Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Oct 24, 2005

The usual stuff applies. This story is Copyright 2005, by the author represented by the email address, Please don't read it if it isn't legal for you to do so. Also, if you don't like reading about gay stuff, then what on Earth are you doing reading this? Because of the volume of emails I've been receiving, I'll only answer an email if you ask a question or request an answer. However, all questions and requests will be answered! (Who am I kidding? I acknowledge ALL emails!)


There is one person in particular who has written to me and touched my heart. In his youth, he suffered from abuse much like Stevey did in this story. It is to Rick B. that I dedicate this story.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

To NCV Readers:

These special notes are becoming a habit! But I've developed such an attachment to those who have written to me, I just can't help myself.

The next chapter (after this one) will represent yet another enormous departure from where I had thought this story would be going. Just to let you know, the first major departure was Stevey's abuse! This was originally intended only as a romance. Now, it's become much more!

I'm very interested in knowing how you feel about it all. Please write to me at:

Thanks, and HUGS! - Ken

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 23: Tim added, "And now the Texas National Guard is on your doorstep! Have you SEEN those guys?" I smiled at him. "No, not lately, but I've got an idea of what they look like. They're Frank's Navy Seal friends. I pity anyone that tries to get past them!" In a low voice, Tim said, "Yeah," and shook his head. We spent some quiet time, absently watching the less interesting news, weather and sports, and then Nell called us to dinner. Being able to look at the boys all through dinner was the most relaxing time I've spent in recent memory! I didn't have a care in the world. That is, until I heard a gun shot!

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 24

Quickly, I took inventory. The most wonderful young man I'd ever laid eyes on, at least since Robert, was sitting at my side, and his younger twin was sitting across from me! They were safe, but WHAT was that gun shot?

I got up from the table and started to run for the front door. From behind me, I heard Tim screech, "Alan, no! ALAN, NO!!!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned toward him. He was up and had his arms around me in an instant!

"Alan!" he cried. "It's not safe out there!"

I smiled at him, but my eyes clouded at his concern. I cradled his face in my hands and whispered, "I love you so much! But I've got to see what's going on. I promise, I'll be careful." Then I kissed him gently.

Without another word, I turned and walked to the front door, stopping to look out the side window. Seeing a slightly familiar black Chevy and a young man with raven black hair, creamy skin, and a dark suit with his back toward me, recognition slowly filled my thoughts. A chill ran down my back like lightning! I unlocked the door and ran out onto the porch shouting, "DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT!!!"

The suited man had his hands raised and standing directly in front of him were four or more men dressed in camouflage military fatigues, all with guns leveled at the young man's gut. They were all shouting at each other, excitedly, as I ran down the steps in their direction.

"STOP! JUST STOP!!!" Well, that didn't seem to do anything. In desperation I deepened my voice and growled, "STAND DOWN!!!"

They immediately lifted their guns to a less threatening position and turned their attention to me! Thank God!

"Andy! Are you all right?"

He turned toward me, lowered his hands to his sides, and smiled at me. "Alan! I'm fine! I was just having a chat with the guys."

I couldn't help chuckling. I looked at my protectors. They were all built like battleships and looked fearsome, if not downright sexy in their tight t-shirts! Despite the butterflies in my stomach, I said, "Thanks, men, but this is a friend."

The biggest guy said, "He's got a gun!"

"Yeah, I know. He's FBI. He's the one who made sure all charges against you guys were dropped!"

They looked at me skeptically, and then turned and walked slowly away. I turned my attention to Andy and smiled, saying, "You should've called."

He smiled at me and said, "Yeah! Looks like you've got some pretty good protection: better than I could provide."

"I've got friends."

He looked directly into my eyes with a knowing smile and nodded.

"C'mon. Let's go inside. I'll introduce you to Stevey."

He followed me into the house. Tim and Stevey almost fell over when I pushed the door open. They must have been huddled against it.

