Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Dec 6, 2014


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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 7

When we got into the bedroom, I asked, "Who's sleeping where?"

"What do you mean, Trey?" Micah asked.

"Someone has to sleep in the middle," I said. "I just don't know the best way to do this."

Sarah looked at Micah and asked, "Do you have even the slightest attraction to me?"

Micah said, "Uh, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I haven't had a chance to tell you how I feel about you. And I'm gay. I'm gay and you're the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. I think I just kind of embarrassed myself."

I laughed.

"Then I will get in the middle and when we get settled, I'll tell you why,"

stated Sarah.

"I looked at Micah and he shrugged, so I shrugged and we climbed into bed. I leaned over Sarah and Micah leaned over and we kissed about three inches above her face. We kissed loving for about ten seconds and then did some tongue sword battles and were being all goofy. Then as serious as can be, "Goodnight Micah."

"Night Trey."

"You guys are nuts. Wait, I need to tell you why I wanted the middle."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," I said, winking at Micah.

"Me too." Micah followed up.

She looked at us and said, "You guys are incorrigible."

I chuckled and Micah did too. The lamp was on my side and I left it on.

"Okay, serious for a minute. I'm really glad that we have this time together.

I love the other guys, but I love both of you with my whole heart. I feel closer to both of you then the others and I have wanted to share something with you, but I just never found the time when we were together alone."

"Everything is okay, isn't it?" Micah asked.

"Yes," replied Sarah, "but I wanted to share some of my past, my feelings, and my fantasies with you. I haven't had a best friend that I can share things with and now I have two and I am busting at the seams!"

"Sarah, I can't wait to learn more about you," Micah said. I was shaking my head too.

Sarah started, "I had told you before that I never had many friends, I think because the girls were jealous and intimidated by me. I haven't dated many guys either, I think because they felt I was out of their league. I'm not saying this because I have an ego, it just has happened and these were some of the reasons a couple therapists said were probably why. So Trey, tonight you were the second man I have ever been with. I wish you would have have been my first. The way you think about your first time and giving someone that honor changed how I think and if that had been my view before, I would have been a virgin until tonight. You have changed my life and I am a better person now because of you and last night. I will be able to try and instill better values in the people around me and lead by being a better person. I know people think I can have anyone I want, and probably sleep around a lot, but I kind of withdrew and became protective to not get hurt. I just don't open up to people for fear of getting hurt."

"Wow Sarah, I never knew. I'm sorry," I said.

"Don't be Trey, it's okay. So, having you two as my best friends and two people that I can trust with my deepest feelings is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders." She paused and I could tell she was struggling with the next thing she wanted to say. She was laying on her back and Micah and I were both on one elbow looking at her. I took her hand that was next to me and put it on her belly button and Micah did the same. We held her hands with ours. I saw a tear come to her eye.

"Sarah, it's ok. Let it out and tell us. We're here for you," I said softly.

"Do you guys remember when we talked about being neighbors and you baby- sitting my kids?"

"Yes," we said.

"I don't want to marry anyone, but I do want kids. I was wondering if you both would consider having a child with me. Raising a child from both of you would give me everything I would ever want in a family. As long as you were both active in their lives. I don't want an answer now and we are talking a few years down the road, but in my heart that's what I want. It would mean the world to me and I know it's crazy with today's traditions, but it just seems so right to me. You are the two people I love most and I would be able to have a part of both of you with me forever. ANd you both would be awesome Dads."

"Wow Sarah, I had never thought about anything like that," I said. I was looking at Micah and he was shaking his head yes. "I know that my parents and the rest of my family would love you and they would love to have grandkids. I think it's a great idea and ..." I got choked up and couldn't continue. The magnitude of what she was talking about overwhelmed me. I loved the idea of being a Dad, but being with Micah I just never thought it would ever be possible. Sarah could make it a reality.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing. I'm just overcome with love and emotion right now."

Micah said, "Sarah, I have never really had a chance to express how I feel for you. I love you so much. The way you give of yourself and how you are always willing to help others before yourself make you so much different than any other person I have ever met, except Trey. You are someone that I am really proud to know and to be able to call a friend. And the things that you have done to help Trey and me I can never repay you for in just one lifetime. You could have tried to get between us ..." he stopped and started laughing and then we realized what he said and laughed too. "I mean that you could have tried to tear us apart for your personal goals, but you have done everything you could to make sure Trey and I are together and happy. I love you so much for that." Micah leaned over and gave Sarah a deep, sensuous kiss and it made my second head jump. I shouldn't get excited right now but watching Micah kiss Sarah was a huge turn on! I'm just a sex junkie.

"I can't tell you how relieved I am that you guys don't hate me. I was sure that knowing how you guys really are that you would react just as you did, but it still doesn't make it any easier to say," said Sarah as soon as her mouth was free. I smiled.

She continued, "There's one other thing that I have to say and then everything else can wait. I have a fantasy where I have sex with two men at the same time, one in each ... place. I don't know why I even had this fantasy pop in my head, but it turns me on and it is something I would like to try once. More if I like it, of course. I'm not telling you this to be asking you guys, I know I'm not your type, but I told you because I can.

I finally can tell someone my deepest feelings and know they are safe.

There seems to be something therapeutic about just hearing myself say it."

Micah and I both leaned in and kissed Sarah on each cheek.

