Now Shut Up and Open Wide

By moc.loa@SM8kaJ

Published on Mar 30, 2004


Now Shut Up and Open Wide (Part 3)

(M/M, oral, anal, S&M, bond, watersports)

By: Jak

This story contains consensual sexual situations between males of adult age. If you are not of legal age 18 (21 in some areas), or if it is not allowed in your community please do not go any further. This story and these characters are a work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely unintentional and coincidental. This story contains sexual situations of persons that may or may not be using condoms during sexual intercourse; please always use condoms when engaging in sexual activities.

Well with that out of the way, ENJOY THE STORY..

Let me know what you think of the story at: Jak8MS

Slowly the light began to come into focus, images coon began to form and recognition began. Jamie slowly opened his eyes, however, he didn't' recognize the surroundings. This room was not like the beautifully appointed rooms in the Master's penthouse. This room was dirty and lit by only a single light, in the corner sat a pail; this was the extent of the furnishings in the room. He lay on the floor naked, only his collar remained around his neck and some sort of contraption around his cock. Jamie's mind ran from one thing to the next, trying to remember that had happened, when finally his mind cleared.

Five hours earlier.

"What the fuck?"

Jamie was pulled out of his dream. Chad held Jamie by the throat, almost lifting him clear off the floor.

"I didn't fucking tell you, you could jerk-off. You are here for my pleasure and that is it! Looks like I am going to have to change my training techniques." Chad growled loudly as Jamie.

He drug Jamie out of the bathroom, eventually they ended up in the dungeon. Jamie could see by the expression on Chad's face that he was as mad as he had ever seen him.

"Don't you damn well move fucker!" Chad yelled with fire in his eyes.

What that Chad walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Jamie could do nothing but stand there. His body trembled all over from that confrontation, and tears soon formed in his eyes. Then heard the sound that he dreaded, the sound of the door being unlocked and opened. The door flew wide open and there stood a mountain, Jamie's Master, Chad. He had changed from his expensive suit; he now wore a pair of black boots and a leather thong. The anger was still there, his massive chest heaved up and down taking in gusts of air.

"Don't you fucking cry bitch, crying is not going to save you." Chad growled as he entered the room.

"I am sorry Sir." was all Jamie could muster.

This was when everything in Jamie's world went dark and where his memory ends.

Present, in the bare room.

Jamie slowly rose to his unsteady feet and began to survey his surroundings. Actually he had not fucking idea where the hell he was, with his Master's resources he could be anywhere on Earth. He decided there was nothing he could do about that, but there as something he could work with. He began to try to fiddle with the contraption that contained his cock. This, however, was futile because the device had a lock.

"Where the fuck and I?" Why the fuck did I have to jack off?" Jamie said quietly to himself as he settled back on the cold floor.

After what seemed to Jamie like days, but in reality was about 5 hours, he began to hear noises. There was a rattling at the door and then it opened wide, bright light poured into the room. Standing in the doorway silhouetted by the light stood his Master.

"UP!" Chad ordered.

Jamie jumped to his feet and stood in his slave stance, feet apart, hand behind his back and head down. Chad circled Jamie, his boots loud on the concrete floor. Jamie's skin was on fire as he felt his Master's hot breath on him.


Jamie obeyed, walking behind Chad into a large open area, which was bare except for a table, chair and large box. Jamie's mind began to wonder about what would happen to him. Thoughts ran through his mind about the different things he could be subjected to.

"On your knees pig. Open your mouth!" Chad barked loudly, his body language showing he was clearly in control.

There Chad stood standing there looking down on his slave, on his knees, in the position he should be in. Chad pulled down the front of his leather thong, letting it rest under his bull balls. Chad grasped the thick shaft, then let loose. A strong stream of hot piss erupted from the tip soaking Jamie. He could taste the hot, bitter liquid as it filled his mouth.

"Drink it!" Chad shouted.

After hearing that order, Jamie obeyed and went to work drinking the hot liquid. However, that was not enough for Chad, he wanted to make Jamie feel even lower. He shifted the piss stream and began to let it flow all over his body. Jamie just sat there as the golden shower rained on him until it was reduced to just a dribble. When Chad was finished, he made sure he shook his cock off in Jamie's face.

"You know why you are here, don't you?" Chad said, a sadistic grin on his face.

"Yes Sir." Jamie responded, hi head down, pissing dripping from him.


