Now This Is the Army

By Reggie Mathews

Published on Nov 21, 2014


Hope you enjoy and thank you for reading! If you like the story and want me to continue, I will be happy to. Just let me know at - Aric

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Now This Is The Army! - Chapter 3

As we stepped into the day room, I acted surprised to see so many people there. Afterward back in the room, Aaron said that there had been 74 soldiers at the party, 69 guys and 5 women. Before and during, I had no clue how many people were there or had sex with me. I looked at Sarah and said, "What's all this?" acting surprised. At that moment, Aaron walked up next to me with a smile on his face, grabbing my arm and leading me to the impromptu front of the room. Everyone had started clapping and I even heard a few catcalls. As Aaron was asking for quiet, I got a quick glance around the room. The room was probably 40 feet by 30 feet. There was a corner with some couches, a few chairs, and two areas that had a table each. Both tables were also lit like a professional photographer or film crew had set up for filming. There was a bar setup in the one corner with coolers and coolers of beer, pop, and wine. There were also several bottles of hard liquor, whiskey, bourbon, Tequila, rum and vodka along with several mixes. I thought that these people know how to throw a party! The wall that faced the street with all the windows had a black tarp from ceiling to floor, wall to wall.

Aaron got his quiet and started, "Hello everyone, this is Trey Hardy, our newest unit member!" (More clapping and cheering ... embarrassing!) "As you all know, we have a special party for the newest member of the unit on their first night with us. I have some news for you. Trey knows about the party and is looking forward to it! And he is all ready to go!" There was a moment when people looked at the person next to them in hesitant shock or disbelief and then they erupted in cheers worthy of a football crowd. Wow, I hadn't thought about all these people being in peak physical condition and amped up beyond that. Plus, this was the first party in just over a month, so everyone was ready to party and have a lot of sex! Aaron took a small step back which was my queue to say something. "First, thank you to everyone that has been so nice to me already today. I was very apprehensive about tonight and still am a little, but everyone all day has been so nice that it really helped relieve the anxiety. Thank you." (Cheers) "I do have two requests to ask of you." (Boos)Laughing I said, "You haven't heard them yet! First, when you guys cum, please don't waste a drop by missing my face, I want it ALL!" (Loudest cheer yet!) "Second, as you finish do not move away before I lick you clean. That would be rude on your part!" (A lot of cheers, high fives, and smiles) At this moment I saw someone move toward me and it was CPT Blane. He raised his hand and everyone got instantly quiet. "Trey, first thank you for your willingness to accept us and our method of welcoming new soldiers. I wanted to take a moment and say to everyone that you have come in to this party with a completely different attitude than most new arrivals. You're willingness and enthusiasm to do this makes the party just that much more fun for everyone. Plus, I thought your delivery of your requests was as good as it gets and shows how you have embraced us into your life already." (Cheers then quiet again) "Thank you, Sir." He continued, "Trey, we also with your permission, film most of the party. We do it for two reasons. First, if someone tries to say something happened that was in poor taste or against someone's will, we have a record of it. Second, with everyone being a willing participant, it helps protect us from disclosure. "Sir, the only concern I had initially was being found out if it ended up on the internet and the Army found it or someone from home saw it. But then I assumed that you must have the Army angle figured out and no one from home would be on any sites that this would be posted to, so I am all for the filming. I will probably want a copy to show my grandkids!" (Everyone roared with laughter!) The CPT put his arm around me and told me just so I could hear that I was the best thing that had happened to the unit in a long time. He said that he had big plans for me in the unit. He led me over to where there was a foam pad on the floor. The CPT raised a hand and the room got quiet. "This is going to be a fantastic night. Trey is quite an addition and I am looking forward with my time with him!" The group cheered and the CPT held his hand up one more time. "I'm going to guess that Trey is interested in giving everyone what they want, however we should keep it to one turn each, ok Trey?""Oh yes Sir, I want to give everyone what they want. However Sir, if it's all right with you, if someone wants seconds or thirds, I don't have a problem with that at all. I'm sure you all can work that out as we go. You all have been so great and nice to me that I don't want this night to end. I expect everyone to get what they want from me. And remember, no misses and clean up afterward! And now I am all yours!" More cheers! With that, someone grabbed my shirt and I lifted my arms over my head, letting my shirt slide off my body. I started to laugh as four guys picked me up and