Nudist Camp Vacation

By kenlou16

Published on Jun 30, 2005

A short message to my loyal readers: I only barely got this chapter together in time for my scheduled posting. There's an awful lot going on in our lives, right now. My partner and I have several commitments that are simultaneously demanding our attention. Please understand that the next chapter may well be late in posting, and I may be slow in answering your emails for a couple of weeks. As you'll see, this is a difficult place to leave you in the story, but I appreciate your indulgence. I promise another chapter will appear in two or three short weeks! - Ken

Live simply, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

FROM THE END OF CHAPTER 12: He was so adorable and proud of himself. He was smiling like a Cheshire cat. We kissed passionately, but slowly, and cuddled. We were entwined in each other's arms and legs as we contentedly drifted off to sleep, victims of our exhaustion.

Nudist Camp Vacation CHAPTER 12

It was early afternoon when I woke from a delightful dream. I was dreaming about Tim! We were on my boat and we were making love! I felt ecstatic, then sad, knowing that it couldn't have happened. I didn't want to, but I slowly opened my eyes. As I did, I felt the slight movement of a smooth, warm body nestled against me. Wait one cotton pickin' minute! It wasn't a dream! IT WAS REAL!

While we slept, Tim had moved to a "spooning" position with his back to me. I carefully moved my right hand to his belly and rested it on his prominent abs. His hair was in my face and I breathed in its wonderful scent. My dick slowly grew into the crack of his ass. What a wonderful way to wake up!

Tim continued to sleep as I held him, luxuriated in him, but my doubts came flooding back. I've finally allowed myself to fall madly, deeply in love with him and there's no going back! Did I do the right thing? Will he regret being with me? Will he want someone else? Will I eventually lose him to someone younger and better looking? He's so striking! He could easily have anyone he wants! Once he finally meets other gay guys, will he realize there are many other choices he could have made? Will someone steal him away from me? It would hurt terribly to lose him! I moistened his hair with my tears as I imagined him leaving me.

Tim stirred. He felt my arm with his hand and murmured, "Alan!" There was a smile in his soft voice.

I kissed his neck and his shoulder. He moaned then turned so he was on his back facing me. Slowly, he put his arms around me and kissed me lightly. He opened his eyes slightly with a lusty gaze. Then he opened his eyes further and searched my face.

He whispered, hoarsely, "Alan! You've been crying! Why?"

I wiped my tears away. "Just an old man's insecurities, that's all."

He scowled. "You said you wouldn't doubt my love!"

I smiled and brushed his hair from his face. "I know. This is gonna take some getting used to! I just can't believe this is really happening."

"Well, you just get used to it, Mr. Stewart!" Then he smiled. "Mr. Stewart. . . . You're really Mr. Geoffrey, `Ubergeeks,' Stewart! This is un-fucking-believable!"

He hugged me so tight I thought I might snap in two, but I chuckled.

I took a deep breath and looked deeply into his lusty eyes. Swallowing hard, I said, "I gotta pee."

A regular romantic, ain't I? But you gotta do what you gotta do! Reluctantly I turned him loose and rolled out of the bed, never breaking my gaze with him.

Draped across the bed, he's indescribable! I keep noticing something new about him that turns me on! This time I noticed his very narrow waist, accentuated by the liberal muscularity of his torso. He's more voluptuous and seductive than any man I've ever seen! And he's draped across MY bed! I'm drooling. From BOTH ends!

When I stepped out of the bathroom, he jumped up and said, "My turn!"

I waited for him in the stateroom, while I admired the scenery all around us. He found me there, stepped in front of me and cuddled into my arms with his back to me, the way we'd been spooning, forcing me to wrap my arms around him from behind. Somehow, it felt so right! I sighed into his neck.

We stood silently, looking out the windows. Birds played in the trees, a fish jumped out of the water and wispy clouds floated lazily by. It was a warm, sultry day, but on the cool water in the shade of the tree, it was quite comfortable.

Tim sighed, contentedly. I whispered, "I love you, Timothy Smith."

