Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Oct 30, 2005

The usual stuff applies. This story is Copyright 2005, by the author represented by the email address, Please don't read it if it isn't legal for you to do so. Also, if you don't like reading about gay stuff, then what on Earth are you doing reading this?


There is one person in particular who has written to me and touched my heart. In his youth, he suffered from abuse much like Stevey did in this story. It is to Rick B. that I dedicate this story.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

To NCV Readers:

Okay, so here's the next chapter. I've been called (lovingly, of course!) everything from "heartless" to "sadistic bastard" for leaving you with my (almost) patented cliffhangers. This one will be a little different, to say the least.

As always, I'm very interested in knowing your thoughts after you read this chapter. Please write to me at:

Thanks and HUGS! - Ken

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 24: "Mom's gonna pack me some things, then Dad's gonna bring `em over. She said it'll be about an hour." "Good! I'll alert the troops." As I started toward the door, we heard multiple gunfire! One shot, then three, then two! Almost simultaneously there was a screeching of tires! Good God! WHAT NOW?

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 25

I hesitated before going outside. If there was some kind of a fire fight, I wanted no part of it! But, could Marty have been involved? "Nell, have you seen Marty, today?"

"Oh, my God! You don't think he was out there, do you?"

"I don't know. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?"

She wrinkled her brow and said, "No, I haven't." She started wringing her hands.

"Don't worry. It probably wasn't him." (I hope!) "Stevey, you stay here with Nell, okay?"

His eyes were like saucers. "Okay," he squeaked.

I grabbed my house keys from their usual hook, then crept to the kitchen door and looked out the window. Seeing no movement, I opened the door. "Nell, lock this after I step out."


I stepped out and closed the door, quietly. Since the sounds of gunfire came from the front of the house, I didn't think I'd see anything, and I didn't. Carefully, I picked my way to the toy box. I quickly unlocked the door and entered, locking the door behind me. It was completely dark, so I fumbled for the lights and flicked them on.

"MARTY?" I shouted. I didn't expect a reply. After all, he would have been working in the dark if he'd been there. Just to make sure, I quickly searched the shop and office areas. Nope, no Marty, or even any sign that he'd been there. Then I remembered; he went to San Antonio to pick up the Suburban! At this rate, we'll need it!

Shutting off the lights and leaving the building, I locked the door, then strode confidently (without having any confidence at all) around the side of the house. I made as much noise as I could and even cleared my throat, loudly. I sure didn't want to startle these guys!

When I finally made my way to the front, I couldn't see anyone! It looked like they'd all deserted their post! Standing there gaping around with my hands on my hips, I turned back to the house and nearly crashed into the big guy I'd seen the night before! I looked directly into his erect nipples, accenting his bulging pecs like cherries on a sundae, outlined nicely by his tight, camouflage, t-shirt. Jumping back, I focused on his outstanding six-pack, biceps, deltoids, lats, in short, he's a walking advertisement for any gym in town!

"OHMYGOD! You scared the crap out of me!" I said, holding my chest to keep my heart from pounding its way out. I honestly didn't hear any sound at all when he walked up behind me!

"Everyone in the house okay?" he asked in a deep, monotone voice.

"Yeah, fine." (I'm having a heart attack here, is all!) "I just came to see what the commotion was about."


He was staring blankly at me. Is he gonna tell me? Oh, I see, I have to ask!

"So, what was the commotion?"

He nodded toward the long driveway. "Someone was driving up the driveway. We didn't know em and no one told us to expect anyone, so we stopped em. I guess they didn't like havin' guns pointed at em, so they split. We tried to get em to stop, but they took off. A couple of the guys shot in their direction."

"Did you shoot any of them, or hit the car?"

"If we'd intended to shoot em, right about now they'd be pushin' up daisies. We was just warnin' em."

I cleared my throat, gathering my thoughts. "What did they look like and how many were there?"

"There was four of `em and they looked suspicious. All Caucasian, two dark hair, one red and one blond. Ages between twenty and thirty, except for the dark haired guy drivin'. He looked about forty. White American sedan, factory tinted windows. Got the license number, here." He handed me a slip of paper.

