Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Oct 20, 2005

The usual stuff applies. This story is Copyright 2005, by the author represented by the email address, Please don't read it if it isn't legal for you to do so. Also, if you don't like reading about gay stuff, then what on Earth are you doing reading this? Because of the volume of emails I've been receiving, I'll only answer an email if you ask a question or request an answer. However, all questions and requests will be answered! (Who am I kidding? I acknowledge ALL emails!)


There is one person in particular who has written to me and touched my heart. In his youth, he suffered from abuse much like Stevey did in this story. It is to Rick B. that I dedicate this story.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

To NCV's faithful readers:

After I struggled to finish and post the last chapter, I have since come to the realization that this story has taken on a life of its own. I've been trying to force it to a swift conclusion, but now I know that the story (and its characters!) would suffer greatly if I did so, and I'd make you all miserable in the process. Sooooo, I've decided to let the story go where it may and let it finish when it wants to finish. The characters have been writing the story as it is, but now they'll take over completely. They've already told me some of the things that are about to happen, and I'm not sure I like it, but for the time being, I'll just be writing what they tell me. The bottom line is that I'll be along for the ride like everyone else! Don't blame me if it gets a little weird; it's out of my control!

Seriously, I really don't know where the story's coming from, but I've got a hint of where it's going. Some of it may be "unusual," and I may lose some of you, but I hope that doesn't happen. I have no idea how long this story will be; I only promise a bumpy ride!

I consider myself blessed. I've only had one mild flame, and it came after the first couple of chapters. I encouraged the writer to let me know what he thought of future chapters, and maybe he should try writing himself. I'm actually a little disappointed that I haven't heard back from him. All of the other emails I've received have been quite complimentary, if not downright loving! Alan and I will have to share a happy tear or two. If what they say is true, by extrapolation from the emails I've been getting, I must have an embarrassingly large number of readers! That's too overwhelming to imagine! It's an awesome responsibility, but I'll try to live up to your trust.

Lotsa hugs, to ALL of you! - Ken (

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 22: We rode in silence back to the camp. It wasn't uncomfortable, but rather it was similar to the silence after a big meal. It seemed that we were all in a state of contentment. Stevey was deep in thought, but had a slight smile on his lips. Glancing into the rear view mirror, I caught Rita and Tom grinning into each other's eyes. They were holding hands. Apparently, the Nomad was a catalyst for some kind of a reawakening in them! Everything seemed to be going so well until we turned into the driveway at the camp. There were at least six police cruisers, parked haphazardly around the office, all with their lights flashing!

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 23

There were so many red and blue lights flashing, it looked like patriotic fireworks! Stevey expressed my sentiments before I could form the words.

"Holy SHIT!"

Rita looked up, saying, "Stevey!" Then she saw the scene before us and shrieked, "OH, NO!"

As I brought the Hummer to an abrupt stop, as far out of the way as I could manage, we all jumped out and ran to the office. When we got there, Sharon was nowhere to be seen, but there were at least four cops milling around. Rita immediately took charge.

"Where's Sharon?" she demanded of the oldest officer there.

"Hold on, now! What's your business, here?"

With what I assumed to be her best fiery indignation, she said, "My husband and I OWN this place! Now, WHERE'S SHARON?"

"Oh! In the back. I'll take you to her."

"No, thanks! I know where it is!" she said, shoving him out of the way.

We followed her around the counter to their quarters. I glanced at the apologetic looking cop with a sheepish look and shrugged. When we got inside, Sharon (still comfortably nude) was talking to two officers; I suppose making some sort of statement. They were NOT looking at her eyes!

". . . As soon as they heard the sirens, they beat feet out of here. I'm surprised you didn't see them leave!" When she spotted Rita, she said, "Rita! I'm all right! That red button on the computer works great!"

Rita grabbed her in a hug, then looking into her eyes, she demanded, "Are you sure you're all right? What happened?"

