Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Jul 10, 2000


Okay everyone raise a hand who thinks that e-mailing can be a painful experience. I've had a horrible run of luck with trying to send this installment in. I had a friend of mine do it. Anyway, I've finished the battle. sounds of much cheering this one is a lot longer chapters, but it's still a nice one. Now sections of it are a touch choppy. But that's because I didn't want to go back and start second-guessing myself. So here it is. Let me know what you think. Mist_dark@hotmail.com or Mist_dark@yahoo.ca

Thanks to everyone that's e-mailed me. You guys are great. Special thanks to Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Keif, Matt, Aphrodite, Di, Tom and Hamado (spelt it right this time I hope). You guys are great.

Legalities: this story isn't supposed to imply anything about the group Nsync. If they're gay, it's not my business. If you're to young in your area or it's illegal in your area to read this, please leave. If homosexual themes offend you leave as well. Parts of this story are based of the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

Enough talk though, enjoy



Lance rose from the bed an hour before dusk. He looked down at Selvar as he pulled on a robe. The elf was still sleeping and looked even more radiant in sleep then he did while awake. They had taken to sleeping in the same bed several months ago, but nothing had happened sexually. They both wanted to wait for the right moment.

He watched Selvar sleep for a few moments before walking to the window. It was dark enough that he could pull the curtains open and look out. He leaned on the window ledge and watched the sun make its way toward the horizon. When the sun was about half an hour from disappearing he felt an arm wrap itself around his shoulders.

"Are you ready for this love?" Selvar whispered in his ear.

Lance snuggled back into the elf's strong arms. "Honestly? No. I'm not. But what choice do we have?" He sighed. "The Acolytes are going to come in less then an hour, maybe a little longer then that. But they will come."

"I know," Selvar whispered. "But I thought I should still ask." He kissed the back of Lance's neck. "I love you,"

"I know," Lance whispered back. "I love you too." They stayed there hugging one another for a few minutes. Just enjoying the quiet of the evening.

"We should get ready," Selvar said. "I've got something I need to get from the my laboratory so I'll meet you in the meeting room in a few minutes."

"I'll go wake the others," Lance said. He leaned up and gave Selvar a quick kiss. "See you in a few."

Selvar arrived in the meeting room several minutes after everyone else had arrived carrying a large sack. He had changed his typical robe for more tight-fitting clothing. He wore a tight shirt and his slacks were snug, but not skin tight. Black boots finished the outfit. The Werecreatures leaders and Maria had already in the field and were the only ones not present. They had dropped by briefly to inform them that their allies were in place.

"Are there any last minute questions?" Selvar asked as he set the sack on the table and began pulling a number of oddly shaped bones from it. He set each bone on the table before removing the next one. When the sack was empty he started to dress himself in the bones. "Well?" He asked. "Any questions?"

"Um," Chris said. "What are you doing?"

"Putting my armour on," Selvar answered. He slipped an enlarge ribcage over his head and strapped it into place. Once it was secure he attached six pairs of skeletal arms under his own. Each arm clicked into place and hung there.

"Okay," Joey said. "I can accept that. Why the extra arms?"

"Extra arms, faster attacks," Selvar told him. He muttered something under his breath. The six additional arms twitched for a moment and then began to move as if they were naturally part of Selvar's body. "I find many arms make light work."

"I see," Joey said.

"Trust me on this one Joey," Selvar assured him. He finished attaching the leg guards and sat down. He pushed the skull helmet to one side. "Does anyone need to know anything before we start this?"

"Just one," Evelyn said. "Where will you be during this?"

"Everywhere I need to be," the elf replied. "I'll have to stay within the castle grounds to make myself most useful. And just in case the walls are breached. If I'm killed every one of my minions dies.again." He looked around the table at the shocked look on everyone's face. "We have to face that fact. The odds of everyone at this table surviving this battle are slim to none. We can hope, but we have to realize what will happen if we lose even one of us. If I die then we lose almost all of the undead support. If Lance is killed then we lose control of the runes. Each of us carries a vital part of this plan. We will continue if one of us dies, we have no choice in that matter, but it might happen. We can pray it won't, but it still might."

He leaned over and kissed Lance passionately, snapping the blonde out of his stupor. "I love you Lance, but I thought you should be aware of what the stakes are. I won't die willingly. I love you and will not leave your side. I promise you that."

Lance smiled faintly and kissed him back. "I intend to make you keep that promise."

Selvar grinned. "I was hoping you'd say that." He kissed Lance again before turning back to the meeting. "I've given all of my minions instructions that they are to obey each of you. They have their orders that they will carry out, but if you need them for something they will listen to you. Other then that I don't know what else I can do."

