Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Nov 3, 2005

The usual stuff applies. This story is Copyright 2005, by the author represented by the email address, Please don't read it if it isn't legal for you to do so. Also, if you don't like reading about gay stuff, then what on Earth are you doing reading this?


There is one person in particular who has written to me and touched my heart. In his youth, he suffered from abuse much like Stevey did in this story. It is to Rick B. that I dedicate this story.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

To NCV Readers:

As you'll see, this chapter represents a major departure from my usual writing. The characters have convinced me that the unusual content of this chapter is absolutely necessary to move the story ahead, so, albeit reluctantly, we're releasing it.

My partner and I are going on a much needed, but short, holiday, so the next chapter will be delayed. It'll be nice to charge our batteries up a bit!

As always, I'm very interested in knowing your thoughts after you read this chapter. Please write to me at: (Please keep in mind that any flames are immediately relegated to the fiery pit, where they belong!) Please be patient if my reply to your email is tardy.

Thanks and HUGS! - Ken

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 25: Capturing his eyes with mine, I led him by the hand to the bed, and sat him on the edge. As he watched, I went to each corner of the bed and brought each rope up onto the bed. I watched him carefully as his dripping cock bounced with his heartbeat, his breathing increased, and a sheen of perspiration appeared on his skin. He was more turned on than I'd ever seen him! "Because this was your idea, you get to decide what to do, first." Tim moaned, "Tie me. Tie me and do what you want to me." I moaned, uncontrollably, leaning into him with a deep kiss. He broke the kiss and moved to the middle of the bed, stretching out his arms and legs in surrender. Quickly, I tied him, each rope firm, but not too firm, kissing and licking each limb as I did so. Finally, I stood at the foot of the bed, and admired my captive lover, all five limbs fully extended. His eyes were closed to dark slits as he moaned, "Love me."

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 26

I stood, transfixed until he closed his eyes and whimpered. Crawling onto the bed between his legs, I breathed on him, not touching him, until I reached his face. His breathing was ragged, and his pecker was so hard it was supporting itself, hovering above his navel, bouncing slightly with his heartbeat.

Slowly, I crept to his mouth, intending to give him a tender kiss, but he pressed into me, sucking a desperately passionate kiss from me. He fucked my mouth with his tongue, and I sucked it. His whimpering was reaching a feverish pitch as he tugged at his bindings. The height of his libido determined for me that I should caress him as slowly and deliberately as I was able. It would be exquisite torture!

For the next thirty or forty minutes, I washed and dried every inch of his firm, tender skin with my tongue and lips. When I finished at his toes, he was writhing and whimpering uncontrollably. As I studied his flexing muscles, his pointy nipples beckoned to me. He calmed, slightly, as I let him watch me slowly approach his chest. He anticipated my thoughts and lifted first his left nipple to my mouth, then the right. I kissed and nipped at each, causing his love speech to reduce to garbles and whimpers.

Moving to between his legs, I caressed his abs and moved my hands to his chest. While tweaking his nips he squealed, and I turned my attention to his drawn up hairless `nads. Taking one at a time into my mouth, I pulled each into my mouth, moistening and warming them, drawing them down. They must have been somehow connected to his nipples, because as I tweaked, his scrotum drew up even tighter than it had been before I started.

I moved my hands to his hips and finally turned my attention to his throbbing pecker. Carefully, gently, I lifted it at its base with a single finger. It was only then that I discovered that his clear seepage had completely filled his navel with a pool of sweet slime. Leaning forward, I delicately held his erection out of the way and sucked his navel dry, washing it thoroughly with my tongue. To this, he screamed!

Urgently, he begged, "Alan, please! It's so hard, it hurts!"

I smiled at him, silently, as I moved to the base of his pain. Watching his reaction, I slowly licked up his shaft, touching only his urethra, until I stopped just below his helmet. He growled, tugging again at the ropes.

Finally, I encircled the purple head of his erection with my tongue, washing the only part of him I'd missed. He threw his head back and arched his body. Oddly, he was silent. He was holding his breath as he tensed every muscle in his body. It was time for mercy.