Sharon sighed. "I've already told the story twice, but once more won't kill me. Two suspicious looking men came in and asked to rent a cabin. They kept looking around, like they were expecting someone else to show up or something. They weren't looking at me like most men do, and these men WERE NOT nudists! They didn't know anything at all about any of the usual rules, and they just looked sleazy, so I pushed the red button on the computer keyboard like you said, and then I stalled them. About ten minutes later, we heard sirens." She was smiling. "That's when they took off out of here like their pants were on fire! I don't know where they went, but they seemed to just disappear! I didn't even hear a car!"

Rita grabbed her into another hug. "Thank God you're all right! I was worried sick when I saw all the police cars outside!"

The officer that had been interviewing Sharon cleared his throat. "Excuse me. I need to finish this."

Only then did I recognize him as Officer Morris, the same man who had been here when Stevey had been kidnapped. "Officer Morris! I hope this won't become a habit!"

Trying to make a joke was not the brightest thing I've ever done. He scowled at me. He really needs to chill!

"Mr. Stuart, this is no joking matter," he said coldly. "I need to get a description of the suspects."

Stevey, bless his heart, jumped into the fray. "Sharon! Didja' get their pictures?"

"Hi, Stevey! Yeah, I think I did!"

He said, "Kewl!" then ran out to the office.

My insatiable curiosity made me follow him. Besides, I was no longer comfortable around Officer "Bore-us." Stevey reached under the counter and pulled out an old, beat up laptop computer. It was hard wired to something under the counter. He quickly searched through some files and found what he was looking for.

I smiled at Stevey's obsession. "Did you set up this camera?" I said, indicating a barely hidden camera on the shelf behind him.

Stevey glanced at the web cam I indicated. While he returned to his search, he said, absently, "No. Tim did that yesterday when he came to get his stuff. He took a couple of his old computers and programmed one to trigger programs in the other. He said it was sort of like a decoy setup. If someone came in and got suspicious, they might grab the laptop off the counter, but they wouldn't know the REAL program was working and storing their picture or dialing the police in the laptop under the counter. He used a program he wrote to dial his cell phone if a motion detector detected that someone was in his room." He looked at me slyly and whispered, "I found a way to sneak past it, though!" He looked back at the laptop and continued, "He programmed the laptop on the counter and put a piece of red tape on the F8 key as a panic button. It triggers the dialing program in this computer to dial the police and play a message saying we need help. Then he put a piece of blue tape on the F10 key, and programmed it to make this computer capture a picture from the web cam." A moment later, he suddenly exclaimed, "Yeah! She GOT `em!"

Stevey flipped the computer around and plugged a parallel port cable from the printer into the laptop and sent a couple of files to print. A few seconds later, it started printing. About the same time, curious Officer Morris came into the office and watched with us as a pair of clear, color pictures appeared from the printer. The first was of a stocky young man. His short hair was either dishwater blond, or just dirty, and his face was covered with pock marks. Some would say that his face looked like it had been on fire and someone put it out with an ice pick. When it finished printing, Stevey grabbed it and studied it. It was only then that I noticed that his eyes were wide and his face seemed to be losing its color.

Softly, I asked, "What is it, Stevey?"

He seemed oblivious to my question as he seemed to be remembering something. He began breathing hard, as if he was building adrenaline.

After the second picture finished printing, Stevey dropped the first picture on the counter, and grabbed it, studying it. From what I could see, the second man was what I would consider attractive, but overweight and unshaven. No wonder Sharon thought they looked "sleazy." A moment later, Stevey cringed, apparently reacting to an unpleasant memory.

The officer looked at the first photo and said to Stevey, "This is great! Thanks, son!"

Stevey handed him the second photo, but looked into my eyes in panic.

I asked him, "Stevey? What IS it?"

He swallowed hard. In a weak, high-pitched voice, he said, "I know them. They're Doug's friends."

