Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Nov 11, 2005

The usual stuff applies. This story is Copyright 2005, by the author represented by the email address, Please don't read it if it isn't legal for you to do so. Also, if you don't like reading about gay stuff, then what on Earth are you doing reading this?


There is one person in particular who has written to me and touched my heart. In his youth, he suffered from abuse much like Stevey did in this story. It is to Rick B. that I dedicate this story.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

To NCV fans:

Reaction to the last chapter was interesting! I received a couple of emails that strongly objected to the storyline of the last chapter. That could also mean that I've lost a few fans along the way. I wish I could say I'm surprised, but actually, I'm not. I knew I was taking a chance, delving into areas that could be uncomfortable. As I've said previously, the last chapter was a departure for me, and the characters have taken over the story. (The inmates have taken over the asylum!) That is NOT to say that we'll have any more kinky stuff going on! We won't. (But that's only because I'M not into it!)

This chapter will get us back on track and the story will progress, logically. As always, I'll be very interested to know your thoughts after you read this chapter. You can write to me at: Please be patient if my reply to your email is slow getting to you.

Thanks and HUGS! - Ken

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 26: "How was your day at the office?" "It was great! I finished another project and helped some of the guys finish their project. I think we've found a new way to protect game programs so they can't be broken. It's a new incription code!" He smiled down at me. "I wrote the base code, then two of the other guys added to it, and I tied it together! It was so awesome! We were all working together and it was like we were in each other's heads, thinking the same thing!" "Timmy, I'm so proud of you! That's great!" He beamed a while longer then asked, "Okay, how'd YOUR day go?" There it was! "The Question!" As calmly as I could, but running it all together, I said, "Well, I slept in a bit, Stevey raped me, we had breakfast, I took him to see his counselor, we came home and talked, then you came home." He smiled, then frowned and wrinkled his brow when he saw I was serious. His mouth hung open as he whispered, "Did you say . . . Stevey RAPED you?"

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 27

He was still sitting astride my lap as I sighed, deeply, then lifted my eyebrows and nodded. Before he could say anything, speaking in a low, serious voice, I explained, "After you left this morning, I fell back asleep. I must have stretched out like I sometimes do when I'm alone in bed.

"When I woke again, I thought I was dreaming when I felt something rough and moist on the head of my hard dick. As I slowly regained consciousness, I realized that it was a tongue and I felt a hand on my shaft, as well as a head resting on my tummy. There was a towel or something over my eyes, but I just could peek under it. When I did, I saw what I thought was your beautiful head of wavy light brown hair. I almost asked why you decided to stay home, but what I thought you were doing felt so good, I didn't want to interrupt. When I tried to move my hands to touch you, I discovered that I was tied the same way I tied you last night. I couldn't help thinking that you decided to do for me what I did for you.

"Just before I was about to explode, he stopped. I thought you were teasing me like I did you last night. Then I heard the lube being opened, and I felt a cold, slick hand on me."

Tim gasped and put his hands to his mouth.

"No, no! He lubed my dick!"

His eyes grew wide under his raised eyebrows.

"Then he sat on me." I swallowed, hard and whispered, "I swear, Tim, I thought it was you! We haven't been together long enough for me to recognize your special touch and the things that only you do to me." I sighed my frustration.

I couldn't tell from his expression what he was thinking, so I continued. "The sensation was very much like us, the first time we . . . y'know . . . did it. When he was through, he kissed me. Only then did I know something was wrong when I realized it didn't seem like your kisses and I felt his tears fall on my cheeks. I flipped my head so I could throw off the cloth he'd laid on my eyes, and I saw it was Stevey! I freaked out! I asked him to untie me, but he left me tied until after he'd wiped me with a wet washcloth and dried me. That's when I found out he heard us last night and spied on us. That's how he knew to do to me what I did to you."

I looked into his dark, sad eyes for some indication of his reaction. I swallowed and choked, "All I could think of was what you'd say, how you'd react. That and I'd probably be going to prison. When I realized I hadn't had much to say about it, at least the prison part stopped being a concern."

I stroked his arms, slowly. He seemed to be deep in thought, looking directly into my eyes. His hesitation was tearing my gut apart! Slowly, he leaned down to me, and kissed me more gently than he had ever done before. He slowly brushed my lips with his and carefully, tenderly, increased the pressure, ever so slightly, until he pressed just the tip of his tongue through my lips. I felt him breathe, haltingly, as he pulled back just enough to look into my eyes. I think he was taking back his claim on me. He had no idea how unnecessary that was, but it felt so good feeling him reasserting himself on me!