Swallowing, lubricating my throat, I gulped him down my gullet to the hilt! Holding him there, he let out an airy scream! Quickly, I firmly pressed the soft part of his perineum, and he poured his semen into my throat. Giving him a few quick strokes in my throat, he pumped several more times, giving me a healthy taste of his love juices.

I held him perfectly still in my mouth as he relaxed each of his muscles, one at a time, and panted, trying to catch his breath. As he began to soften, I slowly let him slip from my mouth, milking and licking the last of his cream from him.

His face was covered with perspiration as I moved to kiss him. Resting my body over him, I gently kissed him. This time, he kissed me slowly, at my pace.

When I finished our loving kiss, he whispered, "You're still hard! Untie me so I can take care of you."

I smiled at him and whispered, "Oh, I'm not done with you, yet!"

His eyes opened wide as he smiled, expectantly. I moved once more to his sensitive nipples, nipping at them, licking, sucking, and kissing them, thoroughly and completely. Slowly, he began to respond with moans, then pressing himself to my mouth.

I reached down to his wonderful cock and massaged it hard, once again. He moaned louder.

Reaching to the nightstand, I found the lubricant and applied a liberal amount to his staff, then to my rear entrance. Holding him in the right direction, I slowly, deliberately, impaled myself. When I had finally worked him all the way inside me, I rested on top of him, feeling his stomach rise and fall with his heavy breathing. I placed my knees strategically close to his ribs and proceeded to rock my pelvis, causing him to fuck my love chute as I massaged my own erection against his firm six-pack.

After only a few minutes of this, I erupted between us. As I slowed my movements, Tim continued to buck his hips and filled me with another load!

We lay still, squishing my sweaty sap between us with each breath. Marvelously, he didn't soften until after I finally pulled off of him. We both groaned at the loss.

Tim finally whimpered, "Alan that was so unbelievably awesome!"

I was so blown away, all I could say was, "Thanks. I kind of enjoyed that, myself!"

One last time, I caressed his entire body with my hands, outlining each firm muscle and each sinew under his taut, smooth skin. Then I untied one leg at a time, massaging each foot and ankle, then each wrist, kissing and massaging them as I went.

When he was finally free, he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him, wrapping his arms and legs around me, tightly, the side of his face pressed into mine.

"Alan!" he whispered, "That was everything I thought it could be! I love you so much!" He pulled back and looked into my eyes. Okay, my eyes were watering. I had never before had the chance so completely to express my love, physically.

While I brushed his damp hair from his face, I cleared my throat and whispered, "That has got to be the best bit of lovemaking I've ever had! Tim, I love you so much, so completely. I can't imagine . . ." I couldn't finish the thought.

He pulled my head back to his so he could find my mouth with his own. He pressed a kiss into my lips that left me no doubt as to how he felt.

When we could stand to finish the kiss, slowly I rolled off him and stood beside the bed, taking his hand, beckoning him up. I led him to the shower in silence. I slept more soundly that night than I have since I was a baby.

The next morning, Tim woke me with a kiss. He was dressed and ready to leave for another day at work. Poor Tim! He looked exhausted! I had forgotten to look at the clock when we finished. We had probably made love for most of the night.

"Tim, you look tired. Are you sure you're up to going to work?"

He smiled, hesitated, and then he whispered, "Yeah, I'll be okay. Go back to sleep. See you tonight."

Groggily, I said, "Love you."

"Love you, too," he whispered, stroking my cheek.

I was asleep before he closed the door. While I slept, I must have kicked off the covers and stretched out, spread-eagle as Tim had been the night before. Then again, sometimes I sleep like that when I'm alone. Anyway, I remember dreaming that I was the one who was tied and Tim was doing to me what I had done to him the night before.

Slowly, I was aware of light in the room as the sun peeking through the curtains, and I thought I could feel Tim's mouth on me. I glanced down and realized I was peeking under something that was laying over my eyes. It was probably a dry washcloth. But there was pressure on my abdomen. Under the cloth, I could just make out Tim's hair. I could feel his tongue encircling the head of my throbbing cock, and his fingers were wrapped around my shaft!

I heard myself moan and I tried to move my hands to him, but they were held in place. I was tied! I wanted to ask Tim why he decided to stay home, but thought the better of ruining the moment. After all, I was getting awfully close to a revolutionary orgasm!

