Not With My Daughter

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 22, 2003




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Carver Whitcomb was six foot two, with a tall, lean body, wavy black hair and steel grey eyes in a smoothly square face, dazzlingly handsome. He was also the quarterback on the football team and my sister was a cheerleader. I ask you, is there a more lethal combination than that? Not in my father's eyes, anyway. And to light the fuse to the dynamite, Carver's parents had to leave town for the weekend, and his mother's newest best friend, my mother, volunteered to let Carver spend a three-day weekend with us! Dad, my older brother Dane and I were in agreement, something had to be done about this. Only what?

We three were all waiting in the living room when Sis walked in the door with Carver on her arm. Or should I say, she was wrapped around Carver's arm, leaning in and giggling inanely. A bubbling sixteen-year-old clinging to the high school senior jock. Like I said, a lethal combination.

"Hi, Daddy!" she said, ignoring us as usual as being lumps of filth beneath her notice. "Dad, this is Carver. Carver, this is my father."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Esperanza." Carver shifted his duffel bag on his back and took my father's hand and shook it. Dad look stunned. My Dad is a big, buffed man, with deep brown skin, black eyes and a small beard that combined with his slightly sunken eyes and heavy eyebrows to turn him into a master of men with a single look, and where he normally gives you a killer grip, he was kind of limp to Carver's handshake, and the foot-plus difference in their heights made him seem...ineffectual. "Thank you for letting me stay with you a few days, sir."

"Not at all." Dad said. "You'll be on a cot we fixed up in the laundry room. Go on in and set things up." Dad said, recovering somewhat, like a drill instructor in the Army ought to (we were a military family, as were Carver's).

"Thank you, sir."

"Right this way." Sis dragged Carver away, and the fatuous look on her face might as well have been the burning fuse. "We're going to have so much fun this weekend...."

When they were safely out of hearing range, my father said, "Well?"

"Let's beat the shit out of him." Dane commented. Lighter brown than my full-Latino father, and nearly six feet tall (my mother's family were tall) he was darker than me or Sis, a brown the color of a full summer's tan. His face was simpler in design than my father's, which combined with his limited intellect gave him a rather stupid appearance. Which he was.

"Aw, come on!" I protested. "He hasn't done anything yet."

"What do you think will happen?" Dane said, cocking an eyebrow. "You know Sis has been acting like a bitch in heat lately." Dane was old enough that Dad had stopped correcting his language, he cussed in every sentence these days.

"I know what you mean." I said. "Carver's a make-out artist. I hear him bragging in the locker rooms all the time about the girls he's scored with."

"Let's beat the shit out of him." Dane said again.

"You do that and Sydney will get mad at you." I pointed out. "She's fallen for the guy, and fallen hard."

"I don't want to have to guard the guy all weekend. I got my own plans. Shit, if only Carver's mom and ours weren't such good friends." moaned Dane. "We wouldn't be in this predicament."

"Hey, Sydney's not so innocent in this." I pointed out. "Like it or not, our little sister has decided it's time to lose her virginity. I don't see how we can stop it."

"Not under my roof." declared Dad vehemently. "And not with my daughter."

I shrugged again. "I don't like it either. But what do you want to do, one of us guard him all the time to make sure he's not going to get Sydney alone somewhere? You have to be at the base tomorrow and we can't watch him, he'd ignore us."

"Let's beat the shit out of him." Dane said.

"You said that already." I said. "Practical ideas here, please, Dane."

Dane just shrugged. Nearly twenty and still living at home and doing odd jobs for money; he always did think with his fists. "Let's hear an idea or two out of you, then, Bryant." he said.

"Well...someone has to watch them. We may not be able to stop them, but at least we can find out WHEN he puts the make on her. And THEN we beat the shit out of him."

"All right!" Dane put out his fist and I bumped it down and let him do the same to mine.

