N*sync and Raven

By Raven

Published on Mar 16, 2001



N*sync and Raven Chapter 1

This story is purely fictional. It is not meant to imply anything on the sexualities of the members of N*sync. This is all from my imagination. If you are under 18 or are offended by things with homosexual content, please leave now.

Hi everyone. This isn't my first story but I am hoping that this one actually has a future to it. I certainly hope you enjoy it. Any comments would be welcome at blazing_eagle@yahoo.com Thank you

I walked through the halls of the college alone. I was an outsider, not accepted by anyone or any of the normal cliques. I had just gotten out of class and was now heading home for a nice break. Christmas was just around the corner and I was more than ready for it. Spending time with the few friends I had and have a calm Christmas, or so I hoped.

The walk home was lonely that day. The sun beating it's way through the gray clouds that brought the rain every Christmas to California. Thunder could be heard in the distance, signifying a storm brewing. I had to get home soon. I picked up the pace, wanting to miss the inevitable shower on it's way.

Perhaps I should let you know the full story. My name is Chris, and I am a gay teen. I'm not shy about it, matter of fact I'm quite the opposite. I was active in all the nearby rights movements. I am pretty tall with black hair and piercing green eyes, slender body with a nice Californian tan.

Small droplets of rain pelted down at me, telling me that the storm had arrived. I tried to hurry to get out of the rain but was unsuccessful. I decided to take a shortcut through the park. Running under the umbrella of the tree branches, I made a mad dash for home, and then fell, clutching my chest for all I lived for. Pain seared through my body for a moment, causing me to wail about frantically to escape before I blacked out.

I awoke on a bed in a warm room. The ceiling and walls were all white and my room had little instruments everywhere. I had only opened my eyes for a moment before my mouth was covered by a plastic piece and then I fell unconscious again.

What must have been hours later I re-awoke, in a different room than before. My body was sore from head to toe and I couldn't move a muscle. Standing in front of me was my mother, her face wrought with worry and concern. She saw me awake and hurried to my side.

"Honey, how do you feel? Are you alright?" she asked as the tears came back.

"Mom. What happened? Where am I? Why are you crying?"

"You had an accident hon. while running through the park, you were struck by a bolt of lighting that shot towards a tree. You've been asleep for three days. Are you feeling okay?"

"My body is so sore. I can't move. Have you been here the whole time?"

"Yes dear. Your father and brother have been notified and are on their way back. They hope you feel well soon."

I tried to sit up and only got a brief go at it before I saw something that shocked me. I fell back into my bed, hitting my head on the backboard. I swore under my breath.

"I need to get some more sleep. I'm delirious." I passed out before I could say another word, wondering what Lance Bass was doing in my hospital room. My mother stood and walked over to Lance.

"I take it you never told him?"

"Uh, no I didn't. I was hoping to but he got struck and I couldn't concentrate on anything until I knew he was ok. The guys finally yelled at me to come down here. I guess my worrying got on their nerves."

"I understand. You need to be secretive sometimes in a business like yours. I just hope he doesn't go into shock the next time he wakes up and still sees you here."

"You look like you could use some rest. Why don't you go home and try to get some sleep. I'll call you if there are any changes."

"Yeah, I am pretty beat and I should be there when his father and brother get home."

My mom gave Lance a quick hug before walking out. Lance pulled a chair closer to my hospital bed and just sat and watched me. Slowly he let himself fall into a deep sleep, his arm falling across my stomach.

I awoke once more to the disgusting aroma of hospital food. I could hear the squeaking of a cart that badly needed oiling being rolled up to my bedside while someone checked the IV on the side of the bed. My room was empty. I looked up to see Lance setting a tray of food down in front of me.

"Either I've lost all sanity or your Lance Bass from N*sync." I said with a look of disbelief pasted on my face.

"Well, it could be both. You had quite a shock. Are you going to be ok?" He asked with an air of concern. I nodded weakly before looking at the food in front of me.

"I see they've gotten me back on solid pig slop instead of liquefied." I said with distaste. I had always hated hospitals. Lance just chuckled and pulled my food away, sensing that I wasn't in the mood for food that would just keep me in the hospital longer.

"I hate to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

"Chris, I had to come and make sure you were alright. I couldn't concentrate on work."

"No. I mean why me? You don't know me."

"That's what you think." He said, grinning as he stood up and extended his hand. "Michael, from Oregon."

"Oh my god, that was you?" I was floored. I had been talking with Lance Bass online for eight months solid now. I shook his hand blankly.

"Yeah, that was me. I was hoping we could have met under more appropriate circumstances but what can ya do, you know." He said with a smile.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"That I'm Lance Bass? For two reasons: 1) You might have flipped out or 2) you may not have believed me."

"Well that's true. So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at a performance in Florida?"

