Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Jun 20, 2008

DISCLAIMER and LEGAL STUFF: This story is Copyright 2008 by Lance Kenman, all rights reserved. This story is FICTION, everything, including the characters, are figments of my imagination, and any resemblance of the actions or persons depicted to actual events or real people is completely coincidental and in some cases is a damn shame! Most of the locations mentioned in this story exist only in my imagination. The world I have created is pure fantasy, is convenient to the story and is not intended to be a commentary on what may actually happen in the real world, even though I know that some of it might have. In some cases, the characters have been inspired by people I've met, or I may apply the personality of a real person to a character, so if you ever meet me, be forewarned! Please don't read this story if you're not prepared to read about love and sex between men and the sexuality of pubescent boys, and if it isn't legal for you to do so.

Be sure to check out my website and blog: Visit often to get updates on my progress and other writing efforts. Comments and suggestions are welcome and enjoyed. Let me know what you think about the direction this story's going, and I'll consider all suggestions. If you want to write to me privately, use my email address: or

My first two books: "Roses in the Desert" (eight short stories) and "Nudist Camp Vacation, Part 1" (the first 20 chapters of this story -- with better editing) are now available in print. Visit my website to learn more.

There are many people who write to me and touch my heart. The one thing many of us have in common is that we've suffered either from loss or abuse much like the characters in this story. We are all, in some way, at some time, "damaged goods." It is to these kindred souls that I dedicate this story. My advice to all: "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God." - Author unknown

Nudist Camp Vacation Chapter 37 -- Sidekicks

Hastily, I told Tim to keep the boys where they were as Grant, his assistants and I ran to the building and peered in, cautiously, except that Kyle didn't stop. He ran headlong straight into the darkness.

I put out my hand to the others and said, "Don't anyone else go in there!" Then yelling in panic, I said, "Kyle! Are you all right? Do you see anything? Do you see Thomas?"

We heard the sound of coughing, which I considered a good sign, and then we heard a grunt and a loud gasp, as well as crunching footsteps and a few more small crashing noises.

"Thomas!" I yelled into the abyss.

"I got `im!" Kyle called.

Almost immediately, Kyle appeared, carrying Thomas in his arms as if he were a small child. When he stepped into the light, I could see Thomas' expression. His face was smudged with black streaks, and his eyes were bugging as he looked up into Kyle's eyes. He had one arm around Kyle's neck and a hand on Kyle's bulging chest.

As soon as he stepped clear of the house, Kyle looked into Thomas' eyes and drawled, "Y'all right?"

Thomas' eyes grew even wider as he whimpered. It occurred to me that Thomas appeared unharmed, but he might be in a bit of a sensory overload. He continued to stare into Kyle's light brown eyes. Thomas appeared to be quite smitten with the very muscular, dark haired man. As I quickly scanned Kyle, I could see that he wasn't as young as I'd first thought, but he was quite ruggedly handsome, only slightly taller than Grant and just as muscular.

We stood in silence for a pregnant moment, but a blushing smile slowly broke across Kyle's face.

"I think you're all right," he whispered.

Thomas whimpered again. We followed them to Thomas' car, where Thomas finally lighted on his feet and he turned his beet red face to us. I cleared my throat and put my hand on Kyle's back. He turned to me and gazed at me with a helpless look, obviously begging for an explanation.

"Uh, Kyle," I hesitated. Looking at Thomas, I saw that he was pleading at me with his eyes, barely shaking his head. "Kyle, Thomas .. . . likes you."

He wrinkled his brow, but slowly relaxed it as my intended meaning dawned on him. He smiled, bit his lips together and blushed.

I quickly glanced around and saw that Grant and Dale had returned to their positions at a distance, scanning around us for any unseen intruders. They were far enough away that they wouldn't know what was playing out in our midst.

I could hear Kyle whisper to Thomas, "I never . . . no one ever . . .." Kyle quickly scanned around us. Apparently seeing his buddies standing well out of earshot, he whispered to Thomas, "Quick, gimme your phone number!"

Thomas looked shocked for a moment then fumbled through his pockets for his card wallet. He handed Kyle his business card, and Kyle quickly hid it in one of his pockets. His action was so fast; I barely saw his hand move. As Thomas watched Kyle, his eyes were as big as saucers.

Kyle broke their gaze. When he turned to me, I could see the wide smile on his face. "Um, you won't say anything, will you?" he whispered as he motioned with his eyes to Grant and Dale.

