Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Jul 7, 2005

I just finished this chapter! I hope you enjoy it!

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ;)

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 12: The phone at the other end rang. Another ring. Another ring. It was ringing a fourth time as a small voice said, "Hello?" It was Stevey, I was sure of it. He sounded nervous. I said, "Stevey? Are you alright?" "For whom are you calling, please?" He spoke haltingly and there was tension in his voice. "Stevey, it's me, Alan!" "Sorry, this is the Smith residence. You've dialed a wrong number." The connection went dead. I looked at Tim with great concern. Stevey knew it was me, but he was being far too formal! Something was wrong! Very wrong!

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 13

The only thing that could occur to me was that someone was with Stevey who shouldn't be and he was speaking in code. Stevey's in trouble! He is one bright kid! I felt myself panic, but I couldn't control my emotions! Stevey was counting on me to do something, but what could I do?

As I slowly pulled the phone from my ear, I looked at Tim. He must have seen the look of panic on my face.


I shook my head. "I don't know! I DON'T KNOW!"

I told Tim exactly what Stevey said. He started to freak out. Oddly, seeing Tim in such a state brought me back to my senses.

"Wait! Frank! I'll call Frank! He'll know what to do!"

Quickly I punched his number into the phone.

"Hello?" He answered in a whisper. I knew he wouldn't recognize the number.

"Frank, it's me! Alan! Stevey's in trouble!"

"Alan?" he whispered. I heard the phone move from his ear. "Where are you?"

"I'm calling from my sat phone on the boat. Listen, I just had a really disturbing phone call with Stevey, and I think he's in trouble!"

He whispered, "I'm here at the camp. What did he say?"

I told him about Stevey's hang up call, then the conversation we had when I called him.

He continued to whisper. "Get here as fast as you can! . . . I gotta go!" The line went dead.

Every hair on my body was standing on end! WHAT THE BLOOMIN' BLAZES IS GOING ON? I turned to Tim and relayed the conversation to him, the part he hadn't heard.

"Tim, we've got to go!"

I didn't have to tell him twice. He grabbed his clothes from where he had folded them on the couch and quickly dressed. Following his lead, I did the same. It took us only minutes to put everything in places that they wouldn't roll around, and we cast off.

Tim was almost crying. "What do you think is happening?"

I looked at him and swallowed hard. "I don't know. I really don't know. But, Frank's there. Nothing will happen to Stevey as long as Frank's there." I knew it was wishful thinking, but it was the only thing I could think to tell Tim for comfort.

I started the engines and had us in the main channel of the narrow lake in record time. This time we were using the command center in the stateroom. I had the engines at full throttle and we were making good time, but we had to slow to a crawl for some sailboats. This big boat throws such a wake that it could easily swamp or even capsize smaller boats.

Damn! It's the weekend and it seems as if everyone who owns a boat is on the lake!

I told Tim to grab the sat phone. I gave him Perry's number to call. "Tell him we're coming in full steam! We need him to meet us at the dock!"

Tim introduced himself and asked for Perry. When he knew he was speaking with Perry, Tim told him what I'd said. "No, nothing's wrong with US. It's my brother, Stevey. We think he's being held against his will. It's a long story, but we're in a big hurry to find out what's going on."

He listened for a minute. "Thanks, Perry. You'll never know how much we appreciate it. . . . Hmm? . . . Oh, it was wonderful! We kind of left the boat in a mess, though. . . . Thanks! We owe you, big time! . . . You, too. Thanks. Bye."

Tim looked at me. "He said to bring the boat in at the end of the dock closest to the parking lot. He said to tell you not to worry about the boat, just make sure Stevey's okay."

"Perry's a good friend."

"He sounds like a really cool guy," Tim said, helping me concentrate on dodging boats.

"He is. Both he and his partner Randy are very cool guys." I glanced at Tim. "We'll have to do something special for those two when we can."

Tim looked at me with a smile. "They set this up for us, didn't they?"

I smiled back at him. "It was my idea, but yes, they did all the work." I glanced at him again with a smile. "You're worth it."