Tim leaned his head back against my shoulder and whispered, "I love you, too! . . . The first time I saw you, I saw that you were looking at my face and not my body. You had this incredible desire in your eyes! I knew immediately that you were the one."

I leaned down and kissed his neck. I whispered, "Strangers in the Night, Lovers at First Sight."

He chuckled and breathed, "Yeah."

My emotions were overflowing. I swallowed hard. "It was at that moment that I knew deep down inside that I could easily fall in love with you, but I was scared to death. At first, I thought you were under age. Then I didn't think someone so young could possibly love me. I thought it would have been much better for you to fall in love with someone your own age. God, you're stubborn! You wouldn't give up! Finally, it all came together when I realized that my mourning for Robert was over and I simply needed someone in my life. Then it struck me that that someone had to be you. We'll just have to deal with the difference in our ages, together."

Tim spoke softly with frustration. "You just don't get it, do you?"

I hesitated. "I've never been too swift about matters of the heart."


I chuckled. "So, why don't you enlighten me?"

He sighed with frustration. "For the thousandth time, the difference in our ages doesn't mean anything! I know I've got a lot to learn, but you can teach me! It'll be fun! . . . And I'm not a kid anymore. As of today, I'm officially no longer a teenager!"

I had to let that sink in. Did he say what I think he said? "You mean . . . today's your BIRTHDAY?"

"See, now, you're not so dumb!" he laughed.

I whispered, "Oh, my God. You lost your virginity on your twentieth birthday!" I reached down and kissed his neck. He squirmed against my body, so I kept it up. I gently caressed his stomach and chest. I was bone hard!

Then he whispered directly into my ear, "That's right! I'm NOT a virgin anymore, am I?"

I could feel his whole body smiling as I almost creamed his crack. I must have squealed. Involuntarily, I pulled him tighter, as I said through my shivers, "No, you're not, at least not where the important things are concerned." I whispered into his neck, "Happy birthday, Angel!"

He pressed his butt into me and I reacted instantly, moaning. Feeling my hardness, he moaned, too. "Alan?" he asked in a low, husky voice.

"Hmmm?" I answered lazily. I was slobbering on his neck.

"Could you do something for me?"

I was beginning to slime his crack with my oozing pecker. "Anything. You name it," I whispered into his ear.

He purred. "I want to feel you inside me."

I hesitated. "Are you sure?" I knew he was, or he wouldn't have asked.

"Yeah. I've thought a lot about it. I've read stories about it; I've seen pictures and even porn. While I've been looking for a job, I've had time to read a lot of stuff about what I've been missing. I'd really like to try it." Then he turned around in my arms and faced me. He was already hard as stone and he pressed against me. "I want to feel you inside me. It'll be like we're joined together! Please?"

I smoothed his longish curls behind his ears. "You know I'd never refuse you anything. You've got to remember, though, what people describe in stories and what you see in porn is just the act. You never see the preparation. There's a lot you have to do to prepare, but that can be a turn on, too."

"Oh, I know that. I've read articles and letters about it, too."

Then I asked, "Is that how you learned to do so much with your tongue? Reading stories and watching porn?"

He giggled. "Yeah! So, you liked that?"

I smiled lustily. "Couldn't you tell?"

"Yeah, but I want to hear you say it!"

"Okay: you drove me WILD with your tongue! Your tongue has a talent that many would pay GOOD MONEY for!"

He giggled. "Okay, so how about my birthday present?"

I smoothed his hair and placed my fingers behind his neck. Pulling his mouth to mine, I plastered a big wet one on him. Then I whispered, "Consider this entire day your birthday present!"

He smiled "that smile" at me. It's the one I saw when I first laid eyes on him. It makes me hard, instantly!

"C'mon. Do me! Show me how it's done," he whispered.

I almost exploded my load all over him! Who could resist an invitation like that? For the next several hours, I taught him all the nuances of anal love, from slow, loving preparation and penetration, to position and everything in between. I insisted that we use a condom. It wasn't that we needed one, with his newly lost virginity and my three years of (healthy) celibacy, but I wanted him to get used to using them.