"Absolutely not," I whispered.

"Thanks," he said as he turned to walk away.

As he looked toward the others, he lost his smile and his face turned stony hard. I found myself amused at the transformation, but saddened as well that he would find it necessary to hide his feelings from his friends.

I turned to Thomas who was watching Kyle walk slowly away. He turned to me and whispered, "Who is that? What's his name?"

I looked at him with a wide smile, happy for his good fortune. "He's one of my guards, and his name is Kyle."

He slapped his hand over his chest and said, "I think I'm having a heart attack."

I laughed, "I'll bet you are!"

He panted a few times and said, "I sure hope he calls, but in the mean time, I have to finish looking at that house."

He grabbed his clipboard and began to stand.

"Thomas," I said, angrily, "You're not going back in there! That place almost collapsed on top of you!"

He looked at me a moment and said, "Well, I suppose I could assume . . .."

"Yes, you could, and you will!"

He giggled and said, "I'll be more careful."

"Thomas," I whispered, "you silly bitch! What's the matter with you?"

He looked down and brushed at the soot and dirt coating his clothing. "Maybe I was a little hasty. I guess it was a slight lapse of good sense. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"You scared the crap out of me!"

He looked down at his empty hand. "I dropped my flashlight."

"I'll buy you a new one!"

"I liked that flashlight," he said, longingly, looking back at the house.

"Listen to me! If you go back in there again, not only will I get another architect, but I'll have you thrown in jail for trespassing!"

He looked up at me with shock in his eyes. "I really did scare you, didn't I? No one's ever been that concerned about me."

"Well, just don't do it again."

He leaned toward me and whispered, "Do you really think he'll call me?"

I laughed and nodded. "I'm pretty sure he will."

He sighed, almost desperately and whispered, "Gawd! He's so delicious!"

"Thomas, I suggest you go home, change your clothes, and take the rest of the day off. Just kick back and put your feet up. Or, you could go to Sunday brunch somewhere. Does `Charlie's' have a brunch?"

He smirked at me. "Yeah, well, I see where you're going. Brunch at a gay bar might be a nice distraction after all this . . . stimulation. But, what if he calls?"

"Your cell number's on your card, right?"

"Yeah, it is. Okay, I'll think about it."

I smirked at him and shook my head before I pulled him into a hug.

"Go!" I insisted as I released him.

"I'm going! I don't know where, but I'm going!"

I breathed several deep breaths before I walked slowly back to the HumVee. I did watch while Thomas drove away, stealing glances toward Kyle as he went.

Tim had the boys buckled in and the motor running as I climbed in.

"Did what I think happened, really happen?" he asked, giggling.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Thomas loses his mind and decides to go exploring, the place almost comes down around his ears, and he ends up with a boyfriend! What else can happen, today?"

Tim chuckled. "So, where are we going now?"

"Up the road a little further. I got the impression from the description it was about a half mile. Mr. Bower said it was the first house up the road from here."

"Hm, okay. The road makes a sharp turn in about a half mile, and there are a lot of houses after that. I think I know about where it is."

Tim drove us straight to it. It was a small, single story frame house, set close to the road on a bit of a rise, surrounded by several tall trees. The house seemed small, but sturdy, and had a deep porch all across the front. The drive was paved, so we didn't make much noise as we approached. It was late in the morning, so I hoped we wouldn't be disturbing anything. Mr. Bower had made me a bit anxious about walking in on the foreman. I pulled out the notes I had made and reminded myself that the foreman's name was Ben Flint. I knew I could have recalled it from memory, but for some reason I was too relaxed (or distracted) to try. Besides, the paper was in my pocket.

We pulled up in front of the house, and as we stopped, I detected movement from the back seat. I quickly said to the boys, "Hold on, guys. We're not getting out here. Let me go see if anyone's home."

Stevey did some grumbling, but the others seemed to be content. I wondered to myself why Stevey was being so obnoxious, but I just stored it away for later, if necessary.

When I stepped up to the door, I heard some noises that told me that we weren't expected. I must say that my libido seemed to react before my brain did. I knocked on the door. As I half expected, I heard some scuffling and murmuring, and . . . was that a belt buckle? I smiled to myself as I turned back toward the car and leaned on the porch post.

After a brief wait, the door opened and I heard a gruff, "Yeah?"