As I felt my nut sack draw up tight and my juices about to flow, he stopped. My breathing was ragged as I whimpered, then groaned in frustration as the peak of my libido passed. It was Tim's turn to torture me!

I felt and heard him move to the nightstand and open the lubricant. Was he going to fuck me, or have me fuck him? I didn't have to wait long for an answer, as I felt the cold lubricant being applied to my raging wood. He straddled my pelvis and slowly lowered himself onto me as I had done to him the night before.

I heard a high pitched whimper! "Slowly!" I whispered. "I haven't prepared you by opening you up. You'll have to go very, very slow, and let yourself open up for me."

He held very still for a long moment, and then I heard a sigh and felt him taking me further inside him.

"Oh, Baby, you're so tight!" I whispered.

He rested himself on me as I had done with him, and he began to rock his pelvis. I felt his super hard erection slapping my abs as he stroked my dick with his love chute. I wanted to see his face, but I was still blinded by the cloth he had over my eyes.

Faster and faster he rocked until it felt like he was pounding my pelvis with his butt cheeks. All too soon, my cannon was loaded with my juices and fired blast after blast, followed closely by the feeling of his sphincter pulsing around my shaft and the sensation of being hosed down with hot goo on my belly.

Forgetting I was tied, I tugged at the ropes. I groaned as I caught my breath. "Oh, God!" I wheezed. "Awesome!"

He let me pop from his hot canal before he leaned down and pressed his lips gently to mine, massaging them together as he had never done before. But I felt tears fall to my face. When he stopped kissing me, I realized something was wrong. I jerked my head to the side, throwing the cloth from my eyes. Looking up into his face, I was horrified at what I saw! I freaked!


Quickly, he put his fingers to my mouth. "Please, Alan, please! Don't hate me! Please, Alan!" he sobbed. Then he blurted out, "I love you and trust you. You love me and trust me. I had to see if I could do it without it hurting. And if I could make you feel good, too. Please don't hate me!"

When I had regained my senses, I whispered, "Stevey, I don't hate you. I could never, ever hate you. I love you, Stevey. I'll always love you. But please, untie me."

He sat back on my pelvis, his hands on my chest and tears streaming from his eyes. "I had to tie you. You wouldn't let me do it. I had to! Please don't hate me!"

"I don't hate you, Stevey. I won't hate you. I could never do anything but love you. Do you still love me?"

He nodded, vigorously. "Oh, Alan, I love you so much!"

He dropped his face to my chest and pushed his hands under my back, hugging me, crying. Oh, God! Tim's gonna kill me!

After Stevey had calmed a bit, I whispered, "Stevey, we need to get cleaned up."

I was hoping that would convince him to untie me. He looked up at me, sadly, wiped the tears from his cheeks and sniffed, loudly.

"Okay," he said, then jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

I heard the toilet flush, the water run, and then he bounded back into the room with a wet washcloth and a towel. He had already cleaned himself up, somewhat.

"Stevey, please. Untie me."

He looked at me sadly as he wiped me clean, then he took my half flaccid cock and longingly wiped it, too. Taking the towel, he dried me thoroughly. He looked at me with a look that I took to mean he was sorry as he slowly reached down and began to untie my legs, then my arms. I watched him as I slowly rubbed my wrists. He sat on his haunches as he covered his face with his hands and began to sob.

Into his hands, he bawled, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't hate me!"

I got on my knees in front of him and hugged him, whispering into his ear, "Don't worry. Calm down. I said I wouldn't hate you and I don't. I love you, Stevey."

He looked up at me from his hands then grabbed me into a tight hug, making me fall over backwards onto the bed. I held him, tightly for several minutes as he cried. Finally I shushed him and said, "It's okay, Stevey. I understand. We just can't do that again. Okay?"

He nodded into my chest. I realized only then that we were both naked, tightly hugging on the soft bed, but it didn't seem to matter. After all, we had just been in a much more intimate position!

I thought about what he had done then asked, "Did you see Tim and me making love last night?"