two more were taking my shoes and socks off. Someone else was unbuckling my belt and undoing the button and zipper on my pants. Zoom, they were off and then I was put back down. I took that that I was to remove my own underwear. I looked at Aaron and waved him over. He came over and kneeled down, putting fingers inside the waistband as he did so. He leaned in and kissed my cock through my underwear almost like he was kissing a friend goodbye! He then pulled my underwear down and I stepped out of them. Almost everyone else was naked by this time and some were stroking each other and getting ready for their turns. This whole time people were also shouting my name and shouting encouragement. As I was being checked out, everyone was positive in their comments and gestures as nodding and the looks in their eyes. I was about half erect and have never been ashamed of my penis. There isn't much I can do about size or length, so no sense worrying about it anyway. My testicles are just above average in size and I think I have a nice looking package.I kneeled down on the pad and instantly had a cock in each hand and one in my mouth. I was glad that the first cock wasn't someone like Parker, this guy was a very nice average size. It was easy to take him down my throat and I figured out quickly that this was going to be a get them in and get them off type of assembly line, just because there were so many people. I wanted this to last awhile, but time was an issue with 74 people all needing and wanting parts of my body to service them. It moved pretty quickly, spending about a minute sucking on each guy and then I would stroke most of them with one of my hands when they were all wet with my saliva. I don't know how long it was, but my jaw was getting kind of sore. No pain, no gain! Someone had brought a whiskey and coke over for me and I took a nice drink. Pretty soon Parker was there for his turn. He was the biggest cock there even beating out the black guys. I got his head to the back of my throat, but just couldn't get it to go any farther. It was almost like trying to get a coke can down your throat. Having a huge cock is bad if you love blowjobs! There were about ten guys out of that first wave that came back up and two of them set their cocks on my face. A second later, I felt streams of warm liquid spraying all over my face. I had my eyes shut, my mouth wide open and was trying to find the first cock to clean up. I didn't wait long and I felt a head enter my mouth. I sucked and licked this guy clean and then the other cock took the first ones place and I gave him the same treatment. It was pretty much like that as they rotated and I realized that this was a lot of fun. The worst part was the cum would get in past my closed eyelids and sting. As if on cue, someone took a finger and raked all the cum off my face and into my mouth. The next cock was cleaned and someone pulled my head back so I was looking up I felt a cock on my forehead. Then a warm shot of semen hit the bridge of my nose. The second shot went in one closed eye socket and then he moved around leaving a trail of semen leaking out of his cock along my cheek and I opened my mouth eagerly. I had a smile on my face to make sure that everyone knew that I wanted them more than they wanted my mouth. I got a couple smaller shots from this guy and then sucked him in my mouth, making sure I cleaned him up. Two cocks hit my cheeks and I opened wide. I felt loads hit me in the nose, but these guys shot so much in my mouth they almost filled me to the brim. I swallowed and then took one cock in cleaning him and then the other. The next guy put his cock right on my bottom lip and coated the roof of my mouth with a very thick cum. I gulped that down and cleaned him up just as the next guy started shooting on my forehead and eye socket. I knew the next cock resting on my face was Parkers fire hose. Besides being big, it weighed about five pounds. He shot a nice shot all the way from my chin to my forehead, then aimed at my mouth. He shot and he shot and it was by far the biggest load so far. How much of his cum was needed just to fill the tube to get to the exit? These are the weird things that cross my mind on a continual basis. As he was finishing his first load of the evening, I got him cleaned up and then I felt someone take a finger and rake all the jizz on my face into my mouth. A wet rag wiped my eyes and I was able to open my eyes. I saw TOP and the CPT standing there and they were beaming. Evidently, they were liking what they were seeing. Top helped me up and told me to lay on my back on the bukkake table. The bukkake table has the upside down U-shaped tubes for legs I mentioned earlier and are attached to a top about 6 inches from each end. The top is about 18 inches wide and 3 1/2 feet long. Both ends of the table are cut concave in to almost where the legs are attached. This design made it easier for people to get in tighter between my legs and also let my head tilt back more so cocks had better access, too. Ingenious! The pad that I had been kneeling on was put on the table and I laid down on my back. Two people grabbed my ankles and slid padded loops over my feet that put my feet about mid chest with my legs partially bent and then snugged them down. These kept my feet about four feet apart, so I was spread open exposing my