I smiled, pleasantly, as I turned. He was a large man, almost the size of Frank, with almost as much black hair on his chest from what I could see in his open shirt. He hadn't bothered to button it, although it was roughly tucked into his pants. He wore what I thought to be the stereotypical plaid western shirt and blue jeans, but his belt buckle could have been a hub cap from a Cadillac. From the figure on it, I recognized it as a rodeo trophy buckle.

His shoulders were broad and hips narrow, with a slight paunch in front, but the hair at his temples, in his scruffy beard and on his chest betrayed the graying of maturity. He stood protectively in the doorway, holding the door with his hand to keep it from swinging open. As I extended my hand to him, he neither acknowledged it nor returned my smile.

"Hi, I'm Alan Stewart. You must be Ben Flint. Clint Bower said you'd be here."

He looked at me suspiciously as he finally, but cautiously, shook my hand.

"What's your business here?" He spoke roughly and with a scowl on his face.

That's what I like: a man that doesn't beat around the bush, but the attitude is something I could easily do without.

"My business is business. Mister Bower offered this place to me if I wanted it, and I told him that if it meets my expectations, I'd buy it."

His eyes grew wide, but at least his scowl vanished. Under his breath, he said, "I didn't know he was puttin' the place up for sale." He glanced behind him, into the house, then back at me and swallowed, hard. "I guess y'oughta come in," he said, softly.

I stepped through the door and was startled to be closely followed by Grant. I didn't realize that he was in my shadow.

I quickly explained, "Ben, this is Grant. He's my bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" He looked Grant in the eye and offered him a hand to shake. Grant cautiously accepted it while they locked eyes.

"Grant," I said, "you can wait outside. I'll be fine."

He stepped back from Ben and scanned the room with his eagle eyes.

"Yes, sir," he said.

He took another appraising look at Ben before he stepped outside the door. I didn't hear more than two footsteps, and it made me feel good that he was still within earshot, even if it wasn't necessary.

Ben swallowed hard as he quickly regarded me.

"I'm sorry Mister Bower didn't warn you I was coming," I offered, "but I got the idea that he wanted me to surprise you." I paused as I thought about how to continue.

"Here," he said, "have a seat."

He indicated a chrome and plastic kitchen table and chairs. They were old and worn, but clean.

Refusing his offer of hospitality would have been rude, so I took a seat and said, "Thanks."

I watched as he slowly sat in a chair opposite me. "Ben," I said in a low voice, "Mister Bower gave me the impression that he thought a great deal of you . . ."

He scoffed, but I continued.

". . . as a foreman."

Under his breath, he said, "I'll bet he did."

"No, he did. But he also told me about walking in on you last week. He said you were in a . . . `private moment?' He should have given you some warning."

He scowled again; I suppose telegraphing that he was waiting for a negative reaction from me. His posture was defensive.

"Before you get the wrong impression of me, I need to tell you that your private affairs are none of my business. What you do in private, and who you do it with is up to you, as long as you're both willing."

His eyes grew wide and he swallowed hard.

"If I buy this place, and I probably will, I'll want you and your hands to stay on. We can talk about that later. But everyone that works for me has to pass a background check. Is that agreeable?"

He shrugged, but we both turned quickly to a sharp noise that came from the closed door across the room.

"Danny!" Ben shouted. "C'mon out here. It's okay. This here man's gonna buy the place from old man Bower."

A very young looking sandy-blond man came walking carefully through the door. He was short and slender, but had skin that appeared to be tanned to the texture of leather. In spite of the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, he had the appearance of innocence. For some reason, I felt that impression might have been wrong. I stood and extended my hand in greeting.

"Hi, Danny. I'm Alan Stewart."

He looked at Ben and he nodded at the young man. It was only then that Danny lifted his hand to shake mine. His grip was weak and he looked at my shoes. That told me that he had no confidence. Immediately I jumped to the conclusion that I should be cautious about Ben, and that he might be taking advantage of this young man.

I had thought that we would immediately go for a tour of the ranch, after all I was keeping the boys waiting outside, but I decided a little ice-breaking was in order.

"Are you two a couple?"

So much for subtlety. Ben looked at me with shock in his eyes. I glanced at Danny, whose mouth had dropped open. I could finally see that his eyes were the darkest blue I'd ever seen. He wasn't what I'd call handsome, but he was cute in an unkempt sort of way. It must have been his disheveled hair and clothing.

"Like I said," I continued with a shrug, "it isn't any of my business, but I'm curious."

Ben cleared his throat and put his hands in his back pockets. "Uh, yeah, I guess you could say somethin' like that."