He hesitated then nodded. "I heard you guys making noises, so I opened your door a crack and watched. I know it was wrong, but I had to see! You guys are so hot! I came all over the wall, but I cleaned it up."

Again, I forgot to lock the door! THAT won't happen again!

"It's time for us both to take showers. You go to your shower and I'll go to mine. Okay?"

He nodded and sniffed.

"I'll meet you downstairs, okay?"

He nodded then moved silently off the bed, slowly walking out the door. He avoided my gaze.

I got up and closed the door. This time, I made sure it was locked. I leaned my back against the door and my heart sank. Just when things seem to be getting better, something like this happens!

I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it, too. I felt sad. Very, very sad. Reaching for my depression medication, I took an extra pill.

The shower I took was hotter than I've taken in recent memory, just barely below blistering. I soaped and shampooed every part of me, thoroughly, then rinsed under the hot water for quite a while. After the shower, I slowly toweled off. It seemed that my every movement was in slow motion.

I did my usual ablutions, dressed and finally made my way downstairs. Stevey was stirring a bowl of soggy cereal as I walked into the kitchen.

Nell greeted me with, "Morning, sleepy head! You want your usual? Nothing?"

"How `bout coffee and cinnamon toast?" I said, without conviction.

Nell caught my lack of enthusiasm, so she toned down her usual morning banter. "Sure." I caught her looking from Stevey to me and back, suspiciously.

We ate in silence then Stevey and I trundled off to the media room. As I sat on the couch, I caught Stevey's eye and patted the seat next to me.

"Are you okay, Stevey? I mean, what you saw last night and what we did this morning; how are you feeling?"

He was still avoiding my eyes as he asked in a small voice, "You mean, how's my butt?"

"Okay, for starters, how's your butt?"

He finally looked deep into my eyes and breathed, "My butt feels better than it's ever felt before! Oh, Alan, it was better than I've ever felt, even from Doug when he was gentle."

I cleared my throat. "Um, you do know that there won't be any repeat performances?"

He quickly looked down at his hands between his knees and nodded.

"And no more sneaking into my room while I'm sleeping and tying me up?"

He nodded and sniffed.

"Okay, I need to know how you're feeling in your head."

He looked up at me, again. "I . . . don't know. I guess I'm fine."

"Did you find out what you wanted to know?"

Averting his eyes again, he mumbled, "Sorta."

"What do you mean?"

He hesitated a long moment, then whispered, "I still don't know if I made you feel good."

In spite of myself, I smiled. I'm glad he didn't see it. "I would think that would have been obvious."

Looking into my eyes, puzzled, he said, "Huh?"

"Let me ask you this: Did I make any noises?"

He put his hand over his mouth and giggled. "Yeah! Just like last night!"

I smiled into his eyes. "Does that tell you anything?"

He thought a moment. "So, you liked it?"

I sighed. "Let's just say that when it comes time for you to be with a lover, you shouldn't be worried about whether or not you can please him."

He smiled and sniffed, then looked back down at his hands.

I thought for a moment, and then said, "I think we need to make another trip to see Susan. Okay?"

He looked up into my eyes, sadly, and then whispered, "If you think so."

Grabbing the phone from its cradle on the table next to me, I quickly dialed the number I remembered from the card I'd seen in the waiting room.

When the receptionist answered, I said, "This is an emergency. Stevey Smith needs to speak with Susan."

"Is he suicidal?"

"I don't think so, but I want to make sure everything's okay."

"I'll patch you right through."

"This is Susan. How may I help you?"

"Susan, this is Alan Stewart. Stevey Smith needs to see you right away."

"Is it something that can't wait for his appointment next week?"

"Yes, it is. Something happened this morning. He needs to talk to you right away."

"What happened?"

"It's not something we can discuss over the phone." (Besides, with all the FBI involvement around this place, I didn't know if the phone was tapped!)

"Can you be here in an hour?"

"We'll be there. Thanks."

"See you, then."

We both hung up.

"Okay, Sport. Get your shoes on. If we leave quickly, we'll be there right about on time."

He looked up at me with sad eyes. "You're not gonna tell my folks, are you?"

For the first time since we sat down, I realized I wasn't touching him like I usually did. I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. He rested his head against my chest.

