Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Oct 1, 1999


Hello all again! This is part number 10! Very kewl I think, since a lot of stories, tend to not make it. I want to thank all the readers and I also want to thank everyone who has emailed me. I love email so send it on.

Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's story, "Nick and Justin".

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to RJ at either RJCOOL1027@aol.com or rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!!

And last but definitely not least, I want to thank :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 10 by RJ =====

RJ hadn't slept most of the evening in the bus, the ride was smooth and quiet. His Adidas athletic pants still were unzipped up to his knees on either side because of his injury and Lance's caring hands. His mind had wandered on and on and he looked down at the table and saw the velvet box sitting there, still closed. He picked it up and threw it in the trash can, felt relieved and closed his eyes again. He replayed the evening's events for what seemed like the fifth time.

He could still feel Lance's warm hands as they rubbed up and down his hurt leg. While leaving his eyes closed and trying to settle in for some type of sleep, he rubbed his hand up and down on Lance's shoulder, as Lance sighed and snuggled his head more into RJs chest. Lance refused to leave his side the previous night, insisting he must stay in case anything happened.

As RJ drifted off to sleep, Lance tightened his grip around RJs waist and RJ soon was watching the conversation again.


"OK deal and likewise. Now ask." RJ said, half jokingly.

"Well, why don't you start by telling me what I saw?"

"Well that is kinda hard to explain in one sentence, but let me break it down for you."

"Ok, I have no where else to be right now, I mean the driver wanted me to sit on his lap, but I said, James please, wait till he's asleep." Lance tried to joke.

RJ just looked at him. Lance punched him playfully and RJ couldn't help but smile.

"So, the bundle that had pictures and letters in it had all true information in it, but that was before."

"But the date on that one card, with the picture of you two half naked and making out was like 3 days ago..."

"That would be 3 days ago, last year. And I am assuming you read the green letter since I couldn't find the ring."

"Yeah," Lance replied and then took a small pause before continuing. "Is it true?"

"Yes, originally we were going to be getting married and that was the ring that she had picked out and that her parents bought and it was like everything was arranged, hence the letter explaining how her dad thought it would be a great way to merge the family trees and stuff. Totally not true! I didn't want anything to do with that bitch, but I guess you didn't know that and hence took the memento with you."

"I was so upset and I thought that it was true and that it was happening now and I dunno, I just over reacted."

RJ leaned in and hugged Lance and started to plant loving kisses on his neck. Lance moaned slightly.

"Mmmm that feels so good, don't stop."

"I won't stop. And Lance, it is ok. I would be just as upset about it as you. I mean why have her when I have you, I love you."

Lance pulled back a little and looked at RJ a little unsure.

"Are you sure you love me? I mean, we have only known each other a short time."

"Well, I know this much, I haven't been this happy with anyone since I can't tell you when. So, yeah I love you."

Lance leaned back into the hug and accidentally leaned too hard on RJs bandaged leg and RJ grimaced, causing Lance to jerk away from his leg and fall into apologies. Lance was stopped by RJs kisses on his lips. Lance gently pushed RJ back and looked at him with true sincerity.

"RJ?" "Yeah?" "Tell me why you still have this stuff with you." "Um.. that I can't explain." "Why?" "Well, I threw all that out her bedroom window one morning and left the house, leaving some of my clothes behind even. So I can't tell you how that all then collected and ended up in my backpack. Someone put it there I guess."

"Who woulda done that?"

"I don't know, maybe we will have time to figure it out tomorrow while we sleep. It is a rest day you know."

"Sleep? Who said we would sleep." Lance smiled and laid his head on RJs chest where it remained for the remainder of the evening.


Justin awoke to find his love facing him and already awake.

"This is odd, to just wake up and see someone looking at you." Justin said as one hand wiped away the sleep from his eyes.

J.C. could feel the hot breath from Justin brushing his face. He smiled back at Justin.

"You know," Justin started again, "Your eyes are truly beautiful."

"Why thank you." J.C. laughed slightly.

"No, I am serious, I have never seen such deep care and sincerity. I feel as if I can look into your soul."

"You should be able to."


"Because you are part of it."