Tim stumbled up to me and grabbed me, tightly, plastering his cheek against mine. He murmured into my ear, "I almost lost you when you had your heart attack. I won't lose you now!"

I cradled his face in my hands and looked into his misty eyes. I whispered, "You're NOT going to lose me! At least not yet!" Then I plastered a mushy kiss on his voluptuous lips.

When we were sated, I looked into Tim's eyes. His anxiety was replaced with contentment. One more hug and I felt more content as well. Finally, I looked over at Stevey and Andy. They both had "ahhh!" looks on their faces. I almost laughed!

Turning to Andy, I said, "Okay, now it's time for you to explain why you're here, but first, what was that shot?"

He smiled. "One of your guards is a little trigger happy. It was a warning shot meant for me, fired into the ground. If you dig deep enough into your lawn, you might find the bullet. As for why I'm here, I thought you might like to hear what I've been working on. I thought I might have to convince you to take my warning seriously, but evidently, that's not necessary." He looked around at Tim and Stevey.

"Oh, Andy! This is Tim." Then I said softly, turning to look at Tim, "He's my partner."

Tim smiled wide, put his left arm around me, and extended his right hand to Andy. "Hi, Andy. We've already met. This is my brother, Stevey."

Tim and Andy quickly exchanged a handshake, then Andy looked at Stevey. Andy's face scrunched up and his eyes instantly filled. He whispered, "Hi, Stevey."

Andy extended his hand to shake Stevey's, but Stevey only looked into Andy's eyes. Ignoring Andy's hand, Stevey stepped up to Andy and put his arms around Andy's neck, pressed his cheek against Andy's, and hugged him.

They hugged for a moment before I realized Andy was convulsing, crying into Stevey's neck. Stevey hugged him tighter.

After a long quiet moment, Andy pulled back from Stevey, wiped tears from his face, cleared his throat, and said, "I'm sorry! I don't know what happened to me. Sorry Stevey."

Stevey looked straight into Andy's eyes, warmly. "It's okay. I know I've got a lot of people to thank, and I think you're one of them. Thanks."

Andy bit his lips and took several deep breaths. "I didn't do anything except cry on your shoulder. It's just that you remind me so much of someone. Someone I knew a long time ago."

I think I know who that was. It must have been his childhood friend. The one he lost. Maybe his helping Stevey would help Andy finally to put that guilt behind him.

After an awkward silence, I said, "Let's go sit somewhere. Is anyone thirsty?"

I took drink orders and directed the group into the living room. When everyone was situated, I went to the kitchen and asked Nell to serve the refreshments.

Returning to the living room, I found the three in an animated conversation about the FBI, computer surveillance, and the keeping of files on individuals. Andy seemed to have been put on the defensive, but he seemed to be enjoying the banter.

Andy and Stevey were sitting in soft chairs across from the couch where Tim was sitting. When he saw me, Tim patted the couch cushion next to him. Wild horses couldn't keep me from being close to him! He smiled at me and briefly rested his head against my shoulder when I took my seat.

When I could gracefully interrupt and change the subject, I said, "Andy, it's time for you to say what you came here to tell us!"

He looked at me with a relieved look on his face. Maybe he wasn't as comfortable being on the defensive as I thought! As he gathered his thoughts, Nell arrived, pushing a tea cart with several drinks and a luscious looking chocolate cheesecake. She was uncharacteristically silent. Since nothing in the house seemed to escape her attention, I suspected that she had somehow been eavesdropping. As we all helped ourselves to the drinks, she served the cheesecake, then left.

As we all finished eating, slowly, Andy's expression changed to grave. "Well, I just wanted to fill you all in on some developments." He looked at Stevey, sternly. "Stevey, I have evidence that the man who abused you is part of a large group of pedophiles, spread out all over the state, and maybe the country. I've been trying to track them down for a little more than a year, and only now have I been able to put some key pieces of the puzzle together. They regularly prey on boys your age and younger. They like to take pictures of the boys they abuse and share them on the internet. Occasionally, they even take videos and sell or trade them. I have reason to believe that the men who kidnapped you were trying to put together a feature length child porn movie to sell. They had already taken some very revealing videos of you and your friend, Paul, while they had you in that house."