I whispered, "No, Stevey, I'm not going to tell your folks. They don't even have to know about this trip to see Susan. But, I WILL have to tell Tim."

He looked up at me with wrinkled brow. "You're telling Tim?" he squeaked.

"I have to tell him. We don't have secrets."

He got misty eyed and buried his face in my chest, again, then whispered, "He's gonna kill me."

"Listen, Tim loves you. He won't kill anyone, unless it's me."

He looked up at me and swallowed, hard. "He's not gonna kill you! He LOVES you!"

I chuckled, ironically. "Well, then, maybe he won't kill anyone. Go and get your shoes on!"

He got up and I followed him upstairs to get my own shoes, too. A few minutes later we were on our way.

I had decided to take the Suburban, both to take a look at the repairs, and to have a little more protection, given the recent events. I drove quickly and silently, stealing glances at Stevey. For the most part, he kept his head down, refusing to look either at me or at the surroundings.

When we got to Susan's office, I jumped out, but Stevey remained in the car. I walked to the passenger side of the car and used the remote to unlock his door.

Opening the door, I stepped up to Stevey and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Stevey?"

No answer.

I whispered, "Stevey, talk to me."

He moved his swollen, red eyes up to mine. I wasn't aware that he had been crying. Maybe he had just been on the brink of tears. After a quick exchange of glances, he looked down again.

I leaned across him, released his seatbelt, and unstrapped him. Reaching back across him, I pressed my chest against his and embraced him, pulling him away from the seat as I reached my arms behind him.

I whispered into his ear, "Stevey, I don't know what you're thinking, but I want you to know I love you. What happened this morning doesn't matter to me. I just want to know you're okay." Then I leaned back and stroked his hair from his forehead, as I had countless times before. "Stevey, I love you."

As my voice cracked, he quickly looked up at me just as my tears streaked my cheeks. Before I could wipe them away, he grabbed my face and captured them in his palms. In one fluid movement, he slid his hands around my neck, pulled my face to his, and pressed a passionate kiss into my mouth.

I knew it was wrong, but I kissed him back. My only thought was that he first must recover from the trauma of raping me, and then we can work on his misplaced passion.

He released me and looked into my eyes. "Alan, I love you, too."

I nodded. "I know. I love you, but not as a lover, Stevey. You know that."

His face wrinkled in disappointment. "Yeah, I know," he sobbed as he buried his face in my neck.

After what seemed like several minutes, his tears subsided and he relaxed his grip on my neck. I pulled only a foot away and studied his face, as he wiped his tears away.

He looked again into my eyes with deep sadness. He repeated, "I love you, Alan."

This time I remained silent.

"I know you love Tim," he continued, "and he loves you, but I love you, too."

I whispered, "Stevey, I can only love one person at a time the way I love Tim. It isn't right for you to waste your love on me like this. It will only hurt you."

He sniffed and said, unconvincingly, "I . . . kn-n-n-now."

After another long hesitation, I decided that he was ready to go inside. "C'mon, Angel. Let's go."

He nodded, took my hand and let me lead him inside.

We were only a couple of minutes late, but Susan was in the empty waiting room, pacing. When we appeared in the doorway, her eyes grew large.

"Stevey," she said, gently, "come on back."

When I stopped and relaxed my grip on Stevey's hand, he didn't. He looked back at me, questioningly.

Slowly, softly, I explained, "Stevey, I think you need to talk to Susan alone this time."

He sniffed in a big breath and nodded. Turning, he followed Susan through the door to her office, hanging his head as if he were on his way to the gallows.

After thirty-five agonizingly long minutes, Susan came to the waiting room with Stevey right behind her. He looked a bit shell-shocked, but relieved.

Susan looked at me and said, "Alan, come in, please."

My immediate thoughts were, "Oh, no! She's about to turn me in for child abuse!" I didn't look at Stevey as I slunk behind Susan, obediently, to her office. When we got there, she motioned for me to sit on the couch. Sitting, I realized my stomach was in knots.

As she sat, she put her chin in her hand and studied me for a moment. "Stevey told me what he did to you this morning. Thank you for bringing him in. He needed to talk."

I looked at her, feeling much relieved, and nodded.