I took the paper then looked at his stoic face. "What's your name?"

"Henry Goodman. They call me Hank."

Goodman? THAT'S appropriate! "I'm Alan Stewart. Hank, thanks. You have no idea how much I appreciate your presence, here."

I put my hand out to shake his, but all he did was stare into my eyes and nod.

"Has anyone told you what you're up against?"

He shrugged. "No, all we need to know is you need protection."

"Well, I think you ought to know what it's about. There's a thirteen year old boy inside who's the target of a ring of dangerous pedophiles. He was abused by one of them, and then he was kidnapped by others. He's a witness against all of them."

For the first time, he registered an expression on his face. His eyes got wide. So, he DOES have feelings!

He cleared his throat. "That must be one of the boys we carried outta that house."

"Yes, he is."

"Well, sir, if we'da' known all that before, the guys in that car never woulda' left here alive."

His tone was so matter-of-fact and his face so determined, it scared me! I hope I didn't make a mistake by telling him!

"I'd rather you didn't kill anyone. I've got good attorneys to defend you if anything happens, but it'd be better not to tempt fate."

He shrugged. I have a feeling he'll do what he wants, no matter what I say.

"Oh, another thing. The boy's father will be coming by later to see him. Please, let him in."

"No problem. We'll let `im through."

I looked at him, amused. "How will you know it's him?"

"We'll know."

I guess they'll see a mature man with a shocked look on his face, wondering what the blazes I'm doing with a private militia! I looked around. "You said, `we.' Where are the others?"

"Oh, they're around," he said evasively.

I looked at him again. This guy is one I really wouldn't want to mess with! I'm really glad he's on my side!

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Hank." I put my hand out for him again. This time, he looked down at my hand, and then shook it. Firmly. I think I heard my knuckles pop. Either that or he broke some bones. I gotta tell ya', this guy's one hunk of MAN! If my hand hadn't been in so much pain, I'd probably be trying to calm my libido!

Trying not to show how much my hand hurt, I slowly walked to the front door. I turned back and looked again to see if I could see any of the men. There was still no one in sight, and that included Hank! It's just eerie how they seem to materialize and dematerialize without a sound!

After I stepped inside, I closed the door and locked it. Stevey came running up to me as I was flexing my hand, testing to see if any of the bones were broken. He flung himself at me and threw his arms around me. I think my hand's all right, but now I'm worried about my ribs!

"Alan! You're safe!"

"Yeah, I'm fine! Nothing to worry about!"

"What happened?"

"Some suspicious looking characters started up the drive. I don't think they'll be coming back any time soon. Oh, I need to make a call to Andy. I've got their license number."

"Okay," he said, as he reluctantly turned me loose.

I found my cell in the kitchen and dialed Andy. (I think I need to put him on speed dial!)

"Alan! What's up?"

In the background I heard someone typing on a computer keyboard. "Someone tried to approach the house in a white sedan. Four men, all Caucasian, two dark hair, one redhead, and one blond. Ages twenty to thirty, except one of the dark haired guys was around forty. The guys shot toward them, but didn't hit anything. I got the impression that if they wanted to, the four would never have driven away. I've got the license number."

"Great! Give it to me."

After I read it to him, I heard some louder typing.

"It's a rental car. I'll try to trace it, but they usually use a stolen credit card. This isn't good. That could mean these guys are better organized than I thought. I'm calling in some additional help. Do you mind if I station a couple of agents at your house?"

"I don't, but my guards might."

"Hmm. I'll see if I can work something out with them. I'll call you back, later."

"Okay." We both hung up.

Is it my imagination, or is this getting completely out of hand? I sighed a big sigh. Stevey heard me. Big mistake. He grabbed my arm and began to drag me through the house, right past an amused, smiling Nell.

Stevey jabbered, "Alan, you gotta rest! I promised Tim! You're gonna sit down and rest, right now!"