Stevey blushed and hugged himself.

Andy glanced at Tim and me, then looked back at Stevey. "Here's where it gets a little scary. They seem to lose interest in the boys they regularly abuse once they approach puberty. Stevey, you're actually a little old for them, now. I have reason to believe, and I have some circumstantial evidence, that they have even murdered some of their victims, but that hasn't yet been confirmed."

From the next room, I thought I heard a gasp. If Nell was listening, I didn't mind. At least I wouldn't have to explain it all to her later, and she could gossip with Marty when he came for coffee in the morning, so he would know, too.

"What we know for sure is that these men are very, very dangerous. They seem to be in close communication and will defend one another. That's why I want to be sure you're protected, Stevey. You've got to stay here. I don't think they know anything about Alan, yet, so this is a safe place, at least for now. Having guards like those outside sure won't hurt!

"I'm working on infiltrating the group, either with a plant, or electronically. Once that's in place, I'll be able to anticipate their movements and gather more evidence. Until then, and even after, you've got to be very careful and watch your backs, all of you." His eyes tracked to all of us as he said that. He had our rapt attention!

I broke the deafening silence by asking, "Have you met Frank Holmes, yet?"

Andy looked at me as if trying to formulate an answer. He said softly, "Yes, I have. It would probably be best not to bother him for a while. He's doing a favor for me."

THAT was evasive! My curiosity, as always, got the better of me. I surmised that he wouldn't say, but I had to ask, "What kind of favor?"

Andy looked at me with a smirk. He had to know I didn't expect him to answer my question. "Don't ask."

Okay, so I was right. I had the immediate impulse to call Frank on his cell phone, but decided to honor Andy's advice not to bother him. Groan! This isn't going to be easy!

Saving me from further anguish about what not to ask, Andy got to his feet. "I'd better be on my way. I've still got a lot to do tonight before I can rest."

"Now that you know where the house is, don't be a stranger!"

Andy smiled at me. "That's a promise." He looked at Tim and said, "Be good to him. He's a special kind of man."

Tim smiled, blushed, and looked at me. "Don't I know it!"

Then Andy turned to Stevey and put out his hand. Again, Stevey brushed his hand aside and stepped to him. Putting his arms around Andy's neck, he gave Andy a rather firm hug, which, of course, Andy returned in full measure. This time there were no tears. Andy took Stevey firmly by the shoulders, smiled into his eyes, and softly said, "I can see why they want you so bad. You're a real charmer." Then he blushed. I don't think he meant to share his feelings like that.

I cleared my throat. "Be careful driving home. It's nearly dark out there."

Andy seemed to appreciate the distraction. "Yeah, I will."

We all accompanied Andy to the door, Stevey following Andy closest. When I closed and locked the door behind Andy, Stevey whispered, "He's really nice, but he's so sad!"

I responded, "Yeah, but there's a good reason for that. I'll bet you did him a lot of good tonight. He seemed to need those hugs you gave him. I'm proud of you!"

"Yeah, well, when he looked at me, I was like, `He needs a hug,' so I hugged him."

I smiled at his naïve intuition, then I looked at my watch. "Okay, it's getting late. Do you want to watch some TV, play a game, shoot some pool, or go to bed?"

Tim yawned and stretched his arms over his head. "I think it's time to call it a night." Then he looked at me with "that look." I didn't need any more persuasion!

When I glanced at Stevey, he had a smirk on his face. "Stevey, if you want to stay up, you can. Just don't go outside, okay?"

"No, I think I'll go to my room. I think I saw a computer in there, so I might see what's on it."

"Yeah, there is. I've –-- we've --- got computers in all the rooms. Just don't get too wild on it, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be good --- NOT!"

