Not the Boss of Me

By ps4star

Published on Oct 6, 2023



After Hans left, Paul still lay there on the floor of the office, still with Hans's sweaty sock in his mouth, left naked, beaten, shaking, whimpering, and covered in painful red marks by the man who used to obey him. His pants were pulled down to his ankles, and his shirt was on the floor next to him, soaked with the coffee that Hans caused him to spill. At the same time, Paul had never been so aroused, and his cock was so hard that it was becoming painful. As Paul kept replaying in his mind the memories of what Hans had done to him, he only became more and more desparate to cum, and started to again scream into the sock in desparation. He tried as hard as he could to break free from the tie holding his hands together, but he wasn't strong enough. Finally, he pulled his bound hands under his feet and brought them to his cock. As the beaten man jerked himself off with his hands still tied together, he let out loud moans of pure elation, each stroke bringing him unimagineable pleasure. He thought of how great it felt to be gagged and mercilessly whipped by his employee. He thought about how Hans didn't stop even after hearing his desparate cries and screams of pain and terror. And finally, he thought about Hans cumming onto him, leaving a pool of his warm cum all over the helpless man's back that he could feel even now, and this is what pushed Paul over the edge.

Paul felt his entire body convulse as a waterfall of cum erupted from his dick. He screamed into Hans's sweaty sock as he felt a wave of pleasure overcome him - he had never before in his life felt something so incredible, and was almost paralyzed by it, unable to process anything else. Eventually, he began to fade back into reality, and noticed that his whole body was now covered in cum, whether it be his own or that of his employee. He brought his hands up to his mouth and pulled out the sweaty sock which had kept him silent. He then rolled over onto his stomach and brought himself up from the ground with his hands. After standing up and gaining his balance, he managed to finally slip his hands free from the red tie that bound them together. He pulled his pants up and stuffed the tie into his pocket. He then walked into the bathroom to clean up the cum that covered almost his entire upper body. As he wiped up the cum, he let out quiet moans as the red scars that covered his otherwise-pale body ached in a hot, sizzling pain as they were touched.

After leaving the bathroom, Paul noticed the coffee and what was left of his shirt on the floor. He grabbed some paper towels and did his best to clean up the coffee spill. The shirt was completely ripped up and was trash at this point, so Paul threw it away. He realized he'd have to go home shirtless. Paul also noticed the sock, now covered in both Hans's sweat and Paul's saliva, that had been in his mouth. For some reason, he felt compelled to take it with him, and put it in his pocket. After cleaning up, he walked out of the building and hurried to his car as the sun began to set, trying to cover his bruised body with his arms out of fear that someone would see. Once in the car, he started driving home, the entire time being unable to focus on anything other than the events of the last hour. He maintained a semi-erection the whole drive home as he kept thinking about what happened with Hans.

Paul had a wife, Laura, who also came from a wealthy family but wasn't employed at this time. Paul hadn't even thought of his wife until just as he pulled into the driveway, but as soon as he did, he panicked as he realized that he was shirtless, disheveled, and still covered with the red streaks inflicted upon him by Hans. Paul sat in his car, contemplating what he could do to hide all of this from his wife. Finally, he got out of his car and walked to the front door of the large brick house. He put his key into the door and very slowly pushed it open, trying not to make any noise. As he looked around from the doorway, he fortunately couldn't see his wife anywhere, so assuming she must be in the bedroom, he began slowly creeping deeper into the home, heading for the laundry room where he believed he could find a shirt. Eventually, he made it to the laundry room and put on a red polo shirt he found there. Paul walked towards the master bedroom and popped his head into the doorway. He saw his wife, lying in bed and watching TV. She turned her head towards Paul.

"Ah!" Laura screamed, unsure of who it was. "Oh Paul, don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, I just thought you might like the surprise," Paul smiled as he began walking into the room.

"Well, you sure did come home late, what happened?" Laura inquired.

"Oh, it was a long day. I messed up the database and had to restore it and everything," Paul responded.

"I thought you had a secretary to handle stuff like that. What was his name again? Hans?" Laura asked.

"Oh yeah, he was, uh, out sick today," Paul said as the thoughts of being brutalized by the strong German, prompted by Laura's question, began to race in his mind once again.

"You look kinda rough, was everything ok at work?" Laura questioned.

"Oh, y'know, it was a rough day," Paul replied as he slumped into bed next to his wife.

"Well, I made dinner earlier, there's some for you in the fridge if you want it," Laura said.

"I got food on the way home," Paul said.

