Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Apr 15, 2023


I'm afraid I left you all in a bad place at the end of the last chapter. This chapter is long overdue, but it was unavoidable.

A quick update: Mom's fine and as obstinate as ever. She's back in her house on her own, living independently, and is walking with only a cane as an assist. Not bad for an 83 year old.

Louis had a relapse and returned to the hospital. After a total of five weeks in hospitals, we thought he was doing fine and went on a trip with the RV to visit his ("our") daughters and their families for Father's Day. A week after our return, he went back to the hospital for another three weeks. He didn't start to recover significantly until it was finally discovered that one of his medications was causing his lingering pneumonia. (No, he doesn't have HIV! We even had to allow the doctors to check for it to convince them he didn't have it.) That was nine months ago, and he's still, slowly, getting his strength back.

My plate is still fuller than it's ever been, but I'm determined to finish this story, as well as about half a dozen others I'm writing. Please enjoy it, and let me know what you think.

This story is Copyright 2010 by Lance Kenman, all rights reserved. The rest is stuff you've heard before, and you know the drill. Thanks to all who have purchased my books: "Roses in the Desert" (eight short stories) and "Nudist Camp Vacation, Part 1" (the first 20 chapters of this story -- with better editing). Visit my website,, to learn more. Support Nifty with your donations! If you're reading this, you're enjoying free literature that you would have to buy, if not for Nifty. That comes with a price to those who provide it. Only our donations can keep it free!

My advice to all:

"Be the person you want others to be." - Gandhi

Nudist Camp Vacation, Chapter 42 As we waited for the car to pass the foot of the driveway, I realized that Stevey was almost hyperventilating. I reached over and held his hand to try to calm him. "It's okay," I said. "The guards will keep us safe." He looked at me with a wild expression in his eyes, but didn't respond to me. I don't even think he registered what I said. His wild-eyed attention was riveted to the driveway before he wrenched his hand out of mine and jumped out of the car. "Stevey!" I yelled in a panic. I had no idea what was going through his mind or what he was doing. He began running down the driveway as I jumped out and ran after him. At that moment, the car slowly appeared in the road, but didn't turn into the drive. As soon as it appeared, Stevey launched into a series of every lewd and suggestive gesture I'd ever seen, as well as some I hadn't, and repeated them a number of times. He used both hands, his arms, he clicked his thumbnail in his teeth, used his tongue, and on and on. Finally, he turned his backside toward the car and dropped his pants, mooning them! When I thought he was finally done, he turned and faced them, wagging his boy-junk at the car! I had stopped to watch his antics, more than a little amused, but finally, I awoke to the fact that the car had stopped in the road and they were watching him. Quickly, I grabbed Stevey by the shoulders and turned him around, almost carrying him back up the driveway. "Wha . . . ?" he objected as he struggled to pull up his pants. "Alan! What're you doing? I'm gonna kick . . . !" "Come on! They're coming up the drive!" I yelled as he stumbled along with his pants half down. I glanced back, and sure enough, they were slowly moving up the driveway. I picked Stevey up and threw him over my shoulder, bare butt to the sky, and ran with him to safety. I finally set him down and leaned him against the `Vette, looking at his face. He was smiling at me. I looked down and saw that he was sporting an almost full erection. THAT'S when I laughed. Actually, the whole scene was quite comical, but I was too panicked to find any humor in it at the time. "Stevey, what you did was VERY dangerous!" I said, trying to scold him, but only through a half-smile. Obviously, he wasn't going to take me seriously. "Touch me," he whispered. "You know better than that," I growled. "Besides, everyone's watching us." He whimpered, "No, they're not. They're all watching that fucked up dude." "Pull your pants up," I said, firmly as I turned to scan the driveway. As the car slowly came up the drive, it reached a point where no less than eight of our guards jumped out of hiding, pointing large, dangerous looking guns at the car. One of them shouted, "STOP RIGHT THERE AND GET OUT OF THE CAR!" The car skidded to a short stop and there was a hesitation. The door opened and a very timid voice shouted, "D – don't shoot! Please! I'm an architect!" Under normal circumstances, being an architect was no defense, but in this case, it occurred to me that he might be working on our new house. With eight large weapons trained on him, I ran down the driveway waving my hands, shouting, "Stand down! Stand down!" The men lowered their guns only slightly. When I got to the young man, I asked, "Who are you?" "Billy. Billy