Nude Rv'ing With Hank and Mark

By Dude Sweet

Published on Sep 9, 2003



Hello. I am Evan and I want to write about my first experience camping and hiking naked. Yeah, you herd right, but naked. I had been emailing with Mark for about a year. He's 13 and I am 15. He's a nudist. Yeah, he lives a lot of times totally naked. Anyway it sounded cool to me. I been naked tons of times, but only in my backyard swimming. Also most of my friends swam naked at my house to. My dad to, but not when my friends were around.

So Mark invited me to spend part of the summer with him and his grandpa Hank, who is also a nudist, camping, hiking and driving around in their RV. So after my dad and Hank spent several days on the phone, the arrangements were made. I flew in a airplane to Chicago to meet them. Flying was cool.

When I got off the plane I followed the crowd and ended up in the baggage claim area. Well I didn't have any baggage to claim, only my backpack which I had with me. In it was a check and cash for Hank to keep for me. A big tshirt of my dads for me to have when hiking naked. One other tshirt, 2 pairs of boxers, I pair of long pants, I was wearing shorts, 2 pairs of socks and toothbrush and toothpaste. Also a disposible camera. I wanted to take my dads digital camera but he wouldn't let me. I didn't pack that many clothes because we were going to be spending most of the time naked. I didn't bring my gameboy or any other games, cause Mark said they had lots of games and stuff in the RV. I also brought the three books in the Pendragon series, the third which just came out and I hadn't read yet. The other 2 were for Hank and Mark.

Nobody was there. I knew what Hank And Mark looked like cause we had exchanged pictures, so they also knew what I looked like, but nobody was there. I had to pee, but didn't want to miss them. I waited. And waited. Finally I went to the bathroom cause I was about to piss my pants. When I came out of the bathroom I still didn't see them.

"Evan?" Was this Mark? I didn't recognize him with his clothes on. LOL. Plus he looked older than the pictures he sent me. Well he knew my name, duh, it had to be him.

"Yeah. You Mark?"

"Yep." He gives me a quick little hug. "Welcome. You got any suitcases?"

"No, just this" I say pointing to my backpack. You know he didn't look like a nudist, he looked like a ordinary kid. I know, I know what does a nudist look like? Well he was the first one I saw in real life. They look just like regular people. LOL, they are regular people. Only sometimes they are regular people with no clothes on. It sounded like fun to me.

"Hank" he called his grandpa by his name "couldn't park the RV, so he is driving around outside. He will be here in a minute." Pause. "You look different than your pictures" he says to me, "I almost didn't recognize you."

"Yeah, you look different to." Silence. We wait for his grandpa. I have lots of questions, but I guess I'm not ready to ask. Like, when do we get naked? When are we hiking? When are we swimming? Where are we going first? Stuff like that. But I stay quiet. The RV pulls up, looking exactly like the pictures. Hank jumps out and gives me a giant bear hug. Just like the RV, he looks exactly like his pictures.

"Welcome. Good to see you. Was the flight ok? How are you? Ready to have some fun in the sun? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Mark help get him settled in the back" And he pops back in the RV and drives off, me and Mark in the back.

Its cool. Like a little house. Uh, a very little house. And theres 2 other people there to. Alison and Andrew. They are about my dads age I guess. They are married and have travelled with Mark and Hank last year, and with Hank many years before that. They aren't naked. Nobody is. They are nice and friendly. Alison even gives me a little kiss. Yes, it embarrasses me. The RV has 2 bedrooms, one for Alison and Andrew, one for Hank.

"Where we gonna sleep?" I ask Mark.

He point to where A & A are sitting. "That makes into a bed. Its pretty comfortable," he explains to me. He shows me the bathroom, very small, and where I can put my stuff. There's even a little kitchen with microwave and stove and everything. Its cool. So we sit with A & A, who are asking me thousands of questions. I poor my life story out to them. They are only staying a few days more, then they go back to South Dakota where there from to go back to work.

After a little, I go and sit in the shotgun seat and talk to Hank. He says we got about 4 hours to go to a cool camping place in Wisconsin. I finally ask "naked camping?"

"If you want. Its up to you." Yeah that's pretty much what him and Mark kept telling me in emails. That you could be naked or wear clothes, whatever you wanted. Well I didn't pack to many clothes because I was planning to be naked a lot. As much as possible. I had only done it in the back yard and swimming but knew that I liked being naked, especially in the sun and stuff. I fall asleep on the way there.

Mark shakes me awake, "Come on Evan were here." I awake slowly. Ah, I remember where I am. I awake the rest quickly. Were here? The naked camping spot? Cool. They are all naked unhooking stuff from the truck, setting things up. I don't know what to do to help. I'm not sure when I'm supposed to get naked. I decide just to strip quickly and get started on my nudism. I admit I stop when I get to my boxers, but only for a second, before I pull them off. Nobody seems to be starring at me. Or it. Yeah I have a boner. But I knew from the emails that nobody would freak out or anything, still it was a little embarrassing. Well since they weren't starring at me or my boner, I know I shouldn't stare at them. But I do look a little. Mark and Hank look pretty much like the pictures I had seen, only Mark had tons more hair. Andrew had a small shrivelled one. Also it was the first time I saw a naked lady in person. Pretty weird. But she didn't seem embarrassed, none of them did. They also weren't freaked out about my boner or anything. SO it was cool. I helped Hank set up the shade tent while they were unhooking and unfolding a table and chairs and stuff. We were all naked, but had shoes on. As I started working and helping I started to feel more comfortable. Way more comfortable. I helped Mark gather firewood for a campfire, my boner now only a semi.