"Are you okay?" he asked in a whisper.

I swallowed, hard, and wiped a tear from my cheek. Damn! Why am I so emotional?

I looked back into his eyes and recognized his look of concern. With relief, I whispered, "Now I am."

He leaned back into me and hugged me as tightly as I hugged him.

"Alan," he whispered into my ear, "you must really love me to be so freaked about what I'd think."

I nodded and whispered, "I love you more than I can say."

Tim was now resting most of his weight on his knees in the couch cushions to either side of my hips. We sat there, holding each other for a long while.

Finally, Tim looked deeply into my eyes and smiled. "You know, I let him do me once."

I smiled at him. "I know. He told me."

Tim seemed shocked! "But I pretended to be asleep! Stevey never said anything about it!"

I whispered, "He DOES think you were asleep. I guessed you were actually awake."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm busted! It was, like, three or four years ago. I wanted to know what it felt like. I was lying there with a horny hard on, trying to will him to touch me, then he did! He stroked me `til I came! It felt so good to have someone else's hand on me! No one had ever touched me like that before. Since we never said anything about it, I never told him how awesome it was!"

I smiled at him as his smile turned to a frown. "Are you sure you're okay? I mean, he tied you up against your will and had sex with you!"

"Well, as long as you don't hold it against him, I guess it's okay. After all, I thought he was you, until afterward. But, you know Stevey's going through a lot right now. I get the feeling he wanted to try having sex where he was the one in control. He also said he wanted to see if he could do it without it hurting him. When I took him to see his counselor, she seemed to think it was probably good for him, as long as I can handle it. If he was going to do that to anyone, I'm glad it was me and not someone who'd REALLY freak out!" (As if I didn't!) Then I had a thought! "Oh, no! He's still healing! I hope he didn't hurt himself!"

"No, I'm fine," came a weak voice from the doorway.

Tim and I both jumped and turned in his direction. Stevey was peeking around the corner; just enough for us to see it was him. He'd been eavesdropping again! Tim climbed out of my lap and started to walk toward Stevey. I saw Stevey's eyes pop just before he screamed and ran!

Tim yelled, "Stevey! It's okay! I'm not gonna bite you!" as he ran after him.

I climbed out of the soft couch and chased after them, up the stairs. I just caught a glimpse of them disappearing into Stevey's room, Tim still yelling it was okay and Stevey screaming, apparently in terror. I got to the doorway and stood there, silently, when I found Tim and Stevey laying on Stevey's bed, hugging.

Tim looked into Stevey's wet eyes and smiled at him. "It's okay," he whispered. "Are you all right?"

Stevey sniffed and nodded at him.

Tim smiled into his eyes and said, "He is kinda hot, isn't he?"

I saw Stevey look into his brother's eyes in amazement, and then he blushed and smiled. "Yeah, he is!"

Tim kissed his brother a quick peck on the mouth, then got off the bed. When he did, he saw me standing there, smirking at them. I walked over to the bed and sat within arm's reach of Stevey. "It didn't occur to me until now that you were still healing . . . Are you sure you're okay?"

Stevey blushed and looked at his brother. Slowly he turned to me and said in a small voice, "Yeah, I'm fine. Even better than before. It doesn't hurt at all, now." I thought I caught a hint of a lusty look from him.

Just wanting to confirm, I asked, "You're not bleeding, are you?"

Stevey stole a quick glance at Tim. "I was, a little, right after . . . But it was less than before, and I'm not bleeding at all, now."

Tim joined in and said, "Wow! So everything's cool!"

Stevey blushed even deeper and whimpered, "Y-Yeah."

He wrinkled up his face and covered it with his hands. I looked at Tim, confused. He shrugged, expressing his confusion, too. Simultaneously, we moved to Stevey and pulled him up to a sitting position. He let us move him like a rag doll, as we surrounded him and hugged him between us. That's when he really began to bawl.

We held him quite a long while, until he finally regained his composure. When he began sniffing and wiping his face with his hands, I reached for a couple of tissues from the box on the night stand and handed them to him.

I asked in a whisper, "Okay, so if everything's cool, why are you crying? You gonna tell us what this is about?"