hole. I could relax my legs and they stayed up and out of the way, I guess you could say!Soon I had a cock in each hand, one in my mouth and I felt my ass being lubed up very generously. I assumed that was Aaron, but I had completely forgotten the fears of being mistreated in any way so it could have been anyone. These soldiers wanted to live out their sex fantasies yet not put anyone out of their comfort zone. The only way I would be out of my comfort zone is if I allowed it by not saying anything about any discomfort or hesitation that I was having. Everyone was having a good time as evidenced by how they were encouraging everyone else and every activity. They are also experienced at this and it dawned on me that they probably already knew I was gay. If they didn't, they would very soon when they penetrated my hole and my reactions to that penetration would not be the reactions of a first timer. Should I fake a painful entry? No, let them see who I really am and accept me for being that person or not.Someone eased a couple fingers in my hole and found very little resistance. He moved back and forth and around, stretching my hole and getting it to relax. I was really thankful that all these people knew what they were doing and were conscious of making sure that I was being taken care of as much as possible. Just as I felt the head of his cock hit my hole, the cock in my mouth was switching so I had a second to glance and see who it was lubing me up and getting ready to enter me. It was the CPT. I then had someone stepping over my face. I opened up and their balls fell into my mouth. As I started to lick and enjoy these delicacies, I felt him move to where his legs pressed against my shoulders. Now I understood what they were doing, they were making it where my body wasn't going to move when I was pushed into. I heard the CPT say, "I know it's a tough job, but I lead by example!" With that he slid into my hole pretty easily. He was smaller than Aaron by a little, so another good choice for a first to get loosened up. But I think if he would have been hung like Parker, he still would have gone first. I heard him say, "Top, we have a keeper here. And I bet with just a little coaxing, Trey here may be up for this more than just this one time. Maybe Trey here can help get the new arrivals prepped, he certainly is the most enthusiastic bukkake boy we've had!""Sounds great!" I heard Top say. Top was on my face! "We're very fortunate to have gotten Trey assigned to us. He's perfect for us and it appears we're perfect for him." With the addition of the CO in my ass and knowing it was Tops' balls I was sucking, my ballsucking took on a little more vigor. I saw a group start to gather around the table and someone started shooting their load on Tops sack. Then someone else started shooting on him just under his cock, he was holding it up so that it was out of the way. I opened my mouth as far as I could, letting the cum run into my mouth. It was tough to swallow, but I was able to do a lot of little swallows and that worked best. What a cool feeling! Top lifted out of my mouth, backed up a bit and started shooting into my wide open mouth so whoever was watching could see. He had a really big load and along with two more guys shooting, I had to swallow twice to get all of their jizz. I cleaned Top up and the two guys that had shot with him were next to be cleaned up. It was like an assembly line and I worked feverishly on each and every one, treating each cock as if it were my first and only. As we continued, the guys became more and more excited to spend their time with me. To a person, I heard nothing but complements, encouragement, and gratitude. What a bunch of awesome soldiers! The next guy in my mouth I got a look at. At first I thought I was seeing things. Oh man, was this guy gorgeous. He was like the man right out of my dreams. He was a little shorter height than what you would call average, he had light blond hair, bright blue eyes, a beautifully toned, tanned body along with a perfect cock and balls. His legs were lightly covered in a fine, thin blond hair, just like his chest. I took him down my throat just like I had all the others, but we seemed to really be on the right page with his pounding of my larynx. I tried to give him the extra special treatment by milking his cock with the sides of my throat. I could feel my cock as it was straining to be so big and so hard it hurt. It was engorged to the point it was purple. At this moment I knew I was one hundred percent gay and I wanted nothing but to make this perfect male so happy that he wants to be with me again. Did I jump into a relationship with Aaron too soon? What's going on with me? I moaned my approval and I must have had a happy look on my face because someone said that it looked like they were making me just as happy as I was making them. This guy was, it was instant love at first sight. He was the man straight (I hope gay!) out of my dreams, deepest desires, and fantasies! I can't control it. I worked so hard to please this guy and I felt him start to tense up. I let go of the cocks in my hands and took a deep breath and pulled him as deep as I could down my throat by grabbing his ass and pulling him into me. This kid had the best ass I have ever felt. He reached down and grabbed my cock and squeezed as hard as he could. He