Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Aug 10, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Enough of the formalities welcome once again! First I have to apologize for the delay, I have been out of town this past weekend on location and then this week I was getting some of my other work gotten out of the way and there was a death in my family, so these few weeks have been really hard. I promise to not make such a delay again, if I can help it. I want to thank all of you who have sent me email. I read every piece and I write back to all of them, so if you have sent me something and I haven't gotten back to it yet, don't worry, I will. Also, if you haven't sent me some email, drop a note and say Hey and how you like the story. I love email. Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There are currently only three parts out, but there will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's nominated story, "Nick and Justin".

Enjoy! Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!! And last but definitely not least, I want to tell a certain someone out there, who knows who they are, exactly how I feel, because I don't think they realize how much they mean to me and how grateful I am for this past few days for their love and support. So I want to give a very special hello, thanks and something else they know to :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 5 by RJ =====

Justin awoke in his bed. He sniffled slightly, from having been cold all evening and then pushed into the pool. His eyes were still closed. He felt the warmth of the sun hit his bed and his body. His chest was exposed from under the covers, and he slowly stretched out and wriggled around like a small puppy or kitten does when they first awake. His hands slid up his body to his face and then through his curls to the top of the bed. He reached the headboard and then pushed his arms out towards his side and was sliding them down again, except he felt something. His eyes shot open and his head looked over to what was next to him. Sitting there, leaning against the headboard with just as much clothing on as Justin was J.C., who had an open magazine in his lap. Justin looked at the clock and saw it was now 8:00. Thoughts started to race through his mind. Did they do something? What happened? Why can't I remember last night? Justin quickly brought his hand back to his own personal space and he slid slightly to the edge of the bed, trying to get out of bed before J.C. noticed or got up. Justin was sitting on the side of the bed and noticed now for the first time that he was completely naked. He quickly stood and ran into the bathroom to get a robe at least so he wasn't that exposed. As he got there, he looked at the floor, which was covered, in clothing and used towels. The shower still was dripping slightly from its last use. Panic stricken, Justin looked into the mirror and saw his own reflection seemingly smiling back at him. He suddenly started laughing and spoke out loud. "Well, that is it, I have finally crossed the edge, I am nuts!" He fell to his knees as he tried hard to sort out what had really happened. As he lifted his head again to look at the mirror, there on the counter he saw the tiny blue flower sitting in a glass of water. Like a bolt of lightening, the previous evening's events came back to him. He remembered J.C. shyly wondering if he was busy for dinner or not, the great time he had at dinner and then the nice walk through the gardens where J.C. picked this for him. He also started to chuckle slightly as he remembered how they fell into the pool, or rather was pushed in.

He stood up and turned to go back into the room and there in the doorway was J.C. with a single stream of tears from his right eye. He stood there in his boxers and had his arms crossed. Justin once again became worried.

"What is it J.C.? Why are you crying?" "Well, last night, after we came back you were so tired, that you fell asleep once we came in the room and so I picked you up and got you out of the wet clothes and got you to take a warm shower." Justin reached out to J.C. but he didn't change his stance, he just continued to talk as the single stream of tears kept flowing. "..but then after you got in bed you started to sniffle and cough," J.C. was crying a little bit harder now as he continued. " and so I couldn't leave you, I just stayed with you and made sure you were warm. Then this morning I must have dozed off and then when I got up I couldn't see you and I found you in here and I thought you were really sick and then I was worried I didn't do enough to help." J.C. was really crying now and he unfolded his arms and wiped his eyes. "Honestly, I thought you left Justin, I thought you didn't like last night and I just don't know what to think. All I know is that I really care about you Justin." Justin raced forward and wrapped his arms around the emotional J.C. J.C. put his arms around Justin and they both stood there hugging in the doorway. Justin found himself with tears in his eyes. "J.C. I would never leave you, I would never hurt you, I.." Justin never finished his sentence. He just stood their in an embrace with J.C. As they hugged the alarm clock went off. The annoying buzz from the nightstand continued as no one moved.

Justin, whose head was lying on J.C.'s shoulder, started to chuckle slightly. J.C. lifted his head up, dried his eyes and then looked down at Justin who was smiling now. "Justin?" "sorry, I was just wondering if we were ever going to turn off the alarm or not."

They both giggled and walked out and plopped back down on the bed and J.C. hit the alarm.

