Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Jul 27, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is my first attempt, and I know this story lacks a lot of sex but it will be there. Enjoy! I also want to say thank you to two people who are really kewl friends and have helped in the process, JM and Mike. So read their stories too! Also, take a look at Mike's and mine's new series Lost and Found. It should be great! Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com

'N Sync and RJ - Part 3 by RJ =====

Justin was on his bed crying hard. He mumbled some things, but when he didn't mumble, his words were still a whisper.

"Why? Why is J.C. doing this to me? Why can't J.C. see what I feel for him? How could he love Lance? I know I haven't told him but... That doesn't matter I need to get over this. It is obvious that J.C. wants Lance and I can't possibly compare to Lance now, if I am not wanted by the object of my desire."

His thoughts were muffled by more tears and a knock at the door.

"Go the fuck away! You probably hate me or something." Justin tried to yell and not allow his crying to interrupt him.

The knocks continued. Justin got up from his bed and opened the door. Chris stood there wanting to talk, knowing they had to.

"You know Justin, if you wanted me to go the fuck away, you wouldn't have answered the door."

"Shut up and come in if you want," Justin started and then plopped back on the bed. He turned and looked at Chris, he continued, "So, do you hate me?"

Chris realized then that this situation was worse than he had ever given thought too. He thought that Justin was upset because Justin now knew that J.C. was gay, not that everyone hated Justin because he was gay, but something told him it was going to be a bumpy night, and this was just the beginning.


"Come on J.C. Let me in." "NO!" "J.C. if you don't open this door, I am going to go get the extra key and open it for you."

"Joey I really don't want to talk, please leave me alone." "Listen, I am older than you and since we are talking right now, just open the fucking door so we don't have to yell through the door."

J.C. let out a small chuckle through his tears and opened the door for Joey to walk in.

"J.C. I understand you are hurting and I understand you want to yell, that is fine. Just lets do it inside a room as opposed to through a solid oak door. OK?"

J.C. smiled for a half a second and proceeded to drop back into solid tears and latch onto Joey's shoulder.

"Why Joey, why?"

"Why what J.C.?"

"Why did Lance do that?" J.C. began and his voice intensified into anger as he continued, "--and why did RJ have to cause all of this to happen. Why did he try to be our friend and everything and then set everyone into a turmoil of pain and hurt." J.C. calmed down slightly and plopped backwards on the bed. He laid there motionless still crying as Joey sat on the chair next to the bed.

"I can see some of this, but other parts don't make sense. J.C. I am here for you and I am here to talk and try to resolve all of this, so dude, let's start in the beginning."

"Joey, I--I--I am gay."

"OK, so hit Joey with the big gun first" Joey was slightly stunned by this, he figured by tonight's events that it was true but he didn't want to believe it. He adjusted in his chair and at the first sound, J.C.'s head spun to look at Joey with fear in his eyes an on his face.

"Don't worry J.C. I am not going anywhere. I am here, remember? So, you just start filling me in."


Lance sat there on the balcony looking at the cars below. He had stopped crying momentarily and plopped down on the chair. He had a drink on the table and was trying to sort through everything. He talked out loud to himself and didn't care in anyone heard him.

"OK, so dinner was going well. RJ had his hand on mine, and he looked like he was having a great time. We got to the hotel and played with each other in the lobby like puppies. Everything was ok then. Then we got into the elevators and I made my move. We both kissed each other right? I mean he returned my kiss right? Well if he didn't he acted like he enjoyed it. I mean we didn't come up for air or nothing. Then the doors opened and the shit hit the fan. Justin was shocked, J.C. yelled at me for lying to him, then Justin ran off with that news and then RJ tried to convince J.C. that it was nothing. And here we are now. Does that mean that RJ wants J.C. and has no feelings for me? Does that mean that J.C. wants me? Does that mean that--"

His ongoing chatter was silenced by another set of tears. He didn't know anything anymore. He knew he was hurt. His talking continued.