"Sarah, I'm all in on anything that involves you and Trey."

I didn't say anything, I was already plotting how I could make her fantasy come true. A quick thought of feeling Micahs hard cock inside where there were just a couple thin layers of skin between us made me think that this was an erotic fantasy I might like, too. Anytime I could feel Micahs rock hard cock was a huge yes from me! She smiled and said, "I love both of you more than you'll ever know."

With that, she seemed to be as happy as ever and said, "Good night." She gave us both a kiss and laid down ready to sleep.

"Night," we said and I turned out the light. I laid there and I heard two people breathing lying next to me. The two people that I loved most in the world. Things were getting complicated, but a good complicated.

How could I not be happy. I am gay, Sarah proved that to me earlier when I gave my virginity to her. She was amazing, she was gentle, soothing, and a loving partner that supported me as I worked through the things in my mind. She took what I needed to give her and she cherished it. I felt that it was like a valuable gift that she received. Yes, it is an inanimate object, but when I orgasmed deep in her we both sensed it as a real thing. How she acted, loving and so giving, freed me from that weight of sense of doubt. She made the experience as wonderful as she could, but I thought about Micah the whole time. I thought about all the way back when I first decided that the person in my mind was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and that was Micah. Sarah confirmed that for me. I love her and she has a fantastic body and an amazing personality. Plus, for her to open up to us tonight and to trust us with her deepest feelings, it brings me closer to her. Not as a partner, but as a best friend. I was truly blessed. I would have sex with her if she asked me to and I wouldn't do it because I wanted to, but because as a best friend, I'd do it for her. I thought I could make love to her if we were making our child, but any other time would be sex. There's a huge difference in my mind.

My mind wandered to fathering a child. It made me dizzy thinking of all the possibilities. The thought of Micah having a child and my child being related through Sarah was something I couldn't put my head around yet. Right now, I loved the idea. I just had to think about it for a while and see if I could find any drawbacks to the whole idea. I wondered if we would have a boy or girl. What would we name him or her? Oh, the whole evening was a mental overload and relief at the same time. Then I thought that the possibility of any of that happening was so far out there it'd never happen. Me a Dad? Ha! I felt a hand reach over and grab my shaft. I knew it wasn't Micah. He'd have had to have been the rubber stretchy superhero from the comics. The image made me smile. I just laid there with my eyes closed and in the darkness, I pretended it was Micah. He was my love, the one I wanted, and the one that would always be there for me. I was proud of myself, I didn't get hard even with the hand massaging my shaft. I think I was too tired.

It sure was relaxing and felt good, though.

I woke up just as the sun was making the sky light. I had a hardon and turned toward Sarah. She looked at me and grabbed my shaft again. I smiled at her and mouthed "Morning." She smiled and mouthed "Morning,"

back to me. She cupped my balls in her hand and started rolling them gently. It felt great, but she should stop. Should I let her touch me like this? Then I felt bad because she hadn't had the intimate touching that she wanted. I reached over and placed my fingers on her lower lips. I just played with them lightly, as this was pretty foreign to me. I thought someday I was going to have to inspect her pussy up close just out of curiosity. We did this for about ten minutes and then I put my finger to my lips as a quiet sign and I got up and went to the bathroom. Aaron was there and hadn't closed the door or anything. I smiled at him and sat down on the edge of the tub.

"You want me to leave you alone to do your business?" I said softly as not to wake anyone.

"No, I'm good," he said quietly. "You doing good?"

"Aaron, I'm really good. Whatever part you had in the plan to have Sarah take me to the other bedroom last night, thank you. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. And the surprise part was probably the best so I didn't have a chance to work myself up to where I couldn't think straight and process what I felt I needed to work through. It was perfect. A giant weight has been lifted off me."

"It was Micahs idea. But we all loved the idea. I'm glad it worked for the best."

"You and Parker seem to be getting along really well."

"Trey, he is an awesome person. And I love having sex with him. I am doing my best to please him not just to make him happy, but I have this desire to please him. It's strange. I even figured out how to deep throat him.

Crazy how when you get motivated or obsessed about something then find a way to do it."

"Holy smokes, Aaron. I am impressed. That is a major feat. And no, sounds like you're falling for him."

"I don't know. It is an entirely different feeling than what I had with you, though. I do like him a lot. A lot. I like Daryl too. He is someone that I think has a lot of hidden potential in a lot of different areas."

"I'm happy for you, I really am. I hope it works out. I think Daryl felt like he became part of the group yesterday when he buried Parker in his ass. It was truly a life changing event for him, I think. He went from feeling that what happened was impossible to making it happen. I was happy for him, too. He has come across to me as a little timid or intimidated by us, but I believe this will give him a big confidence boost. And maybe we'll see some of that potential."

"I know, it is fun to watch Parker work the python. And the pain/pleasure that comes with it." We giggled.

Aaron looked like he was about done, so I went out into the main room and went to the back door. It was going to be a beautiful day again today.

I finished my business after Aaron and went back to bed. I laid there and Sarah lightly kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back and then laid back on my back. Again, the two loves in my life. I loved them equally, yet in totally different ways. It made me smile. Sarah turned on her side and put her head on my chest and her hand went right for my shaft. She likes that thing! Micah asked, "What are you so happy about?" He snuggled up behind Sarah and his morning hardness touched between her cheeks.

I felt her nudge back in to him.

