Nsync Love

By ude.usfs@oez

Published on Feb 20, 1999


My first story...this is fiction..contains gay romance..blah blah...

Chapter 1: Chance

It was another boring day for me. Dull grey clouds blanketed the sky as the occasional Pacific winds gusted throughout the city. Living in San Francisco really didn't make things happier for me either. A senior in some God-awful public high school and to top it off, I happen to be the "Brain" of my class. This annoyed the hell out of me. There were about 13 other people in the class that did far better than I did. I think they got a kick out of it from the fact that they can point to me and call me the "Brain."

This put a real damper in my social life. I wasn't at all to popular with the different crowds and usually kept to myself. Being by myself for a long time probably caused my annoying trait of not being able to socialize with people. Every time I start to get into a conversation with anyone, my mind comes up blank with what to say next. Eventually the person who I was talking to starts to talk to their friend and leaves me behind feeling really stupid.

This routine kept up for the entire time I was in school. Oh well, shit happens and you just got to limp along the road of life. Right now, I really don't care for much because spring break is coming up in a couple of days. My parents thought it would be a good idea to do some bonding. I just shrugged at the thought of bonding with my parents. We weren't all to close because they always worked.

My parents are always busy. They are out of the house before I get up to eat breakfast and when I get home, no one is there. It was like this throughout my life. I was born in the Philippines and moved to Kentucky when I was 4. I really don't remember much of the islands except that it was always warm. I'm about 5'8" with short black hair and dark brown eyes. I was never into sports, but I did join the track team during the first 3 years in high school. I look pretty skinny, but defined like Bruce Lee. I hated the fact that I was skinny. Can't do much about it, can I?

Coming back from a tangent, I lived in Kentucky for quite some time. I lived in a fairly large house. The house just made it even more lonely when my parents were working. They both worked in some sort of consulting firm and was always out of the house talking to "important people" as they called them. I just referred to them as snobs. After finishing junior high, I moved again. This time I landed here on the West Coast in the oh-so-cold San Francisco. Well, its cold for most of the year and when it's not cloudy, rainy, or windy, it really is a nice place to be. But that only happens for about 3 weeks out of the year.

As you can tell, the relationship between my parents and I are not that great. They barely know when my birthday is. I guess they are trying to make up for it during this trip. I don't think that they can make up for 18 years of absence, but I'll let them try anyway. The trip was planned for Disney World and we were going to stay there for the entire week of spring break. I was thrilled to hear of the destination because I always wanted to go. I may be 18, but you have to see Disney World at least once in your life.

On the day of the trip, I packed a couple of jeans, shorts, shirts, and all of the other stuff which I thought I needed. I also packed my sketch book so I have something to draw while I was there. Probably seeing Disney would give my brain some creative boost. Everything was ready and then we were off. It was a standard fair going to the airport to check-in, sit around, and then board the plane. It was a really boring flight, but I didn't care. I was about to explore the "Happiest Place On Earth." Once we landed, we took a rental and drove to the hotel in which we were staying and surprise, surprise it was the Disney Hotel. My parents got one room and I had one to myself.

The hotel was a pretty nice place, but I can't say much because I don't go into hotels all too often. My room was surprisingly spacious for just one person. It had a clear view of Disney World and I could see Epcot center as well as the castle from the window. Once I put my bags down, I grabbed my backpack and started to look for my planner. (I like to be organized.) Once I found it, I sat on a chair next to the table. I started to jot down things which I would do starting on Monday. I completely filled the week with things to do. Once I was finished, I put down my pen and looked at what I wrote. I just smiled.

I was about 3 in the afternoon and my parents and I headed to the park. Everything was going great for the first day. We just explored just a tiny fraction of the park before heading back to the hotel. When I got back to the room, I just flopped on the bed tired, but thrilled just to be here, and then I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the phone ringing.

"Hello?" answering groggily.

"Hi, hon," my mom answered back.

"Mom? Why are you calling?" I sat up.

"Well, there's going to be some bad news," she slowly replied.

"Which is?"

"Your father and I received an emergency call from the office and we are really sorry for cutting the trip so short..." my mom explained away.

'I knew it,' I thought to myself. 'I knew they couldn't keep their promise. I guess their clients are more important than their son, huh?' still analyzing what mom was saying.

"...if you want you can leave early and come back home, but if you want to stay, we left some money for you at the front counter." she finished as I snapped back into reality.

"Oh..um, it's ok. I stay just to see some sights." answering back trying not be infuriated.

"We are so sorry and we promise we'll make it up to you. OK?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"We'll see you in a week."



With that I hung up the phone and laid back on the bed. 'I knew this was coming.' I thought. 'I better make the best of it then.' I got dressed, picked up my backpack and headed out the room. I went down the elevator and to the front desk. I asked the receptionist if there was a package or letter for me. She said there was and handed me an envelope. As I expected, my parents gave me cash to make up for what happened. 'They're buying my love.' I giggled to myself.

