Not the Only One

By moc.loa@42tpircselpmis

Published on Mar 11, 2011


The Legal Stuff

This story is a work of fiction. Nothing mentioned in this story is true. This story will contain sexual situations between teenage boys. If thats not your cup of tea then leave now. This is my story and cannot be distributed without my consent. Got it! Then I Hope You Enjoy!

Not The Only One

Chapter 2 - "Clocks"

"Boring ass english class why am I even here" I thought to myself as I stared out the window. "I cant believe the one time I come to class Mrs.Kane's not even here. I guess that would just be my luck" I say as the Substitute takes roll.

Mason Linley "Present"

"Even Ryan came to class today" I said to myself as I glanced to my right at him.

Jaxson Maxwell........ " Oh ah... here" I said as I saw her holding a packet.

"I have a packet for you" she says. "Your Teacher left this packet here for you and Ryan Nelson." Ryan got up just as I was standing in front of the substitute and made his way towards us.

"I assume your Ryan" the sub said to Ryan.

Ryan gave her that no shit sherlock look as he nodded his head.

"Well you two are partners for a project and Mrs.Kane said that you two need to have a book picked out by next Friday" she said as she handed us the packets on the project.

As we both turned to walk back to our desks she then adds " Oh and you two need to do a character list for the first two chapters of the book by next Friday also." Ryan keps walking back to his desk but I turn to glare at the sub. She looks at me but then goes back to taking the attendance. After she finished the attendance she told us to get with our partners and work on our project.

As other students get up and move around to get with their partners me and Ryan just stared at eachother. I got the sense that he wasn't getting up to come over to me so I went over and sat in front of him.

We continued to stare at eachother for about five minutes before I spoke.

"I don't think I've ever said more than two words to you"

"Nope" Ryan said with a bored expression.

"So, What book do you want to do for the project?"

"Don't care" he said still with his bored expression.

"Well what kind of books do you read."

"Don't read books."

"Well that makes two of us." "I think she gave us some suggestions though. She gave us 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', and 'The Great Gatsby'. Any of those sound interesting to you"

"Nope" he says with his now annoyed expression.

"Well what kind of movies or activities do you like" I say staryting to get annoyed myself.

"Sports" he says finally sounding a little upbeat.

"Cool, so what's your favorite sports movie" I ask.

"Hmm...I guess 'Friday Night Lights'."

"Wow thats one of my favorite sports movies too. We can do that for our project what do ya say!"

"Sure I guess but I never read the book I've only seen the movie" he says.

"I've never read the book either but it doesn't matter because already having seen the movie should make it easier."

After saying that I look up at the clock and realize there's only five minutes left in class. Only one more period until a whole weekend stuck in my house. Thinking about that helps me come up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey Ryan you want to stay over at my house tonight so we can do the character list now and get out the way."

"Like you said earlier this the first time we've actually spoken to eachother and you already want me to come to your house" Ryan said sounding skeptical.

"Your right but I want something to do this weekend since I'm grounded. It would be like killing two birds with one stone. We can work on our project and we can get to know eachother a little better."

"And so you won't be bored this weekend" he said with a neutral expression.

"Okay so three birds with one stone. Please stay at my house today I really want something to do."

"Alright I guess but I have to go home to get some clothes first."

"Cool, Were gonna have fun I promise."

We exchanged numbers and after that I was off to my last class of the day Study Hall. In study hall I couldn't help but think about ryan and how good looking he is. I wondered how I never noticed until now. I guess I've waited long enough to describe Ryan so here it goes.

Ryan is about 5'8 around 130 lbs I guess maybe a little less because I think I have a little more muscle so yeah. He has dirty blond hair that he keeps Spiky. His face is kind of like David Beckham except Ryan has more of a Pugish nose and no facial hair. As I was daydreaming about Ryan the bell rang telling me the weekend was here.

As I was exiting the school I saw Mason waiting for me so I made my way over.

"Ready to go" mason says.


"Karen's coming over Saturday and Sunday so we can start our project."

I roll my eyes before saying "Cool, Ryan's staying over to my house to work on our project."

"Good luck with that."

Before I could answer Mason we were infront of my house. I told Mason I would talk to him later as I entered my house.

"Did you go to all your classes today" my mom says.

"For Once I actually did."

"Well I guess I'll truly know the answer in a couple of hours" she says.

"I guess so" I say back sarcastically

"Anything new in school."

"Yeah we have an english project and I invited my partner Ryan to stay the night so we could work on it."

"Do you really have a project or is this just some way to get out of being grounded."

"I have the packet you can look if you don't trust me. He'll be here after dinner."

"Alright but you still can't leave the house" she says.

"I'll be In my room."

When I get to my room I surf the net a little bitbefore my mom come up to tell my that her and Kurt are going out to eat. She told me that the Waltons(A.K.A the next door neighbors) would be watching out to make sure I don't leave. She also told me there was money downstairs to order a pizza.

At around 6:00 Kurt and my mom left and I got a text from Ryan saying he would be here in about 20 minutes. I put on my Ipod radio and turn on some ColdPlay. I layed on my bed and started getting anxious for Ryan to come over. I started dreaming about what ryan would look like with no shirt on. Then with no pants on and finally with no boxers on. I didn't realize I was rubbing myself until I was completely hard. I took my boner out and started looking at it and rubbing it.

For 16 I always thought a 5.8in penis was alright but then I think about all the stories I read on nifty and the 16 year old has the 8in monster dick abd I get mad. I've researched that the average adult size penis is 6in so I don't know what to think. I wonder what Ryan's penis looks like. What if he's like 8in long.

As all these thoghts run in my head and my hand continues to stroke my dick I hear the doorbell ring. I freeze and look at the time 6:26 pm. I pull up my pants and hurry to get down stairs as ColdPlay's song 'Clocks' plays in the backround.

End of Chapter 2

(Hope You liked the story so far and I know that this wasn't the most interesting chapter but the next one will be better I promise. I welcome comments and suggestions just try not to be real harsh. Next chapter Coming Soon...)

Reach me at : ( )

Next: Chapter 3

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