I have to admit, I actually enjoy being manhandled by someone who cares about me! Even if he is half my size. Okay, three-quarters, then. I smiled at him, even though he wasn't watching me. He dragged me into the media room and sat me down in my recliner, next to the master remote control.

After he made sure I was situated, I looked at him and I patted my lap. He hesitated, deep in thought, then carefully crawled into my lap, as if he were sitting on eggshells. Slowly, he curled into my lap with his arms around my neck, resting his forehead against my cheek. I couldn't help thinking that in a very short time he wouldn't be able to fit into my lap, anymore. I held him, enjoying the closeness of this little angel.

He sighed, fitfully.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

After a long moment, he whispered, "Nothing. . . ."

"Hmm. Nothing' usually means something.' Do you not want to tell me what it is?"

"I just . . . I just love you is all."

I swallowed hard. "I love you, too, Stevey. I love you, very much."

We sat there for several minutes before I started to lose the feeling in my legs. I turned and kissed his forehead and discovered he'd been crying.

"Stevey," I whispered, "What are you thinking?"

I let him hesitate a long while. Sometimes if you wait long enough, you can get a reaction out of someone when they really don't want to say anything.

"I just . . . I just don't want to grow up. I'm just a kid! I want to stay a kid. I just want all this fucked up crap to go away!" He started to cry in earnest, sobbing into my neck.

I shifted my legs so they could get some circulation and held him, rubbing his back, letting him exhaust his tears.

When his tears finally faded, I said, "Do you really want to stay a kid?"

He sniffed loudly and said with resignation, "No, I guess not. I guess I'll have to grow up, some day."

I lifted his chin and smiled into his eyes while he wiped them. He's startlingly mature in many ways and still a kid in many others. "You're gonna be one helluva man! You're smart, Stevey! Really smart! And you know what? You're smart enough that you can do anything you set your mind to do!"

He finished wiping his face with his hand. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is this: if something interests you, like computers, or cars, or building big bridges, if you really want to do it, you'll find a way to get it done. You're smart. You can figure things out. There isn't anything that can stop you if you set your mind to it."

"I guess I know what you're saying. You mean like finding the pics of those guys in the computer and printing them?"

"Yeah, something like that, but that's just a little thing. You can do big things, too, if you want."

He looked deeply into my eyes, and then plunged into my mouth with a kiss. Fortunately, he didn't make it last long, so it didn't seem inappropriate.

Then he surprised me. He said, "Tim's so lucky. I hope I can find someone like you, some day."

Such mature thoughts for one so young. That part of him seems to be maturing too quickly.

"Oh, I think you will. You just have to be patient and look around a lot. You might find someone quicker than you think. Have you spoken to Paul, lately?"

"No, I haven't. Do you think I should call him?"

"Yeah, I think you should. See how he's doing."

He smiled at me and searched my eyes again. Then he leaned into me, gave me another kiss on the lips and whispered, "I love you."

I was getting a little nervous that he was saying that an awful lot. But, I figured it's just the emotion of the moment. "I love you, too. Now, go find a private place and call Paul."

"Okay. Thanks."

I watched his compact little bubble butt bobble away as I allowed blood once again to circulate into my legs, restoring sensation in them. While I was waiting, I fired up the onscreen computer from my chair, and did an internet search for dartboards. I finally found one, with all the accessories, that had a cabinet that closed, concealing its purpose. It would look great in the bedroom! I completed the order with a rush delivery and shut down the computer.

While I had some time, being in a kinky mood, I went to the garage, and poked around until I found some rope I had stored there. Actually, it had never been unpacked from the cardboard box I'd packed it in. There it was! An unopened package of half-inch, woven Nylon rope! It had a soft, silky texture and would be perfect for what I had in mind.

Walking with stealth, I tiptoed upstairs with my treasure and went into the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind me. Opening the package, I quickly measured out four eight or nine foot lengths and cut them with my pocket knife. Since it was Nylon rope and I didn't want it to fray, I used a match to melt the ends of the rope. Finally, I began to tie them, one at a time, to the legs of the bed, tucking them out of sight under the bed. If Tim wants to try a little "loving bondage," I'm game!

