Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Aug 20, 2005

The usual stuff applies. This story is Copyright 2005, by the author represented by the email address, Please don't read it if it isn't legal for you to do so. (I have to say that. I know I can't stop you from reading it.) Also, if you don't like reading about gay stuff, then what on Earth are you doing reading this?


There is one person in particular who has written to me and touched my heart. In his youth, he suffered from abuse much like Stevey did. It is to Rick that I dedicate this story.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


As I arrived at my office, Lucy greeted me with an odd smile. "Hi, Alan! Nice of you to show up today! Did you forget to tell me your schedule, again?"

"Uh, I guess I did. I had a doctor's appointment at nine then a meeting with DPS and the FBI at DPS Headquarters. Then I had lunch with a new friend."

"Okay . . . . I need to know BEFORE hand in order to plan your calendar!" she said coldly. "Maybe next time you'll let me in on your secrets?"

"I'm sorry, Lucy. As usual, I'll try to remember." I know I should have told her my schedule, and I usually do, but this has been a very strange time in my life. I walked to my office door, which was closed. I was about to ask Lucy why it was closed when I opened it and the strong scent of roses almost knocked me over. There were red roses on every horizontal surface everywhere in my office!

I was standing there with my mouth hanging open, when I felt a small hand on my back push me the rest of the way through the door. As I stood there, stunned, I heard the door close and the lock click.