"Hope," Evelyn said simply. "It's all any of us can do now. Hope for the best." She absently fingered with the amulet that the Guardian of Plants had left for her. She glanced out the window. "It's almost time. The sun has almost set."

"Then in closing I must say it has been a pleasure knowing all of you," Selvar said with emotion creeping into his voice. "I look forward to fighting by each of your sides." The group stood and pulled each other into quick hugs. Some lasted longer then others, but everyone hugged everyone else.

"Joshua," Evelyn said. "I'll take you to the main tower. Take care everyone. Once I have Josh on the tower I'll link minds." She left the meeting room a tad rushed with JC in tow.

Lance pulled Selvar into another kiss. "I guess Chris and I should make sure everything else is in place." He hugged Selvar and whispered, "I love you," in his ear. With a few quick steps he left the room. Chris gave Selvar another quick hug and followed his friend from the room.

The remaining people stepped out onto the large balcony that was attached to the meeting room. They watched the sun dip past the horizon. A moment after it vanished thousands of winged shapes appeared out of the forest. They screamed with incredible hatred as they flew toward the castle.

"That would be my cue," Selena said. She touched the amulet around her throat. A soft light bathed around her and when it cleared she was covered in a tight suit of armour that appeared to be made of bark, but was far more flexible. She pulled the two swords from her side and raised them in a cross over her head as she spread her wings. In that moment she looked like an avenging angel from a stain glass window. The wind swirled around her as she propelled herself upward.

Evelyn moved swiftly through the hallways to the library. Once inside she closed the door and leaned against it. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind. Finding what she was looking for she made a connection to Selvar's mind.

"Selvar?" She asked.

"Yes?" The elf's mental voice came.

"I'm just making sure the connection is working. I'll link with the others now. I already have Joshua. I'll inform everyone once the link is working. You won't be able to communicate with each other directly. You'll have to go through me."

"That's fine Evelyn. Good luck."

Selena flew until she was hundreds of feet off the ground. She flew in a gentle circle to get used to the weight of the armour. It took her the complete circle to realize that the armour had no weight. It was as if she wasn't even wearing it.

"On to business," Selena said to herself.

She touched the wind. It was a feeling she could never have explained. It was like breathing. You knew that you could do it, but you couldn't explain it. Let alone explain how it was done. You just did it. She felt the air around her and pulled. She was rewarded with a gentle breeze. A few mental commands and the wind strengthened around her. The sky darkened in the fading light as heavy clouds rolled in.

"Selena?" Evelyn's voice sounded in her mind.

"Busy," she sent back.

She felt Evelyn's mind leave hers and she turned back to the task at hand. The flying creatures had gotten closer to her then they had been a few moments before. She could make them out as some sort of bird. Harpies most likely.

"Let's see what we can do to persuade them to go away," Selena smiled. She waited until they were close enough to smell their stink. Harpies were well known for their hygiene habits, or complete lack there of. When the first of the flock was a hundred yards away she struck.

The wind suddenly howled around her toward the harpies. The force of the wind broke the first ranks as cleanly as a knife. They fell away toward the ground, their wings broken. Lightening snaked down from the heavens and struck the ones behind the first. They fell as well. The smell of burning flesh filled the air.

JC looked down over the forest from the tower. Shortly after Evelyn had left him he had seen Selena winging her way skyward. He watched her in awe as she manipulated the winds and attacked the harpies that had emerged from the forest moments after sunset.

A sudden gust of wind almost knocked him off the tower. "Guess she can't worry about the rest of us at the moment," JC said softly. He smiled before calling up the emotions he wanted. He opened his mouth and sang into the howling wind.

The force he was creating was soft at first, but gradually grew until it formed an area of still air around him. The wind howled around the tower, but didn't touch the small area he protected. The shield wouldn't stop rain or other effects, but it would stop him from being knocked off the tower.

"Let's see. What else needs to be done?" Glancing around he decided he needed to be able to see more clearly. This particular song was shorter, but a little harder to force. Once he finished it he was able to see for miles as if it were broad day light.

"Evelyn," he called.

"Yes Joshua?"

"Selena needs some aerial support. I think it's time for Jezebel to move in."

"We were thinking much the same," Evelyn's voice said directly into his mind. "She will move in a few moments. Selena wants to make one more strike first."

JC turned his attention toward Selena and the harpies that were starting to close in on her. A clap of thunder shook the air and caused the tower he was standing on to vibrate with the intensity. A moment later hail fell from the clouds. Not the little pebbles he was used to, but huge chunks of ice. Some were the size of basketballs. He quickly altered the shield to keep the hail out. Just one of those pieces of ice could easily break a bone. Possibly several.