"I really did have a great time last night J.C." "Well, good. That is what I had hoped." J.C. was now smiling proudly. Justin started to laugh again.

"What now?" "Sorry, you look as proud as a peacock like that." Justin said laughing.

"Well I am." J.C. looked down at the bed and then blurted out a question. "Would you mind joining me again sometime for an outing?"

Justin leaned in, kissed him on the cheek and said, "Yes I would love to, but right now, GET OUT! Cause we gotta get ready and it is a busy day."

J.C. smiled, laughed slightly, and then picked up his clothes and ran out of the room. Justin plopped backwards and smiled. The snooze was up and the alarm rang again. Justin rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready.


RJ was sitting at his desk drinking water and eating a banana. Already this morning he had organized the local radio station's giveaway bash, and that was after having placed all of the interviewers' in their proper place. Melissa day by day started to give him more and more responsibility. Sometimes he liked it, sometimes he didn't. Right now, he just wished he could be hanging out with Lance.

His pager went off. It was his voice mail. He dialed the number and entered his password and he heard a familiar voice. Lance's voice was making a smile come across RJs face. "Hey, um, I know you are busy right now, so I just wanted to give you a quick message. I had fun last night and I would love to do it again, if you want to. Maybe I will get a chance to stop by your office today if my schedule allows me too, I know I have to be there during sound checks and stuff, but I have no clue today. Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi. I have to talk to you later, so bye for now."

RJ saved the message and hung up the phone. He leaned back in his chair with his feet up on the desk edge. He was lost into a daydream of what could have happened after the date ended.


They both arrived back at RJs room and turned to face each other at the door. Lance leaned in and gave a small kiss on the lips. RJ wrapped his arms around Lance's back and returned the kiss deeper. Lance followed right along. Their tongues met and Lance skillfully manipulated the piece of gum from RJs mouth into his own. They broke their kiss. "Hey, that was my gum." RJ pouted playfully. "Well, it is mine now, guess you gonna have to take it back, if you want it." Lance smiled deviously.

They kissed again and RJ asked Lance into his room by pulling Lance in. Lance closed the door and followed RJ in. They both fell onto the bed. Lance's hands immediately went to work on RJs shirt and soon it was off. RJ slid down Lance's body, kissing and unbuttoning as he went down. He had the shirt open and RJ used his tongue to trace a path up back towards his lover's moans. When he had reached Lance's nipples he encircled them with his tongue and gently sucked on one and then proceeded up more to Lance's neck. He sucked on his neck and gently kissed his way over towards his lips. RJ passionately kissed Lance. Lance parted his lips to let in RJs searching tongue.

RJ and Lance rolled together on the bed, until Lance was on top and RJ could feel Lance's hard cock as the two grinded their crotches together. "That feels good" RJ moaned out as Lance took control of the situation. Lance worked his way down to RJs pants and had them off in a hurry. Lance stroked his lover's dick through his boxers and licked the outline. He slid the boxers down to reveal RJs now rock hard member. Lance licked from base to tip and then engulfed the entire member to its base. He sucked on the cock as RJ bucked his hips and moaned heavily. Lance used his tongue skillfully around the sensitive tip and then slid back to his lover's mouth.

"Lance I--I love you. I want you, please Lance. Lance make love to me Lance, please." RJ moaned out. Lance looked into RJs blue eyes and smiled softly. "Your wish is my command." Lance joked a little and then felt RJs hands sliding their way down Lances back to his boxers and in a flash they were gone. RJ felt Lances hard cock rub against his thigh as Lance reached over to the table for some lube. RJ lifted his head up to Lance's and kissed him gently on the lips. Lance's head was pushed its way in slowly and RJ breathed in heavily. "I am sorry, I don't have to." "NO, I want to." "You tell me if you want me to stop." RJ smiled up at Lance and Lance licked the tears from his cheek.

Lance eased the rest of the way in and RJ felt Lance's balls touch his butt. Lance paused for a moment allowing RJ to relax more and Lance slowly pulled out. RJs hands worked their way up and down his lover's back and Lance began his thrusting. The bed rocked slightly and RJ let out a small moan that was muffled by Lance's lips as they touched. RJs hard cock rubbed against Lances firm stomach as their motions continued. Lance sped his thrusting going faster and faster. He was becoming close. Lance thrusted deeper and deeper and his penis rubbed against RJs prostate. Lance cried out in ecstasy. RJ started to moan more. "Yeah Lance, uh, that feels great, don't stop." "I'm going to, uh, cum. Yeah, uh, here I--"

RJ awoke from his dream with a bulge in his pants that was hidden by the desk in front of him and standing on the otherside of the desk was Melissa smiling at him at first and then tilting her head with a `deer-in-the-headlights' look.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" "Oh, nothing." "Well, that nothing, Mr. Assistant is turning your face red now and has had you in a daze for the last 5 minutes that I have been standing here trying to talk to you. So what is the nothing?"