I replied, "I was just thinking how lucky I am. I just slept with the two people I love the most in the whole world. It was a great night."

Sarah looked at Micah and said, "He's so adorable." She gave him a kiss on the lips.

Micah said, "Don't give him a giant head, we won't get him through the door."

"Ha. Seriously, you guys have put me into a completely different mindset.

I am happy with who I am. As amazing last night was with you Sarah, I know that that isn't me. My life is with Micah."

Sarah had laid back flat as to be able to converse with both of us. But Micah crawled over her and landed on top of me, kissing me deeply and passionately. Sarah grunted as Micah crawled over her and then got up and laid on him. She bounced up and down on him and I was the one grunting.

"Get a room!" Aaron exclaimed when he looked in the door. "Oh, I guess you have one." He laughed and went into the main room.

We unpiled and got up. Micah and I went and sat down with the others while Sarah went to use the bathroom.

I decided to make breakfast. I made eggs to order, bacon, sausage patties, pancakes, toast, orange juice and coffee. I had plenty of help as we found that when we all pitch in, we have a lot more fun and it takes no time at all. When the dishes were done and we all were sitting in the main room, I said, "Did anyone have any plans for next weekend?"

"I just thought we would spend it together. Somewhere," Daryl said.

I was glad to hear Daryl chime in and say his opinion. Then I said, "I can go down and see if we can get this cabin again next weekend, we can go to either Wichita, Kansas City, Lincoln, or Omaha. I would invite you all to my hometown, but I don't think small town Nebraska is ready for us yet."

"This cabin would be awesome," Daryl said. "What would we do if we went to one of the cities?"

"Good point, I said. "We could take in a Royals game if they're in town, otherwise we are just socializing with each other and naked! I will briefly put clothes on and go down to the office and see what the status is."

"I'll go with you," said Micah.

Sarah said, "Everyone squeeze onto the couch for a few minutes."

We looked at each other and did as she asked. The five of us just had enough room to fit on the couch, though it was a tight fit. Sarah came over and kneeled in front of Daryl on the end. She started sucking on him and worked him into an erection really quick. The thought of what she was going to do had us starting to play with ourselves. She worked as if her life depended on making us all happy. She got the head and about three inches of Parker in her mouth and she was stretched to where her lips were white, all the blood had been forced out of them. The effort must have been enough and he shot into her mouth. The tight fit forced her to swallow whether she wanted to or not. She worked all of us and took every drop. When she was done, she stood in front of us and said, "Thank you for being my friends.

Last night I talked with Micah and Trey and I came to realize how truly lucky I am to be included in this group. I know it is difficult because you are all gay and don't really have a use for me, but I appreciate everything you do to make me feel a part of this amazing group."

I stood up and said, "Sarah, you will always be a part of our group. I'm speaking for me, but sexual preference has nothing to do with it. You are an amazing person on the inside that I love being around because you are fun and have a crazy sense of humor. Plus you're not just another big dick like the rest of these dicks!" Everyone was rolling on the floor with laughter! "I love you. And thank you for that wonderful surprise just now. Things like that will keep you in the group!" I gave her a kiss and with that I said, "We'll be back in 15 minutes."

Everyone else hugged Sarah and they basically told her the same thing. We all loved having her in our group.

We ran and put on shorts, deodorant, tee, and flipflops. When we got to the office, just the lady behind the counter was there. She was just hanging up the phone when we entered.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Good morning, Ma'am. My name is Trey Hardy this is Micah Donnelly. We rented the end cabin for the weekend."

"Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes Ma'am, fantastic. That's why we're here. We know next weekend is the Fourth, but we were wondering if you had anything available that we could rent."

She looked at me and said, "You must be the luckiest person on earth. We have been booked full for over six months, but that call I just got off of was a cancellation. It's not that cabin you're in, but one very similar, two bedrooms and same basic layout. We don't do waiting lists, so it is yours if you want it."

I said, "How much for Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon?"

She told me and I paid her with my new credit card. I was severing all ties from back home that I could. She gave me a receipt and said that she was looking forward to having us back.

"We love it out here. We're six soldiers that have become great friends and we can unwind out here. It's great. Thank you very much."

"Six of you in a two bedroom? No hanky panky going on is there?"

"Oh no, Ma'am, just a lot of sex," Micah stated matter of factly.

She looked at us and said, "Oh, well in that case."

We started laughing and she said, "You guys just made my day."

With that we were out the door and heading back to the cabin. We were laughing at the look on her face and her reaction. It was hilarious.

There was a bench and Micah said, "Let's sit for a minute."

"Okay, what's up?"

"Are you doing okay after everything?"

"Micah, Are you talking about last night with Sarah and me?"

"Yeah, mostly."

"I know for a fact after last night that I need and want to be with you the rest of my life. I'm even ready to introduce you to my family as my partner and my lover. If they don't accept you then they don't accept me. And the sooner I can put that behind me, the better, if you're up to going back to my hometown. Was there something else bothering you?"

"How do you feel about Sarah? I mean, I don't want to sound insecure or jealous, but you seem to be really close to her."