knew I was ready to blow and he was trying to keep me from cumming to prolong my pleasure! These guys are all knowledgeable about what to do and when to do it. I appreciated the education that I was getting. The man of my dreams was ready to explode and I just let him out of my throat long enough to exchange the air in my lungs. I could feel that the CPT was pumping up a storm. My dreamboat exploded down my throat shot after shot after shot. I pulled him out and took his last three shots on my tongue so I could taste his nectar. And it was, it was the most wonderful taste I have ever tasted. I cleaned his cock not that it needed it, but because I wanted to and then our eyes met as he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He let it slide all the way up my face and off the top of my head. We knew by the look in our eyes that we had feelings for each other that were mutual. All this time the CPT was banging me with all his might and I was almost oblivious to him! He was moaning gibberish and then he pulled out and stepped up and put his cock right at the base of my nose. Top was on the other side of me and his cock was poised at my other nostril The CPT said to inhale and I started a slow inhale through my nose. I felt a shot of his man juice head right up my nostril followed by another. Then Top starting shooting his second load up my nose. This was crazy! The inhaling was pulling their loads up to the top of my nose and then around and I could feel it flowing down the back of my throat. They pulled away and said, "Open wide!" I opened my mouth wide like at the dentist and they said together, "Look! There it goes!" as they watched their combined juices flow down the back of my throat. Top had reached down and was stroking my cock and I was still pretty hard at this point, not knowing whether it was because these two men were in positions of authority over me, because they worked together to do something to me that I don't think I ever could have dreamed up myself, if it was because they had just both satisfied themselves and used me to accomplish that, or I was still thinking about the man from my dreams. They looked at me and said, "We've never done that before and just thought of it a few minutes ago. We thought you would be the perfect test subject!" Next thing that happened the five female soldiers came over for their turn. To be brief, all five of them were very good looking, with Sarah leading the way in all departments. Four of them had two way dildos strapped on, where half was in them and the other half was as erect sticking out in front of them just as any guy in the room. One got on my cock, one in my ass, one on each nipple and the one without the dildo was lifted up by four guys and lowered on my face. I had read about a females G spot, so I started licking up her slit with a purpose. I found a nub I thought might be her clit and worked it with my upper teeth and tongue. I didn't want to disappoint anyone at the party, so I had to do this, too. She started to squirm and the four guys were having quite a time trying to hold on to her. I knew that I found what I was looking for. Then she started to shake and almost convulse. Thankfully I had read that that was how women orgasm, otherwise I would have thought she needed medical attention for seizures! The guys lowered her down and one of the girls that was giving my nipples a really good workout both with her mouth and her hands, was put on my face like the first. She had removed her dildo and I found out later that the girls had been pounding a bunch of the other guys. The girl pounding my ass (words I never thought I would ever put together) was pounding hard enough that she was moving my whole body back and forth. Three of the girls I was able to achieve orgasm and the one on my face that had been in my ass was getting close and the one sucking my cock was really doing an amazing job. I really had to focus on an image in my mind of hitting my dog with a car to keep from blowing a load of biblical proportions. I don't know what the sudden surge of sexual arousal in my body was due to. Was it because I wasn't expecting five girls to gang up on every sensitive part of my body or having every sensitive part of my body ravaged at the same time? My nipples were on fire, so I'm sure that was part of it. The girl giving me a blowjob really knew what she was doing. She was better than Aaron at taking me to the brink and yet keeping me from cumming. Or was it HAVING FIVE GIRLS GANG UP ON EVERY SENSITIVE PART OF MY BODY! Holy crap! Poor doggie - poor doggie! My head was spinning. The girl on my face convulsed and was set down like the first three. She was shaking just like all the others and I felt a little bit of pride that I had made four girls orgasm. I heard that a lot of girls seldom or even never orgasm. These girls had all cleaned up really well before we started I guess because none of them tasted too bad. Maybe because I still had the image of looking into the man of my dreams' eyes and felt that bond with him that I didn't notice the taste. I wasn't complaining. I reached down with one hand and was rubbing the ass of the girl sucking on me. I knew it was Sarah. I had a cock in my ass now and one in my mouth. After another three or four minutes, both those cocks shot loads on my face and were cleaned up.