"Is it something I said? Is it something I did? I thought RJ was into me and that we had a blast. If only I could tell him my true feelings he would understand I know he would. If he feels the same way that I do, then the pain I have caused with J.C. is worth it, isn't it?"

He broke down again and decided he would call RJ's room. He picked up his phone and dialed the room number. Busy. He called the concierge and said in a hurtful and teary voice, "Can I please have room #508?"

"I am sorry sir, that line is busy and the occupant has been on the phone for quite a while now. Would you like to have the voice mail?"

"No, thank you anyway."

"Are you alright sir? Is there something I can do?"

"You can't fix 5 friends who are completely confused and are in the middle of hating each other, can you?"

Lance hung up the phone and tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes traced the trails already present on his face. He fell onto his sweater that he had thrown at RJ.


"OK I think I have everything." RJ commented out loud. He used his first aid kit from the room and his skills as an EMT to fix his lip where is was cut and he had cleaned the blood from his face and stopped his bloody nose. His shirt still had the evidence that he had been hit and the bandages were not helping in hiding the results.

RJ had decided that this was not right for him, he should be at home with his family and friends. The money and arrangements weren't that good, and after all, he had been bored everyday of his adventure so far. RJ's justifications started to fall apart. Today he had the most fun ever and dinner was great. He never knew he felt that way about Lance. But he still didn't want Lance he wanted J.C. if he was going to have any of them. It was just reflex that kept him in that passionate fabulous erotic kiss.

"Damn Lance, why do you have to be such a great kisser." Just thinking about the kiss made his cock become erect. He shouted out, "Oh who am I kidding. I love it here and look at this hotel and the money? Please, I fly first class, stay 4 doors from my favorite group and get chauffeured this and that and everything is paid for--" he quieted down. He continued and zipped up his bag, "except meals, and I get $14.00 an hour normal, but usually it ends up being overtime which is double normal, and if we get to do an 18 hour day like last week than it is double double and a half normal. OK fine, the money is freaking GREAT!"

He plopped down next to his bed, and looked at the room. In the bathroom there was the first aid kit open and everything was spread out. In the room, the drawers hung out and showed their empty contents. On the table was evidence that someone had had something to drink. His two bags were packed and zipped up on his bed. The phone had been left off the hook. His head was in the pillow with tears streaming down his face. He sat up and had a look of despair on his face. "What am I going to do?" He wiped away the tears and grimaced at the pain. He knew one thing, that swelling had already begun. He knew he had to get some ice for that and decided that he could do that downstairs in the lobby, and wait for a taxi.

He pulled on a sweatshirt that was loose and comfy, it reminded him of home. He put on his knapsack and picked up his bag. He plopped his cell phone in his pocket and thought he had turned it off, but didn't look. He reached the hallway and there was not a sight of anyone. He walked quietly down the hallway. He heard what sounded like crying in one room, and as he continued down the hallway, he heard some talking he thought. On the outside, he was sure this was the right decision, but on the inside he didn't know his name right now. He reached the elevator and the door opened. A security guard got off and sat back down at his place with more food. He waved at RJ and began eating. RJ walked into the elevator, turned around and hit the button for the lobby. He looked up and the security guard was looking at him. "So, do I know where you are?" "Um, sure, the lobby for at least now." "How about a number?" "Melissa has it if you need it - but use your judgement if you want to tell anyone where I have gone or what I am doing." "OK, bye."

The doors closed and RJ was plunged into silence. He looked at himself in the mirror and didn't see his face, he saw the scene of him and Lance entwined. The scene disappeared and he only saw his bandages and his hurt. He turned around and wiped the single tear from his cheek and walked out into the lobby. At this time it was all but empty, there was a cleaning crew and the normal employees running around. He walked to the couches and sat down. When one of the concierges came by to ask if everything was ok, RJ replied no and asked him to get him some ice if he could and a coffee. The man left in a rush. RJ put his head back and thought. Time seemed to come to a stand still as he realized what had all really occurred tonight. Secrets that had been kept quiet for who knows how long suddenly emerged and were thrown at the wall, left only to bounce back where they would. His dream state was quickly brought to an end as the concierge returned with an ice pack, and his coffee. RJ thanked the man and as he placed the ice pack on his face, his cell phone rang.