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 19 My office was a riot of red roses! There were vases and arrangements of red roses, everywhere! They were on the coffee table, the side tables, the sofa table, all over my desk, and even in the chairs! I even noticed that the floor was peppered with red rose petals! The smell was romantically intoxicating. One thought occurred to me: When I had given him one, Tim had said that a red rose signified the romantic love of another. If one meant love, then this was infinitely greater! I stood there, taking it all in, trying to control my emotions as it sank into my hard head, when I caught two eyes peeking at me over the mass of roses on my desk. Immediately, I recognized the sun bleached light brown wavy hair, the thin, straight eyebrows, and those dark brown eyes as Tim's! I was captivated. All I could do was to stare at him. I think my mouth was hanging open, too. Slowly, with fluid, cat-like movements, he slinked around my desk. As his full face came into view, I saw a maelstrom of emotions: anxiety, hope, sorrow, longing, fear, and . . . love! As he approached me, I finally noticed that he was carrying a single red rose, and all he was wearing was an expression that made me feel that I'd better pay attention! My breath caught, just as it had the first time I saw him. I allowed my eyes to drink in the full length of his tanned physical excellence. My head became light, as I gasped for breath and my heart began to pound. He stopped and stood silently about three feet in front of me with his left hand at his side and his right hand holding the rose just touching his lips. While his mouth was seducing me, his eyes told me he was afraid. I was intoxicated and paralyzed as I took a long mental picture of his visage. It was a scene that many would envy, and it was being presented to me, a mere mortal! I know we had already committed to one another, but this seemed to be Tim's recommitment to me. It was what my heart yearned for. I stepped slowly to him, moving my hands carefully to his face. Cradling his head, I glided to close the distance between us. When my lips met his, I slowly brushed his mouth with mine, increasing the pressure slightly, tenderly, until I pressed a kiss into his pursing lips. Carefully, my tongue touched his lips and gently parted them. Ever so slowly and carefully, I searched for his tongue with mine, and I felt his hands and arms encircle my waist. I was in no hurry to increase the passion of my kiss. I was intoxicated, not only by the roses, but by the sight of him, his touch, his scent, and the moment. Instinctively, I felt that this would be the redefining of our love for one another. Time seemed to stop. I reveled in the tenderness of our kiss. I could feel his breath on my face and the softness of his hair on my fingertips. I realized that the depth and speed of our breathing was increasing. I became aware that his hands had moved to my coat. He was trying to push it off of me. Reluctantly, I released his face, but not the lock I had on his embrace. I dropped my arms and allowed my coat to fall to the floor. He gracefully removed my tie and began to unbutton my shirt. I became anxious to be as exposed to him as he was to me, so I removed my cufflinks and discarded them on the floor as well. As I did so, he pushed my shirt from my shoulders and I let it drop from my arms. Tim unbuckled my belt, loosened the waist of my pants, and unzipped them in one fluid movement. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of my slacks. It was with agony that we broke our kiss. I groaned at the feeling of loss my lips felt. Immediately, with his first swift movement, he grabbed my jockeys and ripped them to my ankles. Then he grasped my socks, one at a time and pulled them off my feet as I lifted each from the floor. He stepped back, away from me, and I took a step toward him in confusion. He kept the distance by stepping further back. Then I realized that he was taking a long look at me, as I had done him. I stood, allowing him to satiate his hunger. When his eyes returned to mine, they reflected his lust. I looked down and discovered both our batons conducting a symphony to our heavily beating hearts. Without warning, we both took a step toward one another and quickly closed the chasm between us. As he moved into me, I was reminded of our first encounter in the motor home, when he had fallen against me. I almost lost myself in the memory as he pressed himself against me as he had that day, but this time he added a desperate kiss. I felt his writhing body becoming rigid. He was quickly getting close, so I pulled my lower body away from him to stop his stimulation. He groaned. Reluctantly, I broke our kiss and slowly licked and kissed down the firm flesh of his neck, shoulders, pecs and nipples (giving them both ample attention), then down his cut abs, cleaning his bellybutton. When I got to his outdoor plumbing, I avoided his dick and went straight to his `nads. I sucked briefly on each, swirling one, then the other in my mouth with my tongue. By this time, he was moaning loudly. I was growing self-conscious about Lucy hearing us, so I gulped down his steely tool. This had the opposite of the intended effect. He nearly screamed! I reached around his firm ass with one hand and pressed firmly on his perineum with two finders of the other. Simultaneously, I massaged his spongy helmet with my larynx and