"Not good enough!" Dad said. "The only acceptable solution is that this teenaged sex maniac doesn't get to first base with my daughter."

"Look, Dad, I've got to go to my job now. I'll be back at ten tonight." I said, getting up. "If you and Dane can come up with a plan between now and then, I'll help, whatever it is."

I left as Dad was muttering, "If there were only a way to prevent him from being able to perform, like a chastity belt. That's the key."

"We could cut his dick off." Dane said helpfully.

Given the situation, that wasn't such a bad idea, I thought as I left. I decided if Dane's idea of beating the shit out of him was what Dad went with, I'd help them do it.

I work at a fast-food joint and my supper was a free burger and fries, not such a bad deal for an eighteen-year-old boy to have three times a week. I'd been with them for two years and now worked three weeknights but had the weekends to myself, the result of seniority on a job loaded with younger guys. I got home later than usual, nearly midnight, and the house was quiet. I was used to this, too, I slipped into my room and stripped, got into bed. Dane and I shared a large bed, and both of us slept nude. Nothing kinky, it was just how we slept.

I had no sooner settled in than Dane whispered, "Bryant?"

"Yeah?" I said.

"Good thing you're here. Come on, it's nearly midnight."

"Yeah, I know." I said.

Dane got up and slipped to the door, opened it stealthily. "Come on."

"Where we going?" I said as I got up to go with him, two naked young men sneaking through the hall of his parent's house.

"Sydney's room."


"Come on, Dad'll be waiting for us there by now. Shh!" he hissed at me.

"Oh...okay." I said, wondering what was going on.

Dad was waiting for us, and he was naked, too! He had only a dim light in the room, made by covering Sis' bedside lamp so that only a very little light got out. Enough to see that Sis was elsewhere, the bed was empty.

"What's going on?" I said when I got in there.

"Come over here." Dad said.

"I overheard them planning it." Dane said as we obeyed and slipped into position on the other side of Sis' bed, away from the door. "Carver and Sis planned to get it on at midnight. So Dad sent her to sleep with Mom and we're going to catch the fucker in the act."

"Going to beat the shit out of him?" I said.

"Bryant!" Dad said sharply.

"Sorry." I said. Sheesh, Dane cusses like a sailor but I can't even use the word when I quote him.

"We've got it figured." Dane said. "Now keep quiet and just play along and we'll give Carver a weekend he'll never forget."

"He won't think of touching my little girl again." Dad affirmed.

"Okay." I said. Dad doused the light and we sat in darkness, three naked guys laying in wait for an amorous suitor. I wondered what the plan was.

Sis' clock had a luminous dial, at 12:05am, the door to Sis' bedroom door opened up and a pale figure slipped inside, closing the door stealthily. What little light came into this room was through the heavily curtained window behind us, so I could just see that it was Carver in all his white-skinned, six foot two unclothed glory. He crept over to the bed which I guess he could dimly see in the light, hissing out. "Sydney?" he said. "Sydney, it's me. Sydney?" And he put one leg onto the bed, leaning over, feeling for her body on the unwrinkled covers. He couldn't believe the bed was empty, I guess.

"Carver." Dad said out loud, a startling loud bass tone in the quiet room. And then he pulled on the light. He'd removed the covering, a full yellow glow filled the room, and Carver was there, naked and erect, looking at three pissed, naked Latinos ready to protect their womenfolk.

"Mr... Mr. Esperanza!" he stuttered out. "I'm...I'm sorry."

Dane and I moved to block him from the door. I was ready to pound his pale white butt. Looking at that cock he'd planned to stick in my sister's cunt, to break her virginity. Good God, he'd rip her to shreds with that ten-inch tool he was packing there.

"I...I was just...." Carver stammered.

"I know what you were planning to do." Dad said. "And we're going to make sure you don't do it. Okay, boys, grab him."

I was happy to help and by following Dane's lead, we grabbed him on either side and threw him onto the bed. He bounced and turned over, trying to get up, pivoting, figuring I guess to get out on Dad's side of the bed, the side away from us.