He looked at me dreamily as he rested his head on my shoulder. He whispered, "Don't you forget it." He kissed my cheek. "It was wonderful! Everything was perfect! I love you."

I choked, "I . . . I love you, too." Damn! I can't afford to let my eyes blur! I have to watch for small boats!

We finally came to the marina. I don't think I've ever docked it so quickly. Perry was there to meet us. He jumped onto the boat and took over the helm before we had time to think. All he said was "GO!"

We shouted our thanks over our shoulders. As we did, I saw him ogling Tim. I'm so proud of Tim! Everything about him is wonderful!

We jumped into the car and blasted off. This car is sure getting a workout! In a short time, we were on the highway and headed to the camp. For most of the trip, we were silent. I thought I saw some emergency lights behind us, just before we turned into the camp. As we wound along the road to the entrance, the lights got closer. My heart sank. Great! We're in a hurry, I drove too fast, and now I'm about to get a ticket! This delay will kill Tim! I pulled over to wait for the cop to catch up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Tim must have thought I'd lost my mind!

"There's a cop with his lights on. I think he's going to give me a ticket."

Tim looked behind us. "Oh, God! Not now!" he cried.

When the cruiser got closer, we saw that it wasn't slowing. It passed us with lights flashing and siren screaming! I was about to pull back onto the road, but I noticed just in time that there were another car behind it, and it, too, had lights and siren! As soon as the wailing parade had passed, I pulled in line behind them. When we got to the gate, they pulled in ahead of us!

They pulled up to the office/residence and stopped. We pulled up as close as we could, but out of the way.

As the doors of the two County Sheriff's cars flew open, the officers all jumped out with guns drawn! Two went to the back of the building; two went to the front and carefully entered. They were shouting something we couldn't hear.

Several quiet minutes passed. I looked at Tim still sitting in the car beside me. His eyes were wide, his expression expectant. He must have felt my gaze, because he turned toward me.

"Let's go in," I whispered. That was all Tim needed to hear. We bailed out of the car and walked carefully to the front door.

There wasn't any way we could have anticipated what we saw. Tim's nude mother and father were being helped out of ropes that had apparently bound them. I quickly looked around for Stevey. He wasn't anywhere in sight.

As soon as an officer saw Tim and me, he turned and waved at us with both hands. "OUT! OUT!"

I pointed at Tim. "He lives here! Those are his parents!"

Hearing us, Tim's mom screamed and cried, "TIM!" and put her arms out toward him.

Tim ran to her and knelt beside her on the floor, embracing her. As soon as Tom was out of his bindings, he joined his wife in embracing Tim.

I don't know how I missed him, but Frank was standing beside them. I must have overlooked him because he wasn't nude. He was wearing khakis, a green floral shirt and his perennial penny loafers complete with slightly tarnished pennies. I offered him my hand and he quickly shook it, soberly.

I looked straight into Frank's eyes and asked, "Where's Stevey?" I guess it was more of a demand for information. I was worried to tears.

He looked both apologetic and sad. "I don't know. They must have sneaked out the back."

"They took him!" Tom was very excited. "They took my son! They took Paul, too! Oh, my God! What'll I tell his parents?" Tom stood and ran his hand through his hair, nervously. "We'd better call them." He looked blankly at the phone, but didn't pursue the thought. He must have been trying to think about what to say to them.

Tim helped his mother to her feet then practically carried her to a nearby couch. She was in near hysterics. Seeing her state drew a sympathetic jolt from my emotions.

The cops finished looking through the house and returned to where we stood in the living room.

Frank looked at the eldest of the cops, Officer Morris, and said, "Let's go outside. There's a lot you need to hear."

Morris looked at a dark haired cop and said, "Take their statements." Officer "dark hair's" nametag said "Cooper."

I followed Frank, Officer Morris and a young cop outside. When we were out of hearing range of the house, the cop pulled out a note pad and Frank began to relate his story.

