Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Aug 24, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Enough of the formalities welcome once again! I want to thank all of you who have sent me email. I read every piece and I write back to all of them, so if you have sent me something and I haven't gotten back to it yet, don't worry, I will. Also, if you haven't sent me some email, drop a note and say Hey and how you like the story. I love email. Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There are currently only three parts out, but there will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's story, "Nick and Justin".

Enjoy! Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!! And last but definitely not least, I want to thank :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 6 by RJ =====

"The beginning of what? Lance... There was no us, there would never and could never be an us. At first I was swept up with the excitement and my heart was fluttering over everything. I thought J.C. was cute at first and I thought the same about you, then you acted out on your actions and I was ecstatic, but then... I know now I can never compete with that bond that already existed. I was just too stupid to see that. I know that now." RJ put his head down on the table, and looked toward the window.

"RJ what are you talking about? I still dont get it. I am missing a chapter or two here." Lance tried to make RJ smile, but it didn't work.

RJ lifted his head and turned his body and looked out into the night, through the bus' big bay windows near the front. In the cold black mirror like window he saw Melissa's face and heard her voice, '...work first, friends second...' Without looking back at Lance he sighed lowly and said plainly, "I don't think i should be here right now. I think I should be riding in the car with George, where i belong."

RJ stood from the table and started to walk towards the driver when he felt a hand on his arm. "No, not like this. I have only known you for less than a week, but I definitely dont want you to walk away yet. Please, talk to me." Lance had care in his voice and a single streak of tears on his face.


J.C. awoke and heard the discussion in the front of the bus. He still heard the sounds of Enya playing on the CD player's headset that was around his neck. He turned off the music and he looked over at the still sleeping Justin. Justin's head was still on J.C.'s shoulder and his arms were still somewhat around his love. Justin stirred a little and snuggled his head deeper into J.C.s chest. J.C. kissed his head softly and then turned slightly as well. J.C. knew that Justin was now completely enfatuated with J.C. and hoped that the two of them would develop into more than just friends. J.C.'s free hand wiped away the lone tear that had formed on his cheek. J.C. was confused. He enjoyed every moment that he was spending with Justin and was now happier than ever. However, somewhere down inside he still had feelings for Lance like he had always, but now, Justin and he were embarking on something special he thought. J.C. knew that Justin was the happiest ever. He didn't want to do anything to hurt Justin ever, but he felt somehow that he had best end his feelings for Lance, but he didn't know how. He decided to not move and let the two of them talk it out in the front of the bus. They didn't need his input now he thought, definitely since he could hear how their conversation was proceeding.

Suddenly a cold thought came across his mind. Lance didn't want J.C. now, like before, or did he? I mean, RJ was saying how it now is great for J.C. and Lance, but Lance wants RJ right?

J.C. shifted in the chair and Justin instinctively readjusted his position as well. J.C. pulled the blanket up a little more and soon fell back into a slumber world.

A dream soon filled his mind. He was sitting in a dark cold room. His couch was comfy and a deep velvetty red. He looked around the room and realized he was in some sort of bedroom setting. He looked back to the front when a light turned on. Standing below the one light was Justin. He walked forward seductively, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked. When he reached the edge of darkness he stopped. "J.C. this is the only way I can think of to prove to you, that I love you." Justin turned on his heels and music started playing. Justin rubbed his hands up and down his bare smooth chest. He slid one hand up to his neck and face and licked one of his fingers. The shirt fell to the ground and soon Justin was working on his pants. He hadnt quite gotten them all the way off when J.C. started to stare deeply into Justin. He gasped slightly. It wasn't Justin anymore, it was Lance. Lance kept up his act. J.C. blinked his eyes and it was Justin again who know had his boxers around his ankles and slid his hands up the front of his body. As he reached his chest, one hand dove down again and started to rub his penis. J.C. watched again in horror as Justin's body was changed into Lance's as he moaned outload as Lance pleased himself. J.C. now noticed he too was naked and rubbing his own tool. Justin's face again, now Lance, now Justin. Justin's body came toward him and laid down on top of him. Justin started to kiss J.C.'s neck and chest and moved down towards J.C.s erect member. "Yeah that feels..." J.C. started to moan out as he saw the body doing to the kissing was now Lance's.