"Because I jerked off Sir. Because I was bad." Jamie said, his voice trembling.

"Well Bitch, at least you have a basic understanding of why you are down here. You have needed to learn some respect, and you little stunt in the shower was the last straw. Soo you are here to learn how to listen and obey." Chad said, sounding very much like one of Jamie's professors.

"Where am I Sir?" Jamie asked sheepishly.

"What did you ask me pig? Well, I guess I could tell you. You are still in the building, but you're in the basement. And don't worry, I own this space and nobody comes down here." Chad said.

All Jamie could do was hang his head in shame; he just sat there on his knees.

"You will have to earn the right to live with me now." Chad continued, his voice echoed through the cavernous space.

Chad began to walk around the empty space, not saying a word. Jamie watched his Master's beautifully sculpted body as he walked confidently. Finally, Chad began to walk to the shadows, and for a moment; Jamie began to worry that he was about to leave. That was far from the truth, Chad stopped at the edge of the darkness and grabbed some thing. Slowly a figure emerged from the darkness, a chain around his neck, head down, and hands behind his back.

"You see slut, this is how a real fucking slave is suppose to act." Chad said as he pointed to him.

The man began to raise his head and Jamie thought he had seen the most beautiful face. The guy had to be about 21 or 22, with black hair cut very close. He looked like he worked-out all the time, his muscles moved soo fluidly under his skin. He was clothed in only a thong, nothing else.

"Down" Chad ordered.

Very obediently, the man slide to his knees, his face a dew inches from the snake. All Chad would do is smile as Jamie, showing all of his perfect teeth. The man then went about his work, helping Chad out of his thong. Once that small bit of material was out of the way, he began what Jamie knew he would do. He took the substantial cock, 10" in his hands, his eyes lighting up as he saw it extend to its full length.

"Yeah, come on. You know you want his slab of meat. NOW TAKE IT!"

The guy didn't need to be told twice and soon went to work. He began by running his tongue over the head; this is one of the things that drives Chad crazy. He continued his tongue finding his way underneath his head. By this time Jamie had begun to feel the pull of his Master's animal magnetism, however, the chastity belt that surrounded his cock prevented him from relief. Chad just stood there enjoying the treatment his cock was going through, his eyes were not fixed on the guy working on his cock, they were directly on Jamie.

The guy on his knees had by now taken much of the monster in his mouth. His expert tongue went to work, encasing the cock. Ever so often the guy would let his teeth rub against Chad's cock, which caused him to jump. Soon they were a team working in tandem. The guy's head taking the full length of Chad's cock and Chad shoving his hips forward. This was very strange for Jamie, who until now had never seen what Chad looked like while receiving head. His face was contorted from the pleasure; his body glistened from the volumes of sweat that poured from his body.

"Yeah, you see this bitch. This could have been you, if you would've obeyed. Come on take it as his face lit up.

Jamie knew exactly what was about to happen, and he wished that he were on the receiving end. At that instant Chad let loose, he had pulled his cock out of the guy's mouth. Now he was getting a face full of Chad's man nectar. Jamie tried not to move, tried to not show the jealously running through his veins, the anger building up in him. Soon the heavy stream of cum turned into a dribble and the guy was once again on Chad's cock, trying to get the last of his protein for the day.

Chad looked over and saw the look on Jamie's face, it was pure jealously. All Chad could do was smile.

"Wipe that fucking look of your face, before I come over there and rip if off!" Chad growled.

Chad slowly began to walk away from the cum covered guy and slowly approached Jamie.

"Get that ass ready, I want it nice and hot for this." Chad yelled at the guy as he hoisted his cock in the palms of his hands.

Without hesitation, the guy pulled his legs over his head and began to move his fingers in and out of his gaping asshole. The guys face showed nothing but pleasure as he slowly fingered his pussy, waiting for something to plug it. All Jamie could do was stare at the large opening, his mind trying to fathom all of the cocks it must have taken to get that big.

"You like the show so far, shit for brains?" Chad whispered into Jamie's ear.

Jamie, however, was not paying attention to the words his Master said, his eyes were somewhere else. They were squarely locked on the large cock that dangled between his Master's legs. That cock, which only the night before had been plunging into his tight ass. Now it was covered in someone else's saliva.