"Alan, how are you dealing with this?"


"Oh, he's better than I think you imagine. I'm concerned about you, right now. Of course, you know what he did to you was rape?"

I took a deep breath and let it out, slowly. I nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

"Did you know it was him? He said he had your eyes covered."

"No, I didn't. Tim, his brother, is my partner. They're very much alike; Stevey's just a little smaller. I couldn't tell it wasn't Tim. At least, not until he kissed me. Looking back, I guess there were other things, but I had no reason to suspect it wasn't Tim."

She nodded. "You're not handling this very well, are you?"

I threw my head back onto the couch, swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. "I thought I was, but no, I'm not."

"What is it that's bothering you most?"

"Most? That's difficult to say. I don't know if it bothers me more that I'll have to try to explain this to Tim or that I just had some very satisfying sex with a thirteen year old."

She smiled. "You didn't know it was Stevey."

"No, I didn't. Not until afterward."

"So, how can you say you had sex with a thirteen year old? In your mind, you thought he was Tim, who is . . . how old?"


Without skipping a beat, not acknowledging our age difference as I expected, she said, "You thought you were making love to your twenty year old partner. What's wrong with that?"

She had a point. "Nothing's wrong with making love with Tim. Everything's right about it. We love each other."

"Does Tim love his brother?"

"Yes, very much."

"Do you think he'll forgive Stevey for raping his partner?"

I actually smiled. "Yes, I think he will."

"If he's as smart as Stevey, then I'd say he'd probably be able to understand what Stevey did and why."

I nodded. I was actually feeling much better about the whole incident. I looked up at Susan who had a very slight smile on her face. "What about Stevey? How's he doing?"

"Well, one of the reasons he says he did it, he said he told you. He wanted to know if he could have sex without being hurt. He tied you because, to your credit, he knew you wouldn't be a willing participant. From what he told me, the result was cathartic for him. Since you're doing better with it, then I'd say it was probably a positive experience, and no one suffered. That is, of course, if Tim is understanding about it."

I sighed in relief and nodded. "I think Tim will be fine. Thanks, doc."


I smiled. "Thanks, Susan. By the way, I want to pay for all of Stevey's therapy. I don't know how well his parents are fixed, but I have more resources than I need. I want to make sure his parents don't have to worry about the expense of Stevey's visits."

She smiled. "That's very generous of you, Alan. Thank you. I'll arrange it. By the way, Stevey still loves you very much and needs to know you still love him. He told me that you tried to reassure him, but he'll need to hear it a few more times. Right now, he's most fragile about the possibility of losing you as a friend."

"That's not about to happen. I still love him, very much, but only as a very good friend, or as a parent would love their child."

She nodded and smiled. "Good. Now I want to bring Stevey back in and talk with both of you, together."

I kept my seat as she went to fetch Stevey. An instant later, she was back. I stood and held my arms out for Stevey. As soon as he saw my gesture, he ran to me and thrust his face into my chest. We held a long, tight embrace. Finally, I tilted his head back so I could see his eyes. He quickly wiped some moisture from them and I kissed his forehead.

"You okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah," was his whispered reply.

"Good. I love you, Angel."

He buried his face in my chest and mumbled, "I love you, too!"

Soon, Susan said, "Okay, you two. Have a seat."

Slowly, we sat, keeping an arm around each other.

"Okay, now. Stevey's solution, while unorthodox, was quite effective for him, and Alan says he's okay with it. The only thing is, it must be only a one-time experience. It won't work a second time. Okay, Stevey?"

He nodded.

"Good. The only problem seems to be what Tim will say. Be sure to let me know at your next appointment, okay?"

Stevey and I both sighed. I looked down at Stevey who looked back at me. "Let me tell Tim. I think he'll be okay."

Stevey swallowed hard and nodded, hugging me tight. It was obvious that he wasn't as convinced as I thought I was.

We said our good-byes and made our way out to the parking lot, into the Suburban, and back to the house.

We were quiet until we got out on the open road. Stevey was the first to break our tense silence.


"Yes, Stevey?" I said, stealing glances at him.

"Did you really like what I did this morning?"