I smiled and pressed, "How long have you been together?"

Ben looked at Danny and said in a low voice, "'Bout three years, I guess."

Danny smiled for the first time and shook his head. "Four years next month," he corrected.

Ben chuckled and said, "Four years, then."

Their easy banter relieved my concerns somewhat, and I know I relaxed. My arms felt a little sore from my tension.

"Well," I said, "you'll find out sooner or later anyway, and I don't have any secrets, so I'll tell you. I'm gay and my partner is younger, too."

Danny's face split into a wide, toothy smile and Ben blushed.

Ben bashfully said, "You didn't need to tell us. Ain't none o' our business, neither."

I smiled at his use of my words. "No, it isn't, but you need to know something about your new boss. Besides, if you need something and I'm not around, you'll need to know that you can always go to Tim."

"Tim? That his name? Tim?" Ben said, tasting the name in his mouth.

"Yes. And we have two foster boys, Mike and Paul, eleven and thirteen. Paul's best friend is Tim's younger brother, Stevey. You'll meet them all in a few minutes. They're outside in the car."

Danny's grin seemed to be frozen on his face until I turned to him and smiled back at him. That's when his eyes dropped and he blushed. I allowed him some form of dignity as I looked away from him and around the room. The furniture was all quite modest, old and worn, but clean; the style seemed to be from the 1950s.

"We'll have to talk later about your compensation and maybe get you some new furniture. I assume the house is provided for you, but is the furniture part of the deal?"

Ben shrugged. "Yeah, the house came furnished. It ain't much, but it's cozy."

"Yes, well, we'll have to get you some new furniture, and maybe fix this place up a little. Do you mind if I look around?"

"Uh, no, I don't see no harm in it."

The room we were in had an overstuffed couch and two overstuffed chairs, a coffee table and a couple of floor lamps. In the corner, I could see a small television with rabbit ears. Not only was everything quite old, it was quite outdated. The end of the room was the dining area with the table and chairs where Ben and I had briefly sat.

I let Ben lead me into the tiny kitchen. Again, it was clean and neat, which appeared to be essential. If anything were out of place, the room would have seemed crowded. The appliances also looked as if they might have been from the 1950s; they were easily antiques, and some of the paint had worn down to bare metal from cleaning. Except for the wear on everything, it all appeared to be locked in time.

On the opposite side of the living area, a door led to an alcove that had two doors and a linen cupboard. The bathroom was just as tiny as the kitchen and just as outdated. Then he led me to the bedroom.

Two bunk beds were pushed together. The upper beds were obviously unused, with only single sheets covering the thin mattresses. Ben was quick to see my frown.

"Uh, the place was originally the bunk house, but it ain't no more. We can push the beds back against the walls."

I looked at him with uncertainty. "Why? You're partners, aren't you? You sleep together, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, but we don't have to."

I glanced at Danny. He'd lost his grin and the color was leaving his face, too. "Danny," I softly asked, "would you like a real bed for the two of you?"

His grin returned, full force, with a lot of color as well.

"Yeah. Uh, yes sir!" he breathed, as he looked at Ben.

"Well, now," Ben began, as he was about to protest. "We don't really . . ."

"Yes, you do!" I interrupted as I motioned at their makeshift bed. "That can't be comfortable! Besides, I've got some furniture at the house that I need to replace. It's the furniture I have in a couple of guest rooms that are now being used by my foster boys. I'm sure they wouldn't mind having their own choice of furniture, but the furniture they have now is nice and barely used. It just won't stand up to the abuse of young boys."

Ben looked at me without expression. I could tell he was thinking about something, but it was impossible to read his face. Since I couldn't read his thoughts, I did the next best thing. I asked.

"Ben? What is it?"

He cleared his throat and said, "You ain't never run no ranch b'fore, didja?"

I smiled and said, "No, I haven't. That's why I'll be relying heavily on you. Mister Bower said you were good at what you do, and I can see I can trust you not to have a problem with me, personally. I think we'll get along, fine."

He nodded with a very slight smile. "Well, let's go see the place. There's a lot to see."

As I started toward the door, I heard him say to Danny in a low and gentle voice, "I'll be back soon's I can."

When I reached the door, I glanced back and saw them looking into each other's eyes. Thinking I needed to give them a private moment, I said, "I'll wait for you outside."

I didn't wait for a response, because I didn't think there'd be one, and I was right. Grant was still standing on the porch, waiting. He seemed very tense. I smiled at him and said, "Grant, I'm glad you take your job seriously."