"Micah, I will always be close to her. I will always love her for what she did for me. She let me know that I want to be with you, forever. She is a very dear friend, a best friend that you find maybe four or five of in your entire lifetime. But you are my soul mate, my lover, and the person that I was thinking about last night when I was with her. I am working through some of the things that Sarah said last night in bed with us. I think I feel a little bit sorry for her and if you were uncomfortable with her touching me like she was..." Micah looked at me with renewed interest like I hit what he wanted to talk about. "Well, I was a little uncomfortable, too. I almost stopped her, but then I thought maybe she just needed to have some friendly contact and I let her touch me. I pretended it was you. I'll let her know she can't do that anymore."

"I know what you mean and I think she is more fragile than she is letting on.

No, it's ok. I think it will help me become more comfortable in you having your own life. Sometimes I feel very possessive of you and this will help. I know that you are just trying to be there for a friend. And that's one of the things I love most about you. We are going to make her fantasy come true tonight, right? I saw the wheels turning in your head last night," Micah smiled and said. "And I'm so glad about us. I just let all this overwhelm me and a few crazy insecure thoughts crept into my head and then I felt like maybe I was losing you to her."

"Never in a billion years, my dearest love Micah Donnelly. I hope I never give you reason to ever think like that. I will always be yours, through the good times and the bad. We'll have a few bad times, too. They'll just remind us of how fortunate we are during the good ones. Now we should go back to our crazy, naked friends!"

"One other thing. How did you feel about the children thing?"

"Micah," I put my hand on his knee, "I'm warming to the idea. To have a child and it it were a boy to continue the family name, that would be pretty amazing.

And to have a child that is a half-sibling to yours, that is a huge plus for me. But it's a little more than I can take in right now. If I had to make a choice today, I would say yes."

"How do you feel about it?"

"Trey, I think a lot of my decision rests on how my family reacts to the idea. I don't know if I could have them disown me over something like that.

They will probably disown me over you, but then it becomes a moot point."

"I understand, Micah."

"You do?"

"No, not really," I said grinning. "But whatever happens, we'll work through it together and we'll make the decisions that we think are best for us at the time.

Seriously, I'll help you and I'm here for you, but it's going to take me a few days to get through my virginity thoughts. It's been a long time getting to this point for me."

Micah hugged me and with that we went back to the cabin.


"You won't believe it, I said. Just as we got to the office, the lady that was there was getting off a call that someone had to cancel. It is a cabin just like this about in the middle of the complex. We paid for it and we have it from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon."

I told them what Micah said to her hanky panky comment and we all laughed until we had tears rolling down our faces.

When we collected ourselves, we were all so excited about the cabin and the upcoming weekend. We love being with one another so much. And our friends had immediately removed our clothes for us and we were completely naked again and loving life.

The day flew by as we swam and cooked burgers and hotdogs on the deck. We sat outside and watched the sun set over the lake. It was beautiful and so relaxing.

"Hey Micah, let's check out the volleyball area. Maybe it's worthy of a little wager between a couple teams," Trey said.

He hopped up and we headed toward the volleyball area. As we got far enough out of earshot, I said, "You remember Sarahs fantasy she told us?"

"Ha! Yeah, I haven't thought about much else. I have thought about it all day wondering if I could feel your cock deep inside her with just a little skin between us."

"Me too! Ok, tonight?"

"Sure." I'll take back door," he said.

"Micah, doesn't matter to me. I just hope she enjoys it as much as we will!"

We got back to the cabin and said, "Nice volleyball area, do we have a volleyball?"

We didn't have a volleyball! "Put that on the list for next week," Micah said.

As night fell, we moved indoors as the mosquitoes were starting to get pesky.

We played a few games of cards and about ten, I said, "I'm going to take a quick shower. Is anyone else going to shower so I don't use all the hot water?"

Everyone said they needed to so I said I'd go last then. Micah said if we showered in pairs, we may be able to all get some hot water. Sarah said, "Who wants to shower with me?"

We all raised our hand! We laughed and then I said, "Let's take three pair of cards and draw.

Highest pair showers first, then middle then lowest. Fair?"

Everyone agreed and we drew. 6's, 8's and 10's. I had a 6, Micah drew a 10, Daryl drew a 10, Aaron drew an 8, Parker turned his card over and it was an 8.

Sarah and I showered last. I was kind of glad I didn't get Micah because we would have used all the hot water. Unintentionally of course, but it would have happened. We would get wet, turn the water off, soap and shampoo, and then rinse. Sarah and I still had hot water so everyone was happy.

I couldn't figure a way that we could surprise Sarah by making her fantasy come true by having her find out when we were in bed, she would have to clean out. I had taken Aarons bag into the bathroom with us and she looked at me.

"What's all that?"

"It's a hose and stuff."

"A hose and stuff?"

"Yes, we need it to get you ready."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sarah, do you trust me? With your life if you had to?"

"Yes, with my life, Trey."

"Ok, you need to go number 2 and then we need to kind of clean you out a little bit back there."


"Because you trust me with your life."

She started laughing and said, "You really are a little shit once in a while.

Okay, I'll do it. Oh wait, you guys aren't going to..."

"Trust my dear, trust with your life."

We got done and went back to the main room. everyone was ready for bed or at least the activities of bed. We all said our goodnights and to keep the noise down in the other bedroom.

Aaron and Daryl had beat Parker into the bedroom and when he entered, there they were, on hands and knees with feet hanging over the edge of the bed, asses at the ready. Parker doubled over laughing and said, "You two are the biggest cock sluts I have ever met."

Daryl said, "No, were sluts for the biggest cock."