The harpies were faring very poorly. Their ranks broke under the onslaught of ice. Selena kept the hail going for a few minutes before it stopped abruptly. The moment the ice stopped falling another cloud rose from the forest. This cloud was made of figures appeared similar to the harpies. Except they appeared more human. The new cloud swarmed into the remaining harpies

A hundred black skinned sorcerers formed a circle. Each one had hair as black as their skin, and white eyes that contrasted sharply with their skin tones. They stood in a cave that had been hollowed out by water. The walls were smooth of any uneven edges and not even a pebble lay on the stone floor. In center of the circle were six ornate bottles. Each bottle was engraved with several runes. Kneeling in front of the bottles was a black skinned woman. The woman arranged the bottles in a circle and then moved to take her place in the circle.

"Is everyone here willing to make the sacrifice that may have to be made?" She looked at each person in the circle, waiting for them to nod. "Very well." She linked hands with the sorcerers on either side of her. Each sorcerer followed suit until the entire circle was linked. "Let us begin."

The chanting began lowly. The woman started it and it spread from her, left and right, as each sorcerer picked up the chant. When the entire circle was chanting lowly the woman upped the tempo. Soon the sorcerers were almost shouting the chant.

Magic swirled around bottles. A blue light appeared around them as a result of the magical energies building. It expanded until the whole of the circle was bathed in its light. The bottles changed from the clear glass they were made of originally to various colours. One red, one blue, one green, one black, one brown and one white. The chanting grew more frantic after the bottles had changed colour. A fine mist appeared above each bottle and was quickly sucked into the bottles.

The magical energies grew to incredible proportions. Half the circle of sorcerers burst into blue flames. They never screamed in pain, they only kept chanting the spell. The smell of burning flesh filled the cave as the spell came to a close. The burned sorcerers collapsed into ashes as six of their comrades leapt forward to cork the bottles.

"Keep those bottles in a safe place," the woman said. She walked toward the only exit from the cave. "Until they are uncorked the Acolytes are mortal. And as long as you make sure you don't uncork them the Acolytes won't notice their missing power." She left the cave to make the final preparations for her part in this battle. "Karr, you had better not fail."

The Red Acolyte paced in an underground cave. There were wooden support beams holding up an earth ceiling. A moment later the Brown and Blue Acolytes appeared.

"It's about time," he growled. "We have a few changes in our plan. First we will be sending the Shades, Fiends, Ghouls, and Banshees in now. I also want you," he pointed at the Brown Acolyte. "To deal with our meddling weather witch. I want her out of the picture and I want her out now. Take control of the weather from her."

"I'll take the Shades and Banshees with me. I'm planing on entering the castle directly in a few moments," Blue said. "I'll send the other creatures into the forest. I believe there are some things waiting there for them. And we don't want to have to disappoint our little defenders."

"Good," Red said. "And have the Black Acolyte summon something nasty to create a large distraction. A baal-rog would do nicely. Whatever he wants, but make it big."

"Are you sure this is worth the effort?" Brown asked. "We could easily crush these creatures. We don't need an army to do it."

"Something about this situation makes me uneasy," Red admitted. "We should have killed the Trinity a long time ago, but we will have to rectify the problem tonight. Until then it's best to play it safe."

Lance and Chris stood on the battlements just above the courtyard. They stared out into the darkened forest hearing the sounds of a horrendous battle. The howls of wolves filled the air followed by the shrieks of some inhuman creature. The occasional growl from a cheetah or bear could be heard, but it was mostly the wolves they heard. The screeches from the bats above were clearly heard as well.

A flash of light momentarily stole their vision. When it cleared they could see a large shape towering above the forest. The shape easily stood ten feet above the tree line. At first Lance thought it was a wall, but then it started moving. It was some sort of monstrous creature. As the creature moved it shot beams of light from what appeared to be its head. The beams laced into the forest and a great deal of silence followed from wherever they struck.

"What are we going to do about that?" Chris asked. "I think that's why Selvar stuck us here."

"We aren't going to do anything except get down to the courtyard," Lance said. "Any suggestions for a quick decent?"

"Just one," Chris said. He looked over the edge of the battlement at the courtyard below. "I've never tried this, but it should work." A pillar of flame shot upward from the ground. Chris stepped onto the pillar and hovered there, supported by the flames. "Going down."

"Are you sure that's safe?"

"Not at all," Chris said. "But it's going to get us down there quickly." Before Lance could argue he pulled the blonde onto the pillar and willed the flames to shrink. The pair of them quickly made their way to the courtyard ground.

Once they were on the ground again Lance bolted for the two statues that guarded the gate. He slapped each of the bases of the statues with his open palm. A white light flowed from the base of each statue to cover them. They flashed white once and then the light faded.