He shrugged and said, "Yes, sir. Are we going back?"

It seemed as if he wanted us home where it was easier to keep an eye on us.

"No, we're going to tour this place. I'm about to buy about seventeen hundred acres in addition to the other place."

His eyes widened with more expression than I'd ever seen on his face. I could see that he was considering something, but I didn't know if it was a reaction to the size of the property he and the others would be protecting.

He quickly recovered, losing his expression, and said, "We'll follow you, sir."

As he made his way to his truck, gathering the others as well, I went to the driver's side of the HumVee and opened the door. I leaned in against Tim, and he apparently misunderstood, because he leaned forward and grabbed me into a kiss. Misunderstand or not, I wasn't about to object.

I cleared my throat and whispered, "I love it when you do that."

"Do what?" he said with false innocence.

I smiled and slowly licked my lips. His eyes were riveted to my tongue as he moaned and pressed his hand into his lap.

I laughed and said, "Don't get too heated up. We're about to have company. Ben's going to show us around the place. Do you mind sitting in back so I can drive? I want to get a good look at the place."

He smiled and whispered, "I don't mind. I'll be thinking of how I can attack you, later."

I moaned at the thought of trying to keep up with my young mate and his active libido. It'll be an effort, but someone's got to do it! I didn't know if the swelling in my pants could wait, but it would have to.

As Tim climbed out of the car, he intentionally rubbed against me so I'd feel his hardness. Suddenly I had difficulty breathing. I grabbed him and breathed into his ear, "Not fair!"

He moaned in reply. I watched as he walked around the car to sit next to Mike.

It wasn't long before Ben came out to the HumVee. I rolled down the window and yelled, "Hop in!"

"Nice rig," he said under his breath as he sat in the front passenger seat.

"Thanks." I indicated the back seat and said, "Ben, the young man behind me is Stevey. Next to him are Paul, Mike, and sitting behind you is Tim, my partner."

The boys remained silent as Tim said, "Ben, it's nice to meet you."

Ben turned in his seat, put his hand back to shake Tim's and did a double take. "I seen you somewhere."

Tim replied, "I grew up next door."

Ben's jaw actually dropped. "Yeah! That nudist place! That's where I seen you!" He swallowed hard and appeared to regret that comment.

Tim nodded and laughed. "Yeah, we used to see you cowboys trying to see through the trees when we were out exploring. We used to try to get you to notice us. I guess we did!"

Ben swallowed and cleared his throat then he looked at me and smiled. "If I'da know'd they was doin' that on purpose, I'da tanned some bare bottom! It weren't easy to get nothin' done with all them shakin' their bare bottoms at us!" He glanced back at the boys and said, "'Scuse me for that."

I laughed and said, "I think they're the ones that should apologize!"

He smiled wider than I'd yet seen him smile and said, "No matter. We kinda enjoyed seein' them naked younguns prance around. It didn't hurt nothin,' an' we got an eyeful."

I made a mental note to myself that when we were alone to talk with the boys about the dangers of teasing like that. I know! I'm becoming just like my father! But isn't that what I'm supposed to do?

As I started driving around the ranch, Grant's truck followed us closely. Ben would open and close gates as we wandered through pasture after pasture, up and down the hilly terrain and across wet and dry creeks. There was even quite a bit of land devoted to hay production as well. Ben was right; there was a lot to see! I was glad Nell had prepared us with water and sandwiches. We stopped under a couple of large trees somewhere in the middle of the property and took a break. It was wonderful to be able to hear nothing but the breeze gently rustling the leaves of the trees and birds and insects singing their songs. There were no sounds of civilization, or anything that wasn't nature.

When we continued on our journey and came across some of the Longhorns, Ben said, "Old man Bower's had me sell off a lot of the stock, but I kep' back the best of em. What's left is good breedin' stock. Same for the Angus. We still got most of the best horses, too. Do you know what he's gonna do with em?"

I smiled and said, "Yes. They'll stay with the ranch. Why?"

"Good," he said under his breath. "I had a feelin' he might do somethin' like this, but didn't know for sure. He never told me much about what he was thinkin', so I kep' the best of the stock back, hopin' to find a way to buy em myself, but there's no way I coulda got the money together. They're good animals, and I'm glad we'll still have em."

