
By moc.emani@evargdnal

Published on Feb 21, 2000



You should know that this story may contain scenes depicting teenagers of the same sex involved in consensual sexual relations. Some of the characters would be minors, if they even existed. It may be illegal where you live/read/think for these imaginary minors to have imaginary sex, and it may be illegal for you as a living being to read about it. If the sick pricks who rule your particular household, city, county, province, nation-state, whatever, choose to define you as a child without rights even in the solitude of your own head/pc/room/house, then you could get nailed for even thinking about this stuff, in the event you are careless enough to get caught. God only knows what they will do to you. You could be dealing with some badly fucked-up, misguided souls. Just pretend to cooperate. Don't even try to understand them.

Standing on the curb, waiting for Eric to pick me up, I made my decision. It might as well be today as any day. If I crashed and burned, at least there would be no witnesses. Maybe he would say yes, or at least not say no right away. For the last three months, I had been looking for a way to spend some time alone with him. He would pick me up on the way to school, walk in with me, and head upstairs to his locker. He would wait for me by his motorcycle in the parking lot, and take me home. Sometimes we stopped for a shake and fries on the way back. On Fridays I usually made him stop at the Lackluster so I could pick up some flicks for the weekend.

I couldn't exactly ask him to sleep over. He was a Senior; it would be like asking him to wear a T-shirt announcing that he had no life. It wasn't like he had a life (as far as I could tell), but I knew he couldn't agree to something like that anyway. At school he hung out with a few of his tennis buddies and their girlfriends. I often said hi to him at lunch, and he never shot me down in front of his friends. He always said 'Yo, Kevin' and gave me a big grin. Occasionally he waved me over to sit with them. His friend Mark hated that. Mark's girlfriend Julie always gave me a hug and drooled on my shirt. She called me 'stud', which obviously made Mark jealous. I was pretty sure that was why she did it. I heard Mark refer to me once as 'Eric's mascot', which I didn't take as a complement.

That was pretty much the extent of my relationship with Eric. I had manipulated him into taking me to a few R-movies since he had turned 18, but the movies usually sucked. He never asked me why I wanted to see whatever shitty movie the idiots who censor movies had happened to give an R to that week, so maybe he was just as glad as I was to have an excuse to hang out. Or maybe he was just being nice. Either way, I was happy.

Of course the obvious question was, was he gay, or bi, or at all flexible? I figured if he was, I had a pretty good shot. He liked me. I could tell. And I was better looking than he was, if that mattered. The year before, I had to scrape a series of clingy girls off my ass like barnacles. I used my 'long-distance girlfriend' card until it was just about worn out. Naturally, I had thought about coming out, but the truth was that I was just too lazy. Why should I deal with all that shit when I wasn't even getting any? Only a couple of very ugly (yeah, they were nice) guys were out at my school, so the incentive wasn't really there. I knew about the domino theory, but I wasn't sure it applied here.

My friend Jake knew about me. I told him in a moment of weakness, or stupidity, or inspiration, and he surprised me by being ok with it. He didn't reciprocate, though. I think I was secretly hoping he would. Not that I would have jumped him anyway. He was pretty fine, in the 'boy- next-door' way, but he didn't turn me on. Even in my horniest moments, I couldn't imagine doing anything with Jake. Sure, he smelled great, but that was about as far as the attraction went. Even though he was just fine, great body, nice face, classic smile, everything, I had never thought of him that way, so I guess there must have been some kind of taboo.

Eric was late. I could usually set my clock by him, which was one of the things I loved about him. He never made me wait. He never left me hanging. He always called when something came up. A couple of times when he had to leave school early he came and pulled me out of class to let me know what was up. I loved that. He made my parents look bad. Nobody else treated me that way.

When he pulled up and took off his helmet, I could see his hair was a mess. His T-shirt looked like it had been slept in. He flashed me his trademark grin and gave me a fairly lame high-five.

'Sorry I'm late. I overslept bigtime.'

'Yeah I can see that. You look like shit.'

It wasn't true. He looked the same, whatever he did with himself. Everything fit. He wasn't a movie star, but somehow whatever angle I looked at him from, he looked great. The better I got to know him, the more his looks just killed me in a way I couldn't begin to explain. He was a couple of inches taller than me, with a medium build, like mine, and a v-shaped back which totally turned me on, especially on the bike. I could see his tan through his T-shirt.

Before I got on the bike, he always made me wear his helmet. Now I could take that several different ways. Maybe he didn't like to wear the damn thing anyway, and just wore it to please his mother. Maybe he was trying to look out for me. Maybe he figured it was better for both of us if no one could see my face while I had my hands all over him. And no matter how blatantly I groped him, he never said a word about it. Still, it wasn't like I was going to rape him right there on the bike, in the middle of traffic. But at least I got a cheap thrill.

'I gotta stop and get some coffee, d'you mind?'

'Yeah, first you keep me waiting, then you make me follow your sorry ass into Starfuck's. What's with that?'

'I need a caffeine hit, like, yesterday, or I'm gonna fall over.'

'Whatever. Like caffeine could do anything for you.'