I'm not sure who enjoyed it more! By the time we were completely spent, the cliffs were shadowing our inlet and our arms and legs were entangled, as we rested in our multi-orgasmic afterglow. It had been quite a draining session in several ways!

I slurred, "Tim, are you hungry?"

"That's what that feeling is! I thought the emptiness was from missing you!"

I had to laugh! "Did you enjoy it?"

"Oh, yeah!" he breathed, convincingly.

He had given me a once-in-a-lifetime present: every bit of his virginity. That's an honor I'll always cherish! "How do you feel? Are you sore?"

"No, not really. I feel . . . fulfilled."

I laughed. "Is that a pun?"

He smiled, wryly. "You can take it that way, if you want!" We both laughed. He hugged me close and pressed his body against mine.

I whispered, "We can continue this, later, but first, we need to keep our strength up! Let's shower and eat."

It seemed like we were on a honeymoon and couldn't get enough of each other! Except for that brief moment earlier when we had relieved ourselves separately, we hadn't been more than an arm's reach from one another. We showered quickly, lathering and rinsing each other, but we thoroughly enjoyed each other's caresses! Because of the limited water supply in storage, I was sure to turn the water off when we weren't using it. I didn't want to have to ruin our private time by having to run to the marina for more water!

Because Tim was accustomed to his nakedness and I was becoming so, we gave no thought to putting on any clothing, nor would we for the entire weekend.

I checked our stores. Everything I ordered was in place. Tim was in for a very special birthday dinner! I was especially glad that I had thought about special meals!

We began our dinner by turning off all the lights and using only a few candles set in strategic locations in the stateroom. As our packaged dinner slowly warmed in the oven, I prepared some hors d'oeuvres of crepes, sour cream, and Osetra caviar, and placed them on a crystal dish. Très elegánt! Then I poured chilled Champagne into crystal flutes. We sat next to each other on the couch in the dim glow of the sinking sun.

"I know you're not of age yet, but this is kind of special." I handed Tim a flute of Champagne. "To my birthday boy: may all his dreams come true."

"They have!" he whispered as he looked deeply into my eyes. I returned his gaze with what I think was equal alacrity.

We clinked our glasses and sipped. I set my glass down and offered Tim an hors d'oeuvre then took one for myself. He looked at it carefully. (I thought to myself, "Please don't sniff it!" He didn't! I love him more!) He gingerly took a small bite of his as I relished mine.

"Hmm. Nutty and a little salty sweet!" Then he looked into my eyes with an impish grin. "Smooth, sweet and salty! Almost like something else!"

I moaned as he gently chewed. Such a tease!

"Maybe, but mine's better!" I said in a husky voice.

"Mmmmm! It sure is!" He leaned toward me. I met him as we shared a caviar kiss!

After we finished our hors d'oeuvres and Champagne, I served the meal that had been set up for us. It consisted of lobster stuffed with crab and a buttery sauce, with baby vegetables and saffron rice. For dessert, we had tiramisu. (I confess to adding an extra dribble of Kailua.) Strictly by good fortune, I found a single, unused, birthday candle and put it on Tim's serving. He cried a happy tear as he blew out the candle then looked at me.

I whispered, "Don't tell me your wish, or it won't come true."

"I know!" he whispered. He leaned over to me and we shared our passion. I love the way this meal is seasoned! Tim kisses are the best!

When we were almost finished with the dessert, he suddenly jumped to his feet! He scared the crap out of me! He turned in circles around the stateroom with his hands over his mouth. With great anguish he said, "OH, NO! OH, NO! OH, NO!"

I thought he'd bitten his tongue off! "WHAT? TIM, WHAT IS IT?" I jumped to my feet and was about to pull his hands away from his mouth so I could see what was wrong.

"I think Mom was putting together a surprise birthday party for me!"

I was immediately relieved! "Oh! Thank God!" I blurted. I still inspected his mouth for blood!

"What do you mean? She's probably worried to death about where I am!"

"I'm sorry! I thought you'd hurt yourself! Let's call your mom."

Tim looked out at the dimming cliffs all around us. "A cell phone won't work here!" He was almost in tears!

