Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on May 2, 2001


Feedback:I love feedback, love to hear what you think.

Dedication:To Dusty, I hope you're feeling better and things brighten up soon.

Thanks:Skye my awesome beta, I love ya.

Disclaimer:I don't know Nsync or their sexual preferences. This story is all fiction.

Chapter Twelve ********************************************************* Justin dropped down onto the sofa, next to Joey. "Man that was a good show," he said, patting his friend on the knee.

Joey gave Justin a smile, too tired to do anything else.

Chris flopped down beside Justin. "I'm hungry," he said, rubbing his stomach.

"Ok, so tell us something new," Lance laughed, throwing a towel at Chris.

Chris caught the towel, throwing it back without looking.

"God damn it, Chris!" JC yelled, wiping water from his face where the towel had hit the bottle he was drinking from.

"You want to stop somewhere and get some food?" Joey asked, nudging Justin with his elbow.

Wondering why Justin wasn't answering him, Joey turned to look at Justin. He saw that his friend was staring intently at JC. Joey saw Justin lick his lips as JC pulled a new shirt over his head.

"God," Justin whispered, adjusting his pants that had suddenly become tight.

JC, hearing Justin's comment, glanced up. "What? Is there something wrong with this shirt?" he queried, inspecting his shirt for a spot or tear.

Justin walked over to JC. "No, the shirt is fine, but you're hiding the most beautiful body I've ever seen," he said, placing his hand on the other man's chest and gently caressing it.

JC brushed Justin's hand off of him. "Jesus, Justin, obviously you don't look in the mirror," he replied, derisively.

"So, you think I look good, huh?" Justin grinned, bringing his hand back up to JC's chest.

JC removed Justin's hand once again. "You know that you look good, Justin," he said, moving away from Justin.

Justin followed JC to the chair he sat in. "Yeah, I know I'm hot," he smirked, slowly stroking the back of his friends neck.

The telephone rang, stopping JC's answer. Lance answered the phone. JC rose from the chair, leaving Justin perched on the arm.

Lance hung up the phone. "The bus is here. We can head out now, security's waiting at the end of the hall," he informed his friends.

They all filed out of the room. Meeting their security at the end of the hall, they proceeded to the bus.

"I'm hungry," Chris complained, once again.

"Me too, let's stop somewhere," Joey suggested.

JC stood up. "I'll go see if we can," he said, moving away from Justin, who had been running his hand up and down his leg.

Joey sat on the bench beside Justin. "Smile, Justin, he'll know he's getting to you otherwise," he whispered, wrapping an arm around his younger friend's shoulders.

"Alright, we're stopping at the next Burger King," JC told his friends, as he sat down next to Lance.

Nobody questioned their destination, knowing that once JC decided something there was no changing his mind.

They entered Burger King, surrounded in front and back by bodyguards. All five men headed for the front counter.

"Hi, can I take your order?" The young man behind the counter asked.

JC stepped up to the counter, "It depends, are you on the menu?" he asked, smiling seductively.

Joey grabbed Justin's arm, as he stepped back with a stricken look on his face. "You wanna go back to the bus?"

"Why is he doing this, Joey?" Justin whispered, clutching Joey's arm in a tight grip.

Joey frowned at JC's back. "Because he's an asshole, and he doesn't care who he hurts as long as he's happy," he said, contemplating knocking some sense into JC.

"That guy isn't even good looking," Justin mumbled quietly, looking at the man he was talking about.

Joey stroked Justin's curls. "Not compared to you. You're gorgeous Justin, don't let this make you think you aren't," he said.

"Thanks Joe, I can always count on you to make me feel better." Justin smiled, hugging his friend.

After ordering they all made their way to a long table. Joey closed in Justin on one side and Lance on the other. Chris sat across from him, with JC beside Chris. Joey continued to glare at JC. Lance wondered what had made JC act the way he had in front of Justin. He didn't think that JC would ever hurt Justin on purpose, but he'd just been proved wrong. Chris, oblivious as usual, ate heartily not noticing the tension among the others.

Justin picked at his food, not really hungry after witnessing JC's interaction with the man at the counter.

JC stood up. "I'm going to the restroom," he said, as his friends all glanced at him.

The four remaining men had resumed eating after JC's departure for the restroom.

"I'm gonna go see what's taking Josh so long." Justin sat his cup down, and rose from his chair.

"He'll be back in a minute Curly," Joey said, around a mouthful of food.

Lance nodded his head. "Yeah, Justin; he won't be much longer," he agreed, glancing nervously in the direction of the restroom.

"Yeah, he probably just looked in the mirror and realized he hasn't combed his hair for the last five months," Chris laughed, referring to JC's wild hairstyle he'd been sporting lately.

Lance and Joey laughed, while Justin frowned at Chris for making fun of JC.

"I'm gonna go anyway, he might be sick or something," Justin told them, as he turned to walk away from the table.

Justin didn't see JC as he entered the restroom. He heard moaning coming from one of the stalls. He walked over to it, afraid that JC was sick. The door was open about an inch. Justin pushed the door open. He felt as if his heart were ripped from his chest at the sight before him. The man from the front counter was sitting on the toilet seat, JC in front of him with his pants at his knees. The mans hands were on JC's ass, his head bobbing up and down on JC's cock. Justin stepped back, reaching for the door.

"Justin, what's taking so long?" Joey asked, hitting Justin with the door as he banged it open.

JC's head whirled around at the sound of the door opening and Joey's voice. He saw the pain on Justin's face, he smirked. Justin turned, running from the restroom.

JC pulled up his pants as Joey charged him. "You stupid selfish bastard!" he yelled, grabbing the collar of JC's shirt.

"Get the fuck off me, Joey!" JC retorted, trying to pry Joey's hands loose.

Joey shook JC. "How could you fucking do that?" he asked, looking at JC in disgust.

"I was horny. Why do you get your dick sucked?" JC inquired, derisively.

"Don't take another step, you've got a job to finish," JC ordered, as the man from the counter tried to slip out the door.

Joey drew a fist back, and hit JC in the mouth. He grasped JC's shirt again, then released it as he threw him into the wall.

"You aren't worthy of Justin, you rotten piece of shit," Joey growled, walking out the door.

JC closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall. He had finally accomplished his goal, he made Justin hate him. He hadn't realize that hurting Justin, would hurt him so much.


Ok just a little note here. Cody's a picky ass, so I thought I'd clarify something. In this story JC is totally out, therefore if he wants to hit on someone in public he can. There Cody, happy now? LOL

Aaron, I'm gonna post my Backstreet Boys story later this week. I'll let you know when I do. We wouldn't want anymore confusion.

Next: Chapter 13

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