J.C. awoke with sweat on his forehead and a racing heart beat. Justin stirred slightly and J.C. put his head back down. He drifted off to a sound sleep as he thought about all that he had to think about.


RJ and Lance sat back down at the table. RJ at first didnt look at Lance. RJ had his back against the window and his knees up with his head resting on it. Lance became stubborn and stood from his side and then kneeled on the edge of RJ's bench looking at him. RJ lifted his head and Lance put his arms, crossed, on RJ's knees.

"Come on, please talk to me." RJ finally looked up into Lance's eyes. "Anything, what do you want to know?"

"Tell me what happened? Why are we sitting here now having this talk and not sleeping?" "Well, I was walking over to say Hi to you and see if you wanted to get something to eat. As I walked by, J.C. was talking and sounded very excited about talking to you and going out before the show."

Lance still stared into RJ's eyes.

"And then, you walked by and said pretty much the same thing. So I put two and two together and " "came up with 5!" Lance started to laugh slightly.

"What do you mean?" RJ had a confused look on his face.

"RJ, J.C. was talking about how Justin had agreed to have dinner with him. And our conversation was about you. Honest." "Your joking right?" RJ now felt slightly embarrassed.

"NO. I mean it, I would never want to hurt you." Lance reached out and caressed RJs cheek. RJ leaned forward and met Lance's lips, surprising Lance.

"I am sorry i jumped to conclusions." RJ put his head down again.

Lance used one finger to lift it up, "just tell me you want to stay with me and it is ok."

"RJ was now kneeling as well and deeply kissed Lance. Their tongues met and intertwined.

The kiss broke. "RJ sat down and leaned his back on the wall of the bus, the blinds were now closed. Lance crawled forward and laid down on top of RJ. Lance put his head on RJs shoulder. The two became as comfortable as possible.

"RJ?" "Yeah Lance?" "Do me two favors will you?" "Sure anything. What is it?" "Call me scoop." RJ laughed, "OK, that is easy, and two?" "Promise me when I wake up you will be here?" "I promise." RJ leaned in and kissed Lance gently on the forehead.

RJ watched as Lance drifted off to sleep in his arms.

RJ never fell asleep. Instead he listened to the road and watched things pass. Time seemed to go by quickly.

At close to 6 in the morning, RJs cell rang. He picked it up and tried his best to hold it up to his ear and talk with Lance being there.

"Hello?" "Hi sweetie." "Oh. Hey." It was RJs ex gfrnd Kathy. She still thought they were an item, and the 6 months since they had seen each other was just normal in relationships, according to her. "How are you? I sent you something." "Tired. I haven't gotten it yet. Hey Kathy, can I call you back?" "Um... yeah... I have a new number and it is 82.." RJ hit the end button and laid his head back and felt Lance's arms tighten around his own. It rang again.

"Hello?" "Hi honey, its mom." "Hey mom, how are things?" "Well I talked to Melissa the other day and she said things were going well for you, she also said that maybe we would get a chance to say Hi to you."

"What do you mean?" "Well your dad and I are going to visit at one of your concert stops. It will be... oh shit! Honey, I'll call ya back."

RJ left the phone in his hand, awaiting the next call. It rang. RJ smiled devilishly like he could predict things.

"Hello?" "Hey RJ, its George" "Hey George, what is up?" RJ tried to quiet down more now, noticing Lance stir slightly. "Well, Melissa is waiting for us at the hotel, where they are going to be staying for the morning and she wanted to talk to you and well, I said you were sleeping and she said that was good, cause she had work and stuff and anyway and you know traffic really hasnt been that bad..." "George, spit it out" "RJ - she doesnt want you on the bus right now."

"What? Why?" "Didnt say, but said, I am glad he is not on the bus." "OK, I'll think about it and if I decide to, I will get off at the next stop."

RJ put the phone down and J.C. was standing at the doorway. "Hey J.C. didnt see you standing there." He smiled slightly, "You two talk?" "Yeah, I mis-interpreted something." RJ looked down slightly. "Don't worry about it, I am sure things are going to work out just fine. You gonna tell him?" "Tell him what?" "About not being on the bus?" "Well, I haven't really made up my mind. I was kinda leaning toward staying." "Well, Melissa did ask for it, so if I were you, I would follow my boss' orders." "I know J.C. but Lance and I were becoming so close, I just didn't want to interrupt anything." "Don't worry about it, like I said. I think it would be best though if you didn't get in trouble, and then not be able to see him." "I guess your right. I will do like you say J.C. after all, maybe it is just this once right?" "Exactly. So are you gonna tell him?" "Yeah, of course." "Well hurry, cause we are stopping." "Stopping where?" Lance stretched slightly and smiled up at RJ and looked over to see J.C. and he waved hi slightly.

