Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Sep 1, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Enough of the formalities welcome once again! I want to thank all of you who have sent me email. I read every piece and I write back to all of them, so if you have sent me something and I haven't gotten back to it yet, don't worry, I will. Also, if you haven't sent me some email, drop a note and say Hey and how you like the story. I love email. Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's story, "Nick and Justin".

Enjoy! Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!! And last but definitely not least, I want to thank :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 7 by RJ =====

"Yeah I understand that, well I did my part, it just well – I told you I didn't know all of them – I – I never promised anything and how was I supposed to know the true ongoings, they're teenagers. Hey I know you care about him, but like I said I did what you asked, the rest you were supposed to handle. I never said that either. I guess it didn't work out the way you intended. Sorry, like it was my fault that this happened.. Will I try again? Maybe, after you devise.. wait, I gotta go.. someones coming.."

George quickly put down the phone and saw Melissa standing next to him.

George scribbled something and then blurted out to Melissa, "Darn agency planners, they can never settle anything the first time and they never send what you want!" "Yeah I know what you mean, I had the hardest time last week, anyway I need your rundown on what is to happen for local transport these next two days."

Melissa started to write down the information as George went through his notes. The two talked more as the noise of the light crane went on behind them, lifting the circle of motorized lights to their appropriate position.


The interview had been going on for quite some time now and they all were becoming tired of the same old questions. When Joey and Chris got bored, they played hangman on the paper in front of them, when Lance got bored he thought of where he had just come from and when Justin and J.C. got bored, they just seemed to stare out into nowhere.

"We are almost done guys, just a few more questions. OK so I know you all are asked this a lot, but for the record, what is the current status on your guys love lives?"

The interviewer sat there with his assistant, a 12 year old looking intern who couldn't keep still. Her eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of her head and her boss had to keep reminding her to stop gawking. The interviewer had excitement in his voice, which came directly from his lack of interest in the guys, but more of how the juicier the questions, the more money that would come in.

"Well I am single, except for Busta," Chris immediately chimed in.

"Always one to go for the dogs, aren't you Chris." Joey laughed and then continued, "But, I would have to say pretty un-attached as well," Joey looked over at the interviewer and smiled.

J.C. looked over at Justin quickly, but didn't get a return glance and as he sighed slowly he said he was available as well. But the last two gave surprising answers.

"What about you Justin?" "Well, I don't really know, I thought I was in the start of a relationship, but am not sure anymore."

Justin's words pierced through J.C.'s heart like a hot arrow. J.C.'s mind began to wander.

"Interesting, and finally what about you Lance?" The interviewer now turned slightly to face the spikey haired blond. "Actually I am dating someone right now, so I guess that would mean I am in a relationship." Lance beamed and the flash of the camera went off.

Joey's mouth hit the table, and Chris leaned in and whispered to Joey, "Do you need help lifting your jaw? I think the bus has a motorized jack on it, I can go get it for you."

Justin heard him and laughed under his breath.

"Very interesting Lance, care to share anything about the lucky lady?" "Well, not at the moment, but I will just say we are happy." "Fair enough, now what about the new album? Any tidbits of things you can share with the readers?"

J.C. was there for the rest of the interview and he did answer the few questions that specifically addressed him, but his mind was elsewhere. Justin's response was filled with pain in J.C. ..he didn't know now..' Does that mean Justin wants to be with me? Does that mean that now I have messed things up for Justin and I, if there ever was going to be anything? J.C. did not let his emotional thoughts and worries get the best of him. J.C. was wrapped in his own mind so deeply that when the interview was over, Chris kicked his leg under the table to wake him up. His mind could not get over what had happened though. He looked over at Justin who was at the other side of the table and Justin appeared to be in a similar dazed state. Justin sat there drinking his soda and sighed once. J.C. knew he needed to resolve some answers to difficult questions in his mind and he needed to do it now. The guys all sat back down after shaking hands with the interviewer and then awaited the next one. This time it was a local tv morning news show that also was bringing its 5 Ultimate Supreme Fans', one for each of the guys. The excitement was there, but still something was off for Justin and J.C. Chris was really picking this up, he noticed that Justin and J.C. were not talking as usual and were nowhere near as friendly as they had been on the bus previously. He wanted to get to the bottom to figure out what was behind it all.