"WHAT?" I didn't wait for an answer. I turned to officious Officer Morris and said, "You remember that pedophile that cop shot in the hospital?" He nodded, silently. "That man had been molesting Stevey. He told Stevey his name was Doug. We think the kidnappers knew him, too. Now, Stevey says he recognizes these guys as friends of Doug's."

Without waiting for his reaction, I dialed Frank on my cell phone. He answered before the first ring could finish. I interrupted his greeting. "Frank, where are you? We need you at the Smith's."

"I'm following the guys that left there a few minutes ago. These guys aren't getting away from me!"

"Oh, my God, Frank! Be careful! Stevey says they're friends of Doug's, or whatever his name is! They could be dangerous!"

"Shit! . . . Sorry, they almost made me. I had to drive past them."

"Where are you? The cops are here."

"I'm on the highway to Houston. They just stopped at a convenience store about ten miles east of you. They're in a white Chevy sedan. Probably a rental. Tell the cops to get here, fast!"

I relayed the information to Officer Morris and told him about Frank's black Suburban. I also gave him Frank's cell phone number. He alerted his officers and ran out the door. As we looked at each other in wonder, we heard tires digging out in the dirt, and then sirens begin to wail. I guess they won't be sneaking up on the men!

After I looked at Stevey one more time, I made another call on my cell phone. I figured Andy should know about this, and I've heard that different jurisdictions of law enforcement don't always share information, quickly.

Again, I was surprised that he answered. "Alan! What's up?"

I think he's beginning to realize I don't call unless I have something to say. "Andy! We're at the camp. . . ." I proceeded to fill him in.

Without hesitation, he almost shouted, "Alan, get Stevey out of there, NOW! He could be in great danger!"

Immediately, I looked at Stevey and replied, "He'll be at my house."

"Good. GO!" The line went dead.

By the time I finished on the phone, all of the cops were gone. I knew I'd have to explain to Rita and Tom, so I shouted for them. "Rita, Tom! I'm taking Stevey to my place!"

They came running out to the front. Rita demanded, "WHY?"

"Stevey recognized the guys' pictures. They're connected to the molester and probably the kidnappers. A friend of mine with the FBI thinks Stevey could be in danger. Do you mind if I take Stevey to my house?"

Rita freaked. It was too much information, too fast. "Stevey! My Stevey!" After wetting his face with her tears, she looked into his eyes and said, "You be good and do what Alan says, okay?"

Stevey swallowed hard and nodded. Then he hugged his mom tightly and kissed her on the cheek. Then he sought his dad and did the same for him. When he was finished, he turned and grabbed my arm. We ran to the Hummer and jumped in. I had such a sense of urgency, brought about by Andy's call that my senses were at an all time high. I noticed everything around us.

Quickly, I started the car and put us on our way to the house. I had the eerie feeling of being conspicuous in the Hummer. It's absolutely impossible to "blend in" while driving it!

I picked up my cell phone and dialed Frank. It rolled over to voicemail. "Frank, I'm taking Stevey to my place for protection. I want 24 hour guards there! Call me!"

Stevey looked at me wide-eyed. In a small voice, he said, "You don't have to do that. I'll be fine at your house."

I smiled at his naivete. "I know, and that's the way I want it to stay." I reached over and took his hand. "Love you, little one."

He leaned over and hugged my arm. Resting his head on my bicep, he said, "I love you, too, Alan."

It took only a few more minutes to arrive at the house. When I drove in, I looked all around as I drove up to the "toy box." When we entered, I shouted for Marty. The urgency in my voice must have alerted him.

"Right here! What's wrong?" he said, as he ran from the shop toward me.

"Nothing, right now. I have reason to believe that we need to tighten up security around here. Lock all the doors and windows, and keep them locked. We'll do the same in the house. When you get everything locked, wash your hands and come to the house. Oh, I left the Hummer just outside. Could you put it away for me, please?"

Marty looked at Stevey, admiringly, but puzzled. "Sure, boss!"

Stevey and I walked quickly back to the exit and across to the house. As we entered, I shouted for Nell.

