Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Jul 30, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy!

If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is my first attempt, and I know this story lacks sex but it will be there VERY SOON! Enjoy!

I also want to say thank you to two people who are really kewl friends and have helped in the process, JM, author of 'Brian and Justin' and Mike, author of 'Nick and Justin' and my collaborator on 'Lost and Found'. So read their stories too! Also, take a look at the other series 'Lost and Found'. It should be great! A very special thanks to Mike for everything. =^) Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com

'N Sync and RJ - Part 4 by RJ =====

The next morning, no one spoke to each other because no one really saw each other for more than a 5 minute period. Justin and Joey were being interviewed and Chris was on stage working on a sound problem, while J.C. and Lance were working in the wardrobe area.

RJ's office space, a renovated dressing room, had 3 phones, 4 walkie talkies and the two laptops, his and Melissa's. Often time Melissa would drop her stuff off, sit down to begin some of the actual paper work she had to do, but instead would be called to verify equipment locations, or supervise a light scheme. That was what she was paid for. Melissa had been a working pop groups concerts since Madonna's Like a Virgin tour. They had been at the auditorium since 6 and 'N Sync had arrived at 8. RJ had seen Lance only once and that was when they walked by his doorway and made their way to the stage to listen to the directions of the day. RJ hadn't been off the phone yet. It was getting kinda tiring.

"Yeah I understand that, but they want to have a basketball hoop set up somewhere near the stage, it is part of their pre-show ritual. OK. But, Manny, I don't care if you need to hold a contest for one lucky N Sync fan to bring their portable hoop to them. They want it. Hold on--" RJ had been talking to Manny for 1 hour so far and they had only gotten through the first 3 things on the list of 10. One of the wts started to beep and RJ picked it up. "Yeah what is it?"

"Hey RJ, Lance and J.C. are done in wardrobe, where do I send them and who is coming next?" It was Barbara.

"Um, the two of them go to the stage and Justin and Chris are coming to you next." "OK RJ, thanks - oh and Lance says Hey." "Tell Hey back."

RJ set down the wt and got back on the phone. "--ok, Manny, that will work out. The next thing is the bus route out of there..." RJ sighed as he knew the conversation would continue for a long time.


Melissa was standing around drinking her coffee observing the lights as they were being tested to a music cue. She nodded her head occasionally and once in a while would shout "That was GREAT!" at some specific effect they had chosen. She looked down at her watch and noticed being here for 30 minutes already and they had only done 2 songs. She turned her head and looked at one of the stage hands. She simply said, "chair -- now" and like magic a stool appeared for her to sit on. "This will do I guess." She then laughed so the young man didn't continue with his look of utter fear.


Chris had just finished up his last time through 'drive myself crazy' and he grabbed a towel and water. "OK, where to?" He asked out of breath.

The choreographer's assistant shouted over the music, "RJ said wardrobe." "What is this RJ said crap?" Chris joked around. "Not a fucking clue but I like it," Lance yelled as he walked on stage. "Well, Melissa writes it all down and then goes off and does easy crap like look at lights and things, and he gets to sit there and yell on the phone and make sure that everyone goes where everyone is supposed to." J.C. tried to sound overly intellectual, and they all laughed out loud.

"Later Chris," J.C. said as Chris walked by. "Yeah, later." Chris shouted back.

"We'll be right with you guys, give us 5 minutes." The assistant yelled.

"Already a break! I love this stop." Lance joked. J.C. hadn't gotten over everything yet, as it happened the night before, but he was at least trying to make the best of everything.

"So, did you stay in RJ's room?" J.C. asked trying to get a conversation going as they both had a bottle of water.

"No, I just went there, gave him his backpack and then refused to let him go." Lance laughed lightly. "I see..." "Well, actually, only for about 5 minutes, then we talked about a lot of things and he told me how he had feelings for you and he understood how awkward everything must be and he also said how he didn't want anything to happen that would cause a lot of turmoil in the group."

Lance was being sincere and J.C. could see the care in his eyes.

"Wow, he said all that?" "Yeah, that is why he left originally. He knew it was wrong for him to be there any more, so he upped and left all of us, because he didn't want anything to happen that would upset our tour." "Wow, he really is a cool guy." "Yeah. Your right, I really do think he is." Lance said smiling.


As Chris walked toward the wardrobe area he passed by RJ's office. He looked inside and RJ was busy filling in forms and filing away some older information into the portable file box that was in the office.

"Knock, knock, you have a minute?"

"Yeah, sure, come on in--" RJ said as he looked up and smiled like a kid.

"I just wanted to say thanks for not running out."

"Don't thank me, thank Melissa, I had already gotten the taxi. If it wasn't for her, I would be on the dock of our lake house in upstate New York with some friends. Or with my parents in their office, either one." RJ laughed at his own predicament.

