Now Shut Up and Open Wide

By moc.loa@SM8kaJ

Published on Nov 10, 2003


Jamie Talbot was your typical college senior, with one difference; he was gay and alone. He had known he was gay since he was about 12 years old. Most of Jamie's life he had been overweight and did not think highly of himself, that all changed by his senior year. All of the hard work and exercising had finally paid off, in the form of a toned and buff body. Until that point Jamie had not gotten much action that would soon change. Jamie had recently discovered a large number so website geared towards S&M and bondage.

The light from the computer danced across the walls of the room, and a lone figure sat at the computer. Jamie slowly ran the top of his finger around the head of his cock, collecting the precum oozing from it. He slowly brought that finger to his mouth and ran it around his puckered lips. Jamie took his cock in one hand and began to stroke; his movements slow at first then increasing. His other hand traveled to the crack of his ass, teasing his asshole, making it and the rest of his body jump with anticipation. Jamie soon developed a rhythm, the rise and fall of his hand on his cock was in concert with the fingers playing at the entrance to his hole. Jamie's hands kept going faster and fasters, the sweat beading up all over his body showed the first signs of the approaching orgasm. At that very moment the lights of the room returned to normal illumination.

"Hey!" Jamie screamed out just as his hands became soaked in the white sheet of cum.

"Damn as you that hard-u you have to jack-off and not go out? Jamie's roommate Ryan asked standing at the door to their dorm room.

A few days later Friday came and Jamie finally made up his mind; he was going to do something about being a virgin and his curiosity with S&M. So, that night he got a shower and put on his leather pants that showed his nice ass and a tight shirt that showed off his nipple rings.

"Where are you headed tonight?" Said Ryan, Jamie's roommate.

"Out, to the Den."

"You know that is where all of those leather guys hangout, don't you?" Ryan asked with a little curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah, I know." Jamie said with that look of brushing something off on his face.

"Ok, well at least be careful, and be safe." Ryan said, sounding very much like Jamie's mom would say.

Jamie pulled up in front of the club and took in the sights; this place was not in the best part of the city. The parking lot was mostly dark and people stood on the street corners, most of them trying to sell sex for some drugs. As Jamie approached the front of the club, his stomach began to tie in knots with nervousness. But he chocked down those thoughts and proceeded to enter the club as the bouncer let him in. The place was dimly, but well enough to see people, Jamie's eyes went from person to person eyeing them. Most of the people were dressed in leather and many of them looked very nice. Some were younger and others were older, you had guys that were in great shape and others that had not seen a gym in years. He walked over to the bar and sat down.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked.


The bartender brought him the drink, and Jamie turned around on the stool and scanned the crowd. His eyes soon lay upon a guy that was 6'2", about 210 lbs of solid muscle. He had short black hair and a goatee and tanned skin with tattoos con his arms. He was wearing a leather vest, leather chaps, leather thong and leather boots. He was clad in leather from head to toe. This guy looked like the walking embodiment of sex and lust.

Jamie locked eyes with this guy, and started to shift in shift in his seat. He could feel the guy looking him up and down, sizing him up. Jamie could feel his cock getting rock hard in his pants; he looked around and headed to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, his breathing increased. He walked over to one of the stalls and closed the door. Jamie fumbled with his zipper and yanked his pants down, and then taking his throbbing 8" cut cock in his hands and begins to jack off. His hands glide up and down; he takes his other hand and massages his asshole. He strokes got faster and faster, began to moan out in pleasure. Then in a wave of passion and lust his cock erupted and a stream of cum shot our all over his hands and the wall of the stall. He let his cock drop, as it began to soften. He then brought his cum soaked hands to his face, and gazed at this seed in the light. He then opened his mouth and using his tongue slowly lapped up his cum. Once he was finished, he headed back to the bar. When he sat back down, he started to look around the club again. What he did not know was that the guy he had been checking out earlier was checking him out now. He then came and sat down by Jamie. "How was it?"

"What?" Jamie said with a puzzled look.

"Your jack-off session in the bathroom, yeah I heard your moaning in there" the man said with a sly look on his face.

Jamie looked like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or more like he had been caught with his finger up his ass.

"My name is Chad," He said as he extended his hand.

"Jamie" he took Chad's hand and shook it.

"So is this your first time here?" asked Chad curiously.

"Ummm, yeah it is." Jamie said, his eyes darting from part to part on this man's beautiful body.

"I saw you checking me out earlier and I wanted to come over and say HI."


Chad looked at Jamie and sized him up.

"So, you into S&M?"

"Yeah, I love it. I really love being the bottom, love to play the submissive role."

Jamie would later regret ever saying those words.

"So, Jamie. Do you want to come back to my place and maybe have some fun?"

Jamie thought about Chad's proposition for a moment, but his hornieness and state as a virgin overrode his brain.


"Alright, let me grab my coat and we can leave." Chad said cooingly as he went to get his coat.

As Chad walked away, Jamie watched his muscular ass-cheeks move back and forth.

Jamie got in his little car and waited for Chad to pull up so that he could follow him. Jamie looked around the parking lot for maybe a motorcycle or something like that, but what he saw surprised him. Chad came driving up in a large suv, and rolled down his window.

"Follow me." Chad said in a sort of cocky way.