Justin leaned forward and kissed J.C. on the lips. He opened his mouth slightly and felt J.C.'s tongue slide in. Justin sucked lightly on J.C.'s tongue as his hands roamed down J.C.'s side. J.C.'s hands found their way down Justin's back and began to tug up on Justin's shirt. Justin's shirt was soon untucked and J.C. was able to maneuver his hands up and down Justin's smooth chest. Justin could feel J.C. hardening member as it pushed into his leg. Justin rubbed his crotch against J.C. and let out a small moan of pleasure. Justin was about to release the belt on J.C.'s pants when they both felt a sudden jerk on the bus. It had stopped abruptly.

"Mmmm that felt great, but lets continue it once we get into our room." J.C. suggested as he wiped his mouth.

Justin smiled and rolled over and sat up out of the bunk. He saw the bus had parked on the street out in front of the hotel and Justin walked forward to where Joey was sitting.

"Good morning sleepy head, or should I ask if you got any sleep." Joey said as he looked at Justin and Justin's untucked shirt and still obvious bulge.

"We haven't done anything daddy." Justin said sarcastically as he grabbed some orange juice and sat down across from Joey.

"Well, try to keep from attacking each other till we get inside. We have to wait for them to find a parking spot for the bus."

"Geez, you would think they could fit this thing anywhere, but I guess not." Justin cracked himself up.

"So what about the two love birds over there, are they ok?" Joey asked as he leaned his head into the aisle to look at Lance and RJ sleeping in each others arms. RJs leg still extended out with a bandage.

"Well I think they are fine now. Lance just happens to over assume things, and well, he needs to learn to talk it out first, so I think now they'll be fine. I talked with Lance a little last night before he ran back to the med tent and he seemed ecstatic again, and by the look on their faces, I think they are great."

Joey looked over again and saw the smile on Lance's sleepy face. "You know they do look kinda cute together."

"Yeah well, not as cute as J.C. and I." Justin smirked jokingly.

Lance stirred and raised his head slowly. "Whats all the noise?" He yawned and then walked over to where Joey and Justin were sitting at the table.

"Glad you woke up, we have to get off the bus soon, J.C. and obviously your honey are still sleeping."

"OK, sounds good. I feel so sorry for him," Lance began, "you know he doesn't have to work today or tomorrow and well, he is just gonna get more tired after we are done." Lance smiled devilishly at Justin when he finished and Justin couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry Lance, just being with him is what he needs, that should be good." Joey said, not getting the obvious implications.

James walked back onto the bus and sighed loudly. "Finally they are putting us behind the hotel. So everyone get their stuff, and the rooms are ready Janie is gonna meet us in the back, near the lobby door with the keys."

"Great I can't wait to get to a real bed, I am not yet used to the bus." Chris yawned as he walked forward and to the kitchen area.


Melissa pulled her Audi A8 into the driveway of McDonalds and pulled up to the drivethru. She reached the order board and placed her order. She adjusted her white blouse and brushed off her black jeans. She turned up the volume on the radio and continued to rock out to Shania Twain's Feel Like A Woman.

She looked out her window into the restaurant. She was about to turn her head back when her eyes caught a glimpse of George sitting at a table with Peter and an unknown woman.

"How strange" Melissa commented and continued through the drivethru.


Justin walked down the hallway with J.C. towards their room, J.C. keeping one hand in the back pocket of Justin's jeans.

"Don't you think that is a little obvious?" Justin asked while looking around.

"This is our floor though, no one will see us, besides, my hand was cold." J.C. said with a small laugh as he gently squeezed Justin's butt.

Justin smiled back and stopped in front of their room. This time they decided they would only have one room to share. They both walked in and put their things down near the closet door. Justin sat down on the bed and looked at the clock.

"Only 7 in the morning, plenty of time to sleep."

Justin laid back and placed his head on the pillows. He kicked his shoes off and before he knew it, J.C. was climbing up the bed in only his boxers.

"Now, where were we." J.C. smiled seductively and kissed Justin on the lips. Justin wrapped his arms around J.C.'s back and adjusted his body so J.C. was stradling him.

Their kiss broke and Justin looked up into J.C.'s eyes. "Do you mind if I help you with these?" J.C. asked while tugging on Justin's shirt.

"I thought you would never ask." Justin lifted his arms and felt his shirt slide off. He rubbed his hands down J.C.'s smooth stomach and playfully toyed with his boxers.

