Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Jul 24, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is my first attempt, and I know this story lacks a lot of sex but it will be there. Enjoy! I also want to say thank you to two people who are really kewl friends and have helped in the process, JM and Mike. So read their stories too! Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com

`N Sync and RJ -- Part 2 by RJ =====

"So shoot." RJ took another sip of his drink and stretched his feet out on the lounge. "Well, I just wanted to know if I was allowed to go to dinner." Lance asked in a child like tone.

"Of course you can -- I just needed to know if you were leaving, where you going, when and with whom." RJ couldn't help sounding like a dad. Gosh why couldn't he just act his age and hang out with them. Melissa's note went through his head again, `...friends second...'.

"OK, dad, well I am leaving in 10 minutes, going next door to that chinese place, and thought maybe you would like to go." Lance hoped that the answer would be yes, but he still wasn't sure. RJ could always say yes and not mean anything behind it, but a yes was still better than a no.

RJ couldn't believe his ears. Join his favorite group out after how he had acted this far? "Sure I would love to go, who are we going with?" "Well, everyone seems to be tired so I thought we would head out together." "Oh, ok. Didn't JC or Joey say they were going to go with you?" RJ thought about it and it seemed kinda weird that suddenly they would change their minds. "No, they all decided to stay here, so if you don't want to go, I will understand." Lance tried not to sound to disappointed, but knew his voice showed his feelings too easily. "No not at all, I still want to go, it will be fun." RJ tried to cheer him up. At least he would start a friendship with one of them. RJ did think Lance was pretty cute too, but this was just a friendly boring dinner. "Well, I will come by your room in like 10 minutes. Is that cool RJ?" "Yeah Lance, no problem I'll be ready."

RJ called downstairs and asked if Melissa had been by yet. She had not so RJ called her room number and left a message. He tried her cell, but there was no answer. He left her a voice mail and informed her that the rest were all in their rooms or in the hotel, and he and Lance were going next door. He had just finished his message when Lance knocked on his door. He grabbed his jacket and opened the door.

"Ready?" Lance looked eager to leave. He was wearing khakis, a purple button down shirt and had a sweater tied around his waist. His blond short hair was still wet from the gel. His green eyes shined in the hotel lighting and he cracked his sly smile. "Can't wait. I am starved." RJ hadn't eaten since earlier that morning. He closed the door and they started to walk down the hallway. Lance kept looking behind them as if someone was going to jump out and get them.

"What is wrong?" RJ stopped and looked at Lance. "Oh nothing, just checking to see if anyone was stepping out of their rooms." "Why?" "Oh no reason. Nevermind, I just guess I am a little anxious to get out of here. Can we hurry?" "Oh, ok. Yeah sure. But Lance it is only like 6pm." "I know, but I am really hungry. I didn't eat much on the plane."

They passed security and Lance leaned over and told the man something out of RJ's ear range. With that, the elevator doors opened and they began their descent. When they reached the lobby, Lance quickly searched the area looking for someone. Satisfied that he didn't see them, he hurried out the lobby doors and onto the street.

It was a kind of muggy day and the sun was just now setting. They entered the restaurant and we placed at a table in the back corner. As soon as they sat down, RJs phone rang.

"Hello?" "HEY RJ WHAT UP?" "Melissa where are you?" "I am just finishing some work and arrangements at the studio and venue. Did you get Roger?" "No Roger never showed. Sorry, so I decided to pick up `N Sync instead." "So you figured out my surprise then?" "Yes I did. And that was a great surprise." "Where are you now?" "Obviously someone doesn't bother checking their voice mail Melissa." "Listen you little snot, you work this long without coffee and tell me about voice mail." Melissa burst into laughter and apologized for not hearing her voice mail. RJ updated her on the boys status and explained he was at dinner with Lance. She informed him that she would be arriving to the hotel at about 8:30p.

He hung up the phone and looked over at Lance. Lance's smile was still beaming over at RJ, almost as if in a daze.

"Hello? Are you listening to me even?" "Oh sorry RJ, just daydreaming, not important. Was that Melissa?" "Yeah she said when she would be back. Sorry about the ph-"

With that his phone rang again. "Hello Mom." "Hi darling, just wanted to say hi for a moment. Hi." "What can I do for you mom?" "Nothing honey, I am leaving tomw morning to meet your father on location. So if you need me, call me on the cell. Love you." "Love you mom. Have fun!" "Bye." "Bye." RJ was shocked, he hadn't completed a conversation with his mother in days. Lance still had the same look on his face.