I was glad to hear that the livestock was of such good quality, but I made a note to myself to make sure I discussed any major decisions about the place with Ben. When we were pulling up in front of Ben's house a couple of hours later, he asked, "Well, what do you think? You gonna be my new boss?"

I smiled at him, then into the back seat.

"Tim? What do you think we should do?"

He smiled at me and said, "It's a nice looking place, and there's an awful lot of property. I think that if we can make a profit with the place, we should buy it."

I glanced at the boys and saw that their expressions appeared hopeful.

"Boys? Say something."

Paul was out of character to be the first to speak. "It's big! I like it!"

Stevey high-fived him.

Mike just gave a slight shrug and stared at me with those penetrating blue eyes while he held his hands between his knees. I wondered if there was something on his mind, or if he was just shy around Ben.

Turning to Ben, I said, "Well it looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

Ben smirked, "I already seen a lot of the them." He thumbed the air in the direction of the back seat.

I laughed, "Yes, I suppose you have. Thanks for the tour. Oh and here are my phone numbers. I'll need yours, too." I pulled out a business card and wrote our home number on it as well as my cell number and handed it to Ben. I wrote the number Ben gave me on the back of another card and put it in my pocket.

"Tell Danny `bye' for us."

Ben shook my hand, warmly and said with a small smile, "I'll do that." He turned to the back seat and waved, saying, "See you younguns soon enough."

When he climbed out, Tim climbed into the front seat.

"Do you want to drive?" I asked.

"No, that's okay. Who's Danny?"

I smiled at him as we began our trek home. "Danny is Ben's partner."

He smiled wide. "Ben doesn't look or act gay."

"A lot of us don't. You don't."

"Neither do you."

I glanced at him with a smile and whispered, "I'll have to rectify that later."

He grinned, moaned and mumbled, "I hope so."

After we got home and put the car away, it was still early in the day, so I said to the boys, "I'm gonna get in the hot tub. Anyone want to join me?"

I looked at Tim, and he winked at me. I knew he'd be "up" for it. Stevey looked back and forth between Paul and me and stuttered, "Uh, m -- maybe later."

Paul and Mike both shrugged. Paul said, "I'm gonna do some stuff on my computer."

Mike said, "Me, too!"

"Okay. Let me know if you change your mind."

Stevey asked, "You mind if we go nude?"

I thought a moment. Since it was Sunday, Nell and Marty were taking the day off, so there would be privacy.

"Sure, it's all right. If you go outside, just don't scare the guards."

They all laughed, and I'm sure the boys began to think of ways to torment the men outside. When we got upstairs, we all went our separate ways. Tim and I undressed and stepped out on the deck. He helped me uncover the hot tub and I showed him how to turn it on. It didn't take any time at all for it to reach a perfect temperature. I put a stack of towels on a chair, just in case the boys changed their minds, and turned around to watch Tim's very nice nude butt disappear as he carefully dropped into the bubbling water.

As I climbed into the tub, Tim looked at me with a smile then moved to where he could lean against my side. Needless to say, I'd been feeling some pressure in my dick before I got into the water, but with Tim against me I felt myself grow to full mast!

"Mmm," he moaned, as he rested his head against my shoulder. "Nice."

I put my arm around him and pulled him even closer, allowing him to lean his head against mine.

"Yes," I whispered, "very nice."

As I lay back against the side of the tub, I felt his hand slowly explore my chest and stomach, then return to my chest where he began to gently rub my nipples, one at a time. He was playing a wonderful tune with my libido when he stopped and began to massage my thigh.

I continued to lie back, resting my head on the side of the tub with my eyes closed. The soothing warmth of the bubbling water and his gentle caresses had me in Heaven.

"Alan?" he whispered.

"Yes?" I purred.

He hesitated so long that I leaned to one side and looked at him. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing."

I turned slightly toward him so I could reach his body better and began to let my hand play slowly over his wet, silken skin, tracing the muscles of his arm, chest and abs. Tweaking his nipples was counterproductive to getting him to relax, so I didn't dwell on them. Instead of avoiding his erection as he had mine, I traced his tight scrotum then began to massage his staff. He responded by spreading his legs further apart, pulling my face to his and sharing a slow, but passionate, kiss. When he began to tense and twitch, his head fell back against my arm and I increased the tempo of my manipulation. Soon he convulsed and yelled his ecstasy as he erupted into the water. He relaxed into my arms as we continued our kiss.

Soon, his breathing had returned to normal, but he moved to climb out of the tub.