By the time I got to the last rope, I had a full-fledged erection! I was just about to hide the last rope under the bed, when in walked Stevey! (I had closed the door, but neglected to lock it!)

"Watcha doin'?"

Busted. OHMYGOD! STEVEY! This looks very bad! "Uh, Stevey, uh . . . Tim and I, well, we sort of thought . . ." I guess I really don't think fast enough! Why can't I think of a lie on the spur of the moment? But, noooooo! I've got to blurt out the truth!

The color was beginning to leave his face. "You're gonna tie him up? To the bed?"

I finished tucking the last rope under the bed and pulled down the dust ruffle to hide it. "Stevey, come here and sit." I sat on the edge of the bed and patted the bed next to me. He slowly sat where I'd invited him, squeezing his hands between his knees, nervously. I put my arm around his shoulders.

"When two people agree to do something together, it's okay if they do it. It's just between them."

He turned his big, brown eyes up into mine. "You'd let someone tie you up?"

"If we loved each other and trusted each other, yeah, I'd let them."

"Oh." He looked down at his hands as he thought for a long while. I was really freaked that he caught me! I had no idea what was going through his mind! Especially after he'd been tied up against his will and abused! Finally, he said, "I guess that's a lot different from when Doug and the kidnappers tied me up. If you know someone's not gonna hurt you, then I guess it's okay to be tied up. Right?"

"Yes, that's right." Stevey immediately grabbed me into a tight hug and I hugged him back. After a few minutes of just holding each other, I thought it best that we got away from the bed and the ropes. "Let's go downstairs. Your dad should be here, soon."


When we got downstairs, Stevey seemed to be preoccupied.

"Stevey? Are you okay?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. Um, is it okay if Paul comes over, sometime?"

"You bet it is! How's he doing?"

"Don't know. His mom said he wasn't home."

"Oh. Did you ask her to tell him to call you?"

"I don't know the number, here. Besides, I want to be the one to call."

"Did she say when he'd be home?" I feel like I'm playing "Twenty Questions!"


"Did you ask?"

He shook his head.

"Well, you can call him again, later. It's okay if you give him the number, here. I'll write it down for you."

No sooner had I said that, than Marty came walking in. He announced, "Suburban's back! I had to wait for it a while. They were just buffing out the last of the fender. Looks great!"

"Did you have any other trouble?"

"Not with the car, but I had to convince the guys out front I work here."

"Sorry, I should have told them not to hassle you. So much has been happening, so fast."

"No problem. I'm done for the day, so I'll be back in the morning."

"Thanks, Marty!"

He saluted me, winked at Stevey, and walked out the way he had come in.

I was about to say something profound, no doubt, but the front doorbell rang. It caught me with my mouth hanging open. Stevey ran to answer the door and looked out the side window. He quickly wrenched the door unlocked and open and grabbed his dad in a great hug! Tom dropped his parcels to return the hug.

"Hi, dad!" he said with a muffled voice. Tom kissed the top of Stevey's head.

When Tom could free a hand, he extended it to me. "Hi, Alan! Has he been good?"

I shook his hand and said, "Stellar! He's been the perfect angel."

"Good. We don't want him to keep you from resting."

I chuckled. "I'm resting just fine, even though I don't feel as if I need it. C'mon in. Let's show you around a bit."

"No, thanks. I have to get back. I don't want to leave Rita alone for long. You can give us a tour when Rita can be here. Are those your guards out there?"

"Yeah. How many did you see?"

"Two. Are there more?"

"Yeah. At least I think so. They're kind of secretive. Frank got them for me."

"Oh! It doesn't look like anyone will be bothering you with those guys out there. How is Frank?"

"I haven't seen him for a few days. I think he's working on a case." From what Andy said, it just might be Stevey's case!

"Oh. Well, I'd better be getting back." He leaned down to Stevey and kissed his forehead. "You be good, now. Let us know if you need anything." He looked at me and winked. "Alan, we can't thank you enough for keeping Stevey safe. We've had a few more suspicious men try to get into the camp, but we've told them we're full. It's making us both a little jumpy. We're even thinking about closing the place down."

