Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Mar 27, 2001



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Dedication:To Rin again because he's just the best and I love him to pieces.

Disclaimer:I do not know Nsync. I do not know their sexual preferences nor do I wish to, it's more fun to just guess and make up stories about them. Which means this story is just a figment of my over active imagination.

Chapter Two ***************** The group waded through the crowd in the club, trying to find a table. While JC was leading, the other four were still wondering what was up with the comment about Justin's ass.

Justin spoke up as they were starting to sit. "Hey guys, I'll be right back I gotta go to the bathroom."

Joey jumped up too. "Hold up J, I gotta go too."

"Great, I thought this was a boy band, they're going to the can together. They're really girls. I feel better now about JC's obsession with Justin's ass," Chris laughed as the others groaned.

Justin and Joey had to fight their way through the mass of sweaty bodies to get to the restroom. Guys and girls groped them both more than once, until they finally reached their destination. They entered the restroom and walked up to urinals next to each other.

Justin noticed that Joey was covertly looking at his ass. "Joey, why the hell are you looking at my ass?"

Joey blushed and giggled. "Sorry man I just wanted to see what JC was talking about."

"You're freaking weird man; you're not gay." Justin said with a laugh.

"I know. I've just never heard JC say anything like that before," Joey shrugged.

"Yeah that was pretty wild. Do you think he likes me?" Justin questioned eagerly.

"Of course he likes you. You're his best friend."

"No, I mean, likes me, as in he wants to bump uglies with me?" Justin implored.

Joey looked at Justin weirdly. "Whoa man, you sound like you want him to."

"Maybe I do," Justin said with a sly smile and walked out.

Joey stopped Justin on the way back to the table. "Are you shitting me J? Since when are you gay?"

"Since the first time I saw Josh. I just wasn't ready for anyone to know. I' m still not ready for everybody to know," Justin said softly.

"Don't worry J, I won't say anything. Just don't think he's gonna change just because you want him," Joey warned.

Justin hugged Joey. "Thanks man. I know he won't but I'm gonna make him love me, you just watch."

"So, what's the plan? Do you need any help," Joey asked, grinning wickedly.

"I don't really have a plan yet. Although, I now know that he might want

me." Justin smiled.

"He wants to fuck you, not marry you. You can't just let him use you. I won' t let him use you," Joey said forcefully.

"I know that. I'm not gonna sleep with him until he loves me. I'm not stupid Joey. I just have to find a way to make him love me," Justin finished with a sigh.

"We'll think of something. Flirt a lot tonight. Ask him to dance with you. Kiss him and give him a little taste of what he's missing," Joey conspired.

"Do you think I should go that far?" Justin asked nervously.

"Hey man, you gotta fight dirty if you want him. Nothing worth having comes easy. If anybody can open his heart, it'll be you," Joey encouraged him.

"Wow Joe, when did you get so smart?" Justin asked with a laugh.

"Why does everybody always think I'm the dumb one?" Joey said with disgust as he led Justin back to the table.

"Took you long enough, what did you do, powder your nose and fix your lipstick too?" Chris joked when they reached the table.

Joey smacked the back of Chris's head. "No just a little girl talk. Right Justin?"

"Yeah, thanks again for the name of the store that custom makes the lingerie. I hate ordering from the catalog; the sizes are never the same," Justin continued the joke.

"Lord, why didn't I stay at the hotel?" Lance moaned, thumping his head on the table.

Justin noticed JC watching him intently. "What's up Josh?"

JC glanced from Justin to Joey and back. "What took you so long?"

"We had to fight our way through the crowd first and then there was a line in the restroom," Justin explained.

JC simply nodded and pushed Justin's Coke over to him.

"Oh yeah and Joey was checking out my ass too," Justin snickered.

Chris started laughing hysterically, pointing at Joey. Joey smacked Justin on the arm while JC looked angry. Lance began pounding his head on the table again and chanting, "Why me God?"

"Hey Josh, come dance with me." Justin tugged on JC's arm and stood up.

Justin grabbed JC's hand and led him onto the dance floor. They danced close together, while Justin touched JC every chance he got. JC didn't understand why Justin kept rubbing up against him and grabbing his hand, but he wasn't about to stop him. By the time they left the dance floor Justin had touched and teased JC so much that he had a raging erection. While following Justin back to the table, JC prayed that nobody would notice his condition.

Justin noticed Lance was alone at the table. "Hey Lance, where did Joey and Chris go?"

Lance with his head still down on the table mumbled, "I hope light years away."

Justin and JC laughed and took their seats. Justin moved his chair as close to JC's as he could, without actually sitting in his lap. JC looked at him with curiosity but didn't say anything. They sat and watched Joey dance with a girl who looked way too young and Chris talked to the DJ.

Justin slowly slipped his hand across the table so that his was touching JC' s. When JC didn't move his hand away Justin began gently caressing the side of his hand with his little finger. JC didn't move he just sat very still and watched Justin's hand. Justin decided to be a little bolder and turned JC's hand over and began stroking his palm. JC's breath hitched but he didn' t move. JC was starting to sweat; he'd never been so turned on before by such a simple touch. JC tore his eyes away from their hands and looked into Justin's eyes and saw the desire. As the song changed, JC slowly moved his hand to Justin's thigh. Justin and JC looked at each other and then stood.

They moved to the dance floor hand in hand. JC positioned his hands on Justin's waist, as Justin gently put his hands on the back of JC's neck. This I promise you played while they stared into each other's eyes and swayed to the music.


Next: Chapter 3

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