She came into the kitchen from the main part of the house, carrying a dust rag and saying, "What's all the commotion? Oh, hi, Stevey!"

"Nell, let's lock up the house, and check all the windows. I'll tell you why when we're done."

She raised an eyebrow, and said, "Okay, let's get to it! There are a lot of doors and windows!"

"Great! You go that way, and we'll go this way. Stevey, stay close to me, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He seemed a bit bewildered. I guess maybe I was overreacting, but I figured it's better to be safe than sorry. If I'm overreacting, that'll just have to be all right. I'd rather that than take it all too lightly.

It took the better part of an hour to go through the house and check all the windows and doors. Almost everything had been unlocked. So much for living in the country. . . .

While we were finishing up, my cell phone rang. The display told me who was calling. "Hi, Frank!"

Always business when something's brewing, he neglected any introduction. But, then again, none was necessary. "I've got six guys heading your way, now. They should be there in about half an hour and they'll be low profile. By the way, they're Navy Seals. I thought you might have suspected as much, though."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I kinda figured. Are they all Seals?"

"No, we've got a couple of Rangers. Then there's one Green Beret, but he keeps pretty much to himself. He's a bit of a loner. We call his type a ghost, but that's not an insult. He seems to pop up whenever you need him, and then he disappears just as suddenly when he's done. He's a good friend to have around."

I decided to take advantage of his candor. "Frank, were you a Seal?"

"Yeah. That's how I met most of these guys. We went through Hell together."

I couldn't help being in awe. "Thanks, Frank. I don't know what I'd have done without you all these years."

He cleared his throat. "You would've done fine. I'm just glad you think you need me."

"Frank, you'll never know just how important you are to me."

There was a pregnant pause. "Oh, one more thing. The last I saw of those characters was when they were leading what looked for all the world like a game of fox and hounds towards Houston. The hounds were screaming at them!" he laughed at his own joke.

"I guess you were hiding at the camp, again?"

"Yeah, I had some time, so I was keeping an eye out. This time, I saw the guys leave and watched them get in their car. Sneaky bastards! They parked where they could escape through the trees to avoid being seen if they had to. But, they couldn't get past me! Besides, they parked right next to my Suburban! Not the brightest bulbs in the box! They didn't even recognize my Suburban when I was following them!"

"Hmm. Hope they catch them."

"Yeah, me too. Gotta go. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll come by and check on the security detail."

"One more thing. Tim will be on his way home, soon. He's in his black Mustang. Don't let them stop him from coming to the house."

"Gotcha. I call `em, now."

I started to thank him, again, but he hung up. I suspect that he's been watching out for Stevey a lot, lately.

Finally, Stevey and I finished up and made our way to the kitchen where Marty and Nell were waiting for us.

As we took seats at the breakfast table, I began, "Okay, sorry for the scare, but something's happened." I quickly explained about the suspicious characters at the Smith's and how we thought they might be connected to Stevey's kidnappers. Then I explained, to Stevey's embarrassment, that he had been the target of a pedophile (they didn't need to know he'd been molested), and that we suspected that Stevey could be in danger. Secretly, I had begun to suspect that there was some sort of group of pedophiles that we needed to worry about. Stevey might have already put that together, too, but I didn't want to voice my own suspicions, just yet.

"So, for now, anyway, we'll just have to hunker down and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. I'm having Frank Holmes station some guards around the house. I don't want this place to appear like a war zone, but I think Frank's guards will probably remain inconspicuous, anyway. If you do see anything, don't bother to tell me, first. Alert one of the guards, then call 9-1-1. Then tell me, or call me if I'm not here. Okay? Any questions?"

Marty looked at me and said, "Not a one, boss. Don't worry about a thing."

Nell looked at Stevey and said, "How about some cookies and milk?"

"Okay, thanks." As she walked to the refrigerator, presumably to get the milk, Stevey looked at me with a slight smile and rolled his eyes.