After he wiped his face a couple of times, Stevey finally managed to say, "Are you sure you guys don't hate me?"

We both smiled at him. Almost in unison, we said, "No, we don't hate you!" then laughed.

Tim ruffled up his hair and said, "You're my bro! I can't hate you! Maybe if you wrecked my car . . . but maybe not even then."

I added in a whisper, "You're my little cherub. How could I hate my little cherub? Besides, you were gentle and loving, through the whole thing. You have a few more things to learn, but your technique is pretty darn good, so far." I smoothed his hair while I continued, "Remember what I said? It's always better when it's an extension of love? I know you love me, Stevey, and I love you. But I can't love you the way you want. I can only love you like a parent or a brother, not as a lover."

Stevey swallowed hard, looking down between us, and nodded. He put his arms around me and looked up into my eyes with a guilty puppy look that could have melted the coldest of hearts. In a very low voice, he said, "Alan, I'm really sorry I did that to you."

I smiled at him and smoothed his hair. Smoothing his hair always seemed to me to help him understand that I loved him. "Stevey, I told you it's not a problem. You learned what you needed to learn, so it was good for you. I'm just glad you trusted me enough to do it with me. Anyone else might have taken it differently." Then I chuckled. "You know, I've said that I'd do anything for you, or give you anything, if it was within my power. I guess, now, this proves it."

He stole a glance at Tim then looked back up in my eyes again. "I love you, Alan. I know Tim loves you, but I love you, too."

I was watching Tim's reaction when he looked at me and smiled. He began rubbing Stevey's back as he softly said, "Stevey, you know how I always used to share my stuff with you?"

Stevey looked at him with his eyes bugging out. "Yeah?" he squeaked.

"Well, let's just say I shared Alan with you. But, now I want him back. Okay?"

Stevey swallowed hard and sniffed. Then he turned to Tim and grabbed him in a tight hug. Sniffing again, but into Tim's neck, he said, "Thanks, Timmy."

Tim chuckled. "It's okay, bro. You needed it."

After another three-way hug, I said to Stevey, "Why don't you try to call Paul, again? He might be home, now."

He sniffed again and looked up. His spirits seemed to be raised at the thought. "Okay."

Tim and I left Stevey in his room and walked slowly downstairs. We had our arms around each other.

Tim asked, "You still didn't rest today, did you?"

I sighed, "No, I guess I didn't. I'll rest tomorrow."

Tim looked up at me with those deep, dark brown eyes, shook his head and sighed. I can't tell you just how incredibly gorgeous he is!

We walked into the media room and I sat where I'd been in the couch just moments before. Just as Tim was about to straddle my lap again, Stevey came walking through the door in a funk.

Tim looked up at him, stopping himself from sitting in my lap. "What's wrong, Stevey?"

He sighed. "It's Paul. I think his mom doesn't want me to talk to him."


"Yeah, why?" I chimed in. I guess my protective gear was in overdrive.

"She said he couldn't come to the phone. Then I thought I heard his voice. He said, `Mom, who is it?' She put her hand over the phone and I heard her say something, but I couldn't hear what it was. It sounded like she was mad or something. Then she told me not to call anymore and hung up."

I wasn't worried about Paul until that moment. I knew the pedophiles had been after Stevey and they knew where to find him, but they didn't know where to find Paul. But, now it seems he might need protecting from his mother.

I was about to say something profoundly comforting, but the phone rang. Thinking it might be Paul's mother, calling to apologize (without knowing the number?), I quickly stood and walked to where I could grab the phone. "Hello?" I demanded.

"Alan? Did the phone even ring?"

I smiled. "Hi, Andy! My middle name is Clair,' as in Clair Voyant?' I caught it on the first ring."

He laughed. "Okay, I'll call you `Clair' from now on! The reason I called is to let you know that the kidnappers will be arraigned tomorrow in Federal Court. Ten o'clock. You might want to sit in on it."

I looked at Tim and Stevey. "Yes, I think we might."

"Good! I'll see you there . . . Clair!" He laughed at his own joke. Don't you just hate that?

"Goodbye, Andrew!" He was still laughing when he hung up.

So much for resting. I looked at Tim and then at Stevey. "The kidnappers' arraignment is tomorrow morning at ten in the Federal Courthouse," I growled. "Stevey, do you think you'd like to be there?"

He thought a moment then narrowed his gaze. "Yeah. I want to be there."

