Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Jul 22, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is my first attempt, and I know this story lacks a lot sex but it will be there. Enjoy! I also want to say thank you to two people who are really kewl friends and have helped in the process. So read their stories too, JM and Mike. Please send any comment and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com.

`N Sync and RJ -- Chapter 1 by RJ =====

It already had been a tough day, and RJ had only been awake for 4 hours. RJ, a 6'1" blond, blue eyed, who by some was called a computer geek, was the assistant to the tour manager for NSYNC this summer. When he told this to most people they replied with 1 of 2 answers. Either OH MY GOSH!!! Can I get backstage passes? or That is nice, who are they again? Melissa, his boss, had been a family friend for as long as RJ could remember and they were good friends. Both of his parents had been in the entertainment business since who knows when and so out of following the family business, he was placed into it from an early age. After he had done some on screen work he was exposed to the behind the scenes aspect of the entertainment business on one of his mom's sets and with that was hooked. Usually he did computers and worked for the production rooms, but this past spring his family had a lot of health problems and there was a lot of stress put on everyone in the family. So, when Melissa was talking to his mom one day about this job, his mom said that she should make him her assistant.

When he found out this tidbit of knowledge of course he was not that happy. RJ had planned spending time with some friends at the lake house, but now he wouldn't be able to. A summer away from his friends and not being able to do anything exciting... who wants that. Then Melissa called and told him who he would be working with, and he did his best to not lose his cool on the phone. He proceeded to accidentally turn it off and then realizing what he did.... called her back after finishing his celebration. He also found out he was leaving in 3 days.

That was 2 weeks ago and he has been bored out of his mind. The tour wouldn't start for 3 more days and up until this point, the most excitement was traveling to the first few locations of the tour with her and making sure some of the key elements are already going. Enough of the past, back to the present. He was riding with her in the van with black windows. They were heading to breakfast, like usual. They had already been on the phone with management, arranged the busses arrival and spoke with James the driver to make sure that everything is ready the way they like it. Here he thought he would get to spend tons of time with them, or at least meet them. So far he had done nothing but meet management spokespersons, evaluated hotel arrangements, receive a cell phone from the tour company and sit in meetings. There name had hardly been mentioned at all, and his hopes were becoming less and less.

They arrived at breakfast, at their usual spot and RJ jumped out of the van. The sun had just come up, it was now almost 8 in the morning and he checked his hair in the reflection of the restaurants windows.

`Well, my feelings inside must be true, because there is no way I could have this good of clothing taste at 3 in the morning unless I was. I mean I have had girlfriends in the past, but last winter when Sean stayed with me at my house it was something different. I don't know -- maybe I am wrong' He put the thought out of his head and waited for Melissa to get out the van and stood there in his khakis and white polo shirt with a tie still from this morning's meeting.

"You can take the tie off now you know." "Well, not everyone is that smart to bring a change of clothes with them in the van." "Well, I guess I can teach you somethings then" she laughed and straightened his tie. "I am starving, come on" said Melissa, who wearing her blue jeans and loose blouse now had to all but drag him into the caf.

"I am sorry you havent had much fun yet" she said and looked upset. "Oh no, I have had a blast! What are you talking about? Can't you see the smile on my face? Or has the clown makeup already rubbed off?" He tried to be as sarcastic as possible with a huge smirk as he was pulled into the caf.

They sat down at the table and Melissa started to tell him something, but of course Melissa's phone rang like usual, except this time she was very excited, which was unusual for her phone conversations and for this early in the morning. RJ ordered the drinks and food. The waitress came over and brought the OJ and set down Melissa's coffee. She hung up the phone and started to talk, but had to muffle her giggles like a 12 year old girl.

"What do we have planned for today?" "Well we have that meeting with your bosses' boss at 11 and then this afternoon you are meeting with the trans captain, Bill".. I told her everything while flipping through the organizer and trying to not make it sound as boring as it was.

She smiled wildly at RJ and sipped her coffee.

"Well I guess that means I won't be able to fit this extra errand into my schedule. Darn that means you have to run the errand on your own."

'I was shocked.' Something I could do by himself? Obviously wouldnt be that difficult or hard. Probably just coordinating the return of extra clothing not being used by the costume lady.