"So you like it?"

"Yeah. A little embarrassing at first. You know with my boner."

"Really? A Boner? I didn't notice." What he didn't notice? Its huge, How could he miss it? He busts a smile. He was joking. We both laugh.

"I get them to. Everybody does. You'll probably see a bunch on this trip." We laugh again. "Especially morning wood. My morning wood takes forever to go down." Really? I feel a lot better. But I still have a semi, which is trying to be a boner. All this talking about them, made mine want to bone up. I try to think of other things. He sees it but doesn't say anything. By the time we get back to everybody, its only a semi again.

"You guys want to hike while we start dinner?" asks Hank. Mark looks at me.

I nod. He nods to Hank. "Well better put on bug spray."

We go in the RV. Mark gets a can and says "hold your breath and close your eyes." After he sprays my face he says "Rub it in, don't get any in your eyes." He continues to spray me. All over. "Rub it in everywhere" he says as he rubs it in on my back, my but and my legs. Well I'm popping major wood now. I never had lotion rubbed into me before. Before I can think of something to say to hide my embarrassment he hands me the spray. He has a semi. Good I feel a little better. "Do my backside" he tells me. I do. He is rubbing his front. When he turns he has a boner now. Well now I feel a lot better. "See? I get them to." Yeah I see. What if everyone else sees? Well they will, cause he jumps on out the RV and I follow. Nobody sees or notices our boners, now turning into semis.

"No more than an hour" says Hank as we take off.

"Ok" shouts Mark.

"Ever been here before?" I ask.


"So how you know where to go? What if we get lost?" Yeah I'm a little worried.

"There's always trail signs. Plus I never get lost, I have a good sense of direction. Remember I been camping all my life."



"Cool." And now I am to. Double cool. We don't see anybody. I realize my semi has turned into a normal hanger. So has his. We stop to pee together once. I start to get a semi, but as we hike again, it goes back to normal. I realize we didn't bring our long shirts with us. I ask him about it.

"We don't need them here. This is official nudist place. We only need them when its unofficial place. Don't want to embarrass the non nudists." Ok. That makes sense. We are getting close to camp cause I can here them talking. Also, its getting darker. Theres two more people at our site. A older couple about Hanks age. They are all talking like they known each other for years. I find out later that they had just met. They meet us, but leave when we get down to eat.

Food always tastes better on campouts. I pigged out. Since we goofed off when they cooked, we had to do the dishes and clean up. But outdoor chores are way better than indoor chores. I was happy to do them. And naked outdoor chores are the best of all. Hank asks if we want to play games. Yeah! Now when they told me not to bring my game boy cause they had games, I thought they had Playstation 2 or even Playstation. No. They have cards.

And board games like Monopoly. Well, we play Scrabble. Me and Mark on the same team. We lose. They use words I never heard of. It was fun. They go outside so Mark can make the table into a bed. I want to help, but don't know what to do, so I just watch.

"Want to go on another walk?" he asks.

"Yeah, if you want to."

"Yeah, it's a good idea."


"Cause Alison and Andrew like to^Å"

"Have sex?"


"So were kicked out?"

"No, they will do it even if were there. But I prefer to give them privacy."

"Ok." So we head out again with flashlights. "What about Hank?"

"Oh, he'll just sit outside and pretend he doesn't here."

"Oh." Well it makes sense. I mean if they pretend they can't see my boner, then we pretend we can't here them having sex. What about jacking off I wondered, but still not ready to ask Mark. It's kinda of cool because we turn out the flashlights and hike in the dark. I even forget that we are naked. Its cool.

We get back and sit out with Hank. I don't here any sex noises or any noises from the RV. Anyway we just talk. Hank can tell the best stories. I don't know how late it is, but I start to get tired.

"Want to go to sleep" Mark asks.

"If you do."

"Ok." He kisses Hank on the cheek. I give Hank a little hug, feeling kinda weird naked, but I do it anyway. As we get into bed, I start to get a boner again. I mean I never slept naked with anybody before. I think he sees, I don't see his. We lay under the sheet, cause its to hot for blankets. "So you like your first day as a nudist?"

"Yeah it was cool." He falls asleep. I don't know how long Hank stayed outside cause I also feel asleep. I wake up in the morning. Naked with no sheets on me and hard, of course. Mark has the sheet. At first I feel stupid, being naked and hard, but remember that nobody thinks it's a big deal. I pull the sheet over me anyway. This wakes up Mark. He turns to face me. "Hey."

"Morning" he says.

"You stole the sheet last night" I tell him.

He smiles "Sorry." He pulls the sheet off him and throws it on me. He lays back down his morning wood sticking up in the sky. I try not to stare, but I admit I look at it, wanting to compare it to mine. He reads my mind. "How big is yours?"

I pull off the sheets, exposing my boner dick. "5.5"

"5" he says grabbing his dick.

As we both lay there naked with boners I say "what about them?"

"What about them?" he asks.

"I mean what if they see us? Like this?"

"What if they do? If you don't want them to see, put on clothes, but they don't care."

"Yeah, I forgot." I say. Still I feel weird.

"Gotta pee?" he asks me."

"Yeah." He hops out of bed, I follow him outside. His boner sticking up he says good morning to everyone. I stay behind, still shy with a boner. I follow him to the woods. We pee together. "How come we pee here when we have a bathroom?"