"As I said when you appeared inside, I'm the one who called you. My name's Frank Holmes and I'm a private investigator. I've been keeping an eye on the younger Smith boy because of something that happened a little over a week ago."

The cop interrupted. Looking at me, he said, "Why don't you wait over there." He indicated the cars a short distance away.

Frank intervened. "He needs to hear this and he can add to it. He's involved."

The cop looked at me suspiciously. "How?"

"Let me explain. Mr. Stewart called me on Wednesday of last week. Apparently, Stevey, Steve Smith, had related to Mr. Stewart that there was a man that had been abusing him and he needed some help. Stevey's thirteen years old and the abuse had been going on for about two years. Since I frequently work for Mr. Stewart, he called me. I came out here and managed to convince the abuser to leave."

"When you say abusing him' do you mean sexually'?"

Frank looked at me and back at the cop. "Yes."

"Why didn't you report it to the authorities?"

"I know it sounds weak, but Stevey didn't want to involve the authorities. He didn't want his parents to know."

I chimed in, "Stevey was terrified that his parents would think he was gay, and he's been very traumatized by what he went through. We were working on getting him over that. I wanted him to report it when he was ready."

The cop thought a moment and said, "Go on."

Frank continued, "When the guy left here, I had one of my men follow him at a distance. The guy must have made him, because when the guy got to the road to the lake, he started driving faster. That's when he wrecked his van in a head-on with a cement truck."

"Wait a minute! I heard about that! That guy's connected to THIS?"

"I believe so. I'm guessing that guy may have told someone about Stevey and this place. So, I've been hanging around here, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. About an hour ago, I saw two men walk into the office around the corner. The odd thing was that I didn't see them drive up in a car. Since they were wearing clothes, it was obvious they didn't come from inside the camp. They'd been in the office about a half an hour when I got a call from Alan, Mr. Stewart. He related having a strange phone conversation with Stevey. It was obvious something was wrong. I called 911. It wasn't long before I got anxious about what was happening inside, so I decided to walk into the office and see what I could find out. When I rang the bell on the counter, I heard noises from the door behind the counter, so I broke through the door and found Mr. and Mrs. Smith tied up. You arrived about the same time."

The cop looked at me. "Tell me about this phone call."

"Tim Smith and I were on my boat out on Lake Travis. Tim called home last night on my satellite phone, but I forgot to turn it off. I'm glad I did, because this morning, Stevey phoned. Before I could answer it, he hung up."

"How'd you know it was him?"

"I saw part of the number on caller I.D. just before the connection was broken and the number disappeared."

"I see. So, Stevey had the number to your boat?"

"No, he didn't."

The cop gave me one of those, "What kind of a fool do you think I am?" looks.

"Listen, Stevey's an incredibly smart kid. I'm betting he saw my sat phone number on his own caller I.D. last night, when he spoke with his brother, and remembered it." The cop looked as if he were deep in thought, digesting what I'd said. I think Stevey's a lot smarter than this cop is. "Working on a hunch, I asked Tim what the phone number is here, and called it."

"What do you mean? You didn't know what number had called you, but you thought it might be a number you didn't know?"

"Right." Either this guy's really dense, or he's testing my story. I'll have to `splain it to him more carefully. "I saw most of the number originating the call. Since no one knows my sat phone number but me, I guessed that the call Tim made last night might have precipitated the call this morning. I asked Tim for the number to his home, here, and he told me. It matched the part of the number I saw on the caller I.D."

This is beginning to be frustrating! We're losing time explaining things to this cop, when we could be looking for Stevey! "So, then I called the number Tim gave me for his home. When the phone was answered, I recognized Stevey's voice, but he sounded very nervous. I asked him if he was all right, but he asked whom I was calling. I said, Stevey, it's me, Alan.' There isn't any way he could have mistaken me for someone else. He knows who I am! But he said, This is the Smith residence. You've dialed a wrong number.' That was an obvious code to tell me something was wrong. Like I said, Stevey is a very smart kid."

"Hmm. Yeah, I'd say you're right. That was smart." He thought for a moment then turned back to Frank. "Give me a description of these guys."