Frazier. I work for Thomas Hauser," he said with confused terror in his voice, but confirming my guess. He rapidly explained, "I went by the house site to check some things, and then I decided to come by and talk to Mr. Stewart. Are you him?" I glanced inside his car through the windshield and saw a roll of plans in the seat, confirming his story. "Yes, that's me. Sorry for the reception, but we've been a little jumpy lately." I turned to the guards and said, "It's okay. He's cleared." When the men put their guns down and turned to walk away, Billy heaved a sigh of relief and slumped into the seat. "Why were you chasing us?" I asked. "Thomas said you liked fast cars and when I saw the red Corvette driving away in a cloud of smoke, I was hoping you were going someplace close and I'd catch up with you; I like to drive fast, too. . . . I didn't think that I'd scare you." I chuckled, "It looks like we paid you back. Come inside. We'll get you something cold to drink. You can park in front of the house. I'll meet you at the front door." I turned and saw that Stevey was close behind me, eavesdropping. I smiled at him and he walked with me back to the car. "Who IS that guy?" he asked. "That's one of our architects. He's working on the new house." I put my arm around his shoulders and said, "That was quite a demonstration. Remind me never to piss you off." He put his arm around my waist and said, "You could never piss me off." "Oh, don't say that. You never know what might piss someone off. I hope I never do, but you never know." We got back in the car and drove around to the Toy Box and put it away. We were met by the boys and Marty who were all laughing about something. "Sorry guys," I said. "We'll have to postpone our outing. We have a visitor at the house." After the usual moans and groans, we walked back to the house, and this time Paul and Stevey were walking together. Mike had latched onto my hand and arm again. He looked up at me and said, "I like your cars." "You do? Which one do you like best?" He looked back at them and said, "I don't know. I like all of them different." I laughed and said, "That's the way I feel, too. Are you going to go back and work on your computer some more?" He blushed and said, "No, I think I'll stay downstairs." "You guys could go exploring in the back yard or something." "Yeah!" While we were walking, I overheard Stevey telling Paul about our trip in the `Vette and our encounter with our stranger. He was quite animated, and the way he told the story, he was the hero who stood up to the guy before we found out he wasn't who we thought he was. I had to smile. I left the boys in the kitchen to explore some new smells and went to the front door to let our guest into the house. He was waiting patiently, admiring the view. I opened the door and said, "Hi, Billy. Come in." "Thanks. I hope we can create as nice a view at your new house." "I do, too. What would you like to drink?" "Oh, just water would be fine. Thanks. What was that boy doing? There was no mistaking him for a girl." I laughed, "Yes, he's definitely a boy. He was trying to let you know that he wasn't afraid of you. Of course, he didn't know who you were, and he assumed that you were someone he didn't like." "Oh," he said, deep in thought. We walked through to the kitchen where the boys were begging for a taste of whatever it was Nell and Cheryl were fixing. I interrupted them long enough to get a couple of glasses of water. We carried them through to my study and sat comfortably on the couch. Billy unrolled the plans on the coffee table and explained, "This is a preliminary site plan. The existing house, or what's left of it, is here, with the pool and garden behind it. It's all a real mess. Thomas said you'd like a new house as quickly as you can get it." "Yes, that's right." "Okay, what I propose is a little different from what you discussed with Thomas. Thomas and I have thrown some ideas around, and we've come up with an alternative plan that could save you both time and money. Since you own all the land around the existing site . . ." I interrupted, "Right now I don't own any of it. I'll close on it Friday." "Yeah, that's what Thomas said." He pointed at the plan and said, "We used a satellite view of your property to put this plan together, so it's only approximate. We'll still have to have a survey and topographical study done before we can finalize it. What I'd like for you to consider is to build a new house a short distance away on top of a hill that's about here. You'll have better views, it's a bigger area, so we can build a bigger compound, and we can build it faster. The foundation for the burned out house is very small, so there isn't much we can use, and we'd have to take the time to clear the site before we could start construction on the new foundation and house. Also, the pool is in bad shape, and it's quite small, too. If you still want a pool, we can build one behind the new house on the hill with an infinity edge overlooking your property. There's a perfect place to build one, it could be a size that would be good for exercising, and