"Well why use that bathroom, when we got all this. Plus I like peeing outside. You don't have to aim or anything." Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I agree. We head back, him still with a boner, mine a semi now. He doesn't care. They don't either. "Want to make breakfast?"


"We need more firewood." We collect and I help him make breakfast. I know I'm not supposed to notice, but he has a boner the hole time. While A & A clean up, Hank makes sandwiches for lunch. We are gonna hike to a swimming stream. All 5 of us head out, Mark's boner finally back to a hanger. When we get there, I see tons of people. Mostly older people. Some little kids.

And 2 girls. Who see me naked. Well everybody is naked. I see them to. I get in the water quickly, being used to nakedness with the people I been with, but never with girls. Well there older, so we don't hang with them. Its kinda cool meeting all these people naked, and eating lunch together. Me and Mark spend a lot of time in the water. When we get out, I stopped being embarrassed, even around the girls. One of the boys, about 10 or 11 is walking around with a little boner. I pretend not to notice. Nobody says anything and he doesn't seem to care either.

After we get back to camp its reading time, so I give book 1 of Pendragon to Mark and I start book 3. They all have books to. Hank falls asleep reading and A & A look almost asleep. Me and Mark just read, then go and get scrabble and play a game outside, just him vs. me. Well I'm 1 year ahead of him, so I should know more words and beat him right? Wrong. He kills me, beats the pants off of me (LOL). Mark says he plays lots of scrabble. A & A prepare dinner and Mark and Hank and me go on a different hike. Hank explains lots of things about tress and plants and stuff. I can see Mark already knows it and is bored, but I love it, I like learning cool things like this. We see a few people on this hike and I don't feel funny or anything.

I realize that's it been 24 hours since I started being a nudist and already I don't feel funny. Even when we meet people on the trail, I just feel normal. I admit I look to see what they got big ones, small ones, whatever, but that's all. I don't freak out or stare or anything. I like it. I like being a nudist.

We eat, and when Mark and me do dishes, A & A go on a hike. We play Uno with Hank. Mark wins, but I come in second. Later when they come back, its dark, so we all play scrabble again inside. Alison wins, I lose. I don't care. Its fun anyway. They go outside and I help Mark make our bed. We are just sitting and talking. Hank comes in, says goodnight, kisses Mark, hugs me. I don't feel funny. Even naked. A & A went for a night hike. Me and Mark turn off the lights and get into bed.

Finally I get the nerve to ask. "What about jacking?" I whisper to Mark.

"What about it? You want to do it?"

"Yeah. Is it ok."

"Yeah of course its ok."

"What about you?" I ask.

"What about me?"

"Well^Åare you gonna?"

He laughs. "Even if I wasn't, when you start, I know I will want to." He laughs.

"So its ok?" I make sure.

He pulls down the sheet and already has a boner and starts to jack it. I guess that means its ok. I do it to. He comes first, gets a paper towel and gets another one. Waiting for me to finish. I come, he hands me the towel. He takes it and throws both away. "Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight." And it is. A good night. And a good day. And a good trip.

I wake in the morning, the sheet kicked to the bottom of the bed. Mark is on his side facing away from me. I turn over on my back and just chill, maybe even fall back asleep a little. I see Hank walking by. He sees my morning wood of course.

But all he says is "Morning Evan."

"Good morning" I say unembarrassed. Wow, I have changed a lot. He kisses Mark on the cheek and goes outside. Also I hear A & A moving around. I don't see any reason to cover so I don't. They come out and take turns in the bathroom. I talk with Andrew a little, still unembarrassed. In fact, it goes to a semi. They go out.

Mark rolls over and says "Hey."

"Hey yourself." He gots a boner of course. It makes my semi go hard again. "Ready to get up?"

"Yeah." He grabs his boner. Got about 2 liters of piss to get rid of." I follow him out to the woods and we piss again. We get firewood and help with breakfast and clean up. We I learn we have to drive to Madison to take A & A to the airport today. So we put everything away. Pack it up. I help as much as I can. Andrew rides up front with Hank both of them in tshirts. We stay naked and play Uno and Scrabble with Allison. Mark wins at Uno, Alison at Scrabble. No surprise there. As we get close to town we all get dressed because of security at the airport, they might want to search the RV. Hugs and a few kisses and we on the road again, just the 3 of us.

We drive for a couple of hours and come to another camping place. Its not for nudists so we have to be more careful. We all wear our long tshirts and that's all. I mean if you have a boner, it will stick the tshirt out, but it mostly covers our dicks and balls. Even Hanks, whose balls hang down about a mile. We walk to a little cabin and check in with a Ranger. We want to hike up a certain place. He says its 15 minutes past the last time they leave. Hank tells them we been there before, but really only him and Mark have, and we know the way and won't get lost. Anyway he keeps talking to the guy and the guy remembers him from last year I guess cause we get to go.

We leave our tshirts on cause lots of people coming down the mountain. Finally after about 1 hour we stop to talk to some people who are the last group. So after they go, we get to strip off our shirts and carry them to the top of the mountain. Its great being naked. Also a great view. You can see forever. We can see in all directions.

Mark says "Want to leave your mark here?"

I think that means jackoff and leave sperm, but I'm not sure, so I ask "Jackoff?"

"Yeah, if you want."

"Heck yeah I want." We climb on some rocks and start to jack. Hank of course sees us, but just keeps looking around at the view. Its fun jacking off on the top of the mountain. Very fun.