There was a few seconds lull and I felt my ankles being freed. I was asked to get up and lay on my stomach on the bukkake table. Someone asked if I minded if my ankles were bound to the table legs. I didn't say anything as the expression of glee on my face must have told them all they needed to know. My ankles were strapped to the legs of the table which spread my legs far enough where my lower body was really pressed down on the table. I couldn't lift my lower body up at all. They had extended the legs on the table a bit under my head to tilt the table to better accommodate the cocksucking that continued. It was a few seconds later when I felt a tongue flicker across the slit in my manhood. I smiled as I knew it was Sarah. I could tell that it was her mouth and her nails scratching across my balls. Man, for a girl, she is good! Sarah was relentless. I took another 5 or 6 loads on my face and in my mouth, was given the leftovers, licked and sucked each cock clean, and my face was cleaned with a washcloth. I started in again with handjobs and another cock in my mouth. Entrance into my ass achieved. Can you tell I'm still loving this, but I have had a years' worth of sex in about three or four hours. Fatigue is starting to become a factor. Plus, I'm actually starting to feel full from all the cum like I just ate a full meal. I guess I drank a full meal! Thankfully the alcohol had taken effect enough where the soreness pain was manageable. But Sarah was about to change all that. I tried so hard not to cum, but she was working my meat from tip to base. I moaned and unloaded into her mouth with a vengeance. I was trying to pump up and down into her, but I was strapped down to the point I could only press down about a half inch. She sucked every drop down her throat and she kept on licking and sucking my cock without interruption. It was no small load, either. I must have shot ten shots into her and she didn't back off and took it all. The thoughts and conflicts that were going through my head were confusing. I had never been with a girl other than a few kisses and now I have made four climax and just shot the biggest load of my life down a girls throat. Just the thought of a girl looking at my cock was causing me a lot of self conscious feelings. I was proud of my package like I said earlier, but to have girls look at it was entirely different. I had no problem being naked in front of guys, I don't know why. Maybe because I had an idea how guys think and I had no idea how girls think. Maybe I was just plain gay and didn't know it. But why did I want to know what it was like to have sex with a girl? Sarah somehow had tapped into my inner being and knew exactly what little involuntary responses that my body was giving off meant and she exploited them to the hilt. Just as I would think, "I hope she doesn't grab and squeeze my nuts," she would grab and squeeze my nuts. I kept telling myself that I had asked for what was going to happen next and I had no intention of begging for mercy. I was pretty sure I could take whatever was thrown at me and I was going to be a man in front of everyone, especially Sarah. She liked to tear guys down, but when we were done tonight, she was going to respect me and what I could tolerate as far as pain that she inflicted. Someone came over and whispered in my ear, "If we already came in your mouth, can we come in your ass?" I nodded my approval and heard a larger cheer than I had anticipated, mainly because I hadn't expected one at all. But that sounded like a lot of people. Was that a coincidence? Sarah just made me cum the first time tonight and now the ass poundings to climax were going to start. Hmmmm, I think there was a plan in place the whole time if I was a willing subject. Soon, the poundings my ass was enduring were lasting a lot longer. Guys weren't just going at it for a minute and then switching. Thankfully Aaron must have made sure the lube was being used generously by everyone. I figured as soon as they start shooting in my ass, that will become a moot point, all the lube they'll need will be manmade. The first guy was pushing into me and I could tell that he was really into it. This guy likes men. I was going to have to sneak a peek. It wasn't much longer and he pushed into me and held his cock as deep in me as he could. I felt a warmth start to fill my insides. He had a decent sized load for a second load. I looked around and it was the man of my dreams! I was so happy! He was the one that whispered in my ear and wanted to be the first to cum in my ass tonight. I was in heaven! It is a moment I'll never forget. Sarah continued her assault on my helpless genitals. She wasn't just sucking my shaft nonstop, she was also kneading, squeezing, twisting, pinching, (did I miss any?) my balls relentlessly. I hurt but I wouldn't have had her stop for a second. For her to know my body and tolerances to push me to the edge and keep me there after such a short time was pretty amazing and pretty sexy to me, too. Was she doing this because she likes sex so much, was she really attracted to me because I was gay and a challenge to her to try and convert to straight? Did she feel no threats from me that I would want anything from her other than maybe a little sex once in a while with no