he immediately blew his load down my throat! He involuntarily bucked at my face, thrusting himself further into my throat. I would have moaned myself, if his exploding cock hadn't been expanding my windpipe. I was trying to hold back my own excitement, but I realized my pecker was dripping onto my thigh like a leaky faucet. Tim dropped to his knees and pushed me back. Since I was kneeling, I fell backward onto my haunches, and then to my back on the floor. He quickly fell between my legs, gobbling my stony hardness into his mouth. Slowing his pace, he deliberately impaled his throat with my erection, not stopping until his nose was pressing into my belly. He held me there and, whether or not intentionally, he flexed his throat muscles, as if to swallow. I was on the brink as it was, but this sudden sensation put me over the edge! Without warning, I convulsed and exploded directly down his throat. I held his shoulders in my hands as I bucked like a wild stallion! I couldn't help myself! I don't think I've ever experienced an orgasm so all consuming! I have no idea if I made any noise, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'd alerted the media! If I hadn't already been flat on my back, I would have collapsed, but Tim did just that, on top of me. If I hadn't just had such an electrifying orgasm, I would have become hard again! I wrapped my arms around him tightly and held him as if he were trying to get away. He rested his head on my chest. We stayed in that position until well after our breathing returned to normal. We had yet to speak a single word. Our only communication had been eloquent in our moans, groans, whimpers, and airy screams. When I began stroking his hair, he looked up into my eyes. I'd been thinking about how miserable I had been without him, and my eyes were wet. He moved up, even with my face, and tenderly wiped my temples dry with his thumbs. Then he pressed his mouth into mine for yet another of his patented kisses. Finally, he whispered, "Alan, please forgive me." "I will, if you forgive me, too." "Forgive you? Why?" "I should never have let you leave. I never want to force you to do anything you don't want to do, but I was wrong to let you go." "I shouldn't have left. I know that, now." I stroked his silken hair as I gently whispered, "You left without saying anything. You didn't tell me what was wrong." His eyes clouded. "I'm sorry. I just got to thinking about Stevey and imagining him dead or at least in some terrible situation somewhere. I felt really guilty that I was so incredibly happy and he could've been . . ." He swallowed hard. "I just couldn't stand it. . . . And then . . . And then, you saved him!" His eyes were dripping tears. It was Frank and his friends that saved the boys, but I'd explain that later. It was my turn to console him. "Tim, I love you more than my own life. Of course, I forgive you. Just promise me one thing?" He breathed, "Anything." "Don't ever do that again. If something's bothering you, talk to me about it. That's the way it's supposed to work. We talk about things." "I promise! I promise now and forever. I love you so much I can't exist without you!" He started crying, again. As I wiped his tears from his cheeks, I whispered, "Okay, stop that. It's over. I'm never letting you go, again. At least, not without a fight." I smiled into his face as he smiled into mine. He dropped his face, resting his cheek wearily on my chest and sighed. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. We lay there on the deep carpet of my office for a very long time. I didn't want the moment to end, and I don't think he did, either. Suddenly, I heard his stomach growl. Loudly. For some reason, I found that amusing, so I chuckled. I felt Tim's body begin to convulse, slightly, then he began giggling. Then my stomach growled. We both laughed. "Must be because we had so much protein on an empty stomach!" He actually laughed at my attempt at a joke. "I'm starving!" "I think we need to continue, elsewhere." "No, not that! Well, yeah, there's that, and I could do with a lot more of it, but I haven't eaten much of anything since Saturday morning. I could eat a horse!" That's when he reached down and grabbed my reawakening pecker. He slid down and took it back into his throat in a single move. I gasped and moaned! Slowly, he released it, licking the new juices from it as he did. He licked it slowly like a lollipop. The roughness of his tongue sent me into overdrive. I sucked in a quick breath and sat up in a convulsive movement. "Tim! That's not a horse!" I whispered. "Mmm?" he mumbled as he continued to lick. "Tim!" I said more loudly. "If you don't stop right now, I'll come again!" He looked up at me, in deep thought. I thought he'd finally let me get up and get dressed, but instead, he grabbed my scrotum around the base and jammed my cock back down his throat. His aggressive movement sent me soaring! He firmly massaged my perineum, stimulating my prostate, so that I didn't have the ability to object. Just a few strokes were all it took. I thought my last orgasm was intense, but this one made me feel as if every nerve in my body exploded! I felt like I was containing an atomic blast! When I finally settled to earth from my trip to the stars, I heard something brush the outside of the office door. Someone must have been listening! When Tim finally released my tortured member, he was chuckling. "Like that, didja?" It was a