"One guy was white and the other had a dark complexion. Either Hispanic or Italian. The dark complexioned guy, the guy who led the way, appeared to be about thirty, five foot ten, stocky, about 210, short dark hair, and clean-shaven. He wore blue jeans, green striped shirt, and black shoes. The other guy, the white guy, was about twenty, six foot, about 160, spiked blond hair with a chin beard, wore blue jeans, purple and green floral shirt, and brown cowboy boots. He also had a silver chain to his wallet in his right hip pocket."

"Where were you when you saw them?"

"Right over there in those trees."

"About fifty yards away?"

"That's about right."

I'm proud of Frank. Not only did he take it upon himself to keep an eye on Stevey, he's so observant that he got a good description of both of them.

"You say you didn't see a vehicle?"

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't." Frank sounded bitterly disappointed in himself.

When the cop finished writing, he said, "Okay, let's go back inside. It's hotter than Hadies out here!"

Inside, Rita and Tom had just finished telling the other cop what had happened to them. Officer Cooper took Officer Morris aside. I stood close to them so I could eavesdrop.

Cooper spoke to Morris in a coached monotone. "Two suspects entered the office and rang the bell on the counter. When Mrs. Smith answered the call, they overpowered her, pushed her into the back, then bound and gagged her. Mr. Smith came in a short time later and surprised them. They also overpowered him, and bound and gagged him, too. Then the suspects disappeared into the back where the two boys were playing a video game. They brought the boys through this room where the parents saw that their hands were tied behind them and they were also gagged. The suspects led them through to the back door and they heard the door close. A while later, the big guy over there (he pointed at Frank) came busting in and he was untying them when we arrived. I have a sketchy description of the suspects, but a good description of the boys. Both boys are . . . thirteen."

He looked at Officer Morris with a pained expression as he said that last word. I almost lost it. I felt the same anxiety. There was just too much in the news about young boys being kidnapped. The result was hardly ever good.

Officer Morris finished writing some notes on his own notepad and said, "I'd better call this in. Come with me." He and Officer Cooper quickly walked out the door, presumably to use one of the police radios. The other cops hovered over us, apparently either feeling helpless or waiting for someone to tell them what to do next. I felt as if they wanted to do something to get Stevey and Paul back, but didn't know what they could do.

Tim had introduced Frank to his folks and Frank was explaining to them that he had been watching the house. He didn't explain why. I knew it wouldn't be comforting, but I also knew that they must be told about Stevey's ordeal. They would find out eventually, one way or another, but it would be better if they found out from someone who cared about them.

"Tim," I said softly, "it's time to tell them."

He looked at me pleadingly. He told me with his eyes that he didn't want to tell them.

"Tell us what?" asked Tom.

I looked at Tim. "It would be best if you told them."

The look on Tim's face slowly changed to one of acquiescence. He looked at his mother then at his father. He spoke softly. "Mom, Dad, there's something I have to tell you. Last week Stevey confided in Alan and me something he'd been hiding from us for a long time. There was a guy, an older guy, that had been . . . abusing him."

His mother looked both horrified and confused. His dad looked angry. Tom demanded, "What do you mean, `abused'? Do you mean that he . . . that someone . . ." He couldn't finish his question.

Tim only nodded.

Tom looked as if he might be sick. "How long?" he asked, softly.

"Two years."

Rita's hands flew to her mouth and she started to sob. "Oh, no! Not my baby!"

Tim hugged her tightly. He was quietly weeping.

"And now he's kidnapped my boy!" Tom growled.

It was time for me to interject. "No, not him. Stevey's abuser is in jail. When Stevey told me about this, I called Frank. Frank is a private investigator. He volunteered to help Stevey with no compensation. He's the one who convinced the guy to leave Stevey alone. That's why Frank's been watching your house. He wanted to be sure that no one else bothered Stevey. The guy who abused Stevey had an accident, and in the process, the police found evidence in his van that might put him in prison. He's been in police custody ever since."