I chuckled at him and ruffled his hair. He grabbed me into a bone-crushing hug.

He whispered into my ear "Alan, I love you! Thanks for everything."

I whispered back, "Don't give it another thought. It's only because I love you, too." Then I kissed him on the cheek. When I pulled back, he jumped and pecked me quickly on the lips, then looked at Tim and smiled. He grabbed Tim in a hug and then ran ahead of us toward the stairs.

Looking around, I saw that most of the lights in the house were on. I yelled, "Nell, we're all going to bed!"

I heard a muffled voice say, "So go, then! Don't worry about me!"

I chuckled. "I worry about you all the time!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I bet you say that to all the old women in this house!"

That got both Tim and me to chuckling, as we slowly made our way up the stairs. When we got to our room and closed the door, Tim immediately began to unbutton my shirt.

I said softly, "I bet I know what you've got in mind."

As he pulled my shirt out of my pants and pushed it off my arms, he said, "I bet you do."

He ran his hands through my chest hair and said, "Your hair's growing back where they shaved you. I like your hair. I always thought I'd like to have hair on my chest like this, but I don't think I'll ever have any."

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he had done mine. "I like your chest like it is. I can see your muscles better." As I ran my hands inside his shirt, over his bare, smooth chest, I felt my hands graze his erect nipples. He gasped and my groin jumped. Have I told you how perfect he is? I have? Well, let me tell you again: he's perfect! His perfectly defined muscles have perfect definition, and they're covered with blemish-free bronze skin that seems to be painted on with no padding underneath!

I had the sudden urge to have these beastly garments off him. Gently, fluidly, but with quick dexterity, I had him stripped. I wasn't paying attention, I guess, but as soon as I had him where I wanted him, I found myself in the same state of nakedness, or rather nudity, as God intended. (I'll get into this nudity thing, yet!)

I began to make love to Tim's body as he stood in front of me, slowly working from his eyes all the way down, until I dropped to my knees. His ample tool was already poised for action and brushed my cheek as I dove for his nut sack. His heavy breathing turned to gasps, then he grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged me to the bed, throwing me onto my back. Landing in the middle of the bed, he dove and landed softly on top of me.

Somehow, feeling the warmth of his perfection fully against me from head to toe will always remind me of the time he fell against me in the motor home. That was so sweetly erotic! The suddenness of his touch, his instant arousal, my embarrassed avoidance, and then my complete lack of control!

I realized I was suddenly and completely on the edge of orgasm about the same time Tim must have noticed, too. He raised up off of me, completely removing himself with one movement. He hovered over me for several painful seconds as my body, my being, felt the sudden loss. His tactic was efficiently effective. I was brought down from my erotic high, but just as quickly returned to my previous ecstasy as he began a gentle caressing of my body, starting, as I had done with him, kissing my eyes.

What must have been a half an hour later, he finally made his way to my groin. I had passed ecstasy some time before and was now on the verge of insanity! I was no longer moaning and groaning. I was alternately whimpering and screaming! But, I wanted him to have the opportunity to explore and test my responses. So far, I think he's found all my G-spots and has thoroughly stimulated every one!

After a much needed and carefully executed conclusion, I turned the tables on him, keeping him as much on the edge of sanity as he had kept me, but I was more merciful. I didn't drag it out as long.

We lay in each other's arms in the electric afterglow of our expression of love, as he reached down and gripped my semi-erection. "You're still hard!"

"No, not completely. It takes a while for him to calm down, completely."

As he manipulated me, I quickly became fully erect.

"He's ready to go, again!"

I chuckled. "Only if you want him to. He's actually quite content."

He smiled into my eyes and kissed me deeply as he continued to stroke and massage my appendage. Breaking our kiss, he reached for the lube on the nightstand. Putting a healthy dollop on his fingers, I raised my legs to accommodate him.

"Put your legs down," he whispered.

