Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Oct 6, 1999


Hello all again! This is part number 11! I want to thank all the readers and I also want to thank everyone who has emailed me. I love email so send it on.

Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's story, "Nick and Justin".

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to RJ at either rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!!

And last but definitely not least, I want to thank :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 11 by RJ =====

"Mmmm this is gonna be a fun day."

RJ smirked and fell backwards on the bed as Lance climbed on top of him and continued his kissing. Lance started rocking backwards and forwards, while sitting on RJs pelvis. Lance could feel RJs growing member and used his hands to unbutton his shirt as best he could without stopping the kissing.

RJ slid his hands up and slowly lifted Lance's shirt to the top of his shoulders. Lance broke the kiss and lifted his arms, allowing RJ to easily slide off his shirt and wife beater below, revealing Lance's defined smooth body. Lance's eyes seemed to sparkle as RJs hands worked their way from Lance's chest to his belt. Before either knew what was happening, Lance's pants were being thrown across the room, leaving him in only a pair of gray boxer-briefs.

Lance carefully undid the rest of RJs snap on pants and removed those and RJs top. RJ laid there underneath Lance in only a pair of dark gray plaid boxers.

Lance's feet, which helped to keep him in position, occasionally bumped the bandaged leg by accident, causing RJ to grimace more and more each time the leg was hit. RJ tried his best to hide the pain he was getting as Lance's leg would bump or rub his leg. RJ only kept his mind on Lance's deep passionate kisses. He enjoyed every touch of Lance's skin. Lance's tongue took turns dancing in RJs mouth, as RJs would dance into Lance's. As if a spasm, Lance's foot smacked into RJs leg as Lance's tongue was intertwined with RJs. RJ let out a small yelp like that of a puppy dog, and shed a tear from the sharp pain he felt in his leg.

Lance broke the kiss and with his child like innocence slid off of RJs lap and sat next to him on the bed, not being at all childish or immature, he looked down at RJ and then away towards the tv. "Maybe we shouldn't do anything right now."

"No Lance, I want to do something," RJ began, placing a hand on top of Lance's, causing Lance to turn around and look at him. "It is just that we need to be careful of my leg. That's all. I have waited to spend time alone with you since we first started going out. I don't want to miss out now."

Lance smiled at RJs comments, and his eyes brightened as he came up with an idea. "Maybe it would feel better if I massaged it. You said you liked it before when I did it on the bus. Tell me how it feels."

Lance laid his hands down on top of the area above the bandage and gently began to massage it. He slowly worked his way down until he reached the bandaged area. RJ jerked at first, but soon Lance's gentle hands eased some of the pain away.

"That feels great." RJ cooed as Lance continued to work on the area carefully. Lance's hands moved like smooth silk on top of the bandaged leg, working out the pain and not disturbing the carefully wrapped bandage.

RJ was in heaven, the pain subsided more and more as each second went by. Lance saw RJs eyes close and knew he was enjoying the rubdown.

RJ opened his eyes again and looked up at Lance who was concentrating on his work. RJ laid still enjoying every moment as if it was an eternity.

"You know, they say that 85% of all massages end up in some kind of sexual activity." Lance sarcastically said as he shifted his legs, so he was now kneeling next to RJ and continued to rub the bandaged area.

"I wouldn't mind at all, in fact I was hoping it might!" RJ shot back, Lance looking as if he hadn't expected that answer. RJ decided he would need to make the first move, so he sat up and gently kissed Lance's cheek once, in order for him to turn his head and then kissed him lightly on the lips.

"What was that for?" "That was so you would pay attention to something else besides the leg, and because I wanted to thank the cute cabana boy for his work." RJ joked falling back down on the bed. Lance couldn't help but laugh and leaned down and kissed RJ once on the lips.

"Now what was that for?" "That was the cabana boy thanking you." Lance cooed and turned his head back to the leg. He slid his left hand up the leg slowly, until it reached the bottom of RJs boxers. He paused for a moment and continued up the leg until his hand was brushing against RJs growing member. Lance carefully wrapped his hand around the semi erect member and stroked it slowly from its tip down to the base. RJ let out a small quiet moan as he enjoyed the erotic massage.

