
By Paul R

Published on Nov 17, 2009





This is my own fantasy and it may one day come true in a milder and less painfull fashion.

Paul found himself suspended, his wrists and ankles secured with leather cuffs to cables from the ceiling.

He was screaming from the pain of a thick 7 inch cock forcing its way into his tight, almost virgin, ass but all that could be heard was a muffled moaning because of the latex cock gag in his mouth....

A couple of hours earlier Paul had arrived in Nottingham, he got a taxi from the station to Iain's house.

It was a quiet little terraced street, neat houses with small garden areas at the front.

Paul opened the gate and approached the door nervously, he rang the bell and waited.

A light came on overhead, illuminating the entry, Iain opened the door and looked at Paul.

'So you came, I thought you'd chicken out'.

Then Just as they had discussed it over the phone Iain said

'Well what are you waiting for? show me'

Paul looked nervously up the street, 'What here? now? someone may walk by'

Iain said 'You have 5 seconds or you can fuck off back to edinburgh'

'1, 2, 3'

'Wait wait said Paul' and he began to undo his belt, he unzipped his jeans and pulled them partly down to show the red and black panties he was wearing underneath.

'Very nice ' said Iain 'Now give me your bag and jacket', Paul hesitated 'move it' barked Iain 'You know the score'

Paul took off his jacket and immediately began to shiver in the november chill. he handed the jacket and bag to Iain.

'Now kick your shoes off inside and take off your jeans'

Paul hesitated a second then removed his shoes and jeans, showing that he was wearing a pair of silky panties and black thigh high holdup stockings, Iain took the jeans and threw them inside after the shoes.

Iain looked Paul up and down, 'Turn around and show me your ass and wiggle it a bit'

Paul did a little turn and Iain groped his arse, 'Hmmm nice and tight from the feel of it, ok inside'

Paul almost ran into the house, he was shivering and embarrased from the cold and being almost naked in the street but he had a raging hardon and was leaking precum.

Iain shut the door and grabbed Paul's hard cock, 'You've made a mess of your panties, they're all sticky' he said as he stroked Paul's dick.

'Get the Tshirt off' he said, he examined Paul from head to toe, 'You've put on weight, these tits are bigger than last time i saw you on cam' he caught Paul's nipple between finger and thumb and squeezed, Paul moaned and his cock leaked some more.

'You are a total slut arent you? all I have to do is twist your nipple and your ready to shoot your load'

Iain spun paul around and pushed him against the wall, he used his much larger frame to press him into it, with one hand he reached around and twisted paul's nipples and with the other he released his cock from inside his trousers.

Paul could feel Iain's hard 7 inch cock pressing aginst his panty covered arse the hard rod rubbing between the cheeks pressing the silky material into his crack.

'I might just fuck you here and now' he whispered into Paul's ear.

Just then a door opened and Iain's housemate walked out, 'Oh for fuck sake ' he said 'Take it to your room will you, and dont forget my sister is coming over tonight for a visit, I dont think she would appreciate this'

Iain laughed, 'your just jealous, but i suppose your right' he stepped back and put his dick away 'right slut, upstairs, first door on the left, move' he barked.

As Paul went up the stairs carrying his clothes and bag he heard Iain talking to ??,

'You seem to have that one well trained already' said ??

'Not even started training it yet' replied Iain.

'Looks better than the last pig you invited over, this one looks like he might be worth a fuck' said ?? and rubbed his hardon through his trousers.

Paul stopped at the door and watched quietly, he saw Iain grope ?? squeezing his obvious hardon and illiciting a moan from him.

'You just concentrate on your sister's visit , I will be down shortly to say hi' and with another squeeze of his hard cock he turned to the stairs.

Paul quickly ducked into the room and made a show of folding his jeans and Tshirt and laying them on a chair as Iain walked in.

Iain quickly removed 2 pairs of leather cuffs from the wardrobe, he attached a pair to Paul's wrists fastening the buckles securely. He handed the other pair to Paul, 'well what are you waiting for get these on your ankles' and with that he quickly slapped Paul across the arse with a belt he had lifted from the wardrobe.

'Owwww, yes sir' squealed Paul and knelt down to fasten the leather cuffs in place.

Iain sat and watched as Paul fastend the cuffs, when he had finished and was geting up Iain said ' did I tell you you could get up?'

Paul stopped and remained on his knees 'come here' iain said and Paul crawled across the carpet.

When he was kneeling between Iain's knees, Iain said 'get my cock out slut and suck it'.

Paul carefully released Iain's thick meaty cock from his pants and took it into his mouth, he struggled to get it in as it hardened and thickened filling his mouth completely.

'Is that it? you pathetic slut, less than half, before this weekend is over you will learn to deepthroat me bitch'

Iain reached behind Paul and hooked the 2 cuffs together fastening his wrists behind him.

Iain took hold of Pauls head and proceeded to facefuck him pushing his throbbing cock in until Paul gagged on it then backing off a little.

He continued, ordering Paul to suck and lick and get some action going on the underside, after about 15 minutes Paul felt Iain's cock swell and fill his mouth completely.