It was about 11 in the morning and there were a lot of people in the park. I was surprised to see a large crowd this early in the morning. I decided to get some breakfast inside the park after fighting with my conscious knowing that the food in the park was extremely expensive. I ordered some French toast and juice. Once I ordered the food, I went down and sat at a table. The table was pretty dirty, but since it was the only one available, I really didn't have a choice. I sat down and pulled out the park map from my backpack. 'Where should I go first?' thinking to myself. Scanning around the map for a place so I can get some ideas for my sketches. I couldn't decide where to go first. After a few minutes looking at the map and eating breakfast, I finally came to the conclusion that I should start at the center of the park. The castle looked like a good place to get some ideas. With that, I finished my breakfast and started to head out. Before I left the food court area, I decided to get some raspberry lemonade for the road. With my backpack slung over my shoulder, my lemonade in one hand and the map in the other, I set out on my adventure. Sipping every now and then to keep myself hydrated and looking at the map to see if I was going in the right direction, the journey was pretty treacherous. Drinking, reading, and walking does not make a very good combination.

About halfway to the castle, I looked down at the map to see where I was. Not bothering to look up, I turned the corner and crashed into a person who was turning into the corner as well. I guess, he was in a hurry cause both of us got knocked down to the ground.

"Ouch...that smarts," as I scratched my head.

"Hey man, are you OK?" said the guy who knocked me off.

"Umm...yeah, I think so," still scratching my head.

"I am really, really sorry about that. I was in a hurry and I didn't see you around the corner," the guy apologized.

"No, it's ok. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," still looking at the ground for my stuff.

"Here, let me help you up."

He reached out for his hand and as I grabbed it, I felt a small jolt of energy go through my arm. I was a little startled and shrugged it off as static. After a moment, he pulled me up. It took me a while to orient myself back to normal. The second I looked at who crashed into me, I was stunned. The first thing I noticed was his deep blue eyes. I swore that my heart skipped a beat for a second, but I quickly passed it off as getting up too fast.

"I'm sorry for knocking you down. It looks like I'm also sorry for spilling your drink," he said sheepishly.

"Huh...um, oh, no problem. I'll just get another one," I quickly said after coming back to my senses.

"The least I can do is buy you another one," he said as he looked at me. When I saw his eyes again, my heart skipped again.

"Th..that's ok. I can get another one," I manage to stutter out.

"No, no, I insist," he pleaded, "Besides the line isn't that long anyway."

I knew I wasn't going to win this conversation so I just shrugged and said, "Sure, why not?" He just smiled back. I nearly fainted at the sight, but regained my composure right away trying not to look like an idiot in the park. Again, I passed off this event as being heat related or something. It wasn't long before we were at the back of the line of the lemonade stand. It was a pretty long line from what I could tell.

He was a little taller than me and almost as skinny. He had short black hair which was slicked back. He was wearing a Nike T-shirt, cargo shorts and a pair of sneakers. It looked like he was doing some vacationing too, but he was missing the usual bag and camera and stuff like that. I thought that he might have all of his other stuff in his hotel room or something.

"That's odd," he commented, "This line was way shorter a few minutes ago."

"Murphy's Law," I said to myself.

"Huh?" turning his head in my direction.

"You know Murphy's Law. 'If anything can go wrong, it usually does go wrong.' or 'Expect the unexpected.'" I stated in a matter of fact sort of way.

"Oh, I see," understanding what I just said. "I guess this is a prime example."

"I guess so," Then what he said stunned me.

"Since we'll be in this line, I might as well introduce myself. Name's Joshua, but everyone calls me JC," as he offered his hand.

"My name is Mano," I said as I slowly reached his hand.

"Mano, huh?" as we shook hands.

"Yeah, it's short for Manolito. It's easier to say..."

"...And to remember," as JC cut me off and laughed, "At least we have something in common besides crashing into each other."

I just looked at him with confusion.

"No one calls us by our full names," he said with enthusiastically.

I just smirked and smiled at his comment, "I guess you're right."

"From the looks of you, you're on vacation right?"

I was startled at the question, but I thought that I should practice my social skills now. So that when I go back home, I can get a date for the prom or something.

"Yup. I'll be here for the rest of the week. I'm going back home on Saturday," I said calmly.

"That's cool. I'll be here for another week or so, me and my buds have to go back to work," JC said kind of disappointed.

"Oh, where do you work?" I asked as we moved closer to the register.

JC looked at me with a bit of surprise. "You...haven't seen me before?"

"No. Why?"

"Oh...nothing, nevermind," JC was hiding something, "Well it's just that me and my friends travel around and lots of people seem to recognize me. It not bad or anything, its just hard to be yourself..." JC trailed off as he looked down.

"You don't have to worry about a thing," as I smiled and he looked at me, "Cause I don't really know who you are and so you can be yourself."

"You're right," JC laughed, "I guess I'll just be myself."

