Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jul 12, 2001


Ok, so this is the very last chapter of the story. Yay me I finally finished it!! Thanks to all the people who sent such wonderful feedback.

Dedication: Brian, I love you and I'm sorry you were disappointed with the end. I promise I'm writing your story right now and there will be lots of sex. ::grin:: Aaron, if it weren't for you encouraging me I never would have posted anything so I gotta dedicate the last chapter to you :-)

Disclaimer:Justin's sitting in JC's lap feeding him grapes, Chris is my slave and doing all my chores, Joey's thinking of new ways to make me laugh, and Lance is trying to drag me back to bed so I gotta stop writing all this fiction now. Get it folks, this is fiction. Meaning not true.

Note: Cody said I should tell you that peridot is a yellow green color. He said if you don't know this you are either

A. stupid or B. you have a dick (don't yell at me Cody said it lol)

Justin opened the door, silently thanking Chris for interrupting him and JC. He wasn't ready for things to go as far as they did. JC might want to fuck him but he didn't love him. Justin vowed to stand by his promise, even if that meant that he'd never make love with JC. "Hey Chris, what's up?" Justin asked, greeting Chris as he opened the door. Chris entered the room, plopping down on the bed that JC wasn't on. JC glared at Chris. Justin sat down next to JC. Chris sighed, leaning back on his elbows. "I'm bored; it's too quiet in the single room." He whined. JC groaned, "Deal with it, you wanted the fucking room." He growled, turning over in the bed with his back facing Chris. Justin sighed and smiled apologetically at Chris for JC's behavior. "So you wanna do something?" He asked, reaching back to lightly stroke JC's back. "Yeah, we might as well we don't have anything scheduled until tomorrow." Chris said, staring at the ceiling. Justin slid his hand over the smooth expanse of JC's back. JC scooted backward toward Justin, purring contentedly as Justin continued touching him. He growled deep in his throat, as there was another knock on the door. Justin rose to answer it. "Hey guys, what's up?" He asked, stepping aside to let Joey and Lance enter. JC rolled onto his stomach and bit his pillow to keep from screaming in frustration. Lance sat on the bed next to Chris. Joey sat next to him. Justin dropped down in front of JC once again. JC stretched his arm out, one hand finding the small of Justin's back. Justin's back stiffened. JC was touching him and that scared him. He was in control when he was touching JC. JC touching him made Justin feel weak. He jerked away from JC's touch, throwing himself onto the other bed and Joey's lap. Lance frowned. Joey laughed. Chris looked up, grinning at Justin bouncing in Joey's lap. "So what are we gonna do? I don't really want to sit around all day and watch Justin and Joey getting freaky." He joked, looking at each of his friends and shrugging when nobody laughed. "Fuck this!" JC growled, climbing off the bed and stomping into the bathroom. Justin sighed dejectedly, dropping his head onto Joey's shoulder and burying his face in his neck. Lance's peridot eyes shot daggers at Justin's back. They sat in silence for a while, listening to JC slam things around in the bathroom. The shower finally came on. Justin exhaled shakily, burrowing further into Joey's warm embrace. Lance jumped from the bed, glaring at Justin. "Jesus Chris Justin, do you have to hang all over him when JC's not here? It's not like you guys are really fucking!" Lance shouted, heading toward the door. Justin climbed off of Joey's lap. "What the fuck is your problem Lance?" He asked, grabbing Lance's arm and jerking him around. Lance yanked his arm from Justin's grasp. "You're my fucking problem. Everything has to go Justin's way. If things don't go Justin's way somebody has to make him happy. I know it was my idea to begin with, but I never meant for Joey to have to be molested just so you could hold on to your damn pride. Grow up Justin. If all JC wants from you is a fuck then fine, fuck him or get over it. Either way quit fucking using Joey to make JC jealous!" Lance finished his tirade and turned back toward the door, stopping as he heard the thud of something hitting the floor. All eyes turned toward the bathroom door. JC stood clad in only a towel, looking down at the electric shaver lying on the floor at his feet. JC bent and picked up the shaver. "I forgot the cord to this in my bag when I unpacked." He said, holding up the shaver as he headed for his bag. The other four men stood silently watching JC. He fumbled around in his bags for a few seconds before pulling out a cord. JC held the cord up triumphantly. "I got it." He said, then frowning and turning toward Justin. "How could you fucking lie to me Justin?" "I didn't lie." Justin said, inching toward Joey. JC sighed. "You lied." "I