"Kill whatever the creature in the forest is," Lance commanded them. The two statues strode of their bases and into the forest.

"I'm aware of that sister," Damek said calmly. "I was about to try to stale the weather myself."

"Don't try to take control of it," Nydia warned. "I'm not sure what will happen if three minds try to control it at once."

"I know," Damek told her. "I'm just going to make sure that nothing horrible erupts from the battle of wills. Keeping tornadoes and whatnot to a minimum."

"I'm tracking the White Acolyte, I'm not sure where she went."

"You do your work, and I'll do mine." He watched Nydia leave the room before sitting cross-legged in the middle of it. He closed his eyes and reached out to touch the weather that he had once commanded with skill that few could have hoped to match.

Pyre and Justin darted around the castle as a group of Banshees appeared out of no where. The horrid screaming women flew around the battlements destroying whatever they could.

"Are they really dangerous?" Justin called.

"Not too dangerous," Pyre answered him. "But they are cowards and will attack you in large numbers."

The lovers split up to take care of the banshees. Pyre easily slashed through most of the creatures that had decided he was an easy target. They quickly learned he wasn't. But not before over half their number was gone. The rest wisely fled.

Justin was having just as easy a time as Pyre was. His silver claws were designed to battle vampires, but they were doing a wonderful job cutting down the banshees. It took his group longer to realize he was a major threat. He had killed almost all of them before the two remain fled.

Pyre flew over to Justin and gave him a quick peck. "Good work love."

"Thanks," Justin called as he continued to fly on his rounds of the castle. They would meet up on the other side and he would return the kiss then.

The Guardian of Air sat gracefully next to a pool of rainwater. The room she was in was made entirely out of clouds, and would shift in colour from time to time. Her white hair was worn long to her waist and it looked exotic against her creamy brown skin. Her dress appeared to be made of a colour changing mist. One moment it was dark as the night sky and the next it was as colourful as a sunset.

The surface of the pool rippled as her finger traced a line through it. When the ripples had cleared an image had formed. It was of the battle that was raging in her element. She watched her servant wipe the air clean of the demonic creatures that continuously swarmed at her. She watched as countless Werebats attacked whatever creatures Selena couldn't knock from the sky.

Without being aware of why, she started to cry. The pool rippled slightly as her tears fell into the clear water. She ignored them and kept watching the scene unfold before her.

A tiny pang of pain struck her in the head. She touched her temples and massaged them to clear the growing headache. That's when she noticed the blood. Her tears had changed from water to blood. And the blood was rapidly darkening the pool. She reeled backward from the pool as a wave of pain slammed into her.

"It can't take.."

The Guardian of Air passed out as she continued to cry tears of blood.

"Evelyn," Selena called. "We have a problem. Someone else is trying to take control of the weather from me."

"What can you do about it?"

"Get some of the Werebats to cover me for a while and I'll try to take complete control. Until then I'm going to be practically useless. They're countering every move I make."

"I'll have the bats cover you."

Selena hovered in the air as four Werebats broke away from the main fight to deal guard her. Once they were close enough she told them to keep everything away from her. They nodded their understanding.

She reached out and grabbed the wind again. Finding what she was looking for, she traced it back to the controller. It was an easy trail to follow. Magic created natural looking weather, but left a feel about it that was easy to trace if you knew what to look for. She did, and she didn't like what she felt.

The other mind was obviously opposing her, and was most likely one of the Acolytes. This didn't disturb her too much. She had been expecting one of the Acolytes to interfere. But what did disturb her was the third mind. She hadn't been expecting that. The third mind seemed to be trying to wrest control away from them both.

Taking a deep breath she pulled on the weather. She felt the other two minds pull back. It was like a three-way tug-of-war. She pulled again, harder. And again she was met by resistance. Gathering everything she had she pulled on the weather altering her grip' and stance' repeatedly. The other minds refused to let go.

A peal of thunder split the air as the weather was wrenched from her grasp. Her head snapped back and her eyes shot open. Her eyes exploded outward and her body went limp. She plummeted toward the ground, smoke trailing from her eyes.

The Brown Acolyte was kneeling in the underground cave that she had appeared in earlier. Her mind was bent completely on taking control of the weather from the winged Asian woman that had completely staled their aerial attacks. She felt the tug of the woman and the tug of another mind.

"Damek," she whispered to herself. "You won't win this one so easily." She felt both the other minds pull on the weather and she pulled in return.

A peal of thunder shook the cave. Brown's eyes shot open and exploded. White smoke trailed from them as she was hurled across the room with hurricane force. She slammed into tone of the support beams. A stray piece of wood pierced her back and impaled her through her heart. She let out an agonizing scream before she was consumed in flames.