I know I left out a lot, but I felt too much detail, too fast, might not be good.

Tom was adding it up in his mind. He asked me, "It was that guy in that converted van, wasn't it? The guy that tore out of here right after he got here?"

"Yes, it was."

Tom thought a moment. "Is he the same one that had the wreck out on the road to the lake?"


Then he scowled. "A cop shot him, didn't he?"

"Yes. If nothing else, the guy won't be running free any more. I only hope the cop who shot him won't be punished. He had a son . . ." I stopped myself too late.

Tears built in Tom's eyes as he searched my face. "Jesus," he whispered. "Where's my son?"

"I want you to know that when Stevey told me about his ordeal, I promised myself that I'd do everything in my power to help him. I intend to follow through on that promise, especially now. I want you to know that I've got the resources to do whatever is necessary to get Stevey back home, safely." I looked at Frank. "Frank, do whatever you have to do, but get him back! Understand?"

Frank nodded. There was a set to his jaw and a fire in his eyes I had never seen before. I could see that plans were forming in his mind. There was a power there that had been dormant, only waiting to be awakened. I had a hunch that power was about to be unleashed. He nodded a farewell to the Smiths and walked out the door without a sound. I realized later that he even opened and closed the door silently.

I looked at Tim. There was fear in his eyes.

Officer Morris returned to the living room. "I see Mr. Holmes left." He looked at me. "Do you know how to get a hold of him if I have any questions?"

I nodded. "Do you want his number?"

He pulled out his notepad. "Yes. Give it to me." When he had written it down, he put his pad back in his pocket. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I've called in the details of this . . . kidnapping. An `Amber Alert' will be issued immediately in all the major cities around here. As a part of that program, announcements will be made on radio and television. One of our best weapons will be the public. The quicker we can find the boys, the more likely it'll be they'll be found unharmed. I think the only thing you can do right now is pray we find them in the next few hours." He hesitated. "Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I have to ask you something. I know this is a nudist resort. It is true the boys were naked when they left here?"

Tom bristled. "Nude. There were nude."

I had heard about the defensive nature of nudists and naturists, but even in his state, Tom was still defensive about the semantics.

"Mr. Smith, I have to ask: How can I get in touch with the other boy's parents?"

He reached to the table beside him and grabbed a notepad from next to the phone. As he stood to show it to Officer Morris, I noticed the officer's eyes drop to Tom's crotch. I guess it's more natural than I thought for a man, any man, to check out the equipment of another man! I, too, let me eyes drop to see Tom. Now I know where Tim gets his size! Tom caught my gaze. We shared an instant of recognition and a brief smile began to appear on Tom's lips. Undoubtedly, he was used to such an exchange, and I actually felt comfortable with it!

Suddenly, however, I felt constricted by my clothes and had a strong impulse to shed them. It would feel so much more comfortable to be rid of these coverings! Am I feeling a sense of exhibitionism? I'm not sure, but I know it would feel inordinately better to feel nothing but air on my skin, and I didn't care who saw me! My thoughts amused me. It hasn't been that long since I felt self-conscious about my nudity! What a change a short time can make!

Officer Morris quickly copied the phone number from the pad. "Okay, boys," he announced, looking at Officer Cooper and his partner. "It's time to go. Mr. Smith, my partner and I will stay a while longer. There's a crime scene investigation unit on its way here to look the place over and dust for fingerprints. I'll have to ask you not to touch anything."

Tom looked a little panicky. "What are we to do in the meantime? This is our home!"

Officer Morris appeared a little impatient. "Mr. Smith, please help us help you. You'll need to keep from smudging any fingerprints that may help us find these kidnappers."

"Yes, you're right, of course. I'm sorry. Forgive me. It's just that I've never done this before."

The officer looked at Tom suspiciously. "Done this?"

Tom looked at the officer defensively. "Yes, deal with the police! It's something I've never had to do."

He gave Tom a patronizing smirk. "Ah, I see. It would be best if you could stay out of your living quarters until they're through."

Tom nodded, dejectedly.