When Mark comes, he yells out as loud as he can "I'm king of the mountain." Its so funny I have to stop jacking to laugh. I start jacking again and come. We wipe our sperms on the ground. "Now this mountain belongs to us" says Mark.


"But since were such nice guys, we will share it with the world." I agree. Hank pisses where we wiped our come, making his mark to I guess. We head back down the mountain staying naked the hole way cause we know no one is coming up. When we get near the bottom, we put on our shirts. We finish setting up, me and Mark get firewood while Hank prepares dinner. We leave our tshirts on. I miss being naked. After we clean up, Mark and me get flashlights to check out the area. We wear only our long tshirts. We find showers. "Want to shower later?" Mark asks me.

"Yeah." I smell my pits, "I stink."

"Me to." We here some kids and follow the voices. They are just walking around like we are. They are Conrad and Jimmy, they are both 15. After we walk with them for a while, Mark takes a piss. They notice he don't have pants on.

"You guys streaking?" Conrad asks.

"Naw, just almost naked" says Mark.

They look at me. I pull my shirt up so they can see I'm not wearing any pants either. Hehe.

"Cool." Says Jimmy. "Lets go streaking" he says to Conrad.

"I don't know" says Conrad. "My rents would kill me."

"Well then I guess they don't have to find out" says Jimmy already stripping off his shoes. "Look as long as we stay on these trails away from the camp site were ok. Youre rents are to lazy to go hiking. Plus we can always hide if someone's coming." By then he is wearing only his boxers.

"OK." Jimmy pulls off his boxers. Me and Mark pull off our tshirts. Jimmy sits on his clothes to put his shoes back on. We all stand there naked while Conrad strips. When we are all naked we just walk on this little trail seeing where it goes. When we see flashlights ahead, we turn ours off and go behind some bushes. Its fun. We hear them pass and get back on the trail. Its cool, like being secret agents. We take a piss break and all 4 pee together. Its cool. Then we head back and agree to meet up tomorrow after breakfast. They dress and we put on our shirts.

When we get back to camp we tell Hank we going for showers. "Good idea" he says and all 3 of us go. I really like being naked and hiking around and getting dirty, but I also like getting clean. It feels good. I here Hank singing in the shower. Its funny. We just wear our towels back to camp. Go go inside and play monopoly until we get sick of it. Besides Mark has most of the houses and hotels, so me and Hank agree that Mark wins. I put the game away while Mark makes out the bed.

"We got 2 converts today" he says to Hank. "Two guys went hiking naked with us." He tells the story.

"Good for them. Good for you." After hugging me and kissing Mark, he heads off to bed. Another great day I think as I drift off to good dreams and sleep.

Yeah, well waking up naked with Mark is not a big deal anymore. It seems we kick the sheet off cause its so hot at night. I am laying there, my morning wood sticking straight up when Hank walks out his room and says "Hello."

Like a very experienced nudist, I am not embarrassed and say "Hi." He comes out of the bathroom after a little bit and I am still just relaxing and waking up. He puts on a shirt and heads outside. I want to get up to help him, but decide its time for a quick jack. I begin. In a minute, Mark just rolls on his back and jacks to. Maybe I woke him up? Maybe he is jacking in his sleep? Lol. I look. He's awake and gives me a big grin. I come and wait for him cause he's on the outside. After he comes, loudly as usual, he gets us both a paper towel for clean up. We put on shirts and go out for breakfast.

Hank already has breakfast cooking and a fire, so there's nothing to do but sit around. We clean up and play a little game of Uno. We all go to the little store in only our shirts to buy some more cokes. When we come back to our camp, Conrad and Jimmy are there sitting on our chairs waiting for us. Hank introduces himself and they say they want to hike with us today. Hank explains we are nudists and will probably be naked some or most of the time.

"Cool" says Jimmy.

"Yeah, we like streaking" adds Conrad. Well then Hank launches into a huge discussion about the difference between hiking naked and streaking. Then he adds if they want to go with us, he needs to meet their parents first.

"No way. Forget it then" complains Conrad. "My parents aren't cool. They would never lets us go hiking naked."

"Well then, sorry gentlemen." Hank calls them gentlemen, lol. They are bummed. "But if we happen to run into you on the trail, then maybe we will see you later." Ok, that's cool, he is letting them come with us, just not officially with us. "We'll be taking our lunches and heading East" he points "along the Arapaho Trail. Maybe we'll see you along the way." They leave, Mark makes our lunches.

I remember the camera. "Can I bring the camera?" I ask Hank.

"Yes, if you want to. Better ask everyone if they mind having their picture taken first." Yeah that makes sense, especially if were naked.


"Yeah, yeah, go ahead"

"Hank do you mind if I take your picture on our hike today."

"Not at all, as long as you don't mind being in them to." Mind? No I think that would be cool. We start out with our shirts, shoes, canteens, lunch and camera. Also 2 guys following us, pretending they don't know we are ahead of them. It's funny. About 5 minutes later, they catch up with us.

"Hi guys." "Yeah." "Hi." "What's going on?" Stuff like that.

"Did you boys brings lunch?" asks Hank. Ha, they went from gentlemen to boys.

"Yeah and snacks, we can share."

"Thank you, we have plenty to."

"When are we streak^Ågetting naked?" asks Conrad.

"Whenever you want." Replies Hank.

"Well, when are you guys going to?"