"But I know you will like this errand" she continued while drinking her coffee and beginning to give RJ a look of intrigue. "I mean I hope you will like this one" "Well what is it? What am I going to be doing?" "Well I just got off the phone with someone who is landing soon and he asked who was picking him up. I can't do it so I thought I would give it to you." "Do I know this person?" "Yeah, you remember my boyfriend Roger right?" "I thought he was your ex" RJ looked puzzled and began to lose the excitement that had began to build. "Not important now, he is working on this tour now, and we need you to pick him up." "Are you serious?" I asked. "Of course I am, now hurry up and eat something, you are leaving in 20 minutes and I think you will like it. Who knows, maybe you and the guys will become friends? I mean maybe Roger and you will find some things in common. I probably won't see you until tonight, so call me if you have any questions and the van will be taking you. I have got to run, and remember have fun and this is only the beginning."

Finishing her coffee she stood up, paid and ran out the door. She ran into George and quickly handed him a piece of paper as she jumped into a waiting car. George the driver came in and sat down in her place. "Hey what's up RJ? Haven't talked to you in so long."

"I know what you mean, it has been a whole 5 minutes since I saw you in the van George. Gosh you must be more bored than I am and I dont know how that is possible" I said jokingly as I took another mouthful of food. George was a pudgy man who tried to be everyones older brother. RJ had worked with him on some of his parents projects and he was a good friend. Someone he could always talk to and someone who acted like his parent when they were not around. His receding hairline was hidden by a hat and his old jeans showed the scars of many a strange locations. George pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. "I don't think you can smoke in here" "Well if you weren't taking so long, I wouldn't be"

He took a long drag and blew the smoke at RJ. "You know, I should ask for a new driver" "You are right, I'll tell Bill for you this afternoon, but I don't know who he can put with you that will put up with your crap. Now, not to hurry you but we have to be there in 30 minutes" he stated in a boss like tone.

"What is the flight # and gate am I going to?" "You will know that when we get there." "Why has everyone become so weird this morning? I had the coffee too and it didn't taste that bad. I dont get it." "Well Melissa knows how you havent been having any fun recently and she thought this would give you a chance to feel more important and have a blast." "How can picking up her ex who called me short stuff last time I saw him be fun?" "Oh that is what she told you? Let's go" He stood up and started to walk out.

"Wait, what did you say? Come here!" I ran after him, picking up my backpack. We started to head towards the airport. He had the schedule in hand that came that morning but there was no one supposed to land until tomw. NSYNC was arriving tomw evening and he had assumed that their pick up would be handled by the trans. captain. He closed the packet and but it all back into his backpack and wondered why Roger's name wasn't listed under new employees or on the traveling schedule.

George stopped the car and said "Gate 45, Flight 234". "Now, why is Roger coming here again?" "Gate 45 and the plane lands in 10 minutes. Page me when you are on your way to baggage, now get out."

RJ stepped out of the car and before he could close the door, George sped off. RJ yelled towards the van "Someone obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning".

A lady behind him laughed and then got into her car. RJ straightened his clothes, pulled his baby blue no fear hat out of his pack and put it on. Adjusted his sunglasses and walked into the airport and went through security. He arrived at Gate 45 and decided to check with the Flight Attendant about the plane.

"Is flight 234 on time?" "No I am sorry sir, it is delayed and wont arrive for 20 minutes, you can wait over there." The blonde attendant snapped some bubble gum and pushed her hair out of her eyes. She smiled and then proceeded to get back on the phone. RJ sat down and pulled out his cd player. `Well, I might as well just sit here and wait for Roger to arrive.

His mind began to mull over the unsettling idea of Roger working on the tour. They were replacing a stage hand, but he wouldnt do that job. He thought of the other people who had already arrived for the tour. The set designer arrived last night, and the sound equip team and operator arrived 2 days ago. RJ laid his head back and adjusted his hat and headphones. Just as he got comfortable, his cell phone rang or rather vibrated.

"Hello?" "Hi darling I was just calling to see how you were I havent talked to you in days" "Mom i called last night, remember?" "Well, no, so how is Melis? Damn it. Call me later dear will you? I have to get the other line, it is Warner Bros. Love you." "Bye mom" Busy as ever he could tell. Ever since her last movie, her production company was never slow.

RJ put down the phone and was about to put his headphones back on when he heard over the loud speakers that flight 234 had just arrived and was taxing to the gate. He sat where he was and would wait for Roger to get off the plane. The door opened and tons of people poored out, complaining about this and that. But no one yet was looking around for someone to find them and there was no sign of Roger. After 15 minutes, he put his stuff away stood near the gate and looked around.