Parker looked at them and said, "Okay, but no complaining about it being too big or too painful."

"Never!" they said.

Secretly Parker was in heaven. He had so many times where he was let down due to the size of his cock and now, he has two people begging for it. He vowed to never let these two guys down as he owed them so much by how they were his friends and that they wanted him.

Aaron had turned around and was taking Parker in his mouth. Daryl was very close watching every move. He looked up at Parker and said, "Aaron's going to teach me how to do this."

Parker couldn't process the feelings of what Daryl had just said meant to him.

He loved both these men. They wanted him. They weren't repulsed by his huge cock, but wanted it and wanted him.

Aaron said after pulling off Parker, "The first time, I got him down my throat before he got hard and then he got hard and helped stretch my throat out.

Now that I know I can do this, my throat should be trained to be able to accept him.

We'll see if I can get him down my throat hard." He looked at Daryl and said, I've put a lot of thought and energy into figuring this out!"

They grinned and a quick kiss from Daryl with words of encouragement.

Aaron attacked his prey with vigor and soon Parker was moaning and swaying back and forth with Aarons motions. Daryl had taken position watching, but had Aarons cock in his hand stroking it lightly gripping it. They hadn't used any lube and he was just gliding up and down the skin on his shaft, feeling the flow of blood enter.

Aaron had been pushing hard into Parker and with each push it seemed that he was getting a little closer to getting past that hard spot or point of no return. It was like the tight ring inside your ass, once it gave, you were good to get past it over and over. Aaron knew just a few more and he would conquer his prey. On this pull back, he took a large breath and slammed into Parker. Parkers forward motion into Aaron kept him from losing his balance backward. It worked! Aarons lips pushed up against Parkers trimmed pubics as Parker slid deep down inside Aaron. He had ten inches in his mouth and down his throat almost the size of a coke can. Daryl was so excited that he had squeezed Aarons cock and was stroking him like he was milking a cow and had a hundred head to do. He was in awe of what Aaron could do with Parker.

Aaron pulled up, got a breath and sure enough on the next thrust it was just a bit easier. Aaron didn't even gag and it may have been because he was so focused on a goal that gagging wasn't an option. Anything that stood between him and his goal was not tolerated. Aaron soon felt Parker starting to tighten up and slid off Parker. Parker looked down at him and Aaron said, "Not yet, Hoss, we have a lot of plans for you tonight!"

Daryl had let up on Aaron but was still stroking him. Parker moved around and took Daryl into his mouth. Daryl was already hard from watching Aaron take Parker down his throat and was soon moaning his pleasure with the licking, sucking, and ball play that Parker was giving him.

Aaron was in Daryls mouth. Daryl was much better at working Aarons cock than he was the other day and Aaron loved the warm, wet feeling that Daryls mouth gave him. Daryl forced Aaron down his throat and he didn't gag this time as it may have been the extra stimulation from Parker that helped there. He worked Aaron to near perfection with tongue, throat and saliva and Aaron soon had to pull away or cum. He wanted to wait a little longer before shooting his load.

Daryl moved around and was in a 69 position with Parker. Daryl started on Parkers cock that had gotten soft from the lack of attention and the cool air.

Aaron was right beside Daryl and was coaching him on using a lot of saliva, then sucking hard and pulling Parkers cock down his throat. He said the excitement of that feeling would get Parker hard in an instant. One last tip was to take a big breath in case Parker took thirty or forty seconds to get hard. Daryl was to the point where he had stretched his mouth as far as he thought it would open. He had Parker worked back to his uvula and then pulled back, took a huge breath and moved in and then sucked as hard as he could.

Then he tried to up the sucking just a little every second and just as he was going to give up, whoosh! It was like a giant snake crawling down his throat.

He tried to get that thought out of his head and he just sat there and felt Parker grow. Aaron was jumping up and down, "He freaking did it! He freaking did it!"

Daryls eyes were watering because he was gagging about every two seconds.

He was trying not to and then Aaron was telling him to try and swallow. He started to swallow and it helped slow the gag. He kept telling his brain to tell his body that everything was okay, everything was awesome! Parker was rock hard and did the same thing when Aaron took him down his throat the first time and started cumming right into Daryls stomach. He pulled back out after the first four shots of cum and the last two were in Daryls mouth. You could see Daryl licking Parkers cock and when Parker slipped out of his mouth, he swirled the liquid and then swallowed.

Daryl laid back exhausted. Aaron took him in his mouth and down his throat and sucked him for all he could. The adrenaline rush he felt for his friend was more than when he had accomplished the same feat. Aaron was furiously moving up and down on Daryls cock and suddenly Daryl arched his back and shot what felt like a gallon of his man juice into Aarons mouth. After about thirty seconds, Aaron let the prize he had just sucked on slip out of his mouth. He moved up and kissed Daryl and said, "You did it! I can't believe how easy you made that look, but you did the impossible twice in one day!"

Daryl looked at him and said, "Only because of you. You inspired me to reach beyond my limits and because of you, I did it. I love you."

Aaron looked at him and said, "I love you, too." Then looked at Parker and said, "I love you, too. You guys are the best ever."

Parker said, "I think I'm falling in love with both of you, too. I'm not trying to and don't mean to, but I have feelings for both of you that I have never had for anyone else. Ever."

There was silence for about a minute and then Parker looked at Daryl and said, "Daryl, that was the biggest load I have ever shot in my life."