"You know, you are comfortable to sleep on." Lance grinned and yawned. "Where is Justin?" Lance asked. "Still sleeping, I couldn't sleep." J.C. said. "Yeah me neither," RJ added. "Well maybe we can do something about you RJ, but I think J.C. is hopeless." Lance chuckled.

Lance stood up, stretched, and turned to face RJ and smiled. "I am gonna hit the bathroom and then go the bunk, wanna join me?"

"Um, I can't. I am getting off at the next stop." "WHAT? Why?" "I just have to get some work things done, and all the stuff is in the car."

"oh, ok." Lance frowned and then walked down the hallway and RJ stood and tried to not call out to Lance. He hurt inside that he lied to Lance, but he didn't know what to say. He stood next to the driver waiting.

J.C. walked forward and had some cereal in his hands. "Want some?" "No thanks." "You seem upset." "I was, but I dont know, just worried I guess now." "About what?" "I dont know really. I just think it is more that I am kinda confused I guess." "Well if you are worried about Lance or something, dont. Things will work out for the best dont worry. He isnt that mad at you." J.C. laughed slightly and then continued. "And RJ?" "Yeah J.C.?"

"If you ever want to talk, let me know." "OK. Will you do me a favor and tell Lance bye for me?" "Sure I will."

The door opened and the driver stepped off with RJ. RJ ran back to George's car, with his backpack in tow.

"Did you get any sleep you look like shit!" "Gee thanks George, no Hi even!" They both cracked up and George handed RJ the coffee he got him. "Thanks I need this." "I figured as much."


Melissa was standing in the lobby of the hallway, talking with security and arranging to make sure everything was taken care of at the hotel. She decided she would try RJs cell now. She figured that he would be awake now and that if she called she wouldn't disturb him and Lance or the others. She reached for her phone when another hotel employee came up with some other questions about billing. She put her phone back into its holster and she took the papers and began signing and writing instructions down.


J.C. turned and started to walk back to where Lance had emerged from. Lance wiped the sleep from his eyes slowly and then sat down in his bunk. J.C.'s mind thought over hundreds of things at once and finally reached a decision. J.C. poked his head into the back room and saw Justin still asleep and holding the blanket the two had once shared.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I have to know." He kissed him on the forehead and then backed away. J.C. turned around and sat down next to Lance on the bunk. Lance rolled over and saw J.C. sitting there. "What are you doing?" "Oh nothing, just thought maybe you wanted to talk. Haven't talked to you much recently and we used to be so close, and I just wanted to make sure everything was still the way it was, um.. I mean still ok." J.C. corrected himself as he realized that he may have let on to something and hoped Lance was too tired to know it.

"Everything is fine J.C. Nothing has changed between us." "Are you sure Lance? I mean I feel kinda bad because of RJ and stuff." "What about RJ?" "Well you know he left to go back to the other car, but he really didn't have to, he chose to leave and go back. Plus he told me to tell you good bye." "Wait, he told you what? Why did he choose to leave? I thought things were going great now." Lance could feel the tears well up.

J.C. climbed all the way into the bunk and wrapped his arms around Lance. Lance began to cry into J.C.'s shoulder. J.C. kissed Lance on the top of his head and Lance pulled back.

"Don't worry Lance, everything will be ok. Everything will work out the way it should." J.C. smiled warmly at Lance.

Lance returned the smile and they both moved their heads together. Their lips met and soon parted as their tongues touched. J.C. was in ecstasy. His hands moved up an down Lance's hard body. He could feel Lance's arms wrapped around his back and felt them slide down to his waist and pull him in tighter together. J.C. didn't want this moment to end. He and Lance we definitely not doing something right, but J.C. didn't care. His outer shirt was now off and Lance's hands work over J.C.'s back as his own dove underneath Lance's shirt and slid up to his chest. Small soft moans could be heard from the bunk. The passionate kissing continued, mostly fueled by J.C. but still Lance returned everything. J.C.'s mind was no longer in control, his one hand slid down the front of Lance's torso and undid his belt. Lance let out a muffled moan as the kissing continued. Lance could feel J.C.s hard member rubbing against his own growing penis. In Lance's mind danced thoughts of him and RJ.