"I think you will see that." Yeah. We all laugh. In a little, we pull off our shirts and wait for them to strip. "Now if people are coming we will need to put on shirts or boxers."

"Or jump off the trail so they can't see our dicks" jokes Conrad.

Well this launched Hank into one of his discussions about not embarrassing the non naked people. We don't really care if they see us. The same stories he lectured me about over email. He's good at explaining it. It makes so much sense. But we don't run into anybody. We stop for a drink break. I take a picture of Mark chugging a coke.

"Hey no pictures of us" says Jimmy.

"No problem. Would you take one of the 3 of us?" I ask. So me and Mark and Hank all stand together for our first naked picture. I take another one of Hank alone and he takes one of me. We continue. We stop for lunch. We still don't see anybody. As we head back we hear some people coming, so Jimmy and Conrad hide behind some trees, we put on out shirts and say hi and stuff. We can hear Jimmy and Conrad giggling the hole time. Its funny. We run into 2 more groups on the way back, so we decide to leave our shirts on, waiting for them to get dressed. We have some people take a picture of the 5 of us. We just have our shirts on, but nothing shows. Conrad and Jimmy have their pants on, no shirts. Its kind cool.

When we get back to camp, the 3 of us head for another shower, they go to there camp. Hey they only cost a dollar, but there pretty cold. Shrivelled my dick to its smallest size. We read. We rest. We eat dinner. We relax. We do dishes and clean up. Its nice. Jimmy and Conrad come over when its dark. They want to go hiking with us at night. Hank says he want to chill, so us 4 head out with flashlights. Jimmy asks if we can strip. Mark says yeah and we all get naked and hike around. When we are sitting, resting, Jimmy asks if we ever get cot hiking naked. No for me, but I figure its Marks thing to answer.

"What do you mean by cot?" he asks.

"Well when people see you?"

"People see us all the time when we hike naked. And we see them."

Anyway he explains about nudist camps and everybody being naked and stuff. Conrad has popped a boner, and is hiding it. I pretend not to notice. But when I see his boner, it makes mine want to get hard to, I don't know why. I don't hide mine, and see that they see it. Without anybody noticing anybody elses boner, we all got one. Mark finally says "Hey, I guess were all horney teenagers." Well this helps them feel more comfortable I can tell. We start hiking back, our boners leading the way until they slowly soften up. When we get close, we dress and say goodbyes. We are leaving tomorrow, but they have 3 more days here. They are sad we are going. Mark and I jack in bed before going to sleep. I start to get as noisy as Mark when I come, cause there's no need to hide it. We sleep peacefully.

In the morning we pack up and head to our next stop, a official nudist camp with a lake and boats and everything. So when we are setting up a bunch of people come by. Hank even knows some of them. We also meet a few of kids. I am so comfortable with my nudity now, I don't even care if there girls or boys or whatever. We eat dinner at another camp site, friends of Hanks, they got a boy 13, Andy and 2 girls 8 and 5 I think.

As me, Mark and Andy are cleaning up, I find out Andy knows Mark from last year. "Hey, yours has grown a lot since last year" says Andy.

Mark says "Yeah, I'll guess yours will be like this next year." Well I was a little confused cause I didn't think you were supposed to notice or make comments.

So I ask Mark "I thought we weren't supposed to notice dicks?"

"Its ok with friends. And besides its just us."

"Yeah, me and Mark a friends from before" explains Andy.

"Ok, no big deal, I just wondered." Well since I can notice, I notice that Andy doesn't have any hair yet, but I don't say anything.

"Yeah, I can come now" brags Mark.

"Cool. I'm still practicing," says Andy as we all laugh.

"So can I." I add, not wanting to be left out.

They laugh. "Yeah I'm sure. You got tons of hair." Ok I guess that means Andy is friends with me now to. I start to get a semi from them noticing my dick. They stop looking. Cool. "You guys want to share a boat tomorrow?"

"You like boats?" Mark asks me.

"Yeah sounds cool." Mark agrees we will meet him after breakfast.

Later Mark asks Hank if Andy can sleep over tomorrow. Hank says "It's up to you guys, just make sure nobody is uncomfortable." I'm not sure what he means by that. But in bed I asked Mark.

"Well last year me and Andy liked to do stuff together. In bed. With each others dicks. You know. Will that make you uncomfortable?" Do stuff. With dicks. Like jack each other off? Sounds very cool.

"Do I get to do it to, or will I be kicked out?" I ask.

"No man, if you want you can do stuff with us to." Well I got a boner.

"Do you mean like jacking each other?" I ask, to make sure.

"Yeah." He grins. "And we did other stuff to." Other stuff?

I slowly reach my hand over to his dick, also a boner. "You mean like this?" I grab his dick and start jacking it.

He screams out laughing so loud. "Yeah, like that."

"Can we do each other now?" I hope.

"Yeah, go for it." I sit up and jack him. Its fun, jacking somebody else. Hehe, and my turn would come next. I can tell when he starts to come, he is so noisy. He shoots and finishes. "Thanks man, good job." He gets up and cleans up, bringing back a napkin for me. Boy am I ready. "Ready?"

I move my dick by itself. He laughs. "Yeah I guess so." He jacks me. Wow it feels cool. Hank comes in and walks past us. I freak out but only for a second. Mark pretends he's not there. Hank just goes into his room. I don't say anything cause I know its ok to do what were doing. I enjoy it. I shoot. Loads of it. "Wow, that was cool. Thanks man."