"Well, I uh, had dinner with Lance last night, and he paged me this morning and I drifted off into a dream about him."

"So you must have some feelings for him, or is it just plain lust?" Melissa's tone was sincere and had care in her voice, but she was serious.

"It isn't just lust or sex." "Are you sure?" "Yes, well I think so." RJ looked down at the desk and the glowing screen of the laptop. His bulge had now gone away.

Melissa wheeled her chair over next to his now and looked at him in the eyes after lifting his face up with her hand.

"Now listen, I promised you that you would have fun this summer, and I also promised you that I wouldn't share anything you told me with your family, or anything you do for that matter. But, I will be damned if I am gonna stop protecting you. I am gonna still look out for my little puppy dog, like I always have. There ain't nothing that is gonna change that. So I don't want to see you start getting hurt now."

RJ smiled brightly and felt better slightly.

"Now tell me, I understand you are confused, but what about him? Is he in it just for the sex? Has he tried to get you to do something? What happened last night?"

RJ looked back into her caring green eyes and said, "nothing. Absolutely nothing happened except we had a great time. We had dinner, we talked, we walked to our rooms and he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I got a page from him earlier and that was what I was dreaming about. I was thinking about what might have happened. But nothing happened and he hasn't been pushing me into anything. We have only kissed, like twice!"

Melissa sighed slowly and laughed a little bit and looked like she felt better, but nothing had changed on her facial expression.

"Well, knowing that, I think then that you will be able to handle things a little better than I guessed before hand, assuming the two of you had already set up shack with what happened last night."

RJ laughed at first and then stop when Melissa didn't laugh along.

"What do you mean? The tour only begins tonight, and I am not being fired am I?" RJ looked worried.

"No, it is about the bus situation." "What about it?"

"Well, you aren't going to see Lance on as much of a frequency as you do now."

"I don't understand, what do you mean Mel?" "RJ, look what I am trying to say is that your job now changes almost 180 degrees. They leave tonight on the bus, you dont leave tonight. Didn't you wonder why they all took their bags with them this morning? Or didn't you notice?"

"I really didn't notice that much." "Well R here is what happens over the next few days. They play tonight, leave and then arrive tomw morning at tour stop number two." "Our department though, already has a guy who is assigned to bus duty, which means he follows the bus in a suburban with a driver and is in constant contact with them. That isnt you. I am sorry. You are going to be here for a while, packing things up and moving to the mid tour city location, where we set up shop and wait for them to arrive to us. This is where you will be and then when they arrive, they'll be there for a few days and then the process repeats slightly."

"What about you Mel? Where are you going to be?" "Well honey, I am the tour manager, therefore I am at every venue. Originally I thought you were going to be too, but you learned too well, I now need you here. You're just too good, your parents did well. I'll be back later."

Melissa stood up, grabbed her walkie talkie headset and walked out the door. RJ heard her start dictating orders over his wt in the office.

'Alright, when they arrive, I want the interviews done fast and then they are having chore, followed by band rehearsal while the guys eat. After that everyone breaks and then finish rehearsal with everyone and sound checks and then ladies and gents, its show time.' Melissa had been stern and clear to the heads of every department that had that same channel wt.

RJ had no time to really think about what had happened, the phones started ringing and he was back into the swing of things.


Everyone was sitting on the edge of the stage, taking their first 5 minute break from dancing. Lance sipped his water and put it down next to him while he used the towel to wipe his face. His white t-shirt was slightly soaked and his brown cargo shorts were starting to stick to his legs. He thought about whether or not he had time to run and poke his head in RJs office. He hadn't seen him or talked to him since last night and he started to miss him. He was lost in his thoughts when Joey came over and sat next to him, causing Lance to awake from his daze.

"Scoop, you ok?" "um, Yeah I am." "Are you sure? You don't look alright." "Yeah I am just thinking that is all." "OK, but remember we have a show to do tonight, so try and stay somewhat focused. I can't believe I just said that." "I know, you are turning into our father more and more." Lance laughed at his joke and Joey smiled.