RJ looked down at his watch and saw it was 5 minutes till lunch. He pushed some of the files around and made sure that all the interviewers things were out of the room. He walked forward and closed the door, stepping into the hallway. He could still hear all of the commotion happening a few rooms away as the talks still went on. He pushed the button for the elevator and figured he would wait for them all down in the lobby or in the restaurant.

"Hey RJ! I am glad I caught you."

RJ turned around and saw Chris heading towards him.

"Hey Chris, what is up?" "I thought you might be able to shed some light on things and answer that same question for me." "What do you mean?"

The doors opened and they both stepped in. RJ hit the button for the lobby and the elevator started as Chris began to describe the mornings events.

"Well here is the deal, at our first interview this morning, J.C. and Justin said a few words to each other, nothing like normal but at least they were talking, and as the day has progressed, at this latest one they didn't even look at each other, let alone talk. Something is up, and besides that, I also found out that you and Lance are now an item, so I guess congrats?."

"Wait I don't get the J.C. and Justin thing, I will tell ya what I know, but I don't know if it will help. How did you find out about us?"

RJ stopped at the end of his sentence for a moment in his head, `us', that is right, Lance and he were now an item. The doors opened, breaking his thoughts and he walked towards the restaurant with Chris.


George was sitting at the last table in craft services, with another employee, waiting for some of the others to leave and get back to work. As soon as the area cleared up slightly, George turned around in his seat checking to see who was around and then spoke up.

"So it didn't work like it was intended to?" "No, it didn't. I guess we will have to figure something more out."

The man replied in a stern and slightly upset tone. The man's cell rang and he picked it up quickly.


The woman's voice on the other line was familiar to the man and he listened to every word. George could only hear the man's side of the conversation.

"So you want to try that now? Do you think it.. I understand that you know what your.. Are you sure you know what's best for him? Are you sure that he wants that as well? Don't get that tone with me.. Yes of course I do.. talk soon."

The man hung up the phone.

"That was quick, look whose coming."

George turned around.

"Hey you two, what are you doing still waiting here?" "Oh nothing." They both looked away from Melissa and back towards their now empty plates.

"Well, lets get going, cause you need to finish your pick ups or you will have about 15 different people out there all yelling at you two."

They stood and all three walked off in separate directions.


"So your telling me that J.C. sorta caused all this stuff between Justin, Lance and him?" "Yup that is what happened last night."

Chris was dumbfounded to hear of the events of the previous evening while he was busy reading the back of his eyelids.

"But I thought that they were very happy and on the way to something, at least from the way they were starting to be more caring towards each other, if at all possible."

"You know Chris, I thought so too, but J.C. wanted to test himself and boy did he do it. He also tested Lance and I, and really did a number on Justin. At first I thought that Justin would be able to get past that and see his intentions and they could work on forgiving his actions, but I don't know now, especially if what your telling me is true."

"So exactly what are you two talking about?" Lance came walking up behind the two and rubbed his hand across RJs shoulders as he sat down next to him.

"The fact that you already have blabbed to the press about us." RJ said smiling devilishly.

"What do you blame me for not being able to hide my happiness? At least I didn't say that I was dating this total jerk or asshole or something."

The three started laughing as Joey came up and sat down next to Chris.

"OK Lance, promise me never to do that again." Joey said sternly yet trying to keep from laughing.

"What? What did I do?" "Well if his chin dropped any lower, it would've hit the floor when you told the reporter about your new relationship." Chris explained while drinking his soda.

"Why were you holding out on us?

"Am I missing something?" J.C. arrived and sat next to Lance.

"Just all of us having a good time, sorry your not invited, invitation only." Lance joked back, while playing with RJs thigh under the table.

"I have an invitation right here, see? It says SCREW YOU!" Everyone laughs as Justin arrives and sits down in-between RJ and Chris, instead of sitting down next to J.C.. J.C. looked down at the floor as if to look for where his smile had gone to.

Everyone was busy eating and ordering and RJ leaned in to talk to Justin so that no one else heard him.

