Yes, yes, yes . . . I know . . . you were expecting the next chapter and the results of who won the fight. But, before I give you that (I just like to torture you all!) there's the results of the game. Ok, well, nobody got the absolute correct answer. BUT there were a couple of really close calls. So, this is what I've decided to do. To all of you who entered, you'll receive the results of the fight before it gets posted. It's too late to enter, so don't email me and guess and expect to get the results. To the few that came really close, I'll give you a sneak peek into the next chapter. The results of the fight will be posted within the week and the next chapter will be by next weekend if I have some time. So, thank you for all of you who participated, and for those of you who didn't, don't yah wish that yah did? Well, feel free to email me at Until next time kiddies!