Then Dad was on top of him, and Dane and I grabbed him one by each arm, and he was pinned.

"Please, sir!" Carver groveled. "I didn't mean any harm. She...she asked me to. She's been chasing me, sir!"

"I know." Dad growled. "I know my daughter. I can't stop her, but I can sure as hell stop you."

"What...what are you going to do to me?" Carver whined. "I won't see her again, honest! I won't even touch her. Just let me go, please!"

"Not until we're done with you." Dad said and before my astonished eyes, he grabbed Carver's cock. "Hold him firm, boys. Don't let him go."

"Give him hell, Dad." Dane affirmed.

I figured Dad was going to punch Carver in the balls or something and I think Carver expected the same. He shut his eyes, clenched his teeth and whimpered.

Then Dad began to pump Carver's cock. Jerking him off, that long sausage bending down when Dad's hand reached the bottom, to be pulled back upright as he yanked it up again.

Carver gasped and looked at Dad, wide-eyed, slack-jawed and I did the same. What the hell was going on here?

"Sir?" Carver said. "Sir, what are you doing?"

"Making sure my daughter is safe." Dad grunted as he pumped Carver's prick. "You can't do squat with her if you're too limp to stick it in her. So you hang on, sons, and I'll drain this punk's dick dry. He won't get a hard-on for a week!"

"Guh!" was Carver's only comment on this. What else could he say? Held down by two big guys while a third whomped his pud, it was better than what he'd expected. I think there was even gratitude in his mind, grateful we didn't do as Dane had suggested and simply beat the shit out of him.

"Come on, Dad, yank the bastard off!" Dane urged Dad. "Really pump that prick!"

Dane nudged me and I realized this was part of the plan. "Yeah, Dad, make him shoot it. Make him cream all over himself!" I chimed in.

"Come on, you little punk." Dad snarled as he pounded Carver's cock. "Come on, you little shit, get off and get off now!"

"Guh! Guh! Gah!" Carver groaned.

"Yeah, Dad make him shoot it!" Dane said. He was repeating himself. No creativity in my older brother at all.

I decided to show off my larger vocabulary. "Really jerk that pud, Dad, really bust his nuts, make him blow that wad, I want to see him blow that wad all over himself, then I'll rub it into him, make him all sticky with it." I said. "God, I can feel that creamy jizz as I run my hands over your stomach and chest, feel that come on you, Carver, feel my hands smearing it on you!"

"Uh, uh, guh!" Carver said. My talk was turning him on, all right, he wasn't even pretending to resist us now, his body was limp and unresisting beneath my hands.

Shit, my talk was turning me on, my hard-on declared itself by running right into the back of Carver's hand!

"Come on, Carver, shoot it!" Dane said.

"Come on, get off you bastard!" Dad gasped. He was breathing heavy. Shit, Dad had a hard-on! I looked over, so did Dane!

Carver was groaning, throwing his head back and forth, his entire body writhing now but in passion not in desperation.

I wasn't really surprised when he caught hold of my cock. I would have been more surprised if he hadn't. The guy was just totally turned on.

"Yeah, you like the feel of my cock, Carver?" I said. "Like how it feels? Like my Daddy beating you off, jerking your prick, you like that?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah!" Carver groaned. His hand was too constrained to move much, but he managed with his wrist to jerk my cock slightly. I saw his other hand reach up and take Dane's cock.

"I think the little bastard is getting into this!" was Dane's only observation. "I think our sister's boyfriend is a cock-jockey!"

"Maybe he is." I said.

"You weren't sounding so macho." Dane retorted.

"You got a hard-on, too!" I responded. "So does Dad!"

Dad was ignoring us, he was focusing on his handjob to Carver, he was staring steadfastly at Carver's prick as he whomped it, and he leaned down to get a better angle on it and his hand got faster.