"Hey, what is bugging you?" "Oh, nothing, really." "Justin I know I haven't known you long, but come on, tell me. I am here to help you." "It is just the whole J.C. thing. I am so confused I.. I just don't know which way to go from here. My heart says one thing and my mind says another." "Well, you should really listen to both, but have you talked with him about any of this?" "No. Not yet." "Well, don't you think it would help you out? Maybe he is thinking some of the same things now. Go ask. What is the worst he is going to say? NO I am not confused, and I know what I did and what I want to do. But Justin?" "Yeah?" "Trust me, he isn't going to be like that. Just talk." "OK, but what if.." "Just talk and then go from there." "OK."

RJ was right, Justin thought. He stood up and walked over to where the empty chair was next to J.C. Everyone was talking and no one heard their conversation.

"Mind if I sit down?" J.C. looked up to see Justin standing there with a smile on his face. J.C. beamed back his own smile and scooted over. Justin sat down and the two talked.

"J.C. I am sorry for the way I have been acting today." "I totally understand it is all my fault." "No, I mean I am sorry that I have been acting this way and haven't had the courage to talk to you about it. I just have been.." "Don't worry about it. Here, let's make a deal. I won't talk about it and you won't talk about it until tonight after the concert. OK?" "OK. But why?" "Well two reasons. This way we don't think about it and burden ourselves with things before our show." "OK, and two?" "This way, you have to see me after the show." J.C. smiled back and Justin blushed slightly. They both just jumped into the conversation of the table after that.

RJs phone rang, disturbing everyone. Lance slugged him and blurted out, "GEEZ, always working, never any time for me or his friends!" They all cracked up again as RJ answered.

"Hello?" "Hey RJ its George, I need you to get me the following things from upstairs." "Now George?" "Yeah now, did I ask for them now?" "Well everyone is almost leaving for rehearsals and I won't see em till later." "Tough, get going." "All right already. I will call you from upstairs." "No, I will call you in 5 minutes. That way I know you are up there." "Fine."

RJ hung up the phone and pouted, then turned to Lance. "Gotta go, will see you at the concert."

"OK. Bye sweetie." "Bye."

Their hands, which had been together under the table all lunch broke and RJ stood up.

"Leaving so soon? I was just beginning to like ya." Joey said. "Shut up you guys, I gotta go back to work." "OK, you'll be at the concert right?" "Wouldn't miss it." "C Ya!" Justin smiled over. "Talk later!" RJ mouthed back.

He went to the elevators and hit the button for the office floor.


The sound checks were almost done and everyone was exhausted. "I can't wait to get done tonight. I am beat." Justin said out loud as he grabbed something from the craft table that was next to the stage.

J.C. walked up behind him and threw a towel at him, hitting Justin on his neck. "I know what you mean, I am looking forward to tonight as well."

Justin turned his head, giving J.C. a look that anyone could tell meant, `we'll see' and then threw the towel back at him. J.C. smiled, but on the inside felt uncomfortable again.

"Hey you too, quit it out, you are beginning to act normal again!" Chris yelled from the hallway, where he was busy rummaging through some bags finding the hackey.

"Hey Lance, what time did you say RJ was arriving here again?" Joey asked while stuffing M & M's into his mouth. "Um, he told me like 30-45 minutes before show, cause he wanted to say hey before the show, so that is like in 2 hours or a little less. Why?" Lance replied while walking towards Joey.

"Oh uh, no reason except for the fact that isn't that RJs bag over there?"

Lance turned around and saw the same bag that he had carried to RJs room the first night after their dinner.

"I think so, guess he is here early. Well, I am outside baby." "Sounds good" Chimed J.C. as he followed Lance outside to where Justin was busy shooting hoops and Chris was already tossing the hackey back and forth.


RJ was busy typing on the laptop, verifying the information with the hotel, arena and hired "local event security". Things normally Melissa would be doing, but being that it was a show today, she was busy doing last minute checking at the venue.

"Great. That works out and I am sure that they wouldn't mind having to share a room this one time.. seriously.. Veronica listen, don't worry about it. These things happen." RJ smiled while he talked, trying to console her about the fact that one room was released and not reserved and thinking about how happy J.C. will be when he finds out that he just has to share a room with someone.

"Hey Veronica, what about my room? A room for me wasn't ordered? OH, that is right, I forgot about that since my job changed. Do I need one now? No that is ok, I will probably room with one of them." RJs smile broadened even wider at the thought of him and Lance actually getting to spend alone time together, even if it was sleeping.