'Hey, I take what I can get.'

'Sure you do.'

I was still in the 'up' phase of the infatuation. It was still a rush for me to be around him. I almost convinced myself that I could sense the blood making its way through the maze of my bloodstream. It was like a phantom-limb thing. I was totally aware of the space around my body, and of his space, which wasn't quite mine. Whatever curve was coming at me, I was ready for it. I just wanted to lean into the curve with him, and feel our shared center of gravity heel the bike over in the wind.

When we got to Starfuck's, both registers were lined up back to the fashion magazines, and the snitty girl at the counter was drawing lates off like she had all the time in the world, which she probably did. The lines were full of balding twenty-something med students in pastel lab- coats and bitchy-looking middle-aged male nurses dressed in white battle fatigues. The guy in front of us, though, didn't fit into either category. He was dressed to run, and literally dripping with sweat. He looked about 6'3, at least 4 inches taller than Eric, and had short blonde hair buzzed in back. While he was waiting to order, he glanced over his shoulder at Eric, winked at him, and said hey.

Eric smiled and said hey back, and then looked away. At this point my early-warning systems were lighting up all over the board, and I was hanging somewhere between very pissed-off and totally focused on what was or wasn't happening right in front of me. Supposedly Eric had broken up with his girlfriend over the summer, and rumor had it that she had no idea why. Could this be why? Why hadn't he told me? I did everything but dry-hump him every day on his bike, and he couldn't even confide in me.

I was so dazed I couldn't even order my half-assed coffee right, and the snitty bitch glared at me like she was about to crawl over the counter and shove a straw up my nose. Eric appeared slightly amused by this, and said that he was paying for Mr. I-don't-know-what-I-want, too. The girl just about wet herself laughing at his lame joke, like she'd finally met the good-humor man, and he was hers. Then she put her evil everyday face back on to help the next customer.

We sat down and waited for our coffee to materialize, but didn't talk much. I was still trying to evaluate my chances of sidetracking the blonde god long enough to trick Eric into sleeping with me, and Eric was apparently preoccupied too. I asked myself if I really wanted to know what he was thinking, and looked away. I felt that I had been pretty blatant about what I wanted from him, and I had conned myself into thinking that since he didn't outright reject my sleazy advances at least a part of him must have wanted that too. Now I wasn't sure.

I admitted to myself that I was conceited, but I couldn't believe that he liked guys and yet wasn't attracted to me. I had always done whatever I wanted with the girls who were supposed to be hot, until last year when they stopped saying no at the critical moment. Then I fucked some very nice girls and beat myself to pieces because it didn't mean anything to me. I enjoyed myself, but that was about all. I didn't fall in. I knew I was playing with fire, so I walked away. It was better to tell them a story they'd have to be stupid to believe, and let it go at that. No one had ever turned me away.

So maybe he had a thing for tall blonde gods. Who doesn't? I wasn't done growing yet, and I was a real blonde. We obviously worshipped at the same shrine, but he wasn't paying attention. I tried to remember a time when he had actually come on to me as opposed to just being extra nice, and I couldn't think of anything he had done that could have led me on like this. Who was I kidding, if he had come on to me I would have got us both off before he finished the sentence. The whole thing was just a sick fantasy I had been clinging to for way too long already.

'Kev, what's with you? Drink up. We're gonna miss second period.'

'Who gives a shit.'

I couldn't look at him. I had no idea where the fucking coffee had come from, it just appeared out of thin air. As the sweaty blonde guy was heading for the door he tipped an imaginary hat at Eric, who nodded back at him. When I saw that out of the corner of my eye, I just crumbled inside. What was the point? It wasn't failure weighing down on me, because I was used to that. Even when my fist was pressing into the small of Eric's back, on the bike, my thumb hooked through his belt- loop, failure was never very far away. What crushed me was how much I still needed this shit. Even the pathetic hope I had to lie to myself to halfway believe in wasn't mine anymore, and I wanted it back.

'Kev, what's going on? You're scaring me now.'

I just fixed him with a glare right between his eyes and said, 'No, you're scaring me.'

'Let's go, we have to talk. Now.' He stood up and looked down at me expectantly.

I didn't move. Out in the street, the traffic was lazily making its way toward the empty-headed freeway that would take the poor fools back to work or to school. The sun was out, but it wasn't miserably hot yet. You could still breathe out there, if it wasn't for the smog. I knew I had made a big mistake. Now I would have to give up something. I would have to give him something, or make something up and then give him that. I had to think quick, but I just couldn't focus. I didn't love him. It was a crush. He was a nice guy, so I liked him a lot. We touched each other a hell of a lot more than we had to, and that had confused me. I was still confused, but not about that. What could I say or do now that wouldn't fuck everything up?

Then he jerked me to my feet and started to drag me out the door. I didn't have the heart to fight it. He knew where he was taking me, but I didn't care. I just wanted it to finish before I hurled. The snitty bitch obviously poisoned my coffee. I had it coming to me. I didn't know the first thing about Starfuck's. I avoided the places like the plague, but they just kept erupting like fresh boils all over town. He got on the bike, and I climbed on behind him. I kept my hands on his shoulders, but I wasn't really holding on. A gust of wind could have knocked me off at any moment.