Justin woke up to the noises coming from the bunk area. He sat up and looked quickly for J.C., no site, so he stood and walked to the front of the bus. He didn't see him up in the front either, so he went back to the continuing noise of the bunks. "J.C. probably just went to go sleep in his bunk."

Justin was about to pull back J.C.'s curtain when he stopped and turned around to face Lance's. "Geez you to, gosh RJ cant you too keep it donw?" He pulled back the curtain and his jaw hit the floor.

J.C.'s eyes were closed and his mind flashed with images. As the images became more in focus, he saw Justin and him. Justin and him at dinner, in the room, him caring for him, the flower, the flower, the flower. Larger each time the flower appeared. J.C. broke from the kiss and looked with fear into Lance's face. Lance saw Justin standing there and a terrified look came across his face. J.C. rolled over and saw Justin standing there. "How?" Justin turned and ran to the front of the bus. As he reached the tables he sat down, but when he left the bunks, the blue flower which was still in his pocket fell and hit the floor. J.C. looked at this and his heart fell with it. He turned back to Lance as he put on his shirt.

Lance had a dazed look. "J.C., what just happened?" "Lance, I just wanted to know if I still had the feelings for you that I had once, and now I--I didn't affect you and RJ did I? I mean I lied to you about RJ." "You what?" Lance pushed J.C. out of the way and walked to the front of the bus as he buttoned his pants.

He sat down across from Justin and looked at the weeping young boy. "We have gotta talk, before you get crazy ideas in your head."

"Lance? How could you?"


George's cell rang and it was Melissa. She was the only one he referred to as boss lady.

"Ok, will do, am passing now." George put down the phone. "What are we doing?" "Well we are within 15 miles of the hotel, so she wants us to get there now, since the bus still fills up at the this gas station up here. That way it doesn't have to do that in the city."

"Whatever you say." George mulled that line over in his head. `Yeah, whatever I say.'

The car arrived and out in front was Melissa. RJ got out of the car and Melissa at first had a shocked look but then put it behind her. RJ thought of talking to her now, but decided later would be better.

"OK, RJ today you are manning the hotel base. Our office is on the 3rd floor, it is right next to all the rooms, it is a converted room essentially right across from the elevators. Here is a list of things that will be arriving today and, you will be here until tomw night, when these two concerts are over then we will move on again. This will be home. I am on channel 3 on the blue talk, you have the blue and black. Go setup the office and get ready to handle people. Today is a real test. Oh and this arrived for you."

RJ opened it and saw the gift that was sent from Kathy. He was inspired with an idea. "I cant wait Lis. Just one question, will I have a few minutes this morning to talk with Lance?" "Um.. I guess yes, but why?"

RJ never heard the last part as he was already in the hotel gift shop and then to the elevators. He was in the room and had the office and laptop up and running just as the bus pulled up.


"Justin listen to me" J.C. was pleading outside Justin's bunk as Lance was sitting in the chair and the other two were getting ready to get off the bus.

"Justin, all I thought about was you. This was a test from me. I did this, Lance now kinda understands. But I did this as a test for us. I wanted to know things about me." Justin finally opened the curtain. "You know, you really hurt me." "I know I did and I know I am going to have to make up for it. But you can help me do this. Please? We can do it together?" J.C. tried to get Justin to smile. It failed.

Justin wiped the tears away and then hopped out of the bunk. "J.C. don't I mean anything to you?"

"Yes, I never wanted to hurt you, I wanted to test myself. I wanted to see if I could be in a relationship with you, completely focused on you and not any thoughts about Lance. By what you saw it probably didn't look that way, but that was it honestly." J.C. fell to the ground on his knees. "I did it for you, for us."

Justin wiped his tears and looked down at J.C. "I believe you, I can never stay mad at you."

J.C. grabbed Justin into a hug and the two kissed immediately. "J.C. stop, I am not completely over it yet. But you need to think about if you really want an us." Justin turned and then walked to the front of the bus and got off.