As Lance continued the stroking, his own member was becoming rock hard. RJ slid his hand across the bed sheets to Lances body. RJ worked his way up Lance thigh, across his boxer briefs and to the waistband where he toyed with the elastic strip like a small child. Lance moved his other hand from the bandage to RJs stomach and slowly rubbed the area. His other hand stopped stroking and both were on RJs defined abdomen. Lance felt a sudden nervousness run through his body, causing him a shake quickly like a chill. RJ simply rubbed his hand along Lance's leg and smiled.

"We don't have to do anything that either of us don't want to do, especially since it is the first time for both of us." Lance's nervousness was replaced by a warm feeling, a feeling that brought images of the two of them laying next to each other cuddling on the cold bus, or cuddling in front of a warm fire on a snowy evening. Lance continued his descent towards RJs stomach. He kissed his way from above RJs belly button towards the black waistband of RJs boxers. When he reached the underwear Lance used both hands to slide them down and off, freeing RJs rock hard member. Lance continued to kiss his way down towards the base of the erect member. Lance used his tongue and slid along the shaft to the tip and circled once. He swirled his tongue around the tip as he slid it into his mouth. RJ moaned in passion as he looked down and saw Lance lower his head down towards the base and swallow the entire thing. Lance raised his head and again swirled his tongue around the tip and then lowered his head back towards the base. He engulfed the entire member and started slowly pumping his head up and down in rhythm with RJs hips. RJ used his right hand and slid up from Lance's still kneeling position to the waistband and started to pull it down. Lance raised up slightly and enabled RJ to free his straining member from the boxer briefs as he slid them off.

RJ wrapped his hand around the base and started stroking in rhythmic pace, trying to match Lance's sucking. Lance raised off of RJs erection and moaned slightly. Lance changed his position back to straddling RJs lap. Lance leaned forward and kissed RJ on the lips. RJ opened his mouth partially allowing Lance to slide his tongue inside. Lance let out a muffled moan as RJ pushed up against Lance, causing their pelvises to meet and their members to rub together. Lance rubbed slowly back and forth sitting on top of RJs pelvis. Lance broke the kiss and looked into his lovers' eyes.

"I want you inside of me, will you make love to me?" Lance pleaded. "For you anything." RJ replied.

Lance reached into his bag that was near the bed and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He raised slid backwards and poured some onto RJs member. He slowly stroked up and down rubbing the lube over every inch. RJ let out a small moan and arched his back upwards. Lance used his slick hand and rubbed his hole slowly, rubbing on some of the extra lube from RJs erection. Lance laid back on the bed and RJ rolled over on top of him. Lance spread his legs slightly and could feel RJs head press against his hole. Lance leaned up and kissed RJ as RJ pushed forward gently and slowly pushing in his head. Lance gripped the bed sheets at first and then let go of them and placed his hands on RJs back. RJ waited for Lance to adjust to the feeling and then when Lance started to probe RJs mouth with his tongue, RJ continued, pushing all the way in.

Lance didn't change at all, he continued his passionate kiss with RJ and enjoyed every moment with his friend, his boyfriend, and his lover. RJ started to slowly pull out and then push back in again. His pumping was slow. The two were becoming one, as Lance rubbed RJs back and their kissing continued. RJ continued his pumping and could feel Lance pushing up against his stomach. Lance let out a small moan as RJs pumping increased in speed. RJ broke their kiss and started to suck on Lance's neck. Both of their paces increased. RJ felt he was close. He increased his pace and Lance moaned out in pleasure. Lance pushed upwards against RJs stomach, sliding against the wet surface covered in pre cum. RJ sucked on Lances earlobe as his first spurt entered Lance. RJ let out a soft moan as he finished his climax. As the last spurt enter Lance, he began his orgasm. Lance arched his back and released volley after volley, hitting RJs chin and Lance's own neck.

RJ pulled out slowly and laid down next to Lance. Lance used RJs t-shirt and wiped up most of the mess and threw it towards the closet door. RJ wrapped his arm around Lance's chest as Lance's pulled up the covers.

"That was the best morning I have had this entire trip." Lance said as he nuzzled his head against RJs body.

"That was the best morning I have ever had." RJ replied quietly as he methodically stroked Lance's arm. The two laid there quietly for a few moments and RJ was soon sound asleep in Lance's arms. Lance smiled warmly and nuzzled his head closer.