"Well, still, I know Lance is happy you stayed and we all are for that matter."

"Thanks Chris. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what happened between J.C. and Justin? Are they talking?"

"Well, all I can tell you is, Melissa talked to Joey and I in the hallway, Lance ran out and down to you, and Justin and J.C. stayed in the room and talked for a long time. About what? I don't know, Melissa wouldn't let us listen. But, this morning they were nice to each other, so I don't think anything bad happened."

"That is good, because last night when I was talking with Lance, that was one of my concerns. I told him all about why I had left and he just kept crying telling me that everything would be ok. He apologized so many times for throwing the sweater at me and how he never had wanted to hurt me or anything. It was so nice, just talking while I unpacked." "Well, I am glad you guys are working things out."

"Well, I didn't say that, I kicked his ass out of my room at 4, so I could get one hour of sleep. He said he wanted to talk more, but I haven't seen him today."

"Well, as you know we have been kinda busy."

"Yeah, I know."

"He'll stop by soon I am sure. If not, I'll drag him in here. But if I don't get to wardrobe soon, they'll be yelling so ... I talk to you later."

RJ laughed and smiled as Chris left the room. RJ was happy that he had stayed and honestly did look forward to talking with Lance next time he saw him.


RJ hadn't been off the phone for 30 seconds, when Melissa came storming in and slammed the door. RJ jumped up. "WHAT? What did I do?"

Melissa looked at him and burst out laughing. "OK.. Melissa you are starting to scare me now. How many cups of coffee have you had? What don't you sit over there, away from me, and those sharp objects over there."

She continued laughing, but this time at what was said. She slowly calmed down and slid to the floor. "I have been staring at lights for 2 hours now. I have heard the entire concerts repertoire 4 times. I have seen the equipment markings, been chased by 2 interns and been bothered by Manny twice. He said Hi by the way."

"Oh I see..."

The wt beeped again, it was transportation. RJ picked it up. "Dispatch here." "Uh, where do you want me to drop lunch at? Do you want us to put it next to the other trucks?" "Um," RJ looked at Melissa. She shrugged, which meant she was giving him a small test. "No. Why don't you put the truck next to the tent, over by the green lot." Melissa smiled, which mean he passed.

The phone rang next, RJ answered it, it was Manny for Melissa.

"Just don't tell em where I am." She mouthed. "Sorry, I don't know where she is. I think she is off the lot." "OK bye RJ."

Melissa sighed and then looked up at RJ. "So, I am dying to know, what happened when the cross country star hurdled the room service cart?" She laughed slightly at Lance's actions the previous night.

"Um.. well nothing really. We talked, we cried and we both talked some more. He stayed in my room till almost 4."

Melissa looked even happier.

"Do you think everything will work out?" RJ asked timidly. "Um.. knowing them, yeah I do." She responded as she plopped into her chair. RJ sighed lowly and smiled wider.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, it opened and Lance poked his head in.

"Hey--" he said slowly. "HI!" RJ beamed back.

"I uh.. just came by to say hey cause I was heading to interviews." "Well, I appreciate that." RJ said.

"Um, no not to you to Melissa." Lance joked and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Oh great!" RJ sarcastically joked. Then Lance looked back at RJ. Lance had his tank top on and a towel around his neck. His nike shorts showed signs of the sweat and water that had spilled on them.

"So, how much longer are we here?" Lance asked trying to strike up some of a conversation.

"Well, after you all finish the three stations, there is a quick meeting and then free to go." Melissa replied.

"We have the evening free right?" RJ asked hopefully.

"Um.. they have the evening free." Melissa responded. RJ pouted and looked at the floor. She then laughed slightly and said "OH, alright, you can have it off too. Just remember not to act up that much."

RJ cheered like a small kid and Lance laughed slightly. RJ then looked up at Lance. "So, would you like to have dinner then tonight?"

"I would love to. Around 5?" Lance responded happily. "Um.. great!" RJ said. Lance turned around and walked down the hallway.

Suddenly Melissa turned and looked at RJ. "Thank you." RJ said to her. She then spoke up so he could hear her and she articulated everything clearly.

"OK loverboy, I gave you the night off. So here are 2 things. One, he is a keeper," She began.

"and two?" RJ asked

"And two, I WANT DETAILS, non of this, we just talked bullshit." Melissa laughed loudly and RJ giggled slightly. "OK, deal." RJ said.