Lance came up behind J.C. and put his hand on his shoulder. "It will be hard, but he will understand eventually. Just hope you didn't do any permanent damage."

"I hope not, I never wanted to hurt him, and now I have hurt two people."

"J.C. I understand slightly, I mean, I can see why you were doing that, but you lied to me about RJ. You convinced RJ that is was a good idea to leave, even though he originally didn't want to go?"

"Yeah Lance. I wasn't thinking when I did that. Supposedly Melissa asked him to get off the bus anyway, but he chose to stay and I convinced him otherwise."

"Well, I hope everything is still ok with him." "You gonna tell him?" "I have to, and so are you."

"What?" "Well maybe not now, but after I talk with him, he is going to talk with you and you need to be honest about what you did. After all, your intentions were good, just your actions were bad."

"Lance? What about Justin?" "I think he will get over it quickly. Don't worry, you two had been on one date, and I know, that is enough to kill something, but just be honest and caring. We are here in PA for two days, so you two should have some time."

"Your right."

J.C. and Lance finished getting off the bus and they all went in and up to there rooms. As Lance walked by Melissa stopped him. "Hey Lance, RJ wants to talk to you."

"Ok, I need to talk to him too, so it will be good. Oh and Melissa I understand if you don't want him on the bus." Lance walked to the elevators.

"He is in the office, but what about the bus? Am I missing something? AND CAN SOMEONE GET ME SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES COFFEE?" Melissa turned and walked off in the direction of exit, where she would be off to the stage for that day.


"Here is the map and the layout of the concert arena. Get over there so you can get to work. See ya later."

RJ finished dealing with the locals they had hired and signed off on the sheet and finished filing it away. There was a timid knock on the door and RJ looked up. Standing there with a plain face was Lance.

"Hey what are you doing here?" "Um Melissa said you wanted to see me." "Well actually I was thinking of having lunch with you, but we can talk now too. Come on over."

Lance took a deep breath, closed the door and walked over slowly to the desk set up which was in the living room area of a suite. He plopped down next to RJ on a chair.

RJ joked, "What do I smell? Last night you could sleep on me, but this morning you can't even touch me?"

Lance didn't smile. "Lance, I mean Scoop what is it?"

"You may not want to call me Scoop after what I have to say?" RJ looked into Lance's eyes and grabbed Lance's hands. "I don't want to happen, what almost happened last night. Talk to me. What is it? Did I do something? Did I not do something?"

"No, it is just that... RJ, after you got off the bus, J.C. and I made out." RJ let go of Lance's hands and Lance let out a few tears. "You what? What happened?" "RJ it isn't like that. J.C. didn't want to move ahead with Justin if he still had feelings for me, so he tested himself and all he thought about was Justin, and I all I thought about was you. But, we still did kiss."

RJ looked in disbelief and then smiled awkwardly. "I honestly don't know what the big deal is, cause we aren't even a couple yet. It is not like I or you belong to one another yet. I guess I felt like we already were an item. I dunno.."

RJ shook his head slowly from side to side and turned in his swivel chair. He felt two hands on his shoulders and he turned back. Lance sat down on his lap and look into RJ's eyes. "Believe me when I tell you that all I thought of was you. J.C. told me things that weren't true and then finally came clean and told me all that happened between you and Melissa." Lance leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"I believe you Lance. I know you would never hide anything from me." RJ slid his hand up the front of Lance's body and rubbed Lance's cheek and wiped all traces of the tears away. RJs hands landed back in Lance's lap on top of Lances hand.

"RJ?" "Yeah Lance?" "I never knew you felt the same way. How do you know that I wouldn't go out with you? You haven't asked, and we have never talked about it." Lance smiled and lowered his head slightly.

RJ giggled quietly and lifted Lance's head. "Well in that case, would you be mine?"

"Only if you'll be mine."

Their fingers interlocked together and Lance leaned in and their lips met again, this time more passionately. RJ slid his tongue into Lance's mouth and the two sat there in a moment of true love for each other.

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. Let me know what you think. Please send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

I love to get email so send me some and I love all the responses I have gotten so far. I always write back, so if I haven't yet, I will soon! Promise!!

The next section will be out early next week or before. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 7

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