He hands me the napkin. I clean up. Hank shouts from his room "Goodnite boys."

We answer and sleep.

Next morning I crawl over Mark and go outside to pee with my morning wood cause I here Hank talking to somebody. Its another older man. I'm not embarrassed by my bone. We say Hi's and I pee by a tree. I sit down, my boner going away and listen to them talk. Hank introduces me to his friend.

"Evan, this is a good friend. Would you see if Mark's up?"

"Well I know he's up, but I will see if he's awake" I joke. I get a good laugh from them. I go in. "Mark, you awake? Steven Sanders is here, he's getting ready to leave, wanted to see if you wanted to say hi?" Mark pops up, heads out, totally ignoring his morning wood. He even gives Steven a big hug, boner and all. Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to notice. Well maybe its ok cause he's my friend. We all sit and they talk to each other and I just listen, but it's not boring. I can see Hank didn't finish getting stuff ready for breakfast, so I go and do the breakfast work. Steven leaves, his them both hugs, Mark still with wood. He says bye to me as he goes away. Mark rushes to the tree to pee, about to explode it sounds like. After breakfast, we play a game of Scrabble.

Andy comes when we are playing. He joins on our team. We still get killed by Hank. He even helps us sometimes. Well it was fun anyway. So we go to the lake, Hank wants to hang around to see all his many friends. We check in and check out a row boat. I never been in a row boat. Well its hard. All that rowing. We rowed over to a boy and girl on a paddle boat. Talked for a little, rowed to a floating thing, tied up the boat and went swimming. Naked of course. I mean we didn't have any clothes with us. LOL. We laid out on the floating thing and rested. Felt good. Cold water, warm air, no clothes, good friends. Some older girls come and we leave.

We row back. More hard work. We check in the boat. Hank's not there, so we head to Andy's area. They ask me and Mark if we want to stay for lunch, but we want to find Hank. So we see lots of people, most of them preparing or eating lunch. We don't find him so go back and make our own lunch. It's fun just wandering around. After lunch we read. He likes the Pendragon book I brought for him. After we read I while I ask him about Andy and stuff they did. He tells me they sucked each other, but neither one could come then. And played with each others dick. A lot. Cool, I tell him. We both get boners talking about it.

"Can we jack here?" I ask.

"No. Its rude to do it when other can see."

"Yeah. Ok. I forgot."

"Plus lets wait till later. It will be more fun." Yeah? Cool. Ok. I'll wait.

Now, on top of my boner, I am horney, thinking about what we might do later.

So we read some more, but now my mind is thinking about other things. So Hank shows up. My boner won't go away, but I don't care. Anyway he is going in to take a nap. He already had lunch. Well finally Andy comes over.

It's almost time for dinner so we start stuff. Hank comes out and helps. We all eat. Then Mark comes to me wanting to tell me something in private.

"Ok, you're my friend, my real good friend, I like you. Ok? I don't want to hurt your feelings Ok?"

What is he talking about? "Ok."

"Andy and me want to take a hike together. On our own. We don't have to go, but I've known him for a long time and he doesn't know you yet, and I'm sure he will like you when he does know you and I don't want you to feel bad."

"It's cool with me. I understand. I'll be fine. Is he still gonna sleepover?"

"Yeah if that's ok with you."

"Yeah sure its ok. You guys have FUN. I'll see you when you get back." To tell the truth it bugged me. I really did understand, but I still felt left out. So I pretended it didn't bother me, but after they left Hank could tell I was bummed. Big time.

"Mark likes you. A lot." He says.

"Yeah I know, and I understand, but still^Å."

"You feel left out."

"That to^Å..also^Å."

"What else Evan?"

"I never had a blow job before and I was really, really, horney thinking about it all afternoon."

"A blow job?"


"You ever think about one from an older man?" Well yes I had. Back when him and me were emailing I thought about it a little. Now I was thinking about it. A lot. I started to get a semi.

"You mean a older man? Maybe with a cool beard?" I ask him teasing.

"Only if you want to. If your sure you want to."

I look down. It's a full on boner now. "Yes I would like that a lot if its ok with you, I mean if you want to do it."

"Sure. Let's go inside." We go in the RV. My bed is still a table, so I follow him into his room.

"Your sure?"

"Yes, very sure." I grab my boner. "And he's sure to." We both laugh. I never had my dick sucked. I am very horney thinking about it.

"Just lay down and relax." I do. I am relaxed. Horney, but relaxed.

First he tickles my dick with his beard. Cool. Then he licks it, his beard ticking my balls. Way cool. Then he puts it in his mouth. Oh. Yeah. I like blow jobs. He starts. Oh yeah. I love it. He wraps his hands around my but and pulls it to him. Oh wow. I wish I could make it last a long time, but after about one minute of very strong feeling I explode in his mouth. He sucks it all down. I almost yell it feels so good. I feel drunk.

He just lays down next to me and doesn't say anything. I finally come out of my daze. "Thanks. That was so^Å.." I can't think of any words. Here I am supposed to be a writer and I can't think of anything. I fall asleep.

I wake up. He's still next to me. I have a boner. "Want another?" he asks. Yeah I want a million others. This is so much better than jacking off.

"Yeah if that's ok with you?"

"Anytime Evan, anytime." He does it again. Yes, it is as good as I remember from the first time. I enjoy it. Loudly. Yes. This. Is. Cool. I shoot. I scream. I enjoy. I relax. I rest.

