Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on May 7, 2005

This story is an original work of fiction. The author retains all rights to this story. You can download it and print a copy for yourself, but please don't copy, post and/or link this story or any portion thereof without the express written permission of the author. The characters, places, events and situations depicted are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, places, events and/or situations is purely coincidental. This story includes descriptions of sex between men and between men and boys. If this offends you or if it is against the law for you to be reading such things where you are, please do not read further. There won't be a whole lot of explicit sex in this story. It's intended to be a romance. However, there will be some material that some people may find objectionable and even painful. The characters will be writing the story. I'm just their tool. I appreciate the notes I've been receiving. If you want to read more, please let me know! The only reason for posting this to Nifty is to get the feedback! But, if you can't be kind, please keep it to yourself! ;)

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 3

Tim was an awfully good gamer. He easily beat his brother, then it was my turn to play him. He wasn't easy to beat, but beat him I did. (AT THE GAME! Where is your mind? Yes, I know. Mine's there right along with yours! Sad, isn't it?) I had to let Stevey, little cutie that he is, win a couple of times, so he wouldn't feel left out. I'm pretty sure they both knew what I was doing, but Stevey seemed grateful.

A little before six o'clock Tim finally beat me. He learns quickly and had actually started anticipating some of my reactions. Damn smart kid! It was getting late so I asked the boys if they hadn't better get home to supper.

Stevey was quick to say, "Yeah, Mom'll be pissed if we're late." He got up and started slowly toward the door, but stopped and turned back.

He saw Tim looking at me longingly with a bit of a pout on his lips. I was looking back at him trying to convey to him a silent, "Don't look at me like that." I turned to see Stevey looking at his brother with a puzzled look on his face. I cleared my throat and glanced at Tim to get his attention diverted. I was sure he didn't want his little brother to observe such a look on his face. He finally noticed his brother and hid his feelings.

Stevey gave his brother a judgmental gaze, then walked to me and threw his arms around my waist, buried his head in my chest and hugged me tightly. "Thanks, Alan. I had fun." he mumbled into my right nipple. I even felt his lips move against it.

"That's okay, Stevey. Anytime," I said mechanically, stifling a gasp, but began to react physically, anyway. If he hadn't let me go for another second, I'm sure I would have been fully erect! He must have felt movement in my groin, because when he let me go, he took two steps back and his eyes dropped immediately to my swelling dick. His eyes were growing as quickly as my smaller brain was.

I could feel pressure building not only in my seriously neglected member, but in my face as well. I hadn't blushed in years, but this young one succeeded where others had failed. Quickly I turned and grabbed a towel from the couch and held it in front of me, hiding my growing erection, but not my red face. He looked at my face and smiled with young lust in his eyes. He even licked his lips! I wondered if he knew exactly what he was doing, or if it was something he was doing on some subconscious level.

Tim observed the interaction I was having with his little brother and he was not amused. I saw jealous rage in his eyes when I slowly moved my eyes to his. He stomped up to me and glared angrily into my eyes. Roughly he cast aside the towel and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I returned his gaze, helpless against his advance. The pressure of his warm body against me stole my will from me. I felt myself involuntarily melting into him. I hugged him back as I began to pant. His mouth dropped open as his anger faded and his breathing deepened. I felt his crotch stir. Thinking quickly, I motioned toward his brother moving only my eyes. Stevey stood watching us only two steps behind Tim.

Alerted to the danger of revelation to his brother, I felt Tim's erection diminish. Of course, mine wasn't nearly as cooperative. Tim smiled at me perversely. He hadn't yet relaxed his tight hold on me. Instead of releasing me, he gently placed his head on my shoulder. I could smell the fresh scent of his hair. It was gentle torture. Slowly, he turned his face to my nape and surreptitiously slobbered on the base of my neck. With that I soaked his front with clear slime and could feel my balls tighten. If I didn't do something fast, I'd orgasm, and there would be no hiding that.