"Great, just what I need now. Hello?" "Who are you talking too?" "Um, Melissa?" "No moron, who are you on the phone with? I have been trying to call you all evening and now I finally decided to try you on your cell. So who are you talking to?"

"No one." "Then why is your phone busy?"

"It is off the hook." "Wait, what was that noise? Where are you?"

"In the lobby, sitting on a comfy couch. The noise was an ice pack." "Oh my God! What happened? When I left you, you and Lance were having fun. He didn't hit you, did he?"

"No. Of course not. Wait hold on a sec--" Melissa could still him talk, as he told the concierge that at his convenience he could arrange for a taxi, it would be great. He then continued with Melissa. "ok, sorry about that. No he didn't hit me."

"What was that about?" "I am getting a ride out of here. That is all, and by the way, I want to thank you for everything so far. It has been great Melissa, but I think it is time that I leave. I will mail you my badge and cell phone and the other stuff as soon as I get home."

"You are not going anywhere, or it is a breech of contract. You sit there and we are going to talk. I will be down in 4 minutes."

"Melissa I have made up my mind it is ok." "Listen, I am coming down. We are talking and then I will drive you to the freaking airport if you still want to go. Deal?"

"Fine, deal. I'll wait. Bye." RJ had not planned on this. He had wanted to slip away and not be found by anyone, until it was too late for them to do anything.

Sure enough, he could have set his watch to it, she arrived in 4 minutes. She sat next to him and her mothering instincts took over. She tried her best to help take care of his face. RJ could see what looked like tears in her eyes, yes tears in the woman who was stronger than the rock of Gibraltar.

"Who the fuck did this to you? I will kill him when I find them." "First off, calm down. People are staring."

"I don't give a flying rat's ass! WHO?" "I think security and about 10,000,000 teenage girls would put up a slight fight to try and stop you."

"It was one of them you mean?" Melissa was suddenly taken a back. "Talk to me. NOW!" Melissa was pissed - she grabbed RJs arm and pulled him along with his stuff to the elevator. "We are going to my room first. You are telling me everything that happened." "Everything?" "EVERYTHING! And then - we are waking those fuck heads up and all of us are talking."

"I don't think we have to do that Melissa. Why don't we wait until the morning and see what develops and then we can talk to them?" He had a pleading voice as the elevator climbed.

"We'll just have to see." Her face had a stern look on it.

It was the same elevator that Lance and him shared earlier that evening. On the floor was the fortune from Lance's fortune cookie, RJ didn't save his. RJ picked it up and looked at it, it read "Within the next 24 hours, your life will change."

"How right this is." RJ laughed as he handed it to Melissa.

She read it and then looked puzzled. "I don't get--"

RJ sighed and continued for her. "It was Lance's fortune from the cookie. He dropped it when we... Isn't this the floor?"


Chris and Joey met back at Joey's room after talking with Lance, J.C. and Justin.

"So, what did you find out?" Chris began as he sat down on the couch and munched on a snickers.

"Well, some interesting things. For a starter, Lance is in love with RJ. J.C. really wants Lance, and both are gay. So nothing to different." Joey chuckled slightly. "What about you?"

"Well, you won't like this, but, Justin is gay, and is in love with J.C., but I didn't talk to RJ."


"Well, um, RJ is gone. His door was ajar and no one was inside and all his stuff is gone."

They both ran out the door and saw the security guard reading a magazine. "Do you know where RJ is?" They said simultaneously.

"Downstairs in the lobby, I think."

"Thanks." They turned around and went in the elevator.