"Thanks." He smiles. When I come out of it I realize Mark and Andy are outside talking. Did they hear me? "Did they hear us?" I ask Hank. Aw, so what if they did.

"Uh, I think the hole world herd you that time" he says smiling. We get up and head out.

"Hi." "Hi." "You guys have fun?" "Yeah. You?" "Yeah." Everybody looks very happy. I have no more sad feeling that the ditched me. I mean no matter what they did, they couldn't have had as much fun as I did.

Hank says "You guys want to play Monopoly?" We do and pile into the table. No one feels bad. Its all good. Hank quits the game early cause he's losing anyway. Me and Mark are fighting it out for first, Andy is probably going to lose next. And whoever he loses to will have a big advantage. He loses to me! After a few more turns, Mark gives and I win! My first win this trip. We put the game away.

"Where we gonna sleep?" I ask.

"Same place as always."

"All 3 of us?"

"Yeah, unless you don't want to."

"No, that's cool. Uh, it will be a little crowded."

Andy grins big, excited "Yeah!" Cool. We all laugh. His dick is a semi, almost a bone. Cool. Even though I just did it 2 times, I start to get wood again. We all lay down, Andy between us. We tickle each other. After a little bit of this we settle down. "What did you guys do on your hike?"

"Same thing as you were doing" says Mark. So yeah, they herd. They both giggled.

"Didn't mean to ditch you" says Andy.

"No big deal. I totally understand. You guys have been buds for a while. It's cool."

"How big is yours?" Andy asks. I pull the sheet off all of us.

"5.5" I say proudly. I look at his. "Yours?"

"Almost 5." Yeah almost 5, if 4 or 4.5 is almost 5. But I don't say anything. He bends it down and lets go. "You mess around?"

"Sometimes. With my friends."

"Is Mark your friend?"


"Am I your friend?"

"If you want to be." I say.

"Yeah, if that's cool with you?"

"Yeah its cool." Well from out of nowhere Mark comes jumping on top of both of us. This leads to 3 way wrestling match, naked, with boners. I mean how cool is that? Somebody grabs my dick, so I start grabbing dicks. Were all grabbing dicks. And laughing are asses off. Anybody in the same 3 miles from us could have heard us, we were making so much noise. But nobody complained. We ended up not sucking or even jacking, just grabbing a dick whenever anybody almost fell asleep. Well I woke up tangled up with Andy. I really didn't want to move cause it was cool, but I really had to pee. So I climbed out. Hank said good morning as I walked past him to pee. I said hi.

Then sat down, tired.

"Sounds like you guys had a good time last night."

"Yeah we had fun. We didn't do any jacking or sucking but we had fun."

"Good. Having fun with your friends is the best thing there is."

"Yeah." I here them messing around. I think about going in, but I don't mind giving them some privacy. I mean I could have joined in if I wanted, but I was happy to let them do whatever they wanted to do. I could here Mark coming, he's loud and sounded happy. Gave me a boner, but didn't make me jealous. They don't come out yet, so I guess he's doing whatever to Andy. Hank and me are talking like we can't here them. Its funny. Finally they come out, rushing to pee. Andy is hanging, but Mark still has his wood. Me to. We have breakfast together, then Andy has to go check in. Me and Mark still have boners, as we clean up the dishes and stuff.

We spend the morning walking around with Hank and meeting people and basically just hanging out. We eat lunch with Andy and his family and all of us and them go on a hike. They brought a camera and I am mad that I forgot mine. They ask if I mind being in pictures. I tell them its ok but I would like to see a copy. They are going to email Hank, so I can see it on his computer or maybe later he can email to me. Yeah, I miss my computer. Hank has one, but doesn't hook it up very much. I promise myself to write a letter to my dad when we get back, ask Hank to remind me. It's pretty fun. When we go back, we go by the lake so we can jump in and clean up the sweat.

Its fun just hanging out naked you know.

We go back to our place and some peeps are waiting for us. 3 nice older people. We eat dinner, but me and Mark get board so we head off to explore some more. He apologizes again for ditching me, I tell I'm ok with it. I tell him at first I was a little bummed, but now I'm really ok. And its cool if he wants to do stuff with Andy or whoever, it doesn't bother me. He gives me a hug and tells me I'm cool. That's cool of him to say. We get back and there all still talking. We hang a little, then go inside. He teaches me to play rummy. Its a lot like Uno. He wins all 3 games, cause I'm just learning it.

We make up the bed and just lay there and talk. As I fall asleep, I realize I went the hole day without jacking off. Weird.

When I wake up, Mark is practically on top of me, his boner poking into my side. Its cool. It makes me want to jack. So leaving him where his is, I grab my boner and slowly start to jack it, cause I don't want to disturb him and wake him up. Well you can't jack without waking up someone who is practically on top of you. He doesn't say anything, just grabs my dick and jacks it. He is also kind of poking his boner into my side. Its very cool.

I come, loudly, like he does. Ahhh it feels better, making noise. I reach down and grab his. While I'm jacking his, Hank goes by, ignoring us. Mark lets go a huge yell when he comes. Its funny. Anyway, we clean up and go out to pee and get breakfast ready.