When we stopped at the stop-light next to the park across from school, I slid off and crept over onto the grass and knelt down and heaved. Absolutely nothing. I really wanted to hurl, but I couldn't. My stomach was sending me some contradictory signals, and I was trying to comply, but nothing came out. I felt Eric's hand on the back of my neck, and heard him tell me to just let it out. And then I did. It still bore a strong resemblance to the shit I had eaten for breakfast. Just looking at it made me want to puke again.

He managed to get me to my feet and steer me over to a bench, and I sat down on it with my head between my knees. He put his hand on my back. I paid no attention to it. I was begging myself not to get sucked back in.

'Dude, if you think this is gonna get you out of our little talk, you're way wrong.'

'Yeah, well.'

'Feel better?'

'Sure, it's all relative.'

'So spill it.'

'Already did.'

'Yeah, so you're clever. But maybe not as clever as you think.'

'I don't even know what you're talking about.'

'You know exactly what I'm talking about. And I know exactly what you're thinking about, I just don't know what you're thinking about it.'

That surprised me. I looked up at him. 'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Look, I saw the way you reacted to Keith, and I want to know why.'

'Who the fuck is Keith? Do I know Keith? What the fuck has Keith got to do with anything?'

'Don't play dumb, Kev. I'm never gonna buy that. Just come clean. It won't kill you.'

'You don't know the first thing about it.'

He looked away really quickly, and I examined his face. It looked hurt now, and pretty angry. He was losing patience fast.

'So you want to leave it like that, huh?' He sounded disappointed. I tried not to look at him, but I couldn't help it. He was working one of the muscles in his jaw, which for some reason turned me on.

'No. That's not what I want.'

'Then what is it?'

'What the fuck do you think I want?', I said, looking him straight in the eye, pleading with him. I started tearing up really bad, I just couldn't help it. 'What do you want? What are you doing here?'

His angry expression just melted away, and he looked really sad. He reached out and pulled me toward him, and I let him. I wanted to pull away, but I was too drained to try. I knew I was fooling myself, but I didn't care about that. I preferred that anyway. Sometimes it's better not to know. I didn't even want to ask. He cared about me, and I kept trying to fuck that up. He didn't love me, but I wanted to sleep with him, and this would have to do. He could hold me for a few minutes, and then I'd go. Maybe that was enough. It was way more than I had a few minutes ago. I was grasping at straws.

'I'm here 'cause I want to be here. Now just ask me what you really want to ask me, so we can deal with it.'

I pulled away and sat up. 'Well, first off, who the fuck is Keith?'

'The guy at Starfuck's.'

'You tell me.'

'I met him last summer. He asked me out, and I said no, I wasn't gay. He said that's ok and gave me his number. I never called him. But I kept the number, so how do I explain that to myself? That's what got to me. I still had the number. So after a few weeks of staring at the number, I broke up with Kerry. I didn't even try to lie to her. I just said it didn't feel right anymore, and I didn't say why. I saw Keith a few weeks later and we went out a couple of times. Nothing happened. He kissed me. It felt pretty weird, and I backed out. Then I met you at the club.'


'That's it? I tell you that shit, and you say 'oh'.'

'Well what can I say. I wasn't expecting that. I don't know what I was expecting. I was afraid he was your boyfriend or something.' He didn't say anything, so I decided to take a stab at it. It didn't seem so hopeless anymore. 'Don't you wanna know why that bothered me so much?'

'Yeah, I do.'

'Why do you think I practically feel you up every chance I get? Why am I all over you the minute I sit my butt down on your bike? Could I be any more obvious?'

'Kev, that's just it. I'm eighteen and I'm totally mixed up about this. Now I've dragged you into it. You're a kid. Shit. You don't know what you want.'

'Don't tell me what I want. You're the one that's confused. I'm fifteen, and I know exactly what I want. I want you, only you're too chickenshit to deal with it. If you don't like me just say so. I don't need a ride that bad.'

He looked like he was in shock. His eyes were searching mine for something, and then it looked like he found it. 'You're right. And I like you a lot. So I guess it's not just my little problem anymore, is it?'

'It's about time.'

'Fuck school, let's go back to my place.'


As we got back on the bike, he asked where the helmet was. 'Oh shit. I left it at Starfuck's.'

As we rode out of there, my heart was pounding against my ribcage. I wasn't sure where we were going, back to Starfuck's or to his house, but I had my answer. He had showed me some of his cards, and I had showed him mine. There was a whole lot of open road out ahead of us. The sun was glowing through the haze on the horizon. My hands were on his hips. I honestly didn't give a shit how things turned out, at least this much was mine. Now.

There's more of this on my pc and in my head. I'll probably put it out there if anybody shows interest. The other characters will come into play once E and K have something to show/hide. Comments, criticisms, suggestions are welcome. Please let me know what you think. Don't make me beg. If you want to flame somebody, flame yourself. You know you need it.

Next: Chapter 2

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