I cleared my throat and reluctantly forced myself to release my hold on him. I almost had to push him off of me, but he finally released me. He looked into my eyes with a twinkle in his. While I wasn't sure about Stevey, I knew that Tim was fully aware of what he was doing and he knew that I wouldn't make a scene in front of his brother. He knew he could get away with teasing me, and I wouldn't, or rather, couldn't, object! At least not obviously! I had no way of knowing how I was gonna do it, but I would get my revenge! Somehow, someway, I was gonna teach this kid not to go around stirring up the supersensitive libidos of horny old men! At least not where they (I) couldn't react!

Then Tim at least partially redeemed himself. Somehow he managed to retrieve my towel and wipe my slime from himself and hand it to me so I could hide my now petrified penis. He gave my a slightly apologetic smirk and turned to his brother who was waiting patiently, if not curiously.

Stevey quickly checked out his brother's crotch, then looked past him at me. He looked at the towel as if trying to see through it, then at what I'm sure was a sheepish grin on my face. I was again, blushing like a school kid. At that moment I could only feel completely exposed and quickly regretted coming to this flaming nudist camp. At least with clothes on I would stand a chance of maintaining some sort of dignity.

Tim grabbed his brother's shoulder and turned him toward the door. He looked back at me and said, "Thanks again, Alan!" and winked at me. Bastard! Lovely, intelligent, handsome, sexy, disarming and voluptuous bastard!

"No problem," I said, shooting daggers at him.

I just can't feel like this about him, can I? He's so young! He's about to become my employee! I just can't . . . . No, I can't say it.

I finished cooking and ate my supper alone and realized that I still had my hard on. I couldn't stop thinking about Tim. His beauty was overwhelming my senses, as I'm sure he had done to countless others. I chalked it up to an old man's loneliness and out-of-control horniness. I wanted Tim in the worst way . . . and that didn't mean "standing in a hammock." (Sorry, that's the punchline for a very old joke.)

My most immediate need was to get off. In spite of my dislike for self flagellation, it was my only outlet as it had been for the previous three years. I'm afraid I have to confess I let slip, or rather shouted, Tim's name when I reached the zenith of my ecstasy. If anyone had been listening outside the thin walls of the RV, they would surely know my secret. As I immediately realized my slip, I also knew that the damage was done. I dismissed it as one would a tree falling in the forest with (hopefully) no one to hear.

I half expected another visit from Tim, but as the hours wore on there was no Tim. I still wanted to have that talk with him and find out more about his level of sexual experience. I still had a lot of guilt about his possible virginity. I fought with myself, knowing that such a conversation should only be reserved for the growing intimacy of a loving relationship. I didn't dare ask him about such things unless I was sure I wanted to move to something more than I could allow to develop. And yet, I was . . . curious?

My heart was in turmoil and my chest ached. It really ached. I took a couple of ibuprofen and went to bed. Fresh morning summer air would make everything look better. Wouldn't it?

The next morning, all was NOT better. My chest had stopped aching, but my heart was empty. My yearning had not abated. I could only think of one thing: Tim. I finally realized it wasn't just his astounding beauty. It was how he reacted to me. It was the way he looked at me. It was what I saw in his eyes as he spoke. He seemed to lean at me as he paused between his sentences. He was smart. Scary smart. We had similar interests. But, I had to keep reminding myself: he's so young! I'm old enough . . . . Don't go there. Not again. Suffice it to say that I'm just too old for him. I decided that I would have to sit down with him and make an agreement with him that there could only be a friendship between us, but even that would be in jeopardy if he kept teasing me.

I felt a strange tiredness. I decided to take a break from my morning run. About mid-morning I heard a knock on the door. It wasn't Tim's determined knock, so my curiosity was piqued. When I answered the door, I looked down into the radiating face of Tim's younger visage, Steve.

"Stevey! Come in!" I looked around and didn't see Tim.

"Where's your brother?"

He quickly clambered up the stairs. "Oh, he finally got an interview for a job. He was all excited. Maybe he'll make himself useful instead of making Mom crazy."