Daryl looked at him and said, "Couldn't have been, that'd be too big of a coincidence!"

They laughed and Aaron moved over where Parker started sucking on him as Aaron hadn't released yet and his cock was purple it was so full of blood. He looked at Parker and said, "You up to fucking me and maybe my other brother Daryl here tonight?"

"I believe that can be arranged," he said with a grin.

They started sucking on each other and with Parker soft again and Aaron took him down his throat will relative ease. He knew that it would get easier, but it would never be easy. He felt Parker getting hard pretty quickly and the stimulation from Parker and the excitement of the last few minutes sent him over the edge and he started shooting shot after shot into Parkers mouth. Parker took it all.

They rearranged to the position that they were in when Parker first came into the room. Daryl had grabbed the lube and had done his own hole when the other two were sucking just a minute ago. He slapped a bunch into Aarons crack and even pushed a glob up his hole. He turned to Parker and loaded up on his cock.

He looked at Parker and said, "This is the best day of my life and it is all because of you and Aaron. Thank you." He kissed Parker a deep passionate kiss and Parker felt his face get all wet. Daryl was crying. He said, "I'm sorry, I am just so happy my emotions got the best of me."

Parker kissed the tears from Daryls face and said, "Today has been the best day of my life, too. And it's because of you and Aaron."

Daryl broke into a huge grin and then turned around and assumed the position.

Parker moved up behind him and said, "Ready?"

"Yes Sir, always!"

With that Parker moved in and touched Daryls pucker. Daryl wiggled in excitement.

Daryl was thinking about Parker and how beautiful he was. He was about 5' 9", couldn't have been over 160 lbs, had a penis that he was now obsessed with, and he really did resemble Matt Damon in his facial features. Just an incredibly beautiful young man. Daryl started to feel the pressure on his ring, he remembered this morning and took a big deep breath and totally relaxed. BAM! His eyes were closed but there was a bright light. The pain was bad but he just tried to relax yet push slightly like he had to crap. It seemed like an hour but it had only been about ten seconds and Parker started moving back and forth. That helped a lot as it seemed if he just was in one place, it hurt more. Now, that's more like it! Daryl felt like he was being split apart by a wedge, but he was elevated to the highest level of sexual pleasure. Parker had taken him to a level that he had briefly been at this morning, but now was there and wanted to be there forever.

Parker couldn't believe how tight Daryl was. He was squeezing his cock equally from all sides and the pleasure he was feeling was pushing him to the sexual aggression stage. He started full piston type strokes in Daryl and it wasn't long and they were working as a well-oiled machine. Daryl would back into Parkers forward thrust and feel the total bottom out and then on the opposite end of the stroke Parker wasn't getting outside Daryls ring. He thought it would be too painful, but then his sexual madman voice in his head talked him into trying the full stroke. So it was, and Parker pulled back about another inch and a half and you could see Parkers cockhead leave Daryl and then instantly he was all the way buried to the pubic hair. Daryl yelled. And the next stroke, he yelled again. And again. Then he started begging for Parker to keep pounding him with those deep full strokes.

Aaron had put his hand under Daryls cock and had a palmful of precum, or postcum.

He was getting as bad as Trey thinking about weird things during sex! He took it and swallowed it. He wanted his friends nutrients to be turned into his cells, he wanted his friend to be a part of him forever.

Parker slowed his stroking of Daryl and then on one pass when he exited, he didn't go back in. He gave Daryl a slap on the ass and moved over to behind Aaron. Daryl saw that Aaron had almost another palmful of his juice, so he had Aaron pour it into his hand. He said, "Guys, can we try something?"

They shook their heads okay and Daryl had Aaron get on his back. He had him move to the middle of the bed and then told Parker to enter him missionary.

Parker lifted Aarons legs so that his ankles rested on the fronts of his shoulders. He then moved in and started to do the same thing he had done to Daryl. He eased into him and then when Aaron was ready to surrender to him, he entered him and went until his body was stopped by Aarons own thighs. Daryl moved around and with his handful of precum, rubbed it in Parkers crack and slid a couple slick fingers in his hole. Parker didn't stop his back and forth, but turned and had a look that he wasn't sure he was ready for this.

It didn't even phase Daryl, he just kept loosening Parker up and then moved in behind him. He pushed Parker forward and Aaron let out a yelp because it changed the angle in an area so tight there wasn't any angle! Parker pushed into Aaron and Daryl had him stop. "Relax and this won't hurt a bit," Daryl told Parker.

Aaron and Parker smiled and Aaron said, "I think we created a sex monster."

They kissed and Parker relaxed. Daryl was pushing and then the resistance gave away and he stopped.

"Don't stop, I'll try and match your strokes," Parker said. "That feels so good, Daryl. You have some great ideas!"

Daryl started moving back and forth in Parker and then Parker started moving in Aaron. Daryl found a spot where he didn't have to move much, but due to the different lengths of their cocks, their strokes were different lengths, Parker was doing most of the work. When Parker was moving out of Aaron, he was forcing Daryl into him and the opposite on the other stroke. As Parker picked up the pace, Aarons prostate at this angle was like a target to a sniper. It was getting hit and then Parker was sliding by it rubbing along it and further stimulating it.

