pushed Kinsley from in front of me knocking him on the ground. When Kinsley got up, he balled his fist as if to swing, but stopped as soon as Miguel and Steve stood behind Tyrell.

"Alright break it up, or you all will be out of here for five days, at least!" Said shit breath. "And I don't want to hear a word from any of you."

That being said I nodded to my friends, and headed for my bus forgetting my books in the locker.


"I can get some people from `Bad News' if you need me to." I said to Steve, who was on the other line.

"Yeah we might need them. I hope we won't though." Steve said. "So anyway, what's wrong with Dre?" He asked still concerned.

"I don't know that nigga is trippin right now." I said turning to my window. "So did Miguel get Dre and Enran to join? I asked watching two dudes fighting outside.

"Naw, Miguel said Dre was about to fuck him up for even suggesting it." Steve said disappointed.

For some reason, ever since the fight all I could think about was Miguel. When he kissed me I was so fucking scared. Dre was right there, and he probably saw it all. I never brought it up, just in case he didn't see it.

"Are yall on the way over?" I asked referring to him and the angel known as Miguel.

"Yeah I just got to pack some food and we on the way, aiight?"

"Aiight, ill be waiting."

"Aiight 1"

"Aiight 1" I said as I hung up the phone and turned towards my door to leave.

Dre was standing right there, his eyes were normal, but his face expression wasn't. He looked at me with fury in his face. I was too shocked to respond. He stood in my door-way with his camping stuff in his hands. Then he walked away, down the steps, and out the door. When I heard the door close I snapped back to attention.

"Dre Wait!" I yelled, but it was in vein. I was too late. I watched out my window as he left with his things in his hands. After about thirty minutes. The door bell rang.

When I answered it, I saw Steve and Miguel, my angel. I was relieved for a moment, but that relief was gone when I saw their faces. I let them in and they put their stuff by the door. I motioned for them to sit on the couch.

"What's wrong with Dre, this nigga got me worried." Steve said. Miguel, the angel, just nodded.

I couldn't answer the question. I knew just as much as they knew, nothing at all.

"Yeah we saw him walking with his stuff." Miguel said looking at me intently.

I couldn't help but stare back. The night of the kiss was alive in my head again. I remember him putting his lips to my face. They were as soft as a pillow, and yet firm. The kiss wasn't sloppily done; it was perfect in every way.

We were broken out of our gaze when the bell rang.

Steve went to answer the door and I got our things together...


When I answered the door, I was shocked. I don't know why, because I knew who it was. What I didn't know was that Tyrell was coming. This boy was sexy, but I didn't know him. He was popular, all the girls hung on him, and I also heard he made the basketball team. Well maybe I knew him, a little, but not how I wanted. Once he stood up for Enran today, I saw him in a new way. I gave Enran some dap, and let him in. Now I was face to face with Tyrell. He pushed a braid from his face and looked at me. I was just staring at him, he was looking normally at me. I swear man it was like two hundred degrees in my body. I began to sweat and I couldn't speak.

`Come in' I said in my mind, but the words weren't coming out of my mouth. Now I was sweating rocks!

Suddenly I saw some dudes I knew, that was all I needed to snap out of my concentration.

"Damn my bad, come in." I said embarrassed. It was like my heart swelled up inside.

I had to get some air. I took a step out on Dre's porch and took in a deep breath. When I went back into the house they had everything packed and ready.

"Aye Steve get your stuff we leaving." Miguel said.

"What about Dre?" I asked, wondering where he was headed when Miguel and I saw him.

Just as Miguel was going to talk, Enran interrupted. "He needs his space to chill out."

I just left it at that, and headed out the door. Enran was in front. While we were walking I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because we were walking in plain day with camping stuff, but hey, it's something I've always wanted to do. What also made me ill at ease was the fact that Tyrell was going. He didn't seem like the type who camps. Yet he offered to make food and everything for us. I guess I shouldn't just people because of their looks. Once we were in the woods all of the talking stopped, that is, until I began to get irritated.

"Enran, why the fuck do we have to be quiet?" I questioned.

Enran stopped, and so did everyone else. Tyrell was the first to turn towards me. He had a small smile on his face and shook his head. I looked down to the ground, unknowingly, I don't know how or why he affected me like his, but I do know that he had me hooked. I don't understand it, I cant like him, can I? I've only known him for less than a week, and we've barely spoken to each other, but I did admire what he did for Enran. He would undoubtedly fit in the group.

Enran looked at me. "I don't know exactly where it is, but I can hear it if were close."

"What the hell, nigga what the fuck, you think you a super hero?" I said sarcastically. "You can hear it, you can hear a fucking camping spot?" I said unbelieving and annoyed at his stupid response.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and responded, "Yeah nigga, and if you don't believe me then go the fuck home!"

His outburst shocked me. He was shocked as well; his face was bewildered. I looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me. I stepped up to his face, as a lame attempt to protect my self image. He looked at his feet, to avoid looking at me. I was too far in my own pride to stop now. I pushed him and he fell. When he got back up he still hadn't said a word, I was about to push him again. That's when I was cut of by him, Tyrell. I suddenly froze; I thought about what I just did and quickly apologized.

"Sorry Enran, my bad." I said apologetically. "It's this long ass walk." I used as cover up.

Enran started to walk again, he didn't even respond. This time he picked up his pace, everyone followed. We all were dead silent. I began to think of Dre. What was wrong with him? He has been acting distant since Wednesday, but it wasn't until Friday that he was actually spaced out. I noticed that whenever something is eating Dre, it's like Enran goes through it as well. Is that why he didn't retaliate when I pushed him? Man something is up with Dre, and I have to know what. He doesn't know how much he affects us. Did he find out about Enran getting..... What's that sound?