Thunder shook the room Damek sat in. The weather was torn from his grasp as he was thrown across the room. His head smashed against the wall. He slumped to the ground, his body twitching a few times before it remained still.

"Joseph," Evelyn called. "Go to Joshua. I have to relocate Pyre. Joshua will need the extra protection."

Joey barely had time to answer her before she left his mind. Shrugging he raced through the hallways making his way to the tower. He had to backtrack several times to avoid some of the creatures that had invaded the castle walls.

Dark shadows wearing cloaks stalked down a number of corridors and out of the corner of his eye he would catch banshees screaming for blood. The shadows would always disappear, but there was usually another one to replace it.

It took him ten minutes to make it to the base of the tower and less then two to reach the top. He launched himself through the trap door and raced to JC's side.

His friend was completely involved in singing and didn't notice his arrival. Joey glanced around to see what was to be considered an immediate threat. Seeing a few harpies that had somehow made their way close to the tower, he summoned a few bolts of mental energy. He loosed them at the avian creatures.

"Pyre," Evelyn called. "Selena has fallen. You have to take her place in the air. The Werebats can't hold the horde off by themselves."

"What makes you think I can?"

"I know what you are Pyre, and it's time you let Justin know as well. You've been hiding this from him because you're afraid he'll reject you. He won't. Tell him now because he'll be killed if you don't. We'll all die if you don't. We still might, but at least we have a chance." She left his mind before he could respond.

"Justin," Pyre said as he crossed the blonde's path next. "I've got something I have to tell you."

"Can't it wait?" Justin asked. "We are kind of busy."

"It can't wait," Pyre told him. "Selena's been killed. I have to go take her place." He looked around and saw the courtyard below. "Let's continue this one the ground."

"What is it?" Justin asked when they were both on the ground.

"There's not an easy way to tell you this," Pyre sighed. "I love you, but you have to see this."

"Pyre," Justin said. "I love you and there isn't anything you could tell me that would make me hate you. Except possibly you being a vampire that has come to destroy me."

Pyre smiled softly. "Nothing like that." He leaned in and kissed Justin gently. "But possibly something worse."

In the dim light Justin watched Pyre's eyes change from their normal green to yellow. The whites also changed to yellow. The pupil changed from round to a slit. His skin became a reddish gold and changed from skin to scales. A pair of leathery wings erupted from his back shredding his shirt. Very quickly Pyre's body began to expand in all directions destroying his clothing. His hands grew long nails and turned into claws. He finished his transformation and let out a bestial roar.

"Wow," was all Justin could say. "You're a dragon?"

"You don't hate me?" Pyre asked meekly. Meek was completely out of place with his current form.

"Hate you?" Justin asked. "No, I can't do that. Surprised. Yes, but I don't hate you. Though I would have liked to have known before this. But we can talk about this later."

Pyre nodded and spread his wings. He pushed upward with them and soared into the sky, belching flames at a few flying opponents as he went.

Selvar raced down the long hallway on one of the lower levels of the castle. A number of small goat-like demons were trailing behind him. Each of his eight swords were bloodstained and a large quantity of blood covered his bone white armour. None of it his.

"Selvar. The castle walls have been breached. At least one of the Acolytes is inside."

"I'm aware of the breaching," Selvar sent back. "I've about fifty lesser demons on my tail. I'll take care of them. Find out which Acolyte is inside and deal with it. Let everyone else know that the Acolytes have moved into the castle proper."

"Already ahead of you. Lance is preparing something as we speak."

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I've some creatures to deal with."

"Take care Selvar," Evelyn said as she pulled out of his mind.

He ran around the corner and skidded to a stop halfway down the hallway. He opened himself to his magic and began calling upon years of training. The magic flowed around him and outward. It wrapped itself around the armour along the walls. Calling them to life. The bone armour twitched and moved. It stepped of their pedestals and walked to meet the charging demon horde.

Selvar leaned against one wall to regain his breath as his armour fought the demons. His arms ached and he needed rest, but there wouldn't be any for a long time yet. Dawn was still hours away. He knew he wouldn't get any rest until long after the sun had risen.

The armour was dealing effectively with the demons. Less then half the demon numbers still stood after less then a minute of battle. Only one of the suits had been destroyed. The elf gave them a standing command to seek out any other demons and kill them as well. He staggered down the hall and slipped into one of the rooms to catch his breath and reformulate his plan.

The door closed behind him and he immediately realized something was out of place.

"Greetings necromancer," the Green Acolyte said as he stepped out of the shadows. He pulled a sword from his belt and leveled it at Selvar's chest.

"Pathetic," the Blue Acolyte sneered.