"So how is everything with RJ going?"

"Well, I don't know for sure. We had our first official date last night and it seemed to go ok. I mean we ended it with a kiss."

"That is good, as long as everything seems to be going the way you would like it to, I am happy for you. RJ seems like a nice guy. I heard he is riding with us on the bus, so you can talk there right?"

"Thanks Joey, I mean everything is so kewl, except I am not sure what I want. I will be able too talk to him though, your right. I can't wait now for the bus, and I used to hate it."

"Well, remember I am here for you." Joey stood and walked off to the backstage area.


"Um, is that you RJ?" Phil Collins was here for only this venue to do a Disney thing as well as perform his duet with the group. It was all part of the interviewing earlier. RJ and his family knew Phil for a while, ever since one of his mother's movies had multiple Phil songs on the soundtrack.

"Hey Phil! I haven't seen you in for the like the longest time." RJ stood and gave Phil a hug. Phil smiled back and then they dove first into business, when the song fit into the performance schedule and other such things. Phil had noticed that something was bugging his friend.

"RJ are you ok? You seem like there is something really bothering you right now."

"I am ok Phil, thanks though. It is just that I am having a hard time with love. If it is love."

"I understand what you mean, in my shoes I always found it was best to talk to the other person involved because usually, but not always, they seem to have similar problems or issues that need to be discussed."

"Thanks. I think I will."

Phil shook his hand and walked off on his way. RJ smiled at the thought of talking with Lance and hopefully finding out similar feelings on the other side. He remembered what Melissa had said and so he knew he had to act soon. He sat back down at his desk and tried to finish some of the other things he had to do before lunch.


"OK guys, I need Justin, Joey and Chris over here to see wardrobe about the special Collins thing, then everyone else will be ready in 5 for a run through of the duet." The stage hand barked loudly to everyone on the stage.

J.C. walked over and saw Lance still sitting on the edge of the stage. He sat down next to him and smiled weekly. Lance smiled back. "Hey how are you?"

"I am doing ok Josh, how about you?" "I have been better Scoop, but Justin has been a really great friend recently, so I am doing pretty good I think."

"OK, J.C. I know this is awkward for both of us, so lets just put it behind us, ok?" "I think that is a great idea, ok."

They both laughed for a moment and continued to talk about small things here and there and J.C. told Lance about his time with Justin. Things had not really changed in their relationship, but the two were not completely aware of that fact.


Melissa's phone rang. "Hello? Your kidding, well.. no I will handle it, I know exactly who I can put there. Yeah I am sure. Bye."

He then spoke to herself while making some notes on a piece of paper. 'That lucky son of a bitch. Well, I guess he will be seeing more of him.'


RJ had left his office in order to find Lance to possibly say Hi, but also, to try and convince him into getting a bite to eat with him while they both had this common break. RJ said Hi to his friends on the crew as he passed them and he heard sound checks were just being completed. He reached the edge of the stage and heard the guys from N Sync talking. J.C. was walking and talking with Chris.

"Yeah, I know what you mean Chris, the bus ride should be fun. Before the bus, he even agreed to have dinner with me. Plus, earlier I was talking with Lance and we decided to finish our conversation on the bus, so that will be fun as well." "Who knows, maybe the two of you will hook up in the future." Chris was simply speaking from an open ended mind.

"You never know, but yeah your right. I can't wait for the bus."

They walked off and RJ leaned against the wall. He sighed and thought for a moment and then decided to think past that. After all, Lance had paged him earlier.

He was just about to turn the corner when Justin, Lance and Joey were walking past. Lance was talking to them and RJ only caught the end of the sentence.

"yeah I can't wait for the bus ride tonight. I think it will be fun and I think some interesting things might happen. i dont know really, I am looking forward to it though."

RJ now felt his heart sink. He now knew that it wasn't lust for Lance, but something more. That didn't matter or help now. He was hurt and his heart broken. Lance was happy to go and talk with J.C. and they were having dinner as well. So Lance was going on a date with J.C. Hey, Lance can do what he wants, but RJ thought he knew that Lance wouldn't go. He hoped he wouldn't go. It didn't matter to him anymore. He was too hurt to think of that. So maybe that was what Lance had meant by we have to talk.

RJ turned on his heels and walked back to the office. He just had reached the door when it opened. Melissa was standing there looking at him with a bright smile on her face.