Iain pulled out and shot his load over Paul's chest and belly, great streams of thick sticky, white cum.

When he had finished he shoved his cock back in Paul's mouth and said 'Clean it bitch'

'My next load will be over your face and the one after that will be up your arse'

Iain pushed Paul away and went to his wardrobe, he rummaged about and returned with what looked like a dildo in his hand. He pushed the silicone cock into paul's mouth 'Dont want to upset the neighbours now do we?' said Iain as he fastened the cock gag behind Paul's head with a leather strap.

The wrist cuffs were unfastened from behind his back and connected together in front, Iain then attached a chain hanging from a ceiling beam to the cuffs and pulled hoisting Paul on to his toes.

The leather cuffs on Paul's ankles were quickly attached to a spreader bar forcing paul's legs apart.

Suspended on tiptoe wearing nothing but a pair of silky panites and black thigh high holdup stockings, Paul felt more vulnerable than at any other time in his life.

Iain pulled the panties to midway down Paul's thighs

'What have i got myself into' he thought, but that was quickly driven from his mind as a leather strap slashed across his bum, burning a line across both cheeks.

Paul screamed but all that was heard was a muffled squeal from around the cock gag.

After 12 strokes Iain stopped to admire his handy work, tracing the welts with his fingers.

'Thats a nice pattern, it criss crosses over your cheeks, the look suits you' he said laughing.

Stroking the hot sore cheeks Iain leaned in close and whispered ' can you guess what's next?'

Paul felt a cool dampness between the cheeks of his bum as Iain's meaty fingers covered in lube squeezed into the crack of his arse, separating the cheeks and seeking out his tight hole.

Paul felt a finger prodding and pushing against his tight sphincter, gradually forcing the muscle to allow it in.

The tears streamed down Paul's face as the thick finger forced it's way into his tight hole, 'My you are so very tight' said Iain

'If you think this hurts, just wait till I put my cock in here, but you need'nt worry, before the night is out you will be begging me to fuck you harder'

As Iain's finger slowly withdrew the pressure on Paul's prostate sent mini electric shock through his cock and he shot his load. 'Dirty slut', Iain said, 'I may just get you down and make you lick that up off my carpet, No we will wait till later as you will be shooting a few more loads before this night is out' Saying this he forced a second finger into Paul's tight ass. As Iain proceeded to finger fuck Paul, the pain gradually lessened, as the tight muscle relaxed and the fingers moved ever faster and deeper till iain had 2 fingers inserted to the knuckle.

After a while Paul's cock shot again although it was only a dribble since he had already shot a major load.

'Well bitch, it's time for the main event' , Iain whispered in Paul's ear, 'Are you ready to really scream for me? should I take the gag out? no, no the neighbours and all that you know'

As he spoke Iain had removed his fingers from Paul's abused hole and positioned the head of his thick cock at th entrance, with a quick sharp shove iain rammed his cock up Paul's ass.

Paul screamed around the gag at the sudden intrusion, it felt much larger than the fingers which had been there, but all that came out was a muffled squeal.

Iain kept pushing and soon his 7 inches were jammed tightly in Paul's hole, his balls nestled between the cheeks of Paul's arse.

'OOH you are so much tighter than i imagined, that feels lovely, come on twitch that ass for me' Iain said as he twisted Pauls nipples to make him squirm.

Iain slowly began to move, sliding his cock out of Paul's ass, Paul screamed again as the movement caused even more pain.

When his cock was almost all the way out Iain stopped. Just the mushroom shaped head remained inside, iain feeling a little bit sorry for his victim squeezed more lube onto his cock before he thrust back in, his balls slapped against Pauls ass as Iain's full length rammed in. Moving slightly quicker Iain pulled back again then shot home once more, he steadily increased his pace fucking Paul faster and getting into a broken rythm of long and short strokes, harder and softer, never settling into anything steady.

As he continued to fuck Paul the noises from around the gag changed.

Iain loosened the strap and pulled the gag free, Paul was no longer screaming.

Paul's breathing was ragged and he was moaning in time to the cock pounding into his once virgin bottom.

'Enjoying it now you slut' Iain said 'I told you, you would, ready to beg for more? He asked and stopped moving.

Paul moaned even louder 'Please dont stop, dont stop'

'What's that?' Iain said 'i didnt hear you begging'

'Please fuck me, please, dont stop now' Paul begged

Iain laughed and proceeded to fuck Paul again, he moved fast then slow varying his strokes, some rammed in hard and some slid in and out slowand sensual.

Paul's cock was dribbling fluid constantly from the prostate massage he was receiving and he was repeating over and over 'fuck me please fuck me'.

Iain reached down and grabbed the small hard dick, squeezing and stroking, till Paul shot again.

After about 20 minutes of this Iain rammed his cock hard as far as he could go into Paul's ass, he stiffened against Paul and shot his load pumping cum into the condom in Paul's ass.

He slid his slowly softening cock from the abused bottom and pulled off the condom, 'Thats a fair amount' he said, admiring the milky fluid in the condoms reservoir, 'I was saving that for you, 2 days worth' he laughed.

Next: Chapter 2

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