Paul and Laura lay in bed for a while, mostly not speaking to each other, and either watched TV or read books until they both grew tired. As they turned off the lights and prepared to go to sleep, Laura became a bit concerned. Paul would usually kiss her goodnight, or at least say something before going to sleep, but it seemed to her as if there was something more important on his mind.

"Paul?" Laura asked with some concern in her voice.


"You know, we haven't been intimate in a while. Wanna try something tonight?"

"Sorry honey, I'm just really tired, y'know, maybe tomorrow."

"Okay... is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

"No, everything's fine. Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. Sorry. Good night."

Paul and Laura slowly fell asleep, though for Paul it took longer. Every time he would think about something, anything, his mind would somehow always wander to thinking about Hans. After some mental struggle, Paul was finally able to fall asleep. Paul usually didn't have dreams when he slept, but this night was different. As he slept, he dreamt of Hans beating him relentlessly with a whip, unable to move. Hans said to him "Turn around" and Paul obeyed. Hans then began whipping Paul's ass as the poor man screamed in pain, but also begged Hans to continue. "Please sir, harder!" Paul begged. Eventually, Hans stopped and grabbed Paul by the hair, forcing him down to his knees where he watched the rugged German masturbate inches from his face, quickly releasing a stream of his sticky cum all over Paul's face. Paul himself began jerking off as well, but the dream abruptly ended just as he was about to cum.

Paul woke up and felt his heart beating fast. He realized rather quickly that his cock was rock hard. As he lifted up the sheets, he saw a large cum stain on the sheets above his dick, and realized what happened. He let go of the sheets, turned onto his side, and began sobbing. Paul didn't want to be an animal. He didn't want to constantly think about Hans. He didn't want to be tortured by him. But something inside him just wouldn't let him stop. He wanted everything to go back to normal, but nothing he tried seemed to get his mind off of his employee. Hans had tortured him physically, but was now causing him mental torture as well. He cried himself to sleep that night.

That Friday wasn't much different for Hans. After arriving back at home that day, he too was obsessed with thoughts of whipping and beating his boss. Hans went to his refrigerator and grabbed a beer, something he had not done in a while, since he had always been afraid of becoming an alcoholic like his step-father. He sat down in his living room and watched TV, hoping that the combination of alcohol and 80's movies would keep his mind off his boss, but he had little success.

As Hans tried to sleep that night, he continued to think of brutalizing his boss. For a moment, Hans let go of reality and only thought of Paul. He thought of how great it would feel to hear him scream and moan in pain again, and how satisfying it would be to once again cum on his bruised, red ass. Quickly, however, Hans snapped back into the real world, and being frustrated by his obsessive thoughts, stood up and angrily punched the wall above his bed, leaving a small but visible dent.

"Goddamnit! What the fuck is wrong with me?!" he yelled as he threw himself back onto his bed, sinking his face into the pillow. No matter what Hans did, he still couldn't stop himself from thinking of Paul. After much mental anguish, Hans was also finally able to fall asleep.

Over the weekend, both men continued to struggle with their new realities. Laura started to grow more concerned after Paul stopped showing any interest in her, but always chalked it up to frustration with work. In reality, Paul was suffering greatly, with more than just some frustration at work. At this point, Paul was trying his best to cope with the fact that he couldn't get over Hans. He tried to live life as normal and just ignore the thoughts, but he was having trouble. He didn't want his wife to be unhappy, but at the same time he felt completely powerless over what he was becoming. Hans, meanwhile, had continued drinking, working out, and reading books, trying whatever methods he could to free himself of the obsessive thoughts, but still hadn't had much success.

On Sunday evening, Hans, still plagued with the thoughts of his boss, had an idea. He drove to a local church in his area. He had gone to church as a child, but it had now been years since he had gone. As he opened the doors, he saw rows upon rows of pews in front of him, as well as beautiful stained glass paintings in the windows, chandeliers, and a stage at the front. He walked inside and sat down in a pew near the stage. In a holster mounted to the back of the pew in front of him was a bible. He had never fully read the bible before, nor was he even a proper Christian, but he felt like he needed some kind of guidance, so he took it out and began reading.

"How can I help you, son?" an unknown male voice inquired.

Hans looked to his right and saw the pastor of the church smiling down at him.

"Hey. I um... it's just... I did something I really shouldn't have on Friday, something that was sinful, but I can't stop thinking about it, and I'm tempted to do it again. I tried to get my mind off of it, but nothing works," Hans said, with a hint of despair in his voice.

The pastor sat down next to him.

"I see. The Lord offers forgiveness to those who ask for it. Have you tried it?" the pastor said.