commitment? Or was she just straight out attracted to me? I have to admit, I'm thinking about her quite a bit more than I should be while loving all these cocks. Maybe those answers will reveal themselves as time goes on. I can honestly say if I had to pick one person at this moment to be monogamous with, it's the guy of my dreams. I know that I will end up hurting Aaron at some point to be with him, but it wouldn't be fair to Aaron or me if I truly was meant to be with someone else. Here I want to spend the rest of my life with him and haven't talked to him nor do I know his name. Sarah had me almost as hard as I had been all night. The cum in my ass, the new loads on my face and in my mouth were all contributing factors, but she was what my focus was on. I love a good suck no matter who it is and Sarah was very good. Maybe it was because as a girl, she was still taboo in my mind and asking her to basically take over my genitals and do whatever she wanted with them was a mental stimulant to me? She wasn't afraid to manhandle my testicles and I found that really hot. It had been about - I don't know how long it had been - since I came and I was loading up again. I had never come more than twice in a day, but this was going to be a record breaker for me. Just as I thought I was going to come, Sarah eased up and started to gently massage my balls in her hands and just lightly moving her mouth up and down my shaft. It was also at that time another load was deposited in my ass. By this time there must have been fifteen loads in my ass. I could feel Sarah rubbing cum that was running out of my ass onto my balls and I'm sure she was getting plenty on my cock and in her mouth, too. The cocks in my ass were getting bigger, too. I realized that these guys must have sorted themselves by size! My urge to come had diminished some now and then next cock pressed against my ass. This one, even after all the pounding and how loose I felt, took a little extra effort by me to relax to let in. I could tell it was one of the black guys. When giving everyone oral so far, I'm not done yet, I noticed up to this point that there has been a jump between the three black guys with well above average cocks and Parker. Those four stood out from the rest with the biggest cocks. As this guy pushed in past my ring, it made me lurch forward pretty good but I didn't move forward, I took the full brunt of his thrust. The legs of the table were secured to the floor and the table didn't move. It was at this time that Sarah started in on my cock with her mouth, sucking hard as she could. She wasn't done using her tricks on me as she had worked her hand between my balls and my body and had that skin wrapped in her hand just as if she had her hand wrapped around a cock. She was taking her hand and moving it back and forth, basically stroking the skin between my balls and body like it was a cock. She was making larger and larger strokes which would stretch my balls farther and farther from my body. She was taking me down her throat and the black guy in my ass was pounding my prostate with every stroke. Every time he hit my button, it would release some cum juice. I didn't know how much I had left, but I was sure I would be bone dry before the night ended. I had stopped giving hand jobs and someone had tied my wrists to the table legs. I was still giving oral, getting facials, and swallowing every drop, even though they had slowed down quite a bit. Some wonderful man that I owe an extra private session to would give me a drink he had made for me with a straw and I would have a gulp. It was cold, good, and a nice temperature change from all the man juice I had been taking in. The drink was just enough to let me know that I could get through this, I was getting pretty exhausted. The black guy gave out a yell and pushed my ass into the table where I thought I was going to turn inside out. I felt his warm jism so deep inside me that the only other thing that I had felt there was the water from the cleaning out and that was deep. I moaned on the cock in my mouth and the vibration made that cock erupt, shooting a massive load down my throat. Sarah was getting another load from me and for the first time that night, I hoped we were done. Um, not yet. Sarah still did not release my cock. She had taken two of my loads now and had not taken my cock out of her mouth in almost two hours. She eased up on everything knowing after coming I needed some regeneration time. My cock, even after just cumming a second time, was still semi hard. But she didn't stop. The next black cock entered me and stretched me just a little bit more. Each stretch was a little more pain, but it would subside. This time, after just cumming, it wasn't going away as fast as I had hoped it would. It wasn't torturous, but it was there! Someone leaned down and said in my ear, "My turn for oral!" I looked up and it was Aaron. I smiled and said, "How are you doing, I haven't seen you for quite a while." Aaron said, "I've been helping you by keeping guys hard with hand and blowjobs, making sure you are lubed up and watching you get pummeled front, back, top and bottom!" "Thanks, it's been amazing so far." I started sucking on my best friend. After all those cocks, I could tell this one was Aarons. I know