Most of the people had left and he started to worry. Here was his first "big" job and already screwed it up. He sat down in the nearest chair to the gate's entrance and began to look around as everyone left. People were talking, on the phone and walking away, but no one was waiting or looking for someone to pick them up. There was no sign of Roger. He picked up the phone to call Melissa when he heard a voice he knew, but couldn't immediately place it, and felt a hand land on his shoulder.

"This must be him, cause no one can have your same ugly ass taste in clothes Justin" Joey laughed as he said this and then leaned down next to RJ and said "You are here from the tour right?"

RJ was shocked. He nearly dropped the phone in his hand. He was stunned. "You are the one that is here to pick us up right?" RJ came out of his trance. "Uh yeah, of course, just waiting for you guys. My name is RJ" "Nice to meet you" said J.C. "Hey Lance, Chris, we found him, come here" Justin shouted over to them. They began to run over to the rest of the group.

Lance looked over at the 4 guys and his eyes immediately fell on RJ. 'Damn Melissa was right, he is cute. Oh what am I saying, he ain't like that Lance. Remember, everyone isnt like that Lance. But what if I talk -- no no just act cool' thought Lance. "How was your flight?" said RJ as he lifted his stuff off the ground and picked up his phone. "Pretty good I guess" said Lance as he put on his back pack. "Is our ride ready or do we have to wait?" Justin was acting like he was uncomfortable and wanted to get away from the area. "Chill Just. We'll be in the hotel soon" Chris joked. He slapped Justin on the back and Justin whinced. "I didn't hit you that hard" "Yeah well I know, but that flight was awful and I want to get some sleep" J.C. picked up his bags and said "Then let's go!"

They got to the van and George started to put the bags in. Their was a package in RJ's seat and he picked it up. Inside was an the bands initial itinerary on the rose colored paper that meant CAN BE CHANGED but didn't say it. There were room keys along with a note from Melissa. RJ noticed that they were staying on his floor and almost right next door. He read the note as he put the keys back into the envelope.

RJ - Surprise! Have fun, and hang out with them and stuff, but remember. You work for them essentially so it is work first, friends second. And you are responsible for them until I get there. Bye. - M

"So when does Melissa join us?" J.C. asked as he sat down in the back next to Lance and Justin. "Not until this evening." As RJ climbed in the front waiting for George to get in. "Oh, ok." They all kind of groaned softly. 'Great' RJ thought. ' They just love me! Cant wait to have Melissa... oh well make the best of it'

"Melissa told us you would be picking us up and she told us a little about you" Lance said smiling. "Oh, well I hope it is all good." "Nah, she told us all this bad stuff about you to make you get really embarrassed and not want to hang with us." Chris laughed out.

"So Do we have any time to rest and stuff?" asked Justin almost pleading. RJ saw the look in his eyes, like something was wrong but didn't want to bring it up.

"Well here is what this schedule says so far. The rest of the day, you have free, and then tomw rehearsal in the morning, interviews and then the night free. The next day you have a light morning with a couple of meetings and then you have an MTV gig followed immediately by sound checks and the concert that night. Then off to the bus."

"Sounds fun. Can't wait" said Justin. He slid down in his seat and pulled his hat down. J.C. wrinkled his brow at his best friends actions. He knew he had something on his mind, cause he didn't feel like playing around on the plane like usual.

"So Joey, what do you want to do tonight?" Chris tried to talk as he munched on some oreos. "Um, eat. Yeah, that sounds good." Joey laughed.

RJ laughed along with them and then remembered the note from Melissa. "Well guys, I do have some bad news. You guys can't go out anywhere until you talk with me first this afternoon. I am responsible for you."

"Yes daddy" said Joey and Chris. "I didnt make the rule" I said jokingly.

"Yeah RJs right guys, besides sleep would be good" Justin said sternly. J.C. nodded his head and Lance started to pout. "But i wanna go out tonight" "Well lets talk after we get settled, maybe daddy will let us go out in a group of 2 or 3." Joey said.

Again the group busted into laughter.

We arrived at the hotel and piled into the elevator. RJ looked at J.C. and thoughts of him with J.C. filled his mind. How many times he had dreamt of meeting him and seeing him up close. He had had fantasies about the two of them together, making love on the sand near the ocean with the waves crashing around them. RJ studied meticulously J.C.'s chiseled face and his defined chest through his tight shirt. He was becoming aroused and soon his slightly loose khakis would not be able to hide his growing member.

Chris woke RJ up from his daydream with a poke. "Um, this is the floor right?" "Oh yeah. Just thinking about some things" RJ joked and tried to laugh. No one else did.