"I gotta go to the bathroom," he whispered. "I'll be right back. You relax a minute and keep your eyes closed."

I smiled as I lay back. "Okay."

He quickly toweled off and went inside, leaving me painfully erect, but I knew the wait would be worth it. A few minutes later, the door opened and I heard someone carefully climb into the water. I was careful to keep my eyes closed as I had been instructed.

Instead of sitting next to me, he crawled onto my lap, facing me, and leaned into me, pressing his groin against mine. I enveloped him with my arms and gently rubbed his back as he reached down and began to stroke me. I let my hands drop to his butt and thought to myself that he seemed a little smaller than I remembered. I opened my eyes.

"Stevey!" I said. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I love you, Alan," he whispered, and pressed his mouth to mine.

I pushed him away as gently as I could and looked into his eyes. "Stevey, you know we can't do this!"

He continued to stroke me, but I couldn't pull his hand away without letting him press back into my mouth to continue his inappropriate kiss. I finally grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back.

His eyes concentrated on mine. They were filled with want and lust. "Me and Tim talked about it. We decided it was okay for you to love both of us."

I was dismayed. "Were you guys going to let me have any say in this matter? I'm not a side of beef, you know. I have feelings about both of you, and especially when it comes to something like this."

"You said that sex is best when two people love each other. You and me, we love each other, right?"

Before I knew what he was doing, Stevey moved his pelvis forward and began to move his erection against mine. I felt an electric jolt all the way to my toes!

"Stevey, you've got to stop that, right now!" I could feel my scrotum tightening!

He ignored my plea, moving even faster and said, "Well, we love each other, right?"

"Yes, we love each other! We need to talk!"

I picked him up and moved him to sit beside me, which wasn't easy with his legs wrapping around me like octopus tentacles.

"Sit here, so we can talk!" I demanded.

"Alan, all I want is to make love to you. You said yourself that sex is better with someone you love. I just want to see what it's like . .. . with you."

I knew I shouldn't be encouraging underage sex, but this was becoming ridiculous!

"Stevey, tell me: do you love Paul?"

He shrugged. "I like Paul, but I don't love him. I love you!"

I sighed, loudly, trying to find a way to talk him out of this. "What if Tim came out here and caught us? He'd be upset, right?"

As I said that, I wondered why he hadn't returned.

"He's not coming out here. He told me you'd be here with your eyes closed, and he'd keep the other guys inside, too."

"Have you two been plotting this?"

Sheepishly, he said, "Kinda. We talked about if we should trick you or just ask. Tim said he talked to you about it, but you said you didn't want to. I told him how bad I wanted it with just you and me, so he told me he'd tell me when the time was right and I could ask you myself. This was my best chance."

I couldn't tell if he was crying or if his face was just wet as he wiped moisture from his cheeks.

"Stevey, you didn't ask me, and you can't just sneak up on someone and make love to them! There's one important thing you need to remember when you're making love; both participants must be willing!"

He was listening to me with his usual intensity. Either that or he was just studying me, getting turned on.

"So," he whispered, "can we do it? Please?"

I dropped my head back against the side of the tub with a thud. After a moment, I felt him rest his head against my chest and his arm reached around me. His hand was on my ribcage, thank goodness!

"Stevey," I whispered, "you and Tim are gonna kill this old man."

I let him run his fingers through the hair on my chest, but when he began to play with my nipple, I stopped him.

"No, Stevey!"

I grabbed his wrist, firmly, and pushed him away.

He whispered, "Please, Alan, just touch me."

"Stevey! I said, NO! You're not listening!" I was becoming angry both at his persistence and at the thought of Tim's dishonesty. This subterfuge was something Tim and I would have to discuss.

I got out of the tub, grabbed a towel, quickly mopping at my body and went inside. I heard Stevey whimper before I closed the door, but I didn't turn back.

I didn't know what to do! I didn't want to hurt Stevey's feelings, but I didn't want to have sex with him, either! My conscience was having a field day with my emotions. To say I was conflicted would be to say that the oceans are a bit wet. I didn't know what to do. I needed something to focus on, and I had it when Tim walked into the bedroom.

Giving him a hurt look, I whispered, "We need to talk. Follow me."

I led the way down the hall into a vacant bedroom and locked the door behind him. I sat on the bed and Tim immediately sat beside me.

"How'd it go?" he whispered with concern.

"Poorly," I said, trying to gather my thoughts.

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and took my hand. I breathed deeply as I looked at his hand in mine. I loved him, deeply, but I knew we were about to have our first disagreement.