if I was blindfolded and had to pick him out from everyone by blowjob, I could. It was like a second wind and I perked up quite a bit. I was back to loving this a lot again! I guess it was because Aaron was my first, just like Sarah being the first girl to taste my juices, that they will be special to me forever, no matter how our relationships turn out. The black guy was ramming me pretty hard and even though I was strapped down pretty good, it still pushed me onto Aarons cock. He got into rhythm and every stroke he was sliding right down my throat. The black guy picked up the pace and was pumping so fast that Aaron was hitting about every fourth thrust. He slammed into my ass and I could feel his cock throb with each pump of his load that he was depositing. It hit that same spot that the previous guy had hit and it was making me really hot thinking that cocks were getting that deep inside me. Sarah had worked me into a full blown hardon again and between her and having Aaron in my mouth, I shot my third load of the night into her mouth without the head of my penis seeing daylight. I was moaning and it was extremely difficult to relax being tied down as firmly as I was. Aaron lost his control and shot a pretty big load down my throat. It tasted wonderful and I sucked him dry on the inside of his cock and licked and sucked the outside clean. The black guy pulled out of my ass with a 'pop' sound and I could feel what felt like a quart of jism run out of my ass. I could feel it running down and running off my scrotum. Sarah still had my cock in her mouth, but it was just like she had a large cigar in her mouth where it was just laying there, she wasn't sucking on it at the moment. I felt something cool around my hole and realized it was lube. Oh no! Not Parker when I've been sexually worn down! But the next thing I felt was Parkers Python (which he became known as 'The Python' afterward) head touching my hole. He started to push and he slipped in the first level. It hurt a little, but the hard part was next. Aaron was rubbing my back and I felt Sarah start sucking on my cock as hard as she could. I gave out a yell because it was so tender and Parker pushed his python all the way in until his balls slapped into mine! Holy crap! I really thought I was going to split in two and pass out! When Sarah saw or felt Parkers balls slam into mine, she started sucking my cock at a regular pace. My cock was sore and my ass was on fire. Sarah stopped sucking for a minute and I felt something odd next to my cock in her mouth. It felt like some really cold liquid. It had a tingle too, so I think it was beer. Man, did that feel good. She went back to sucking and Aaron was rubbing ice on my back. That felt really good and when he put two or three cubes in my crack and then spread my ass cheeks letting the ice cubes fall onto the Python, it felt really good. I was back to really feeling good, knowing if Parker was in my ass we were getting close to being done. I was so sore! Parker was moving back and forth and it was tight. Thankfully there was plenty of manmade and ... manmade lube inside and out. Cum and KY are both manmade! I really liked the cold from the ice and the heat from the friction of Parkers huge cock. I was really loving this as the pain was gone and I was getting used to Parker in me. Knowing I could take all of Parker really made me proud and if I ended up not being respected by any one else, I was damn proud of myself and I felt more manly for the accomplishment. I asked Aaron to release my wrists and ankles. He immediately complied and the freedom gave me the opportunity to put my hands on Sarahs head. I stroked her hair and she seemed to pick up her pace a little bit. I was matching Parkers strokes in and out to my toward and away. I was able to get Sarah to match Parkers movements and I was getting maximum input from both of them. I was rock hard again and it was tender, but I was so horny by being invaded by Parker that it was quickly getting me to the edge. I started a rhythm with my internal muscles to squeeze Parker. I found out that these were the same muscles I used to pump my semen when I cum. Why didn't I know that before? It didn't take much of milking Parker that he gave one last push deep into me and started giving me every ounce of his juice that he could. It made me start cumming into Sarahs mouth. I don't think there was more than a couple drops, between the black guys and Parker they had pushed on my prostate so many times they pumped me dry. Parker pulled out of my ass pretty quickly and it popped really loud. There was a loud cheer that went up and I finally felt air on the head of my cock. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. Aaron and someone helped me up and we took a few steps. My legs were like noodles, the wouldn't support me. There was no way I could stand alone. I looked at the person helping Aaron support me and it was the man of my dreams. I mustered up as much strength as I could to impress him. I smiled at him and said, "Thanks, I'm Trey." He smiled the most beautiful smile I had ever seen and said, "Hi, I'm Micah." "I love that name," I said to him, "It's beautiful." He looked at me like I had just said the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him.