"Get ready for the rest of the show. I wouldn't want you to miss any of the spectacular." Chad growled as he grabbed his cock and slapped Jamie in the face with it.

Chad's walk had a swagger in it as he walked back towards the stranger. Al he did was look at the guy and the next thing Jamie knew he was bent over a bench with his cheeks spread apart. Chad firmly planted his feet on either side of the guy's and prepared himself. He grasped his cock and rammed it right home.

"Ahhh" was all the guy said.

"Take it, take it all." Chad responded.

Soon a rhythm began and the thuds of the impact of Chad's hips on the guy's ass could be heard throughout the large cavernous space. Jamie could not take his eyes off of the scene at first, and Chad knew it. He just stared at Jamie the entire time he fucked the guy. The thrusts gaining speed and intensity began to make the guy moan louder. He was in pure ecstasy, his body reeling from the impact of the thrusts, Chad's cock going further and further into his body. By this time, Jamie had endured all he could take and he lowered his head. Chad didn't like that action.

"What the fuck? Did I fucking tell you to look away?" Chad said as he shoved his meat stick further up the guy's ass.

"No Sir." Jamie responded.

The intense ducking continued, the guy moaning in delight each time Chad jammed into him. The fucking was a brutal one, earth shattering, bone rattling fuck session. This guy was writhing in pleasure, his hands gripping Chad's ass, forcing him further into him. This fucker was a cock-slut, and expert, no he was a cock-whore. Eventually the thrusts got more and more powerful and those telltale signs appeared on Chad's face. Jamie could tell he could hold back no longer, and his face showed it. "Ahhhhhh! Yeah fucker, take my fucking cum. Take my man juice." Chad said as his hips collided with the guy's ass.

After the convulsions that shook Chad's body to the core subsided, he slowly took his cock out of the guy's hole. Once out, Jamie could see the globs of cum oozing out of his ass. All Jamie could do was shake his head in disgust, that was suppose to be his ass the cum was coming out of.

"You can go." Chad said to the guy.

Slowly the guy rose to his feet, his ass in searing pain, the cum was still dripping from his ass. Then, out of the shadows, a large older man walks into the light.

"Very good show, you really know how to pardon my expression `stick it to them'" He said, as he twisted the slaves nipples.

"I give them what they need." Chad responded.

"When are you going to let me have some time with that piece of pussy over there?" The man said as he started with hunger at Jamie.

"Not now, I am teaching him a fucking lesson. Until then, no fucking for him."

The man continued to stare at Jamie for a few more minutes; he then took the slaves face in his hands and began to caress it. They started deeply into each other's eyes. The man then began to slowly move his hands down the guy's body finally settling on his pussy. He took a finger and entered the tortured orifice, retrieving what he was after. On his finger was a glob of Chad's cum, that he brought to the guy's face. The man smelled the white glob for a moment then rubbed it all of the slave's lips. Then as quick as they appeared, they disappeared; now only Chad and Jamie remained. Chad walked towards Jamie, the sweat glistening on his body, over his muscles. His walk was one of pride and confidence, his large cock sticking out in front of him.

"Suck it Bitch!" Chad ordered.

Jamie could only look at the wet cock; it glistened in the dim light of the room. His heart began to beat faster as Chad approached him, his hands on his hips as he walked. Even though his cock had just come out of another guy's ass, he still wanted it. He opened his mouth and the large mass of hot flesh entered, stretching his lips to their limit. Soon Chad was power fucking Jamie's face, his pubes striking Jamie hard in the face and nose. Chad now had his hands around Jamie's head, making sure that this mouth was not going anywhere. Chad was in total control and soon it was over. His cock let loose a large stream of cum. All Jamie could do was try to swallow as much of it was he could without choking.

"Did you enjoy yourself cunt?" Chad asked.

Jamie didn't say anything; he just lowered his head in shame.

"Get the fuck over here!" Chad yelled.

Jamie slowly walked towards Chad, his body tense, unsure of what was about to happen. They walked into a dark part of the room, then a light was flipped on, in the middle of the room was the large frame from the dungeon upstairs.

Jamie looked at his Master, the sheer terror in his eyes. Chad then leads Jamie over to it and tied Jamie to it, his arms and legs stretched wide.

"Sir, what's going to happen?" Jamie asked, the fear in his voice.


"AAAAHHHHHH!" Jamie screamed, his voice cracking tears pouring from his eyes.