I sighed. It would be a shame to close down such a nice environment for nudists. "Tom, don't do anything rash, just yet. From what I've been able to piece together from some friends of mine, I have a feeling this whole thing will be resolved pretty fast."

Tom studied my face, closely. "I sure hope you're right." He turned to Stevey and kissed his forehead again. "See you, Stevey. Call us when you want, okay?"

Stevey hugged him tight. "I'll call you, Dad. You call me, too?"

Tom smiled at him. "Yeah, I'll call you, too. Love you, son."

"Love you, too, Dad."

After Tom had cleared the door, we watched for a moment as he climbed into his truck and started down the driveway. As he disappeared around a large cedar, Tim appeared, driving in. We caught him finishing a wave to his dad.

"Tim's home!" I blurted.

Stevey chuckled conspiratorially, "Let's scare him!"

I looked down at him. "He scares?"

He smiled up at me, impishly. "Yeah! I've been scaring him for years! He always jumps like you poked him with electricity! It's fun! C'mon!"

We quickly closed the door and locked it. We giggled as we ran to the door to the garage, hiding behind it. A minute or two later, Tim opened the door, concealing us. As he shouted, "I'm home!" he closed the door and we jumped at him!

As I shouted, "BOO!" Stevey growled!

I was not disappointed! Tim jumped at least two feet and screamed! Then he fell to the floor in a heap, his eyes as big as saucers! Stevey was laughing, hysterically as he fell on top of Tim.

As Tim caught his breath, he exclaimed, "Not funny!" but he began to chuckle as Stevey started tickling him. "Alright, Scamp! You had your fun! Now, it's my turn!"

He easily flipped Stevey onto his back and began to dig his fingers into Stevey's sides, causing him to wriggle and twist like a worm in a hot skillet. Stevey was laughing, gasping, grabbing at Tim's hands, and fitfully pleading, "No! No! Stop!"

Tim eventually grabbed Stevey in a tight hug, pinning his arms to his sides. "You gonna do that again?"

"Yeah!" he giggled.

"Wrong answer!" More tickling, giggling and pleading ensued.

All I could do was watch and laugh. It was obvious the two boys were very close and shared a very special love.

Finally, Tim stopped "punishing" Stevey, and Stevey gasped, trying to catch his breath. As he did, Tim sat on him, watching him with a rather large, dimpled smile on his face. In that moment, I thought Stevey's dimples were permanently driven deeply into his cheeks. They were both quite happy! Then I noticed a twitch in Stevey's eyes, and Tim's eyebrows raise. They both turned to me at the same time. Sensing a conspiracy afoot, I quickly turned on my heels and ran!

Running for the stairs and taking two at a time, I could hear them running after me, giggling, and I was giggling like a schoolgirl as well! I don't know where I thought I was going! I guess I always run to my bedroom as a safe retreat, but there wasn't anyplace that could be safe from those boys! But, as I ran into the bedroom, they had closed the distance, and I couldn't close them out of the room. I jumped on the bed and turned toward them, defensively, all of us still giggling!

Tim jumped on my middle, straddling my hips, and grabbed my arms, holding them over my head. He's stronger than I thought he was!

Tim chuckled and warned, "Okay, mister, now it's YOUR turn!"

As Tim held me, Stevey began tickling my ribs and armpits. Never before had I known just how completely ticklish I am! I laughed more than I had in years! Suddenly, I realized that Tim had an enormous erection and mine was trying to rip its way out of my pants! I moaned, probably a little too loud.

Tim let go of my arms and sat back, still sitting on my pelvis. "Alan?" he asked with real fear. "Are you all right?"

I was panting, completely out of breath, and I managed to say nothing. I reached up to him, grabbed him around the neck and pulled him into a desperate, lip bruising kiss!

After Tim discovered that all was quite well with me, and I was able to finally release him from our kiss, he whispered, "I guess you are all right."