With that we were at the counter and JC started to order the drinks.

"Two cherry lemonades please," he said politely.

"Sure no problem," the clerk said without looking up.

As soon as she filled the drinks, she looked at JC to hand the drinks and she burst out, "Oh MY GOD. YOU'RE JC!"

"Yes, I am. Here's what I owe and have a nice day," he smiled at the clerk.

JC leaned over and whispered in my ear, "We'd better make ourselves scarce before things turn ugly around here."

I agreed and both us bolted out of the area faster than Chester Cheetah running after Cheetos. After a couple of minutes bobbing and weaving through the crowds, we finally came to rest at a table near a very large fountain.

"See what I mean by not being able to be myself," as he puffed out the words being out of breath.

"Now I see," I looked at him with amazement, "Where are you from?"

"I'm originally from DC and now I'm living here in Orlando. And you?"

"Born in the Philippines, lived in Kentucky when I was four and moved again to San Fran during the start of high school."

"Pretty hectic. Moving from place to place," JC sipped his drink.

"Yeah. I never really did make many friends," looking at the fountains behind JC.

"You can add me to your list of friends."

I just looked at him with shock, "I just met you and you don't know a thing about me."

"True, but we can change that," JC smiled wickedly and I just cocked my eyebrow, "Go ahead and ask anything you want to know about me."

I was a little hesitant at first, talking to a total stranger, but somehow it felt that I could talk to him about anything. After a few minutes of silence, I started to ask him a few questions. I tried to ask questions that didn't answer with a 'yes' or 'no' because I would sound like some freak playing twenty questions or something. After a while, I became more and more comfortable talking to him. We talked about from the different kinds of weather both in Orlando and in SF. We also made jokes about what people can and will do when they meet famous people. During our conversation, I realized that I have never spoken to anyone this long before. It's been more than an hour since I started talking to JC and it feels like I've known him all my life. Once in a while, JC would stare into my eyes when I talked and a strange feeling would suddenly build up inside me and I had to look away or else I would lose my train of thought.

JC was talking about his hobbies and how he loved to play the piano at home when I just remembered my sketch book. I thought of a perfect scene where two people were sitting in front of a fountain remembering all their good times together. AS JC was talking, I opened by backpack and pulled out the sketch book and turned to a blank page. I started to sketch the fountains in the back as well as few wisps of clouds in the sky.

JC tapered his conversation and looked at what I was doing, "You didn't tell me you were an artist?"

"Oh, this. It's not really a work of art or anything. These are just early sketches for the theme of my prom," I said while I was still sketching the sky.

"Can I see what you have? I promise not to criticize or anything," JC begged.

"Ok, ok. As long as you don't laugh at my stuff, I guess its ok," I replied reluctantly.


I handed him the book and he started to flip through the pages. His eyes were going all over the pages. Every time he flipped a page, he would look awestruck at what I had drawn.

"Ok JC, you don't have to make those ugly faces at me. I know my drawings are crappy," I complained.

"Yeah right. You're too modest. These sketches are fantastic," JC said as he kept looking through the rest of the pages.

I was a thrown back a little bit by his comment, "Thanks," was all I can say.

JC turned the page again, "Whoa....This one has got to be the best one out of everything."

"Which one?" I asked.

"This one," JC smiled and turned the book towards me.

"Oh that one," I said, "That one is called 'A Little More Time'."

The picture he was showing me had a couple sitting on a beach under the stars watching the full moon slowly sinking behind the horizon. I took the book from him and I flipped through a few pages.

"If you liked that one, take a look at this one," I said as I found the page I was looking for, "This one is called 'Eternal Love.'"

I gave him the book and his draw just dropped to the ground.

"Oh my God," he whispered.

"That bad, huh?"

"Oh, shuttup," he said sarcastically, "You know this one blows everything out of the water. I mean, the castle backdrop, the costumes, and don't forget this moving scene where the girl is giving up her necklace for him. This is just awesome."

I blushed, "Thanks."

"I think you should use this scene for the prom." JC stated.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Ok then, I trust you and use this for my prom," smiling at him, "Since I am in charge of the prom, I can do anything I want."

"That's the spirit!" JC exclaimed, "Tell me, where do you get these great ideas?"

"I don't really know...," I said looking at the table, "...it just happens, I guess."

"I understand," he said. Then JC turned his head towards the crowd of people passing us by, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

I shot my head up to look at him and was amazed he asked that. After a few seconds, "No...I don't think I believe in love at first sight," I slowly said.

He turned his face towards my direction and his eyes locked into mine, "Why is that?"

"Well..." I looked back down at the table, "...it's because I've never been in love and I don't think it will ever happen."

JC just paused and thought about what I said, "I don't believe in love at first sight either, but don't say that you will never meet anyone who doesn't love you."

I looked up at him, "I know, I know. My parents love me, I guess. But they do sure have a funny way of showing it. As for friends, you're the first one who hasn't walked away yet."