The moment of truth! Truth? Should I be truthful? Of course, I should. In spite of everything, I felt I had to be truthful.

"Well, not the tying up. That was wrong, but everything else was . . . quite nice."


I smiled at him. "Yes. Quite nice. Until you kissed me, I thought you were Tim."

"You didn't like the way I kissed you?"

"I didn't say that. Your kiss was . . . well, different. Then I felt your tears drip on my face. That was when I thought you might not be Tim."

He smiled at me. "Oh."

I returned his smile. "You learn quickly. If you learned all that by spying on Tim and me, then you're gonna be one HELL of a lover!" I watched him while he analyzed what I just said. "You were better than a lot of adult men I've been with, and you'll probably get even better. Just don't go rushing into having sex with someone. Give yourself some time to get to know someone, and work up to sex, gradually. It's like I've said in the past, sex is best when it's an expression of love between two people who love each other."

Stevey thought for several minutes as he digested the thought. "Maybe that's why I liked it so much. I love you a lot, and I really liked it when I did you."

I blushed. "Stevey," I whispered, "you love Tim, right?"

"Yeah, but not like you."

"Well, I love Tim like you love me, and he loves me that way, too."

He took a deep breath. "Yeah, I know. You're gonna tell me I can't love you. At least not the way I do."

"Something like that."

He sighed long and hard. After looking at me for a moment with a longing look in his eyes, he looked out the side window in silence for the rest of the ride.

When we got to the house, we secreted ourselves away in the media room. Sitting there, we didn't turn on any of the equipment. We just talked.

"What about Paul?" I asked.

"What about Paul?" he repeated.

"Well, do you like him?"

He thought for a long moment, then smiled and blushed. "Yeah, I guess, a little."

"Did you try to call him, again?"

"No. I should have, but didn't."

"You ought to call him tonight."

He nodded, but I thought I could see some sadness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

He hesitated, and then looked into my eyes. "I don't know. I just think something's wrong with Paul." He thought a moment, then said, "Not with Paul, but, like he's in trouble or something. I don't know why, but when I think about him, I feel sad."

That sounded pretty strange, but I've experienced strange connections with people in the past. Who knows? Stevey and Paul might somehow be connected. I looked at Stevey, trying to see something of what he was thinking in his face, when he gave me a penetrating stare. After what seemed like a long time, he smiled and so did I.

It was strange, but our relationship couldn't help but to have taken a different path or a path to a new dimension. The memory of the feeling of being inside him was still quite fresh. I decided I needed to replace it with the feeling of being inside Tim.

After talking for the better part of an hour, we heard Tim crash into the house and yell for us.

Stevey yelled back, "In here! The game room!" then he looked at me. "I'll go to my room."

I nodded.

Tim bounced into the room, right past Stevey, almost ignoring him. He quickly came to me and sat gently in my lap, facing me. I put my hands where I could feel his firm bubble butt. He was wearing his ear-to-ear grin and was showing off his deep dimples. He immediately leaned into me and devoured my mouth in a lip smashing kiss of youthful lust and passion. It was just what I needed!

He kept his arms around my neck as I looked into his lusty eyes and breathed, "I needed that!"

"I've been thinking about you all day!" he whispered. "Last night was so incredible!"

I smiled at his loving enthusiasm. "Yes, it was, wasn't it?"

We traded loving glances for a very long moment.

"How was your day at the office?"

"It was great! I finished another project and helped some of the guys finish their project. I think we've found a new way to protect game programs so they can't be broken. It's a new incription code!" He smiled down at me. "I wrote the base code, then two of the other guys added to it, and I tied it together! It was so awesome! We were all working together and it was like we were in each other's heads, thinking the same thing!"

"Timmy, I'm so proud of you! That's great!"

He beamed a while longer then asked, "Okay, how'd YOUR day go?"

There it was! THE QUESTION!

As calmly as I could, but running it all together, I said, "Well, I slept in a bit, Stevey raped me, we had breakfast, I took him to see his counselor, we came home and talked, then you came home."

He smiled, then frowned and wrinkled his brow when he saw I was serious. His mouth hung open as he whispered, "Did you say . . . Stevey RAPED you?"

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 27

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