She had Chris and Lance backed into a corner. Chris stood in front of Lance with his flame aura activated. Every time the blue robed woman tried to get close to them he would send a wave of flame at her. She would move back, but it seemed that she was only playing with and wasn't actually afraid of the flames.

"Just a little longer," Lance whispered to Chris. He had pulled out his powders and glues and was busily making a detailed rune on the floor.

"Unfortunately you don't have a little longer," Blue said as a smile crossed her face. "I'm an impatient woman at times. This is one of those times." Chris' flames suddenly extinguished themselves.

"What the fuc." Chris muttered a moment before he was slammed into the wall to his left.

"A nice trick pyro," Blue said. "But not nearly impressive enough. I hope you'll forgive me for putting it out. Of course in about ten minutes you won't care." She glanced at Lance. "I don't think so my little rune mage."

The rune that Lance had almost completed was raked with an invisible force. The powders and glue scattering themselves in the wake of an unseen hand. A moment later the remains of the rune melted into the floor.

"I can't have you preparing yourself," Blue said sweetly. "Now can I?" She walked closer to Lance's crouched form. "I would promise this wouldn't hurt. But I'd be lying. This is going to hurt more then anything you've ever experienced."

"Leave them alone," Evelyn's calm voice came.

Blue stood and turned around slowly. "Ah, the mother has come to defend her cubs. You can run along now, I'll deal with you later."

A smile graced Evelyn's lips, but didn't touch her eyes. "I'm a busy woman Acolyte. You'll have to deal with me now."

"If you insist."

"Lance take Christopher out of here. You two don't need to see this," Evelyn said without taking her eyes of the Blue Acolyte.

Lance nodded and helped Chris to his feet. The two of them skirted the Acolyte and moved past Evelyn. They disappeared around the corner.

"Shall we get on with this?" Blue snapped. "I've got a number of things to accomplish tonight."

Evelyn's eyes flared blue as she struck with her mind at the woman standing before her. Blue's head snapped back slightly and she slid backward and inch. Evelyn kept up her attack while preparing herself for a counterstroke. It came as quickly as she had sent her attack.

She mentally parried the blow and launched a new attack. Instead of one concentrated blow she slammed into the other woman's mind with several less powerful attacks, but with much greater speed.

"Nicely done," Blue commented. The Acolyte retaliated with a blow that caused Evelyn's ears to ring and a small trail of blood to tear from her eye. Evelyn wiped the bloody tear away and raked the woman's mind with a mental claw. Blue screamed in pain and slashed back. This time Evelyn cried out in pain.

To an observer it would appear as if the two women were just staring at each other from opposite ends of a hallway. The full battle would be revealed to anyone who had any psychic power. The battle was raged completely one a mental plane, but was just as furious as the one that raged in the forest.

Pyre breathed fire at countless flying demons. The creatures would scream in agony and then fall from the sky. Only to be replaced by even more. The Werebats had all but completely been destroyed. A few still remained in the sky, but they were quickly being killed as well. More of the demons were concentrating on Pyre as less opponents were in the sky.

The only thing that had let him continue this long was his regenerative factor. The demons' claws were tiny, but were very sharp. They were easily slicing through his scales and into the tender flesh beneath. The fact that moments after the wound was inflicted it closed, didn't help the pain that was constantly stabbing at him.

He smashed a few more of the abominations from his path. He was slowly working his way away from the castle in hopes that he could buy his allies some more time. If they could hold off until sunrise they would have a much greater chance at survival.

The stupid creatures were allowing him to carry out his plan. As he moved away from the castle they followed him. They probably didn't realize what he was doing. Or they didn't care. Either way he would be able to buy a few hours. In the mean time he would kill as many as possible.

Searing pain ripped through his right wing. Pyre looked over and saw one of the demons clinging to his wing. The creature looked at him and grinned wickedly. An instant later it dug its claws into the thing skin and tore. Pyre bellowed in pain before he fell from the sky. As the ground rushed up to meet him he realized he had fallen from several thousand feet. He wouldn't be able to survive the impact.

"Mistress," a black-skinned sorcerer said. "Two of the bottles have shattered."

"What?" The woman exclaimed. "Who broke them?"

"No one," the sorcerer told her. "They simply shattered. The black bottle and the brown bottle just broke. They cracked open and the mist inside dissipated."

"Did it change colour before it disappeared?" She asked sharply.

"No. It just disappeared."

The woman started laughing. She laughed until tears rolled down her dark cheeks. "We may just win this yet."


"The bottles broke because two of the Acolytes are dead," she explained. "The Brown and Black Acolytes have been killed." She laughed again. "More will die before the night is through, but we may just win."