it would complement the house. A large garden could terrace away as well, and there would be a lot more privacy. Security would be easier, too, because it would be further from the road." I smiled at his enthusiasm. We were interrupted by the three boys who appeared at the door, sans clothing. Stevey announced, "We're going outside to get some sun." They didn't wait for a response and quickly disappeared. "Okay," I called after them. "Be careful!" Billy turned to the door just in time to see them turn and walk away, and he clumsily slid off the couch and fell to the floor. I jumped to help him up and asked, "Are you all right?" "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," he said and cleared his throat as he climbed to his feet. "Didn't Thomas warn you that we're nudists?" "Uh, no, he didn't." After he recovered himself, he looked down at the plans and said, "This will be a lot better for that than the existing site. As I said, there will be a lot more privacy." I laughed. "You don't miss a beat, do you?" "No sir," he said softly with a slight smile. He looked at me nervously. I finally noticed that he was actually quite nice looking, in a dark sort of way. His skin was well tanned, and his disheveled hair and sharp eyes were very dark. His eyes darted around the room, apparently observing my tastes. He was a little shorter than me, but he was slender. In spite of his reaction to Stevey and the boys, my gaydar hadn't gone off. I wasn't sure which side of things he was on, not that it mattered. "All right, then. It appears that you've put a lot of thought into this. It's a little further away from the house next door, which could be a problem. The parents and childhood home of my partner and his brother `The Mooner' are next door. May I keep this plan? I'd like to show it to my partner and see what he thinks." "Sure. I made a couple of copies to mark up, but I didn't put any notes on this one." "I'm curious. Where's Thomas?" "He took a couple of days off. We met yesterday, and asked that I get started on your house. That's okay, isn't it?" "Of course! I was just wondering about Thomas. He's an old friend." "Yes, he mentioned that you've known each other for a while. Here's my card. Call me when you decide about the site. Oh, and by the way, I'm looking into factory prefabrication. It's a process where they build complete walls and modules in a factory and erect them on site. It's a great way to fast-track construction and maintain a lot of quality control." "Hmm. Sounds like a good idea. How long would it take to build the house?" "I would guess about six months. A conventionally built house could take twelve months to two years." "I was hoping for something faster, but I suppose Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are houses." "Yes, that's right." He reached for my hand to shake it and said, "I've got a lot of work to do. I'll be in touch." "Yes. I'll let you know about the site, too." I escorted him to the door and let him out then went to check on the boys. I could just see them darting around the garden, playing some sort of tag. The only thing I was sure of was that I didn't want to know what they were tagging. Looking at the grandfather clock in the living room, I saw that it was only three, and Tim wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, so for the first time in quite a while, I had some time to myself. I decided that it would be a good time to get some exercise in. I returned to my study and pushed a hidden button on the bookshelf, releasing a section of bookcase to expose a hidden doorway. I pulled it open and climbed down the stairs into my basement gym, turning on the lights and ventilation fan along the way. It occurred to me that the deceptive entrance wasn't really necessary, but it was there when I bought the house. It was probably constructed as a large storm or fallout shelter (a relic of the 1950s no doubt), so I converted it to a gym. It would have been nice to have some windows, but the lighting was bright enough to make you forget that there wasn't any natural light. I noticed that it smelled a little musty at first, but it quickly cleared as the air was replaced by fresh outside air. I looked around the room, and decided which station to use first. The weight lifting machine was nice, because is didn't have free weights that might fall on me if they slipped. I liked that because I usually worked out alone and didn't have anyone to spot me. Realizing that I wasn't dressed to work out, I stripped down to my shorts then went even further and stripped all the way down. It was a little warm anyway, and it felt good to follow the lead set by the boys. As I began a slow and light workout, I decided that I'd been far too paranoid about too many things lately. I decided that it was about time that the boys, and Tim, had the freedom to go nude around the house, and we wouldn't worry about what the guards thought. As far as the staff was concerned, they would already be primed to deal with our nudity. I had done two full courses of my exercise stations and was starting on another