"I am so happy, I love you." Lance felt RJs arms slide around closer and the two laid still for the rest of the morning.


Chris walked out of his room after setting some things down and walked to the elevators. The doors opened and Fatima was standing there, on her way down to the fitness center to check it out. She was wearing a pink sports bra and gray sweatpants.

"Hey Chris what up?" "Nothing Fatima, just really exhausted."

"You must be in worse shape then I thought, cause we have only done 3 shows. PLEASE! You should come work with me honey and say hewwo to a thing called a stair master."

"You are right Fatima, but I mean we are all emotionally exhausted as well, especially after what happened between the couples recently. OH SHIT! I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"That is ok Chris, I already know. What happened though between all of them?"

Chris filled her in on the information about what had happened in the last few days and she was completely interested in every detail.

"Does Melissa know about Kathy or whatever her name is?"

"I don't know. I don't even think she knows about all that was happening."

"Well I am glad everything worked out, but I have a gut feeling about this bitch."

"Good thinking Fatima, talk to you later, I am off to the all you can eat buffet to meet Joey, he is already there."

"Why am I not surprised with any of this?"


Melissa strolled along the empty back area, carrying her backpack on her way to the hotel for her afternoon of relaxation and complete calmness. She turned the corner and Peter was aimlessly hanging around outside the women's restroom. Melissa pulled off her sunglasses and stopped behind him.

"So, hey Peter, is there something you haven't told us all?"

Peter spun around and looked like he had seen a ghost. `Oh SHIT! She knows!!! Maybe she doesn't care...' "No, um, Hey Mel, I didn't see you there, whats up?"

"Nothing Peter, sorry to disturb you so much, just checking in to see what is up. Haven't talked with you lately and whenever you and George see me coming you run the other way."

Kathy flushed the toilet and walked towards the door. She heard Melissa's voice and quickly ducked behind the open door.

"Oh, well you know, trying to keep out of trouble and trying to stay busy." Peter smiled half-heartedly.

"Oh well yeah I guess. Incidentally, I haven't seen George since I saw all three of you around the otherday."

"All three of us?" "Yeah, you, George and uh, your girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah my girlfriend. Well I think George is sleeping all day today."

"Sounds good, I think I am about to do the same thing. Well, don't let me catch ya in any trouble. See you later Peter."

Melissa started to walk away and her cell rang.


"Hi Melissa, its Fatima what up?"

"Well nothing really, but I just on my way to the pool and the wetbar."

"Oh, I think I will join you there, cause girl we gotta talk!"


Kathy walked out of the bathroom and saw Melissa had already reached her car.

"Geez what a nosy bitch!" "Hey that's my boss!"

"Excuse me? Don't you mean I am your boss?"

"Oh, yeah."

"And speaking of that, your girlfriend? What makes you think that I am gonna be your girlfriend!"

"Well, actually I was just hoping and all and well it was her fault!"

"Yeah whatever, remember I am here to get RJ, so remember that and also, I have seen you in your tighty whities and there is nothing to write home about. Come on, lets go to the hotel. Time to rekindle a love."



Justin rolled off the bed and stood looking out the balcony sliding glass doors. He shivered once because of the chill in the bright room. J.C. woke up and saw his lover standing alone and walked over behind him with the comforter wrapped around him. He walked up behind Justin and opened his arms and then closed them around Justin.

"Oh, that feels much better."

"Good I am glad."

J.C. placed his chin on Justin's shoulder and looked out the window with Justin for what seemed an eternity.

"So curly, what are we looking at?" J.C. said while giggling finally. "Deciding if we should go to the pool or not."

J.C. looked down at the warm water and smiled brightly.

"Yeah I think we should. Do me a favor would you? Could you go downstairs to the gift shop and see if they have any more of my coppertone I like?"

"OK, but we could call..."

"Um, yeah, but you could walk downstairs. Please?!?!" J.C. looked at Justin with big puppydog eyes.

Justin tried to pout but failed miserably, he couldn't help but laugh.

"FINE!" Justin joked and threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. He grabbed his room key and left the room.

J.C. ran to the phone and picked up the handle, dialing the concierge.

"Hi, this is Joshua Chasez, I believe you have an order with my name on it?"