"Ok, Lance! I will make a deal with you. How about, you act normal and I won't answer my phone the rest of dinner." "Sounds like a bargain. Deal."

They both cracked up and ordered food from the waiter. They decided to get 2 things and share it.


J.C., Chris and Joey were just returning from the pool. J.C.'s body was still dripping wet and his hair was slicked back. He walked with Chris and Joey out of the elevator towards their rooms. He heard something, like a loud bang, but couldn't tell what it was. They reached their rooms and J.C. had just placed his key card in, when the noise happened again. This time all three heard it. Someone was throwing things around the room, or trying to remove the wallpaper with a hammer, but either one wasn't sounding like it was going too well. The three rushed to where the noise was coming from. They stood outside of Justin's room still with their towels around their waists and knocked on the door. The noises stopped and Justin came to the door. He was in a similar pair of nike shorts and had no top on. His hair was a mess and it looked like he had been exerting himself. He didn't open the door for the guys to look in, and they tried to peer past him.

"Oh hey guys. What can I do for you?" "Well, Chris and I wondered what type of construction you were doing?" Joey tried to make light of the situation. "Yeah, we were worried something was wrong." J.C. had concern in his eyes and care in his voice. Justin saw both of these things and tried to not look at him. "I can't believe it was that loud guys, sorry. I was just trying to put away my clothes for a couple of days. I'll try to keep it down." "Ok, well if you don't, Chris and I are going to have to come over here and tie you down." Joey and Chris started to laugh and they walked off down the hallway. "See ya in a minute J.C., if you still wanna come." Chris yelled as his door closed.

"So you gonna hang out with them later?" Justin asked. "Well yeah I think so. Are you ok?" "Oh yeah, I am fine. I am just gonna go downstairs to get something to eat is all and call it a night. I thought you were going with Lance?" "Well we were, but Lance changed his mind. He said he didn't want to go out. So I was going to go hang out with Chris and Joey. You can come if you want to." J.C.'s disappointment was obvious in his voice. Justin heard this and his sadness increased. "Nah, I am really tired. I am just gonna finish up here and head on downstairs. I'll catch ya later." "Ok. Call me if you change your mind and want to talk to me about what is really bothering you." J.C. turned and left. He always knew when something was wrong from all his previous years of working with him. Justin knew this too and felt even worse that he had tried to hide something from him. He never had hidden anything from J.C.

J.C. tried to slam the door, but failed. He was suddenly overcome from all the emotional tension that had built up in him. He collapsed into a ball on the floor and began to cry. "Why me? It must be obvious. Lance cancelled on me, Justin won't talk to me. My two other good friends are there for me, but I can't tell. Why? J.C. snap out of it. No one knows yet. You can get past this." He tried to pick himself up and try to sound more confident. This only made things worse. He got onto the bed and managed to stop crying. "OK J.C. you must snap yourself out of this hole. The next time you see Lance, you have to talk to him. Justin is just having problems of his own. It has nothing to do with you. There we are, much better. Now go and have fun with Chris and Joey." His pep talk fixed the situation for the moment. He washed up and went next door. He was determined to not let himself get down again.

===== Lance was laughing hard. "You gotta stop doing that while I am trying to swallow."

"Sorry I didn't know I was that funny." RJ laughed along with Lance. Their dinner was going great. Over the course of these past two hours they had become almost the best of friends. Lance could not believe how well things were going. He now tried to check everything that was said for clues. He didn't want anything to ruin this perfect night.

"So anyway, that is how I ended up here, eating dinner with you." RJ finished telling Lance his boring and long tale of wow of his family and finally coming to work for Melissa.

"That is really kewl. Well at least I am glad you are here for the tour." Lance smiled brightly and felt daring. He reached across the table and brushed some of RJ's blonde locks away from his face. "Now I can see you better." Lance laughed at his little joke and RJ politely laughed along with him.

Lance thought to himself suddenly something must be wrong. ` OH SHIT! He now knows I am gay and our evening is over! What did I have to do that for? Great!' Before he could finish his mental torment, he noticed RJ's hand rub the top of Lance's hand. RJ was smiling brightly and didn't know what he was doing. He was letting his reactions take over.

"RJ, you know I am gay right?" Lance hoped that this was the right question.

"Um, well I just kinda figured it out." RJ gently rubbed one finger back and forth over Lance's hand. J.C. was far from his mind at this point. It was J.C. that he wanted, but here was Lance who wanted him.

