Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Jan 4, 2001


This is the long awaited next installment... Please send any comments or suggestions to RJ at rjs_tales@hotmail.com AND TELL ME -- SHOULD LANCE STAY TOGETHER WITH RJ OR NO??? YOU DECIDE!

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not ass uming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended.

`N Sync and RJ - Part ?? by RJ =====

The concert of the third day was finishing up and everyone was exhausted more than usual. It was comfortable now for all of the couples however. They all now had an ease that they liked. RJ and Lance didn't need to be in each others' constant view, JC and Justin had relaxed a little from their previous conversations and problems and began to feel comfortable in giving independence to each other and not in tightening the reins. For Fatima and Melissa however, it was a different story. They were worried that one or another of the crew was about to stumble on to something they weren't extremely prepared for. The doubly watched every wink and nudge as they worked. Melissa had however decided that she was going to tell RJ. RJ had confided in her right away and since he was like a combination of the best brother/son one could have, she knew that she needed to confide in him and tell him what was all happening.

RJ screamed out over the headset to the crew as they began to tear down the back of the set, packing it and getting in its crates for shipping to the next town. Even though the next show wasn't until after the holidays, it was still being set up in its new location while the others were going to be on vacation. RJ was moving item after item, and striking the light board, making sure settings and cables were marked before last minute changes were forgotten. He didn't know how else to get it done, except help his assistants and crews. He job had become more hands on as of 4 hours ago, when Melissa told him so. He couldn't understand why at first, but thought he would bring it up to her later. She just wanted to get more of a general view, he thought, and being with Fatima on her elevated platform, RJ thought was a good idea to get an overall sight of things.

The crowd had left and some of the guys were goofing off on stage, swinging on their harnesses before they were being put away. They still were dead tired, but since they were on vacation for at least a week, then they knew they could have some fun this evening. Coupledom for JC and Justin was being stressed as the two weren't playing together, which RJ noticed and thought was interesting, but figured the two were trying to not hang on each other as much maybe. He would look into that later as well. His list of things to keep in mind was growing, he would have to start writing them down soon.

A poke in his side caused him to move his leg rapidly and almost lose his balance carrying the heavy box. He turned around and there was Lance. Smiling bright, holding out a bottle of water to RJ, as Lance stood there in his tank top with a towel around his neck, and in RJs jacket. RJ didn't know what came over him, but he sighed out loud. This wasn't what Lance was expecting, but he put it past him.

"I got this for you. I noticed you were kinda tired looking," Lance beamed.

"Thanks very much sweetie, I really do need it, I am sorry about my attitude though, cause I know I have one," RJ said plainly, with no inflections or emotions.

"That's ok, I know tonight will make it all better," Lance kidded.

"We'll see," RJ said and turned to lift his box again, as he threw the empty water bottle.

"Huh," Lance asked.

"I said, we'll see. I am not leaving with you on the bus, I am staying here to finish this work and my crews and I have a lot to get done, maybe you don't realize that your show is run by our stuff and we make it work for you, as you stand there getting gawked at," RJ said moving down the stairs to the aisle.

"I don't understand," Lance said puzzled.

"What? I have work to finish, I will see you back at the hotel later, but you don't have to wait up for me, and if the guys wanna go out, go with em, enjoy yourself and have a good time. Start your vacation! I will see ya when I see ya, " RJ said.

"Um, ok. Can I find out why you are being an asshole," Lance said sternly.

"I am not being an asshole, just go. I have work to do, will see ya later. I might go out on the way home, I don't know -- we will talk tonight," RJ said.

"RJ, don't do this, I wanna spend our first night of vacation together," Lance almost whined.

RJ walked over and started to lean in to kiss him once on the cheek, when he abruptly stopped and put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Listen, you gotta go so I can work. If I can't work, I can't get to spend any time with you, because I won't be on vacation at all. OK? Don't worry so much, just go out with Fatima and Melissa, or JC and Jus," RJ said and walked into a trailer.

"OK, I guess," Lance said and walked away.

Lance boarded the bus, and the door closed as he was the last on. JC and Justin were bouncing off the walls excitedly happy about leaving to join RJ and his family for thanksgiving. It would be a blast and neither would have to worry about hiding too much , or answer any weird questions.

"Hey Lance, where is RJ," Justin asked.

"Oh, he has to stay and work," Lance said.

"Well then, I guess it's a threesome tonight," JC laughed.

Justin stopped jumping, until JC said, just to dinner and a movie. The bus rolled off towards the hotel and Lance watched as the auditorium got smaller and smaller.