"Let me check. Yes sir we do. Would you like us to prepare it now?" "Um.. no, have it ready in my room at 8:00pm tonight. I will call if I need it changed or anything else."

"OK, very well sir, will that be all?"

"No, I would also like to have at the pool this afternoon."

"Very well sir, I will let the bartender know you are coming down and are going to eat lunch with how many again sir?"

"I would guess 4 just in case."

"Very well sir, please call if we can do anything, and once again, thank you for staying at The Westin."

J.C. hung up the phone and quickly got dressed. He flipped on the tv and sat down waiting for Justin as the maid knocked on the door.


RJ awoke to the bright light shining in from the outside. He slid his arm down next to him and there was just an empty spot. He quickly sat up and looked frantically around the room.

"You know, you talk about me being very easily excitable." Lance joked and sipped again from his coffee.

"What are you doing up?"

"Well, I hardly ever sleep late, especially right after a tour begins. Don't worry, I will learn to sleep later, but I decided to instead, go and make coffee this morning. You know, instead of ordering room service just for a little coffee?" Lance once again laughed and sat next to RJ on the bed as RJ sat up more.

Lance was wearing a white sweatshirt and RJs boxers. RJ laid in bed, still naked under the covers, with from the waist up bare.

"You know its kinda chilly in here." RJ said as he rubbed his arms and sipped his coffee.

"Yeah, but you know, that is why I am here." Lance said as he snuggled closer to RJ and rubbed his sleeves up and down along RJs arms.

"Mmmmm warmer already," RJ giggled.

"I have an idea. I am gonna run downstairs and get us some danishes from next door and you take a quick shower. Then we will figure out what we are gonna do for the rest of the day."

"Sounds good to me, except don't you wanna join me for the shower?" RJ asked like an innocent child.

"Well, I guess you'll have to join me in mine, so you'll take two!" Lance joked and got up from the bed.

Before RJ could say another thing, Lance had grabbed a pair of jeans, his keys and was out the door.


"Yes that's it, SPF 15. That way I can get a nice golden tan."

The girl smiled brightly and then giggled as she handed Justin the blue bottle. He paid for the item and signed two autographs for her. He was on cloud nine. He turned and walked towards the lobby. As he entered, Lance came in from the street.

He saw Justin and ran up behind him.

"I didn't expect to see you around this morning."

"Hey Lance how are you? I was just getting something for J.C. and then we are all going to the pool. Why don't you join us."

"So you are part of an US now? You gotta tell me all about it, but I think I am gonna pass, RJ and I were gonna spend the day together."

"Really, so you too are doing ok now? And of course I will fill you in, a little later though. But why don't you both come along."

"OK, sure! Why not. We will both show up, in like 30 minutes?"

"Yeah sounds good. Then maybe while the boys are off playing, we can talk." Justin laughed as he tried to act like a nanny.

"Definitely. We'll send them out on some errands and then we can talk."

"OK, see you in a little bit."

"Bye Justin."

Lance and Justin walked their opposite ways down the hallway towards their own rooms. Justin disappeared into his room as Lance slipped into his own.

"Get up sleepy head!" Lance joked as he plopped down next to RJ.

"So what did you get?"

"Yummy donuts that you don't get if you don't get up. You haven't even showered yet."

"Well.. I uh didn't want to do anything yet, I wanted to wait."

"Well, Justin and J.C. want us to go hang out at the pool with them today, and I said yes, so lets go!"

"Bossy already! And I thought you were hard to get along with before sex!"

Lance threw a pillow at RJ as he started to change into his swimshorts while eating a chocolate donut.


Justin walked in and plopped down next to J.C.

"Here is your stuff."

"Thanx. So are you ready to go?"

"Yeah and I told Lance to join us with RJ." "Kewl, it should be fun." J.C. chimed and began to rub in some of the lotion onto his legs.

"Today will be unforgettable I think." Justin smiled.

`How right you are honey' J.C. thought to himself.

To Be Continued...


So -- what is the surprise? How much with Lance and Justin share with each other? AND what is up with Mel and Fatima?

School and work just got settled, so now there will be more regular releases of this and Lost and Found.

Hope you liked it. EMAIL ME!

RJ at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 12

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