Aaron didn't know how long he could last as it was an involuntary feeling of cumming every second Parker was touching his prostate. And by how long he could last wasn't from having an orgasm, it was passing out. He was so dizzy from the feeling. His abdomen was covered in precum, it was oozing out at a pace that couldn't last very long. His prostate was like a bucket with a hole in it and the contents were rushing out of it, soon to be empty. The feeling was completely new to Aaron for this type of sustained stimulation. He knew that he had been taken to a new level of sexual gratification and was wanton to return many, many times. And he knew he wanted Parker to take him there.

Daryl was starting to get that feeling deep in his balls and they pulled up tight against his body. He couldn't last any longer and he slammed forward into Parker and Parker felt the warm liquid filling his insides. He couldn't believe the feeling, it was the first time someone had cum in him. At his party, guys were in him, but they came on his face. The feeling started Parker pumping his load deep in Aaron. Aaron felt the difference in Parkers cock and the warm liquid hitting his prostate sent him into an orgasm that the only thing that was different was maybe there were sperm from his balls released. All his ejaculate was gone out of his empty prostate.

They disengaged, went to the bathroom and cleaned up. They returned to their bedroom and fell into a deep sleep, spooning up against one another.


Sarah and I left the bathroom and went into our bedroom where Micah was laying on his back with his hands behind his head. God he is so beautiful. I will never get tired of looking at him. Just the way he stimulates my brain by his looks alone amazes me.

"Sarah, look at him. It's like looking at a Rembrandt or Picasso."

She looked at me and said, "I hope you know how good you have it Mister.

He is a Rembrandt or Picasso."

Our talk about him mad Micah turn all red. I smiled and blew him a kiss.

"So, I have now put my life in the hands of you two," Sarah stated. "I think I have an idea what you're up to, and you really don't have to. I can find two other people that would prefer me over each other."

I chuckled and said, "Sarah, I feel guilty saying this, but Micah and I can't wait to do this with you. Notice I said with you and not to you. We are as excited as you are to find out something."


Micah took over, "We think that we might feel each other's erection in you, through a few layers of skin. We don't know, but if so, it may become one of our favorite fantasies!"

"You guys. Really?"

I defended us, "Okay Sarah. Be honest and tell me you aren't a little intrigued as to how it is going to feel. We are too. It's all we have thought about since you told us. It is your fantasy, but we are excited to find out the feelings involved, too. And there is no way we would let you go do something like this with someone else. We feel like we're responsible to protect you and make sure you're safe. You're our best friend."

She looked at us and said, "I just feel like you guys are doing this because I told you last night."

"Yes, you are right there, but if we feel each other in you, it could be a short fantasy!" Micah said. "Seriously, if we didn't want to do this with you and for you, we wouldn't have given it a second thought. Please just relax and you let us know what you want to do or guide us in a different direction than what we have in mind. Trust us."

"I keep hearing that," she said.

I had moved closer to her and had my hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. I gave her a deep kiss and then moved to her ear. "I hope you enjoy your special evening." Micah was behind her and had his hands on shoulder blades.

rubbing in little circles. I motioned for her to lay on her stomach. We had stripped the bed down to the fitted sheet and put a couple bath towels on it. I handed Micah some oil and he started massaging her back. She was quickly relaxing into a state where she was humming and moaning from the feeling. I was sitting on the end of the bed and gently bent her left leg 90 degrees so her foot was where I could suck on her toes. I licked her big toe and for a second she stiffened. Then as she figured out the sensation, she relaxed again. I licked all five toes and when I got back to her big toe, took it in my mouth. I sucked and licked and could tell just by holding her calf that she was loving every second of the attention she was getting from both of us.

Micah had worked down and had her lower back and cheeks oiled up, too.

She did have one gorgeous ass. You can be gay, straight, bi, or asexual and if that isn't the most perfect backside ever made, then there' something wrong somewhere. I was a little jealous, who am I kidding, a lot jealous, that Micah was going to be sliding between two of the most beautifully shaped, textured cheeks I had the pleasure of seeing. Sarah was almost a rag at this point, she was so relaxed. Micah worked his way back up and worked her shoulder joints and down her arms. He seemed to really know how to touch someone when giving a massage. I guess as a medic you learn spots on the body that need attention from time to time. He had worked his way back down and was working her upper legs. When he was done there, he started spending most of his time on her ass. He massaged the cheeks and slowly worked his way between her cheeks and found the hole that he shortly would be the first to enter. He had a lot of oil that had run off her ass and into her crack. He slowly massaged a fingertip around her hole. She was moaning and pushing up toward him as he had hit the spot, some women must have too, on the hole that makes it want more attention.

Then you have to try and move around until it is tended to.

I had finished with her other foot and moved around and laid next to her on my back on the towels. Micah took the bottle of oil and poured some on my chest.

I quickly covered my chest and stomach down to the base of my penis. I looked over at Sarah and she looked at me with the most incredible look of love in her eyes. I knew that she had never been treated like this by anyone. She slid over on top on me. We started to kiss and soon they were deep, tongue searching kisses that weren't aggressive, they were slow and passionate. I caressed her head, working my fingertips down to her scalp through her hair. I massaged her head and then moved to her temples.

She had slowly started to pump up and down on my throbbing hard cock between our stomachs and Micahs persistent massaging of her hole. He was up to two fingers and was starting the third. Sarah asked me, "Does it hurt when he goes in?"