"No, but a satellite phone will!" I opened a cupboard revealing several boxes of electronic equipment.

Relieved, Tim said, "Good God! You've got EVERYTHING!"

I chuckled. "You're probably right. I like playing with all the new technologies. I guess I'm just a `techno-junkie'!" I punched and flipped power buttons to bring everything on. As it was all booting up, we heard the satellite dish on the roof automatically tracking, moving into place and stop. I looked at the sat phone to see that it had a good signal and handed the handset to Tim. "Dial it like a cell phone, area code first."

He finished punching buttons and held it to his ear. "Hello, Mom? This is Tim. . . . Yeah, I'm fine! Alan kidnapped me and took me to dinner!"

Oh, great! Now she'll hate me!

He looked at me and winked. "No, I won't. He's taking me camping for the weekend." He had a sly grin on his face.

I suppose that's as good a lie as any. At least it's close to the truth and now I know he expects to be with me for two more days! My heart's beating faster and I'm panting!

"Yeah, okay. . . . I will. . . . Love you, too. . . . What? . . . Okay." He put his hand over the phone and said, "Stevey wants to talk to me."

That brought a big smile to my lips. There is so much genuine love between those brothers!

"Hi! . . . Thanks, kid! . . . Yeah?" He looked at me and his eyes got wider. "No, shit!" His voice betrayed a secretive tone and he smiled at me. He kept glancing and smiling at me as he spoke. "Yeah. . . . Yeah, everything! . . . You sure no one can hear you? . . . Yeah, really romantic! I might tell you about it later. . . . Yeah, it's for keeps. . . . Thanks!" He blushed! "Love you, too, Stevey. Bye."

"How'd your mom sound? Is she okay?"

"Yeah! She sounded fine! I guess it was my imagination. Either that or . . ."

"Or what?"

". . . or, she just accepted that things can happen when you plan a surprise!"

I took the handset from his hand, put it back in the cupboard, and closed the door. "What'd Stevey want, as if I didn't know?"

Tim smiled at me. "He wanted to know what we were doing. I told him `everything!' He wanted to know exactly what that meant and he started asking embarrassing questions. I'm not gonna tell him details! He wanted to know where we are, but I didn't want to tell him. Then he wanted to know if we were boyfriends, now. I told him we are and it's for keeps."

I put my arms around him. He saw my eyes clouding up. The lump in my throat kept me from speaking. Somehow, he read my mind, put his arms around me, and rested his head on my shoulder. I was thinking how closely I had come to losing him.

"Yeah," he breathed.

I whispered, "You're remarkable. I don't deserve you."

He frowned. "I'm nothing special, and if you ever say that again, I'll bite your balls!"

Involuntarily, my pecker recoiled. "Then I won't say that again! At least not when your teeth are close!"

He gently punched my shoulder and I laughed. I know he's serious, though. He doesn't like hearing me voice my insecurities.

We sat back down and finished the last of our dessert. Then he wiped some of the remaining chocolate from his plate with his finger and put his finger in my mouth! I took his hand and sucked his finger as if it were his pleasure pole. He moaned and squealed! Then he climbed into my lap and we kissed. When we could stand to finish, he looked straight into my eyes.

"Alan," he breathed, "I love you so much, it hurts."

"I'm sorry, Angel! Love shouldn't hurt."

He chuckled. "No, I mean it!" He got very serious. "I can't stand it when I'm not with you. Now that we've `joined', I really don't like it when I'm not touching you. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. That makes sense. That's my understanding of love, too. I feel the same way about you. Actually, I have all along; I just couldn't admit it to myself until now."

He rested his head on my shoulder and I rested my head against his.

Suddenly, he lifted his head, excitedly! Again, he scared the crap out of me! I wish he'd stop that!

"I forgot! Guess what Stevey told me!"

"I'll never guess in a million years! What did Stevey tell you?"

He giggled. "He told me a friend of his came to visit for the weekend!"

"Yeah, he told me. We've been calling each other. He said he'd arranged it with your folks and his folks. Is there more?"