RJ walked around the stage surveying everything that was happening. His eyes glanced around and nothing caught his eye. He sighed and was saddened as he remembered what he had said to Lance. He didn't wanna hurt him, but he knew he had. He reached down and pushed the button on his cell phone that was Lance's number. He got his voicemail. He hung up. He sighed again. He reached over and picked up the walkie talkie he had set down and responded to some of the questions they were asking. They were trying something new and expanded the set into large pieces that actually connected to the trucks. This way moving was supposed to be faster, although seeing some of the technicians still struggling proved this idea might have lacked insight.

RJ shook his head and moved over to where the exit was to check how many more items were left to pack away. He turned the corner and Fatima and Melissa were standing next to each other and Melissa had her hands in Fatima's back jeans pocket. RJ made no comment as he almost coughed up his lunch. So he walked up to Melissa and just quietly talked to her.

"How many more are there till we can leave this shithole," he sarcastically said.

"Whoa, where did you come from? Also, where did that attitude come from," Melissa jeered.

"Have no clue, its like I am missing something, like my life isnt there anymore," RJ said.

"This doesn't sound good, why don't you run over to Lance, have a fun time and feel better," Melissa smiled.

"No, I don't feel like it, isn't that sad," RJ smirked and walked on.

"Mel, I think those two aren't destined to be one and one much longer. I think as you told me, that RJ is reaching his uncomfortableness, because Lance has reached his extreme comfort level," Fatima let role off her tongue.

"I hope not, he needs someone like that," Melissa said and the two walked off towards Melissa's car.


RJ's cell phone started to ring. He looked at who was calling, it said LANCE CELL. He just let it ring and placed it down on the table in the dressing room he walked into. He sighed and plopped on the couch. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," RJ yelled.

"What are you doing in here," Mike asked.

"What are YOU doing here is a better question," RJ said without even looking. He knew who it was.

RJ looked up and saw Mike was standing there in just a tank top and board shorts. Mike was the surfer boy who moved to the country and became the farmer boy. His build was unbelieveable, his hair and coloration was terrific. Mike was 20 and had already travelled farther then any of his friends because of his parents. He had black hair and one brown and one hazel eye. Mike and RJ knew each other because they had once fooled around a while back, but Mike was now here because his Mom was brought on to work in the costume department, revamp some of them and make it better for the second leg of the tour. RJ had not known however that Mike was coming along in the trip. This would make it awkward, because Mike had called since he `figured out he was bi' and RJ knew that meant, he wanted to strike up a relationship between them. However it might be difficult now that RJ has a relationship going. But on the otherhand, RJs mind in the last few hours had focused on many different things.

Mike walked over and sat down on the edge of the couch. He leaned down and threw his sweatshirt on the floor, lifted RJs legs that were on the couch, and he sat down on the couch and placed RJs legs on his lap.

"Are you comfy," Mike asked.

"Sure," RJ smiled politely.

Mike had removed RJs shoes and was rubbing his feet. RJ moaned twice not knowingly because of how good it felt, and how it had relaxed him.

"You were always good at that," RJ said.

"Well, I try to help the ones I care for," Mike smiled.

"You are good at it," RJ said.

"Well, I will just have to continue it then," Mike said. He moved his arms and hands up RJs feet to his legs and as he reached RJs knees, he said here, roll over.

RJ exhausted and enjoying this feeling rolled over and felt Mike straddle RJs hips. Mike leaned in and used his hands on RJ's shoulders. Mike expertly massaged the tension away.

"You are exceptionally tensed," Mike said.

"I guess there is a lot on my mind that hasn't been solved yet," RJ mumbled out.

Mike slid RJs shirt up and rubbed his muscular back. Mike had always enjoyed RJs body and he smiled secretly, hoping things would progress. As RJs shirt went to the floor, he briefly stopped rubbing RJ s back and removed his own tank top. His defined smooth chest was nice and RJs closed eyes were tracing every curve from memory.

"Feels really good," RJ said.

"Thanks, do you want me to stop, or should I keep going," Mike asked.

"No, don't stop," RJ mumbled again.

"Here roll over," Mike said.

RJ rolled onto his back, still his eyes closed. Mike slid his hands across RJs body and slid down to his belt buckle. Mike deliberated and then in one fast move, had removed RJs pants. RJ laid there in his socks and boxer briefs. Mike started rubbing deeply into his thighs and RJ began to get aroused.

Mike smiled he knew this was a good sign.

RJ suddenly opened his eyes, as Mike's hands were resting on RJs underwear band.

He put his hands on top of Mike's.

"I am sorry," Mike said.

"No, no its not that its... just uh.." RJ started.

"What is it," Mike said, "are you seeing someone," he asked.

"Um.. its not... its um that uh, do you have a room," RJ kinda smiled.

"Yeah its at your hotel I think," Mike said, "my mom made it there, because Melissa told her to, and also your mom invited us to the house with you," he smirked.

"Uh.. cool," RJ said and began to sit up, so their chests were touching. His hands went around Mike's back and slid up to his neck.

