Not the Boss of Me

By ps4star

Published on Oct 9, 2023



Paul was the first to arrive at work. He walked in and, unsure of what to do, sat on the groud with his back against the door to his office. He knew that the man he had been thinking of all weekend would walk in at any minute, and he wasn't sure what he would say. After a moment, Paul heard the door open. Indeed, it was Hans. As soon as he walked in, the two men made eye contact. Without exchanging words, they both came to an understanding that they needed to talk. Paul stood up, opened his office door, and motioned for Hans to walk in.

After the two men sat down in Paul's office, Hans put his hands up to his face and let out a sigh of frustration.

"Paul, I can't do this. I want to quit," Hans stated, trying to hold back his frustration.

"Please don't quit Hans, I uh... I want you to beat me again," Paul said with some desparation in his voice.

"What? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Hans asked angrily.

"Please man, I can give you a raise if you want, I'll even let you have my office," Paul pleaded.

Hans shook his head in denial. Without speaking, he stood up and began walking towards the exit. As he approached the door, Paul suddenly threw himself out of his chair and leapt towards Hans, wrapping his arms around the employee's legs.

"Please sir, I can't live without you! I'm begging you, please don't leave me. Please, I'll do anything!" Paul begged as he started to cry with visible despair.

Hans stared down at his boss. Previously, Hans had been the one who needed him, but now, seeing his boss crying at his feet and begging him to stay, Hans saw that the roles were reversed. Still, Hans was determined to leave all this behind and go back to normal.

"You sick fucking pig!" Hans shouted. He stepped over to the right of Paul, causing the boss to let go of his legs, and kicked the poor man in the stomach, causing him to yell in pain.

"Is that what you want, you stupid fuck?!" Hans yelled.

"Oh yes sir, please hurt me more!" Paul cried out.

"Stop calling me that!" Hans demanded as he again kicked his poor boss in the stomach, bringing out more sharp cries of pain from the man.

At this point, Hans was once again enraged as he had been on Friday. He reached down and grabbed Paul by the neck with both of his strong hands, picking him up off the ground. Quickly, he pushed the boss into the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you man?!" Hans shouted at his boss's face.

"I don't know! I couldn't stop thinking about you all weekend. Please, I don't know what's wrong with me. I need you sir," Paul said, still crying.

Hans now realized that Paul had been going through the same struggle as he had that weekend. For the first time ever he felt some semblance of sympathy for the man, and knew he couldn't just leave him.

"Goddamnit!" Hans shouted. He threw his boss down on the floor. Although Hans understood his boss's pain, he was now even more angry at himself for caving into his desires, and was taking it out on Paul.

"I'm gonna make you wish you never met me, you sick fuck. Don't fucking move until I get back," Hans demanded. He quickly rushed for the door and slammed it shut behind him.

Hans walked out to his car. He started driving out of the parking lot, trying to contemplate what he should do. He wanted to go home and never see Paul again, but deep down he knew that he wanted to punish his boss. In the end, his desires won.

Hans pulled up at a nearby sex store, a place he had never been before. As he opened the front door, he saw rows and rows of toys: dildoes, whips, vibrators, porn, everything he could possibly want. After about 30 minutes of shopping, he checked out and headed back to his car, a plastic bag full of sex toys in hand.

Meanwhile, Paul was still on the floor of his office, obeying his employee's orders to not move. He hadn't seen Hans in nearly an hour and began to sob as he wondered if Hans had left him. Finally, the office door swung open and Hans walked in.

"Get up. Against the wall. Now," Hans commanded. Paul followed his orders, standing up and pushing his back into the wall. Hans approached Paul and leaned in close to him. Their faces were only a few inches apart now.

"If you want me to stay, there are gonna be rules, understood?"

"Yes sir."

"First of all, I want twice my current salary. I'm gonna be the manager, and you're gonna be my secretary. You're gonna bring my stuff in here and use it to work, while I work at your desk. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Second thing, you're now my slave, meaning you're gonna do whatever I say, and I don't care where you are or what you're doing, understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Take your clothes off."

Paul stripped off all his clothes, exposing his hairy chest and abdomen, as well as his erect dick. Hans reached into his bag of toys and pulled out a metal chastity cage.

"This stays on at all times unless I take it off, understood?"

"Yes sir."

Hans brought the cage to Paul's dick. It was only half the size of his erect cock, so Hans had to force it onto the dick of his new secretary. Paul let out a whimper as Hans snapped the cage shut over his cock and locked it in with a key.

"It hurts, sir."

"Good. You're also not allowed to cum unless I give you permission."

"Yes sir... but what about my wife?"

"Your wife?"

"She's gonna see the cage, sir."

"Not my problem slave."

Paul began sobbing.

"But I love my wife, sir."