When I said that JC frowned, "Well, we are parting in a week and most likely, I will never see you again."

"We can write letters or make a phone call once in a while," I said trying to make JC feel better.

"You're right," he laughed.

We talked more about my prom and where it was supposed to be. We also talked about my depressing life, but JC always made it sound better that it actually was even though he never went through with it. By now it was 5 PM and the crowd started to thin out a bit. Both of us noticed this, but just kept on talking about everything and anything we could imagine. Always laughing at each other's tastes and embarrassing moments in life. While I was talking, I noticed JC was looking straight at me...and looking very intensely.

"JC?" I asked slowly. No response. "JC, what's wrong?"

He just stared at me for what felt like an eternity. Then after a minute or so, he smiled....

Chapter 2: Bonds

"Umm...JC, what's going on?" I asked worriedly.

After a few moments, he broke out of his trance, "Huh...Oh, nothing. I think I'll get my ass kicked now," still smiling.

"What do you mean?"

"Look behind you," he said pointing over my shoulder.

I turned in the direction his finger was pointing and saw a bunch of people walking directly toward us. There was four guys and a girl all talking with one another. It looked like they were having a good time in the park. Two of the guys had blonde hair and the other two had black hair. The girl had shoulder length blonde hair and all of them were wearing shorts and T-shirts. It looked like they were all having a group vacation. As I watched them, I noticed that JC was waving to them. The guy with curly blonde hair noticed JC and pointed in our direction. The next thing I knew, all of them were running towards the table. As soon as they reached the table, the one who noticed JC started talking to JC.

"Where the hell have you been!" he said angrily, "You know we've been looking all over the damn park for you."

"I was going to catch up with you like I said, but I crashed into a friend of mind," he turned towards me and smiled.

I just blushed. I felt like I was under a microscope cause everyone had their eyes on me.

"Let me introduce you to everyone," JC said breaking the silence, "Mano, this is Justin, Lance, Chris, Joey, and my girlfriend Amy," pointing to everyone.

"Hello, nice to meet you," I said waving at everyone.

"Hi Mano," Lance spoke up, "So you crashed into JC, huh?"

"In a way, we both crashed into each other," JC and I laughed and Lance looked at us funny.

"What have you guys been doing?" Joey asked JC.

"Mano was showing me his scene designs for his prom."

"Really? Can I see them," Amy said excitedly.

"Sure. I know they suck, but go ahead," as I handed her the book.

By this time, everyone sitting down around the table. Amy on JCs right, Justin on his left, Lance and Joey on each side of me and Chris was between Amy and Joey. Everyone was leaning in to see the sketches in the middle of the table. I was surprised to see that everyone looked in awe at my sketches.

"Ooo...Look at this one," Amy pointed, "'Arabian Nights,' how romantic. These are really good. It makes you feel like you're really there."

Lance turned the page and was shocked to see the next picture, "Wow, this has to be the best one. What's it called?" he asked me.

I looked at the drawing and replied, "That one is called 'Forever Yours.'"

"Where did you come up with these ideas?" Chris was amazed at the work I've done.

"Well, I get my ideas from the different places I go to and in what mood I feel like drawing," I said as Chris turned the page.

Chris' eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped to the ground, "This one is stunning!"

I looked over to see what page his was on, "That one is 'Starstuck.'"

"You're damn right its starstruck!" Chris bellowed out laughing, "That girl is fine! Is she for real?"

"In a way she is, but she's not a real person," I said as Chris looked at me quizzically, "I got the idea for her from a cartoon."

"Now I see," Lance interjected, "She's Rei from Neon Genesis, right?"

I looked at him shocked, "You've seen it too?"

"I love that series. It's really thought provoking."

"Let me show you something," JC said as he grabbed the book. He flipped through a few pages until he was at 'Eternal Love.' Everyone gasped.

"That one is so moving," Joey spoke up.

"Oh how I wish my prom could be like that!" Amy exclaimed, "You are taking me to the prom right?" Amy asked JC.

"It depends on my schedule. You know how it is," he kinda apologized.

"But you promised!"

"I don't remember making one." JC said as Amy pouted.

By the look of the conversation, the other guys really did not her all too well. Lance quickly changed the subject by pointing out, "What kind of necklace is she giving the guy?"

"Yeah. What is it? I can hardly see it," Joey peered closer at the sketch.

I knew what they were talking about and I started to pull out the necklace from under my shirt. It's this one, I showed it to everyone.

"Holy cow!" JC exclaimed, "I didn't know it was real. Can I see?"

I was a little hesitant to give it to him, but I thought I could trust him with it. I gave it to JC and he examined it very carefully. He looked at the small platinum wreath and inside the wreath was the letter "R" made up of sapphires. As soon as he was done looking at it, he gave it to everyone and they all examined it.

"This really beautiful," Lance commented.

"It probably means a lot to you, huh?" Chris said.