'How dumb can you be. just thinking... oh yeah. And with this rule? Like they will want to hang with their "chaperone". And what if someone saw you staring at J.C. That is it. You need to lock yourself in your room.' RJ pouted as he headed off to his room and mulled the thoughts over and over.

They all went into their rooms. They started to unpack and were happy to have their own rooms. They all thought over what they wanted to do for the rest of the evening. Chris called Joey and asked if he wanted to go to the pool, grab a video and watch it in the room. Joey thought that sounded like a good idea and agreed to meet him in a few minutes. They both continued to unpack.

Lance still wanted to go out tonight, but tried to fight his mind. He kept slipping into thoughts of dinner with RJ. It would be fun, but NO he can't. No one knows anything about his thoughts and he couldn't assume RJ was. And, why would RJ want to go to dinner with him anyway? After all, no one was as "wimpy" as Lance was in his mind.

J.C. knew he had to talk to Justin sometime soon, but he also needed to talk to Lance. He didn't want to jump all over Lance and sound that eager, but he thought that it would be very fun to go out with him tonight. He could use it as a test to see if Lance was gay too. No one knew his true thoughts and he couldn't tell anyone. And then there was Justin.

Justin closed his door, locked it and quickly pulled off his tommy jeans and abercrombie and fitch top and slid down his boxers. He got in the shower and the powerful stream massaged his shoulders. He slowly rubbed his hands over his chest and smooth abs. His dick started to become erect and he slid one hand down and began to slowly rub it. Images of J.C. went through his head and slowly he reached his climax. Cum spurted out over his hand and hit the wall. He was happy. The most he had been in days. His ecstasy was interrupted by a bang on the door. He quickly rinsed off and threw on the hotel robe.

He opened the door and saw J.C. standing in only a towel. His lips were moving but Justin didnt hear a word.

"Hello?" "Oh sorry." "I don't mean to barge in on you, but do you have hot water?" "Yeah" "Oh, ok - well I will go back to my room and just call downstairs. Bye"

J.C. ran back down the hall and Justin heard the door close. Justin closed his door and slid to the floor. ' Why can't I tell him? Why couldn't I have said, J.C. use my shower. Stay here with me, lets have dinner or something. I hafta tell him soon, he'll understand. He is my best friend. Oh what am I saying...that is J.C. he never could be like that. Now with the way I have been acting lately he really doesn't want to hang around me. What am I going to do? I can't lose him.' He stood up, dried off, and pulled on some boxers. He plopped on the bed and as a few tears streamed down his face he fell asleep.

J.C. was in his room getting dressed.

` Lance and I could go to a club, I could meet some nice girls and at the same time hang out with Lance. It should be fun. Oh who am I kidding. I cant keep this cover up forever. Maybe I will just stay in my room. No, I can go out to the club, but I will just hang out and dance. Lance and I could talk. No we cant... oh I dont know what to do.' He finished getting dressed and looked at himself in the mirror. His tight black shirt was tucked into his baggy black jeans. He had a white dress shirt over his t-shirt and left it unbuttoned. He rolled up the sleeves and started to crack up. "I get to ask daddy for permission now -- how funny" He walked over to the phone, and as he was about to pick it up to dial, it rang.

"Hello?" "Hey J.C. it is Lance. I changed my mind I really don't think I feel like going out tonight. It that ok?" "Uh.. yeah that is kewl dude. Don't worry about it. I think Chris said he and Joey are going to catch a rental or something I will just hang out with them. Talk to you later?" "Yeah man, definitely. You aren't upset are you?" "No. Why would I be upset? It is not like we are dating or anything, right?"

They both laughed a little and J.C. hung up the phone. "It is ok, I can hang with Chris and Joey. Not like I was planning on going with Lance anyway. It will be fun." He tried to talk some courage into himself. He stood up, undid his pants and pulled on some nike shorts over his boxers. He changed into a loose t-shirt and sat on the bed. He called Chris on the phone.

In RJ's room, RJ was sitting on the balcony with a drink he made from the mini-bar. `Gosh J.C. Justin, Joey, Chris, and Lance were really cool. But they would never talk to me now or want to hang out. Maybe I can do something to make up for how stupid I looked? But I don't know. I will just hang out in my room until...' His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. He picked it up.

"Hello?" "Hey how are you?" RJ was shocked he never thought anyone would call him now. He knew that it obviously must be just a permission thing so he thought he would try to expedite the phone call as much as possible.

"Fine just sitting here, what can I do for you?" "Well I wanted to ask you a question"

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked it. Let me know what you think. Send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

The next section should be out soon. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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