"Does that mean you wanna go visit my room," Mike asked.

RJ sighed quietly, and nodded his head.

Mike stood up extra happily and picked up RJs shirt and pulled it on.

"I gotta go tell two people I am leaving," RJ said as he pulled on his pants.

"I think this looks good on me, so I am gonna where this. My Jimmy is outside, I will see you out there," Mike said and ran out the door.

RJ stood up, pulled on Mike's tank top, and his sweatshirt. It was still warm and it smelled of his cologne. RJ loved that smell. He had bought some for himself once, but it didn't smell anything like it did on Mike. He sighed again, and mumbled outloud to himself.

"What am I doing? What did I get myself into," while shaking his head.

"That is ok, I will get out of it when I get there. I can avoid doing anything. I will just get sick," RJ tried to reassure himself, but everytime he did, he smelled more and more of Mike. It slowly pushed ideas of Lance out of his mind. RJ stood up, tied his last shoe and walked towards the door. Sitting on the floor next to the couch was his bag and his cell phone. As the door closed, the cell phone started ringing again, the words LANCE CELL appeared on the text read out. The lights in the room went out and the phone sat on top of the bag in the room alone.


Lance got out of the shower and started to dry off. There was a noise at the door and he quickly ran out to see if it was RJ coming in. Instead a note was slipped in the door. It just was ticket info for the plane, when they were leaving, arriving, etc... Nothing important. Lance sighed, turned around and finished drying off. He looked in the mirror as he used the towel to wipe off the water. He slid it down over his defined chest and stomach, sliding down past his manhood to his legs. He threw the towel down, and pulled on his briefs, adjusting himself so it felt comfortable and then finished in the bathroom before going into the bedroom.

He looked at all the stuff in the room, and remembered the few things that were in the drawers. He couldn't decide what to wear. He decided on blue jeans, dark brown havana joes, and he started looking for a shirt. He glanced over and saw RJs bag on the floor. Then he saw one of his favorite green shirts that RJ wore. He picked it up and put it on. It immediately reminded him of RJ. He sighed and thought about calling him one more time.

He reached his cell phone and it read 1 call unanswered. There was voice mail. Lance got nervous and hit the voice mail button. He quickly entered his password and then put the phone to his ear.

"You have 1 new message'85 BEEP'85 Hey Lance, where are you the shower? Listen, meet Jus and I downstairs in like 45 minutes. Lates."

Lance looked down at his watch, that meant he should be downstairs in 8 minutes. He decided to take his cell phone and pick up the room, and then leave a note for RJ. No, he wouldn't leave a note, he would wait till later, no, he would'85 He didn't know what to do.

He ran around the room, picked up his stuff and left the room. He reached the lobby and saw JC and Jus sitting there.

"Hey guys!" Lance tried to be ecstatic to see them.

"Calm down Lance, its ok. He will be here later," JC said and smiled.

"Its all good," Jus said.

"I know it will be fine, lets go, I am starved," Lance said and the three started towards the door.

They had just got into the Suburban and started to move off when the Green GMC Jimmy pulled into the driveway and parked. Mike got out and opened the door for RJ.

Mike had been holding RJs hand the entire trip, and RJ had occasionally caressed his leg. IT WAS WEIRD! RJ didn't understand why this was happening. All of a sudden, out of nowhere Mike shows up. Now for some reason this is all moving way to quickly, but yet on the same finger, he is enjoying it. He doesn't get it.

They move into the hotel, and towards the elevators. Joey sees RJ go by from the bar, but says nothing. Just continues to read his magazine.

They reach the floor, one above where Lance and RJ were staying and move towards Mike's room. RJs heart began to beat faster and quicker and the next moment he knew the door was open, and Mike was ushering him in. As the door shut to the hallway, RJ knew things wouldn't ever be the same between Lance and him.


On one last swoop before joining Fatima at dinner, Melissa checked all the rooms for personal belongings and other stuff not put away so that they wouldn' t have to come back to this town again. She opened one of the dressing room doors, and inside she saw as she flicked on the lights, RJs phone and backpack.

Huh, that is weird -- he never leaves this behind. Oh well, I will take this for him. She picked it up and dropped his cell phone in her purse. Threw his backpack over her shoulder and off she went to the next room to finish her checking.

She pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant Fatima was at and stopped the car. "GOD RJ IS POPULAR!" She screamed. His phone had rung at least 35 times since she got it. She looked down and saw it said 16 unanswered calls. She pushed the down arrow and it went through the list of who those calls were.

She saw 9 from Lance, 3 from his mom, and 4 from numbers that werent in RJs address book.

"How weird," she said. "Why would Lance be trying to call him, if he is with him," she got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. A short chapter folks, another coming this week. rjs_tales@hotmail.com

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