Justin was making his circles around the castle much faster now that Pyre had been called away to replace Selena. He wondered how Joey would take the news of her death. He wasn't upset about it right now, but that was because of the adrenaline in his system. When this was all over he knew he was going to crash, and crash really hard. But he knew that when he came down off his natural high he wouldn't reject Pyre. Granted he was still in shock about his love being a dragon, but he didn't care. He loved Pyre for who he was, not what he was.

He was so involved in his thoughts that he almost ran into the man appeared in front of him. The man was dressed in what looked like leather pants and a leather shirt. It took Justin a second to realize that they were leather. He'd never seen leather the dyed reddish gold before. The man's hair hung to his shoulders and was a dark red, almost auburn. His skin tones were also golden.

"Please tell me I don't have to fight you," Justin said.

The man smiled. "No child, you don't have to fight me. But I do have a favour to ask of you."

"Who are you? And what can I do for you?" Justin asked.

"I am the Guardian of Fire," the man replied. "I'm about to bestow my gift upon your cause. Two of your friends are on the roof of the main tower. Take them inside the castle and go there yourself."

"Are you going to tell me why?" Justin asked.

"It should be apparent once my gift arrives," the Guardian said.

"If you say so," Justin said. He flew toward the tower leaving the Guardian behind. As the man had said Joey and JC were on top of the tower. They had pretty much cleared away anything from the tower. Most of the creatures that were still attacking the tower hung a respective distance away. He touched down on the tower and walked over to JC and Joey. The pair stood back to back so they could see whatever came near the tower. "We gotta go guys. The Guardian of Fire's about to give us a gift and we don't want to be around when it goes off."

"What?" Joey asked. His eyes widened after a second. "Oh shit. We don't want to be here when it happens. Get us off this tower."

"Huh?" JC asked.

"Not a problem," Justin said. He grabbed each of their arms and flew off the tower. Once he'd cleared the tower he just dropped. When he was close enough to the ground he started flying again and flew through the door at the base of the tower.

The Guardian of Fire clapped his hands in the air twice. A small ball of fire appeared above him. It floated in front of him and began growing in size. When it was ten times as big as he was, he nodded at it. The ball spread giant wings and screeched at the sky. Tiny trails of flame wavered in the air as the Phoenix hovered in front of its master.

"Destroy all that is in the sky my friend," The Guardian whispered. The mythical bird cocked its head at him and screeched to acknowledge his request. The flaming bird flew away from him leaving a trail of flame in its wake.

Shaking off the chains of fatigue Selvar launched himself at the Green Acolyte. The man smiled and parried his blows. It took an incredible swordsman to be able to deflect every attack leveled by a necromancer in full battle armour. Eight arms are very difficult to avoid at once. The Acolyte had no trouble with this task.

"You're very good," Green complimented him. "But I am going to kill you and then I'll have my way with your love. He's cute you know. You're lucky to have found him. To bad it won't last."

"You won't lay a hand on Lance," Selvar spat in fury.

"Oh but I will. It's so much fun to taunt a man that is going to die," Green gloated. "You'll die and then Lance will die, after I rape him. And then I might pass him off to the Black Acolyte. He has a necrophilia fetish. He's an odd man, but to each his own I guess."

"Silence," Selvar snapped.

"Oh what the hell?" Green asked. He thrust forward through the elf's defenses. His blade found a weak spot in the armour and pierced Selvar's heart. "I was getting bored with this anyway."

Selvar gasped and slid backward off the sword. He slumped to the ground as a trickle of blood ran from his mouth. He wore a shocked look on his face under his helmet. A large pool of blood spread around his body.

Green leaned over him. "I told you, you would die tonight," he whispered into Selvar's ear. He laughed as he watched the elf's life slip away from him. "I'll enjoy your love before the night is through as well. And do keep in mind that I always keep my promises."

"NO!!!!!!!!" Arvia screamed. She ran passed the Acolyte and hugged Selvar's dead body.

"You aren't need here priestess," Green said coldly.

"You will die for this," she whispered harshly.

"You are in no position to be threatening me."

"You have killed one of my chosen ones," Arvia breathed as she stood. "That is an offense punishable only by death."

The Acolyte arched an eyebrow. "And you are going to kill me?"

Arvia nodded. Her features changed. Her hair darkened until it was raven black, and her skin became even paler. Her robe altered until it became a slinky gown that hinted at everything beneath it, but revealed nothing. "Yes I will."

"I was beginning to wonder when you would show up Ishtar," Green smirked. "Clever disguise by the way. I am, however, not afraid of a goddess of love."

"Perhaps not love," Ishtar said calmly. "But perhaps a goddess of war as well." Her robe shimmered and was replaced by golden scalemail. A bronze shield appeared on her left arm and a golden spear in her right. "I also keep my promises Acolyte."