"Then are you gay too?" Lance knew the answer, but it had to be asked. "Um, yeah I am." RJ blushed slightly.

Lance flipped his hand over slowly and grabbed onto RJ's hand. "Well, even though I would love to sit here and stare into your blue eyes all night, don't you think we should get back to the hotel before Melissa starts yelling?" "Oh yeah. Sorry." RJ looked at his watch. It was almost 8:30. They got up, let go of each other, paid and started to walk next door. They got into the hotel and saw Melissa walking up to the front desk.

"Hey Melissa!" RJ shouted as they ran up to her.


Justin had finally calmed down. His rough housing with the furniture as he put his clothes away and then kicked the drawers closed allowed his frustrations to leave. He took another shower and was now getting dressed. He pulled on his blue jeans, timberland boots and threw on a baby blue jersey. His hair was still wet and he was ready to go downstairs and have dinner by himself. He thought to himself how many times J.C. had been there for him and how good of friends they were and now he was hiding everything from him, including his love for him. Justin lightly cleaned up the room and decided he was going to talk to J.C. tomw morning over breakfast. The two of them could talk it all over and Justin knew everything would be ok. He went into the bathroom to finish getting ready and then would leave.


In Chris' room, the three guys were watching Ace Ventura. J.C. was laughing hysterically and had tears in his eyes.

"This movie is great! I have always loved it." J.C. blurted out between his laughs.

"Well, I wanted to see something with a fight scene in it. Next time I am picking the movie." Chris was enjoying himself, but he had hoped to see Lethal Weapon 4 or something like that.

"Don't worry about it. You will see a fight scene. It is coming soon." Joey too had tears in his eyes and was laughing hard. The movie continued on and the guys all sat there having a blast. J.C. was happy that he decided to hang out with them today. He was convinced now that these two guys, were his good friends. And best of all? J.C. knew they didn't know anything. He could relax and not worry at all. This was a good feeling for him.

"Hey Joey, pass the popcorn!" Chris was on the floor in his new fu man skeeto clothes and Joey was lounging in the chair. J.C. on the bed was still cracking up. Joey started to throw popcorn at Chris.

"Hey HEY HEY!!! QUIT IT!" Chris was now using a pillow as defense.

J.C. couldn't believe how much fun he was having now, and only 2 hours ago was miserable. He hoped it never would end.


Melissa and RJ finished talking while Lance stood behind RJ. He kept poking him in the back gently with the pen from the desk. RJ kept mumbling quit and tried to retaliate with his hand but failed miserably every time.

Melissa twice cocked her eyebrow, but let everything pass, she didn't want to bring anything up.

"OK, well I am glad everything worked out for RJ, and that you had chance to become friends with one of them at least." Melissa started to pick up her two bags.

"It has been a hell of a day. I can't wait to sit in a bathtub and turn into a prune." RJ laughed a little at her joke and so did Lance.

"Well I am off and since you helped me out today, you don't have to get up until 5 tomw morning. How does that sound?" Melissa smiled coyly.

"Thrilled a whole extra two hours of sleep! YEAH!" RJ was a little sarcastic, but Lance pinched him in the back.

"OK, well I will see you in the lobby in the morning. See ya. Nice talking to you again Lance." Melissa started to walk off towards the elevators.

RJ spun around and started to look devilishly into Lance's eyes. "What do you think you are doing?!?" "Just having a little fun, sorry." Lance was trying to act sad.

"Glad you're a singer, cause you're a bad actor!" RJ laughed, ruffled his hair and ran towards the elevator. He was followed by Lance.

When RJ got into the doors, he turned around so his back was facing the mirror, by the time he looked up, Lance was already in the elevator and had run up against him. The doors closed and Lance hit their floor. He turned back to RJ, looked him in the eyes and took a chance. He leaned in close and planted his lips on RJ's.

RJ was shocked. He didn't know what to do -- at first he resisted, but then he returned the kiss. They kissed passionately and RJ felt Lance's tongue touch his closed lips. He parted his lips and let Lance's tongue enter and dance around his mouth. He sucked the tongue and then pushed his into Lance's mouth. The two were in heaven and it seemed as time had stopped for them. Lance ran his hands all up and down RJs firm chest and RJ rub Lance's back as the kiss continued. RJ's moans were muffled as Lance continued. He broke the kiss for a moment. He looked into RJs eyes and said "Good?"