I laughed at him and ruffled his hair. His reaction to Nell helped me to know he wasn't overly traumatized by the day's events. After I finished messing up his hair, he gave me an instant, rib cracking hug, as he burrowed his face into my chest. Of course, I hugged him back!

"Marty, I almost forgot! When will the Suburban be ready?"

"Should've been ready today, but I didn't think there'd be any hurry." He looked at his watch. "I think I've got just enough time to call to see if I can pick it up tomorrow." Marty excused himself to return to the car barn.

After setting Stevey's milk and cookies within his reach on the counter, Nell began her preparations for dinner. I looked down into Stevey's dark eyes and said, "Let's go watch some TV. Maybe there's some news on." I looked at my watch. "Your brother should be home, soon, anyway. Grab your stuff and let's go be couch potatoes."

Stevey grabbed a cookie from the plate and stuck it in his mouth before he picked up the plate and glass. He followed right behind me all the way into the media room, where I turned on the tube for the evening news. There was no news about what had happened at the nudist camp, but I didn't expect any. There was one small blurb, though, about a high-speed car chase on the way to Houston that went through several counties. It ended when the fleeing car ran off the road and hit a large tree. The two occupants weren't wearing seatbelts and died either on impact or in the ensuing fire. They weren't identified, because apparently there was some kind of an investigation underway.

Stevey and I shared an ominous look. Stevey finally said, "Do you think it was them?"

"I kinda get that impression."

"Good. That's two we don't have to worry about."

He moved closer to me and put his arms around me, resting his face on my chest. He'd sure been hugging me a lot lately, but I'm not complaining! I'm just worried about his well-being. I'm keeping a close eye on him to watch for any signs of depression. It could creep up on him at any moment.

A few minutes later, Tim stormed into the room, eyes wide. I hadn't heard him come in. "What happened? Why are there soldiers outside, and why's the house all locked up? Stevey? Are you all right?"

Stevey looked up at his brother and smiled, but didn't let go of me. "I'm fine! Alan's fine! Just chill, will ya'?"

Tim stomped around the couch to look us in the eyes. He actually had his hands on his hips! "I WILL NOT CHILL! TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!"

I smiled at him and moved Stevey away from me. Stevey didn't seem to like it, but I ignored his protest. I patted the cushion between us. "Sit," I instructed Tim. Stevey finally got the hint, so that when Tim sat his perfect butt between us, he hugged his brother. Tim hugged him back. I put my arm around both of them and began to explain.

"Your folks and I took Stevey to his appointment in the city, then we came back here and I showed them the toy box. Your folks sure liked that `56 Nomad! They took it for a drive. . . ."

Stevey interrupted, "Yeah, and they were all goofy-eyed when they got back!"

I chuckled. "When we got back to your folks' place, there were cop cars, everywhere!" Tim was about to sputter, so I interrupted him. "Sharon was watching the office and she's fine! That was some piece of work setting up the computers like you did! She used both the automatic dialer and the photo capture. The guys got away, but Stevey got into the computer and printed the photos of the two guys Sharon thought looked suspicious. That's when Stevey recognized them! They're friends of Doug's, but I'll let him tell you about that. I called Frank and found out he was following the guys, so I told the cops, who took out after them. Then I called Andy, and he told me to get Stevey away from the camp, pronto! Your folks must have thought that wise, because they didn't object. I called Frank again and told him to put guards around the house. We got home, locked everything up, and here we are!"

Tim added, "And now the Texas National Guard is on your doorstep! Have you SEEN those guys?"

I smiled at him. "No, not lately, but I've got an idea of what they look like. They're Frank's Navy Seal friends. I pity anyone that tries to get past them!"

In a low voice, Tim said, "Yeah," and shook his head.

We spent some quiet time, absently watching the less interesting news, weather and sports, and then Nell called us to dinner. Being able to look at the boys all through dinner was the most relaxing time I've spent in recent memory! I didn't have a care in the world. That is, until I heard a gun shot!

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 24

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