"From what he said and the way he said it, I think there is! His name is Paul and I'm pretty sure Stevey likes him a lot! That means he's probably really hot! I hope they hit it off. Stevey needs someone, especially now that I'm not gonna be there."

Uh, oh! I hadn't thought past this weekend! I haven't prepared the house for Tim to move in, but it really doesn't matter. It IS the next logical step, isn't it? I wanted to confirm it; leaving nothing to chance. Carefully, I stammered in a whisper, "Y . . . You're m . . . moving in with me? Please Tim, say it's true!" I never wanted anything so much in my life!

Tim looked at me with a grin. "You know I will! I was hoping you'd say that!" He rested his head back on my shoulder. He murmured softly, "I just didn't want to invite myself. I wanted you to ask me."

I kissed his neck. "Then, I'm asking: Will you live with me and love me for the rest of my life?"

He choked. "Don't say it like that! We'll live together forever!"

I suddenly realized he's still young enough not to have that sense of mortality that comes with age. I swallowed the lump from my throat and said, "Sorry, Angel. Forever, then!"

"Yeah, forever."

He sat up and looked deeply into my eyes, searching. I saw a need in his eyes. It was the need I had seen in Robert's eyes back when we first met, but his look had lost the desperation of new love. Robert's look had mellowed over the years. Tim's look was fresh, yearning, hungry. It was my good fortune to be his choice as the one to try to satisfy that hunger. It's a challenge I'm anxious to meet.

I pulled him to me and devoured his mouth with mine. As we embraced each other's tongues, we caressed each other's bodies with slowly moving hands. When we could stand to finish the kiss, we hugged tightly, pressing as close as we could. It felt as if he were trying to crawl into my body! I was ready to have him there.

Simultaneously, we both yawned then laughed at each other.

"It's been a long day!" I said. "Let's go get some rest. We can clean up in the morning."

Tim looked at the dishes on the table and in the sink. "No, let's clean it up, now. I don't want it all stinking up the place in the morning."

I smiled. While I could have left it, I'm glad he couldn't. "Okay, let's get to it," I whispered.

It only took a few minutes to wash the dishes and put everything away. I must say, I was happy to see it all straightened up. As he was putting the last dish in the cupboard, I hugged him from behind. He squealed! I can't begin to describe how good he feels! I just can't touch him enough!

He turned around in my arms and rubbed the hair on my chest, then rested his face there. He sighed, loudly and I felt him resting more weight on me.

"C'mon, old man," I whispered. "It's time for you to get some rest."

"Hokay," he yawned. "I'm sorry. I'm just so tired!"

We blew out the candles and I led him by the hand to the bed, but stopped him before he fell on it. I reached down and plucked all the rose petals off the bed, one by one, and put them in a glass dish by "his" side of the bed. Yes, we had already gravitated to our favorite side of the bed.

I pulled back the covers and he fell onto the bed, then I pulled the covers over us. We snuggled into each other's necks and quickly fell asleep.