I nodded. It looked as if he might want to see a little revenge take place. "Good. What about you, Tim? Can you ditch work?" I was smiling when I said that, but he actually had to think about it!

After hesitating, he said, "No, as long as you're there, I think I'd better not. I've already missed a lot of work, and I don't want to make a bad impression."

I smiled amusedly and cocked my head at him. "Oh? Afraid you'll get fired?"

He chuckled. "No, I think I'm in good with the boss, but I don't want the other guys to think I'm a slacker."

"Oh! Worried about peer pressure, then?"

"Yeah, something like that. After all, I'm the youngest ever to have graduated in the Computer Sciences program, and I'm the youngest in the group by five or six years."

"Aha! So you ARE self-conscious of your age!"

He actually blushed! "Yeah, something like that."

I nodded with a smile. It seems he's probably suffering from the need to prove himself. That's not such a bad thing, I guess.

"That's okay. It IS just an arraignment." I put my arms around Stevey and said, "Are you sure you're up to it? Seeing them, I mean."

He put his arms around me, looked up at me and sighed. "As long as you're there, I am." Then he rested his head against my chest.

I know after the actions of the morning, the friendship between Stevey and me should have changed. However, in a very strange way, it just seemed to strengthen my resolve to be a friend, a very GOOD friend, but just a friend, to Stevey. He needed to do what he did. My immediate reaction was purely selfish, but for good reason. I know he violated me, but I didn't know it was a violation until it was over. To be truthful, while I thought he was Tim, I enjoyed it!

Now here we are, hugging as if nothing happened. Life takes many twists and turns, and sometimes, just sometimes, it comes full circle. I know I told Stevey that it was "no problem," but when I said it, it was for his benefit. I hadn't meant it at the time, but I guess, now, I do mean it.

As I thought, I unconsciously rested my cheek on Stevey's head and slowly stroked his hair. I hadn't realized how emotional I was being until Tim stepped over to me and wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Damn!" I said, releasing my hold on Stevey and wiping the rest of the moisture from my eyes. "I wish I'd stop that! I'm just too damned emotional!"

Tim grabbed me into a tight hug, plastering his face against mine. Of course, I hugged him back!

He whispered into my ear, "Don't you ever change. That's what I love most about you. You're not afraid to be YOU."

We were in the middle of a deep kiss, Stevey watching, when Nell walked into the room. "Well, here you are! Break it up, you two! Dinner's almost ready. Stevey, what do you think of these two love birds?"

He smiled at us. "I think they're the best!" he whispered.

Nell looked at us and shook her head. "Now you've got fans! When did this become a spectator sport?" As she walked from the room, she said, "Go wash up!" Then she looked back at us and said, "Or do I have to go get a bucket of cold water?"

We all chuckled.

After a while, Stevey seemed to be feeling a little less fragile. After dinner, we made a quick evening of it, and went to bed, early. This time, I made sure to lock the door to our bedroom!

As Tim went into the bathroom to get ready for bed, I began to remove the ropes I'd put under the bed the day before. As I was finishing, he stepped into the bedroom, brushing his teeth. I saw him standing there, in his full-length tan, looking at me with concern, so I smiled at him. Of course, I had something very nice to admire! He nodded, slowly, and returned to the bathroom.

When I finished, I carefully hid the ropes. I don't think I could have slept well with ropes still tucked under the bed. When we had both finished our preparations, we cuddled in bed. As usual, we were both nude and running our hands all over each other. After a couple of long, leisurely kisses, Tim finally broke the silence.

"Alan," he whispered, "are you sure you're okay?"

I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his hair. There was no doubt in my mind that I've been blessed to have him as my partner.

"Yes," I whispered back, "I'm fine. Especially now. There's just one thing."

"What's that?"

I hesitated, wanting to word this just right. "I want to love you tonight in such a way that I'll remember you before I'll remember what happened this morning. I want to feel your touch all over me then I want to be inside you."

He smiled as he began slowly to massage my raging erection. I'm pretty sure he understood exactly what I needed, as he proceeded to push me onto my back and demonstrate his understanding. He may not be very old or experienced, but his intuitive intelligence more than makes up for it!

By the time we were done, we were both exhausted, but sated! My every hunger had been fulfilled. As we cuddled, Tim cooed, seemingly uncontrollably. He exuded happiness, as he snuggled into my neck, lightly stroking my chest hair. His hot breath in the nape of my neck and gentle touch on my chest were making me know that this is where I belong: snuggling with Tim.