They helped me over to the other table and I leaned over on it, placing my elbows on the cushioned top. There were so many people asking if I was all right. "I'm great," I said, "I just can't stand up yet. I didn't want to walk out of here tonight without needing help, I wanted to give you everything I had." Someone said that they were going to clean me up a little bit and that I was to just completely relax. Someone set a new whiskey coke in front of me with a straw and I said, "This is about as big of anything I want to put in my mouth right now." Everybody laughed. "What time is it?" I asked. "0300 Trey. That was the longest bukkake party ever, almost eight hours. Holy crap! There were two people cleaning me up, Aaron and Sarah. I thought that seemed a little odd, but I wasn't thinking clearly enough that I made anything of it. They used soapy water and were cleaning me like a car, lots of it, making the floor all wet. There were a couple other people with mops and towels keeping the floor reasonably dry. Top and the CO came over and the CO said, "Trey, that was what we envisioned these parties to evolve into when we started. They have all been good, but even the gay guys and lesbians before you have not embraced and took to the event like you did. That was absolutely the most amazing display of sexual performance I have ever witnessed." Top said, "It's Saturday morning, you don't have anything to do until Monday morning formation. If you aren't up to it, just let Aaron know and he can let us know. Thank you and welcome!""Thank you, gentlemen. It was everything and more than I could have imagined. And I want to let you know that I am willing to do anything that you need for the future events."They looked at each other and said together, "We appreciate that!" Top said, "If you're ok, we're going to vacate the area. You have everything here that you should need, feel free to stay up and relax with a few drinks or whatever you want. You've earned it!" "Thank you again, I had a blast!" With that the CO and Top left. A lot of people had waited until they left and kind of formed a line, each one as they went by said thanks and well done. I was able to stand and thanked each and every one of them. When everyone was through the line, I asked Aaron, Sarah, Parker and Micah to stay and have a drink with me on the couches. Parker asked, "Is it alright if Daryl stays, too?"I looked up and saw another very handsome young man. I said, "Sure, I'm Trey," holding out my hand. Daryl and I shook hands. Micah was really smiling and had a twinkle in his eyes that I asked him to stay.When everything was cleaned up and the cleanup crew left one cooler with the beverages the six of us asked them to leave, we all sat down in the corner of the room that had four couches in a square. Aaron and Sarah sat on one couch, Parker and Daryl on the one facing them, and Micah and I sat on one. We were all still naked and as relaxed as you could be. I turned to Micah and said, "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? You naturally don't have to answer, but I think that with the open attitude that the unit has and what has taken place over the last eight hours, you won't have a problem with answering." He said, "Sure Trey, what is it?" I asked, "How old were you when you found out you were gay? I was in seventh grade, so I was twelve." Micah looked a little surprised, but not uncomfortable. "Uh, the same, twelve or thirteen. But I have never said anything to anyone here about being gay? How did you know?""It was pretty easy to tell by the way you made love to me. Some of the guys it is just a hole, just a conquest, or just a way to get off. You, on the other hand did everything a guy likes that another guy would do. It's very subtle sometimes, but with you, I just knew." "That's amazing," he said. "When I saw you, I was really excited for the evening to happen. I felt like I already knew you somehow." "Micah, you are amazingly beautiful. In fact, the five most beautiful people I have ever met, both inside and out, are sitting here with me now. I don't know Daryl yet, but if Parker approves, then that's good enough for me." I continued, "Micah, Aaron and I need to have a talk on how and what we are going to do. I love him, but this unit is crazy in a good way and I just need to talk to him about what we have together."Micah looked into my eyes and said, "Trey, this is going to sound really crazy, but ever since I knew I was gay, I had a picture in my mind of the man I always wanted to be with. You are that man.""Micah, when I first saw you, I couldn't believe my eyes because I had just saw the man that has been in my dreams, too!" Micah and I kissed a nice deep kiss, but short as to not make it an uncomfortable situation. Aaron, who was sitting next to Sarah, which I thought was odd as to why he hadn't sat next to me, was smiling and so was Sarah. You know, those smiles that let you know that there's more to the story than you know? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If I get the responses to continue the story, I will do so. If no one replies, then I'll assume I need to work more on my writing skills! Either way, I enjoyed writing this and sharing with all of you.

Next: Chapter 4

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