J.C. removed Justin's pants and started to kiss his way up from the top of Justin's boxers to Justin's neck. He gently sucked on Justin's neck as Justin let out soft quiet moans.

"Yeah, that feels great."

Justins hands roamed across J.C.'s back and pulled down on his boxers as J.C.'s tongue entered Justin's mouth.

J.C.'s hard member sprung out from where the boxers once held it within. Justin gently stoked the member up and down while the two continued their passionate kissing.

"I love you Justin."

"I love you too J.C." The two were enjoying their time and play together.

J.C. had slid Justin's boxers off and the two were laying against each other with J.C. on top, occasionally thrusting their hips together, as their sensuous kissing continued.

Justin broke their kiss and rubbed his hands along J.C.'s chest.

"J.C. I want to feel you cum inside of me." Justin asked as he slid down slightly and spread his legs a little bit.

J.C. reached into his bag and pulled out some lube and placed a little on his hand and some on his now rock hard member. He rubbed his hand up and down along Justin's hole and felt Justin's warm hand massage the lube along J.C.'s rock hard member.

"Mmmm" J.C. let out a small moan and crouched closer to his lover. The head of his member gently brushing against Justin's waiting hole. Justin leaned up and gave a gentle kiss to J.C. on his lips and laid back on the bed. J.C. pushed forward gently and pushed his head into Justin's virgin hole. Justin inhaled sharply and grabbed ahold of the sheets around him. J.C. stopped his push forward.

"Are you ok?" "Yes, just be as gently as you are." "You tell me if you want me to stop." "I will."

J.C. continued to push all the way in until his balls were pushed against Justin's ass. J.C. waited a few seconds and then began to pull out slightly. He started his thrusting slowly, and reached a steady rhythm.

"Mmmm J.C. that feels great.. uh.. yeah.." Justin moaned out in pleasure as their love making continued.

J.C. kept going as Justin ran his hands along J.C.'s back. J.C. bent forward and kissed Justin on the lips. J.C. continued his thrusting faster and faster.

"Uh.. Justin, I love you, this is great, just what I uh.. hoped for." "I love you J.C."

Their conversation was left to moans of pleasure the two were ecstatic to be with one another. J.C. quickened his stroke and was close to cumming. "Oh uh.. Justin I uh.. yeah.. I am cummmmmmiiinnnnggg!" J.C. moaned out and finished his pumping and pulled out slowly and laid down on top of Justin. Justin kissed J.C. and slid his tongue into J.C. mouth.

J.C. broke the kiss and pulled the sheet over the two of them, wrapped his arms around Justin and continued their kissing.

"J.C. I love you." "I love you to curly." "Lets stay like this in each others arms all morning." "Only if I can do this." "What?" Justin asked with a puzzled look on his face.

J.C. leaned in and gave Justin kiss on his lips. He opened his mouth slightly and Justin immediately slid his tongue in. The two kissed continuously for 10 minutes. Their kiss finally broke and J.C. looked down at his smiling lover.

"We really are a couple now aren't we?" "I guess we are."

"J.C.?" "Yeah?" "Promise me we won't act like them, and look for reasons to not be happy."

"With you I don't think that would be possible, besides I think that they don't plan on these things happening, but Lance is just learning now about RJs past, where RJ has known about Lance for a while and you and I have been best friends since I dunno when, so don't worry."

"Lets just sleep and eat later."

"I like that idea. Goodnite my love."

"Goodnite Josh"

Justin closed his eyes and J.C. once again watched his sleeping lover and thought of the good times yet to come.


Lance and RJ stepped off the elevator, Lance carrying RJs bags, as he limped his way across the hall towards his room.

"Um.. I hope you don't mind, I thought we could share a room."

"I thought you would never ask." Lance smiled brightly and opened the door, set down the bags and came back to where RJ had just made it to the doorway.

"Let me help you."

Lance picked RJ up and carried him to the bed. He set him down and started to gently kiss his neck.

"Mmmm this is gonna be a fun day." RJ smirked and fell backwards on the bed as Lance climbed on top of him and continued his kissing.

To Be Continued...


So, are Lance and RJ gonna get it on? The next section is 2 days away!

School and work just got settled, so now there will be more regular releases of this and Lost and Found.

Hope you liked it. EMAIL ME!

RJ at RJCOOL1027@aol.com or rjs_tales@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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