Finally, I said, "I'm . . . disappointed."

"Why?" he whispered.

I couldn't look at his eyes, because I knew that if I did, I'd give in to anything he might ask.

I determined to talk in a steady, even voice as I said, "Stevey said you helped him set me up. I told you that I couldn't have sex with him, and yet you helped him. You encouraged him."

He was silent for a long moment as he held my hand in his and smoothed the hair on my arm.

He whispered, haltingly, "I'm . . . sorry, but . . . you know how much I love Stevey."

"Yes, I know. You almost gave up on your own happiness for him."

"Yeah," he said, thinking. "I'd do anything for him, you know that."

"Would you do anything for me?"


I continued in a strained whisper, trying to keep my voice down, "Then don't encourage Stevey to pursue me! You know he loves me. You also know I love him, but I love him enough to control my own desires and do what I think is best for him. Tim, right now, he's sex-crazed. He's had far too much sexual experience to be healthy. He needs to get back on track with his development, and that includes no sex with adults! Tim, you and I are the adults, here. We have to look out for all the boys and keep them from doing things that might harm them!" I was beginning to raise my voice, so I shut up.

Tim swallowed, hard. "Stevey's not on track any more," he slowly whispered. "Doug and the kidnappers saw to that. He's seen too much and done too much to erase it. He needs you, Alan. He trusts you, and so do I. Because of who you are, I know you'll do what's right. You said you'd do anything in your power for him, and I know this is a lot, but I think he needs it . . . from you."

I fell heavily back on the bed, and Tim slowly followed me, resting his head on my chest. I thought about what he said for a long while, all the time, running my hands through his hair and across his back.

He'd given this a lot of thought -- more than I'd expected. He made some good points, too, but why did Stevey have to have experience with making love, and why did that experience have to be with me? I knew I'd have to have a talk with him again, but I had no idea what I'd say. I did know one thing for certain: that I had to have a plan in mind before we spoke, or once again I'd lose my resolve.

"Tim, I can't. Even if Stevey were of age, which he isn't, I wouldn't have any kind of sex with him. Putting aside for a moment that he's barely out of puberty, I'm committed to you. I can't, and I won't, ignore that. I want and need to be able to say, after twenty years or so, that you and I have been completely faithful to one another. Even with your approval, I wouldn't be able to say that."

My thoughts were interrupted by a timid knock on the door. Tim rose and looked at me, so I smiled and gave him a quick kiss, and then I opened the door. Mike was standing there in all his naked splendor, with his hands over his crotch.

"Hi, Mike," I said, reaching for him.

He responded by burying his face in my belly and hugging my middle.

"I'm hungry," he said, slightly muffled.

"Well, then, we need to do something about that. How would you like pizza for dinner?"

He looked up at me with stars in his eyes. "Yeah!" he breathed.

I smiled down into his beautiful eyes and stroked his hair.

"Why don't you and the others go get cleaned up, and I'll order us some pizza?"

"Okay!" he said, and gave me another quick hug before he ran down the hall shouting that we were going to have pizza.

I shouted after him an afterthought, "Tell them to put some clothes on!" I didn't want to shock the pizza delivery man with a house full of bare-assed boys!

Tim placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. Searching my eyes, he said, "I'm sorry I didn't discuss Stevey with you."

I pulled him into a tight hug. Whispering into his ear, I said, "Whenever something affects me so personally, you have to discuss it with me."

Nodding, he said, "I know, but . . . I know."


"But, he needs this."

I looked into his eyes as my shoulders dropped. "No, he doesn't, and I don't either. Let's talk more about it later. Right now we have some hungry boys that need feeding."

We were walking together down the hallway as Mike and Paul ran up to us, almost out of breath, their eyes wide.

"We can't find Stevey!" Paul blurted. "He's not in his room! He's not anywhere!"

Stevey? Missing? NOT AGAIN!

"Oh, God!" I muttered under my breath, as I ran into the big bedroom and out onto the deck.

I turned off the hot tub and looked into the water. He wasn't there, so that was a bit of a relief, but then I noticed some evaporating footprints that led to the stairs to the garden. I ran to the rail and scanned the garden, but didn't see him.

I suddenly heard gunshots coming from outside the fence, in the pasture! There were two shots, then three louder shots, then a burst of rapid gunfire!

If you want to keep track of what I'm up to, check out my website and blog at

Next: Chapter 38

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