"Yes it does. It's from someone long ago which I do not feel like talking about," replying back softly.

There was a few moments of silence as I fastened back the necklace.

"Are you on vacation?" Justin asked out of the blue.

"Yeah. I'll be around until Saturday."

"Are you here by yourself?" Joey questioned.

"Actually, my parents were here, but they had to leave right away because of some business deal."

"What?!" they yelled in unison.

"Don't worry about it," I tried to calm them down, "I'm used to it."

"Well, if you say so," Lance just stared at me.

"Since you're by yourself, why don't you come with us?" Amy asked me.

"B--But I hardly know any of you..." I stuttered out.

"So...?" Lance stared at me, "Just because we just met, doesn't mean that we can't get to know you better."

"Besides, JC thinks you're cool," Justin said as I blushed at his comment, "Just come with us, OK?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "OK...where to?"

"That's the spirit!" Joey exclaimed.

"All right! This is gonna be fun," as Amy laughed, "Let's go clubbing tonight!"

As she said that, everyone pretty much agreed to the idea...except Justin. I just looked at him with some confusion and decided to speak up.

"Aren't you going with us?" I asked him.

"No," Justin looked down.

"Why not?"

"Cause...I'm not old enough," he slowly replied.

"I see," pausing to think for a minute. Then I turned to Amy and JC, "I guess I have to decline on your offer."

Justin raised his head back up to look at me.

"What?!" everyone exclaimed.

"As I said, I'm sorry, but I can't go clubbing with you guys."

"Why not?" Chris said angrily.

"It wouldn't be fair for Justin," looking at him, "Besides, if I go, then I would feel really guilty knowing that I was having a good time and Justin wasn't."

Everyone was dumbfounded at what I just said. I guess they never looked it that way before. After a minute or so of contemplating, Amy looked at everyone with an idea.

"I've got an idea!" she said enthusiastically, "How about all of us go clubbing and Mano can hang out with Justin."

Lance just looked at her funny. "Is that OK with you, Justin?" I asked him, "It's cool if you don't want to."

"Actually, I wouldn't mind having company for once," as he smiled at me.

"Then it's settled," Amy looking at her watch, "It's already 5:30, we should be heading back to get changed."

"I'll be seeing you later then," JC said.

Everyone said their good-byes and Justin and I watched them walk towards the exit gates. Once they were out of sight, I said, "Is she for real?"


I turned to look at Justin, "Is she that shallow?"

Justin busted up laughing.

"What!? Did I say something wrong?" I asked with confusion.

Once he caught his breath, "I thought I was the only one who thought she was shallow. I think I'm gonna like you," Justin smiled.

"How did JC hook up with a girl like her?" I asked as I put away my sketch book.

"I think they met on the road," Justin thought, "Honestly, I don't know why he would fall for her," he sighed.

Looking up at him, I could tell something was bothering him. I decided to be bold. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing," Justin just looking at the people.

"You know, you're a poor liar," I stated as a matter of factly.

He just cocked his eyebrow.

"Look, I want to help you out if I can, but I can't help you if you won't tell me what's the matter."

He took a deep breath, "Don't laugh OK?" I nodded my head. "It's just that every time I see Amy and JC together, I get real depressed. Lance is always on the lookout for girls and Joey and Chris don't take relationships seriously. But for me...I feel that I need someone to love or be loved. You know?"

I just stared at him thinking of what to say.

"I knew you would think I'm crazy," as he lowered his head putting his chin on the table.

A few a moment I spoke up. "Doesn't your parents love you, or maybe siblings?"

"No...not like that. It's not the same," Justin's chin still resting on the table.

"Justin...Love is love. It comes in many different forms. There's love from friends, parents, and siblings. Romantic love is no different from the love you get from your parents or from your friends," trying to snap him out of depression.

"I guess so..." slowly raising his head from the table.

He looked so sad. I really wanted to cheer him up real bad, but I have to come up with something. I looked at him for a moment and found the answer. I got up, went around behind him and I put my arms around Justin hugging him and at the same time pinning his arms so he couldn't break free.

"Hey! Let go!" Justin yelled, cause I caught him off guard. I just held on putting the side of my head on his back. He was trying to break free from my hold...boy was he strong!

"I said let me go," he yelled angrily, but I wouldn't. After a while he started to struggle less, "Please let me go..." he said a softer tone. "Please....don't let go..." Justin started to sob. I knew I got to him.

I sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. He leaned into me with tears still flowing from his eyes.

"Shhh...Justin," I whispered trying to comfort him, "It's OK."

Justin soon stopped crying and just looked into me, "How?" was the only thing he could mumble out.

"Just say, I can sense these things," I smiled at him, "I saw a music studio somewhere around here. I know a song which will cheer you up and explain all the things you are feeling."