"Fine. I can take it off right now and you'll never see me again, or I can stay here. Which one is it slave, me or your wife?"

Paul cried even more. He loved his wife, but he knew how much he needed Hans.

"I... I choose you, sir," Paul said.

"Good boy," Hans said with a slight smile.

Hans reached into the plastic bag again, this time pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

"Turn around. Hands behind your back."

Paul did as ordered and Hans cuffed the poor man's hands together.

"Turn back around slave," Hans commanded. He pulled yet another item out of the plastic bag, this time a ball gag.

"Open your mouth," Hans said. Paul obeyed, and Hans put the ball gag in his mouth. Then he took a step back to appreciate Paul in his full glory. A once proud and successful man was now at his complete mercy yet again, with handcuffs on his hands, a cage on his cock, and a gag in his mouth. Hans felt his cock starting to harden. He reached into the bag again, this time pulling out a whip. Paul's eyes widened and his cock strained against the sides of his cage as he realized his fate.

Paul screamed in pain as the first strike hit him. The whip was even more painful than the belt. As Hans continued whipping, more and more red streaks patterned the helpless slave's body as he let out endless cries and screams of pain. Pretty quickly, Hans became unable to keep his dick in his pants any longer. As he pulled out his cock, he noticed just how much pain Paul was in. The poor man was shaking, crying, screaming for mercy just as he had that previous Friday. Hans once again took great satisfaction in this, still holding onto some anger from his past troubles. But now he wanted to try something new.

"Get on your knees," Hans demanded. Paul obeyed, and Hans took the gag out of his mouth.

"Have you ever sucked cock before, slave?" Hans asked.

"No sir," Paul replied.

"Well you're gonna learn," Hans insisted. Hans sat down in a chair and pulled his new slave's face into his dick by the neck. Hans forced the poor man's mouth open and thrusted his cock into the slave's throat. Paul struggled and gagged as the large cock was forced down his throat. Hans kept the slave in this position until he started instinctively trying to resist.

"Don't fucking fight back again slave, or you're gonna be badly punished," Hans said angrily.

"Sorry sir, I was suffocating."

"I don't care."

Hans forced Paul's head back onto his dick, but let go this time.

"Ok, now start sucking," Hans demanded. Paul began bobbing his head up and down as he did his best to suck Hans's big cock. He started wondering what it was that he liked so much about Hans. Was he secretly gay? Did he like being a slave? He couldn't quite tell, but it seemed like no matter what, as long as Hans was dominating him, everything felt amazing. As Paul sucked his master, Hans quickly realized that his new slave wasn't very good.

"You need more practice, slave," he said. Hans grabbed a 10" dildo out of the bag of sex toys.

"This should help," the master said. Hans slid the dildo into Paul's mouth and began pushing it deeper into his mouth. About halfway in the slave's mouth, he started to gag. The master slid it back out to give his slave some room to breathe. This process continued for a while until eventually the dildo was all the way down Paul's throat.

"Good boy, you're learning quickly," Hans said as he pulled the dildo out of Paul's mouth.

"Now, get up and get against that wall. On your knees," Hans demanded. Paul did as ordered. Hans walked over to him and slapped him in the face with his cock for a bit.

"Now we're gonna try this again, and this time I'm gonna cum, got it?"

"Yes sir."

Hans grabbed the back of his slave's head and pushed his large cock down his throat. Paul still gagged, though less frequently. Hans let out quiet moans of pleasure as he face-fucked his slave. Eventually, Hans was getting close. With both hands, he forced his cock all the way down Paul's throat, causing him to cough and gag.

"Ahhh!" Hans moaned. His body convulsed as he started shooting streams of cum down his slave's throat, forcing Paul to swallow every drop of it. After keeping his cock in Paul's mouth for a moment, he pulled his cock out of Paul's mouth and let go of him. Immediately, Paul collapsed onto the floor and coughed up a glob of cum, which landed on his beard. Hans took a step back and admired his slave. He was breathing heavily, sweating, covered in red streaks from the whip.

"Did you like me cumming down your throat, slave?"

"Yes sir."

"Now let's get to work. Clean yourself up and get dressed, and when you're done go get my stuff and move it in here."

"But sir, my dick is killing me, can I please cum?"

"No slave, you haven't earned it yet."

Paul began to sob as he lay on the floor. His dick was in excruciating pain, as the dick cage Hans had put on him was far too small. Hans seemed to enjoy seeing Paul suffer like this.

"Come on, get the fuck up," Hans demanded. After some struggle, Paul managed to get up. Hans unlocked the handcuffs he had put on his slave.

"Sir, can you take the cage off of me?" Paul asked carefully.

"No," Hans insisted.

Hans re-dressed himself and exited the office, and Paul did the same. The two men knew at this point that their lives were forever changed, but they still had no idea the extent of what they had done.


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