"Yeah, it'll hurt a little, when done wrong, a lot. But you'll be okay.

He is an amazing, caring lover and he is taking very good care of you. He'll be as gentle as he can and if you're like a guy back there but without a prostate, it'll hurt when he first goes in, and then within ten seconds you'll never want him to leave.

She had watched my face, my eyes, and my mouth the entire time I talked.

She had her hands next to my face and her thumbs touching my cheeks. I wish I knew what she was thinking, but I left her with her thoughts. I wondered if she was gathering information through her thumbs or if it was a stimulating type of touch for her.

Maybe it was some type of lie detector. Women aren't like normal people, someone once told me. Somewhere in there she started to go from relaxed to turned on. I truly did love this girl. She is a wonderment to me and she stirs things in me that I had never felt before. She smiled and then started kissing me again. She lifted up pretty high and reached down and stood my cock up. I slipped into her with no effort due to how wet she was and the oil that had run down her crack.

Micah had gotten three fingers in Sarah and worked them around to where he was satisfied she was ready. He lubed up his cock and poured a small stream of oil at the top of Sarahs crack. He got in position and when Sarah felt the head of his meat hit her hole, she stopped kissing me and just stared into my eyes. I could see some fear among the love, lust, and anticipation. I felt him push a little harder and I think Sarah wanted to wince, but she was a trooper. She smiled and I felt Micah push harder. Sarahs eyes were getting larger, but I could tell that she was going to accomplish letting Micah in where no one had been before. A little push from Micah and I told Sarah, "take a deep breath and exhale."

She did and as she was exhaling, I said, "Relax."

"Just relax and push just a little like you have to poop." She relaxed and Micah gave a push and slid past her resistance. "Holy shit! That hurts!"

"Relax," I whispered. "Look at me, look in my eyes. Think about me, think about how much I love you, think about what you did for me last night."

Micah started slowly moving back and forth. Sarah looked at me, I mean she was looking at me, but then another look came into her eyes. She started kissing me.

She kissed me like I had never been kissed before. The love and lust pouring out of her at this moment was amazing. She lifted off my lips and whispered in my ear, "I wish I could do this every night with you and Micah. I love you both so incredibly much."

She kissed me and I kissed her back. Micah was moving in and out with long, slow strokes, and he was picking the pace up slowly but surely. Sarah was moving up and down on me and her and Micah got into a rhythm where if he was going balls deep in her, I was too. I could hear, more feel really, Sarah moaning, the vibrations came through her lips onto mine.

"Oh Micah, oh my God Micah," she moaned. "Deeper, oh God Micah. Do whatever you want with me." I wish she would have put a pause between God and Micah then I could have put a comma between them in my story.

Micah was moving at maximum stroke distance in and out and trying different angles, trying to find my cock. It was hard to tell if I ever felt him truly close to my cock.

I felt the movement he was making, but it didn't matter right now anyway.

This was all about Sarah and her fantasy. I had an idea Sarah was going to want to do this again. Just a guess. I was soaked from her wetness leaking down over my cock, scrotum, and into my crack. I felt Micah pick up the pace and knew he was getting close. About ten thrusts later, he pushed down into Sarah and let out a grunt. The thought of him cumming and the extra weight on me, sent my second load in 24 hours deep into Sarah.

I felt her start to convulse like the girls at the party and knew that she was having an orgasm with us. Micah didn't move for about five minutes and then slid out of Sarah.

She lifted her head and said, "No, don't," but he was out.

I smiled and said, "It sucks when they leave, doesn't it?"

She looked at me and said, "I never wanted him to leave. It was exactly how you said it was going to be."

She moved to get off of me and I slipped out of her. She took me in her mouth and cleaned up my cock of our juices. We all went into the bathroom and I ran hot water in the sink. Sarah got in the shower since she was oily all over and Micah was in with her helping clean her back. I was done cleaning at the sink and as Sarah stepped out of the shower, started to dry her off. She was loving being pampered and I loved making her feel pampered. This was all part of the experience of her fantasy. It was about our love for a friend and doing something special for her. It was also important that when she looked back on this night, she knew how very important to us she is.

We went back into our room and put the bed back together. The room smelled of sex.

Pure love that generated the most intense sex juices. We got in bed with Sarah in the middle.

No one said anything for a couple minutes and then Sarah said, "I could have played my fantasy in my head a million times and it wouldn't have been that wonderful. Thank you Micah, thank you Trey. I love you both with all my heart."

"Sarah, you're welcome. Trey and I are so happy. We wanted to make tonight so special for you. We can only try and show you how much you mean to us. Words will never be enough and these moments that we can do something for you still pale in trying to show how much we love you."

Sarah was crying. She hugged Micah and then hugged me. "I'm the luckiest person in the world to have you two as my friends. I'll remember this weekend until I die as the best weekend of my life. I can't believe you guys did this for me.

You went so far beyond my expectations. You gave me a massage, you caressed my feet and toes, and then were so gentle with me. You did all that to make sure that the actual fantasy was just part of the total experience. It was the only way this could have been this wonderful, it was absolutely the best fantasy ever. You guys made it perfect for me."

I kissed Sarah on the cheek and she put her head on my shoulder and reached back and pulled Micah up behind her. Then she put her hand around my cock and went to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have the outline for the rest of the story and I can't wait to get it written for you.

Next: Chapter 8

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