Ishtar spun with incredible speed and knocked the sword from Green's hands. She twirled the spear and knocked the man's feet from underneath him. Before his body hit the floor she had stabbed him through the heart with the spearhead. He screamed in pain before bursting into flames. His body was completely consumed by the flames.

"I also keep my promises."

The goddess dropped the spear. A moment later the shield joined it on the floor. She dropped to her knees next to Selvar's body. She pulled off his helmet and set it aside. Smoothing the hair out of his face she wept.

"You are beyond my power," she cried. "But I will see that your minions will continue the fight. It is all I can do for you my chosen one. I am sorry." She collapsed on his chest and wept harder.

"Lance," she called. "Your love has fallen."

Pyre stood in a great hall. The designs were Egyptian. At the end of the hall stood a woman in ancient Egyptian garb, except that her dress was purple. Next to her stood a man dressed in Egyptian garb as well. Except his was the traditional colour of white.

"Greetings dragon," the woman said to him. "You have come to me, but I refuse you."


"I am the Guardian of Death," she said. "I gather many of the souls of the departed. I refuse yours. All souls must past through these halls. If they do not they are not dead."

"What are you talking about?" Pyre asked. "I hit the ground and died. I remember that."

"Your body bares no marks," the man next to the Guardian of Death said. "That is the my gift to your cause."

"My gift is to refuse your soul passage at this time," Death replied. "If I will not take you, you will return to your body and live."

"You're giving me my life back?"

"I am refusing your soul," Death said. "He is giving you your life back. Only the Guardian of Life can do that."

"Thank you," Pyre said simply.

Karr teleported himself into the center of the room. Glancing around he saw Lance and Chris in the far corner. Chris lay on the ground with a large welt on his forehead. Lance knelt over him with a cloth trying to bring the swelling down. In his other arm Lance hugged a large white book. Every now and then he would say something to it.

"Leave us," Lance said without turning around. Karr could hear the tears in his voice. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care. But leave us alone."

"I've come to help," Karr said.

"Then do so else where. I don't have time to deal with this."

"I'm afraid I have to help right here," Karr told him. "This will only take a little while."

He closed his eyes and began to chant the spell that he had been given not long before. His hands sketched the spell in the air before him in time to the words that he spoke.

Twenty minutes passed in this way before any noticeable effect appeared. A tiny doorway appeared. It grew until it was large enough for a grown man to walk through. Karr collapsed to his knees when the door had stopped growing.

"You did it wrong," a black-skinned woman said. She walked in from the shadows and helped Karr to his feet. "You won't be able to cast any other spells until that one is finished. And it won't be finished until they go through it."

"I know," Karr said. "There was no other way to do it."

She nodded. "Agreed. My sorcerers are spread around the castle. They will deal with any minor creatures. Three of the Acolytes are dead Karr. We have half won this battle."

"But not completely," Nydia said as she appeared in the room. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Karr nodded his agreement. "But we can hope."

There was a rush of light and Karr's head rolled across the room. Nydia stared in shock as her brother's body collapsed to the floor. The doorway snapped shut as its source of power vanished.

"Hope is such a frail thing," the White Acolyte said. She held a blade of pure light in her hand. "Much like his head." She flicked the blade at the sorceress. Blood gushed from the wound that appeared from her navel to her shoulders.

"This ends now," Nydia said coldly. "You've killed my brother. And my twin. You have slaughtered countless people. And now you die."

"Cliches," White said. "You have to love them." She was going to continue taunting Nydia but was caught short by a fireball in the face. She slammed into the floor and slid toward the wall. She lay there in a daze.

When she had recovered enough to stand Nydia was involved in another spell. She felt a strange sensation cover her body. The feeling quickly faded.

"Not good enough to kill me," she smirked.

"That wasn't suppose to kill you," Nydia smiled triumphantly. "But this one will. You're life depends on the five remaining in this dimension. All of the Acolytes' lives do now. I'm sending the five home."

"No you're not." White slide her blade into Nydia's chest as the woman began chanting.

Her body fell to the floor next to her brother's headless corpse. Instead of the chanting being silenced it kept going. White looked in horror and realized Nydia's spirit was still casting the spell. Nydia stood above her body, a pale form compared to the original, but none the less powerful.

A flash of light and a clap of thunder accompanied the completion of the spell. Lance and Chris vanished with a small popping sound. Nydia looked triumphantly at White as the woman burst into flames.

Five black-skinned sorcerers watched the remaining three bottles explode.

"They are truly gone," one of them said. "We have won."

"Yes," another said. "But at what cost?"


So what did you think? Let me know. This isn't the end. I've still got a few things to finish with. Until next time.


Next: Chapter 22

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