"I don't think so," Hans replied. "But, I don't know. It doesn't feel that simple. I just can't stop thinking about it, no matter what I do. I want something to take my mind off it, but I can't find anything."

"Son, if there's anything I've learned in my 62 years on earth, it's that life is more simple than it seems," said the pastor with a chuckle. "I was just closing up here, I have to get going. But listen, come back sometime, and we can talk more," said the pastor, smiling at Hans.

"I will, thanks," Hans replied, smiling back. The two men shook hands, and the pastor got up to leave. Hans sat there for a few more minutes, staring blankly into space, contemplating everything, before he left as well.

Hans went home and tried to get some rest. He was tossing and turning all night, trying still to shake himself from the obsessive thoughts. He imagined Paul lying on the floor with his hands tied behind his back, gagged, crying, and covered in marks and bruises. Hans lit a cigar and brought it down to the poor man's chest. Paul, noticing what was about to happen, immediately began shaking his head and screaming, begging for mercy. Hans plunged the lit cigar into Paul's right nipple and began to jerk himself off as he heard the helpless man scream in pure agony, with tears streaming down his face. After a moment, Hans took the gag out of the terrorized boss's mouth as he was still crying in pain. Paul looked directly into the eyes of his abuser, still crying, and said "Thank you sir."

At this, Hans's body began convulsing as a huge load of cum splashed onto his sheets, causing him to moan in pure ecstasy. After a few seconds of heavy breathing following the orgasm, Hans became enraged. Just as he thought he was getting back on the right track, he had let his mind wander into thinking of Paul again, causing him to cum hands-free. Hans didn't want to accept this, yet he had no other choice - the proof was right in front of him. Angry, Hans begin hitting himself in the face, repeating "stupid, stupid, stupid" with each hit. After this, he lay there, looking up at his ceiling and trying to contemplate what he should do. Then he remembered the advice the church pastor had given him.

"Please, God, if you're listening, forgive me for what I've done. Please show me the way, show me how to avoid these sinful temptations, how to better myself," Hans prayed. Finally, after a long night of mental turmoil, he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Paul and Laura had just turned off the lights. No kisses and no sex, for the third night in a row now. As Laura fell asleep, she began to wonder if maybe Paul's behavior wasn't just work-related, if maybe he was cheating on her, or not attracted to her anymore. Paul, on the other hand, was nearly suffocating from the endless thoughts of his employee that now filled his mind.

After a few hours of lying in bed, unable to fall asleep, Paul got up and headed for the laundry room. He looked aruond the room for minutes, in search of something. He started to become desparate, as he couldn't find what he was looking for. Finally, at the very bottom of a hamper, he found it: Hans's sock. Paul pushed his back against the wall and slumped down to the floor, the sock in hand. He stared it at for a moment as he sat with his back against the wall. He cried in disbelief that he had sunken this low, yet he was still unable to leave his animalistic desires behind. He brought the sock up to his face, plunged his nose into it, and took in a big sniff. Immediately, Paul felt a wave of emotion overcome him as he took in the scent of the sweaty German man who had beaten him. Memories flooded his mind of the tall employee taking off the sock and forcing it into his mouth, making him unable to speak and his screams nearly inaudible. Paul then mimicked this, pushing the sock as far into his mouth as he could, pretending as if Hans were doing it to him. He began to stroke his cock, which by now had become painfully erect, with each stroke bringing out a low, grumbling moan. As he got close, he began to imagine himself tied up on the ground, with Hans standing above him, looking down on him. Hans bent down until his face was right in front of Paul's.

"Now cum, slave," Hans demanded.

"Yes sir!" Paul tried to scream into the sock as a wave of cum poured out of his dick and landed all over his hairy chest and face. He could hardly breathe as the intense feeling overwhelmed his body. He slumped down further into the wall until he was lying on the ground. He lay there, covered in his cum, with the sock in his mouth and a still-erect cock, panting heavily. Paul began crying as he realized he was never going to have a normal life again. How could a 37-year-old man, a manager with plenty of money and a wife, become this? Paul had been completely wrapped up in this crazy fantasy, and simply couldn't get over Hans, no matter how hard he tried. He felt as if he needed the man in his life to continue living.

The next morning, both men woke up and got ready for work. Neither was quite sure how the other felt about them, or what was in store for them when they arrived. Paul, thinking of no other way to live than with Hans, wanted to try anything he could to get his prized employee to stick around. On the other hand, Hans sought to put the past behind him and try to move on in life. Laura waved Paul goodbye as he drove away, while Hans did the same.


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Next: Chapter 3

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