"Oh, oh, sir, I'm going to come!" Carver gasped out.

"Yeah, come on, shoot it!" I said, really getting into turning this big stud on. "Cream your load, squirt it all over yourself. Then I'm going to rub it into you, make you stink of it the rest of the weekend, yeah!" My last word was caused by the fact I'd moved slightly and that freed Carver's hand, and he responded by giving my pud a real yanking! "Yeah, shit, jack me off, Carver, jack me off!"

"Me, too!" Dane groaned.

"Uh, guh, guh, huh, hun-KUHHH!" Carver blasted his load. I knew we'd been turning this hunk on, but I didn't expect the result, he didn't just shoot his wad, he fucking sprayed it! It was flying high and wide. It got on him all right, mostly, but those first spurts got up and splattered his face and my thigh and Dane's stomach. Dad was flailing him hard and fast, and the jizz was just flying everywhere, on Sis's pretty satin covers she loved so much, white clumps were landing everywhere and they just kept on spraying out.

"GUH, UH, GUH, GAH, GUH, HUH, HUH!" Carver groaned out. The sight of this, of this huge stud helplessly shooting his wad, turned me on and I felt a tingling begin in my nuts and cock, but then Carver was done and his hand fell from my prick and it was over, the tingling faded into a sort of sense of longing emanating from my dick.

"Ah, shit, that was hot!" Dane said. "I'm going to bust if I don't get off right now! Come on, Bryant, let me see you spread that jizz around on him, come on!" And Dane shoved the back of my neck down at Carver.

I was happy enough to do it, caught up in the uninhibited passion of the moment, I put my hand on a big, squishy lump and felt it spread over my palm like a wad of suntan oil or something, creamy, oil, but cohesive as well. I began to spread that big lump over Carver's stomach and Dane groaned.

"Ah, shit, I got to get off! Let this prick suck my dick!" He said and without further preamble, he clambered up onto the bed and shoved his cock at Carver's face. Carver was still lying there, totally submissive to us still, and Dane crammed his cock into Carver's mouth...and Carver took it and began to suck on it!

"Ah, shit, yeah!" he groaned. "Yeah, good head, good head!"

Dad still had hold of Carver's cock, still pumping it but in a slow, languid way and Carver shivered from that touch, the way that stroking your cock after you come can cause little after-shocks of orgasm to strike you, short, sharp jolts to your body. No wonder he'd just chowed down when Dane stuck his dick in.

Dane groaned and with a few hard jabs into Carver's mouth, he roared and pumped his wad right into Carver's mouth. Carver choked when the load spurted, but he didn't let go...I guess he couldn't, Dane had a grip on him...and he drank it all down.

As for me, while Dane was fucking and coming in Carver's mouth, I kept my promise and smeared Carver's come all over his body. My last efforts were to spread the clumps that had landed in his pubic hair and I reached in and my hand touched Dad's and I looked up at him.

Dad was standing there, and his cock was as hard as anyone's I've ever seen. I reached up for it, but Dad yanked away. "Sorry." I said. "Want to shoot your load onto him, too?"

Dad shook his head. The sheer will of it, I couldn't believe it. I was ready to blow my wad as it was. "No, we have a job to do here." He said.

"What?" I said. "We got him off. He isn't fucking anyone with this dick!"

"Bryant!" Dad chided me.

"Sorry."I said. My liberty of foul talk was over. "But why don't you go back to your room and...and visit Mom, then?"

"We still have a job to do here."

"What?" I said.

"Once isn't going to do him." Dad said. "We have to drain him totally out."

"Okay." I said. "Can I whack him off this time, then?" I grabbed the cock. "Bet I can make him come faster than you can, Dad!"

But Carver was losing his hard-on. A heavy load like that, I couldn't blame him. I was pumping him and it was going softer with each yank of my hand.

"Shit, Bryant, can't you yank him better than that?" Dane snorted.

