Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Apr 21, 2001


Ok as promised here's chapter nine. I hope you all like it.

Disclaimer:I don't know Nsync nor do I know their sexual preferences. This story is all fiction.

chapter nine *********************************** Chris, Lance, and Joey looked on curiously as JC left the bathroom doorway. He slowly moved to stand in front of Justin. He brought his hand up slowly and placed his fingertip on Justin's lips, gently rubbing them.

"Don't ever do that again, not if it's just to get to me. If you want Joey, fine, but don't try to play me like that. It won't work. I don't play games," JC said, quietly.

Justin slowly licked his lips after JC removed his finger. He could not read the look in JC's eyes. He knew anger, but what else was there?

"I gotta go to the bathroom," Justin said, rushing past JC and slamming the door.

JC turned, looking coldly at Joey. "I don't care what he asks you to do or how much he begs, if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll knock your teeth down your fucking throat."

"I'll do whatever I want, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. If you'd get your stubborn head out of your ass and face up to the truth, he wouldn't have to ask me to do anything," Joey heatedly replied.

As JC took a menacing step toward Joey, Lance stepped in between them. He placed one hand on JC's chest and one on Joey's.

"Why don't you both calm down and discuss this rationally?" Lance placated.

"What the hell's going on here?" Chris yelled, in his high squeaky voice.

"Stay out of this Chris, it doesn't concern you." JC said, in a cold tone.

"I think I know what's going on," Lance stated, in a matter of fact tone.

Lance looked at Joey and then turned slowly to JC. He quietly observed both men, before coming to a definite conclusion. "JC wants Justin."

Chris made a running leap, jumping on top of Joey and knocking him onto the bed. "Just chill out Joe, you aren't gonna do anything crazy, man," Chris spoke to Joey, like he would a child.

Joey struggled, trying to knock Chris off of him. "Get off of me, you fucking idiot! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Chris fought to stay on top of Joey. "Hurry, JC, run before he gets loose, I can't hold him that much longer."

JC and Lance were laughing too hard to respond to Chris.

"Chris, you evil fucking leprechaun, if you don't get off me this minute, I'm gonna kick your ass," Joey yelled, still trying to dislodge Chris.

"No Joey, you need to settle down. JC's your friend. He can't help it that he wants Justin. Justin's with you though; you have to remember that. He doesn't want JC. He wants you. That's all that matters," Chris spoke softly to Joey, trying to calm him down.

Justin emerged from the bathroom to see Chris sitting on Joey. JC and Lance were still laughing. Joey was getting angrier, because Chris would not get off of him.

"What's going on?" Justin asked.

"Justin, good you're here. Tell Joey that you love him. Tell him you don't want JC," Chris said, still battling to keep Joey down.

Justin looked at Chris in confusion. "But I do want JC," he stated simply.

Chris groaned, still holding Joey as tightly as he could. "God, Justin, don't you see that you're breaking his heart? How can you do this to him?"

"Chris, have you been eating Lance's face cleaner again? You're obviously out of your damn mind," Justin said, trying to pull Chris off of Joey.

"Justin, that was one time, I was hungry. I thought it was guacamole. Stop pulling on me. Do you want him to kick JC's ass?" Chris asked.

Justin turned to JC and Lance in disgust. "Will you two stop laughing for a minute, and help me get the psycho midget off of Joey?"

Lance and JC finally got their laughing under control, and began helping Justin. Joey continued to struggle and swear.

"Let go of me! JC, do you want Joey going postal on your ass?" Chris asked, panicking as he was pulled off of Joey.

Joey dove at Chris as soon as he was freed. "The only one I'm going postal on is you!"

Justin blocked Joey's attack. "Come on Joey, he thought he was helping. Even though he did finally prove that he's out of his fucking mind. He had good intentions."

"What the hell are you talking about? If anyone's out of his or her mind it's you. How could you just stand there and say that you want JC when your boyfriend is here?" Chris asked, obviously thinking Justin was nuts.

"Because I do want Josh, and for the last time Joey is not my boyfriend." Justin said, in total frustration.

"Well, why were you kissing Joey then, and not JC?" Chris asked, clearly perplexed.

"JC doesn't want me kissing him. You heard him on the phone." Justin said, turning to look at JC.

JC sat on the bed, holding his head in both hands. "Justin, I didn't exactly say that I don't want you kissing me. I said I don't want a relationship. You said that you wouldn't sleep with me without one."

"So, I can kiss you?" Justin asked, grinning mischievously.

JC eyed Justin suspiciously. "I guess, but that doesn't mean that we're gonna start dating. I'm still gonna sleep with anyone I want."

Justin frowned slightly. "Well I guess that's gonna have to do for now, but don't think that I'm giving up. You will be mine; I don't care how long it takes."

"Christ, why couldn't you have wanted Joey? Why me?" JC moaned.

"Because I love you, and I know that you love me. You just don't see it yet," Justin whispered seductively, into JC's ear.

"You're delusional. It's never gonna happen, Justin. Love is an illusion," JC said, turning away from Justin.

Justin gently turned JC's face to his. Leaning in, he slowly brought their lips together. Justin lightly brushed his hand along JC's cheek. JC moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Justin, pulling him in closer. Justin's lips opened slightly allowing his tongue to run smoothly across JC's lower lip. JC opened, letting Justin in. Justin's fingers sifted tenderly through JC's hair, as their tongues danced erotically. Justin slowly parted his mouth from JC's, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around him.

"Now try to tell me there's nothing there," Justin whispered, grinning smugly.

JC moved away from Justin. He began to speak as there was a knock on the door.

"Food's here!" Lance yelled, rushing to the door.

"Shit," Chris said, blown away by the kiss he'd just witnessed.


Next: Chapter 10

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