minute or two before I could catch my breath. When I finally recovered enough to speak, I slurred, "Y'know, paybacks're Hell!" He laughed! No respect, that boy! But when he laid all of his weight on top of me and smashed my mouth with a deeply passionate kiss, I quickly forgave him. I could taste myself on his tongue. My hunger for his touch and need for his closeness were insatiable. It was only a few minutes before I realized that I had yet another erection. That damn thing doesn't know when it's got it good! Tim noticed, too. He pressed his groin into my hardness and chuckled. "So, it feels like you're ready for more!" In spite of being incredibly turned on, I was sore and not ready for any further action. At least not for a short while, anyway! "Tim, you are unbelievable," I whispered as I stroked his hair with my fingers and brushed his cheeks with my thumbs. He chuckled, seductively. "I think you rattled the windows." I think I lost the color in my face. "Did I make a lot of noise?" I looked toward the door. This time he laughed! "Yeah, you could say that." "Oh, God," I groaned. "Lucy might have heard!" He chuckled again! I'm glad he finds this amusing! NOT! "Yeah, and Stevey, too!" "Stevey? Is Stevey here?" This time he only smiled at me. "Yeah. Who do you think helped me with all this? Who do you think pushed you through the door?" "Stevey?" "Yeah. . . . Lucy helped, too. Y'know, she really loves you." "LOVES me?" "Like a boss, or maybe like a brother. But she's definitely protective where you're concerned. It took some doing, but when she found out what I was up to, she really pitched in to help!" >From my position on my back on the floor, I looked up at the flowers around the room. "Where on earth did you get all these roses?" He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Let's just say that if anyone within a hundred miles wants to buy a red rose, they'll be SOL. Dad's truck has a shell, so I borrowed it, and Stevey and I drove all over the county to ever florist I could find. We bought every red rose there was, but it still wasn't enough. When I got here and we brought them in, Lucy saw that I was disappointed. I wanted to you to be impressed, but I didn't think it was enough. Lucy told me some guy named Carl had called here about seven-thirty thinking you might be here. She said he mentioned that you probably wouldn't be in `til after lunch. She said you had a doctor's appointment and a meeting, then he was gonna take you to lunch. She called some numbers and had the rest of these roses delivered. I don't know where she found them all! I'm gonna be paying for this for a long time, but the look on your face was worth every bit of it! I don't know what I'd have done if you didn't like it." He frowned and brushed the hair from my forehead. I swallowed hard. Tim's determination and apparent devotion were more than I felt I deserved. I whispered through the lump in my throat, "I know what you wanted to say with the roses. I don't know what I've done to be so blessed." I pulled his face down to mine and again smothered him with kisses. When we finally had to come up for air, I sighed. We shared a deep look into each other's eyes. I swallowed, hard. "We'd better get up and get back to the living." His expression changed to disappointment, but he nodded. As nice as it would have been, we couldn't stay there any longer. Tim raised himself off of me and I slowly climbed to my feet. I couldn't help sharing one more naked kiss. He smelled intoxicating, like sex. I finally released him and I reached for my clothes. He was watching me. "You didn't come in here like that, did you?" He glanced down at his nude form and chuckled at me. "No. I had some clothes on." After he watched me for another moment, he retreated behind my desk and started dressing, too. Tim was dressed before I was. He caught my eye as he darted to my private outside door and removed a chair he had jammed against it. I shook my head at him when I caught his eye. He blushed. "You really planned this, didn't you?" "Actually, Lucy helped a lot! She's the one that thought about the outside door and how to delay you at security. I needed some warning to make sure I was ready." I thought about him shedding his clothes behind my desk and I started to become aroused again. I remembered an old saying my father once told me: "When two hearts race, both win." I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand being separated from him for the drive to his house to take Stevey home and return his father's truck. When I finally finished dressing (I didn't bother with my tie), he stepped up to me and grabbed me into a bone crushing embrace. He breathed, "I love you, Alan." I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes. "I love you, too, Timothy Smith." I took him by the hand, still looking into his eyes and led him to the office door. I had an eerie feeling about what was on the other side of the door, so I put one finger to my lips to tell Tim to be still. Grasping the door handle firmly, in one movement I twisted and yanked the door open. Confirming my hunch, Stevey fell from his knees into the office. He lay on his back on the floor, blushing and giggling with his hands over his mouth. At the same time, I heard Lucy's chair squeak as she sat in it. She wasn't giggling, but she was smiling and blushing. I smiled at both of them. "Uh, huh! I don't get any privacy around here any more, do I?" Stevey and Lucy looked at each other and this time they both giggled. Stevey said, "Not when you're making noises like you were making, you don't!" I bit my lips and looked at Tim. He was smiling and blushing as he shrugged his shoulders. I could feel myself blushing, too. I looked at Lucy. "No one else knows about this, do they?" She shook her head, sheepishly. "No, boss. Your secret's safe." Somehow, that didn't comfort me. "It had better be." She could tell by my smile that I was serious, but not seriously threatening her. Then I became more tender. "Lucy, thank you for helping." That was all I could get out, so I winked the rest of my sentiment. She whispered through her smile, "My pleasure." By then, Stevey had clambered to his feet. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "As for you, little imp, you pushed me through the door, didn't you?" He had a hysterical smile on his face and giggled again. "Yeah! Someone had to do it!" I reached to hug him, but he giggled and tried to avoid me. I grabbed him into a tight hug from behind before he could run from my reach. I whispered into his ear, "Thanks!" He giggled and wiggled, wildly. When I let him go, Stevey turned to me and threw his arms around me, burying his face in my chest. He looked up at me and said, "So, you're back to loving Tim, right?" I smoothed his hair out of his eyes. "I never stopped. We just needed to talk." He looked at me with an odd expression. "I heard you . . . talking. What kind of language was that?" I blushed and laughed at him. Then I whispered in his ear, "That was the language of love!" He giggled and blushed. "Oh!" I searched his eyes. While Stevey had experienced sex, he had yet to experience any real, romantic love. I sighed a quiet sorrow for him. When I finally released Stevey, I turned to Lucy. She was still beaming at me. "I forgot to tell you. The doctor gave me stern orders to go home and rest until next Monday." She raised her eyebrows at me, expecting more of an explanation. "The last few days have been difficult. He just wants me to recuperate." I wanted to change the subject. "Does Bill still have that monster SUV? You know that extortion, exhibition, whatever it is?" She snickered. "Yes, I think he does. Should I call him and get him to help with the flowers?" I really like the way she knows what I'm thinking. I can't help thinking she's far too intelligent to be just a secretary. "Yes, please. And we'll need another strong back, too. Someone who can drive Tim's truck." Tim was looking at me curiously. "I can drive, you know." "I know, but you're not leaving my side! You can drive the Hum-Vee if you want." "HUM-VEE? You've got it HERE?" I chuckled. "Yeah." I looked at Stevey. "You ever ride in one?" Stevey was glowing. "I can ride with you? Way kewl!" I put my arm around Stevey's shoulders. "You bet!" Lucy hung up the phone. "Bill said he'll be right here. He's bringing Joe with him." Joe Brandon is a tall, blond, twenty-something body builder. He usually has three or four young ladies hanging all over him. It's so tedious! They just can't seem to keep their hands off him, so it'll be a relief not to have any around for this. When Bill and Joe appeared, I noticed middle-aged Lucy lose her concentration as she looked at Joe with a blank expression. Joe smiled at Lucy and said, "Hi, Lucy!" He must be used to the kind of attention Lucy was giving him. Snapping out of it, she said, "Hi, Joe." Turning, presumably to look busy, she grabbed a stack of papers and straightened them, but she kept an eye on him out of the corner of her eye. There is something about Joe. He has a wonderfully charismatic personality, but he's one of those guys who seem to reek pheromones. Almost everyone seems to respond to him either very positively or very negatively. The rare people who don't like him are all redneck jerks. He seems to be a good barometer for personalities. Personally, I've always found that he makes me uncomfortable. I find I've got to concentrate on not staring at him. I know he's straight and I don't want to make him ill at ease, so I've got to try to keep from being drawn into those beautiful blue eyes of his. I cleared my throat and Tim jumped. He was looking at Joe. I think he has the same problem as I do where Joe's concerned. Tim caught me smiling at him and blushed. I whispered to him, "It's okay. I'm the same way." That only made him blush more. I chuckled, quietly. When we got all the roses loaded up, they just barely fit into the three vehicles. Joe drove Tim's dad's truck, Bill followed in his monster, and I led the procession in my behemoth. It seemed an incongruity that an intimidating military vehicle like this Hum-Vee would be outfitted in luxury and carry flowers. Tim was in ecstasy driving it, and Stevey was in his glory looking at all the features in it. I think he was especially happy to see Tim and me together. When we got to my (our?) house, I grabbed a single rose and asked Tim and Stevey to wait before coming in. "Tim, count to twenty, then come in." He had a question on his face. I explained, "Nell told me not to come home unless you were with me. I want to surprise her." He smiled a deeply dimpled smile. Did you know his eyes smile, too? God, I love him! I was beginning to perspire as I tore my eyes from Tim and entered the house. I shouted, "Nell, I'm home!" She came stomping out of her rooms, looking past me. She drew up all of her five foot, two inch