It was about ten o'clock in the morning as the sun peaked over the cliff into the window of the cabin and I woke. I reached out my arm to where I expected Tim to be, but he wasn't there. My heart sank. Then I heard a noise. It was coming from the stateroom. As my nose woke up, I smelled a pleasant, but unrecognizable aroma of cooking. My stomach growled. Tim ducked into the cabin and saw me stirring. "G'morning, sleepy head! Stay right there! I'm making breakfast for you and I'm gonna serve it to you in bed!" Seeing his angelic face lifted my sinking spirit. I coughed and cleared my throat. "Can't. Gotta pee." "Okay, but then go back to bed!" He said that so sternly, I knew I'd better obey! While I was in the bathroom, I quickly brushed the night from my mouth. I hate the feeling of morning mouth! When I returned to bed, I propped myself up on a couple of pillows. There were plenty of pillows for Tim, too. Immediately, he brought in a large tray. Tim carefully placed the tray in my lap. He had prepared two servings of omelets, coffee and toast and it smelled wonderful! Before he let me touch the food, he leaned over the tray and planted a sloppy, wet kiss on my lips. He sat back, smiled that awesome smile of his, and sighed, "Good morning, Love!" I looked into those wonderfully dark eyes of his. I swear they're the windows to his soul! His eyes expressed his intense love and yearning. My eyes clouded. I wanted to grab him and cover him with kisses, but I held back. For one thing it would have meant upsetting all over the bed the wonderful meal he'd prepared, and for another, I didn't want to scare him. In spite of myself, a tear escaped my eye. Tim recoiled. "What's wrong?" he demanded. I sniffed and wiped the tear away. "Nothing's wrong. It's just that . . . everything's so right!" He smiled that face splitting smile of his and leaned to me for another sweet kiss. "Try your breakfast," he whispered. My coffee was just the way I like it: with a healthy shot of cream. Tim must have remembered how I like it from the hospital. The coffee was quite good. Either Tim makes perfect coffee, or it just tasted better because Tim made it. Either way, it was mighty good. Tim shared the tray with me. I didn't taste the first few bites of omelet. I was extremely distracted by the naked perfection lounging on the bed next to me. I was shaken back to the present when Tim asked, "How is it?" "Hmm?" I asked. "The omelet! How is it?" I looked down at it and finally focused on it. It was stuffed with bits of lobster and crab from last night's dinner, and he had added some grated Swiss cheese. It lay in a thin puddle of sauce, but that wasn't the beauty of it. It was topped with a dollop of sour cream and caviar! I finally tasted the morsel in my mouth. It was absolutely delectable! "Where did you learn to cook like this?" I said with surprise. He chuckled. "I used to help Mom in the dining room kitchen. I like to experiment! I knew this would turn out good, because dinner last night was totally awesome, and this is just a lot of leftovers. So . . . you like it?" Talking with my mouth full, I said, "Like it? I LOVE it!" He chuckled. "Thanks!" He knew it was good, but he wanted my praise. I was happy to give it. We stole glances at each other while we ate in silence. When we caught each other's eyes, we smiled. I felt like a kid in high school! Young love was in my heart! Just as we were about finished with the meal, we heard a muffled electronic noise. Simultaneously, we turned toward the sound and said, "What's that?" We both laughed! When we heard it again, I recognized it. I had forgotten to turn off the sat phone, and it was ringing! "It's the sat phone!" I was puzzled. For one thing, it was Saturday, and for another, I wasn't aware that anyone had the number! It rang again. Carefully, Tim helped me free myself from under the tray. I jumped from the bed and ran for the cupboard in the stateroom. When I reached the phone, I looked at the number displayed on its face. I had just enough time to glance at the number when it disappeared. Somehow, it looked familiar, but I didn't know why. I didn't get a long enough look at it, so I couldn't completely remember it. I tried to remember the number so I could dial it, but the whole number wouldn't come to me. Since the phone didn't have a memory for missed calls, it was a lost cause. As I stood there, trying to remember the number, it was slowly drifting away. "Who was it?" Tim was standing at my elbow trying to see the screen on the phone. I let him see the phone. "I don't know. They must have hung up." As I stood there staring at the phone, trying to remember the number, it dawned on me. I had seen a similar number on the phone when Tim had used it. I had glanced at the screen when he was talking to Stevey. Stevey! The hair raised on the back of my neck! I had a sudden sense of foreboding! "Tim! What's your phone number at home?" I asked him with such a serious tone, he was startled. He told me the number. That's it! It must be! As I dialed the number into the phone, Tim asked with a quiver, "Alan? What's wrong?" I saw the concern on his face. I looked at him with what I hoped was an embarrassed look and tried to calm him. "It's probably nothing. Just a weird feeling is all." The phone at the other end rang. Another ring. Another ring. It was ringing a fourth time as a small voice said, "Hello?" It was Stevey, I was sure of it. He sounded nervous. I said, "Stevey? Are you alright?" "For whom are you calling, please?" "Stevey, it's me, Alan!" "Sorry, this is the Smith residence. You've dialed a wrong number." The connection went dead. I looked at Tim with great concern. I know Stevey knew it was me, but he was too formal! Something was wrong! Very wrong!

To be continued . . . . 19

Next: Chapter 13

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