I had a brainstorm. "I'll get my motor home over here and you can wait in that!"

Tom said, "No, no. That's too much trouble. We'll just wait outside."

"Nonsense!" I said as I dialed my cell. "Hello, Marty? This is Alan. How busy are you? . . . Good. Listen, I need you to bring the motor home to the Sunshine Resort. Do you know where it is? . . . Yeah, it's on the north side of the highway. Bring it over as fast as you can. Oh, and Marty? Make sure the Cooper is ready to go. You'll be driving it back. . . . Good. Thanks."

As I hung up, I saw that Tim was looking at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Marty's my mechanic. He's been with me for years. He keeps my toys in good working order."

He raised his eyebrows. I'll have some real fun showing him my "toy box!" I smiled a big smile at him and he frowned. I guess I was being too obvious.

I actually had ulterior motives with the motor home. I hoped to distract Rita and Tom from their dilemma with the missing boys and put them at ease. I was determined to get them back, safely, and I had a strange feeling that Frank had some special power I hadn't yet seen that would enable him to find them and bring them home.

About twenty minutes later, Marty arrived with the motor home. I had him park it close to the office and start the generator and air conditioners. Rita was almost calm by that time and Tom was able to comfort her, so Tim came with me outside to help set up the motor home. Truth be known, I think he wanted to meet who, to him, was the enigmatic Marty.

"You have your own mechanic?" Tim whispered to me.

I couldn't help smiling a wide smile at him. "Yeah. I've got a lot of toys and they need someone to look after them. It's more than I could ever handle by myself. Marty's my full time `toy-keeper'!" I let him ponder that for a moment.

"What kind of `toys' do you have?"

I winked at him. "I have a small collection of cars, trucks, boats and this. They're just things I picked up along the way. I guess you can say that I've spoiled myself. You've already seen a couple of my toys!" I whispered in his ear, "I can't wait to show you the rest of them!" He smelled so good!

I introduced Tim to Marty. "Marty, this is Tim. You'll see much more of Tim in the future!" That was my code for "Tim's my boyfriend!"

Marty smiled at Tim. "I'm glad to meet you, Tim!" He couldn't help looking Tim over. His inspection may have been a bit obvious, but he always keeps his hands to himself. He knows how highly I value a faithful mate, and loyal employees, too! He shook Tim's hand. "Welcome!"

Tim looked at me with a broad smile then back to Marty. "Thanks!"

Marty walked to the back of the motor home. I led Tim back there as well. Marty took a key and inserted it into a hidden keyhole and turned it. A door on the back of the bus raised up while a ramp dropped down, revealing a stowed Mini Cooper. It was painted the same colors as the motor home.

Tim gasped! "I didn't know that was there!"

I chuckled. "Did I tell you I like toys? I didn't have any reason to get it out while I was here, earlier. I like the idea of having a spare car instead of a spare tire, and I'd rather not tow a car. This is the best of both worlds."

Tim gave me a gleeful look. It looks like we're going to have a lot of fun together!

Marty started the car and pulled it off the ramp then he returned to the motor home and closed the ramp and hatch. "Nell cleaned it up inside and changed the sheets. It should be ready for you." He looked at me then Tim. I could tell he was envious of me. He had to force himself to tear his eyes away from Tim. I really can't blame him, but he'll have to control himself! I may have to speak to him!

I cleared my throat to get his attention. "Tim's parents will be using it. We'll see you back at the house."

My business-like tone brought him back to his senses. He knew I was dismissing him and he got a little nervous. "Uh, okay, boss! See you later!"

Tim and I went back into the house and led Rita and Tom out to the motor home while Marty drove away.

I explained to Rita, "You can use it as long as you need. Let Tim and me show you around."

Rita gasped when she stepped into the living area. "Oh, my God! I've never seen the inside of one of these big RV's! This is real luxury!" Tom murmured his agreement.

I was a bit embarrassed. I hadn't intended to shock them! "Not really. It's comfortable, but adequate. Let's start with the bedroom. The sheets and towels are fresh. Help yourself to anything! Make yourself at home!"