Chad smacked Jamie's ass with a very large leather belt, making sure his bitch felt every hit and pain. He wanted him to fucking learn, and learn well..

"You will fucking learn some respect bitch."

The screaming continued for a time as Chad worked on Jamie's ass and back. The pain shooting through his body, Jamie's knees getting weaker by the moment.

"You had better get use to it, you fucking pussy." Chad said as he shoved Jamie back into the small room.

Jamie sat there for the rest of the night trying to tend to his welted ass and back, his only companion available were his thoughts and the pain. The time was spent alternating between Jamie replaying the events of the day in his mind and him crying. It was not the fact of what Chad made him do, it was the fact that Jamie had developed strong feelings for his Master.

"Why in the hell did this have to happen to me?" Jamie said to himself as he thought about what his life was like only a few days ago.

He had been a good student in college and graduation was not far away, he had a loving family that would be worrying if he didn't call home soon. The thoughts that raced through his head were sporadic and unfocused, he thought about how he use to feel when he was overweight. His mind then went to the time when Chad first approached him; here was this gorgeous guy that wanted to be seen with Jamie. You have to understand Jamie does not see himself as a great looking guy that is in great shape, he still sees himself as that overweight teenager. Jamie could only curl himself in to a little ball and try to sleep. That, however, was not an easy task.

This situation went on day after day, to the dismay of Jamie. During the day he would remain in his cell doing nothing. He sat there contemplating the meaning of life and counting the numbers of tiles in the room. The boredom would end as soon as Chad returned from running his many corporations. Each night Chad would bring down a new "fucktoy" and parade him in front of Jamie. Jamie would be let out of his cell and made to sit on his knees and then be forced to watch his Master use someone else. All during the ordeal Jamie would ache all over, however, the biggest pain came from his pussy. Jamie's pussy itched to be touched, to be played. All Jamie wanted to do was to bend over for his Master and let him do whatever he wanted to him. He wanted to feel that hot cock enter into him, feeling every vein as it passed his pussylips. Jamie wanted that fullness that he felt when Chad was completely inside of him. Alas that was not to be right not to be, even Jamie knew he had to be taught a lesson.

This routine had been going on for about a week when it finally came to a boiling point. During one of the many punishment sessions in which Jamie was forced to watch, he decided he could take no more. As Chad plowed his hips into the ass of the nameless hot guy lying across the table, Jamie made a choice. One that if it worked would make him and possibly his Master happy, or if it backfired, would mean an even more severe punishment. He lay down on his back and raised his legs into the air. This sight got Chad's attention; he saw the small hole that his cock had only been in once. At that moment, Jamie saw a sparkle in Chad's eyes; he knew he had gotten his attention.

"Mmmmmmm" was all Jamie would say, as his body writhed in pleasure.

His moaning continued to complement the pounding of the two bodies. Soon his hand slowly slid down his stomach, passing his navel and his bound cock until it reached his sweet asshole. Chad could only watch was his slave finally understood his role, at that moment a smile slowly began to creep across hi face. The hard, earth-shattering thrusts he had been giving the slaveboy under him began to slow as his attention went elsewhere. Jamie didn't see anyone in the room other than himself and he didn't care. He slowly began to insert his digits up his tight ass, one and then two. He slowly began to wiggle them in his hole sending chills up his spine.

"Master, please. I need you, I need to please you." Jamie began to moan, more to himself that to anyone else.

It was at that moment that Chad knew that Jamie had finally been broken. At that instant his thrusts into the guy's pussy stopped and he slowly removed his cock from the warm hole. All he had to do was look at the guy and he stood up and slowly backed away from Chad and into the darkness. Chad then began to approach Jamie, not wanting to disturb him from his trance.

Up to this point Jamie had been in another world. His imagination taking over, his will no longer there. Now he wanted, no, he needed nothing more than to serve his Master. He slowly opened his eyes and say Chad kneeling over him, his face only mere inches from Jamie's.

"I'm sooo sorry Master." Jamie said, the tears welling up within him.

"I know you are Pussy." Chad replied, his face still full of anger.

Jamie just laid there, his fear of what would happen first in his mind; however, he knew his Master would not hurt him. He realized that he had to be disciplined.

"Sir, I am sorry for what I did. I know that I had to be punished and I am prepared to endure any other punishments you feel are appropriate for me." Jamie replied, his voice quivering somewhat.