Tim sighed, deeply and let the breath out slowly, as he mumbled, "G'night sweet prince." Immediately, his breathing slowed as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

He wasn't aware of my tears of happiness as I whispered, "Good night, my dream come true, my precious angel."

I hugged a pillow to my chest to ward of the draft of cold air I felt just before I felt tender lips on my forehead.

"Love you," he said softly.

I smiled at his touch. "Mm. Love you, too," I hoarsely whispered.

I wasn't aware of the door closing as he left. It seemed as if he had barely gone when my eyes popped open. What time is it? Jumping up and glancing at the clock, I saw that it was just after seven. Slowly I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I quickly went through my morning routine and dressed. I had to unlock the door as I left the bedroom. I smiled at the obvious sign of Tim's protection and concern.

As I stepped into the open doorway of Stevey's room, I saw that he was standing naked, looking out the window. It was a nice view, across the valley, with its rolling pastoral hills of farms, trees and pasture. I hate startling someone who might be deep in thought, so I cleared my throat.

Stevey spun around, quickly wiping tears from his face and clearing his throat. I could see that he wasn't aroused, and he was only embarrassed that I could see him crying. It tore me apart to think that he was still so tormented. I stepped slowly to him and embraced him. I heard him sniffle as he rested his face once again in my chest and reached his arms around me. We stood, holding each other for what seemed like several minutes, as I rubbed his back and neck.

Finally, I said, "We don't have to go anywhere today, if you'd like to stay home. Or we could do something else like, go for a ride?" I looked down into his eyes as he moaned at my ministrations. I was still rubbing his neck and moved my hands to massage his shoulders.

He whispered, "I'll just stay right here so you can keep doing that."

I chuckled and stopped. I looked down and saw that he now sported a rather nice looking boner. As I pushed him away to look into his eyes with a smile, he glanced down at himself.

"Hmpf! See what you did?" He reached back around me and hugged me tightly again.

I chuckled again as I rocked him in a hug. I whispered, "Why were you crying? The view isn't that bad."

Ignoring my attempt at humor, he said, "I'm worried about Paul. Why won't his mom let me talk to him?"

My concern for Paul came rushing back. "I don't know. Maybe he'll be at the hearing this morning. Speaking of that, you'd better get cleaned up and dressed! I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"Okay." He scooted toward his bathroom

I shouted after him, "Don't dawdle!"

He mumbled something that I couldn't hear. It's probably just as well.

Nell had us fed and on our way in no time. I didn't have to think about which car to take; the Suburban was the obvious choice. It occurred to me that the kidnappers might have some friends in court with them. I waved at our guards as I slowly drove down the drive. The windows are so dark, I don't know if they saw my gesture.

When we pulled up in front of the courthouse, I was looking for a place to park when I spotted Andy waving at us, or at least he was waving at the Suburban. I pulled over and, because the windows don't roll down, unlocked the doors.

He quickly pulled the passenger side door open and leaned over Stevey, saying, "Oh, hi, Stevey! Alan, I want you to park right here. I've arranged it." Then he slammed the door shut.

Okay, that's good enough for me! I pulled closer to the curb and lined it up a little better with a parking space. As we climbed out, I saw that the sign at the curb said, "Passenger loading and unloading, only. All others towed." When I spotted Andy again, he was motioning me to follow him up the steps into the courthouse, but he kept looking around at the traffic, the building across the street, and at the passersby. Suddenly I realized that there were four other suited men standing around us, doing the same thing. Feeling as if I should, I got nervous and walked closely behind Stevey, pushing him lightly ahead of me to hurry him up the steps.

Once we were inside, Andy flashed his ID at security and walked through the metal detector, immediately setting it off. The guards ignored him and focused their attention on us.

I began to empty my pockets into a tray when Andy shouted, "Never mind that! Follow me, quickly!"

Grabbing my belongings, I followed Stevey through the metal detector, setting it off as I expected. The security guards looked puzzled, but didn't stop us. Almost at a run, we followed Andy around a corner, into the stairway, up a flight of stairs, and into a small office.

Taking a quick breath, I said, "Andy! What's going on?"

Glancing at the clock on the wall, he said, "We're out of time. We're due in court in five minutes. You'll find out there. And Alan? Watch your back!"

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 28

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