After a thorough tour of the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room, I showed Tom the computerized remote control and how to access all of its functions.

Tom was taken aback by the control. "The boys are the computer geniuses! I don't know much about these."

I said, "Don't worry! You can't break anything! If you don't know how to work something, just keep fiddling with it and you'll find what you need. All the instructions are there. Just read them and follow them. If all else fails," I opened a drawer, "here are the remote controls to each piece of equipment.

Tom's eyes popped. "All that's in here?" He indicated the remote he was holding.

I nodded. "All that and a little more. I'll set up the satellite receiver for the television then you can watch anything you want."

A few minutes later, we saw through the window a large black van pull into the parking lot outside the gate. It had an official looking seal on the side and a small title that said, "Crime Scene Investigations." They took several black bags with them into the Office.

Tim turned to his mom and hugged her. He looked into her eyes and said, "Mom, I'll be staying at Alan's tonight."

She looked into my eyes, searchingly. "Take good care of my son." There was deep meaning in her words, well beyond that of an overnight stay.

I approached her and hugged her. She hugged my tightly. I looked into her eyes, myself. I swallowed hard, knowing that she was giving me her son. "I intend to take very good care of him."

She smiled and wiped a tear from her face. She looked at Tim, put her hand gently to his cheek and whispered, "Be happy."

Tim blushed to crimson. He sniffed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He looked at his father who had an expectant smile on his face then back to his beaming mother. "You know, don't you?"

Tom nodded. Rita said, "We've known since you were a baby that you were special. You were so smart, but you just weren't interested in girls. . . . We just want you to be happy."

The well in Tim's eyes dumped. He spoke through his tears. "I didn't know how you would take it! I love you Mom!"

Rita whispered, "I love you, too! You're my son! I'll always love you!"

Tom stepped to me and shocked me. He took me in his arms, hugged me tightly, and patted my back. He was several inches shorter than me, so I had to stoop, slightly. I was especially surprised that he accepted someone his age to be in a relationship with his son. I felt a bit awkward, but his warm embrace helped put me at ease. Then he did something that really made me feel accepted. He shook his finger at me and said, "You just be good to my son, or I'm coming after you!" Then he smiled at his own joke. Despite his smile, I knew he was serious.

Tim was still hugging his mother when Tom began gently to rub his back through his shirt. Tim sensed his father's need and finished hugging his mother to hug his father.

They say that "love conquers all." Well, I'm witness to the fact that it doesn't mean just romantic love. The love of a family can overcome anything!

Tim and I finally said our good-bye's and left Rita and Tom in the motor home. Tim asked me, "Do you suppose they'll let me get some of my things?"

"I don't know, but it shouldn't hurt to ask."

We walked into the office and were met by Officer Morris. Tim said, "My folks are in the motor home outside the door. I won't be staying. May I get some of my clothes?"

The officer thought a moment then said, "I don't suppose it'd hurt anything. I'll go with you." He looked at me and said, "Why don't you wait here?"

I nodded as the two of them left me with Morris' sidekick. After a short while, they returned. Tim was carrying a bulging backpack and a gym bag that looked like a beach ball with handles. He had packed them with as much as they could hold. As I took the gym bag from him, I saw that his eyes were wide. He had seen something he wanted to tell me about.

Office Morris asked, "Can you give me a number where you can be reached?"

"Yes," I said. I found a scrap of paper on the counter and quickly wrote down my home, cell and office numbers.

"Thanks. We'll let you know if we find out anything."

"Officer Morris, I want to thank you for all you've done. I know Stevey will come home, safely."

As we shook hands, he said, gravely, "I hope so."

Tim shook his hand and choked, "Thanks."

He nodded and watched us leave.

When we got in the car and began slowly to pull toward the road, Tim excitedly choked, "Alan! When I passed Stevey's room, I looked in. There was towel on Stevey's bed. It had BLOOD on it!"

To be continued . . . .

Please write to me! -

Next: Chapter 14

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