"Thanks very much for everything Veronica, and I don't think that will be a problem, I can get that for you."

RJ hung up the phone and crossed the last item off the list that Melissa had made for him to do that day, prior to the concert, and to finish off the next morning. RJ looked at his watch and saw that he had finished 45 minutes before he had to leave to meet Lance before the show. He decided that he would just go early and hang out for a while. RJ stood up and proceeded to walk around the room, lifting papers and moving chairs, looking for his bag.

"Where did I put it? I must have left it in George's car, but I would've remembered that."

RJ kept looking for his backpack that had his trademark hat attached to the outside and within usually held his cell phone and organizer. Right now, it only held the organizer, because he picked up his phone from the table and put it in his pocket. RJ gave up the search and grabbed his sweatshirt as he went out the door into the hallway. He closed the door behind him and sitting next to the doorway was his bag.

"Here it is. I probably just dropped it here after hurrying upstairs to get the things for George. Now, off to see Lance." He picked up the bag and ran to the elevator. "I don't remember it being this heavy though." RJ joked and pushed the button for the lobby.


Lance and Joey were sitting in the dressing room, waiting for the other three to finish checking that their clothing was ready for the show. Joey was reading and Lance was blowing bubbles with his gum, his head leaning back against his arms in a completely relaxed position.

"I thought you saw RJ's bag somewhere around here. Wouldn't that mean that he is already here and going to come by and say hey?" Joey was still busy looking at his magazine and not paying attention to what Lance was doing.

Lance was sitting in a chair opposite the couch and was wearing navy warm up pants and a loose white tshirt. His feet were up against the table that was sitting in the middle and held snacks and drinks.

"He said he was going to come by before the show." Lance started and then looked down at the floor. "Hey Joey?"

"Yeah Lance?" "You don't.. nah it is stupid." "What is it Lance?" Joey put down the magazine and looked up to see Lance with his head in his hands.

Lance looked up, his eyes red, but no visible tears. "You don't think he's mad at me still about last night and not going to come by, do you?"

"Did I say I was going to come by?" RJ beamed as he stood at the entry way.

Lance jumped up and hugged RJ hard. "I was so worried that you were still mad at me. I am so happy to see you."

RJ wrapped his hands around Lance's back and hugged tightly, laughing slightly. "I missed you too Lance!" They both backed up slightly and RJ saw Lance's red eyes.

"Now listen to me, if you are gonna be this emotional only after one day, it isn't going to work." RJ said trying to make Lance laugh. As he laughed, he rubbed his eyes.

"You gotta a show to do Lance, and speaking of that, I gotta get my stuff together." "OK, I will see you later?" "I am on your side of the stage, so you'll see me a lot tonight," RJ replied, playing dumb.

"No silly, I meant after the show, are we gonna do something?"

"I don't know, cause I gotta wash my hair and then organize my drawers.."

"Oh just shut up will you?" Lance laughed as he threw a pillow at RJ.

"Of course Lance. I can't wait till later." RJ smiled and blew Lance a kiss.

"Oh thanks, you are so sweet sometimes you know that?" Joey blurted out towards RJ.

Lance smacked him on his shoulder and started laughing too.

"Geez, sorry Lance, can't anyone have fun anymore? Or is everyone waiting till later to have fun? That is a very popular you thing you know RJ, later. Like everyone can't wait till later, well I want to do something now, so I'm getting some hot food." Joey stood up and started to walk out. "I am coming too," Lance yelled as he followed after Joey.

"Talk to you later." Lance said as he gave RJ a quick kiss on the cheek and the two walked away in opposite directions.


RJ stood on the side of the stage watching the opening act finish up their set. His headset blazing with last minute messages and orders, trying to make everything seem perfect for their entrance. The five walked by RJ as he was getting some other things checked by the sound man. He felt a squeeze on his butt and he turned around to see Lance walking by in his jump suit. Lance turned his head slightly to look back at RJ and smiled seductively. RJs headset burst into action again as the lighting crew ran a board check. RJ walked forward to the edge of the stage and as he started to climb the latter to the secondary platform where he stayed for most of the show, he whispered to Lance, "break a leg."