When I did, he grabbed my steely hardness and lubed me. Using his slick fingers, he prepared his rosebud for entry. He then knelt over me and held me while he lowered himself onto my excited cock. Slowly, he pressed my helmet into his pucker. When I felt myself enter his hot chute, he froze and put his hands on the bed on either side of my head. He closed his eyes.

I watched his face as the tension, telegraphing his pain, subsided. He moaned soft and long as he impaled himself completely until I felt his cheeks rest on my pelvis.

I reached up to him and placed my hands on his wonderful pecs, then gently tweaked his hard nipples. To this, he squeaked in ecstasy.

Slowly, he rose and fell, fucking my cock in and out of his blazing rectum. He was slightly tight, but very comfortable as his hot, moist colon enveloped my prick. As he picked up speed, I could feel his cock beating itself on my belly and his nut sack dipped into my pubes.

I reached further down and rested my hands on his flexing abs. Feeling his muscles flex almost put me over the top! Moving only my right hand, I wrapped my fingers around his cock and began to stroke him in time with his movements. Between moaning and whimpering, he was making a lot of noise!

Finally, after several minutes of wonderful stimulation, he opened his eyes and his lips met mine. He continued to pump his ass with my cock, but in the new position, I had to let go of his pecker. As he moved, I could feel his petrified wood sliding on my abs. Another minute or two later he screamed into my mouth as I felt his cock spasm onto my belly! I grabbed him and finished pumping a few more strokes and exploded into him, adding my vociferous noises to his.

As we slowed to a halt, Tim collapsed his sweaty body onto mine, spreading his virile baby makers between us. We continued to languish in our kiss, lazily jousting tongues. I hugged him tightly.

Some time later, I realized that we had both drifted off to sleep. When I was more aware, I also realized that I was still slightly erect and still comfortably inside my love. I flexed my cock and Tim moaned as I could feel some of my deposit leaking out around my cock.

He whispered, "What a wonderful way to wake up!"

"I think we'd better get cleaned up."

As I started to move, Tim gasped and tensed.

"What's wrong?" I said.

He whimpered, "I don't want you to leave me! Not just yet."

I chuckled. As I did, that created some movement, and I started to get hard again. Tim moaned louder and began to move again, further stimulating me into a harder state.

"Tim," I whispered, "we need to get cleaned up."

Again, he moaned, but this time in disappointment.

I chuckled, again. "We can make love all night long this weekend, if you want."

He smiled wide and kissed me, slowly. "Promise?"

"Promise. We may even have to try out that dartboard idea of yours."

To that, he really began to gyrate on my pecker, forcing a groan from me. I guess he likes the idea of the dartboard! Slowly, he rose and I could feel myself leaving the warm confines of his body. When I popped out of him, Tim grimaced and I jumped.

Holding all of our fluids, we ran to the bathroom. We hadn't prepared very well! I made a mental note to have a towel or two more handy next to the bed. It had been so long since I'd had a regular bed partner, I'd forgotten about a lot of the comforts we usually take for granted.

We grabbed whatever we could to wipe: toilet paper, towels, whatever. We were giggling. I felt as if the clock were turned back to my youth. Tim is so good for me! As he sat on the toilet to let the last of my load ooze from him, I leaned down and gave him a tender kiss.

"I love you, Tim Smith."

"I love you back, Alan Stewart."

I stood admiring him for a moment, then went to the shower and turned it on. When the water was warm and adjusted, I climbed in, Tim right behind me. Slowly, deliberately, we soaped each other and washed each other's hair. It's so sensual to wash your lover's hair! Finally, we grabbed each other and rubbed our soapy bodies together, kissing, languishing, in the embrace.

Reluctantly, we rinsed and turned off the shower. As we dried each other, I noticed that I just couldn't seem to touch Tim enough. Fortunately, he seemed to be suffering from the same affliction.

Arm in arm, we walked nude back to bed and crawled under the covers. As I lay facing Tim, he turned away from me and nestled his back against me, "forcing" me to spoon him. When I put my hand on his bumpy belly, caressing his abs, he hugged my arm.