He looked at me oddly and agreed. I let go of my arm around him, but I sensed that he wanted me to hold him for a while longer. I thought better fearing that everyone would look at us funny. I grabbed my gear and we walked for a while going around shops and whatnot until I saw the studio. It was one of those places where you can play instruments and record your own CD. I asked the guy at the front if I could just use the piano for a while. The guy was being a real dick and wouldn't let me go. Justin said something and I guess the guy recognized him and let us through. I was amazed how popular these guys are. Justin managed to get a private booth with a piano in the middle. I was impressed. I sat down on the bench and Justin sat next to me. Then I started to play with the keys to see if they were in tune and they were well maintained. Then I started playing a few keys. I think Justin knew the song cause he sat up and noticed.

"I'm afraid I'm starting to feel...What I said I would not do... The last time really hurt me...Afraid to love so fast...'Cause every time I fall in love...It seems to never last..." I began to sing to Justin.

Justin started to well up with tears, but he was fighting them back trying not to look stupid in front of me. I kept on singing and once in a while I would look at Justin to see how he was doing. I think I was getting my message across to him. Once I finished the song, I stopped playing, turned towards him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"The reason why you feel this way is that you won't let love go to your heart," as Justin sniffled, "You push love away from you and that's why there's an empty spot in your heart. The minute you allow other people's love to get through, things will be a lot better."

He looked at me wiping the tears away, "You...you really think so?"

"I don't think so...I know so!" I smiled, "As I said before, love comes in many different colors and flavors. Cherish the ones that are given to you or else...you might end up alone for the rest of your life..." I trailed off looking down.

Justin was shocked at my last comment and knew that I was alone for a long time. Then he leaned over and gave me a long, deep hug.

"Thank you," he whispered. Then broke the hug.

"No problem. Just trying to be a friend," I smiled.

"Say it's getting late. Why don't you visit my place and my mom can cook something for us."

"What!" shocked at the idea of being invited so soon, "I just met you and...and you're inviting me for dinner?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Well...umm, nothing, but I've never been invited to anyone's house before..."

He started to laugh, "I see...I guess this is your night to visit someone's house."

I blushed, "I guess."

"Let's go!"

I grabbed my backpack and we both headed out of the park. Just like JC, we talked about lots of different things. It was mindless conversation, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I had the impression he enjoyed it as much as I did. Once in a while he would just stare at me, but I passed it off cause I think he wasn't used to being treated like everyone else. It took us a good long 30 minutes just to find the exit where he was parked. We would have gotten out of the park faster if Justin didn't insist on playing some hoops. I guess he wanted to show me how good of a shot he was. It didn't stop me though. Even though I sucked at shooting the ball, he was impressed that I could keep pace with him. He won by two points cause of the last shot he made. Once Justin was done trying to show off his skills, we finally headed for the exit. This place was huge. By this time, I noticed the sky was turning a soft orange hue which was very beautiful.

We finally reached his car and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe that a guy who couldn't go clubbing owns a Mercedes. He joked at me thinking that I've never ridden in a Mercedes before. I told him, that I wasn't expecting this kind of a car. I shrugged it off thinking that everyone living here was rich or famous. Once in the car, he started driving towards his house. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I've never been invited to anyone's house in a long time and considering that I just met Justin, I wouldn't know what to expect from his parents. The ride to his house was slow and deliberate. We chatted all along the way. He even pointed out places which might be of interest to me.

The drive to his house was pretty refreshing. All of the houses were different. Varying in sizes and shapes, it felt like I was in paradise or something. All of the houses had very well manicured lawns and some of them had either large trees in the yard or some sort of garden growing. I've never seen anything like this back in San Francisco. I had the impression that Justin was getting a kick out of me being so wide eyed. The drive took about twenty minutes and the sun was almost behind the horizon. The multicolored sky amazed me and I made a mental note to make a sketch of it.

"Well, here we are," Justin said as he pulled up into the driveway.

I just looked in awe, "That's one big house."

"If you say so," Justin smiled, "Let's go. I want you to meet my mom and brother."

We both exited out of the car and proceeded to the front door. I was very much impressed at how this guy lived. I was getting real suspicious on what he does for a living, but I just let it go cause it was really none of my business. Justin unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Mom, Johnathan, are you home," he yelled as we both stepped in.

A few moments later, a little guy came running towards Justin.

"Hiya Justin!" he exclaimed.

"How's it going?" Justin bending down to give him a hug.

"Nothing much. Who's he?" Johnathan looking towards me.

"He's my new friend. He's name is Mano."

"Hi. How are you doing?" I said to him.

"Nothing much," he beamed back. He looked so cute.

"Did you finish your homework?" Justin asked and Johnathan nodded his head no. "Why don't you go upstairs and finish up and then we can play, ok?"

"OK," he smiled. With that, Johnathan ran up the stairs and disappeared into a room.

"I guess it runs in the family," I commented.

"What does?"

"Being ultra-hyper," we laughed at my remark, "I see he has a very good brother to look out for him," I smiled at Justin.