The day had ended and Lance was sitting in his room. The door opened quickly and RJ stood behind it. He walked in, closed the door and sat down on Lance's lap. They eyes met and Lance could almost see clouds go by in RJ's sky blue eyes. RJ leaned down and kissed Lance gently on the lips. Lance gladly returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around his lover's back. RJ's lips parted as Lance's tongue worked its way into his mouth and met RJs tongue. The deep kiss continued as RJ rubbed his hands down the front of Lances shirt, unbuttoning along the way. Lance let a soft moan exit his mouth but only a muffled 'Mmmmm' could be heard from the kissing.

RJ stood up from Lance's lap, still kissing his lover. He kicked off his shoes and felt Lances hands pull at his polo shirt. Lance broke the kiss only momentarily to lift RJs shirt over his head. Before Lance could move forward to kiss RJ again, RJs lips were sucking softly on Lance's neck. RJs hand caressed his lovers back and the worked their way down to his pants. Slowly the belt came undone and RJ unbuttoned Lances pants as he gently kissed Lance's navel. Lance leaned his head back and let out soft moans of pleasure. RJ worked his way back up Lance's body to his erect nipples and then up to his neck and stopped with a soft gentle kiss on Lance's lips.

RJ looked into Lance's eyes and saw nothing but love and care. RJ let down his own pants and they both were standing in their boxers. RJ reached out and took Lance's hand and lead him towards the shower. "Come on, I think we need to shower if we are going out tonight." They reached the shower and RJ turned the water on. Lance stood still as RJ suddenly yanked down Lance's boxers freeing his hard cock. RJ looked at Lance and again leaned in and began to kiss deeply and passionately. RJ could feel Lance's hands work their way down his back to his own boxers and as RJ felt the cool air, he knew that Lance had removed his boxers. They broke the kiss momentarily as they stepped into the shower. The water started to cascade down Lance's firm body. RJ put his head back under the faucet and wet his blond locks. Lance kissed RJs chest and slid his hands down to RJs erection. Moans could be heard from the shower as the two slowly rubbed the others member.

RJ slid down Lance's front using his tongue as a guide down his body, stopping as the head of his lovers dick touched his face. RJ looked up at Lance as he began to lick the hard shaft. He slowly sucked the member and slid all the way down to the base. Lance let out a slight gasp as he was plunged into ecstasy. He rubbed RJs head as he felt RJ's lips and tongue play with his rock hard cock. "Yeah, oh, uh, That is, yes..." Lance moaned as RJs head bobbed up and down. RJ could start to taste his lovers sweet precum. He gently rubbed his base with his hand and RJ used his own hand on his already rock hard cock. RJs sucking continued as Lance was getting closer and closer. "Oh, I am... Don't stop. yeah..." Lance thrust forward and let his head back as he spurt his sweet juices into RJs mouth. RJ swallowed all and as Lance looked down he saw a slight trail of cum on his lips. Lance pulled RJ up and kissed him on the lips tasting his own salty juices. Lance and RJs cocks met and rubbed against each other as the water covered their bodies. Lance grabbed the soap and began to lather their bodies up and he pushed RJ away so he could look into RJ's face. "Would you make love to me?" Lance pleaded. "If you want me to, I would love to." RJ replied.

He took the soap and lathered up his cock and rubbed his hands up and down Lance's back. He gently placed the head of his cock at Lances hole and pushed slightly. Lance gasped as the head went in. "I am sorry, you tell me if you want me to stop," RJ said as he kissed his lovers neck. "No, don't stop, it feels great," Lance moaned back. RJ slid the rest of his cock into Lance and Lance turned his head to kiss RJ as he began to pull out again. He started his gently rhythmic motion and soon both were lost in pleasure. RJ let out a soft moan as he called to his lover, "Yeah, Lance, oh, that feels, great. Yeah, better than J.C., oh yeah--yeah. Oh--" Lance heard J.C.'s name and suddenly lost some of the pleasure. He said loudly trying to get RJs attention, "have you fucked J.C.?" RJ didn't hear him and tried to continue, but Lance pulled away and RJ was left confused. "What is a matter J.C.?" "RJ it is me Lance, what are you doing?" "J.C. wait..." A ringing started... "RJ what is up with you? What happened?" The ringing got louder. "Lance I can't," and RJ turned away and stepped out of the shower. "I need J.C." RJ stepped out and left the room. The ringing was deafening.

Lance suddenly shot up and looked around the room. He had taken a nap and was now seeing the alarm clock buzzing next to the bed. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and then stood up from bed. He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He wiped the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes. He scratched his head and then look into the mirror again. He saw his dream of RJ calling out J.C.'s name. Lance shook his head and spoke out loud. "No, he can't he asked me out to dinner. He wants me to be with him. He doesn't want J.C. like that anymore. He wants me. He wants me," Lance started to break down, "He wants me, doesn't he?" Lance stopped crying and decided he had to get ready for his date with RJ that night. He took off his clothes and turned on the water in the shower.