Tim whispered, sleepily, "G'night, Love."

I whispered, "G'night, Angel. My precious angel."

He sighed and a moment later, his breathing became slow and heavy. He was sleepier than I thought he was! As I luxuriated in his clean smell and the lingering scent of his hair, I finally drifted off as well.

What seemed like a moment later, I was aware that he was no longer in my protective embrace, but he was behind me kissing my ear.

He whispered, "See you tonight, love. Don't do anything today, okay? Just rest for a change."

I chuckled. "If Stevey lets me, I will."

"I'll bust his butt if he doesn't let you rest!"

"Now, now! He's just a kid. It's not his fault!"

He hesitated. "Yeah, I know. Just take it easy, okay?"

"Okay, boss," I said, lazily. I rolled over and grabbed him into a hug and he fell on top of me. "Mmm. So nice," I whispered.

He laughed. "I gotta go!"

After he gave me one more meaningful kiss, he was gone.

I lay back, as I usually do when I'm alone, in the middle of the bed, arms outstretched, some would say, "spread eagle." I turned my head so I could smell Tim's pillow and drifted back into the land of the Sandman.

The sun was peeking through a gap in the curtains as I realized I must have kicked off the covers. I was still laying there, spread eagle and naked.

Slowly, I stretched and climbed out of bed, going into the bathroom to relieve my bladder.

After all my morning ritual was done, and I was dressed, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Stevey and Nell were kibitzing and laughing, but turned serious when I entered.

"Ah, ha! It's a sure sign someone's been talking about you when they suddenly stop talking when you enter the room!"

Nell raised an eyebrow and looked at me, haughtily. "What would make you think that we'd waste time talking about the likes of you, sleepyhead? You've already missed breakfast, so you'll have to make do with an early lunch!"

"Ah, but I've got you there! I'm under doctor's orders to be lazy!"

"Well, you certainly weren't lazy yesterday, were you Mister Smartypants?"

"No, but it's not because I had a choice, is it?"

She gave me "haughty" again. "No, it isn't. You just mind your manners, today! Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." I turned to Stevey, and asked, "So, what do you want to do today?"

Nell interrupted. "You don't listen very well, do you? You're not doing a blessed thing today!"

With my best belligerence, I said, "If Stevey wants to play a video game or shoot some pool, who am I to refuse?"

She sighed, loudly. "I don't think that comes under the heading of `resting,' but do what you want. I'm just an old woman who'll never see you outlive her."

I looked at Stevey and laughed at Nell's attempt at passive aggression. Then I remembered. "Stevey! When we left your house, we didn't get any clothes for you, did we?"

"No, but I don't need clothes. I can be nude, can't I?"

Nell and I smiled at each other. "You can't be nude all the time. Around here, I think it would be best to wear something, even if it's only shorts. Why not call your mom and get her to put some things together? I'll go over later and pick them up."

Nell interrupted, "NO you WON'T! Does Stevey have a father?"

"Yes, he does."

"Is he capable of driving?"


"What's wrong with him bringing Stevey's things, here?"

"I was afraid our trigger happy guards might shoot him."

"Well, then, I'll just have to have a talk with them, won't I?"

"Nell, I'll talk to them. Stevey, why don't you call your folks and tell them what you want them to bring here. It'd probably be good for them to see that you're all right, anyway. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'll call them, now."

"Great. Find out when they can be here, so I can collar the dogs."

Stevey gave me a funny look. "Oh, yeah! Okay."

I had a leisurely fifteen minute meal, like I always do, Stevey had finished his phone call with his mother.

"Mom's gonna pack me some things, then Dad's gonna bring `em over. She said it'll be about an hour."

"Good! I'll alert the troops."

As I started toward the door, we heard multiple gunfire! One shot, then three, then two! Almost simultaneously there was a screeching of tires!

Good God! WHAT NOW?

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 25

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