when I became aware of someone close to me. I jumped and turned around, ready to defend myself, but I quickly calmed. It was Grant. The thing I noticed first was that he had a rather large, black gun in his hand, pointed at the ceiling. His eyes were wide and were darting around the room, but he kept glancing at my crotch. I smiled, amused. "Grant? Is something wrong?" I asked with my hands on my hips. Silently, he glanced around the room, then stepped into the shower room and looked around. Finally, he asked, "Are you alone?" "Yes. I'm here all by myself. Are you going to tell me what you're doing?" Slowly, he lowered his gun and secreted it away into its hiding place. It seemed to disappear. "We thought . . . No one upstairs knew where you were. We've been looking for you for about an hour." Since there wasn't a clock in the gym, I retrieved my watch. I'd been downstairs for about an hour and a half. How time flies when you're having fun! I said, "I'm sorry to have worried anyone. Are the boys okay?" "Yes, sir. They're in the TV room with Nell and Cheryl." Since it appeared that I was the cause of household panic, I picked up my clothes and quickly moved toward the stairs. Grant followed me explaining, "Sir, it's standard procedure to protect the family if one of you is missing. We brought the boys inside and I got Nell and Cheryl to stay with them." "I didn't think to tell anyone I was going downstairs," I said apologetically. "I was doing another sweep of the first floor when I saw the bookcase out of place. That's when I found the stairs and came down here." Worrying that the boys might be traumatized, I hurried up the stairs, through my study, and across to the entertainment room. I burst into the room and saw the boys sitting together on the couch. They were still nude, but it was apparent to me that they might be enjoying the discomfort Nell was having with the situation. Cheryl seemed to be amused, but I couldn't tell exactly what Nell was thinking as they stood across from the boys. "Where the devil have you been?" Nell demanded when she saw me. I put my hands on my hips and chuckled. "Well, hello to you, too." "This is no laughing matter, Alan. These boys were running around outside, and you were nowhere to be found! Where have you been?" "I was downstairs in the gym," I explained, defensively. "I knew the boys were outside, and that they were getting some sun." With some indignation, she said, "Do you know what they were doing?" I chuckled and said, "I assume they were being boys." Without skipping a beat, she continued, "They were playing tag by hitting each other's boy parts! Mike got hit too hard and came inside crying! That's when we went looking for you. When you weren't anywhere to be found, we told the guards to look for you." "Nell, calm down." Glancing at Cheryl, trying not to look at me, she said, "It would be easier to talk to you if you weren't . . ." She waved her hand at me. "Nude?" "Yes." "Nell, is this going to be a problem? You said it wouldn't be." She turned directly to me and looked me up and down. Sighing loudly, she softly said, "Mike was crying." I walked to where he was sitting and knelt in front of him. "Are you okay?" He nodded and grabbed me around the neck. He whispered, "No one could find you. I was scared." I looked at the older boys. Stevey was smirking until I asked, "You guys were playing too rough, weren't you?" Stevey dropped his eyes and said, "Yeah, I guess." I sighed and asked Mike, "Are you sure you're okay?" He let go of my neck and nodded, keeping his hands on my shoulders. "I'm okay," he whispered then he glanced at Nell and Cheryl with wide eyes. I glanced at Nell, whose angry expression dissolved to a loving smile. I find it amazing how such a simple nonverbal act can change the atmosphere in a room. Mike smiled back at her and gave me another quick hug. He carefully climbed out of my lap and ran to Nell, throwing his arms around her legs. (That's as high as he could reach.) She reached down and pressed her hands to his back then sniffed loudly. It looked as if Mike won over the best advocate in the house. "Sir?" Grant said. "Yes, Grant?" "Sir, . . . Nothing. I'll be outside." "Grant, speak your mind." He hesitated then said, "Sir, some of the guys . . . they're family men. They've been talking." "Yes? What about?" "Sir, they think . . . well, they don't think the boys should be . . . you know . . . running around like that." Then he said softly, "Naked." "They don't? What do you think?" He shrugged. "What I think is that the guys should mind their own business. I think you're good with the boys, they like you, and you don't do anything wrong. Going naked, well, that's up to you, sir. It's a lifestyle. It isn't anyone's business." "Tell me something. What do you think of the other guards? Are they here to keep us safe, or are they just playing at it?" "Sir, they're the toughest bunch of guys around. No one would dare come on the property unless they were supposed to be here." "That's not what I asked. Where are their loyalties? Are they my employees, or are they just playing cowboys