"Why...thanks," blushing a little.

Just then, a figure appeared from one of the connecting rooms.

"Hi, mom," Justin said.

She turned towards us, "Hi Justin," she replied as she walked to us. Justin gave her a hug. "Who's your friend?" looking at me.

"Mom, I would like you to meet, Mano. Mano this is my mom."

"Hello," I said kinda nervously, "Pleasure to meet you."

"You don't have to be so formal," she smiled at me, "Though it is refreshing to meet a polite young man. Too many boys are running around this house is driving me crazy." Justin rolling his head and me giggling.

She turned toward Justin, "I have to do some work in the office. If you're hungry, there's food in the fridge."

"Ok, don't worry about a thing," he joked.

"THAT'S what I'm worried about," she said as she gathered her coat and briefcase. "By the way, I won't be back tonight, so I'll just meet you at the studio ok."


"Don't forget not to let Johnathan stay up late," she said as she was getting into her car.

"OK, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow," he yelled at her from the front door.

"Like I said...," looking at Justin, "...it runs in the family."

With that, he closed the door and I looked around the house. His house was nicely decorated. Not too many things hanging on the walls and the colors gave a good contrast to all of the furnishings. I was examining a clock on the wall, when I realized that is was 8:30. It struck me that I haven't eaten lunch and I was extremely hungry.

"Hey Justin."

"What's up?" as he sat on the couch in front of the TV.

"Is it all right to get something to eat?"

Justin was puzzled at my question, "Sure you can, mom said you can have what's in the fridge."

I was amazed at his reply, "Thanks."

This was a strange event for me. I've never been treated like 'one of the guys' before. It was making me feeling a little bit uncomfortable. I think I was being a little paranoid about it. Everything was going all too fast and too sudden. I needed some time to adjust to everything.

I walked into the kitchen and was dumbfounded. I never knew that a kitchen could be so huge. After a few seconds of admiring the place, I headed for the fridge. I opened the door and looked around for something to eat. There were some chicken, steak, juice and other foodstuffs scattered about. Not finding anything to eat, I sighed and closed the door. I went back out and sat next to Justin who was watching the news. The show was on the weather report and the same old boring stuff that news had to offer when there was nothing exciting going on in town. Once I sat down, Justin looked at me puzzled.

"I thought you were hungry?" he asked.

"I am," I replied, "But there's nothing to eat in the fridge."

"Huh?" asking dumbly, "Mom just said there was chicken and lots of leftovers in the fridge."

"That's true. You see, I'm a vegetarian."

"Oh, I see." Then Justin paused for a minute. "How about we order some veggie pizza?"

"Will your mom get mad since there is a ton of food in the house?" I asked hesitantly.

"She'll understand once I tell her you're a vegan."


With that, Justin picked up a phone book and started flipping through the pages. He was searching for Round Table when Johnathan came running back from his room.

"Hey Justin, Justin." jumping up and down. "I'm finished with my homework, let's play."

"OK, OK...Let me order some pizza first and then I'll play with you. While I'm doing this, will you play with Mano for a bit?"

"OK" Johnathan said hyperly. Then he came up to me and jumped next to me on the couch.

"You know you shouldn't do that," I said to him. He just stared back. "If you do...you'll fall through the couch." and I started tickling him.

Johnathan busted up laughing really hard from me tickling him. He tried to tickle me back, but I managed to be one step ahead of him. He got fed up and leaped at me and we both started to roll on the floor. When we stopped rolling, he was sitting on my chest and we were both breathing pretty hard.

"That was fun," Johnathan yelled as he started to bounce up and down. "Can we do that again?"

I picked him up off my chest and I sat up. "That's enough for now, I'm getting to old for this," smiling at him.

He frowned. The doorbell rang and the pizza was here. "Guess what?" I told him, "Pizza's here!"

Johnathan immediately jumped up and ran to the door where Justin was paying for the food. Once he was done, all of us went to the coffee table and started to chow down on the pizza. There was a whole pie which was just veggies. The other one was the usual 5 topping combo. While we ate, Justin and I talked about his house, family, and all the other stuff we left off while we were in the park. By now it was 10:00 and it was seriously getting late. Johnathan was already sleeping in room by 9:30 and I needed to get back to my hotel. I had this strange feeling that Justin was purposely keeping me here. Another one of my delusional fantasies. As we were talking about who would get traded first in the NBA, the front door opened and JC and Chris walked in.

"Hey Justin, what's up?" as JC greeted him. Then he was surprised to see me there too.

"Mano?" looking shocked, "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same question," I laughed.

"Are you one of those stalkers or something?" Chris joked.

"No, but I happen to follow you guys where ever you go," I replied. "Actually, I was invited by Justin to have some dinner." as I pointed to the half empty pizza boxes.

"And you didn't wait for us," as Chris started to finish the rest.

"Didn't know you guys were coming back so soon," Justin chimed.