Lance smiled widely but didn't turn around. He was eager to get the show finished. He caught himself as he started to slip into a dream of him and RJ just being able to have time to lay there and hold each other without worrying about being somewhere or worry about time or anything.

The lights of the arena went down and Lance was the 4th one out of the curtain.

"Wassup Pittsburgh?"

RJ stood on the platform, occasionally talking on the headset, ensuring that everything was being handled, while Melissa was in the lighting and sound booth, making sure that the 14 year old girls got their money's worth.

The show was just as great as the previous night, except this time, RJ enjoyed it. He watched and paid attention to almost every move. He wasn't holding a grudge like before and he twice had to catch himself as he was singing along with them.

Before long, the concert was winding down, their last song was coming up and the guys sat in a line facing the audience. As they started God Must Have Spent, RJ looked up from his clipboard and Lance's eyes met. Lance seemed to send his love to RJ with his looks. RJ just smiled back and blushed slightly. Sarah next to him, slapped his arm.

"RJ! Aren't you gonna get that for them?" "Oh, huh? What Sarah?" "I said, aren't you gonna get that for them. On the radio, hello?" "Oh yeah."

RJ climbed down the side ladder and pulled over the prepared wardrobe cart. He then was called to the other side to assist with the preparation to leave. He finished the wrap up behind stage as they finished their performance on stage. RJ grabbed all the extra packed bags and ran off to the bus.

The song finished and they all rushed off the stage and back towards the bus. RJ had already finished his work and was sitting on the seat in the front of the bus, waiting for them all to climb on.

Joey was the first out of the dressing room with his bag, followed by Chris and Justin and finally Lance. J.C. hadn't come out yet.

"You guys were awesome tonight!" RJ cheered as they all piled on.

"Oh, and last night we were just ok?" Chris teased.

"Well, last night I had other things on my mind and well I wasn't paying that much attention to the performance." RJ looked down slightly.

"It's kewl, no prob!" Joey chimed in.

"OK, can we go yet? What is taking J.C. so long?" Justin was yelling from the back as he was already lying flat on the couch, his hat over his eyes and him being exhausted.

"He is usually the first out." Chris said while sitting at the table, across from RJ.

"Um, you guys are tired, I'll go get him." RJ hopped off the bus, and heard Chris in the background yelling to Lance, "Gee, how come you always find the really nice and sweet ones?"

He ran into the hallway and reached the dressing room. He knocked once and then opened the door. J.C. was sitting on the couch silent and had his bag on his lap, his head was back against the top of the couch. RJ walked in and closed the door and sat down next to J.C.

"Dude, whats up? We are all waiting for you on the bus." "I know, but I am upset." "About what?" "Well, all that I did." "Look, J.C. I know what you did was wrong, and I know you are sorry about that. Lance and I have talked about it and there is still some work to do, but we moved on from that and the work is in progress. I mean I still asked him out didn't I? That was after you two did what you did." "Yeah, but Justin is different." "How do you know? Did you talk to him?" "No, not since lunch." "Well I have a feeling that he really wants to be talked to.." RJ smiled and J.C. got the hint.

"Do you think it will work out ok?" "That my friend, is up to you, lets go."

"RJ?" "Yeah?" "Are you still upset with me?" "Listen, J.C. I cared for you as more than a friend at first. I really liked you, but then I saw something in Lance once he acted on his feelings that I know I love him." "Yeah, but.." "No buts, just you didn't see that at first, you needed a test, which is fine, but you have gotta talk with Justin and explain to him your feelings, if you have any for him, or if you want to just still be friends."

"RJ I really do care about him, I do want him." "Does he know that?" "No, at least I don't think so." "Then the only I can say before I drag your ass outta here is this, TELL HIM!"

J.C. started to laugh slightly as RJ yelled at him jokingly. "OK.. thanks."

The two got up and ran out of the dressing room to the bus.

By the time they piled on, Lance was busy playing a game with Joey and Justin was sound asleep on the couch. J.C. dropped his bag in the front and walked back to where Justin was sleeping. J.C. sat down next to him and stroked his hair gently. Without waking up, Justin's hand moved and landed on top of J.C.'s arm.

RJ sat down in the front next to where Chris still was sitting at the table.