"It's not my fault!" I protested. "He's worn out."

"You need to turn him on again, son." Dad said. "We have to get him off at least once more. Otherwise, he'll be at your sister before dawn."

"Yeah, come on, turn him on." Dane urged him.

You can't get better permission from your family than that. I leaned down and I took Carver's dwindling cock into my mouth. Carver groaned when my lips touched his prick and his cock swelled in my mouth, in no time I was slurping on a hard cock.

"Oh, jeez, it's sore." Carver groaned when I touched his cockhead. I compensated by holding the foreskin tightly, working his cock that way, not touching his glans directly, and Carver moaned.

"Yeah, come on, you pussyboy, suck my brother's cock while he sucks yours!" Dane growled. I felt Carver's head and Dane's arm pushing it toward me and I lifted my leg nearest him and Dane pushed his head in underneath.

And Carver's lips hit my cock and I moaned! God, the school's quarterback, big man on campus, he was sucking my cock! And wanting to! I sucked on him harder than ever.

I heard a moan and Dad was standing there whacking his meat. I felt sorry for him.

So did Dane. "Hey, Dad, why don't you ram that up his ass. You can see what a pussy he is. I bet he'd love that dick up his boy-cunt."

Dad hesitated and then came over, torn I guess between his need and his discomfort at having sex with his sons nearby. But he came over and began to hawk spit and rub it on his cock.

I lifted Carver's ass and began to lick at his ass, moistening it for my Daddy's dick. Carver moaned harder than ever and that moan around my cock was a thrill like none I could possibly describe to you. It was like it ran all the way through my body, traveling the same path as my pleasure, leaving me trembling. I dug my tongue into Carver's ass and Dad stepped over, real close, and his cock was right next to my face.

"I'm ready now, son." Dad panted.

I looked up and his cockhead was right at my face. "You need a little more." I said and I took my Daddy's cock into my mouth.

I surprised him, he stood stock-still while I sucked on his dong, slathering it with my tongue. His cock was heavy, rich-flavored, deeper than Carver's in some way I can't explain. More like it exuded male hormone than Carver's did.

Dad groaned again and I felt a salty flood enter my mouth and wondered for a second if he was coming. But he yanked my head off and said in a choked voice, "Enough, son! I nearly came in your mouth!"

God, the thought of Dad's come in my mouth turned me on! I settled for holding Carver's legs up high and returning to my task of getting him off again. Carver's cock was red-hot in my lips and I felt him groan as Dad's cock weaved between his slender hips and found his moist tuckerhole.

When Dad shoved it in, Carver moaned and that sensation ran through my body once more. God, I was about to come, come right in Carver's mouth! Successfully sucked off by the high-school's number one stud! "Ghhh!" I groaned, muffled by Carver's cock. "Gh! Mmhh!"

"Ghhmmhhh!" Carver joined in as Dad's schlong ripped him open, but he was loving every second of it, he didn't squirm or jerk away. I felt his cock surge rock-hard in my mouth and it was really difficult to keep the glans covered. But I guess his soreness was over, for soon I didn't have to bother, I could suck as I wanted to and he just murmured tones of appreciation.

I felt my climax surging within me and I moaned out desperately, trying to hold it off, I wanted to come with Carver did! But it was useless, he was too depleted from the first time, and I felt my orgasm claw at the back of my skull and I gave into it, and I released his cock and pumped it as well as I could while I let my mind soar through the clouds of ejaculation and let them rain down my jism into his deep pool of a mouth, and my come flowed from me long and slow and gentle, like a river reaching for the distant sea.

Done, I panted a while, Carver suckling the last dregs of passion from my dong, and then I felt my hips grabbed by Dane and his cock pressing against my butt. Good God, was Dane about to fuck me?

No, he just bodily lifted and tossed me aside and I felt onto my side and Dane was climbing on for a second ride on Carver's face.