He stepped into the shower and let the water run over him. He rubbed his chest slowly and closed his eyes. Immediately he was back at the dream of RJ and him having sex. He could 'feel' RJ sucking him off. He slid his hand down to his cock and started to stroke it. He leaned his head back in the water with his eyes still closed. He continued to stroke and could feel himself getting closer and closer. He started to let out small moans and knew he was getting close. In his mind, as he came on his hand and the wall, RJ said no ones name but his, and RJ was the only thing on his mind.

He finished his shower and stepped out of it and looked into the mirror. He had washed away all parts of his nightmare and only remembered everything that was good. He began to smile as he remembered earlier in the day that RJ had asked him to dinner and he quickly ran into the bedroom to get dressed.


RJ was in his room finishing getting dressed and nervous as all could be. It was his first real date with Lance and he had not a clue of where they should go. He just wished everything went ok. His cell rang and he fumbled with it for 10 seconds before getting it to answer.

"He..Hello?" "Hi honey, are you alright?" "Hi mom, yeah I am fine." RJ sighed heavily trying not to be heard by his mother. "Well honey I just called to say hi, talk to you soon, it sounds like your busy." "Ok mom, thanks, I am kinda.." He hung up the phone and adjusted his hair for the fortieth time.


J.C. and Justin were sitting at dinner in the hotel's restaurant and both had only eaten half of their meal. They had talked about everything from the upcoming tour, to Justin's feelings, to coming out to the group, to their hot waiter Mike.

They had just decided to order desert and Justin was getting chocolate ice cream and J.C. got cheesecake.

Mike approached the table with both plates and their bill. He set the plates down and looked at them both. "No charge this evening gentlemen, the note explains everything. Let me know if you will need anything in the future." Mike turned and walked away from the table.

"I told you his brown eyes were on you all evening." J.C. joked softly as he grabbed the bill to look at the note. He opened the folder and read it to himself.

J.C. & Justin -

Chris told me you would be at dinner. Sorry I fucked things up last night. I hope everything works out great and I am sorry for everything I did. I hope we all can still be friends and I will see you all tomw. Dinner is on me.

  • RJ

J.C. was shocked. He looked up at Justin who hadn't taken his eyes off of him. He was speechless, all he could say was "wow." He handed Justin the note to read and he just looked back to J.C. and smiled. "That was really cool of him to do."

"I know Justin, I mean no one has ever done that." "I know what your talking about, well with that knowledge, lets order some more" Justin joked.

J.C. laughed slightly and then had an idea. "Would you like to take a walk?" Justin smiled so wide it looked like it hurt. "I--I--I-- would love to." They both stood up and walked out of the restaurant to the outside pool area. There was a small garden area to oneside of the pool and they walked through there and admired the flowers and the clear sky above. As they passed the blue 'forget-me-nots' J.C. picked one and handed it to Justin. Justin was so happy. He wiped away a tear that was in his right eye, but didn't let J.C. notice.

The continued joking and walking around the area and ended up walking by the pool. J.C. started to push and shove Justin playfully "Don't fall, don't fall in.." "J.C. STOP IT!" Justin yelled back as he fell backwards into the pool. J.C. leaned over the edge trying to grab Justin's hands to pull him back up. Justin said "THANKS" and pulled J.C. into the pool. They splashed around for a few minutes and then J.C. swam up near Justin and saw he was shivering. "Come on, lets get you upstairs." Justin nodded while he teeth chattered. J.C. leaned in instinctively and kissed Justin lightly on the lips. He pulled back and saw Justin wasn't shivering as much. "Come on, let go." J.C. grabbed his hand and pulled Justin out of the pool with him. As the approached the hotel entrance, Justin looked down and still in his pocket was the small blue flower. They pushed the elevator button and waited, still neither one conscious of what just happened.


RJ reached Lance's door and knocked. He heard someone running and the door flew open. "WOW!" was all RJ said as he looked at Lance standing in a white dress shirt with yellow tie and khakis.

Lance smiled widely and said, "Same." As he saw RJ standing there with his white dress shirt and khakis and blue tie.

RJ smiled and blushed a little and said, "ready?"

Off the two walked towards the elevator. The doors opened and inside stood J.C. and Justin embracing.

"Uh, hey," was all that J.C. could say. They all smiled at each other and Lance whispered to RJ. Let's wait for the dry one to come up.

RJ slightly laughed and the two watched J.C. walk Justin to his room. When the door opened, they both went inside.

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. Let me know what you think. Send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email so send me some and I love all the responses I have gotten so far. I always write back, so if I haven't yet, I will soon! Promise!!

The next section will be out early next week. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 5

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