"You know he does care for him." "Um, lemme check," Chris turned his head and then looked back at RJ, "that would be affirmative."

They both laughed outloud.

Lance could be heard, "Would you two stop it out there, love is blooming back here." Joey followed, "Doesn't that mean that I should go and switch places with RJ, cause your cute and all Lance, but your spikey hair just doesn't do it for me." Lance slugged Joey in the arm.

The bus was rolling towards the hotel, they were almost there and they could see it up ahead.

"When your tired it sure is nice to arrive so quickly." Chris commented while trying not to fall asleep.

"I know what you mean." RJ sighed.

RJs cell rang. "Hello?" "Hey honey!" "Oh hey Kathy, what is up?" "Oh nothing really, just seeing how you were and what you were up to."

"I am really tired, just finished working and about to go to sleep." "Oh, that is ok, I will talk to you later. Incidentally, wanna get together soon?"

"Um, sure I guess that would work. Just let me know when you are gonna be around or whatever and just give me a call." "OK, bye sweetie."

RJ pressed the end button and sighed heavily. It wasn't that he hated her, he always tried to be nice, but he always disliked seeing her. She always hung on him and well, it wasn't that he was gay and therefore didn't want to date a girl, but that it was her.

The bus rolled to a stop and Lance was standing next to where he was sitting.

"Ready to go?" RJ sighed, "Yeah, lets go."

The two walked off the bus, followed by a groggy Justin, J.C., Chris and Joey brought the rear, complaining cause he was carrying something for Justin.

They all piled into the elevator and arrived at their floor. They all headed off towards the rooms, and Lance and RJ stopped in the mid hallway. RJ turned towards Lance, and kinda smiled awkwardly. "You uh.. wouldn't wanna.. uh.. should we.."

"You know you are cute when you are nervous." Lance cooed back as he started towards RJs room, then stopped when he noticed RJ wasn't following him. He turned around and asked shyly "You were asking if I wanted to go to your room right?"

"Yeah, of course." RJ said as he walked forward to meet Lance.

"Well, dumb question I know, but what is a matter?" "Um.. the only other person ever to know what I was saying was.. nevermind it isn't important."

"Well, ok, can we go now?" "OK."

The two walked towards RJs room and RJ opened the door, letting Lance in. The door shut quietly as the two disappeared from the hallway.


Justin walked from his door to the couch and plopped down. He turned on the tv and watched the end of TRL.

"Finally here are the results for #1 3 days in a row, N Sync and Gloria Estefan, Music of My Heart." Carson said while Justin watched the video and remembered the shoot as if it was yesterday. He watched J.C. sing and listened to the words. ..you never know what you've done for me..' ..put your faith in me.. ..I carry it with me.. ..always on my side.. ..always standing by.. ..singing this for you baby.. ..no one knew me better.. ..you got through when no one could ever reach me before..' ..it was you who set me free..' `..you opened the door..' Justin's small daze was interrupted by a noise. He turned off the tv and listened.

J.C. was timidly knocking on his door. Justin got up and walked to the door, he opened it and their stood J.C. with a single small blue forget-me-not flower, just like the one that he had given him near the pool.

"I found this outside here, and um.. and it had your name on it, and since you lost your other one, I thought that um.. you might want another one." J.C. started while looking at the floor.

Justin reached out and touched J.C.'s hand that held the flower and J.C. looked up into Justin's warm and tear filled eyes. Justin pulled J.C. into the room and the two sat down on the couch as Justin put the flower on top of the dresser.

"We have to talk Justin, cause.. well.. I want you know exactly how I feel and I want you to understand what I did and I want you to know how much I care for you and I.."

Justin's hand went up in front of J.C. and stopped his talking.

"I already do, cause if you didn't, you wouldn't be here right now. You are right, we do need to talk, but certain things I think I know already." Justin smiled and leaned forward and kissed J.C. softly on the lips.

"But how do I know what some of the those things are and how do I know if you feel the same about me?" J.C. asked cautiously.

"Because if I didn't care about you, or miss you, or sit here thinking of you as I watched our video or wonder if you still loved me, I wouldn't have let you in the door." Justin smiled at J.C.

The two began to talk and J.C. started at the beginning.


"I did what you asked to his bag. Thank god your paying me, I don't ike betraying my friend.. yeah I know." George hung up his room phone and looked at the ceiling.