So they set out; Jamie followed Chad. He gazed at this part of the city; he had never been in this part. This was the business and financial district. They pulled up to a very tall building and drove into the underground parking garage. Chad said something to the guard, and he waved Jamie through.

"Where are we?" Jamie asked, once they had parked their vehicles.

"This is where I live stupid." Chad said, rolling his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"I am Chad William Douglass"

"The guy that inherited all of that money from his parents and all of their companies." Jamie asked with amazement in his eyes.

"Yep" Chad responded, with a cocky smile on his face.

Chad William Douglass was the son of a pair of wealthy bluebloods; unfortunately they were killed when Chad was about 18. After attending college, Chad came back to run the family business, which were large and very profitable. In college Chad could get anything and anyone he wanted and that was still true now. When he wanted something of someone he would not stop until he got it.

They got in the elevator, and Chad pressed a button labeled "P" for penthouse. When they arrived at the 40th floor, Chad inserted a key in and the doors opened. They exited and walked down a hallway to a massive door that he opened. Jamie's eyes began to widen as he took in all of the sights, sounds, and smells. What he did not know was that he was about to enter HELL.

"So, this is a.." Jamie started to say, when he was shoved against a wall.

"Let's get one thing straight, you little shit. I am the Master; I am the fucking one in charge. Got it?" Chad whispered loudly in Jamie's ear, this time with a growl to it.

Jamie looked at Chad, and saw intensity in his eyes that had not been there earlier.

"Chad, what are you doing?" Chad asked with fear in his eyes.

"Let's get something straight, you are nothing but shit, you will address me as Master."

Jamie looked at this guy. "Whoa, I did not come here for this now."

"I am sorry, I just like to play; would you like a drink?"

"Mmmm, yeah sure."

"Scotch, ok."

"Sure" Jamie said.

Jamie looked around the spacious living room in the gigantic penthouse. What Jamie did not know was that Chad was putting something in his drink.

"Here you go." Chad said as he came in the room with the drinks.

Jamie downed his drink, and within minutes was feeling light- headed and soon was passed out on the couch. When he woke up, which was a few hours later, he was handcuffed to a bed in a large bedroom.


Out of the darkness walked Chad in nothing but a leather thong.

"SHUT UP BITCH, No one can here your sorry ass."

"What do you want?" Jamie asked with fear in his voice.

"Well I need a new slave, I got tired of my old one."

Jamie looked at Chad with real fear in his eye.

"Look man, I have never done anything with a guy. Please let me go." Jamie said almost to the point of crying.

"Ohh hell yeah, got me a nice fucking cherry that I am going to pop." Chad smiled an evil grim on his face.

"Listen here BITCH, this is how it is going to be. I am the MASTER; you are my fucking BITCH. You have no rights, when you answer me you will answer me as YES SIR. Don't think about trying to get away before I get tired of you. Don't think of going to the police because I am rich and I have a lot of lawyers that can get me off of any charges."

Jamie just looked at Chad, not saying a word. He just thought about what he had gotten himself into. Chad then walked into another room and brought out a dildo in one hand and a collar in the other. He then got on the bed and straddled Jamie's chest, making sure to shove his crotch Jamie's face. He then put the collar around Jamie's neck and attached a chain. He looked down at Jamie with a glimmer in his eyes.

"I am about to release you from the bed, I suggest that you don't try a fucking thing. Do you understand Bitch?"

Jamie just nodded his head, the he weakly said "Yes Sir."

Well dumb Jamie, as soon as he was released from the bed he tried to get away. Bad mistake. Chad yanked him back by the chain; he then put his hands around Jamie's throat.

"So Bitch, you are going to fucking try me. I will have to be Mr. Tough Guy."

Chad reaches back ad punches Jamie in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. He then grabs Jamie and throws him over his shoulder and takes him down the hallway into a room. When Jamie wakes up for the second time of the night, he finds himself strapped into a sling suspended from the ceiling.

"Wakey, wake Bitch, now you did not actually fucking think you were going to get away. To make his point, Chad grabs Jamie's balls and begins to pull and twist them."

"Ahhhhh, what the fuck?"

"Look Bitch, I fucking told you not to run, now you have got to be punished."

Jamie looked around the room and saw various restraints and sex toys he knew what was going to happen. Chad then held up a large flesh colored dildo, and began to run his hand up and down the plastic shaft.

"You like this, don't you? Well get use to it." Chad said with a grim smile on his face.

Chad grabbed Jamie's legs lined it up and rammed the dry dildo up Jamie's ass.

"Ahhhh get it out please, get it out."

Jamie felt the large plastic cock pushing past the muscles of his ass, the invasion that he did not want right them. It felt like a hot log was being shoved up his ass, and it hurt like hell. Jamie thought he could hear the skin of his ass tear as the large invader found its way home. All Jamie could do was endure through it, his mind seemed to shutdown to protect itself from the enormous amount of pain. This was not the way his first time with something up his ass was supposed to be. That was the only thought that keep ringing out in Jamie's head.

Chad smiled and turned and walked out of the door and shut it. Jamie continued to scream until his voice went hoarse and until the pain in his ass made him pass out. What Jamie did not know was that the "fun" was just starting.

This is just the beginning. Part 2 to come. Let me know what you think about the story..

Next: Chapter 2

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