"Well I have good news and great news.. Boy you must be lucky and this Lance thing must be in the stars."

"What makes you say that? And what is the news?"

RJ acted interested, but on the inside he really wanted to know what made her think it would work, the Lance and J.C. date or the talk Lance wanted to have with him.

"Well Bruce, the guy who was going in the Suburban broke his leg, so he is getting the desk job and you are going in the suburban."

At first RJ smiled, but then the frown quickly came back.

"what is it now?" Melissa put her hand on his shoulder.

"It is nothing, but I now have decided that I could care less if I see him, so I would actually rather have the desk job."

"WHOA!!! What happened?" "Well lets just say he has a date tonight, and it doesn't involve either of us in the room."

Melissa was taken aback and then composed herself and spoke with knowledge. "You see? i told you, it will be fine."

She hugged RJ who had only shed a few tears and the two went down to the cafeteria to get some food.


He and Melissa got some food and the guys had already left for their dressing room. Rumor had it, that Lance was looking for him, but RJ made it easy for Lance to not find him. For the show RJ was given a slightly different job. He was a frontline backstage man. He was there to ensure things went smoothly from the transitions of backstage to onstage.

The group did their songs beautifully and RJ caught himself twice as he was almost falling for Lance again.

He arranged it so that Lance would never be on the same side of stage as him and that was ok. It gave RJ time to process everything. He saw Lance and J.C. talking a couple of times and it was apparent they were having a good time. RJ didn't know however that Lance was talking about him.

With the concert being over, the guys ran out to there waiting bus and one by one loaded on to it. Lance was the last one on and he quickly checked the back to see if RJ was there. No sign of him.

"Did any of you see where RJ was after the show?" "No Lance, I thought I saw him following you out here." Justin plopped down next to J.C. and offered J.C. a coke.

Within two minutes the bus was started and the driver was closing the door. Lance ran to the front and asked what was happening. James replied they were leaving now. Lance spun around and looked out the window to see if he could spot RJ. He saw only one blond haired guy and it must be RJ. He was reluctantly getting into the following black suburban.

"Hey RJ." "Hey George, at least I get to hang out with someone I want to talk to." "Oh, I feel honored." "Just shut up George and drive, I am too tired tonight." RJ joked a little but felt exhausted and soon was asleep.

On the bus, everyone was asleep but the driver and Lance.

Joey and Chris were in their bunks, and Justin was asleep in J.C.'s lap, who was asleep in the lazy boy chair.

Hours passed and eventually the bus was pulling over at a gas station.

Lance looked out and saw that the suburban was right behind them. He got a sweatshirt out of his bag and put on his shoes again.

He walked off the bus with James and saw George go into the mini mart. He followed him in and struck up a conversation.

"Hey George." "Hey, um.. Lance right?" "Yeah. How is RJ?"

"Oh, he is ok, he'll get over it, he is just upset about someone he has fallen for. He thinks they are dating someone else. i dont know."

"Can I talk to him?" "Sure, i dont see why not."

Lance walked out towards the car and saw RJ asleep in the chair. He climbed into the driver's seat and closed the door quietly. He leaned across and placed a small kiss onto RJs cheek. RJ stirred slightly and was awake.

"oh.. its you. Hey."

"Well gee, someone is happy to see me" Lance tried to laugh. "Well I am sure J.C. is."

"what does that mean?" "Well lance, I dont know, I think it means the same thing as we are having dinner tonight before the bus leaves."

"RJ I still dont get it, what is a matter, why dont you want me here? I thought we could talk."

"So it is true, well then just get it over with. Just say Hey RJ, yeah it was fun, but now I am gonna like spend time with J.C. I think it will be better."

"RJ calm down. WHOA! It will be ok, just lets talk about this one things at a time. Come with me to the bus. Please?"

RJ wiped his eyes from the few tears that had formed during his emotional outburst and relunctantly agreed. He got out of the car and spoke with George, he told him that until the next rest stop he would be on the bus. George said great and RJ walked with Lance's arm around his shoulders to the bus.

The two sat down at the front of the bus at the table and Lance looked into RJs teary eyes. "Why dont you start from the beginning."

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. Let me know what you think. Please send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

I love to get email so send me some and I love all the responses I have gotten so far. I always write back, so if I haven't yet, I will soon! Promise!!

The next section will be out early next week or before. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 6

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