"Well I couldn't concentrate on anything besides you. When your mother sent messages out to your e-mail buddies that you had an accident, I flipped. The guys told me to take a break to come see you."

The doctor walked back in. I took a quick look at him and wondered exactly how much he had to drink the previous night. His hair was mussed like he'd just woken up and he had this look on his face like a monkey doing a math problem. He walked over to me while his face was buried in charts and tests that they did on me.

"Well, Chris, from the look of it you're fine. No major injuries, which comes as a bit of a shock. You're free to leave. Your street clothes are in the dresser to your right. Have a nice day and avoid trees." He chuckled lightly and walked out.

"I should go call your mother to come get you. She's probably worried sick." Lance said. I groaned under my breath, but Lance heard it and gave me a questioning look. I sighed.

"Going home and being pampered is not what I need right now. I need to get back to my apartment. Could you... uh... excuse me for a minute?" I asked, motioning to the door. He gave me a quizzical look but got the picture when I grabbed my present hospital attire, then nodded and walked out. I quickly got changed and headed out the door when I was sent into shock again. The rest of N*sync was standing outside my hospital door. Lance looked at me, apparently just as shocked.

"Um, Chris, the guys decided to come and check up on you... all of them. This is Justin, Chris..."

"JC and Joey. I know you guys all too well. A pleasure to meet you guys." I wanted to scream but figured that would be a little taboo with them standing right in front of me. So I gave the traditional handshakes and hellos. They all seemed a little relieved that I didn't go berserk.

"Lance has spoken of you often, Chris. We're all glad your okay. We feel like we know you just from what Lance has told us of you." Said Justin with a dazed look in his eyes. I decided that I better get them to a less public place before someone that would go berserk comes by.

"Uh, guys. Maybe we should go somewhere less public and talk. Unless you're comfortable with the chance of getting spotted by a dozen or so sick teenage girls from a small town area." I said with a smirk. They laughed and we headed out. They gave me a ride to my apartment and came in after being invited for some hot cocoa (I always hated coffee). I went to go turn the stereo on so we could all listen to music but I felt a jolt of electricity after touching the stereo and it wouldn't come on. I tried my boom box with the same result. I would have gone for the TV but I didn't want everything broken.

"You guys are free to mess around. There is a Super Nintendo in the living room with a few..."

"Got any Mortal Kombat?" Justin asked. I laughed and nodded, showing him the games area. I would have played him but I had to make the cocoa. Lance came into the kitchen and started giving me a hand.

"You certainly know your way around my kitchen."

"Well, it's got the same design as mine does. I just look where I keep things and find what I'm looking for." I loved his deep voice mixed with that Southern accent. The cocoa was quickly prepared and we all sat down to watch a movie. Lance, Justin and I took the couch while Joey and Chris shared the love seat. JC sat in my favorite chair. The guys decided to watch The Net. I had seen it numerous times before but I still loved it. Sandra Bullock is one of my favorite actresses.

Several times during the movie, someone would say something odd or funny that would just get the others laughing until they were at each-others throats with my couch cushions. The pelting of pillows continued for about ten or twenty minutes when they all collapsed, exhausted. Lance and I looked at each other, having been the only ones not participating, and busted up laughing. It was an interesting sight. The guys all decided to head to their hotel so they said their goodbyes. Lance gave me his phone number with a quick hug. I accepted both warmly, then was hugged and said goodbye to by everyone else.

"Call me tomorrow morning. You have two more days off from work that you can spend with us. I saw to that." Lance smiled and walked out. I just shrugged and went off to bed right away. The day had gone so well that I just didn't want to take the chance of something wrong happening. I tried to turn my alarm on when the clock short-circuited. "So much for a perfect evening." I thought to myself

"Fuck. What is wrong with this picture?" I sighed and went to bed, hoping that I could wake myself up before noon.

-----The drive home for N*sync-----

The conversation in the car back to the hotel was very long.

"So what did you guys think of him?" Lance asked. He seemed really interested in their opinions of me.

"I thought he was pretty cool. A little quiet sometimes but so what if he's shy." Joey chimed in.

"He makes good cocoa." Said Chris with an impish grin.

"I thought he was great. Has a good sense of humor and good personality." Said JC, always the analytical one.

Justin just looked out the car window, not even responding. Lance wondered if he was ok. Once at the hotel, the guys all split up and went into their separate rooms. No more words were spoken that evening as the five stars laid themselves down for a relaxing evening. It didn't take long for the others to get to sleep, but Justin was too disturbed to sleep. His mind kept racing back to the hospital when he first met Chris.

"I barely know the guy. He shouldn't be having this much affect on me. I need to try and get some sleep," he thought to himself, and with that, he turned over for a fitful night of sleep deprivation.

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