Everyone was looking around, still following Enran. "What is that, I can hear something?" I asked Enran, still looking around.

"You'll see." Enran said plainly. He wasn't mad, but he looked stressed. I'm guessing some of it was due to Dre and some to me.

After another five minutes, we were at the campsite. No, campsite doesn't do this place justice. There was a beautiful lake, and an actual waterfall flowing into it. There were beautiful trees that had pink flowers on them. I actually saw fish in the lake. This place was illustrious. Enran showed us to our stuff. It was a compilation of rocks and wood. What amazed me was that I didn't see any rocks that weren't smooth. I walked ahead of everyone, who were still amazed by the place except Enran, or he didn't show his amazement. He went towards two rocks and just stared. When I put my stuffed down I looked over and saw another set of gear, I recognized it as Dre's... Before I could say something about it, someone spoke.

"I see yall finally made it." It was Dre; he had on the fakest smile. Something was wrong with him, whatever it was he was trying not to let it mess with the trip. Everyone greeted him. It was strange though, everyone came up to him except Enran. Enran stood right where he was, looking at those two rocks. I mean, they're smooth but damn, you'd think it was a million dollars by the way he was starting at them...


This is where it all happened. This is where Dre and I kissed. It looks and smells just like before. What's wrong, Dre is acting like he doesn't care about me anymore. He left me hanging at school, now he wants to talk to everyone but me. Maybe he doesn't like the idea of us being together. What ever it is, I have to know so I won't worry this much...

"Dre?" I said, getting everyone's attention, although I only wanted Dre. I forgot I hadn't been talking in a while.

"Huh?" he said, not even looking at me.

Was I that repulsing to him all of a sudden? Did I do something to cause him pain and sorrow? He doesn't even want to be bothered with me. I have to talk to him no matter how he acts. It's really hurting me being clueless to my baby.

"Dre?!" I said calling him again, demanding that he at least look at me.

He turned his head slowly, and his face had a look of deep sorrow upon it. He lifted his eyebrows as if responding the same way before. I just took this as a sign to proceed.

"We need to talk." I said a little nervous. Everyone around was paying attention to us. I wanted to be alone.

Dre looked around like, he was satisfied where he was. He was really making this difficult. I turned towards Gerald, the one who always seemed to understand me. He already knew what to do before I could give him a signal.

"Aye yall, come on lets get our sleeping stuff together." With that said he began giving out orders to everyone except Dre and I. Steve's cocky ass noticed this as well.

"How come they don't have to help?" he said pointing towards Dre and I; we were at a standstill.

"Man nigga, just come on!" Gerald said shaking his head at Steve.

I swear at times Steve can be dense, his next comment was living proof of that.

"Man they get to be here all alone doing nothing." He said kicking a stick and following the others into some of the heavier parts of the forest.

Dre and I were completely quiet, for what seemed to be eternity we would play a tag game with our eyes. I was growing impatient. I wanted to share some time with him alone, just me and him. I grabbed two sleeping bags, one of which was his, and walked past him not even looking back.

"Come with me." I said coolly. He wasn't about to avoid me this whole camping trip.

He followed at about twenty feet behind. I kept checking back to make sure he was still keeping up. I planned on taking him to the top of the waterfall. Where there were no trees overhead so we could see the stars and look down upon the others.

Once we were finally there he was exhausted and so was I. I took him the long way hoping that he would invoke a conversation. To my disappointment, he hadn't said a word, not even that chuckle that I love so much. He was a freaking Mime. No, even mime's say more than he was at the moment.

"Here, you can lay it out if you want." I said passing him his sleeping bag, which he accepted without even looking my way. He held his arm out to receive it; making no contact with me, not even looking. I dropped it on the ground purposely. If he couldn't look at me he could look at the ground while he was retrieving it. He set his sleeping bag up and got down to sit on it; all while not looking at me. It was about eighty-nine degrees outside, but the lake made it seem cooler. The breeze from the lake was refreshing. A small mist waved over my face and wet my hair a little.

I looked over the cliff to see everyone else playing football. I watched them for a while unnoticed. On occasion I saw some "Intimate" tackling. I was confused because I always thought of "dudes who like each other" as feminine, but here are 4 dudes playing football like they are long time buddies. Dre was a boxer, and I am a quiet one who likes to stay to himself. This made me realize that I have a life worth living. I have people who really care for me, even Miguel and Steve.

For a while I was watching them play football until finally Gerald saw me and pointed in my direction. I quickly slipped away from the ledge.

I turned to see Dre and noticed that he was in deep thought. He looked sickened. Was I doing this to him? I have to know. I walked over to him with my sleeping bag still in hand. I let out a deep sigh as I spread my sleeping bag next to his. This caught his attention; he looked at me and his sickened face went back to normal, I thought that I almost saw a smile.

Once I was in my sleeping bag, I began to look at the stars. Dre did the same. For a long time all I could do was think of him and match his facial expressions with the stars. I rolled over towards him with a smile, but my smile wasn't returned. He was mesmerized by the stars. All I could do was wonder what he was thinking.

I looked deeper into his eyes and saw sorrow. I saw his eyes begin to water as well; he was slowly beginning to cry. As I saw the first tear fall, I too bean to cry. What was bothering him so much, that he found me this repulsive? I sat there thinking. He rolled away from me again.

I now knew what it was...


Never again....

Author's note: sorry yall but I gotta leave yall hanging. I swear chapter 11 will definitely heat things up for EVERYONE. I won't give yall a outline about this one just know that the chapter is called: TRUTH or DARE

Next: Chapter 11

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