"Did I do the right thing?"


RJ's hands slid up Lance's chest as the two kissed passionately. Lances tongue slithered its way into RJs mouth and the two were in ecstasy with one another. Lance was laying on the bed in only his khaki pants and socks on, RJ was on top of him wearing the same black jeans he had changed into before the show. Lances hands worked their way up and down RJs back and RJs hands slid down the front of Lances chest to his pants. He undid the belt and the top button as his tongue intertwined with Lances.

As RJ sat up, still on top of Lance, Lances hands rubbed up and down RJs defined chest to his own belt. Lances hands pushed his lovers pants down and revealed RJs grey boxer-briefs. The two rolled over as one, as Lance kissed RJs lips again. This time, RJ pushed down his lovers pants revealing his boxers.

Lance was laying flat on top of RJ as the two continued to kiss passionately on top of the bed. Lance worked his way down with his tongue to RJ navel and then back up his chest to his mouth, the entire time RJ let out a small moan. When Lance laid back down, RJ felt his lovers rock hard member against his own as he pushed his hips upward. Lance let out a small moan muffled by their heated kissing.

RJs phone rang. Lance kept kissing. "Don't get it." RJ kissed back, "..but I have to." "No you don't."

It kept ringing, RJ reached over and answered it while Lance rolled off him and rubbed his chest.

"Hello?" "Hi Honey, sorry its late, but your dad and I just wanted to see how you were liking it with two concerts done." "Oh its great mom." "Honey, are you alright, you sound like your panting." "Well I was uh.. working out hard."

Lance giggled.

"Who was that?" "No one mom, just the tv, can I call you guys later?" "Uh yeah honey, bye."

RJ hit the end button.


His mom and dad sat their in bed looking at the tv.

"You know honey, I am worried about him." His mom said "Why do you say that?" His father replied, still reading time magazine. "Well he is having less and less time to talk, just like us."

His father chuckled and said plainly, ,"Don't worry honey, if I know him, and I think I do, I am sure he is having a great time and I am sure he is having fun right now as we are speaking, now can we please go to sleep?."


Lance grinded his hips into RJs as the two moaned softly and then Lance continued to kiss his lover. RJs hands roamed over his lovers back and dove into his boxers and ran over his lovers butt. Lance sucked on RJs neck and worked his way down the front of his body to RJs defined stomach. Lance's tongue darted below the waistband playfully and then he moved back towards RJs chest.

RJs cell rang again. RJ tried to lift his arm to grab it, but Lance quickly picked up the cell phone and answered. "RJs busy right now, leave a message beep." Lance hit the end button and threw the phone towards the front of the room, where it hit the wall and fell into the trashcan. RJ giggled as Lance tickled him and finally Lance looked back into RJs eyes. RJ smiled up at Lance and said "Good, no more interruptions."


Melissa put her cell down and looked back towards Fatima who was sitting at the table in the bar with her.

"That was Lance's voice on RJs cell." Melissa looked puzzled. "Well don't worry Mel, Fatima knows Lance and he aint doing anything that isnt dignified." Melissa laughed slightly and then to a quick drink. "Well Fatima, all I can tell you is, tomw I am gonna get DETAILS! We are talking hot off the press steamy info. OR that boy can get himself a new job!" "What are you talking about Mel?" Melissa leaned in close so only Fatima could hear her. "Girl, RJ and Lance are together tonight, and it is 1 in the morning." "Yeah?" "OK, listen up, but you can't tell anyone."


RJ was on top of Lance and rubbing his hands up and down Lances body as their hips grinded together. In between the kisses, a conversation tried to emerge.

"RJ?" "Yeah Lance?" "Um.. have you ever.."

The two stopped their love making and Lance looked into RJs eyes. "Have I ever what Lance?" RJ rolled off of Lance and sat up, Lance sat up also. Lance looked back at RJ and continued shyly, "Have you ever done this before?"

RJ replied quietly "No, have you?" "No."

They both smiled awkwardly.

"Lance?" "Yeah?" "Do you want to do this?" RJ asked hoping for the answer running through his mind.

"Yeah.." Lance replied hesitantly.