"He's been making your mom crazy? How?" I followed him to the couch where he made himself at home.

"Oh, he's been like, so nuts about getting a job that he's got Mom all weirded out about how he can get to meet someone from this place he wants to work at. A couple of weeks ago he even sent some chocolate to this guy with a letter in the box. Then this morning, right about eight o'clock, he got a call from some secretary who said he needed to come in right away for an interview. Then he made Mom really crazy! He was like all worried about what to wear, then Mom had to tie his necktie. I thought he was gonna like toss cookies or somethin' he got so nervous! I told him to chill and told him to decaf. I thought he was gonna kill me!"

Butterflies in my stomach declared war on one another. Stevey just confirmed everything I had thought. Tim was my "chocolate cherry" Tim. I had to stifle a strong urge to run in to the office and be there when Tim was being interviewed. I wanted to tell Tim how to answer Bill's questions and what to say to Bill to get him to hire him. I wanted to tell Bill he had to hire Tim, but I also knew that I didn't dare do such a thing. I dare not do anything. I reverted to being as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. My chest hurt again.

"Alan?" Stevey stole me from my reverie.

"Uh, yes, Stevey? Oh, I mean, Steve!"

He smiled disarmingly. "That's kewl! You can call me Stevey. I just tell everyone else to call me Steve to make them nuts." He giggled. He really is an imp, this one.

His eyes wandered openly over my body and settled on my crotch. This unsettled me. I don't think I'll ever be used to anyone exploring my body so openly . . . and to being on display like this. At least not with someone I won't be going to bed with. I crossed my legs. At least that seemed to close the subject for Stevey.

"Uh, can we play that game, again?"

"Sure!" I said, happy for the distraction. I should have known that was what he wanted as soon as he appeared at my doorstep. I was just distracted by the discussion of Tim to register anything else. I jumped up and turned everything on. I settled back on the couch as the game came on and I set it up for two players.

As the game started, Stevey moved over close to me and pressed his thigh against mine. Now, I know that it's normal for two gamers to touch while they're playing, whether it's just a knee or a full thigh. But feeling a full bare thigh against your own from knee to ass cheek is just a bit much. As casually as I could, I slipped a few inches away to allow some air between us. He quickly moved against me again. The game was getting into full swing, so I was being distracted. Something in my brain told me I could ignore the sensuality of Stevey's touch, so I played on.

I was playing hard at the game, trying to keep a balance between being in control and not knocking out Stevey's man too quickly. I was oblivious to my own physical status. I had my elbows on my knees, my legs were spread and my dick was at full attention! While I was completely involved in the game, Stevey apparently wasn't. I hadn't noticed Stevey's interest in my crotch, until I felt his hand firmly grip my dick.

He dropped his controller and reached his other hand under my arm and hefted my low hangers. Oddly, I felt something going on, but it was as if it was happening in a dream until he started stroking my dick and massaging my balls. I finally woke to the fact that I was very close to orgasm! The impact of having a thirteen year old "doing me" sank into my thick head with a thud! I dropped my controller and jumped from the couch, wrenching his hands from my tender parts with pain.

I looked at Stevey with what must have been a wild animal glare. His face changed from surprise to terror and he blushed an iridescent crimson. I think if the room were dark we could have performed surgery by the glow from his face. He started to quiver all over as he hugged himself and tears of fear began to gush from his eyes. He began to babble something about apologies and that he didn't know what he was doing. I knew that wasn't true, but what could I do? I melted. My walls crumbled. Alright, I caved.

I walked back to the couch and picked him up by his armpits and stood him up. He was terrified of me. He pushed against me, probably afraid of what I would do to him. I had to reassure him.

"It's alright," I whispered. "It's alright. Don't worry. I'm sorry I scared you."

That's innocent enough, isn't it? I was calming him. I wanted him to know that I wasn't about to hurt him, nor would I be judgmental. Okay? That's not bad, is it? What happened next I should have expected, but my lack of experience with the teenage mind prevented me from being able to anticipate.