Dad was moaning now, the sight of his sons coming and humping before him and he had his cock buried in his daughter's boyfriend's butt, he must have been clawing the walls before he gave in. Now I was finished, he felt entitled to let go and he did, he fucked Carver's butt furiously and then with a loud roar he jetted his jism into Carver's butt and I saw it spray back out and splatter his hips from its sheer force, Dad's teeth were tightly clenched and he threw his head back, looking like some primal beast as he shot his load.

Dane was nearly wrapped around Carver's head and he was fucking away at it. And I sucked on Carver's prick.

Carver was exhausted, or maybe totally muffled by Dane's dick in his mouth, for his ejaculation caught me off guard, suddenly my mouth was filling with Carver's come, not a heavy flood like the first one, but a slow flow of less intensity, more like a trickle into my mouth and I sucked and drank it down.

I let go and Dad looked at me and I grinned up at him. "That's twice." I affirmed.

"Good." Dad said. "One more time and we can let him go for the night."

"One more time?" I asked.

Carver groaned and Dane growled, "Ah, shut up and suck it."

"Dad, I want him worn out as much as you do, but I don't think he can make a third time."

"He can, he can." Dad said. "I thought about it. It's why I wanted you boys in here, though I wasn't expecting your reaction, son. But one of you boys will have to let him fuck you."

"Huh?" I said.

"Not me!" Dane said.

"Well...okay, I'll do it." I agreed not too reluctantly.

"No, I want Dane to do it."

"Huh? Dad, shit, that's not...." Dane began to protest.

"No, son, it's your turn. Bryant got him off already, it's your turn. And you'll be gone tomorrow night and Bryant will have to do it. Now come on and let's get this last load out of him and he'll be too limp to fuck your sister for a while."

"Aw, man!" Dane groaned. "The things I do for family! Sheesh!"

He got up, pulling his hard dong from Carver's lips with a "plop" sound.

"Come on, pussyboy, let's get this over with." Dane groaned.

Carver scooted up on the bed. "Uh, I don't think I can." he admitted. "God, I'm tired! Please, I won't do anything to Sydney. I couldn't."

"I wish I could believe you. Now your dick looks slicked up enough. Dane, sit on it."

"Aw, Dad!" Dane protested again.

"Now!" Dad the drill instructor was back. I can't explain that tone of voice he uses, though you have heard it any number of times. There's a tone that you don't argue with, you just obey it. The Army has used it for centuries, and Dad used it on my big brother.

Dane threw his leg over Carver's waist and said, "All right, let's get this over it."

I reached up and guided Carver's hardening cock into my brother's butthole. Dane surprised me, he didn't have any trouble taking Carver's cock! I didn't (and still don't) know the answer to that, other than Dane was no virgin. Maybe Dad knew that already, Dane didn't hang out with the girls at all that I could see. Maybe his "asshole buddies" as he called them were just that.

But anyway, Dane's ass slid over Carver's cock like a glove over a hand. Dane just looked exasperated rather than turned on.

Carver himself was in a mixture of pleasure and agony. "Aw, jeez, that hurts!" He moaned. "Please, I can't do it again, I can't."

"The hell you can't, pussyboy." Dane snarled and he began to work his ass up and down, riding Carver's prong. "Come on, shithead, give it to me. I'll get your rocks off or know the reason why."

"Shit, Dad, Dane took it!" I gasped out as I watched. I can't believe it."

"Yes, son. He's giving his all for his family, just like you did." His arm came around my waist in a sort-of hug and remained there. "Come on, son, ride that dick and make your sister safe."

"Yes, sir!" Dane groaned.

I cupped my Dad's balls as I watched my older brother riding Carver's cock. Dad hesitated, then he did the same to me. I dared to reach up and grab hold of his prick and Dad did the same for me, and then we were jerking each other while we watched Carver fucking my brother.