height, put her hands on her boney hips and said, "Alright young man, where is he?" "I have this for you," I said evasively, as I handed her the rose. "Don't give me that!" she said as she took it from my hand and sniffed it. "I want more than this, anyway. You can just get your little tush out of this house until you get Tim here! I will NOT have you dragging your depressed carcass all over my clean floor! I mean it! Out, damn you!" I think she was ready to grab me and throw me out bodily when she froze. I turned and saw Tim barely visible behind a huge vase of red roses. She actually gasped! She looked at me, angrier than ever, and slapped my arm. "Why didn't you tell me you brought him home?" I grabbed my arm, feigning pain. "Ow! When did you give me a chance to say anything?" "Okay, mister, how was I supposed to interpret that silly grin of yours? Well?" I looked at Tim. We both burst out laughing. "Tim, are you sure you want to live in a house with this woman?" He looked at me with "that look" and nodded. If we'd been alone, I would have eaten him where he stood. I turned and looked at Nell. She was staring at my eyes. "Uh, huh! Good! It's about time you worked it out!" She grabbed the roses out of Tim's arms and almost dropped them. Tim grabbed them back just in time. "Follow me!" she ordered. Tim dutifully followed her past me, winking at me as he went. Coming through the door were Stevey, Bill, and Joe, all carrying large armloads of roses. I scurried after Tim. I had to see the look on Nell's face. When she turned and told Tim to put the roses on the dining room table, she caught sight of the procession behind us. Her eyes nearly popped out of her face! "Wha . . . ? Where did all these roses come from?" I chuckled and looked at Tim. I said in a low voice, "When Tim does something, he does it right." He caught my innuendo and began panting with his mouth open. I bit my lips. When I heard Nell groan, I looked at her. She was watching us. "I think I've created a monster. Check that! TWO monsters!" For now, if it makes her feel better, I'll let her take the credit. We were two "monsters" on our own! Stevey caught every word and was grinning like a Cheshire cat, but I don't think Bill or Joe heard the exchange. I wouldn't have minded if Bill heard it, but I didn't want Joe to hear any of it. I don't think he knows anything intimate about me and I want to keep it that way. By the time all of the roses were in the house, it seemed that they had multiplied! Nell had the guys put them in the foyer, library, parlor, living room, media room, and even in the powder rooms. It seemed like the entire first floor was covered with them! We were in the living room and Nell was just finishing admiring the last of the roses, then she started admiring the men who delivered them. Stevey happened to be too close to her. She quickly grabbed him from behind and hugged him, but he screeched in surprise! Nell quickly released him, laughing at him. "I didn't mean to scare you! Are you related to Tim? You look just like a junior copy of him!" Stevey's eyes were huge and he was trying to catch his breath. She had scared him badly. Tim explained, "Nell, this is my brother, Stevey." Nell's expression turned serious. "Oh, my God! Stevey, are you the one . . . ? Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you! Did they hurt you?" Stevey looked confused as he caught his breath. He looked at Tim and me and said, "Tim and Alan would never hurt me!" "No, I mean the kidnappers." The color left his face. He looked as if he were about to faint, but he leaned over and put his hands on his knees. Both Tim and I rushed to his side. "Stevey? Are you all right?" I asked. He was breathing hard. "I'm fine." I knew better. He was still looking at the floor with his hands on his knees. "Come sit down." Tim and I guided him to a chair. I looked at Tim and said in a low voice, "Stay with him." Nell darted toward the kitchen, muttering, "I'll get some water." I turned to Bill and Joe. "Thanks, guys. I appreciate your help." Bill's eyes were wide open, but he nodded. Joe was staring at Stevey with a stricken look on his face. "Is he all right?" Bill turned to him and said, "I'll tell you about it on the way back." Then he turned to me and said, "See you tomorrow?" I explained about having to take the week off. "You're in charge `til I get back." Bill nodded. "I'll see you next week, then." "Thanks, Bill." I escorted them to the door. When I got back to the boys, Nell was hovering over Stevey, making him take sips of water. Tim was kneeling in front of him. I knelt in front of Stevey to look into his lowered eyes. "Stevey? Tell me, what's wrong?" He looked into my eyes. He was a little spacey, but he blinked a few times and I saw his eyes dart toward Nell. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong." I looked toward Nell. "Nell, would you excuse us for a minute?" She nodded with an understanding look. "I'll be in the kitchen." Before she left she touched Stevey's shoulder. When she disappeared, I said, "Stevey, tell us what's wrong." He looked at Tim then me, and his eyes filled with tears. He whispered, "They hurt me." "The kidnappers?" "Yeah." Tim reached out and held Stevey's hand. "Stevey, tell me what they did." With his wet eyes, he looked at me for a moment, working up the courage to speak.

To be continued . . . .

Next: Chapter 20

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