didn't lie." "You did, you said you were with Joey. Are you and Joey together?" JC asked, looking Justin in the eye. "Joey and I . . . we . . . well . . . umm." Justin stuttered. "Jesus!" Lance yelled, storming out the door. "Lance." Joey said, following Lance. Justin stopped Joey with a hand on his arm. "Joey, please." He pleaded. Joey shook Justin's arm off. "I'm sorry Just, I'm going to be selfish for once and go after something that will make me happy." He said, touching Justin's cheek lightly and then turning to follow Lance. Chris walked past JC and Justin, stopping at the door. "It's times like this that make me glad to be the undesirable one." He said, mumbling under his breath about the single room looking better and better. Justin turned and found JC's gaze unwavering. He swallowed nervously. "You fucking lied Justin." JC said, standing so close to Justin that he could feel his breath on his face. Justin ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't lie. You never specifically asked me if Joey and I were together." "Oh, so now I'm supposed to ask if somebody's playing me for a fucking fool. Do you know how I fucking felt hearing you with Joey that night and seeing you hanging all over him?" JC demanded. "Yeah, I'm sure it hurt seeing someone you don't love with somebody else. Well fuck you Josh, I love you and you almost tore my heart out when I saw you with that guy in the bathroom. So no, I don't know how it felt." Justin cried, rushing from the room. JC crossed the room and flopped back onto a bed. He was so pissed off at Justin and Joey for pretending to be together. He was mad at himself too for making Justin feel as if he had to do that. He deserved it he realized that. It still didn't make him happy though, to think of Justin and Joey kissing and maybe doing more. Now he just needed to find a way to make Justin see how sorry he was. He jumped from the bed, realizing that Justin was probably crying in Joey's arms right now. He rushed from the room, running three doors down and began pounding. Lance opened the door and JC burst in. He frowned seeing Justin sitting next to Joey on the bed. Joey's arms were wrapped tightly around him and Justin was sobbing quietly. JC grabbed Justin's arm, pulling him away from Joey and into his own arms. "Mine." He said, daring Joey with his eyes to argue. Joey smirked, "It's about damn time you got your head out of your ass and realized that." Joey said, pulling Lance down onto his lap. JC snorted and scowled at Joey. He unwrapped his arms from around Justin. JC grasped Justin's arm lightly and pulled him out of the room with him. Justin tried to speak as JC rushed him down the hall. JC just shushed him. JC opened the door, gently pushing Justin in before him. "So wanna tell me what that was about?" Justin asked, turning to look at JC. JC pulled Justin into his arms once again. "Just staking my claim." He said, caressing Justin's cheek with the back of his hand. "Staking your claim? Since when do you want any claim on me?" Justin asked, eyeing JC suspiciously. JC smiled, smoothing the wrinkle between Justin's brows from his frowning. "I always have. I was just too scared to admit it, to myself or to you." Justin brought his arms up and wrapped them around JC's back. "You better not be fucking with me." He warned. "I love you." JC said, leaning down and claiming Justin's lips. Justin moaned, tightening his hold on JC. The kiss deepened, tongue's dancing and teeth clashing. JC walked Justin backward and lowered him onto the bed. JC followed, lying half on top of Justin. Kisses became heated caresses. Clothes soon began littering the floor. Tongue's and hands traced bodies. Erections slid together, leaving wet sticky trails on abdomens. JC gently pulled away from Justin. He climbed off the bed, riffling through his suitcase. He came back with lube and a condom. He laid them on the bed, kissing Justin once again. Justin rolled JC under him. He kissed and licked his way to JC's cock. His tongue caressed the head, tasting the sweet but salty essence of JC. JC pulled Justin up. He licked Justin's nose. Justin giggled, licking JC back. Justin reached behind him, grabbing the lube and condom. He pressed JC down on the bed. JC gently took the condom from Justin. "But don't you want me to put it on you?" Justin asked, confusion clouding his voice. JC stroked Justin's cheek. "No, I want to put it on you." He said, kissing Justin's nose. "Bu . . but you never." Justin stammered. JC smiled tenderly at Justin. "I do now, only for you. Make love to me Justin." He whispered, pressing Justin back to the bed and tearing the condom open with his teeth. The End *I'm sorry I've been forgetting to send the next part of Doggy Style in. I actually just wrote another chapter for it last night. I'll probably send that in tomorrow. I'm such a scatterbrain at times. LOL.

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