Today we are going on a long hike, bringing lunch and lots of water with a hole bunch of peeps including Andy, his dad and older sister. I bring my camera, but give it Hank, cause there's to many people to ask if they care about pictures. This one boy, keeps wanting to hang with us. He's like 10 or 11 and has a boner most of the time. Its funny, even though I'm not supposed to notice. But I don't say anything or tease him. We stop and take breaks a lot, cause there's a few little kids with us. When we get to the top, we eat lunch all together, everybody sharing stuff. Its very cool. What? Everything. Hiking naked. Sharing lunch. Hanging out with cool people. We take a few group pictures of everybody at the top of the mountain. I wonder if we gonna jack and mark the territory but figure probably not with all these people here. We go back down.

After dinner Andy comes over to sleepover again. We mess around, tickling and grabbing dicks, but don't really do anything. Its fun sleeping naked in a crowed bed. In the morning, I get up and go get stuff ready for breakfast, so they can mess around or do whatever they do. I can here them doing stuff and I'm glad they are happy. I write my dad a letter and give it to Hank to mail. They finally come out. After breakfast, me and Mark and Hank and Andy join up with Jackson and his son Hugh, who was the kid hanging with us yesterday on the long hike. We pack lunch again and take along the camera. So when we take our first break we take pictures, of our group of their group and of just us kids, and just the men. We pee. Hugh keeps hanging with us, but he's cool. He has a few boners, sometimes grabbing them, sometimes ignoring them. I pretend I don't see them. We get to the top, take some more pictures and eat lunch.

After lunch Hank says "you guys gonna mark?"

I look to Mark. Mark looks to Hugh and shakes his head no. Hank talks privately to Jackson. He says "come on Hugh, let's look around. Hank has a cool rock formation to show us." Hugh looks to see that we all aren't going.

"No, I want to stay with Mark and them."

"There just gonna rest, come on, you'll like this" says Hank. Hugh knows we are going to something. I don't think he knows what, only that we are gonna do something. I have a semi, so does Andy I think. Hugh doesn't want to be left out of anything cool.

"I want to rest with them, and do whatever they are gonna do." We all laugh. Mark finally says, were just gonna rest, and play with our dicks."

"Yeah? I like to play with my dick" he says as he plays with himself. We all bust up laughing again.

Jackson says "Maybe next year," grabs Hugh's hand and pulls him up to sit on his shoulders, his little boner dick poking the back of his dads head. They go somewhere together with Hugh complaining that he knows how to play with his dick. It's hilarious. Poor guy. But it's still hilarious.

We waste no time and get to the serious work of jacking off. I want to win so I can claim King of the Mountain, but Andy yells it first. Well I look, but he has no come. "Trust me, I came" he says as I look over to him. Well that distracted me, so Mark shoots first, and he also yells `I'm king of the mountain." I shoot next and yell King of the mountain as loud as I can just for fun. They laugh. We clean and Andy can't piss cause he is still to hard with his boner. They all come back, and Hugh rushes to piss on the come spot, also looking at are semis. The men piss to and by then Andy can piss. So he gets to claim the mountain for all of us, and shares it with everybody. It's a cool tradition.

As we hike down the mountain, Hugh keeps playing with his boner. Practicing for next year maybe. LOL. Andy has to eat with his rents, then comes over to sleep with us. It's our last night here. Bummer. Anyway in bed that night, when we are fooling around, Alex starts to suck Marks dick. Before Mark comes, he warns him and finishes by jacking himself. So Mark sucks Alex now. I am getting so horney watching wondering if I will get to do it to. Alex has his dry come. He is happy. Alex looks to me.

"You want?" Oh yeah, I want.


We starts to suck me, Mark plays with my balls and rubs his hands all over me. Its so cool. I warn him before I come and Mark grabs it and jacks my come out. Wow. Alex asks me "You want to suck mine? I'm ready again."

"Yeah, but I never did it before," I admit.

"Just remember, no teeth." We all laugh at this. So I suck his dick as best as I can. He seems to enjoy it. Mark has paper towels for us to us to clean up. We sleep well that night. Very well.

We say goodbye in the mornings, hugs for everyone. It was a great camping place. Our next place is all day driving. Long boring. When I'm in the front seat keeping Hank company, Mark jacks. Later, we switch places and I jack. Its dark when we get there. It's a non nudist place so we wear our tshirts.

I have to take a dump. Hank says grab a towel, the showers are near the bathrooms. After I take a shit, I start to shower, but didn't bring any quarters, so I go back to camp. When I go in the trailer, Hank is sucking Marks dick. So I shut the door and wait outside. I want to give them privacy. Of course I can here when Mark comes. I wait a little and crack open the door. They are just sitting there so I go in for quarters. They both want showers to, so we all go. Its to late for a hike, so we sleep.

In the morning, Hank takes my camera to a store he has used before. We decide to get triple prints so I can send one home and they can each have one. Its kinda windy so we put on shorts so we don't embarrass people. Its almost the only time, I wear my clothes on this trip. We take a hike with are clothes on, its not as much fun, but still fun. When we get back the wind is down, so we strip off are shorts. We just goof around, play games, read and talk most of the day. We all take showers again that night and sleep. I wake up in the night and jackoff as quietly as I can, so I don't wake Mark. I don't get up and clean up, so when I wake up in the morning, I got dried sperm all over my dick and some on my belly. So I get up and head to the showers. Hank is outside and says "Another shower?" I tell him what happened. He smiles. When I get back, they have breakfast ready, so we eat.

We have to wait until 10 o'clock and get our pictures, then we will go to our next spot.

We get the pictures. They are so cool. These will be great memories. I pick out my best on of me and Mark and make Hank promise to use this one on his website. I send all of mine to my dad and mail them. We leave.

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