At that very moment Jamie got a surprise, Chad's expression began to lighten. He slowly leaned down and began to kiss Jamie.

"I am glad you realized that. Pussy you must learn respect. I demand respect; you are not to be given respect. You are meant to serve me." Chad said as Jamie began to lick the sweat from his Master's massive, muscular chest.

Chad pushed Jamie down and stared at him, a smile all over his face. He then pushed Jamie's legs back as far as they would go, and he went for it. He grabbed a hold of his cock and shoved up far up Jamie's tight ass.

"Ahhhh!" was all Jamie's could moan.

"Shut the fuck up. Accommodate me, Bitch!" Chad yelled as he began to plow into Jamie's ass.

All Chad could feel was the wonderful feeling of a warm pussy from a bitchboy surrounding his cock. He was meant to be in control, he knew this was his ass, all of it. On the other end of the ass pounding was Jamie; full of hot cock was almost overwhelming to Jamie. When Chad's monstrous cone first penetrated his ass, it felt as if he was being split wide open. His ass felt like it was on fire with each stroke of the cock. The pain was soon begun to subside and Jamie felt Chad's cock striking his prostrate. Chad continued his hardcore thrusting, his cock pile-driving into Jamie's ass. At the same time, Jamie writhed in pleasure; his bowels feeling ever curve of Chad's cock. He soon had his hands on his Master's ass, trying to force him further in.

"Yeah, my little bitch wants this fucking don't you?" Chad asked, sweat dripping down his body.

"Ohh yes. Yes Sir." was the only thing that would come out of his mouth.

"You love this cock, you love this fucker don't you?"

Jamie couldn't even respond to this, his fingers just dug deeper into Chad's skin. Chad then thrust harder and harder. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer because of the tight ass he was fucking.

"Ahhhh!" Jamie screamed, the sounds of pleasure echoing throughout the large room.

At that very moment, Jamie had just blown the biggest load of cum he had ever blown all over his chest. Chad bent down, pushing Jamie's legs farther back and kissed him.

"Fuck yeah. Take it Pussy, take my juice fucker!" Chad screamed

Jamie's guts felt like a huge bomb had just gone off in him when Chad finally cummed. Chad just shook all over, his body convulsing all over, the waves of pleasure washing over him. Jamie's ass just kept milking the cum out of Chad's cock.

Chad looked down as Jamie, "Don't fucking make me have to punish you again for this."

That night, Chad finally allowed Jamie to come back to the penthouse.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" Chad asked as Jamie began to walk to his room.

"I was going to my room Master." Jamie replied, his head lowered.

All Chad could do was smile as he began to walk around Jamie, stretching his muscles. He stopped in front of Jamie and began to back him against the wall. It is now when Jamie begins to become scared again, Chad has that look in his eyes. His strong hands press against Jamie's chest, pinning him against the wall.

"Listen pussy, you survived your punishment but don't fuck with me. You understand? I suggest that you do everything you can think of to make and keep me happy."

"Yes Sir," Jamie replied.

"You will sleep in my room on the floor. You hear my slave?" Chad shouted.

"Yes Sir."

Jamie tried to get use to the surroundings; he knew it soo much better than the room he had just come from.

He was finally able to fall asleep, slowly drifting off to dreamland. That feeling of rest and contentment would soon end. Around 3 a.m., Jamie began to feel something, a pressure on him. A small feeling on his ass, it actually felt really good.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Jamie screamed out in sheer pain.

While he slept, Chad had become very horny again and needed some ass. It just soo happened that there was a ready supply lying on the floor naked. Jamie felt the sheer pain as Chad first shoved his cock in his pussy. Soon the stillness was broken by Chad's strong and brutal thrusts breeding Jamie.

"Ahhh, yes. Please fuck me. Please!" this was all Jamie could manage as Chad hit Jamie's joy spot.

The thrusts continued, progressively getting stronger and stronger. Chad's strong body pinning Jamie to the floor, caused his cock to rub against the plush carpet.

"Yeah, fucking take my dick. You like my dick don't you? You want to ride my fucking dick all the time, don't you pussy?" Chad moaned between thrusts of his hips.

"Ohhh yes Sir. Please, I want it all!" Jamie replied at the top of his lungs.

To be continued, in Chapter 4.. Let me know what you think of the story:

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