and Indians?" He looked at me stone-faced for a moment, and then softly said, "Sir, they're very independent guys. It's the way we're all trained. . . ." "Grant, I know they're your friends, but I want my employees to be loyal to me and my family. I won't tolerate disloyalty." "Sir, this is the best job I could ever imagine. You're a great guy, and, well, I'd take a bullet for you." I smiled at him, knowing that he was being evasive, and said, "Grant, I'll never ask you to take a bullet for me, but I appreciate your vote of confidence. I think what you're telling me is that there isn't any loyalty in the rest of our guards." He bit his lips then said, "Sir, I didn't say that." "No, you didn't, but you didn't say anything to make me think otherwise." Softly, he said, "No, sir." I nodded. "Grant, thank you for your loyalty to us, . . . and your friends." "Sir, they aren't my friends." "Then I thank you for your loyalty to me, to the people I care about, your honesty, and that you're not critical of others." He opened his mouth then hesitated, looking down at his feet. "Sir," he said softly, "you may not want to hear this, but I think you should fire the guys outside." I smiled at him and said, "I know how hard it must have been for you to say that, but you didn't have to encourage me. I already made up my mind to do just that." Still looking away, he said, "Yes, sir. I'll, uh, be outside." I watched as he moved out of the room and silently disappeared. Nell sighed, loudly. "Do you want me to get you the phone?" "What? Why?" "To call Sherlock." "Sherlock?" She rolled her eyes and impatiently said, "Holmes! As in Frank?" "Oh, yeah," I laughed. As she retrieved the phone to hand it to me, she grumbled, "It's about time you got rid of them." "Why? What's been going on?" "They've been giving me the impression this is a concentration camp. Every time I step out the door for some fresh air, they give me looks like I ought to stay inside. It's like they think they own the place when it's the other way around. Get rid of them. If we need security, I'm sure you can find better." "You should have told me sooner what you were thinking." She scowled at me and mumbled something about needing a two-by-four to get me to see what's going on right under my nose. I chuckled and dialed Frank. "Alan," he answered. "I've been meaning to call you to see how things were going. I've been up to my eyeballs lately. There are some things we need to discuss about your new house." "Don't sweat it, Frank. I know you've got other clients. I need to talk to you, too. When can you come by?" "How about tomorrow morning?" "Fine. Come early and I'll see if I can get our new cook to feed you." "New cook? What happened to Nell?" "Oh, she's still here, but she hired someone to give her a hand. So, I'll see you in the morning?" "Yeah. Is seven too early?" "No, that's fine. See you at seven." Nell put her hands on her hips, glaring at me. She wouldn't let me put off replacing our guards. "Oh, and Frank? I need you to find some other guards. These guys have been great, but I think we need a more professional group of guards. Ones that have been trained to be guards and not a militia." "Hmm," he groaned. "I should have thought about that. I'll get right on it and have something for you in the morning." I glanced at Nell who was finally smiling. "Thanks, Frank. I'll see you in the morning." After I hung up, Nell said, "Seven, huh? What kind of a breakfast do you think we can throw together that early?" "Oh, I imagine you'll think of something." She smiled and turned to Cheryl. "Let's go see what we can find in the kitchen. We need to start supper, anyway." I looked at the boys and said, "Why don't you guys go get cleaned up? The smell of `boy' is strong in here." "Yeah," said Stevey, "and the smell of `man' is even stronger." "Okay, smarty pants, I was working out and didn't have a chance to shower, yet. It looks like we all need to clean up." "I'm not a smarty pants, cause I'm not wearing any!" He hesitated. "Can I scrub your back?" he asked with a big smile. "No, you can't. That's reserved for your brother. Now scoot!" I tried to smack his bare butt, but he moved too fast. As they all ran out the door and to the stairs, I picked up my things and slowly followed them. I hadn't realized how little it would take to make my neglected muscles sore. My workout was slow and easy, and the weights lighter than I usually used, but the effect was as if it was a hard workout. When my shower was hot and ready, I stood under the hard stream for a while letting the hot water soak my muscles, and then heard the shower door open. I was about to become angry, winding up to tell Stevey to get out of my shower, when I saw the most beautiful face I've ever seen. There seemed to be a bright glow around Tim's face as he reached around me and hugged me tightly. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you more," I whispered back, melting into his embrace. His hands caressed my body, and mine, his, as we began a passionate kiss. With him in my arms, time stopped and nothing else mattered. My only concern was giving and getting us much passion as possible from my lithe, sensual, needy young partner. Slowly, he broke our kiss and ran his lips down my chest to my navel, stopping only to lick the water that had accumulated there. His hands found my nipples and his fingers traced their perimeter before gently massaging both into erect cones. He continued to work my nipples as I ran my hands down his arms to his shoulders, feeling his satiny skin and firm muscles. Moving lower, he licked and kissed the crease of my inner thighs before wrapping his prehensile tongue around the base of my rising manhood. His tongue searched lower to knead my tightening scrotum and weigh my testicles, heavy with need. I moaned loudly as he found a spot below my sack and pressed it firmly. His pressure was constant, but the sensation increased as he moved only slightly to stimulate my prostate. I was within a scant moment of orgasm when he pulled away, causing me to moan and whimper loudly. He stood and smiled, with a wild, almost frenzied look in his eyes. I growled and grabbed his arms, moving him to lean his back against the wall. Roughly, I kneaded his pecs and twisted his nipples, to which he gave a long, high-pitched whimper. I kissed and nipped his neck then lathered his armpits, one at a time. He thrust his pelvis at me, silently begging me to touch him, to stimulate his sex, but I stayed just far enough away from him to keep from touching him below his waist. Running my hands down his sides, I gently felt his ribs. He reacted to the sensation, convulsing, trying to move away from my hands. I grabbed his wrists, keeping him in place as I dropped to my knees. Semen dripped from his dry dick. I licked it carefully, so that he could just barely feel the tip of my tongue, and he emitted a whining whimper of frustration. Finally, I let him feel my sandpaper beard on the underside if his cock as I teased him, and he screamed, trying to pull away. Quickly, I enveloped and swallowed his manhood, pushing it quickly down my throat, past my larynx, and held him there. He was speechless, or at least the sounds he was making had no words in them. He tried to move in and out of my throat, but I followed him and held him stationary for as long as I could hold my breath. When I felt his cock begin to swell, I moved quickly to fuck my throat with him. Only a few pumps later, he exploded, filling my throat and mouth with his warm seed, and the room was filled with his vocal announcement of arrival. He slowly calmed, relaxing against the wall, and falling over my head, kissing the back of my neck. I rose, and kissed him gently, slowly moving to cradle him in my arms as I picked him up. With a flick of my fingers, I turned off the shower and pushed the door open as I carried him, dripping wet to the bed. I lay next to him as our wet bodies soaked the bedding, but I didn't care. He moved his legs apart and maneuvered me between them. Taking my place, pressing my lips to his, my dick knocked at his door, and he anxiously moved to allow me entrance. Water from the shower and my own juices lubricated my penetration. His frenzied need made for a smooth joining. For a moment, I luxuriated in the smooth warmth of the place I loved so well, as he pressed further, begging for more of me. His kisses became more desperate as he worked to touch his lips to every square millimeter of my face and neck. I moved slowly at first, working to find the special bump his prostate made in the wall of his colon. He reacted just after I found it, throwing his head back against the pillow, allowing me to caress his neck with kisses. Slowly, carefully, I thrust and pumped against his prostate, feeling him massage my tube in return. He met my movements with precision, encouraging me to increase my pace. Reluctantly, I followed him, knowing that it would hasten my climax, and I shouted my pleasure as I filled his cavern. Wanting more, I paused only long enough to let my sensitivity abate and continued to pump into him. He was looser then, so I wasn't stimulated as intensely, and our lovemaking took on a different, less frenetic tempo. We continued to move with leisure until he began to thrust back at me, signaling his renewed need. He worked his muscles once again and brought us both to a point of sexual arousal I'd only experienced a few times before. Loudly we howled as we climaxed in concert! Exhausted and panting, I collapsed onto him, sliding to the side to rest half on him and half on the bed. I admired the movement of his muscular chest and abdomen as we recovered. When he had recovered enough to speak, he said, "THAT was the BEST!" I chuckled, "I thought so, too. With all the white stuff on your belly, it looks like you came with me." He laughed, saying, "Twice!" I laughed loudly and kissed him again. Our soliloquy was interrupted by loud moaning and a thud at the door, followed by more moaning and giggles. I sighed, "It would appear that someone has been spying on us." He chuckled and said, "It sounds like they're doing more than spying." "I'm not sure I want to know what they're up