"So...you guys are roommates?" I slowly asked.

"Yup," JC answered, "When we're not working, this is where we stay while in Orlando."

"OK." I looked at my watch, "Well, it is really getting late and I have to get back to my hotel room. I'm getting sleepy." turning towards Justin, "May I use the phone for a cab ride?"

"No," he answered.

"Umm, why not?" I asked kinda upset.

"Cause it wouldn't be right for you to sit in a cab for 45 minutes getting to the hotel and then dropping on the hotel lobby sleeping on floor." Justin stating the reasons. I still didn't get what he was trying to say.

"What he means is," JC butted in trying to make me understand, "that you can sleep here for the night."

My jaw dropped, "What?"

"It's cool you can stay here. There's an guest room if you don't mind sleeping here." Chris tried to persuade me.

This was a three on one battle which I was definitely not going to win. But I kept thinking on what their plan was. I don't understand why they would go out of their way for a complete stranger.

"I guess I can stay for the night." I finally responded.

"We knew you couldn't say no," JC smiled. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'll show you to the room," as Justin stood up.

I followed him upstairs and into the guest room. Once there I said by goodnights to him and to the other guys down the stairs. This room was quite large actually. More than 3 times bigger than my room at home. It also had a large window with a perfect view of the full moon. I put my bag down next to the table and changed clothes so I can sleep. Once done, I turned off the light, crept into the bed and drifted off into sleep.

Justin said goodnight to me and closed the door behind him. He quietly walked back down the stairs, trying not to wake Johnathan or me up. Once in the living room, he saw JC on the chair and Chris on the couch. Justin sat on the floor so that all three of them formed a triangle.

"What do you think, Justin?" JC started the conversation.

"About what?"

"About Mano, duh," Chris interjected.

"He's one interesting guy. Never met anyone like him before."

"How so?" JC asked.

"For starters, he knows a lot about things, he can play instruments, great with kids and can sing pretty damn well," listing what Justin observed throughout the day.

"That's a lot of stuff he can do," Chris commented, "What about you JC? What's your take on him?"

"I have to agree, he's pretty cool. Does he know who we are yet?"

"I don't think so," Justin replied, "But I don't think he cares."

This went on for about 15 minutes or so. The three guys trying to figure out who I was and what my plan is. After awhile, they all came to the same conclusion that, I really was being honest and truthful to them.

"I kinda feel sorry for Mano," Chris changed the subject.

"Why is that?" JC asked.

"His parents left him to go on vacation. I think that having a vacation by yourself sucks."

"I agree," Justin backed him up, "But what can we do?"

"I know," JC thought of an idea, "Me, Justin and Lance have to work in the studio tomorrow, but you and Joey can show him around town."

"That's a good idea," Chris jumped at the opportunity, "This will give Joey and me a chance to see if this guy is for real."

They all liked the plan and agreed to carry it out tomorrow.

"By the way..." Chris started to say as they got up, "Do you think he's gay?"

"At first I thought he was...but as I started talking to him, I really don't think so. But honestly, I don't know," Justin replied.

"How about you JC?" Chris asked him.

"I don't know either," JC looked down, "Does it matter?"

"I guess not." Chris answered back.

The three headed back to their rooms to get some rest and to prepare for tomorrow. During the night I tossed and turned in the bed. Not because the bed wasn't comfortable or anything, I always had difficulty sleeping in strange places. I tossed and turned so much that the covers went down to my waist. As I lay there staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep, I heard very faint footsteps coming from the hall. It stopped. Then, the doorknob to my room started to turn ever so gently trying not to make a sound.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. The next thing I heard the was the door opening and a small rush of air passing over me. I tried not to move at all. After a second or two of silence, the soft footsteps resumed. The noise became louder and louder until it stopped. I knew that there was someone standing over me. I managed to keep myself still and not move a muscle. Then the unimaginable happened.

I felt someone brush his finger over my cheek. I could tell it was a guy's because his skin was rough. It was so gentle that I could barely tell his finger was there. After a couple of strokes it stopped. Then he gently pulled the covers of the bed so that it was up to my chest and tucked me in. Then came the clincher. I felt his lips slowly connect with mine. It was so gentle, that I felt a warm rush throughout my body, but I knew I had to be still. After a few moments, our lips parted and I heard him walk gently out the room, closing the door behind him.

After a minute of silence, my eyes flew open and I sat up on the bed. 'Oh my God,' I thought to myself, 'What the hell just happened?' The thought of a guy kissing me sent my brain into overdrive. My thoughts were sent into denial, thinking that I was gay. I couldn't help wondering who it was that kissed me. I don't I'm gay or anything. Or was I mistaken? I never did get any dates, so why not? After a few minutes contemplating my role in the world, I finally laid back down to bed. My thoughts still thinking to who placed his lips on mine. After a while, I drifted back to sleep trying to figure out which three kissed me and what I was going to do tomorrow.....


Next: Chapter 2

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