RJ not thinking of anything but that moment let a soft moan out and said "no, Great!" Lance brought their lips back together. The deep kiss and sensuous rubbing continued on.


Justin was starving and turned off the tv, grabbed his room key and walked out of the door. He figured he would wait till it was late to go downstairs and thought about what he would order. He closed his door and walked toward the elevator. The three guys' movie just finished and their door was opening, but no one had come out yet. Justin stood in front of the elevator waiting for it to open. Finally the doors slid open and he saw Lance's sweater on the floor and RJ and Lance intertwined in a deep kiss. The two of them had not noticed a thing and didn't stop. After about 5 seconds Justin shouted out of pure shock.

"OH MY GOD! What the hell?"

Lance and RJ broke their kiss and we shocked. They had not planned being discovered. Lance out of pure instinct, grabbed RJ's hand and came out into the hallway.

"Justin now calm down, you don't understand. It is not what it looks like. You will blow this out of proportions."

J.C., Chris and Joey came running out of their room at hearing the yelling and saw everyone standing there. Justin looking at RJ and Lance, who were holding hands, and then behind them J.C. standing in front of Chris and Joey.

"What do you mean it doesn't look like what I think it is? You could not have had your tongue any farther down his throat just now. What were you two up to Lance?" Justin was still stunned and didn't know what to do.

RJ tried to compose himself, and couldn't get Lance to let go. He tried to bring calmness to the group. "Justin, Lance is right. It wasn't what you think, it was nothing, trust me." RJ just spoke, not understanding anything anymore, just knowing he had to stop this growing situation.

"What do you mean it was nothing?" Lance looked into RJ's eyes and was completely hurt, tears started to roll down his face.

" WHAT THE FUCK? You went out to dinner anyway? I thought I was going to go with you. You called and said you were going to sleep. Now I find out you went with him? I can't believe you said YES when he asked you to go with him. Lance how could you? I thought... I mean..." J.C. couldn't finish he started to cry.

"J.C. what are you saying? You mean when you were going out to dinner with Lance tonight it was to be ALONE? You mean J.C. that you--" Justin realized that J.C. probably liked Lance. He spun around and before he could control his actions slugged as hard as he could with both fists, not aiming for anything just trying to make contact. His left hand met Lance's shoulder and his right met RJ's face. RJ fell to the floor, but Lance was only shaken up. Lance controlled his anger and didn't look at Justin who was running off to his room crying and talking about things about J.C. the whole way.

Chris stood eating popcorn next to Joey, who was leaning against the door frame.

J.C. started to cry and tried to talk again. "Lance I-- How Could-- I thought-- AND YOU! RJ you were cool. I mean we were all becoming friends and now you go behind my back! That stupid rule probably didn't exist anyway. But Lance..." He couldn't finish his sentence and started to go to his room. RJ stood and tried to follow and cried and yelled at the same time.

"Wait J.C. come back here. I never wanted to hurt you, I want you. Come back please!" He fell to the floor again, pleading and begging.

Lance looked over at RJ and up till this point was still holding his hand. "It meant nothing? You want him? I thought we shared something special. I thought tonight was going to be the beginning of something. You asshole, how could you do this to me!"

Lance threw his sweater and hit RJ in the face. It stung as it met the blood on his face. Lance ran off to his room crying.

RJ stood up, touched his face and now forming black eye. He looked over at Chris and Joey and threw Lance's sweater at them.

"Can you give this back? I can't cause I quit. I am leaving."

Lance slammed his door and RJ stormed into his room and closed his door behind him.

The elevator doors opened again and security walked out and saw the stunned faces of Chris and Joey. He sat down like nothing had happened and began to eat.

Joey looked over to Chris and tried to smile. "Told you we would get to see a fight scene. Granted, it wasn't Lethal Weapon quality, but give them time. They will build up to it."

They both cracked up a little and finally composed themselves. Chris tossed the empty bag of popcorn into his room and looked back at Joey.

"You know what we have to do. So which two you gonna go talk to?" "I think I will get Lance and J.C., you get RJ and Justin and we meet back here after talking? Then we can decide what to do next." "OK." Chris agreed and headed towards Justin's room. He thought he would start there, since he knew Justin better than RJ. He turned around and saw Joey knocking on J.C.'s room.

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. Let me know what you think. How should it all be resolved? Any suggestions? I think I know, but you tell me! Send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

The next section will come soon. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 3

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