He relaxed his terror when he looked into my eyes, probably seeing my sincerity. Or maybe it was my residual lust, I don't know. Anyway, he allowed me to pull him into a warm embrace, and he hugged me back. Keep in mind, I still had a petrified pecker I could pound nails with. He wiggled slightly and grabbed me again!

Again, I jumped back, tearing his hand from its determined grip. One more of those intrusions and either he'll pull my pecker off or he'll be left with a large load of my slimy baby makers in his hand. I'm guessing that the only reason he hadn't dismembered me was that my dick was slick with my precum. I was gushing so much I could bottle it and sell it. Now, there's a thought, but I digress.

Stevey's lower lip was quivering and tears filled his eyes. Again. Again, I melted, my walls crumbled, and, yes, I caved. I'm such an easy mark. But, if nothing else, at least I learn fast. I didn't go for the warm embrace again. I stood my distance.

"Please, Stevey, it's alright," I said in a strained whisper. "Just don't do that! Okay?"

"B . . . Bu . . . But, I've never seen anyone so . . . big before! You're even bigger than Tim!"

Now he had my curiosity. "You've seen Tim before?"

He looked into my eyes with those innocent calf eyes. (He had the same brown calf eyes as Tim.) "Well, sometimes I see him in the morning when he gets out of bed and he's got a pee hard." The memory made him smile. "He's a real hunk, isn't he?"

I cleared my throat. "Well, yes, I suppose he is. But did you two ever do anything? I mean, did you ever touch him?"

I was still standing a couple of paces away from him and my wood was still waving at him. He kept glancing at it. It was then that I noticed that he was pointing his own accusing wood back at me. It was about half the size of mine. I was so rattled when Tim had "attacked" me yesterday that I really hadn't noticed how big he was.

He blushed and looked down and started absently to fondle himself. "Well, one time when my cousins were visiting, Tim had to sleep in my big bed. One morning I woke up before he did and I saw he had a hard under the sheet. I wanted to see what it felt like, so I reached under and felt it. I was, like, feeling it up and down, when all of the sudden, he jumps. He jumped a lot, like a fish does when you pull it out of the water. I pulled my hand back, quick, and pretended I was asleep. Tim got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He never said anything. My hand was all wet and I thought he peed on it. Now I know it was his sperms. I guess I made him cum."

"So you know he ejaculated, because you've done it yourself?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"What do you mean, `Something like that'?"

"Oh, I mean, I like, did it with a guy I know."

"And he did you?"

"Yeah, sort of." He hesitated, assessing me.

"Sort of?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, I like, do him like I did Tim. . . . And other stuff."

"Oh. You do it a lot?"

Now, Stevey started to cry, big time. Something was really wrong. He was sobbing into his hands and rocking. I couldn't just stand there and not comfort him, so I risked another hug. This time, he only hugged back as he bawled into my chest. We had both finally lost our erections and fortunately, nothing in me found this erotic, so my mindless dick behaved itself.

I stroked his hair and his back as he unloaded his tear factory. As he started to calm, I led him to the couch and sat him down, sitting next to him. "You want to tell me about it?" I whispered into his hair.

He started taking deep breaths as his crying diminished. He nodded into a towel I handed him. I was finding that having all these towels around all the time was quite convenient.

He blew his nose and wiped his face with the towel. "The guy is a fucking asshole." This admission brought forth another gush of tears. There was definitely pain here. For some reason he knew he could trust me.

"You've never told this to anyone else, have you?"

He looked into my eyes, searching. "No." He shook his head.

"Well don't you worry. Whatever you tell me will be our secret. Okay?"

"You won't, like, tell my folks, will you?"

I thought for a moment. He needed to unload, but I didn't know what I'd do if he told me something that should be reported to someone. I quickly decided that if he told me something like that, I'd have to convince him to report it himself. "No, I'll never tell anyone you don't want me to."

He looked at me a moment. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he began to relate his story.

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 4

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