"Why the unsureness?" RJ asked as he scooted around to face Lance, both sitting Indian style and RJ placed his hands on top of Lance's.

"I know I want to be with you, and I know I want to do everything with you, I just don't know if I am ready to do that yet with anyone." Lance looked away slightly from RJ.

"Lance?" "Yeah?" "That is perfect. I don't want to rush into anything." "Aren't you mad at me for not wanting to.." "Lance, no I am not, but I think I know what you might want to do." RJ smiled devilishly.

"What would that be?" "Well, I know that this hotel has really good ice cream, cause I had some earlier." "Yeah and?"

"So why don't we order some, watch tv here in bed together and hold each other, and if you want to stay over then you can, and if you don't, then you can go to your room."

"You know, I think I love you even more now then I did when I said I would be your boyfriend." "Lance, stop it, you'll give me a big head." RJ giggled.

Lance smiled slyly as he crawled over the bed to the top near the pillows, "that's the idea."

RJ picked up the phone and made the order.


J.C. was asleep in Justins arms. This time it was Justin holding J.C. J.C. had told Justin everything and in the process cried himself to sleep. He sat there in Justins arms sound asleep like a baby. Justin reached over and grabbed the nearby blanket. He pulled it over the two of them and Justin laid his head back and soon was asleep and dreaming.

J.C. and Justin entered their room after being at a reception downstairs. J.C. grabbed the loosened tie around Justins neck and pulled him towards the bed.

"I want you." Justin smiled slyly and pushed J.C. onto the bed. Justin stripped out of his clothes and crawled onto the bed as J.C. was taking his off as well. The two were rolling around and engulfed in deep kisses when J.C. broke their kiss and looked into Justins eyes. "I am sorry for everything" "I know, I love you" "I love you too." J.C. cooed.

Justins lips parted as J.C.s tongue slided into his mouth. Justin broke the kiss and looked up at J.C. "Will you make love to me?" "I would love to."

J.C. pushed inbetween Justin's legs and rubbed lube on his rock hard member and Justins hole. The head of his rock hard cock was pushing gently at Justins ass. Justin let out a small cry as J.C. gently worked his way in. "Do you want me to pull out?" "No, this is perfect." J.C. began his thrusting and both Justin and J.C. let out soft moans as their love making increased.

Justin woke from his dream and heard J.C. mumbling, he turned his head and still in his arms asleep was J.C. He looked at the clock and saw it said 5 in the morning. He snuggled closer and closed his eyes once more. "Goodnight Josh." He heard quietly, "nite curly."


The next morning, RJ was still asleep in the bed, when Lance heard a small knock on the door. He looked over to see if RJ was up, but only saw him sound asleep. Lance got up and pulled on RJs sweatshirt. He walked to the door and opened it. Melissa was standing on the otherside, dressed for work.

"Oh, Hi Lance, I wasn't expecting you, this is RJs room right?" "Um.. yeah, I uh.. stayed over last night."

Melissa smiled brightly and noticed Lance was uneasy about something. "Whats up Lance?" "Nothing really, I just.. I understand Melissa if you don't want RJ on the bus with us or if you don't want him to see me."

"What are you talking about Lance?" "Well on the bus ride here to the hotel from NY, RJ said you called and told him to not be on the bus."

"WHOA! We have got to get this all straightened out. Lance, I want him to do whatever he wants to do, as long as you and the guys approve and he still gets his work done."

"Oh, ok." "I just came by to say, he could sleep in, and spend the morning with you guys cause his work is all done for the morning." "Oh I will tell him." "Lance?" "Yeah Melissa?" "Who told him not to be on the bus?" "I don't know, I thought it was you, that is why I said the things I said walking into the hotel." "Well, first I am getting me some real coffee and then tell him to talk to me about this later. I want it settled."

"OK Melissa and thanks for everything." "Don't worry about it, just don't be hurting him." "Trust me, I won't." "Oh and Lance, tell him, I want details." "OK?" "He'll understand."

Melissa walked away from the doorway as Lance closed the door and she picked up her cell. "Steph? Who was riding up here with the bus?"

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. Let me know what you think. Please send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

I love to get email so send me some and I love all the responses I have gotten so far. I always write back, so if I haven't yet, I will soon! Promise!!

The next section will be out early next week or before. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 8

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