Carver got into it once again, he really was a total stud, just like he'd claimed in school. He got turned on and he rolled Dane over and began to hunch at his butt while he pressed Dane's body into the bed.

Dad's hand was busier than ever and the sight of Dane getting fucked was turning me on, that and my feeling of Dad's dick. "God, Dad, I'm going to come!" I groaned.

"Me, too." He gasped. "The old man still has it, I guess."

"Let's shoot it on Carver." I suggested, panting. "Really soak him for sneaking in here and planning to fuck Sis."

"Yeah, ah, ah, ah!" Dad groaned.

I nearly dragged Daddy over to next to the bed where the pair of bodies were clutched in sexual abandon. When I got him there, Daddy groaned a long, slow groan and his cock squirted and hit Carver right on one of those high, tight cheeks of his. He jerked like it was an electrical shock, turned his head and caught the rest of it right in his face, eyes closed in blissful abandon.

I moaned and added my load to the fray, hitting Carver's flanks and hips. Dane moaned and he came again, splattering both of their stomachs, and Carver felt himself hit on three sides by three Latino dongs, and he moaned, and gasped, and sagged down onto Dane, moaning and spasming as his third, final, wracking orgasm wrenched his body.

"Oh, God, oh, God!" He moaned, then slumped. "Oh, God, not again, not again, please, not again." he kind of babbled.

"That'll do him for tonight." Dad said as he wiped his brow with the back of his hand. "I think he's all fucked out."

"I'll bet his balls are dead empty." I agreed.

"Oh, yeah, they feel so hollow, so hollow." Carver moaned into my brother's chest.

"That'll teach you to come over and try to fuck my sister." Dane agreed, a funny sound of triumph coming from him, seeing how Carver's cock was still buried in his ass.

"You boys take Carver back to your room and keep him there. He sleeps with you the rest of the time he's here."

"Three to a bed." I observed. "Kind of crowded."

"We'll fit once my dick is plugging his butt." Dane affirmed.

"Good boys." Dad said. "Well, get him in there and I'll send your sister back to this bed. After I change the bedding for her."

We did as Dad ordered and I felt Carver's arms around me as I was falling asleep. I think he kissed me, too, but I was too worn out and asleep before I could figure it all out.

The next morning, Sydney was pissed. I don't think she knew everything that went on, but she knew enough. "God, Dad, I can't believe you did that." she bitched. "Poor Carver must be...must be worn out. He won't even look at me." Boy, if she only knew how worn out.

"Your own fault for plotting to sneak him into bed with you." Dad observed. "Well, I have to get to the base. You boys keep Carver company here. Sydney, get ready, you're coming with me."

"But Dad!"

"No buts. I can't trust you long as Carver is here." Dad said.

Sydney started to complain, but Carver came in just then and the conversation ended. When it was just me, Carver and Dane in the house (Mom left on her own business somewhere), Dane grinned. "Well, Carver, what do you think of our little family? Planning to marry into it?"

"Maybe." Carver grinned. "I think I'm going to love it here."

"Too bad it's only three days." I agreed.

Carver sipped his coffee, then decided to tell us. "If Dad gets that job in Tucson like he hopes, the family will be moving right away. His tour of duty is up and he didn't re-enlist."

I mulled that. "So you're moving soon? But it's only six weeks until the end of the school year. How will you graduate?"

Carver grinned. "We haven't sprung that on your father yet, but Mom and your mother have arranged it. If things worked out here, I'll be staying with you until the end of school. Six weeks. Think you can successfully defend your sister's honor for that long? I have to warn you that I'm fully loaded and dangerous." Carver said. "And I'm going to do your sister if I get the chance. Your only hope is to keep me all worn out. Think you're up to it?"

"Fully loaded." I mused. "Well, a good soldier is always ready to take a bullet for honor."

Dane thought this over. "You know, it would all have been a lot simpler if we'd just beaten the shit out of him instead."

I had to agree.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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