I was finally able to breathe, "Oh, yeah!"

He looked into my eyes with his eyes half closed and a thin, voluptuous, dimpled smile on his lips. "Awesome!"

I breathed, "Yeah!"

After a moment of sharing love with our eyes, we both remembered Stevey was still sitting beside us, watching us. I quickly looked at him. As he sat on his haunches, he had one hand on his mouth and the other, unconsciously, around his clothed pecker. I could see a great wet spot in his pants right at the head of his erection!

I looked back at Tim and said, "Um, I think we'd better get cleaned up for supper!"

Tim smiled, guiltily at me and mumbled, "Mm, hmm."

As Tim climbed off me, I rolled away from Stevey, so he couldn't see the wet spot my dripping pecker had made in MY pants! I said, quickly to Tim, "Um, could you go downstairs and get the bags your dad brought for Stevey? He'll need a change of clothes."

Tim said, "Sure!" as he jumped down and raced toward the door.

I looked back at Stevey who was now, blankly, inspecting the enormous wetness in his pants.

"Um, Stevey? I think you'd better get cleaned up, too."

He sat there, frozen. In a small voice, he said, "I came. I wasn't even touching it, and I came."

"Stevey? Are you all right?"

He looked up at me, as if didn't expect me to be there, then he smiled at me. "It never came by itself. I wasn't even touching it! That's . . . awesome!"

I must have blushed. "Uh, sometimes that happens. Maybe you'd better go and get out of those clothes. And maybe take a quick shower. Nell will probably be serving supper shortly."

"Hmm?" He was looking, marveling, at his pants. "Oh, yeah! Be right back!"

I shouted after him, "See you downstairs!"

Quickly, I cleaned up and changed, then hurried downstairs. Supper was uneventful, except that, I don't think it was my imagination, Stevey kept stealing glances at me out of the corner of his eye.

Tim and I kept looking at each other, languidly. I have a good idea what's on Tim's mind, but I've got quite a surprise for him!

After we finished the meal, we took our desserts to the media room and played a few easy games.

Tim had been anxiously watching the clock when he finally announced, "Well, it's time for bed! Last one up the stairs turns off the lights!"

As Tim and Stevey raced out of the room, I went around and switched off all the gear and lamps, then turned off the lights in the house on my way upstairs. By the time I got to the bedroom, I found the bed turned down, with a naked and erect boyfriend waiting impatiently for me.

Slowly, I undressed, deliberately undoing each button, my belt and zipper, letting each garment drop to the floor around me. When I began to lower my Jockeys, I slowly slid them down, allowing my pecker to spring out as I slid past it. He gasped and moaned.

I stood for a moment and admired the perfect beauty of my friend, my partner, my lover. I said, just above a whisper, "God has blessed me with an angel."

Tim rose from the bed and slowly approached me. When he got close to me, he pretended to trip, the full length of his smooth nakedness pressing into me. Quickly, we grasped each other into an embrace. He maneuvered my stony hardness under his perineum and trapped it with his strong thighs. His movements were an intentional reminder of our first contact in the motor home, almost triggering my premature eruption.

We embraced enthusiastically as we moaned in unison, but I stopped him. "I have a little surprise for you," I whispered.

Capturing his eyes with mine, I led him by the hand to the bed, and sat him on the edge. As he watched, I went to each corner of the bed and brought each rope up onto the bed. I watched him carefully as his dripping cock bounced with his heartbeat, his breathing increased, and a sheen of perspiration appeared on his skin. He was more turned on than I'd ever seen him!

"Because this was your idea, you get to decide what to do, first."

Tim moaned, "Tie me. Tie me and do what you want to me."

I moaned, uncontrollably, leaning into him with a deep kiss. He broke the kiss and moved to the middle of the bed, stretching out his arms and legs in surrender. Quickly, I tied him, each rope firm, but not too firm, kissing and licking each limb as I did so. Finally, I stood at the foot of the bed, and admired my captive lover, all five limbs fully extended. His eyes were closed to dark slits as he moaned, "Love me."

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 26

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