to right now." "I wonder if they learned anything they didn't already know." "Good point," I chuckled. "Let's go shower." We washed each other, thoroughly, and enjoyed it just as well. As we washed, we shared our day with each other. "We had a little scare today," I said. "But it wasn't what we thought it was. An architect in Thomas' office came by as I was giving Stevey a ride in the `Vette. He chased us, and I thought he was an `unfriendly.' He learned his lesson, though, when he pulled in the driveway." Tim groaned. "Do we really need those guards, still?" "No, I don't think so. At least not these guards. I called Frank, and he's going to replace them." "Good. They've been making me nervous." "You and Nell should have said something." "Not while I thought we needed them. It was for Stevey's safety." "I should call Andy to see what he thinks. If we still need security, I think our guards should be of the more generic variety, don't you?" "I couldn't agree more. I've had the feeling for a while that they weren't protecting us so much as holding us captive." I nodded, slowly. "That's pretty much what Nell said, too. The boys need more freedom in their own home. So, how was your day?" "Bill got a call from that dude in Las Vegas. The one with the program security problem? He wants me to go out there as soon as possible." "We don't even have a contract yet. I don't want you working on it until we get them to sign it. When do they want you there?" "I got the impression from Bill that they'd like for me to be on the next plane. It's kinda nice to be wanted, y'know?" "Yes, and no one wants you more than me." He giggled and pulled me closer, looking deeply into my eyes. GAWD, I love him! "I need you, too," he whispered. I smiled at him and asked, "Did Bill say anything else?" "Yeah. He said pretty much what you said. He said if I had time, I could prepare something for them, but not to take time from my current work. I'm in good shape on all my projects, just waiting for the others to do their stuff so I can coordinate with them, so I put together some programming ideas for Mr. Gambrel." I sighed, deeply in thought. "I don't want you going out there alone. Think of someone to take with you." "Okay. How about Jody Phillips? We've been having lunch together, and talking about stuff. He's really nice, and he's got some interesting programming ideas." "That'd be fine," I said with a shiver. We had been standing outside the shower, drying ourselves. "Let's get dressed. The air conditioning must be blowing on my back." Tim froze with his eyes wide, looking over my shoulder. "What?" I asked, turning toward to look behind me. There was that mist again. I groaned, but Tim hushed me. "I'm getting tired of this," I said. "Hush!" he whispered. "It might be Robert." "It might be steam from the bathroom." He glared at me with a pout. The mist had dissipated. "You ought to take it more seriously. There has to be a reason Robert keeps coming back." "I think I'm becoming a little jealous. Robert was mine for over twenty years, now he seems to be interested in you. Not that I blame him. . . ." "Don't make fun! It's serious!" he said with anger. I smiled and said, "Okay. It's just that I'm not ready for us to be apart. I'd like to go with you to Las Vegas, but I've got to stay here with the boys." "You could leave them with Nell." "I don't think that would look very good to CPS or the adoption court. If everything was already settled, it wouldn't be an issue." "Yeah," he sighed, "I suppose you're right." "C'mon. Let's get dressed. I've got some house plans to show you." As we dressed, I explained what Billy had told me about his ideas. Tim liked all of it, especially when he saw the plans. I already liked it, but I didn't tell him until he voiced his approval. Actually, we were both becoming a little excited about the new house and all of its amenities. The house would be a little further away from his folks' property, but as Tim pointed out, that would be better if we had a clothed party and didn't want curious eyes spying on the camp. I agreed. Cheryl called us to dinner at six, and the rest of the evening we gamed a little and watched some news on television. It was one of the calmest, most "family" evenings I'd had in years, and it felt as if that was the way it should be. When we went to bed, Tim and I spoke about his brother, who had become much more subdued, paying more attention to Paul and Mike. We were both exhausted from the day, and our evening "appetizer" was sufficient to satisfy our physical needs. We slept spooned together, and both of us woke with raging erections. Unfortunately, Tim needed to get to the office early, and I needed to prepare for an early meeting with Frank, so any lovemaking was postponed until the evening. I gave Tim a passionate farewell to send him on his way to the office, and almost immediately greeted Frank at the front door. I had expected to see only Frank, but he was accompanied by Andy Cooper, my favorite FBI agent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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