"OK so let me get this straight, you are gay and no one knows, right?"


"And you always thought J.C. is really kewl, right?"


"But now you think Lance is the one for you? And you and Lance kissed?"


"And then that is when the world exploded?"

"Kinda." RJ at this point put his head down.

"OK so explain what happened again?"

"Essentially everyone found out who liked whom. Justin hit me after he heard J.C. call to Lance, and then I made a mistake in calling for J.C., and then Lance threw his sweater at me."

"Oh. So Justin hit you huh?"

"Yup. So now that you know everything, can I go home now?"

"To your room? Yes, but home no."

"Melissa, come on!"

"Let's go."

The two got up and they walked to the elevator. As they reached the elevator an extremely hot young man, with a maroon vest on, who worked at the hotel, stepped out of the elevator. RJ's head followed him down the hallway. Melissa shook her head at RJ. "You are bad, here you are crying about Lance and J.C. and then you go and look at this hunk named Frank, like they don't exist 2 floors down from here."

"First off Melissa, I do care about both Lance and J.C. and it is hard to know what to do, and his name was MIKE not Frank. Mike Melissa, Mike." The door closed on their laughter.


In Joey's room sat J.C. in a chair, Lance on the bed, Justin on the couch and Joey and Chris stood in the middle.

"Ok you all," Chris began, "we got to settle this somehow."

"It all started because of RJ." J.C. said lowly.

"Well, um, that isn't a problem anymore." Joey said slowly.

"You had him fired?" Justin asked while being shocked.

"No," Joey continued, "when we went to talk to him, his room was empty and they said he was in the lobby. Well, he wasn't. When we got their the concierge said he left in a taxi for the airport."

"Oh" was all Lance could mutter as he dried his eyes again.

As they all stared silently and looked at each other, they heard a small knock on the door. Melissa stepped inside. She had RJ's backpack on her shoulder, the same one they saw at the airport.

"He's a woman!" Justin stood up shouting.

"No you idiot, its Melissa and she just has his backpack." Joey said sternly.

"That means something happened to him, he is hurt, isn't he. Or he was kidnapped or something else." Lance was in a frantic. J.C. was hurt by his care. Justin saw this and pouted even more.

"OK, All of you need to calm down and take a valium!" Melissa began to fill them in.

"So where is he now?" Lance asked pleading for an answer.

"In his room unpacking." Melissa said calmly. Lance bolted out of his chair and started to run down the hallway. Melissa yelled to him to take the backpack and he quickly came and got it.

Melissa then looked at Justin and J.C. and figured they needed to talk themselves. She looked over to Joey and Chris and nodded her head. They followed her out of the room and into Chris' room.

Justin looked over at J.C. who was upset from the evenings events.

"So, you are in love with me?" J.C. questioned without looking up.

Justin just let out a noise. Nothing more than a noise.

"Why didn't you tell me before? I mean, you had so many opportunities to talk to me, I stayed at your house for heaven's sake."

Justin again was speechless. J.C. chuckled slightly and looked at Justin who had tears in his eyes. "You know, if you don't speak soon, this conversation is going to get boring."

They both smiled slightly. J.C. stood up and Justin got a worried look on his face. J.C. walked over to Justin and sat down next to him. He reached his arm around Justin and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "I am flattered." Was all J.C. said to Justin. Justin broke down in tears on J.C.'s shoulder.


There was a small timid knock on RJ's door. He looked out and no one was there. He went back to unpacking. There was another knock. Again, he opened the door, this time standing before him was a crying Lance with RJ's backpack held out in front of him. Lance saw RJ's face and cried more.

Lance dropped the bag and grabbed a hold of RJ in a big hug.

"Ow. I am still a little sore." RJ grimaced slightly.

Lance mumbled an apology and didn't let go of RJ.

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. Let me know what you think. What about J.C.? What about Justin? What about RJ and Lance? Any suggestions? I think I know, but you tell me! Send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

The next section will come soon. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 4

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